Major League Baseball has decided to cancel the “Field of Dreams Game” it had previously scheduled for August 13. The Cardinals and White Sox were supposed to square off in the famed Iowa cornfield.
The Cardinals are currently waiting to see just how bad an internal COVID-19 outbreak turns out to be. No matter how far it has spread, a significant portion of the team will be sidelined for some time and the organization will be forced to scramble to fill out a club.
While that would seem at first glance to be a rather important factor in the decision, Rosenthal says that wasn’t the driving force. Rather, it’s “a logistical problem,” per the report. It’s not entirely clear why those considerations are only now counseling in favor of cancellation, but it was undoubtedly a tricky undertaking even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
I saw a commercial for that on Saturday and it made no sense to me to schedule that game.
I’m glad MLB felt the same way.
Better headline: DREAMS CANCELLED
2020: The Year of Cancelled Dreams.
Amen to that
I guess Iowa doesn’t get their MLB game. I guess they can go ahead and plant some corn in the outfield and put the field to some use.
Iowa is more than just corn. It’s also corn-based food and fuel products.
And farm equipment!
#1 state for renewable energy
Why do people keep screaming “cancel the season?!” when it’s all about two teams that can’t follow the same damn rules as everybody else.
Why should a team like the Cubs cancel their season when they are doing everything right? They haven’t had a single case, David Ross is a leader and has his players under control.
Stop making sense. You’re only making it harder on yourself. They’re going to attack you like a pack of wolves. They hate common sense with a passion.
Ease his pain
Because there’s already two-teams with outbreaks 1 week into the season. I think it’s foolish to assume there won’t be more.
Go the distance
We should just ask James Earl Jones what he thinks should be done.
Why, join him in the dark side of the force, of course.
The other teams aren’t doing anything right, they’re just lucky so far. Don’t know the Cubs, but just watching Blue Jays games, I see:
– The entire starting rotation sitting in the stands chatting with each other the whole game, masks usually down, only one empty seat separating them and they’re usually draping arms over those seats or turning to face each other. One of them gets sick, they all go down.
– Lourdes Gurriel Jr is literally the only player, coach or umpire I’ve seen using his mask in a way that does any good. The others are pulling it up and down so much it may even increase their infection chances from all the extra face touching.
– Nobody at all (not even Gurriel) is making any effort to keep 6 feet distance in the dugout. Not even some of the time. Not even 3 feet distance, which would be enough to help.
– Dante Bichette (coach) likes to wear his mask on his hands while gathering a group around him in the dugout to chat.
– Managers are not staying 6 feet from umpires when going out to talk to them… partly because umpires like Joe West won’t let them.
Every team I’ve seen, it’s evident that one infection will take out half their clubhouse. All those guidelines intended to prevent a single infection from spreading are worthless in the way they’re being semi-observed. The only chance a team has right now is for nobody to get sick, and in the absence of a strict bubble that’s largely luck.
It should be a white Sox vs cubs game anyway.
Hopefully if they ever have this game, it will be Sox vs. Cubs. That matchup makes far more sense.
If you build it, they will cough.
Good move by MLB. Stay safe everyone.
Outstanding! Let’s hope they can Go The Distance.
Go the social distance… I’ll see myself out now
MLB should start bubble preparations for playoffs immediately. If that works out then maybe go back to stadiums for series participants.
Field of Germs canceled? Not a huge shocker.
I Know Im a year late but wow just wow, and yes I realize my caps lock was on