8:39pm: The Cardinals have been cleared to travel and return to the field, Derrick Goold of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch tweets. They’re in line to resume their season Friday.
10:12am: There was finally some good news on the coronavirus front, with Jon Heyman of MLB Network reporting (Twitter links) the latest test results from two hard-hit teams. Neither the Marlins nor the Cardinals registered any new positive tests for COVID-19.
That means that the Marlins will finally get back to action this evening. That had been the expectation, but the team still needed to log another day without any new positive coronavirus tests.
The Marlins ultimately had 18 players test positive, gutting their active roster. They’ll hope there isn’t another infection lurking in the clubhouse while returning to action with an entirely different roster.
As for the Cards, who had seven positive player tests (among others in the organization), they’re still waiting anxiously in a hotel in Milwaukee. It’ll take another clean set of tests before the team can get back to the playing field, but that’s now a distinct near-term possibility.
As Heyman notes, the St. Louis club could resume play on Friday. That would give the league a full 15-game slate … if nothing goes askew in the meantime.
You know the only reason the Marlins and Cardinals have so many positives is because they did so much testing.
nice sarcasm
This made me laugh!
Just means there careless and dont care about the rest of the baseball teams.
You don’t think more testing leads to more positives. Most of these players didn’t even feel sick. Yet they got tested. Many people are being tested multiple times and they are being recorded positive multiple times.
This is much more complex than bumper sticker slogans.
You know, you’re right. The very idea that the spread of the virus is affected by the number of tests being conducted is ridiculous, and only an extremely stupid person would sincerely suggest such a thing.
Is that what I suggested? I guess you have a hard time with reading comprehension. But then again, I said it was more complex than a bumper sticker slogan, so of course you had issues.
639 people died yesterday, which is horrible, but it’s also less than who died on the same day two months ago by 350.
“Many people are being tested multiple times and are being recorded multiple times”
Only an extremely stupid person would doubt that 1 male or 1 female testing positive 4 or 5 times as separate cases has an impact on total number of cases
I will admit that I have no idea what you meant by “bumper sticker slogan.” Probably something you picked up from a specific “news” source.
It does. People are being double counted. Only an ignorant person doesn’t understand that.
A bumper sticker slogan is something so simple it can fit on a bumper sticker.
What is your source for that?
Could you point to any evidence at all that a person who has been tested positive twice has been counted by any authority as two separate confirmed Covid-19 infections? Like, at all? And the Ingraham Angle doesn’t count.
If we assume that everyone diagnosed with cancer gets a second opinion, I suppose we should be cutting the reported annual cancer cases in half? Evidently, everyone with cancer is being double-counted.
The cdc said that each time someone tested positive even if it’s the same person 6 times, it’s counted as 6 new cases. You don’t think most ppl who tested positive didn’t test positive again? The numbers are all messed up.
When did they say that? Where? Source? Anything?
So you are comparing this fluid situation to cancer. Labs are reporting the positive cases. Because of privacy concerns, is it your contention these labs check a list and don’t report positive cases for people they don’t even know are being tested twice?
Since when do people care about facts that don’t fit their narrative.
What facts? There are no facts. “I heard the CDC say something” isn’t a fact. Point me to the article where the CDC said they were triple counting cases. Point me to the news article. Here’s all the articles I found in a single Google search undermining your “facts”:
From the ProPublica article:
To address the concern about double-counting coronavirus cases, I checked with some public health officials, who said that should not be happening, because health departments receive patients’ details, such as names and contact information (which is used for contact tracing work), and they do their best to weed out duplicates when reporting numbers.
“In some cases, could it happen? Sure, particularly if the data doesn’t get entered correctly and they misspell the name or reverse the first or last name,” said Dr. Rex Archer, director of the Kansas City Health Department. “But is it a huge percentage? No. It’s nowhere near the number of people who are positive and untested.”
Here are facts. Fewer people are dying, more positive tests are occurring.
It’s a complex issue.
So you have no source for your claim that cases are being over counted. Based on that I conclude that cases are not in fact being over counted.
People are being double counted, but it’s probably not statistically significant. The best proof is the CDC is saying they are trying not to. Which is actually good to learn.
But still a wise person would ask this simple question. Why is the count so much higher, but the number of people who are dying is not.
My guess is healthier people are being tested, which increases the count. The more vulnerable are taking less chances. The less vulnerable are taking more chances. We have better treatments.
Deaths are higher in several states than they were 2-3 months ago:
Someone here said people don’t care about facts that don’t fit their narrative. I don’t recall who.
Halo11Fan epitomizes hypocrisy on this website, and the worst part is he keeps bringing up the same examples and comparisons as if they mean a heck.
Commissioner Stout asked, “You’re not counting somebody twice, are you?”
“Well we do, if they are tested more than once,” said Jorge Rodriguez, Deputy Chief of the Office of Emergency Management. “But that number is very, very small.”
Touch ‘em all, terrymesmer. You’ll never make a better comment in your whole life.
You’re misrepresenting what happened there. They weren’t counting two positive tests of the same person as two different Covid cases. They were sometimes counting two tests of someone (positive or negative) as testing two different people when reporting the percentage of the population that had been tested.
Anyway, people can read the reporting themselves:
Nobody pay attention to anything Wyoming Bison here has to say about Covid-19. He will lead you astray.
Captain Misrepresent calling out another. Real rich
So, Clepto, what *is* the best flavor of bleach for killing the virus?
I’d like to,see proof that more people are being double counted than those with the virus not counted.
Asymptomatic does not equal inability to spread it to someone who gets sick and dies as a result.
Halo is pretty obviously an abject moron. Not worth trying to change the mind of an idiot stubbornly commuted to remaining stupidly and dangerously deluded.
I’d like to see proof from you that Halo is an abject moron, since you’re asking for others to do the work you can’t. No point calling him names if you’re as inept, ignorant and intolerant as some think.
Lol! Good one
I know! Just like I never had cancer until I had a biopsy! Sarcasm return serve.
You mean the only reason we know about it. Nice try moron
Great news
Marlins: we’ll be ready to play today
Isaias: are you sure about that
I don’t know how, where or why the Cardinals got this, but maybe this will be a wake up call to more players that this is very contagious.
It’s up to the players if we are going to have a season.
The players and staff can abide by all the MLB protocols. They’re still traveling and playing in a country that hasn’t controlled the spread of the virus.
Yeah. Who would have thought going out in public to protest and stand inches away from multiple people screaming during an outbreak would be a bad idea.
Go figure.
Yeah, those Florida protests were all over the news. Same as Texas and Arizona.
Good thing nobody protested in New York City. That would explain how they avoided a second spike in June/July.
Also helps when you’re caught telling covid trackers you’re not allowed to ask people whether or not they attended protests. They can voluntarily tell you of they did or didn’t.
Covid trackers don’t have anything to do with hospitalization and death rates.
It’s because most of their ppl got it through the first spike due to the terrible job done by their governor there wasn’t many ppl left to get it during a second spike. Haha
And when you bus in protesters from other states.
Ah, I see. So everyone from Florida bussed into NYC, protested amongst themselves, then went back to Florida and took the virus with them? Is that what Hannity’s saying?
Kind of changed the topic. I don’t blame you, your first narrative doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
I’m responding to a new thread, not changing the topic.
You have made several assertions based on nothing more than baseless talking points you’re repeating ad nauseum. Nothing you have said is supportable by any evidence.
Per the cdc
A positive test result shows you may have antibodies from an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. However, there is a chance a positive result means that you have antibodies from an infection with a virus from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses), such as the one that causes the common cold.
They don’t have anything to do with death rates.
About a thousand two months ago yesterday, about 650 yesterday. As I said, it’s more complex than a bumper sticker slogan.
Wyoming Bison Expansion Team
There are many many more people being tested today with minor or no symptoms. That’s a good thing. But we didn’t have the test for those people a few months ago. That of course will affect the numbers. But that data doesn’t fit people’s narrative.
Since trying to reopen, of course we are having outbreaks. But that’s where some people’s thinking stops. That’s all they need to know.
There is no epidemiological evidence that the protests caused spikes in cases. They have been traced to rallies, bars, and church meetings/camps where people ignored social distance and mask recommendations.
Yes. it’s churches, rallies, and bars
But not the protests where people weren’t wearing masks and definitely not the rioters who weren’t wearing masks.
No. Protesters and rioters are immune to covid but rallies, bars, and churches aren’t.
Just like when you enter a place of business you need a mask but when you sit down at a table you don’t have to wear it. Cause you can get covid entering bit can’t get it sitting down for an hour or so in proximity of people all not wearing masks..
Totally makes sense.
Show proof that a significant number of police brutality protestors were bused in from other states.
Wyoming… can you give us percentages on this? Or are you just blowing crap out your ears?
I hope that MLB Rumors begins to remove posts with patently false and dangerous COVID information as are other social media platforms. Some of the baloney being spread here dismissing the threat of a virus that has killed more than 160K Americans is vomit inducing.
Don’t worry bronyaur. I’m sure many are flagging your silly comments as we speak. Not me.. I enjoy watching you put your crap on full display. But asking for people to be censored is asking for trouble.
You forgot protests Terry. Your evidence is you ignored obvious logic and facts yet again. Your baseball takes are bad and your non-baseball takes might be worse. Another blind Blue Jays fan with zip to contribute.
If the players and staff can abide by the protocols, it’d be nice to see them try doing so. Have you seen any dugout where they consistently distance or where even the coaches consistently use their masks correctly? That would keep the outbreaks small.
A few Cardinals players went to a casino and caught it there apparently.
Be careful throwinched10. You can’t say players hold some responsibility. Those that want to blame Texas, Florida and Arizona has issues with that.
Hey, as I said yesterday, if I were Bill DeWitt and this outbreak was caused by a player going to a casino, I’d cut the player. That’s irresponsible. It puts the team and staff’s health at risk and the season in jeopardy. But I don’t think that MLB can get through this season even if everyone adheres to protocols. The NHL/NBA bubbles seem to be working, but MLB isn’t doing that.
Haha thanks for the sarcastic heads up. Unfortunately a lot of the issues within the U.S. right now are caused simply because people refuse to take responsibility for their actions. It’s much easier to blame someone else. This goes for both parties, movements, riots, and protests as well.
Bad News: Yadi tested positive:(
If they could release more information without naming the individuals it would be interesting to know what exactly happened.
Did a coach get infected and then interact with 17 players? Did one person get it then infect others who further spread it within the time between tests? Do they think it was spread via surfaces or by not distancing in the locker room?
More details might help other workplaces that are facing the same issues with less testing.
If they caught it in a casino or hotel bar, the players union will try to keep that quiet at all costs.
Going forward are they going to have a game cancelled any time there is one positive test?
Any word on if this increases the chances for a Dylan Carlson call up? Even though the team has only played 5 games, I believe the magical 6 day window is still based on the league calendar, right?
They edited the headline right before publishing. They took out the first part……“In a big blow to all the haters”
Real men die of black lung disease in coal mines. So stop hiding behind your keyboard, get out there, and die so that someone else can make money off you. If not, shut the hell up.
I’m buying a round of preperation h to all the chicken littles out there that said the season would be shutdown. I know you’re burning.
On a related note,I test bumper stickers for a living.
If the Cardinals are cleared to travel and resume games, why wait until Friday to play? Get three in with Detroit today and Thursday.