Aug. 10: Plesac issued the following statement late last night (link via Mandy Bell of
I would like to apologize to my teammates, the entire Cleveland organization and all of our fans for my actions Saturday evening. I realize I made a poor choice to leave the hotel, which broke protocols and could have endangered other people. I understand that in these times of uncertainty, I need to be more vigilant and responsible and I am determined to earn my teammates’ forgiveness and get back to work.
Aug. 9: The Indians have sent pitcher Zach Plesac home to Cleveland after discovering that Plesac violated MLB’s health and safety protocols by going out in Chicago on Saturday night, reports Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic. Per Rosenthal, Plesac has been isolated from the team and will be required to quarantine for at least three days, with daily testing, before the Indians decide how to proceed.
The Indians’ action against Plesac is illustrative of MLB teams’ heightened diligence in preventing outbreaks of COVID-19 similar to those that have cost the Marlins and Cardinals considerable portions of their respective seasons. We’ve seen how quickly one case can turn into fifteen or more, as in the Marlins case, and teams would do well to operate quickly and carefully in their efforts to prevent such a spread.
As ESPN’s Jeff Passan adds, the Indians have garnered a reputation as being one of baseball’s most committed organizations in upholding proper coronavirus protocols, and their swift discipline of an emerging star demonstrates that commitment. It’s encouraging to see teams exhibit a willingness to sacrifice their immediate interests in favor of protecting the long-term health of the baseball season.
Plesac pitched on Saturday afternoon against the White Sox, tossing six innings of scoreless ball and striking out seven batters. The 25-year-old has enjoyed a brilliant start to his season, emerging as an increasingly reliable member of the Indians’ already-strong rotation.
Given the Indians’ schedule, Plesac was set to go next on Thursday in Detroit. Should Plesac consistently test negative in the coming days, it appears as though he could be cleared in time for that start, though of course the Indians may opt to take further preventative measures and hold Plesac out for a longer period in the interest of safety. And if Cleveland’s initial decision is indicative of their mindset, one figures that the club would not hesitate to err on the side of caution with such a timeline.
wow, didnt see that coming, but good to see they are taking the situation seriously. not surprised he’s celebrating with how good he’s been lately though.
Good on them. I wonder how many other organizations would do the same, especially with how well he’s pitching this year. Such a selfish thing to do and he put his entire team in danger and the entire MLB season in jeopardy. There’s a lot more riding on this season then a Saturday night out.
Means nothing unless he is suspended and misses a start or 2. Slap on the wrist…
Oh man
Its like around the universe baseball style a one hit wonder by the Beatles
Or hey you stand still laddie, how can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat? Also a one hit wonder by Think Floyd, a tribute to George Floyd
Jai Guru Deva, Om
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
I would just opt out if the teams won’t allow you to do anything other than sit in your hotel.
my guess is its not that simple. personally i think the guys should be allowed some freedoms if there is no bubble, but i imagine this is something pretty specifically not allowed (for example, its one thing to have a personal gathering, another to have it at a bar or a club)
A personal gathering outdoors with masks and distancing is very low risk. A small personal/family gathering indoors without masks is exactly the cause of most infections right now (at least here in California where the clubs are closed).
He went out with friends on a Saturday night. Who were not tested, and since there are so many Typhoid Mary’s it was an imbecilic decision.
It you can’t stay in a bubble for two months. Opt out.
So you’d rather go out than sit in the hotel and continue to get paid large sums of money. Yeah, that’ll show ‘em!
I thought the same thing! I’ll stick around a hotel for millions of dollars!
He’s getting paid Millions?
Sorry 100s of thousands. Or in simpler terms he’ll make more in 2 months of work than you’ll make in 5-20 years
You can’t say that!
You don’t know my profession.
He’ll make a little over 100k this year. If he’s not making that in the next 5-20 years maybe time to ditch the smartphone?
That year of service time is worth millions.
It’s potentially worth millions in the future, not now. It’s only worth millions if he makes it through years 4,5, and 6. That’s far from a certainty.
All he has to do is become a super two and it’s worth millions. If he pitches six years it’s with 8 figures.
And all he has to do is stay in his hotel room. But instead he puts his team at risk, the league at risk and MLB baseball at risk.
To say he’s selfish is an understatement.
All he has to do is become a super two and it’s worth millions. If he pitches six years it is 8 figures.
And all he has to do is stay in his hotel room. But instead he puts his team at risk, the league at risk and MLB baseball at risk.
To say he’s selfish is an understatement.
i mean, matter of opinion, no? not saying i agree or that the situation is as extreme as being confined entirely to the hotel room, but its an opinion nonetheless.
Excellent retort to a foolish comment. Also we don’t know the detailed facts leading to this decision.
But is it really worth it to potentially get your entire team sick and potentially ruin the season just for a little bit of fun? I guess if you really cared that much you could opt out, but that shows no love or respect for the game.
It’s not just your entire team sick, It’s coaches, who some are vulnerable. And of course shutting down the season.
If you can’t be a man, opt out.
Then opt out. There are many good reasons to do so, even if this isn’t one. I’ve barely seen any friends since March because staying alive motivates me enough, but to each their own.
Maybe. Even in a prorated season, he will make enough money to be secure for life. That’s a lot to sacrifice for a beer in a saloon with friends, Braxton, don’t you think? I, too, applaud Cleveland for taking this seriously. Plesac clearly isn’t adult enough to accept the responsibility that comes with his position on the team.
$209K is enough to be “secure for life”?
$209k is just this season. The reputation he develops will effect his earnings over his entire career. If he can’t follow the rules for 2 months, I would be hesitant to sign him long term.
Would you not be doing the same thing at his age? He is only 25. Perhaps
The maturity isn’t there now and would be when he looks to sign a multi-year deal. I highly doubt any team will hold this against him for his future earning potential.
@Stymeedone The 209k comment was directed at realsox who said he was making enough in this partial season to be set for life. I agree with you it’s a bad look and he isn’t anywhere near arb yet.
$209k in the bank ain’t bad for a 25-year-old.
The year of service time he earns in these two months will give him an extra year of free agency (as well as earlier arbitration earnings) in his prime before he gets old. If he continues pitching well, that could be $15 million extra earning potential.
And if you’d like to give me $209K, I can invest that to be secure for life.
That’s pre tax, so it’s half of $209k because he’s taxed like he’s “rich.” I’d love to hear how you’re investing 100k to be secure for life at 25 years old.
You’re also treating the fact that he’ll reach free agency as inevitable. Every ball player is one bad season or injury away from being shown the door. There is zero financial security for any pre-arb player.
Oh, and this is also assuming ZERO expenses. So take home is generously 90k. Let’s hear your plan Mr. Cuban.
It’s a year of service time that is worth millions.
He can’t opt out. He could actually get rotation spot. Could you imagine the grief he’d get from home, from his dad and uncle (Dan Plesac – MLB Network) if he didn’t hunker down and take advantage of the opportunity?
You are paid to play baseball.
If you are putting yourself, your teammates AND the other teams to a danger of not being able to play baseball then you should be reprimanded.
We are paid to do your profession as well. If we put your coworkers in danger, then we deserve to be reprimanded as well. (Not saying you or I specifically.).
These athletes deserve their freedom as well. They just need to be smart about it, as you and I surely are.
If you can’t do the job, then don’t say you can. Part of the job is doing your best to stay virus free.
That in the job description this year for every player, manager and coach. He didn’t perform up to his duties.
Agreed. I wonder if Plesac or those siding with him would change their opinions if he was fined the loss of salary for those he infected had he not been reprimanded or caught?
Not hardly Gloony. That’s the other side of the coin, like flip side of violence that some cannot ever see, or admit to happening, so just shut their eyes to and pretend it never happens. We see it played out on TV in the news nightly recently.
Its a 60 game season. Man up and do what it takes to play baseball in 2020.
Is better sit at the hotel and make all that money than been send home ,after the season you can go anywhere you want with not restriction
Sacrifice yourself and bit.
Would you be willing to stay in a fancy hotel for 2 months for $200,000? ($200K is essentially the prorated portion of league minimum)
Because that’s essentially what you’re saying you’d be unwilling to do. If these players can’t stay inside for 2 months, they have no business putting on a uniform.
Opt out for health concerns, they have all my respect. But if they can’t handle staying inside to help slow transmission of a disease– all while collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars– I have zero respect for them.
@WhiffleBall-spot on.
With that attitude your teammates would turn on you in a heartbeat.
You sound like the type of person who would just quit over something you caused when the punishment is relatively minor and because you think you’re proving a point.
At least you have your priorities straight :sarcasm:
Then let him opt out. Who cares
Feel free to opt out of commenting!
Not allowed to do anything? They get to hangout with their friends all summer, playing the game they love, and being compensated handsomely for it. It’s a rough life for a 25 year old.
Not everyone is friends with their work colleagues. In fact, they are actively competing against each for the right to be compensated even more handsomely during half of the year.
Aww muffin, either suck it up and follow the rules or opt. out. and go home. Simple as that.
you sound like a ton of fun
I’d still trade Adell for him…
IF it only cost Plesac to get Jo Adell, I’d make that trade (from a Tribe fan)…..
Also, regarding Plesac’s next scheduled start- I think it is farther off. then listed in the article( this coming (Thursday in Detroit). The Tribe is off Monday & Thursday this week..
@MadThinker- Now we’re making trades for suspended players? smh
I would rather have a suspended player then a over hyped prospect who swings 12 times a game and cant make contact . couldnt hit AAA…why would he hit MLB?
Damn dude. Already giving up on him? Check out Randy Johnson’s stats for his first few years. Imagine if you gave up on him too. Players take some time to develop. The raw talent is there.
Adell is a DH in the making unless he works harder on his outfield defense. Clueless
Jose Canseco has been hired to help him work on his defense. Lesson 1: How to take the ball off your noggin for a home rum instead of letting it hit your glove. That’s just embarrassing.
And opposite Trout in CF. He’s ultra-talented, but he’s having a humbling experience. Wish him the best.
Jo Adell will be the next Lewis Brinson.
So the punishment for being out around with other people…. is to be sent home, to be around…. other people? Seems legit.
i dont think the term “sent home” is the correct term. “sent back to his hotel room in Cleveland” would be proper.
Indians are playing in Chicago. He was sent home to Cleveland not to the Chicago hotel
Bill Smith you miss the part that says he’s required to quarantine himself for three days before returning? Quarantine doesn’t mean going out and being around people ya dum dum
He pitched last night. If he’s back in 3 days he still gets to pitch his next scheduled start. You could say “they’re really taking this seriously,” but we’ll see if it lasts longer than the three days. If not, this is nothing more than optics. I don’t blame them though. Probably has to be done. Just wonder if they’d do the same with Lindor or another veteran position player.
If we’re to believe you can go up to as long as ~14 days after exposure before testing positive, then the 3 day window to return (even if it’s only the minimum possibility), is still a joke.
well joke or not its what they are going with in this situation, for better or for worse.
I don’t think the Indians necessarily have to punish Plesac to show they are taking it seriously. They acknowledged the violation in protocol and the next step is to isolate for 3 days.
It’s a warning to other guys on the team. I’m almost certain he’ll miss a start due to not be able to get his regular work and side sessions in.
Props to them for doing the right thing
Should be suspended. Breaking protocol in a time like this should lead to some sort of suspension or fine.
to be fair this probably constitutes a team suspension and he may not be getting paid for those 3 days.
That’s fair then. More teams need to show they aren’t fooling around when a player does something like this.
He was sent home by the team…
He was sent home, but they didn’t give an offical suspension. If after his quarinteen is over, they should suspend him 5 games without pay.
Indians should be forced to forfeit the games Plesac has pitched sin this year!
Very interested to hear how Carlos Carrasco feels about Plesac’s choices. C’mon, man.
It’s Carlos’ decision to play during this so if anything happens it’s on him and no one else.
Ok, so if I contract COVID at a bar and bring it home to my diabetic wife, then it’s on her for her decision to continue living with me during a pandemic?
The contract clearly stipulates “for better or worse”.
Can she just choose to opt out of your marriage for the 2020 season?
Good for them. Doing things like this jeopardizes the whole team. Either play and live according to the protocols or opt out and do whatever you want to do. No one is forcing him to play baseball.
Not sure who are more twisted their own players or their fans?
Half of the people here just want blood No matter the article-
Buncha Vampires…its kinda sick
Solid call Cle, releasing the info also helps as a future (semi) deterrent for others
yeah, lot of people responding to the Twitter post saying he should be suspended for the rest of the year.
He shouldn’t be supsneded the full season, but some punishment should be put into place.
Plesac has to know better he put himself lst instead of the team. He has to know when curfew is and to follow health protocol’s to keep everyone safe. The Indians definitely did the right thing here.
His Uncle Dan will not be happy.
not sure. Good chance he might have been out with….his family. He grew up in Crown Point, IN about 30 minutes away.
Good move by the Indians. Keep him home. The team is more important. Hopefully he will learn his lesson and return ready to go and help the team.
What an idiot. 25 years old and able to make tons of $$$ willing to push it all away. Thinking only of himself.
This isn’t going to effect future earnings.
You never know. Losing one team in a FA bidding situation can cost 10s of millions in a contract.
If just one gm views this as any part of a pattern of being a poor teammate or issues following orders/refuting authority they could choose to avoid him.
Many talented athletes suffer that fate. Is this, given the pandemic situation, egregious behavior? Absolutely. Will it become one of a series of data points that could chill bidding by a team, assuming he makes it that far at a high level? Wait and see.
I’ll tell you one thing – having JUST seen what happened with the marlins, and having JUST gotten the word from MLB and the mlbpa how there is a legitimate risk of the plug getting pulled over non compliance with protocols? NO exec is OK with his team’s season being put at risk by some cowboy who cant stay put for a month and a half and feels above the rules.
I just don’t get it. Look at what happened to the Marlins and now the Cardinals. The protocols are in place to protect you AND your teammates. It’s not all about the individual. A selfish and foolish choice by this young man, but hopefully it’s a learning moment.
I’m curious to hear what daddy has to say about this on MLB network tomorrow.
@cgallant,@bobtillman, Is it Daddy Dan or Uncle Dan? Great now I’m confused.
Ron Plesac will be making a guest appearance?
Meh… I guess Adam Plutko gets to start a game soon?
I think this is where the MLBPA needs to step and allow MLB to discipline, fine the player or worse. It sucks be he needs to be made an example of. Suspended for the rest of the year without pay and where applicable without service time either.
IF MLB is unable to play this abbreviated 2020 season, there will be long term damage to the sport, the value of franchises, the financial health of the teams which 100% trickles down to the players future payrolls.
the league dropped the ball by not disciplining Rojas and Mattingly. not giving those few multiple games for making a rash choice for their team without league approval but then suspending a guy like Plesac for a year is selective enforcement and grounds for a grievance. again, Plesac is probably not getting paid for these three games, and if he needs to stay out for longer for a positive test may not even be paid then. you don’t need to suspend a guy for a whole year to make a point – none of these guys want to lose money, especially SPs who wouldnt even need to be pitching during those games to earn their money.
Really dumb move on his part but it is good to know the team is taking this serious.
I don’t think it will impact them much anyway though. The article said he was set to pitch next on Thursday but that can’t be right. Unless a schedule change was announced and I missed it they are off Monday and Thursday so his next turn would not be until Saturday. And with two off days they could easily just skip his spot knowing they have another off day the following Monday too so they really don’t need him until the 20th against Pittsburgh.
Unless they suspend him and he misses a start its nothing more than grandstanding by the Indians.
The team’s action at this point is much more about protecting the rest of the players than punishing Plesac.
As a White Sox fan, I just wish he would have went out on Friday and been “sent home” before his Saturday start.
It’s his nephew
They collectively agreed to the rules with the union. He participates in the union. The team also agreed to certain rules. When your teammates are mad at you then you will have a problem in the locker room. If he wanted to go out that bad. He shouldn’t stay with the team, he shouldn’t be allowed in the locker room or the dugout. When he pitches the catcher shouldn’t catch the ball or his teammates shouldn’t try to touch it.
Not the first Indian’s player to be disciplined for breaking protocols this year.
I heard @hockeyjohn- was suspended this year for going out past curfew also and not following proper protocol? He wasn’t back at the hotel on time or some kind of infraction like that? Just make sure it doesn’t happen again. That’s all.
I see where he’s being sent away to (likely) protect his teammates from him, but I’m not seeing where Plesac has actually been punished.
Good for them if they actually do it.
Less so if this is just a show.
Strike one Plesac. In this game, strike two and you’re out. Dumb decision.
Interesting only one comment here mentioning the time for Covid to show symptoms is outside the 3 day quarantine, which in itself can show false negatives. Usually shows 4-5 days after exposure, and as said earlier, as long as 14 days to show.
A friend’s wife tested positive, he’s negative, and they are both quarantined for 10-14 days.
Seems MLB has special rules others don’t.
I think they get to have different rules, when players can be tested multiple times a day.
Indians probably could get away with skipping him twice since they have 2 off days coming up.
Off tomorrow
Tuesday/Wednesday – Clevinger/Carrasco
Off Thursday
Friday Civale on 6 days rest
Saturday slot Bieber up on normal rest
Sunday, Clevinger on normal rest
Monday (17th) off again
Then they play 9 straight days. So they’ll need a 5th starter at least once during that. They would need Plesac (or a spot start from Plutko) on the 22nd. 13 days from now. Plenty of time for him to clear quarantine.
Hell, they could even option him down and bring up someone in the mean time.
14 day quarantine without pay if they want to send a message.
One too many accidental Dan Plesac batting practice fastballs to the head as a child is the only acceptable excuse
Can’t blame the lad. One night in Chicago > a week in Detroit
It is tough to blame him. I remember back in 2008 the only year I played pro ball, we went to Wrigleyville on an off day. My last memory was falling off a bar stool while making out with a girl, then I woke up in the back of a cargo van in a hotel parking lot in Iowa. Waited for equipment guy to come out so I could get my bag out of the trailer. Then walked the hotel halls until I found a teammate who would let me use their shower. I turned 21, 6 days before the season started and was a pitcher who spent a lot of time on the IL. Craziest year of my life
Who cares?!
Were you out with Kyle Farnsworth? Still recall the time the Cubs signaled for him to get warm and he was caught on camera taking a power nap. Good times
More blah, blah, blah from another athlete who is only sorry now that he got caught otherwise he wouldn’t have done it to begin with.
Change “could have” to “I endangered the health of my teammates and staffing” “I made a selfish decision and will bear the consequences and do better going forward” end it with a sincere apology.
yep, and the guy appologizes and it’s not enough for some people. predictable.
As a Tiger fan, this is good. Just talkin’ baseball wise. Jus’ baseball.
@warnbeeb- Glad to hear your a Tigers fan truthfully. Got a question for you. Any interest in Clint Frazier or Miguel Andujar? And if so who would be your preference for Detroit. Are you high on Matthew Boyd and Michael Fulmer? Considering they might be 2 pieces as reported going back to the Yankees. If you want to keep Boyd would you at least part with lefty Joey Wentz and catcher Austin Romine or Dillon Dingler? The Yankees will be obviously trading you more pieces. Please let me know it would be nice to get a Tigers fan’s perspective. Thank you, @warnbeeb- and have a blessed day!
Frankly, I’d take either Frazier or Andujar for Fulmer. Boyd is struggling right now but I think it’s just because of the truncated season. Boyd would require more if I had a say. I’d prefer Frazier. He’s better than any corner OF’er the Tigers currently have. Tigers have a kid, Parades, who will likely be a solid 3b’er within a year so Andujar isn’t quite as needed.
It’s too soon to consider Dingler in any trade. I’m not sure he can be since he was just drafted in June. Ditto for Wentz. Too soon.
If the Tigers swoon (would seem likely) then Romine, Schoop and Cron can all be had. I’d listen on Boyd and Fulmer for sure. I’m not sure any of them will be terribly valuable in the future.
These next couple of weeks, Tigers play the ChiSox and Tribe I think, will tell whether the Tigers will be buyers or sellers at the deadline. Looking to see if Mize gets called up to pitch soon. Tigers have a bunch of twin bills. If Mize performs…and Tarik Skubal recovers ASAP from Covid and can pitch….heck…Matt Manning (who I think is the guy who’s going to have a long, solid career) might help.
It won’t be long and they’ll be saying, “Break up the Tigers!”
@warnbeeb- I like your attitude. I think the Tigers in a few years will have something special for sure. I miss playing them more when they were competitive. I can see Clint Frazier being a good player In Detroit. No reason he couldn’t hit 30 homers and steal 15 bases in a full season givin’ the at bats. The Yankees & the Tigers definitely have the makings of a deal. I see Matthew Boyd, or Joey Wentz, Michael Fulmer, and Austin Romine coming to the Yankees. I see Clint Frazier, or Miguel Andujar, Michael King, Al Abreu and Luis Cessa or Jonathan Holder going to Detroit. Some sort of combination like that. Just be patient with your Tigers it will be worth it. It’s all a process.
Can’t see the Yankees wanting Romine back, nor the Tigers Cessa. I would go staright up, Boyd for Frazier. I doubt the Yankees do that. Even Fulmer, straight up.
To be sure, you can’t have too many starters but the Tigers are going to have a lot of potential in a year.
Franklin Perez and Beau Burroughs are probably going to be relief pitchers
Zimmerman and Nova will be gone after this year.
If Riley Greene, Spencer Torkelson and Isaac Paredes all come along in a year…..the Tigers could be formidable.
Guys like Jimenez, Garcia, Soto , Farmer and Cisnero give the Tigers solid relief.
Keep watching.
Detroit would get more than Frazier for just Boyd. Boyd has more value than Clint Frazier has.
hockeyjohn- not even sure the Yankees would want Matthew Boyd at this point. It’s definitely possible. If their trading Frazier there they will probably want Joey Wentz and Michael Fulmer back instead. Back-up catcher is a need so they would definitely take Austin Romine. NY would have to add to the trade. Guys like Al Abreu, Luis Cessa, Jonathan Holder would likely be heading back to Detroit. I feel Miguel Andujar would bring back more in a trade then Red Thunder. The Cubs or Braves fit the bill with starting power arms In the minors to offer New York. Guys like lefty Burl Carraway and righty Adbert Alzolay in Chicago. And two lefty starters in Atlanta Kyle Muller and Patrick Davidson. One of them with William Contreras. My guess who ever offers more for Andy. That’s where he’ll likely go.
hockeyjohn- the question is who is a better starting pitcher of these lefties: Matthew Boyd, Michael Minor, Robbie Ray? Ray and Minor are free agents at the end of the year. Boyd has one more year of control and will likely cost more. Out of the 3 mentioned I’d rather have Boyd. However if the Tigers offer Joey Wentz, Michael Fulmer, and Austin Romine to New York then Fraz is more likely going to Detroit with Al Abreu, Luis Cessa, Jonathan Holder, and either Tyler Wade or Thairo Estrada. A package like that. Yanks aren’t dealing Clarke Schmidt or Deivi Garcia with Fraz
Have them give the dolts named Jeter and Mattingly in Florida and discuss how to run a MLB organization
Good to see the team enforce safety protocols good to see Plesac own up to the behavior and apologize.
This is about limiting risk for others, even risks you deem OK for yourself. Come the off season players can set their own level of risk, for now the team needs to come first.
“I’d just like to say how sorry I am that I got caught. I knew exactly what I was doing but did what I wanted anyways.” – Zach Plesac
He might have been goaded into going out. We was a guest on the McNeil and Parkins show on local sports radio Friday and after talking up his local roots, he undoubtedly got excited about hitting town. Nice bit of strategy. Get your opponents liquored up. Like the time the White Sox took Miggy Cabrera out till 4am
Zach Plesac should be suspended by MLB for 10 games minimum, This is exactly how the Marlins and Cardinals outbreaks started. He needs to be an example to the rest of the league.
why didnt the league make an example out of either of those teams then?
He did this after the new protocols came out…teams were before.
Young and invincible and reckless. Self-centered maybe, more likely just an immature mistake.
There’s immature, then there’s stupid. This is the latter.
It seems like some people constantly push the boundary for accountability off somewhere to an older age. It used to be 14 was young and immature. Then it was 18. Now, 4 months shy of your 26th birthday is excuse to be “young and immature.”
Next up, 40 year olds will be “young and immature” and anything they do wrong should just be chalked up to mistakes.
Time to hold young people to greater accountability again.
Kudos to the Indians that didn’t try to hide this! Every team a scheduled to play them should thank them for the heads up.
Suspend him without pay for a few weeks at least…Send a message to other players and other teams that this won’t be tolerated….Marlins and Cardinals show the league and players what happens when the rules are not followed….The entire season could be in jeapardy if selfish, individual players don/t/won’t follow the rules for every player and team.
What a dumb idea.
Let’s not forget the people he infected in Chicago.
Release him and ban him from MLB
Even if his actions were confirmed to cause someone else to be infected, at best I would guess you could technically argue something like domestic violence, which carries a variable suspension of 15-81 games based on the precedent from the 12 players previously suspended under that policy. However, he’s a young and emerging pitching talent, so no, the Indians won’t do this. And players also have a union, so no, they wouldn’t allow it to happen anyway.
Yeah Ban him! But don’t ban any of the woman beaters, drug users or cheaters. Moron
I guess being sarcastic is a lost talent many people use to have.
I am surrounded by pansies.
What a Joke
Jeter says the Marlins outbreak traces back to a member of the team visiting a coffee shop. I think we can assume Plesac visited a place where eating & drinking is expected. I’m guessing it’s a similar story for the Cards. A member of the team whether it be a player or just personnel is visiting a place where they naturally remove the mask to consume food/drink.
Teams need extra security acting as watchdogs at the hotels to turn back undsiciplined souls.
The Cards situation is dire. After Wed, they will be 14 games played behind the White Sox. That’s 14 double header days which taxes both the Cards & their opponents. How does MLB manage that scheduling? If they space it out it’s two DH days per week for the remainder of the season.
A) a marlin did not get it from a coffee shop.
B) dude coulda been shot going out in Chicago.