7:27pm: Outfielder Austin Dean, righty Ryan Helsley and a staff member tested positive, Derrick Goold of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch writes.
5:04pm: MLB will postpone this weekend’s Cards-Cubs series, Joel Sherman of the New York Post reports.
12:25pm: Major League Baseball has officially announced that tonight’s game is postponed due to one additional positive test. However, USA Today’s Bob Nightengale tweets that there’s “concern” of a second positive test beyond the one the league has confirmed. That could point to some yet-inconclusive results and also explain the discrepancy between the earlier reporting on the number of positive tests. Clarity on the matter should come later today.
12:10pm: MLB Network’s Jon Heyman tweets that there was only one new positive test. Derrick Goold of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Twitter link) and a few others have heard the same, though SportsGrid’s Craig Mish tweets that there were two new positives. Whatever the exact number is determined to be, there figures to be additional testing and contact tracing performed before the league decides on the remainder of the Cubs/Cards series. The Cardinals had already been aiming to play 55 games in a span of 52 days, so the postponement of tonight’s game further adds to a notable scheduling challenge.
12:02pm: Tonight’s Cardinals game against the Cubs has been postponed due to new positive Covid-19 test(s) within the Cardinals organization, The Athletic’s Mark Saxon reports (via Twitter). The new positives dash the Cardinals’ hopes of getting back to the field for the first time since July 29. The St. Louis organization had seven players and several staff members test positive over the course of several days beginning last Friday.
This will be the first schedule interruption for the first-place Cubs, and as has continually been the case, there are potential broad-reaching implications beyond the current series. Future opponents could be impacted — the Cards are set to begin a series against the Pirates on Monday — and depending on the outcome of the remainder of this series, the Cubs could now find themselves with multiple doubleheaders added to the schedule.
The Cardinals announced this week that catcher Yadier Molina, pitchers Junior Fernandez and Kodi Whitley, and infielders Paul DeJong, Edmundo Sosa and Rangel Ravelo had all tested positive for Covid-19. All but Ravelo were placed on the injured list the following day, as was right-hander Carlos Martinez.
F me
Unreal, another series cancelled likely
Anyone else liking the virtual fans? I’m wondering if they may make this permanent? I’d love to see surprise “guests” like former wrestler Tugboat or actor Wally Shawn show up behind the plate
The CGI fans on Fox this Sunday seemed more animated that the typical fan. The fans in most ball parks, look a little stiff.
They need to CGI in fans oh a people fighting for a ball…or aggressively eating what appears to be their 4 XXL grande nachos…or a “Yankees Suck” chant going. You know, the real visuals & sounds of a game
Ha ha that’s me the cubs batting helmet of nacho supreme .
Hate the CGI fans on Fox. We all know there’s no one there – no need to pretend like it’s a packed house on certain shots (while on other shots /replays showing an empty stadium). Cardboard cutouts are fine. That’s at least a fun gimmick that allows fans to “see” themselves on TV.
Chirs, it’s one of those seasons that I can’t get worked up over anything.
I’m fearful some things may become permanent, but for this season, I, like most of the entire country, choose to adapt.
Is the implication of your comment that I have chosen not to adapt?
Chris. No. My implication is things that would bother me in a normal year do not bother me this year.
Agreed Halo – not getting worked up either – and choose to adapt – it is just great to watch baseball again – a hint of what was once considered normal. The World changes (and always has done people) and produces a ‘new’ normal.
Adapt or adopt?
Hello Willie, adapt of course; adopt would be wrong both in terms of grammar and context (am not adopting anything). Adopt being defined by Oxford Languages as:
‘become adjusted to new conditions.’
If they adopt these new rules next season… I won’t adapt. Although, I don’t mind the extra inning rule. But start it in the 12th, not the 10th.
I’m willing to accept “change” but not at the stake of my liberties as a “free” American. Telling me I can’t go to a public park or a ballgame because people with to much money dropped the ball isn’t right, and neither are you if you are a “free” American and your willing to accept these things as the world “changing” so I’m gonna ask the question, why are humans developing virus’s in labs? For our protection, doesn’t seem that way right now. Maybe my perception of the world is slightly skewed, but I don’t think you should accept these changes brought by this man made virus as the world just changed. That’s the train of thought people had during some of the worst genocides and mass murders to have happened in our worlds history. That’s dangerous thinking
Yeah they did that last week with the Astro/ Angel game. If you’re going to that, make it interesting. Have a big brawl in the stands. At least make it entertaining.
Halo Hank. Right.
Have a guy with a MAGA hat being pummeled by a woman with BLM sign.
I just had to laugh at all the things you cold do.
Halo, I LOLed at the MAGA-BLM comment!
Get used to it. CGI players are closer than you think.
That is beyond silly bobtillman
Of course it isn’t. Many fans are stat obsessed; they’d be happy if only the algorithms played. Humans are superfluous and distract from the action.
Agreed. I do like the fake crowd noise, just because it’s awkward watching a silent game. But beyond that, no need to pretend everything is normal.
No reason there can’t be some fans. Even if just 1 to 5 thousand. Forget 6 feet away, heck in can be 12 or 20. Has to be families though that can be seated together. Larger the family more preference for tickets. So parties of 2 or 3 are left out. Sign notarized waviers to avoid legal. Season tickets only so same people come. If you do something stupid you are banned. Seats closest to field are only for team families so they won’t do something stupid. No reason players and coaches families can’t be there at a minimum.
Was it nasa or musk putting those fans in the stands ??
Empty park is perfectly fine.
Players need to stay out of public places and if they need to go to a public place, they need to be smart.
After what has happened, hopefully the other 28 teams have learned.
There is no scheduling problem. Cards need to forfeit those games. 29 other teams adhere to the guidelines.
While I do agree they should forfeit those games, they should not make them have a higher draft pick. Is it really punishing them in a 60-game season to make them lose games but get a higher draft pick in the end? Instead, they shoud make them have a draft pick at the end, or outright take away any first round pick.
Ever heard of tanking?
That’s ridiculous. And so far nobody has been able to prove the rumors to be true.
Great idea, using a team’s draft position to result as a form of punishment to how many games your team causes to be screwed up.
If an outbreak leads to forfeiting than I fear crazed fans and gamblers may make attempts to infect teams. A bad idea imo
You must have saw the Virus Fogger 2000 on Ebay??
Theyll get it under control like the Marlins.. Wow theyre 6-1, can dream right?
Definitely, a good surprise start.
totally on board with being safe, but with each cancellation I become more confused with the purpose of the taxi squad and 30 guys at an alternate site if the solution to every covid-IL stint is to shut down the series. The Marlins debacle has shown us that even amid a clubhouse epidemic, the other team is at very low risk (no Phillies ended up getting it) so constantly canceling games would seem to be an overkill. Just mandate mask wearing by batters and infielders and call it a day.
The issue is whether other players might be infected as well and could potentially infect players from the other team if they go ahead and play the game. If they postpone the one game and run their quick and dirty tests on the rest of the team they might know if they have others and need to postpone the whole series.
I am aware of the issue. I addressed it in my previous post, noting that amid a clubhouse epidemic, no one from the Phllies got sick from the Marlins. Outdoor transmission risk is low, period, much less in a sport in which you only ever get close to the other team at the plate (though that’s probably fine given the C and batter are not face to face, and again, it’s outside) and when holding the runner to 1B. Hence what I said – mandate masks on the infielders and and batters/baserunners.
The bigger issue is the undetected case will infect the remainder of their own team in the dugout/clubhouse if they play a game (thanks to the lack of any consistent distancing there). MLB has to at least slightly pretend to care about their players (and their families etc) enough to not expose them when it’s so likely… plus it would be even harder to field a team if 25 are infected instead of 15.
Plus the home plate umpire would be at risk. And one example isn’t necessarily enough to convince the opposing team to feel totally okay with it.
Which is why I clearly indicate in my comment that masks should be mandatory at the dish, on the base paths, on all umpires and infielders.
I say screw it and play ball. All the snowflakes can go cry.
@cards04 – you’re all heart.
Stop the foolish testing for a virus you don’t even know you have for which there is no treatment and an overwhelming number of positives are false or entirely asymptomatic.
Just cancel the damn season, this is ridiculous.
You have 28 teams that have been pretty clean—how about they play the games with the taxi squads of positive players or just make them forfeit. (and count it as a win towards their draft position standings).
Idiots. This season is ridiculous. It’s not going to be just the Cardinals and the Marlins. I’ll bet anyone a 1000 dollars that other teams will eventually be affected also. You people are so stupid blaming teams. It’s not their fault. It’s the world we live in right now.
Oh great. Here comes the Cardinal homer with his “objective” opinion. Right.
MLB thought they could pull this off having players act like there’s no virus. Stay in their own homes, fly all over the place, stay in hotels, let the refs fly commercial… Yeah, that’ll work.
Shut down the season because a few idiots on two teams decided to go out and play?
Except for a few clowns that couldn’t contain themselves, I’m pretty optimistic.
We all know a player or two on every team will behave irresponsibly in their personal life. The problem is that nobody on any of the 30 teams is distancing or masking consistently enough yet to prevent that one infection from becoming 15. All you have to do is watch a game to see that they’re making elaborate, over-complicated, useless part time token safety efforts that make them feel safe but not be safe.
28 teams have been lucky enough to not have one guy get sick yet, but when they almost inevitably get that one they’ll get dozens. But I’d rather they start taking it seriously instead of canceling the season, personally.
My hope is that players are holding other players accountable.
Definitely not looking good for season competition. What a bummer.
The Cards are going to have to make up these games with a lot of double headers. And they’re screwing the teams like the Tigers and Cubs who also have to have their schedules altered through no fault of their own.
“Games.” 7 innings isn’t a game. It’s a joke.
The cubs and reds rain out is a double header at the end of August. The series is a 3 game series. They should’ve made it a 4 game series. Hate the 7inning DH. I hope its only for this year.
Are official games called after five innings because of rain a joke?
For this year, and this year only, baseball has to adapt.
I understand the point and agree, but for the record, I’ve ALWAYS felt that if it rains after five innings, the game should be suspended and completed later (if possible, of course. If it’s game #162, c’est la vie).
So, in my opinion, yes, a game called after five innings for whatever reason is a joke.
I dont like the 7 inning rule either, but after seeing the list of Double Headers these teams are going to have to play, I now see the need for it, if they are going to get a semblance of a season in. That’s all this will end up being. It will get interesting if they have to schedule double headers in the playoffs, or quarentine one or more teams during it. Do the other teams just all wait?
The Cardinals schedule is changed through no fault of their own as well. We can’t possibly be at the point as a society that we blame people for catching a virus. Something they have ZERO control over. Right?
There are ways to avoid catching this virus, even if someone close gets it. My nephew got it, 18 years old, and because his family practiced safe distancing and hygiene, they didn’t get it even in the same house., Most teams banded together to create protocols, Safe distancing when possible, no outside activities or with others. That it spread to so many players shortly after an off day is sort of odd. They’re off a day and the two days later there are multiple positive results?
If there are ways to avoid the virus than why doesn’t everyone in the US just avoid the virus. I can’t believe how naive people are.
“If there are ways to avoid the virus than why doesn’t everyone in the US just avoid the virus. I can’t believe how naive people are.”
Add “belligerent for belligerence’s’ sake” to “naive” and you actually answered your own question.
If there was “zero control” then a lot more teams would have the same problem. You can’t let the Cards and Marlins off that easy.
If you think this won’t be a problem on a lot more teams by the end of the sixty games, you guys must be living under a rock
Aw, crap.
Should have bubbled divisions,and had East Central & West close-like NY/NY,MIL/WIS,ANA/SD,and didn’t travel as much.
The league put no effort into this. None.
That should read Mil/Min
dave – there was a bubble plan early on talking Mil/Chi
Stop making sense Dave! It might just be contagious.
One positive test – OK – think – send that gentleman home for season.
Recall a body play tomorrow.
Pirates just play Phillies,Nats,Baltimore,Yankees,Mets,Red Sox,Blue Jays.
I just read on MLB.com all the scheduling changes, lots of double headers, and additional changes affecting at least 12 teams. Hope there are no rainouts with all these mental gymnastics.
And this does not include Cards/Cubs cancelled today.
Braves got rained out last night.
One more case, so play the game. They’ve all been isolated for a week. If this was the MLB’s magic plan for a season, to cancel every game for 3-4 teams every time there’s a case, they shouldn’t have started.
A bunch of 7 inning double headers to try to catch up? What a joke.
Maybe they should forfeit games of teams that don’t follow protocols for Covid
MLB had very lax protocols.
The players would not agree to a bubble.
The casino rumor was completely nixed by the casino itself, they require all guests to sign in with a reservation and there is no record there or in the security footage of any players visiting the casino. There is zero evidence beyond rumor-mongering that protocols were broken. StlToday has an article they wrote on the subject
Do you have a link?
This is the article stan’s referencing:
Do you really expect the casino to show their security footage? Really?
I don’t know what is true, but what I do know is if they got it in a casino, you would not see casino security footage. Do you really think a casino would advertise that it’s not safe to visit?
The commissioners memo make it pretty clear the Marlins broke protocol, and just for the sake of “control”. I hope the Cardinals did as well.
Just to be clear, you are advocating for a Cardinal sin?
Strong pun game here
*side-eyes Technically correct*
And yet there’s been zero memos saying the Cardinals did. Who woulda thought.
It’s pretty dang obvious how this entire rumor started. A few Cardinals went to an outdoor concert in a parking lot named after a casino (almost three weeks before this crap FWIW) Someone mentioned it in passing JHJ. He tweets, hey I heard the Cardinals all went to a casino! Rumor started. There’s zero facts behind any of it.
Had a feeling the cards would mess up this series vs the cubs. Cubs should just go to Cleveland.
Ya, darn those guys for getting sick, how dare they!
How dare they go out to the casinos, the highest risk of getting infected with covid
Check out the article on StlToday about the casino rumor. The casino itself nixed it
Maybe that was the Marlins. Either way they didn’t follow protocol didn’t wear masks. Supposedly had scantily clad in their hotel rooms. That could be Miami as well or both
Still nursing homes fella.
meh. Not like the Cardinals were going there. Just give the remaining Central teams a W and move on. So long as MLB is making up rules on the fly..
Give the cubs a sweep.
A sweep? You mean like the Cards did to the cubs last September?
Poor Cardinals feel better. Every game for them will be a doubleheader for all of August. They definitely seem the most affected by Covid-19. Their definitely screwed. At least all the doubleheader’s are only 7 innings this year.
If the cubs/cards series is postponed it won’t be made up. Its the only trip for the cubs to st louis
They will play them in Chicago
I’m starting to think this is a well thought out scheme to save their pitchers arms due to all the 7 inning games they will play now.
Time to vote the Cardinals off the island. Last team standing wins the World Series!
As a Cards fan, I’m fine if they just send the team home til 2021.
Fine with me, as long as they take away their first round draft pick. Oh, and maybe their semi annual‘ compensatory’ pick, too.
So that would mean no Carlson until mid-May 2021 then, right? He’s probably going to need to “work on” something as he readjusts to the grind.
Maybe the series can be salvaged if they can play tomorrow with a doubleheader on Sunday but if not, the Cards will have to make up a whopping 10 games at least, which is 17% of their season!
I don’t wish the season cancelled at all. I think the answer soon must become forfeiting the games. Cubs are the only team since intake to have not a single positive test and now they have their schedule interrupted while on a roll. MLB even reached out to the Cubs for tips how they’ve handled the virus so well.
It’s time we just forfeit the games if a team is deemed out by the virus.
To punish the cleanest club in MLB is not necessarily the way to go.
It comes down to personal responsibility. The players and personnel have to all agree. The Cubs were upfront about a consensus among their players and staff. I didn’t think they were the only team though. Some teams had some before the season, but in season ones seem to be limited to the Marlins and Cards. The season is coming down not to who wins the most but who can stay the healthiest. I don’t want to see the season cancelled but it’s starting to look like they should go that route.
Here is the punishment I would impose, tell fans what protocols players broke, who broke them, and where they broke them.
A little public shaming might be a good thing. Some players who get Covid are victims, some are selfish little jerks.
Tell the fans which are which.
It would be a violation of the HIPAA Privacy Rule to publicly announce anybody who doesn’t voluntarily identify themselves.
AaronSapoznik is completely correct on the HIPAA front. However, I am still not sure how it is any different than when someone pulls a muscle or sits due to a sore back. Teams seem to be required to provide that information, right?
They have to go on the IL Right.
Joe Shlabotnik is on the IL for unspecified reasons but is known to have broke baseball protocol on Monday night by partying in a hotel lobby.
The Joe Shlabotnik reference wins the thread
One more team in the East or the Central has a positive test, things could get really hard to patch back together.
Big if but IF the Cardinals casino rumors are true then MLB botched the rules big time. Last week 2 of the Reds top 5 players (Senzel and Moose)did the right thing and self reported symptoms and sat out 2-3 games for precaution. They were negative and had a cold and food poisoning and their replacements went a combined 0-21 and in effect single handily cost them two games in this shortened season. Then the Cardinals act irresponsibly and they postpone the games to give them a free pass? Makes ZERO sense… again this is under the assumption of the Cards playing acting improperly but if it comes out it’s true about the casino, those postponed games should be losses no questions asked…
I don’t know how they got it and I agree if it was out of seflish irresponsibility the team and players should be punished (forfeits, whatever).
BUT, for what it’s worth, STL Today is reporting the casino rumors aren’t true.
Big if but IF the Cardinals casino rumors are true then MLB botched the rules big time. Last week 2 of the Reds top 5 players (Senzel and Moose)did the right thing and self reported symptoms and sat out 2-3 games for precaution. They were negative and had a cold and food poisoning and their replacements went a combined 0-21 and in effect single handily cost them two games in this shortened season. Then the Cardinals act irresponsibly and they postpone the games to give them a free pass? Makes ZERO sense… again this is under the assumption of the Cards playing acting improperly but if it comes out it’s true about the casino, those postponed games should be losses no questions asked…
Jcmarte23 – good point. Which is why MLB now mandates that players cannot leave hotel or residences during the season. Suspensions are likely in the case of STL – just search Google or Bing to see videos and tweets of players at the casino and partying at local lake.
also herky110 — IMO all these little twinkie IL injuries maybe covering up the virus
I think the earlier Marlins outbreak completely changed how teams and the MLB responded to any positive tests. If the Marlins didn’t have their outbreak, I doubt they would be postponing games over a couple positive tests. Obviously the Cardinals previous outbreak factored in.
Big if but IF the Cardinals casino rumors are true then MLB botched the rules big time. Last week 2 of the Reds top 5 players (Senzel and Moose)did the right thing and self reported symptoms and sat out 2-3 games for precaution. They were negative and had a cold and food poisoning and their replacements went a combined 0-21 and in effect single handily cost them two games in this shortened season. Then the Cardinals act irresponsibly and they postpone the games to give them a free pass? Makes ZERO sense… again this is under the assumption of the Cards playing acting improperly but if it comes out it’s true about the casino, those postponed games should be losses no questions asked…
Sorry for the double post- stupid phone. Ha
With the weekend series cancelled the Cardinals will have to play 55 games in 49 days.
I was just thinking that… and that’s considering ZERO rainouts, etc…
i silver lining of multiple outbreaks is yoy may end up with all teams having ~50-55 games played, eliminating a lot of complaints about teams missing the playoffs with a lower win% but having played more games.
How the hell are they going to have football if they can through a baseball series.
Season is going to get cancelled now
Should not have started. Fauci is a complete fraud.
what does this have to do with Fauci
Yes Dr. Gigorilla I assume?
To GD, I think the point is the Reds would have gladly taken the option to postpone games and do double headers vs surging ahead w/out 2 of their top 5 players and in effect losing two games while being responsible. Whereas, the Cards get that favorable option for doing the wrong/irresponsible thing… again, IF true
Maybe it’s the fan cutouts that passed the virus onto the players!
Goes to show the level of professionalism amongst the STL ball club. Not a surprise to most NL Central fans. Hope the commissioner follows thru on his threat of suspensions for players too irresponsible to follow health & safety protocols!
Just cancel the Cardinals for the season. Their selfishness is unmatched
are they kissing each other? Sorry, sarc, but if no casino, what are these guys doing?
So, why have ataxi squad or an alternate site with extra players? MLB has no idea what they’re doing.
Or, they’re practicing caution. .
But you DO I bet
You mean there has been a rash of Cardinals illness/injury and Alex Reyes hasn’t been involved in it? How is that even possible? He still pitches, right?
He was ready to go tonight! It is very weird seeing him on the roster again, you definitely have a point.
I was actually at the game in Milwaukee in 2018 when he FINALLY made it back to start, and man he looked good in those first couple of innings. I’m still holding out hope he finally finds it and hits the grind running, I guess I’m just a dreamer.
Sometimes I think some players are just destined to be hurt. Reyes was utterly dominate in the minors on his way back up and first game back in the bigs he tore is oblique (if I remember right).
I’m glad Hicks opted out, for his health, and giving him more time to heal from surgery. With Reyes’ injury history I kind of wish he would too. This season has had more injuries, probably due to the interruption of routines. I actually found a chart in a Passan article.
fact is we need more protocols and enforce them better. no dugout or lockerroom use. dont practice to close together. this is not a hard fix.
Look at the undefeated Marlins since they came back. Future looks bright for the Cards.
I’m really impressed there are so many experts on this board (or any board). Everybody knows all the answers that everybody else is seeking. Just impressive.
Why aren’t they using their taxi squad? Wasn’t that the intent?
Most people are clueless. No reason for cameramen to wear masks when nobody is within 100 feet of them. Coaches wear masks which is fine but they are always touching things then scratching their face or adjusting mask. All on players and personnel. Best not to go out in public, if so wear mask and don’t touch your face until hands are washed and don’t touch anything your infected hands touched until next day or disinfected. Yeah it’s a pain to do so no wonder they have cases. Interested in seeing the accuracy of these test data. Unless all 100 or so people on each team do the right things then these outbreaks will keep happening.
These guys buy big houses out past St. Charles and have drinks at the casino after games. People who work at UPS see them (particularly Carlos Martinez) there drinking frequently. There’s a reason the “Covid Casino” rumor is floating around, They used to hangout at Jim Edmonds’ bar and that terrible Irish bar on Market Street, where the Blues players have drinks, but these places aren’t open late enough on weekdays during the pandemic.
As hard as I have tried, I just can’t get excited about baseball this season. I have always been a huge baseball fan and was a high school baseball coach for years. I just wish they would go ahead and cancel the season for this year. I am 83 years old and have been a Cardinal fan for at least 75 years and even named my son, Stan.
Looks like Pirates series coming up also cancelled
Interesting MLBTR closed those comments. Very sad, since this is the big topic of interest.
Cards should have to forfeit all 3 games.
The Cardinals have 2 off days (on paper) the rest of the season. August 27th and September 3rd. Both the Cubs and Pirates have a scheduled day off Aug. 27th. The Cardinals play the Cubs 7 more times and Pirates 4, all 11 on the road. I doubt the Cubs would want to play a double header on the 27th since they have one on the 29th with the Reds. Assuming STL and PIT play 2 on 8/27, One more dh on their only remaining series Sept. 17th -20th, would have the cards playing 3 doubleheaders in 7 days. Four in 11 days and 5 in 16 days with not one day off 24 days and anywhere between 4 and 10 twin bills.
MLB should force the teams that can’t follow guidelines and forfeit the 12 games that have been postponed due to covid.