The Indians announced today that right-handers Zach Plesac and Mike Clevinger have been placed on the restricted list. Both pitchers violated the league’s health and safety protocols over the weekend when they went out after Saturday night’s game. In a pair of corresponding moves, Cleveland reinstated outfielder Tyler Naquin from the injured list and recalled lefty Logan Allen from the team’s alternate training site.
Today’s move subtracts both Plesac and Clevinger from the active roster, though they’ll continue to receive both service time and salary while absent, Joel Sherman of the New York Post tweets. That differs from the restricted-list assignments that follow a PED suspension. In all likelihood, the decision was made in order to add a pair of fresh bodies to the roster while Plesac and Clevinger are tested daily for Covid-19 — rather than as a punitive measure. The organization can reinstate the pair whenever it sees fit, so long as both have tested negative at least twice (separated by a span of 24 hours).
It’s not yet clear to what extent (if any) the club will discipline the pair, although the team’s higher-ups can’t be pleased with them. That’s particularly true of Clevinger, who didn’t speak up even after Plesac was disciplined and reportedly took a flight with teammates after having been out. The Athletic’s Zack Meisel tweets that president of baseball operations Chris Antonetti declined to reveal whether Plesac and Clevinger would be subject to some form of discipline. For now, they’ll both be isolated away from the team for at least 72 hours while undergoing continued testing.
Makes me wonder if they’ll just opt out of the season now. Being on the restricted list sounds close enough to doing that anyway
I think it’s just a way to add a spot on the active rosters while they quarantine. Similar to injury list, but with no injury. That way if you need to add someone to the 40 man roster in their absence you can.
Trade them both!
To the Angels!
Keep dreaming Dumbass
Adell and Marsh are good starting points
Clev for Trout, straight up!
And end their careers, like every other Angel pitcher?
Most of the guys that have opted out is doing out of safety concerns for themselves, family members, and others. These two don’t strike me as those people.
Cespedes was out dancing the other night. I doubt you know the motives why people opted out.
Everyone knows Cespedes didn’t opt out for COVID.
When you opt out you don’t get paid.
No they are not opting out
I can’t imagine having to deal with today’s climate in my twenties. I hope both of them did not bring anything back to the team. I know everyone wants to call them selfish and entitled, but this is what we all did as kids. You live, learn, male mistakes and learn some more.
STILL supposed to be professionals. As a teen…my best friend had leukemia. I knew the risks of getting him sick and I actually cared. These guys don’t give a crap about their teammates. Reyes made the first “mistake”…all should’ve learned and learned some more. Hopefully guys still get to live!
Disagree Joe…I think while a worldwide pandemic is present you don’t get the “boys will be boys” excuse any longer….especially considering baseball is a major breakout away from shutting down the season
I’m not saying boys will be boys, but none of us make the same choice at 25 that we make at 60. As for baseball being close to shutting down, if it happens it happens. It’s a game, I enjoy watching, but by far not the biggest concern of the times. I’m glad for all the dumb things I did when I was young. It’s 75% of the fun and 100% of my regrets and I wouldn’t trade a single day of it. This is a game, their mistake is no greater than the ones we make, just amplified by media and people who want to live vicariously through them but have no talent. So again, I’m glad I didn’t have to live my twenties now.
Indians Joe, well said.
Free passes like that will get people killed. Hold people accountable
We aren’t holding anyone accountable in the real world. People are going out all over the country, they didn’t break any laws. Why should they be held to a higher standard than all of us? Because we want to watch a game? Because a owner wants more money? Come on! They made a bad decision, we all have, get real.
If my company has a code of conduct and i break that code after agreeing to it i can expect consequences – possibly even being fired.
1- Clevinger went on about players disciplining themselves and “trust”
2-Tweeted how basically rules don’t apply to him
3-He violated team protocol after the mess that the Marlins and Cardinals found/find themselves in.
4-He stood up in front of teammates and defended his partner in crime without manning up and accepting his responsibility. Putting his teammates /team at risk- ( health and lose of games )
No its not on par with domestic violence but he’s 29 last time i checked that is an adult and not a child and is actions could have potential harmful consequences – i’d put it on par with a PED offense- let the discipline be the same.
You keep going on about 20 year olds and making mistakes. Big diff between 20 and 29 .
If 20 yr olds should not be held accountable then heck why bother with Ped suspensions, or any other suspension – hey he’s only 29 it was a mistake – FREE pass time
No one is saying what they did is smart or even right. They basically broke curfew, not laws. As far as on par with ped violators, that is ridiculous. People used peds to get a leg up on competition, they had a night out. Intent should always be part of the punishment. No way should they get an 80 game ban for this….that is idiotic!
Indian Joe. They broke protocols they agreed to. No one forced them to opt in. I wouldn’t mind one bit if they were barred from competition in 2020.
I many ways, what they did was worse than taking PEDs.
Lol, I bet you and the fans of every fringe team wouldn’t. It is a ridiculous notion and punishment being put out there. It’s not even in the same ballpark as peds, it’s foolish to say so. But to end this ridiculous debate, peds were collectively bargained to allow that steep punishment. Breaking team rules to go out wasn’t. Nor would any sane person agree to that ridiculous punishment for this.
If Mike Trout broke protocol id feel the same way.
Idk about you but I hold people I know accountable for COVID irresponsibility. I’m not confronting strangers on the street because I don’t want to be shot but the concept of a “free pass” is foolish and reckless. Everyone should be holding each other responsible as a community. It may seem pointless to you in a comments section but it has to start somewhere
Well said ! one of the most intelligent comments made on here for a while.
Take this as an example of accountability or a lack there of.
If too many more outbreaks occur the season will be cancelled.
I’m a player following all protocol to keep safe and lesson the risk of spreading the virus but suddenly i lose 100,000’s maybe even millions in salary and service time because some selfish pr#$ks want to break the rules, i’d be PISSED .
Don’t want to follow the rules fine opt out. No one is putting a gun to their heads making them play.. Don’t risk other players livelihood and future earning potential by being a tool.
Totally agree if its Bo or Vlad .
To be honest if i were one of their vet teammates i’d pull them aside and tell them to grow the F up and stop messin around with the potential loss of my income.
Hold Clevinger and Plesac accountable
But don’t hold doctors, politicians, and every “expert” accountable who’s fed us wrong and inaccurate information, put covid patients in nursing homes, and let protesters go out free for days even weeks breaking outbreak guide lines….. no consequences or accountability for them.
So having just read the very latest update of baseball’s “protocols”, the only thing these players did wrong is not tells team officials before they left. So again, this no where warrants or could be subjected to a collectively bargained punishment. As far as risking others lively hoods, that’s ridiculous too. There is no law saying any of us can’t go out, we should take precautions. But to hold them to higher standards because they play a game is ridiculous. They didn’t break a law, they broke a rule. The team will punish them, but the people suggesting ped like punishment is stupid at best.
So there is a protocol.
The only thing they did wrong was not tell the Indians they were going out? So, if they told the Indians they were going out, then regardless of what the Indians said, they could go out?
That doesn’t make sense to me.
You are required to tell them so they can tell you not to, or at the very least keep you away from the team until you have 2 negative test. Same as Reyes went thru. Which is why I am way more upset with Clevinger after he broke the rule. And I believe he should be punished, just not the ridiculous suggestions made on here
What’s ridiculous about it?
If players selfishly continue to go out and have fun , leading to outbreaks the season will be cancelled. If the season is cancelled the players will not receive their salary. So yea selfish hypocrites like Clevinger need to be held responsible for their actions.
You do know the meaning of the word hypocrite right?
He spoke about player discipline and trust, tweeted about rules not applying to him and then broke those rules. And even worse like a coward low life met with teammates/coaches to defend his sidekick , took a plan with the team without manning up.
But hey its ok Mike , you are only 29 you should not be held accountable.
What’s ridiculous is 80 games for something as small as this. Your trying to blame them for the worst possible outcomes of their actions and impose a penalty that no one agreed to. So if some idiot doesn’t wear his mask because he believes this is a government lie to control us, we should charge them with first degree murder? No, that would be ridiculous.
That is such a stretch – if someone died because someone else knowingly went out i public who had Covid without a mask then yea they should faces charges but that’s deflecting the point here.
Clevinger knew their were protocols, hell he even spoke about players holding each other accountable and not involving management, then he totally flaunts it and goes out.,risks everyone in the organization and then plays dumb and doesn’t man up??
Defend him all you want , but to me that’s scum.
I can see logic and reason won’t work with some people , have a great evening . Hopefully no one on the Indians or the lockerroom staff contract Covid
There is nothing logical about implementing one of harshest penalties on a new issue.
In not interested in your whataboutisms Johnsonville
I agree that this isn’t nearly the same as PEDs, but reality is they helped write the teams code of conduct and, lest we forget, have a fellow member of their rotation who is an “at risk” player. Clevinger should get more of a punishment since he didn’t own up to it and then has potentially put the entire team and the season at risk. Tito said pregame that they are both at different places mentally over what they did. Translation: Plesac owns what he did and feels bad for what he did. California Clevinger thinks it’s a joke and he’s above the team. It will be interesting what happens since Tito has given the team a voice in the discipline. Tom Hamilton said they had a players only meeting before the game on the field and there was a lot of animated discussion going on. This could destroy this team depending on how fractured they are over this.
Marko if you broke a rule in your company there are a lot of factors that will decide if there will be consequences. I can’t really divulge because it would be politically incorrect. In case you are not aware there are different rules for each individual. That ranges from position in company and other various factors. Again, if you do not understand what I am talking about then you haven’t lived in the real world.
IndiansJoe knows what’s up. He has the life experience you clearly do not.
According to an article in by Terry Pluto, Indian President Chris Antonetti said league rules did not force them to put the pitchers on the restricted list and keep them away from the team. The Indians did it on their own. They did it to send a strong message about team unity and accountability.
The Indian organization is handling this the correct way. We have seen how the league and other teams have handled the Marlins and Cardinals situation. I have faith in an organization managed by Chris Antonetti to do the proper thing in this situation.
They are selfish and feel entitled!
They should act like professionals and do their job!
Logan Allen ….the next Kluber/Bieber
Go on…
The Indians have done pretty well with pitchers acquired from SD. Heck, even Phil Maton looked lights-out against the Whire Sox the other night..
Good for the Indians. And I have Plesac in one of my fantasy leagues, but it’s still the right move.
Fascinating. Who else is on your fantasy team?
I have three.
I have a dog in this hunt. I’m just saying this hurts my fantasy team, and I still think it’s a good move.
I’m kinda miffed, they didn’t consult you first.
The point is, I have a vested interest. I notice when People have a vested interest in a specific outcome they change their opinion.
How many Indian fans want them suspended for the year?
How many Twins fans are upset they signed PED users?
How many Astro fans are upset Bregman and company didn’t get suspended.
Plesac’s suspension could easily cost me money. I don’t care, suspending him is the right thing to do.
I mean if we are going to start punishing everyone correctly, the angels knowingly employed a drug dealer that led to the the death of a pitcher. Maybe while we are on our high horses we can finally address an epidemic far worse than COVID-19 and ban any members of the angels organization from ever participating in the playoffs to control drug use in America. Seems only fair to the rest of the country
If anyone in the organization knew this man was dealing drugs, that person should be fired.
Since Moreno got rid of Hamilton for snorting cocaine and has never extended, traded for, or signed a free agent who was a known PED user, I highly doubt he had any idea there was someone in his organization supplying drugs.
Your guilt by association point is just a diversion.
Just as ridiculous as your suggestion that because they broke a team rule they should receive a massive suspension. Baseball did not put restrictions on what players do away from the stadiums, because they couldn’t. All the rules states is players should wear face mask and practice precautions away from the stadium. The Indians placed a restriction on players while traveling to road games. So again talk of ped like suspension is ridiculous. And I will never believe that the organization didn’t know what was going on with Skaggs. But hey we are entitled to our beliefs.
Indian Joe… What are you talking about.
The Commissioner sent out a not saying the Marlins broke protocols on and off the field, therefore there must be protocols.
They knew.
They aren’t going to fall on the sword and admit they knew.
Yeah. He was dealing controlled substances to players and NOBODY knew.
Uh-huh. He passed every physical and piss test without it showing up in his system.
In reality. other people knew and nobody cared. They’re not going to stick their neck out.
Yep. Wear face mask every where in the stadium but the field. Don’t gather in groups. Let team officials know when you are leaving the team hotel so they can advise if you should. Don’t eat together. Social distance. If you break the rules multiple times you will not be allowed to play again in 2020.
All American Johnsonville Dogs
If you know anything about Moreno, then you know he didn’t know.
As far as passing a test, you think they are allowed to test for such things. Are you kidding? That would be a union violation.
So everyone knows who takes what drugs? So everyone on the A’s knew Montas was a PED user? Everyone on the Twins knew Polanco was a PED user?
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Anyway, you are making my point.
Astro fans don’t want their players punished.
Twins fans have no problem with extending and bringing in PED users.
and Indian fans don’t want their players suspended.
Just like angel fans don’t want their team punished
IndianJoe… Who did what?
Tell me what Angel should be punished?
Again, knowingly employing a drug dealer to service a player so they could keep things quiet. Oh, I know the owner wouldn’t allow it. That’s just silly, he knows everything. Everyone else’s team is guilty but yours. You want to sit in the shadows of ignorance and point fingers and say don’t point back because it’s all lies if I don’t agree. But hey, your organization is the one and only doing everything right and the bad stuff is unfortunate coincidences.
Who knowingly employed a person who was illegally distributing drugs?
Who? And if a person in the organization knew, he should be fired.
Eric Kay was arrested for it, served as director of communications for the angels.
And just because only one person was arrested doesn’t mean more didn’t know.
So what Angel knew he was currently selling illegal drugs?
He was in the angels organization, I’m sure they all knew. Come on man, keep playing naive all you want. It’s really just sad. But hey, I guess you proved your point about people not wanting to see the bad in their own organization. So congrats
Lmao. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.
Moreno probably didn’t know. Safe bet there. Owners leave people in charge to run the business.
Did others in the organization and front office know? Most likely.
You seem to be confusing personal trainers with company employees. Big mistake there. Did Montas get his PEDs from Athletic employees or his own personal trainer not associated with the organization? Like most guys probably his own personal trainer. Dumb comparison.
Furthermore the league tested for opiods before they revised their drug policy. They had to cause team doctors prescribing opiods to players you know issues came up mlb didn’t want you to know about or the feds and monitored that closely within their own ranks.
Guarantee they saw stuff in his system. Try again. Don’t be biased this time. Use your brain.
Clevinger should receive a ban similar to a Ped test, He knew the rules basically tweeted that he wasn’t going to follow them.
“On Friday, the 29-year-old Clevinger posted a song lyric on Twitter by Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder that seems to underscore his defiant nature.”
“I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me,” Clevinger wrote.
Seriously a 29 yr old should have some common sense and maturity by that age. What a punk
Then he misled and put teammates/coaches at risk by hiding his actions Sunday night and then to make matters worse flying with the team .In late July he spoke of self discipline the players (hypocrite) Last month, Clevinger said he was in favor of the team having guidelines to keep players in check.
“This isn’t going to be a `run to daddy’ kind of thing. We’re going to handle it in-house. This is a player discipline thing. Keep the coaches, front office kind of out of it,” he said on July 30. “It puts a little extra accountability, kind of. Just having that trust in your teammates is a big thing. It’s a big thing on the field. If you feel your teammate doesn’t trust you off the field how are you going to feel like he trusts you when you get between the lines?”
He needs ” Daddy ” to take him out behind the woodshed because obviously this 29 yr old has the maturity of a 12 yr old. – what a dirtbag lowlife
What stand up guy and teammate.…
He should be shunned by all of baseball and when he hits free agency teams should have enough moral fortitude to not want this type of cancer in their clubhouse.
All of this.
I would ban him just for posting Eddie Vedder lyrics. Pearl Jam is super wack
This has gotta be a joke right? Multiple domestic violence offenders still playing and you want to ban someone for this? People need to take a deep breath.
tuccgoblue. They put the baseball season in jeopardy as well as hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue at risk. Not to mention lives at risk.
So far I don’t think anyone has overreacted to their stupidity. As far as teams should not want them, I feel the same way about PED users. When teams sign them to long term contracts, I think it shows the lack of character of that team.
Yes. But not a lifetime ban.
100% agree tuccgoblue! Any idiot that thinks the ramifications to a silly game as what people do to people such as domestic violence are trash. The whole le this is a business routine is old, just because money is involved doesn’t make it more important than real life. If you didn’t make mistakes in your twenties you had a boring life. Shame on all of you trying to live vicariously through these athletes and expecting them to do what you want them to do. All they agreed to do is play baseball, not be live how you want them to. Same morons on here saying it will cost them in their next contract are the same ones begging to get them on their teams before. It won’t cost either of them a dime in their next contract if they pitch like they have in the past.
Starting to feel like the Indians aren’t going to win the World Series in 2020. I got them winning a title in 2048 on their 100th anniversary of their last championship. Stranger things have happened.
They are both unmitigated idiots who need to be severely punished. They won’t be, of course, since there’s no legitimate leadership in baseball at any level. But if these morons get off easy my respect for Terry Francona and the Cleveland organization which as been pretty high will go right down the toilet. God, why is everyone involved in baseball so effing stupid?
It’s not just baseball kreckert.
If you really want to punish Clevinger, don’t fine or suspend him. Make him get a haircut
@geotheo- yes definitely a haircut at a Stylist not a barber. You”ll hurt his feelings.
Let’s see. Hurl insults, get a 20 game suspension. Throw punches, get a 5 game suspension. Endanger the health of 28 teammates, coaches and their families, take two swab tests 24 hours apart and get reinstated in time for your next start. Yep, sounds about right! (Sorry for the sarcasm; it’s a character flaw that I have to work on.) These two are doooooshbags!
First, spot on. Second, sarcasm isn’t a character flaw. It’s a skill.
For some of us, sarcasm is a way of life.
I can hear the convo last Saturday night
Clevinger- hey Zack my man let’s go for a beer
Plesac- uhhh Mike ain’t that again the rules?
Clevinger- Rules?? dude they don’t apply to us , we are hot sh#t SP pictures they won’t do sh#t to us.
Plesac- ok but what about that stuff you said about teammates and trust
Clevinger- my dude i didn’t mean that stuff it was all just words and they too dumb to know it !
They are f$%king with the integrity of the game (what’s left of it ) , teammates/staff health, potential to cause an outbreak that might be the final straw that leads to the season cancellation and loss of millions.
But hey, F the fans, teammates and the game i’m badass Mike Clevinger and my side kick Plesac .
Ban both for the season. no pay, no service time.
Send a message to other clueless twits
So they receive salary and service time for being selfish assholes?
It has not been decided yet by the Indians whether Clevinger and Plesac will face a fine or suspension
They want to work from home too
They have to stand up and be held accountable in front of their own team mates and staff. Believe me, that’s not easy. Let’s just hope those two remain covid clean for the next 2 weeks and go from there.
Those without sin cast the first stone…..
Exactly! Most of these losers are just begging for bans and trades because they don’t want their teams to face these 2 young men.
Players should just claim they’re out protesting states letting small businesses go under by supporting local businesses.
Remember in Robocop when Corporate America aids criminals and incites riots to lower property values to buy up the city while privatizing the police force?
Man science fiction is crazy.
I’ll buy that for a dollar!
This is just a flex unless they’re serious about just throwing the season away…..which would be dope go royals 50-10
It’s funny reading people’s comments on these threads.
Same people condemning Clevinger and Plesac on here probably supported protestors out in the streets for hours, no masks, and within 6 inches of each other shoulder to shoulder marching.
If it wasn’t for double standards most people wouldn’t have any standards at all.
What makes you think i support protesters without mask and distancing? That’s an assumption on your part bud.
Personally i think anyone in large groups without masks/distancing should be fined.
But hey i care about other peoples well being not just my own .
If MLB doesn’t put their foot down and stop these clown who think they are “special” and the rules don’t apply to them , well the season will be cancelled and we will all lose out. Players/Staff will lose their income. Owners will lose money and Fans will lose out on the joy of watching .
Plesac breaking protocol is a knucklehead move,no question.
Clevinger joining Plesac in breaking said protocol and then lying to the organization and his teammates about it and then getting on a plane with a fellow member of the rotation who has Acute Myeloid Leukemia is a whole other thing.
I would like to see Clevinger defend his actions to Carlos Carrasco’s wife and kids.
Clevinger has lost any respect I had for him,but who cares about me.
His teammates, on the other hand, will never be able to completely trust and or respect him again.
That’s worse than any fine or suspension.
All for a couple of brewskis.
Now this agree with 100%!
Some people need to grow up. When I saw Plesac’s new “doo”, how proud he was of it and anxious to show it off, I knew he wasn’t the mature guy I thought he was. And, Clevinger, enough said. They were just living up to the image they were advertising.