Indians right-hander Mike Clevinger has violated their coronavirus protocols, the team announced (via Ryan Lewis of Clevinger was scheduled to start for the Indians against the Cubs on Tuesday, but they’ll go with fellow righty Adam Plutko instead.
Clevinger’s violations came on the road against the White Sox over the weekend, as did fellow starter Zach Plesac’s. It turns out that the two were out on the town in Chicago together, and then Clevinger took a flight with the Indians, Jeff Passan of ESPN tweets. The Indians ended up dismissing Plesac from the team on a temporary basis. Clevinger, for his part, must quarantine for 72 hours and test negative for the coronavirus before he’s eligible to rejoin the club.
The main hope is that neither of these players’ decisions will negatively affect others, including their teammates. On the field, the two have been rather effective parts of the Indians’ rotation. Clevinger has generally offered the Indians front-line results since 2017.
Come on guys.
He feels just like most of Americans
“Most of Americans” have better English skills than you do man.
Really had to pull that out. What he said is true whether ya can type with perfect grammar or not
Jesus, this thread went down the tubes fast
Actually about 70% of Americans are “very” or “somewhat” worried about Covid, as opposed to only 29% are not at all or “not very” worried.
I got the impression that the OP meant that we are all dealing with quarantine fatigue. It doesn’t mean that it’s ok to act recklessly, of course, but I think it’s a legit observation.
Polls are like what I flushed down the toilet earlier today.
Many Americans have poor English skills. But they speak racist quite well.
“Jesus” had nothing to do with the thread.
So you’re saying that racism is unique to the United States? Wow, you’re a moron.
Yeah and a lot have the word racist blown way out of proportion!
And 15% are undecided, or still have not heard of C19 yet.
Terry with an attempt to be eloquent. Terry is not a deep thinker in baseball or life.
In other words, 29% are selfish and only care about themselves.
I don’t remember voting
If you don’t agree with me, you are racist….
Most Americans can’t bring down a sport by going out for a beer
Doesnt matter what most people think. Rules are rules. If a player breaks a rule, he should expect something like this
Dumb and selfish. Truth.
Most Americans don’t lead the kind of privileged lives this guy does. Obviously, throwing a baseball doesn’t make you smart. He should be banned for the ‘season.’
Wiffle ball.
Deja vu.
…all over again!
Well played Yogi
No one goes there anymore, it’s too crowded!
Pardon * nowadays*
Smh at the Indians
This is really strange, considering that it just happened…
Is it a timing thing?
Does anyone know why they were treated differently? One was dismissed temporarily while the other quarantines? Shouldn’t they receive the same discipline or are the Indians more upset with Plesac than Clevinger?
There hasn’t been any media asking the front office/coaches these questions yet. We will likely get answers prior to tomorrow’s game. It seems that the Indians did not know Clev was out with Plesac and only found out later (possibly through Passan or TMZ breaking that story). They literally had a team meeting where Clev was there defending Plesac to the others. And then gets on the jet with the team while Plesac had to drive home. Seems likely they didn’t know he was out with Plesac.
If that is true (Clevinger flew home with the team), this can get bad quickly, like Cardinals bad. MLB would likely postpone any Indians games until ALL players and staff are tested and cleared.
One’s a top starter while the is barely getting his feet wet. Of course, Indians are going to treat the top starter with gloves on.
And if he was with the team in it’s Sunday game against the Sox, then things can go wrong for Chicago pretty quickly, too. And if so, the Sox are in Detroit tonight, so the Tigers might be affected. Thanks, Steve.
The Indians found about Plesac first and reacted accordingly. They did not find out that Clevinger was with him until today then they again reacted accordingly. That is why it happened as it did. The Indians will meet with the media on Tuesday afternoon according to reports.
Thank you Col. i appreciate the info
Thank you as well hockey john
Hitting null, Clevinger has been their worst starter this year, and Plesac closer to their second best.
found out* about Plesac. You’re going to have to use propper grammer if were going to take you seriously.
According to an Athletic article, clevinger spoke and defended plesac in the team meeting where it was discovered plesac broke protocol. Then, clevinger got on plane and flew with the team.
If true, that makes clevinger’s behavior substantially worse than that of plesac.
You would think there should be an elevated punishment…
Ok, Vamp, you should use proper spelling., grammar not grammer.
@atlsoxfan You are absolutely right.. Sounds like he should be suspended for the rest of the season. He intentionally put his team at risk, letting Plesac take the fall..
Their own, or MLB’s? seems like there are two different sets of rules in play. Would like clarification.
This is really strange, considering that the same thing just happened with a different player
They were together
I think
The Constitution states that only those who are born in the U.S are eligible for presidency. Votto was born in Canada, making him non-eligible. However Obama was born in Hawaii, which became a state in 1959, thus making him a a spy for the Hawaiians that are trying to take us over. Nice try with your propaganda, but I would start with a true American like Tom Cruise.
classic Indians cant get out of their own way
Yes, they are immediately separating the players into Quarantine. Did the Marlins do that? Did the Cardinals do that? The Indians are a well respected organization around the league. You may not respect the frugal owner, but the front office is top notch.
well respected for being cheap. i rest my case.
STF University, darkside.
Darkside, Do you know how to read? In my comment I commented that you may not respect the frugal owner. I can guarantee you that the Indian Organization is very well thought of around the league. I rest my case, because that is a fact.
It’s not though
Yeah well respected. They were pounding an object to get a rally going before it was even fashionable.
So … they were ahead of the game?
If you mean the players, yes. If you mean the FO, I don’t think the criticism is warranted. An ounce is prevention is worth a ton of cure in this context
one day their cheapness is their downfall, the next the guys are playing well but something like this happens.
You mean the first one to be caught.
He and Plesac probably went out together.
That’s literally what the article said
I don’t think it originally said this FYI
It didnt. You are correct.
Not that theres aything wrong with that….they both wear such tight pants..
He was out with Plesac Saturday night after the game. 2 other individuals were with them but unknown as of now if the were teammates
Send ‘em home!
Oh come on guys, stay in your hotels it’s not that hard I’ve been doing it for 5 months in a freaking hospital bed
Cleveland must’ve hired Wyatt Earp as protocol compliance officer. The standard has been set.
He hanging out with Pleasac?
Is Terry Francona still out?? He has a “reputation” of allowing fried chicken and drinking in the Red Sox clubhouse, but that was probably bs anyway. Tito would have them in line, I think….
Ah yes, fried chicken: the root of all evil.
This explains so much in my life.
These players are stupid children.
You’re being too kind. They are acting like entitled jerks. Only thing that speaks to them is $$.
You don’t have to have money to be an entitled jerk. But it does help.
If we want to talk about entitled jerks, we should be pointing the finger at entitled ownership. To be fair my point is valid only if we’re basing this off greed. I guess it’s easier to blame millionaires instead of billionaires though.
They need to act more like the wise older people, such as [file not found].
man, they are going to bring shame to the name of the team.
I see what you did there.
Come on. Don’t act like a disease has ever had an effect on people in this nation before.
Nobody has ever accused Clevinger of being the smartest guy in the room. Hardly surprising that he’s one of the selfish guys who puts himself before his team.
What did he do? Try to get a haircut at the barbershop? smh
He strikes me as someone who goes to a “Stylist.”
What if was for that recent video he did with Jomboy Media, Fuzzy, and Trevor Bauer?
Oooo good catch. Perhaps!
That is true. They could also be at risk if this happened before that video.
They filmed that months ago actually. But good thought. I was just thinking about that video and how clev was talking about stepping up in being a leader since Kluber is gone. He’ll learn hopefully
You’d think they’d provide services or spots for players to go and relax instead of locking them away in a hotel room like Rapunzel and wondering why won’t guys in the prime of their life sit around a hotel room all night doing nothing but watching paint dry.
There is plenty for them to do. Read a book! What stage of life they are in has nothing to do with it.
Read a book… you are so far removed form the life of a professional athlete
Their stage of life has everything to do with it. 20-29 year olds want to go out and be social, for the most part. Some exceptions exist.
Just because you were never invited to parties and had no friends to go to bars with doesn’t mean everyone else was sitting around Friday and Saturday night doing nothing like you were.
The literal reason America is the one first world country still with thousands of people dying every day
We just cannot get the numbers up high enough, huh? Still so many millions of excess humans.
I’ll watch paint dry in a hotel room for the amount of money they’re making.
Suspend him 5 games after he quarinteens and fine him. There needs to be some sort of punishment for players who break protocol.
He’s a pitcher a 5 game suspension means nothing. And as much as I think we need to be safe right now, if a team can fine a guy for going outside at the wrong time, that’s some 1984/V for Vendetta fascism stuff right there
There still needs to be some punishment in place for breaking protocol. There’s a protocol for a reason, and if there isn’t going to ramafactions for breaking it, then this is gonna keep happening. I don’t want the season to get canceled, but I’m sure it’s not out of the realm of possibility of happening. There needs to be something to deter players from doing stuff like this. We could have a third Marlins/Cardinals situation just starting with the Indians.
You are right that 5 games for a starter is basically one game. Maybe bump it up to 10 for starters.
I think the punishment is being sent home.
I get that, but there needs to be a greater deterent. Right now, it’s go home and quarinteen. That’s not enough for the one’s going out and partying or whatnot.
He’s probably going to miss two starts. Was slated to go tomorrow and its doubtful he’ll clear protocols for the next start after that.
Meantime he gets paid… no real disincentive
Don’t they get paid by service day, not by start. The suspensions of less than one start don’t hurt the team with a regular 5-man rotation, but they do hurt the wallet of the player.
From the guy who craps on reading books,, it’s clear you didn’t read 1984 or V for Vendetta. Or you didn’t understand them.
I don’t get it. Either you play and follow the protocols knowing that any missteps can hurt the whole team, or you opt out and do what you want. IOW – If you want to go out and party, etc., then don’t play.
Mike must have gotten what the hunter shot at and missed.
Thanks Clevinger this the cubs.
Yet another reason why coronavirus will likely linger in the U.S. longer than anyplace else. Americans want it all now and are just dumb. These last few months have been an eye-opener.
Instant gratification. The main reason why people will never retire – they dont save money for the future. It’s a great illustration of the millenial generation. FYI I an a millenial but I’m not an idiot.
Throwinched10: Your comments would suggest that the five words of your post are not true. Those who make sweeping claims about an entire generation of people, even if they belong to that generation, are generally not terribly perceptive or insightful
I completely agree. However I am actually 30. I just figured out early in life that its smart to take advice from people who you want to be like. For me, that meant taking advice from people who have their ducks in a row.
Yeah…that’s the main reason “people” never retire. I’d like to read your dissertation.
He isn’t wrong. Most people can’t retire because of financial budgeting.
What’s the main reason? Is it because the system isn’t fair and the world is out to get you? (I’m using the general “you” and not referring to “you” personally.
I’m not saying it isnt tough. Sacrifices need to be made. I run a Wealth Management practice and I see this all of the time. The dedicated and goal oriented ones will find a way to make it happen. The ones who need the instant gratification and the fanciest items will just keep spinning their wheels.
Yeah, I’m sure it’s handy to blame the allegedly reckless behavior of people who don’t have the money to even hire a wealth management practice for their likely inability to retire comfortably. That way we can ignore structural economic failures and just keep making moral judgments of millions of people based on a couple anecdotal accounts that serve to support our own self-aggrandizement.
The type of advisor that you refer to are ‘fee for service.’ Most non-salary advisors are paid based on a MER that is a percentage that comes off the top of the invested amount each month. People may not have the upfront cash to.hite an advisor but they can clearly still have an advisor. Most of the millennials I see “can’t” save or invest each month but have no problem going to Starbucks once per day.
Sure. Even assuming you’re accurately relaying your own personal experience here, that has absolutely no bearing on the national (international, really) and generational trends regarding wealth accumulation.
I am not saying this applies for every millenial. A lot of people are dealt a tough hand. I also recognize that we are probably from different countries but I have also lived in the U.S. for s period of time and the story was the same with most of the people that I met. Thete is a massive lack of individual responsibility because it is so much easier to blame the system.
No dude. “The median salary for people aged 25 to 34 is around $40,000.”
People are out there doing their best. Nobody wants to be poor, nobody wants to die poor. “Blaming the system” may be a convenient out for a few individuals but it’s a hell of a lot easier to blame everyone in society for going to Starbucks too often and treating poverty or the inability to retire on alleged personal moral failings than it is to engage with and try to solve structural problems. You’re the one taking the easy way out here.
Right…so meeting with Millenials and trying to help them save for things like a house and retirement is taking the easy way out. Coaching high school athletes and including a financial literacy component is taking the easy way out. Visiting classrooms and educating middle schoolers on budgeting is taking the easy way out. You caught me…
I should not have made any broad assumptions about you based solely on my own anecdotal experience in this conversation, and for that I apologize.
While I appreciate the apology it’s not necessary. It’s all good man.
Dissertation: he looked closely at his financial records and assets. Pretty straight forward, Pun.
Every year we get cold and flu season. Even with a vaccine you’re not going to completely eliminate people getting it.
Hardest hit population is the elderly with 55+ making up 90%+ of deaths and 79%+ are 65+. Most deaths had underlying health conditions.
Had we actually done a better job protecting those most vulnerable, 42% of deaths stem from nursing homes, we’d be looking at closer to 94,000 deaths not 163,000.
You really expect entitled, spoiled athletes who have their butts kissed since they were 12 to give a crap about anyone but themselves? C‘min!
Come on!
They should’ve been suspenden without pay for at least a week… There isn’t really any punishment here for them
Punishment is sending them to Montreal to play baseball.
50% of the Coronavirus cases last week in St. Louis were in the 20s- 30s age group. Those people won’t likely have any serious side effects but the thing they don’t get is they can give it to someone whose older or because of underlying health conditions could experience serious side effects, hospitalization and even death. That is reckless and really just brings about a bigger issue about people not caring. I mean isn’t the suicide rate in those demographics the highest it’s ever been.
Hey when I was in my 20s-30s I thought I’d live forever as well. Now that I’m in my 40s I realize that I have less time on this earth likely than more. I’d like to stick around, not get the rona and watch my nephews and nieces play sports, graduate high school and college and have families.
If you’re elderly and scared. Don’t go out.
It baffles me elderly people want to complain about young adults going out and then go out themselves to places…..
Use delivery services for groceries.
Use contactless delivery for essentials.
Stores should have a dedicated line for elderly people away from the general public line.
They do none of these.
Friend of mine is a covid tracker. 6ft and 15 minutes is the general rule. If you’re within 6ft of someone for under 15 mins you have a less likely chance of getting it. Yet elderly people are waiting in lines at grocery stores in checkout lines impacted by covid just standing around while they clean surfaces and such.
Instead of complaining about what others are doing you should focus on how to limit your exposure and not get it if you’re worried.
But sitting at home watching others go out while you’re stuck at home is hard so people want to make life miserable for others as well.
Do t throw all the elderly into that category. I’m elderly, and do only the essentials, plus get out early in the day to walk 4-5 miles.
Responsibility and self reliance are not allowed in 2020
So you’re blaming the victims for idiots like yourself who refuse to take the bare minimum precautions… because you’re special
There’s a reason America just hit 5 million cases while New Zealand has had a single new case for 3 months. It’s selfish idiots Like you
Victims? Going to a store where you know you are incredibly likely to get infected and then telling everyone around you to behave according to your needs? Yeah I’m gunna blame that guy.
New Zealand closed its borders right away and hasn’t been letting people in or out from what I understand.
5 million cases? LMAO. When you prove to me don’t have more teeth than brain cells we can talk. Cases lmao.
5 million cases. 94,000 people dead. Great it kills 2% of the cases. 1.8% of that 2% is 55+.
I’m tossing out the 42% of deaths related to nursing homes cause people were incompetent.
My uncle has MS and has been to at least 8 different care facilities that take his government checks. You know how many people walked around with gloves and masks pre covid? None. They used them if cleaning him but the places he stayed were filthy and he constantlyy got infections and was sent to the hospital for pneumonia and UTI infections.
And yet it’s morons like you that think people should change their lives instead of governments taking precautions to protect those most vulnerable for people most at risk.
The sad part is uneducated people like you get a vote.
Right on mppg !!
You said the truth.
No politics, or comments will be closed.
What if they have to go to work? Not everyone over 60 is retired.
Bison, I agree w/ others — you need a brain cleansing. Your pov is embarrassing to educated mature intelligent people.
And many of us a bit older have experience with this Covid 19 virus
through friends, family, co-workers, or personal experiences, listening to your stupid post shows your ignorance. Change your name to Chief Bull sitting in S…t.
Exactly. If people don’t want to get sick, they should stay home and not ruin the fun for everyone else.
Same thing, if I want to drive drunk in a car with no brakes, anyone who doesn’t want to get hit should stay home, too.
It’s up to them to avoid the consequences of my behavior, right?
This is exactly it. Wearing the mask, for example, is not about self-protection. It’s about protecting others. But hey, acknowledging that you have even the barest of obligations to your fellow human beings is an infringement on freedom, right?
If I don’t want to get hit by a drunk driver I don’t drive.
But if I get hit that’s part of the risk of driving just like getting a flat tire or getting into a fender bender. Just like going out there’s risk of getting covid and risk of getting any infection like cold or flu.
You know how you reduce the risk of getting hit by a drunk driver? Don’t drive as much.
You know how you reduce the risk of getting covid? Don’t go out as much.
You know how you can reduce the risk of getting hit by a drunk driver? Uber eats, Postmates, door dash, hello fresh, instacart, you know people delivering food and essentials to you so you don’t have to go out.
You know how you can reduce the risk of getting covid? Uber eats, Postmates, hello fresh, instacart, you know people delivering food and essentials to you so you don’t have to go to the store.
But sure, tell everyone stay home cause it kills 94,000 people, with many having underlying health conditions, and 42% of the deaths were cause idiots didn’t take easy precautions to protect elder people in nursing home properly.
Makes perfect sense why we need to stay instead afraid of something that can be dealt with by having those most at risk taking precautions.
Cancer patient wouldn’t go out in public. But you’re 55+, have underlying health issues, and think it’s a good idea to go out into public instead of using options at your disposal? That’s one is on you.
Will you stop with 94000. You’re just making up numbers to make yourself feel good! Omg how am I not surprised?
It’s over 150,000 dead you moron. That’s almost 3 Vietnam’s. In 8 months, not 8 years
Or equivalent to 9/11 in deaths every 2 days? Sure that’s nothing! God you are pathetic as a human being
And we could have 1/5 of these cases+ deaths if people like you would be so bothered to care about society for literally weeks. CDC head said 4-6 weeks of everyone wearing masks US would have it under control, mid July… not lock yourself at home. Literally JUST wear a mask
Instead? we’ve gained 3 million cases in the last 2 months. But what do you care! As long as you don’t have a respiratory pipe shoved up your chest cavity!
I’m uneducated? Because I agree with scientists not politicians? Ok buddy. Thanks for ruining 2-3 years of Americans lives before everything is back to normal. Before we can go to Europe. Before school is safe. Before we don’t need masks. You’re just too important. You both, Bison and Nebraska, are some type of narcissists
Isn’t it 163,000?
Well said. What a lot of people don’t understand is that so many elderly people can’t afford the extra amount to do postmates, door dash or grocery delivery. It may not seem like much more money when you’re working, it is when they’re only surviving on social security.
Pun – it’s my mask, not your mask. The mask is self-protection. All are supposed to protect themselves. That is all you can do. Protecting others? Can’t do that if you have no idea what others have done or about to do.
Commonsense – if you actually looked at the science you’d know Wyoming is correct. You’re using feeling over fact which directly contradicts your namesake. But I guess you’d sacrifice the elderly and neglect the data on young children. When you’re ready to wake up, narcissist, let us know.
“If I don’t want to get hit by a drunk driver I don’t drive.
But if I get hit that’s part of the risk of driving just like getting a flat tire or getting into a fender bender. Just like going out there’s risk of getting covid and risk of getting any infection like cold or flu.
You know how you reduce the risk of getting hit by a drunk driver? Don’t drive as much.”
Exactly. Finally someone gets it.
If you don’t want to be hit by a drunk driver, you stay home.
Why should their health and safety inconvenience me in any way shape or form while I am just trying to enjoy my selfish irresponsibility?
Who is my governor to tell me I can’t drive drunk in a car with no brakes while texting?
My wants are all that matter.
If people end up dead as a result, they should have tried harder to not allow me to kill them, I guess.
Better luck next life, Chumps.
“Pun – it’s my mask, not your mask. The mask is self-protection. All are supposed to protect themselves. That is all you can do. Protecting others? Can’t do that if you have no idea what others have done or about to do.”
In any decent society, the strong protect the weak and the healthy protect the strong.
In any decent society.
“…and the healthy protect the (sick).”
And what would a decent society do? Isolate, wear a mask when going out, doing what is necessary. Can you control the rioting? No. Stop talking about a decent society. You do not know how to achieve that. However, you can do YOUR part by doing what is right (wear mask, minimal contact, social distance etc.).
In a real decent society. One you aren’t aware of, clearly.
Ummm…you do realize that Wyoming Bison is an anti-masker who does not believe that people need to take precautions to avoid getting people sick, don’t you? Go to the top, check what he says about how Clevinger and Plesac should be able to go out and party and should not have to worry about getting others sick. I do not believe you are on the side that you think you are wild bill.
Maybe if you had read the book you would realize that Jack and the choir boys were AGAINST doing what was right for the community and had no concern for and actually killed the weak and the sick. Like I said, you are fighting for the wrong side!
Sorry, technically I don’t know if Wyoming Bison is an anti-masker. What I do know is that he believes that the old and sick should take precautions and take care of themselves while none of the rest of us should have to stay in to prevent the spread. Basically, he believes that the old and the sick are on their own and none of the rest of us have any responsibility to take precautions to protect them. Are you also one of those wild bill?
Wild bill, I most certainly am not using emotion over fact
If anything, the guy saying “the deaths are really this bad because X, Y,Z justification”…. or, “who cares about five million cases of an infection we have no cure or vaccine for!”… that’s the guy acting on emotion. Well, lack of emotion
If I’m acting on emotion, why is there not another first world nation that still has 800+ dying a day? Why are we the only nation setting daily death records 7-8 months into a pandemic… when we should know how to slow the spread by now? Why is there no massive increase in deaths in Europe, Asia, Canada… that mirrors the US recent problems? Why am I repeating facts and you’re not? When did “emotion” become code words for reality?
The emotion I feel at this point is anger at his lack of empathy of society. And Now I’m looking at you trying to come at me because i use the real numbers not “well I don’t believe in the first 42% of deaths so they don’t count” BS
Sounds like the Presidents math. Get out of here
I believe you’re right Cmurphy
And with that, I can go from saying *almost* 3x as many dead in Vietnam to Saying it *IS* 3x as many dead as Vietnam
…In 1/12 the time, with no shots fired…
The problem is some politicians and scientists have double standards. Forbid people from going to church and singing but allow people to protest. Scientists who support that have lost credibility, like saying there are more than 2 genders.
I’m sorry butter cup do facts hurt your precious little feelings? Suck it up.
42% of covid deaths are directly linked to nursing homes. FACT. 5 governors placed covid patients directly in nursing home, all democrats. FACT.
I can only confirm for California but I wouldn’t be surprised if other states were this way too.
Here in California, Newsome decided to put covid patients into nursing homes with poor sanitary conditions, 1, 2, or 3 stars. Not 4 or 5. Surprise there. California has a huge issue with minorities being at higher risk in nursing homes, you know minorities staying in 1, 2, or 3 star places……weird. Almost like they’re connected.
Even before covid, outbreaks have been known to be common in lower class nursing homes for years in California, mostly state funded for ones, i.e. they take checks sent to people by the state.
People also went to work sick or infected not using proper gear, gloves, masks, washing hands often, or even sanitizer. They didn’t clean the facilities at first either. Why would they? They didn’t do it in the past for things to me the flu, clearly. They only took precautions after outbreaks happened, they didn’t take preventive measures. Cause, let’s face the facts, they die the facility loses money. But most that money isn’t going towards proper conditions for patients I can tell you that much.
Workers were told they can’t be contagious if you’re asymptomatic. Which, for an outbreak that’s related to the cold and flu……you’d think if people can spread cold and flu asymptomatic……you’d be able to spread corona asymptomatic. Which, if you didn’t know it could or could not be spread asymptomatic why TF would you tell people you can’t instead of saying you could and should be careful? Why go from telling people you don’t need to wear masks to you need to wear masks and now you need to wear face shields……1 reason, incompetence.
So no, I’m not going to stop saying 94,000 just because you’re incapable of handling facts that counter what you’ve been programmed to believe.
Of those 42% most if not all would most likely not have died due to covid if governors weren’t incompetent and exposing people most at risk directly to covid, had the state actually cared about nursing home conditions, had “experts” not tell people things were ok to do when they honestly had no clue, and had people at work simply wore a mask, washed their hands more often, and gloves when dealing with patients on a regular basis, even before corona.
Ummmmmm. Not what I said.
Your reading comprehension is awful.
What I did say is I’m surprised teams don’t set things up for players to do while on the road. Doesn’t take a genius to know people 20-29 want to go out. You’d think teams would designate “safe” places players can go or bring/provide services they like to the players outside the hotel.
Also, not an anti masking. Wrong again bucko. 0/2 so far.
Clearly I think covid is an issue. Which is why I keep saying those most at risk should be the ones the government needs to provide services and other amenities to in order to limit their need to go out and risk exposure.
What makes more sense?
If youre elderly or have health issues we recommend you stay home and we will make sure you get food, essentials, and anything you need. Everyone else, you go out at your own risk. Jobs must make accomodations for people who believe they are at risk.
Everyone stay home and if you’re sick or elderly or have health issues go wait in long lines at grocery stores while they clean surfaces being around people for more than 15 minutes within 6ft who can’t follow arrows on the ground in stores and may or may not be infected. Also, you can’t go to work and small businesses have to shut down now.
Plan B sounds great.
@Wyoming Bison Expansion Team
Throwinched10 suggested that unlimited room service and access to beautiful women is just a mouse click away for the players. Your response:”Doesn’t sound too appealing to someone in their 20s. You know what does sound appealing? Going out with your friends, picking up women or just hanging out at a bar, and enjoying life”
So right here you are AGAINST bringing/providing services they like TO the players? Hmm. So, to you, the only thing that really matters is the players actually being able to go out? So maybe each team can rent out bars wherever they go and close it to everyone who is not part of the team’s approved “bubble” people? Perhaps each team should bring an approved travelling team of clean drinking buddies and prostitutes for the players? Oh, that’s right, you said young men don’t like prostitutes. They like picking up strange women themselves… So basically it seems that anything that keeps the players in or away from groups of untested people you are against?
Also, you can see right there the first line in my last reply was “Sorry, technically I don’t know if Wyoming Bison is an anti-masker.” So perhaps you should check you own reading comprehension before you call someone else our for theirs being awful?
This is the reason why I have chosen to not do chemo for my cancer. I’m not “the elderly” yet but I’m old enough. If I have to be held hostage in my house for years I guess I’d just rather go out on my own terms. Be safe everyone
what if it’s a nmendoza mnemonic?
Was this a move by the Indians or the league? but also like seriously guys?!? I know it sucks to have to stay in the hotel the whole time BUT it’s literally just for like 2/3 months and you’re getting paid millions of $ to play — why can’t you just stay put so the league can actually play out the season!?!
Because intelligence isn’t one of the “tools” evaluated by scouts and a requirement to succeed at playing baseball.
It was a move by the Indians based on MLB and Indian team protocols.. Team president Chris Antonetti and Manager Terry Francona will meet with the press Tuesday afternoon. I am sure we will learn more then.
Dan Plesac must be spinning in his grave
Except that he’s still alive.
I’m sure there’s a dead Dan Plesac out there.
So is Plesac available? Phillies?
Should trade him to miami. See how long he wants to go out every night down there.
This season and the breakouts are perfect summations of how the country has handled this. Most take it seriously, the few who think “it won’t affect me” are why multiple teams have half the games the rest of the league does
Selfish people
It’s almost like people who practice “personal responsibility” can and do still fall victim to a dysfunctional society.
Which begs the question, why be a responsible and productive member of society?
Imagine making nothing but disposable income and having nowhere to spend it.
The Cards situation was all the talk today. The writers want MLB to impose at least a 50 gm threshhold for post season play. They also feel any gms the Cards miss should only be played if both teams have something to play for. The 2 @ Det on Thu likely will be canceled instead of PPD. The Cards won’t be shutdown but they may be the first team elimiated. If they are cleared to play in time for the cubs they are looking at 6 gms over 3 days there.
So there is potentially a severe team penalty for misbehaving players.
Is Clev next?
If only he’d gone ‘peaceful protesting’ or looting there would be ‘nothing to see here’.
Pretty sure none of those people make millions a year and could single handly infect multiple teams with a virus, derailing their season for weeks
But yeah! Same thing!
Let’s also ignore those aren’t the people spreading covid. That’s just too annoying for you to acknowledge. Psst. They mostly wear masks pssst
But are they 6 ft apart?
Why did the Indians fly back to Cleveland if they were playing the Cubs next? I thought the point of the scheduling was to avoid that.
Answering my own question, they’re playing in Cleveland against the Cubs.
Unbelievably selfish. Good thing Carrasco is no longer going through the rounds of chemotherapy.
Let’s just hope that his immune system has returned closer to normal.
Clevinger should receive a ban similar to a Ped test, He knew the rules basically tweeted that he wasn’t going to follow them.
“On Friday, the 29-year-old Clevinger posted a song lyric on Twitter by Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder that seems to underscore his defiant nature.”
“I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me,” Clevinger wrote.
Seriously a 29 yr old should have some common sense and maturity by that age. What a punk
Then he misled and put teammates/coaches at risk by hiding his actions Sunday night and then to make matters worse flying with the team .In late July he spoke of self discipline the players (hypocrite) Last month, Clevinger said he was in favor of the team having guidelines to keep players in check.
“This isn’t going to be a `run to daddy’ kind of thing. We’re going to handle it in-house. This is a player discipline thing. Keep the coaches, front office kind of out of it,” he said on July 30. “It puts a little extra accountability, kind of. Just having that trust in your teammates is a big thing. It’s a big thing on the field. If you feel your teammate doesn’t trust you off the field how are you going to feel like he trusts you when you get between the lines?”
He needs ” Daddy ” to take him out behind the woodshed because obviously this 29 yr old has the maturity of a 12 yr old. – what a dirtbag lowlife
What stand up guy and teammate.…
He should be shunned by all of baseball and when he hits free agency teams should have enough moral fortitude to not want this type of cancer in their clubhouse.
‘Look at me. I can throw a baseball real fast. I’m special.’
It’s unspeakable that Clevinger and Plesac would expose Carrasco so recklessly. This is why we can’t leave it up to ‘personal responsibility and freedom.’ There are irresponsible people everywhere.
Even an average major league player has been told they are great and can do anything most of their lives. It is a rare person who won’t let that go their head. I think that’s part of the reason Mike Trout is so widely respected. Same could be said of Derek Jeter and Don Mattingly in their playing days. Too many think the rules don’t apply to them. The teams need to start organizing activities for the young kids to keep them from getting bored and doing something stupid.
this is turrible…that Clevinger is a knucklehead…
Clevinger reminds me of Mitch Kramer from the movie Dazed and Confused.
Affect vs effect author