The Astros are badly in need of several missing stars. Perhaps no absence is more notable than that of staff ace Justin Verlander.
Last we checked in, Verlander was not progressing as rapidly from a forearm strain as he had hoped. But it seems now that he’s nearing readiness for an attempt at a return.
Verlander is “making excellent progress,” per’s Brian McTaggart. If all goes as planned, he could be throwing within a week. It’s anyone’s guess how things will progress from that point, but it’d be possible to imagine a late-2020 resumption of play.
Both Verlander and the ’Stros are surely thinking about more than 2020 alone. He’s under contract for 2021 as well, at a guaranteed $33MM salary.
Everyone that has had the same injury the team plays the game of delusion and then two months later realizes they need Tommy John and the Astros are no different. Being he’s under contract next season at 33 million they will want him out there until his arm falls off then they will realize he needs the surgery and will miss him for the entire 2021 season.
I think if he went under the knife today there’s a decent chance he would miss all of next season. The window may be closing a bit in Houston with their entire outfield eligible for free agency, this may be JV’s best chance to win an untainted ring.
Ring? he can have mood rings!
Untainted ring, that hasn’t existed since before 94. Baseball’s philosophy is if your not cheating your not trying just ask Jeter the face of baseball cheating on his taxes
Just because the starting OF is out of contract after 2020 doesn’t mean they will all leave. Springer isn’t leaving. Brantley might come back at a lower number, Reddick should be shown the door. I wouldn’t mind if Brantley left as well. There are OFs in the system and in FA that won’t cost 16 million. The Astros’ window is wide open.
A team needs starting pitching to win. The Astros best two are kinda long in the tooth. Expecting Springer to come back and Brantley to accept some kind of hometown discount is pure fantasy. They also have to deal with the real possibilities of Correa leaving after next season and Altuve’s contract not aging well. Regardless of the production, they are stuck with paying Altuve $29 million per year through 2024 due to his bad reputation. No one will be looking to acquire the sport’s most toxic player. His poor performance in 2020 is bringing joy to many. It’s bad when a 166-pound guy is struggling to hit his weight 🙂
Yeah, because BA is how good hitters are defined.
This three-time batting champion is batting .187 (14-for 75) with an OPS+ of 65. Puny numbers for a puny cheat. How much more definition to you want? The guy has suddenly lost his “edge” and baseball fans are enjoying it.
lol what? There are tons of more toxic players in the game. He may be your least favorite player, but there’s no need to try and validate your own opinion by falsely claiming that everyone shares your opinion.
He is a liar and a cheat; the poster boy for the most reviled team in the game. Cheated his way to a World Series title. Cheated his way to an MVP award. Had something beneath his shirt that he didn’t want to reveal after a certain home run. Do the math. You’d have to be quite the fanboy to defend that clown.
He has 3 batting titles a MVP and a life time batting average over 300 and everyone is righting him off at age 30 after 16 games get a life know one has more hits in the last 8 years not even the oh so great mike trout when he hits it will be with 3 and 4 hits per game and over 300 average in 15-20 games make my word
if you believe he had something hidden under his shirt, you are following the word of somebody who pretended to be a relative of Carlos Beltran. Literally no other evidence has ever been offered to suggest he had anything under his shirt.
Oh man, your initial points about pitching, Springer and Brantley were not off base… and then. Wow. Altuve is the “sport’s most toxic player”? Sure. I’m glad it’s bringing you joy, but get a grip. Plenty of stars are struggling in the start of this strange season.
For reference, since you’re such a statistician: “Altuve had an even worse stretch last season, batting .162 with one home run from April 20 to May 10.” He was fine, and will be fine, but I’m glad this is fulfilling some sad fantasy for you. Enjoy, by all means.
Well, maybe he has a scar, or a birthmark, or hell even a swastika or an “I love the Yankees” tattoo he did not want to show. Or maybe he is just modest. Could have kept his shirt on for any number of reasons.
Actually, some of the Astros have admitted cheating and have said that Altuve, Reddick, and Tony Kemp never participated in the cheating. Why would a player admit to cheating themselves, and then lie about a teammate not participating? But hey, believe what you want. The numbers speak for themselves.
Altuve was hitting in the minors and majors before 2017, and he continued to hit in ‘18 and ‘19 after the cheating stopped. He’s just going to a rough patch like all major leaguers at some point.
Heh. Taint ring.
“Every” is typically a pretty big number, @misfit.
I can think of two recent Yankees that *didn’t* need TJS after similar injuries; Tanaka and Andrew Miller. That’s just the Yanks. The team I follow, mind you.
I’d bet other teams fan’s can cite other examples.
those are 2 good cases and i’m sure there are a few more but it seems like 90% of the time “forearm tightness” in a pitcher is the kiss of death. seems like i read least 1 or 2 articles a week here with player x has tightness and 2 days latter he needs tj. tbh i think all of us would love to see it tightness take some time off like miller and tanaka and good to go instead of the current splits
Yes but if he returns can he keep his 4.1 index? It’s hard to play to a 4 handicap
Vacate the 2017 World Series title.
As soon as the Red Sox vacate 2018 and the Yankees vacate 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2009….SO SHUT UP ALREADY!!
dylan? Hey i am old. I missed why the Yankee WS wins and such is tainted?
That”s a lot of years. I am sincere in wishing knowledge.
Steroid use with guys like Andy,Clemens(future Astros), Chucky,Cano,Arod,Melky. Red Sox had David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez. DBacks had Luis Gonzalez in 01.
the only title that should be vacated is the astros 2017 “title” and you know it.
In a weird way, I feel sorry for the *Astros fans, man.
All those long years… changing from a really cool name to a meh one…those starburst jerseys (lol)…never winning anything…all those 100+ loss seasons.
Had to be brutal.
And then, the *only fecking title* they’ve ever won gets completely disregarded by all 29 other team’s fans!
I’m sure it’s much easier for a certain type of person to try and build some narrative about other teams “cheating too”. & – really – the players, coaches, front office, etc cheated. Not their long suffering fans.
I would never imitate that but it’s easy to see why/how – again – a certain type of person *would*.
In the end they must realize they’re all just clinging desperately to being taken seriously.
Sounds crummy.
Ya know?
Bullshit, everyone steals signs they just got caught. I get sick of this holier than thou attitude people have.…
This is for you wileycoyote56. Read it.
Does every team use non uniform personnel to actively influence the game in their favor?
Most teams steal signs when a batter is on base and are totally dependent on a players ability to read and decode those signs in split seconds. If a total dummy is on base, he will not relay accurate signs if at all. The Astros used computers and analytics to accurately and consistently decode and relay signs. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE
“Everyone does it.” Isn’t that what NAMBLA members tell each other so they don’t have to feel bad about what they are doing? And guess what? You are both wrong: everybody DOESN’T do it.
Of course “everyone steals signs” @coyote.
It’s the *way* they did that rankles.
That’s like saying “all waterfowl hunters use calls”. That would also be a true statement.
However. Poachers use electronic calls. For which they will lose their license, pay a fine, and may go to jail.
You see, there is a big difference between using skill, guile, & experience as opposed to pushing a button.
I hope you find this post helpful.
Sorry Dylan, but when you cheat people tend to give you a hard time. They will not forget and they will not want to play with you anymore. Do you know why? BECAUSE YOU CHEAT!!
Also, getting angry at people who call out your team for cheating is a b•tch move. It’s like a kid in elementary school complaining to teacher that Johhny hit him…after he hit Johhny. Your teacher isn’t going to feel sorry for you. You started it, you have no right to complain. The teams that your team cheated and their fans, THEY have a right to complain!
Did those teams have non uniform personnel actively influence the game in their favor?
Vacate you
Less than a week ago Dusty said Verlander wasn’t making progress and now he is “making excellent progress” and ready to begin throwing in a week. If JV has TJ, he probably wouldn’t make it back until 2022, when he will turned 39 before the season even begins. I guess it’s now or never!
The Astros are hoping beyond hope that he can return Justin Time.
Washed up
Lol he’s the reigning Cy Young boi.
Gonna have to amputate you say? That’s a real shame. Prep the bonesaw.
Come back now, Justin. Dusty promises you can pitch a full nine innings every fourth day. Or all 14 innings of a 2020 doubleheader.
lol and don’t forget he can also be the set up guy or closer in between starts he can be the first everyday mlb pitcher