With COVID-19 infection rates soaring at the outset of baseball’s 2020 relaunch, even a TV-only season seems like a tall order. Nevertheless, Yankees owner Hal Steinbrenner offered a surprisingly optimistic tone regarding the return of fans to Yankee Stadium this year, as George A. King III of the New York Post reports.
“I do expect to see fans in our stadium at some point to some degree,” says Steinbrenner. There are limitations to the vision, naturally. Even the KBO, which has been playing now for some time, has yet to reintroduce fans and will do so on a limited basis when the time comes. Steinbrenner guesses attendance will “be in the 20-30 percent [capacity] range, hopefully, at first.”
Still not sold on the plausibility of that plan? Steinbrenner says it can be pulled off, claiming “it’s definitely possible in the stadium to keep people at a safe distance, wearing masks at those capacities.” And he says the team has already had plenty of promising interactions with New York governor Andrew Cuomo. The state’s top elected official has “been a big advocate to getting sports back on the field and then eventually, when things are safe, to get fans back in the stadium,” Steinbrenner says.
If and when the Yankees faithful are allowed back in the park, they’ll evidently do so in an unfamiliar formation. As you might expect, in addition to being asked to don masks, fans will be expected to spread out. Steinbrenner says that the team has worked with Ticketmaster at “putting a diagram together which would keep everybody at least 6 feet apart.”
First, the Yanks will need to make it through camp and get games underway. The team is mindful of the need to maintain a healthy roster. Steinbrenner says the org is committed to ensuring “that everybody is safe, everybody is keeping their distances and following the protocols” during the second training period.
I don’t think so.Dr. Fauci being interviewed on the BBC said that America is losing the war with corona. And that we haven’t even begun with the second round yet
Of course we are.
The powers that be are telling Americans the roads are icy and dangerous, so drive safely, but people are drag racing and when they crash they are taking people with them.
We could open up some with intelligence, but intelligence among the masses is not very mass.
Yes everyone is unintelligent but you. You are so smart and have all the answers. If everyone just did what you say it’d be a utopia. Throughout history has there been such a predominate amount of narcissists? Have delusional narcissists always existed in such numbers or has the proliferation of social media helped create the imbalance. Chicken or the egg for sure.
Transplanted New Yorker living in the twin cities. Love it out here, serious.
New at MLBTR.
Still figuring out who’s who.
Just wanted to give your post a hat tip.
That’s funny @Twinsfan333, you sure took that personally, no one mentioned your name.
What is it about people absolutely loathing being told what to do by people who are more qualified to make a decision than they are?
So much anti-intellectualism nowadays, dumb people are arrogant about being wrong and smart people are being made to second guess themselves by people who aren’t qualified to even be talking about certain topics. How do we get people to understand the smart people are trying to save your life, not kill you or control you?
No, not just him. He is not “so smart and has all the answers.” But him and people like him (such as I) listen to the experts, because they do know what they are talking about.
Ironic that you hate narcissists, but based on the tone you worship the king of narcissism.
I’ve been sitting at home since March and we’re just starting to have things open back to normal hours. The Midwest decided they were done after three weeks, not three months.
All I hear is you people complaining about your lack of freedoms and yet you can’t be bothered to wear a mask
News flash: nobody likes masks, but it’s either that or lockdown. Just don’t come East and ruin our reopening.
How bout this, I can think for myself and when I want someone’s opinion on how to save my own life, I’ll ask for it.
To be honest, no one cares what you choose to do to yourself. But, please don’t take others down with you!
yes, he doesn’t have all the answers right but he is absolutely right on this!
amen, s4!
There is no qualification for telling others what to do. It’s that holier than thou attitude ppl hate. You just don’t get it obviously.
When ppl have an opinion other than yours you try to shut them down with an education argument. Typical leftist tactic. You guys shut down debate when you do not agree.
We all have the right to an opinion this is America. I might not like yours but you are allowed. You said “aren’t qualified to Even be talking about certain topics”. I guess since we all never played at the mlb we should t talk baseball either huh?
@wiffleball …. like how the WHO originally said it didn’t transmit from person to person? Only to later come out and say it did? Them ppl? Those are the ones who know what they are talking about? Wow. I learned something new today. You can be wrong but still be right. Sweet!
@ Cub, and whoever else holds the every man for himself mentality
What if whether you lived or died depended not on your actions or thoughts but those of the people around you?
Would you rather they sought advice on how they might go about saving your life?
@ War
When you go to the doctor and he/she prescribes something for you to take, do you take it? Why?
There was no known science initially. With what we now know, it’s better to stay safe for the protection of all. Wait until it hits somebody you know. It doesn’t cause death to all but it also doesn’t discriminate. Considering by the time the average person recognizes they have it, they’ve already spread it to countless others. That’s how it spreads so fast and eventually inflicts the elderly and those with pre-existing immune deficiencies. No one has a superseding right to inflict others this way. No one in our lifetime has ever dealt with a disease like this. Why not have a united national plan like so many other countries.
Hey… it’s a step up from engaging in argumentum ad bacalum.
Ya know…”if I don’t get what I want I’ll just burn a bunch of stuff down”.
Crude. Yet kind of effective. Ya know?
I’m actually thinking of voting for the guy who dresses like an unsuccessful shoe salesman because I don’t want to see the city I live in get torched.
How sad is that?
Well if you’re wearing one of those cheap toilet paper masks you guys talk about working so well what are you so scared of? How can you be taken down if you’re following guidelines?
You mean just like the flu or common cold?
Drugs are bad, mmmmk?
It seems Halo11 was referring to thinking similar to The Crito. One of the over- simplified takeaways from that work of Plato(via Socrates) was that: most people are not that smart and fairly selfish. With evolution comes an expansion of the apathy and ignorance, whereas in any one particular topic. we all are ignorant, depending on the selected discipline.
When it comes to topics like public health involving intangibles like being selfless where we wear a mask to help others from sharing our germs…there are many selfish, ignorant Americans.
Ducky, Hope you enjoy the site and temper your expectations in the comment section, there are some insightful ones flooded with many reactionary type of comments.
@Cubguy, this virus requires that we don’t just “save our own lives” on our own terms. It requires we all work together to save each others lives. A unified, across the board approach is our only hope. Think for “yourself” all you want, but do what you’re told by the medical experts if you want our country (and the world) to beat this thing.
Yeah. I pretty much got it immediately. Sadly enough. My first post ever was nuked. It was mildly pro owner.
Half a dozen comments down was “death to anyone who crosses a picket line.”
Which… gross. Just awful. Yet it was allowed to stand. So.
My original comment on this thread was merely expressing some excitement and optimism about a season this year. See where that went. Hopefully, once we have real games again this stuff will lessen.
I’m an incurable optimist, man.
The problem is mass regurgitation of fragments of information, sometimes faulty information, put out by “experts” like Fauci who got plenty of things wrong about coronavirus so far.
(CNN) – A global study has found strong evidence that a new form of the coronavirus has spread from Europe to the US. The new mutation makes the virus more likely to infect people but does not seem to make them any sicker than earlier variations of the virus, an international team of researchers reported Thursday.
For those Americans who’ve already died, at least they can’t get any sicker…
Specific citation please, not random mentions inside parentheticals.
That‘s bad news, isn’t it? A virus with a low mortality rate but that is easily transmitted is bad.
What the title should have said is “The Yankees expect to be spectators in 2020”. I hope I’m wrong with being negative but how many really expect the 60 games and playoffs to be fully played?
@looie, I am afraid that I agree with you. There is no way that having 7 days in a row of breaking the previous days’s record for our daily cases number (with Fauci predicting we may soon be at 100k/day) that we’ll get thru a 60 games season, much less postseason. Not a chance.
League just wants to survive so the playoff TV revenue gets paid.
It’s not a matter of intelligence.
It’s just a very simple form of compassion and understanding that my actions may impact those around me; enduring a minor inconvenience to reduce risk of sickness/death to those around me, and those around them, is a very easy decision to make. For others… you’ll have to ask them.
As the death toll rises and this becomes more and more of a national embarrassment, I will know that I have done my part.
Sure, let’s trust Almighty Doctor Fauci, who makes millions of dollars off his expert scientific views. He is in bed with big pharma and Dr. Bill Gates, two wonderful angels (or masqueraders). We have always had disease. Only now we have hysterical fear, when the death rate is still not significant for healthy people. I will be concerned when something kills healthy people at a statistically significant rate. Until then, it is propaganda for those who like to control weak people.
I’m just gonna say it. You’re a f***ing m*ron.
Wiff, that’s an understatement. Look at Brazil where they took no action, our country where our action was late and not united across the country and then look at Germany.
Keep listening to a guy who has been wrong over and over and over again. You are fu****g m*ron
No Cubguy, YOU are!!!
Exactly why do people keep listening to T and Pence, they have been wrong over and over
I didn’t realize healthcare (especially for a couple of nights in a hospital) is free
You keep mentioning this idea of the death rate and how it doesn’t affect “healthy people.”
60% of American adults have an “underlying health condition.” 78% of american adults older than 55 have an “underlying health condition.”
I don’t know how individuals keep hiding behind this idea of it only being dangerous to “unhealthy people” when being unhealthy is the norm here.
Odds are that you have an underlying health condition.
Old people and people with pre-existing conditions do not have a right to life, evidently.
You still actually listen to Fauci
“Who still takes medical advice from Anthony Fauci???”
…ask people who take medical advice from Jenny McCarthy.
@Forwhomjoshbelltolls…. What’s wrong with taking medical advice from Jenny McCarthy ? Lol
The part where she’s an ignorant moron who knows absolutely nothing, mostly.
The blond leading the blind.
If you don’t like/trust the guy, try listening to literally any other medical professional responsible for dealing with this.
Or are “they” part of the problem too?
Yeah, see…evidently what happened was….
EVERY medical expert and world leader got together in a giant conspiracy to destroy their own economies by pretending there is a virus and the ONLY ones who “think for themselves” enough to see it are the ones who get all of their news from sources owned by the same 3 people.
They also see through all the other conspiracies and hoaxes, like global warming, evolution, gravity, etc.
They know full well that flies grow on meat, “but the media won’t tell you that!”
Now they’re reporting the ‘2nd Known Dog has tested positive for Covid in the U.S. in Georgia’….why are dogs being tested?! Couldn’t report how or why their owners/partners tested………Fear Mongering Reporting no matter where you look..smh
LMAO. Anthony FAUXci.
You can pick up your rations in the boxcar.
Thinking Fauci is enjoying his camera time a little too much
Yea because Fauci doesn’t have an agenda and because the death toll isnt falling. Makes a ton of sense. Believe the media and you can continue to live in your fairy world princess
Dr Fauci also said that Americans don’t need to worry about this virus. There are no experts that can tell you anything about the future of this virus. By August or September we may have a vaccine.
“Hi Cuomo” says Hal. Hal says “look away for a second”. Hal stuffs a bar of gold in Cuomos pocket. Hal says “how about letting us have fans in Yankee stadium”. Cuomo says “absolutely”.
He probably expects at least 6 ws championships while they have gerrit cole as well. Even though they’ll probably lose Judge and Glayber Torres.
Cashman would never let Judge walk and expect to stay welcome in NY
Well then he shouldn’t be welcome I guess. If it was me, I’d trade judge as soon as he’s healthy. You guys don’t need another outfielder who can’t stay healthy.
I like him too dude, but your paying Stanton(who looks like Ellsbury 2.0) for the next decade almost. I wouldn’t pay a bulky tall guy who won’t be playing the field in a few years the money he is going to want to receive. No thanks. You got enough guys rotating in the DH spot. I’ll pay gleyber all day though.
For the record I want Stanton to get healthy and bang 50 homers in that stadium, I think he could if healthy. But I don’t want that risk. Outfielders are a dime a dozen. Most will field better than Stanton and judge as well. I don’t want that many strikeouts In the lineup.
The Yankees can afford a $500m payroll. They have shown they will blow past the tax threshold in the past.
They’ve got way too much money on the books even though judge has 4 years left before he’s a free agent. They don’t have the money to keep Torres and Judge. Personally I think both will walk
@wrek….. ellsbury & Tanaka both make 20….. they are off the books after this year. Most of the high priced relievers aren’t on super long deals either. I can see them sign one of them, but as I’ve said, I hope it’s Torres.
Steinbrenner said this while safely ensconced in his protected mansion. Brave billionaire.
“thoughts and prayers”
I think all the owners hope to have fans at some point.
New York City residents hope their Mayor attends every game.
And the governor’s brother will claim he’s in quarantine sitting on top of the third base dugout.
Cuomo and deblasio are two of the greasiest people in politics
and I mean “greasy” in the way of Trailer Park Boys. Those two are into some truly greasy stuff.
Lahey and Randy style, bud
Too funny Lol watch it with the greasy comments! You know a certain politically minded group of clowns will try to say that’s racist. “You can’t call an Italian American greasy” …… LOL I am shocked because I would think that the person saying that would be you! I guess only a leftist can get away with saying things like that.
Well, I certainly hope so.
But, I’m generally a really optimistic dude.
I certainly appreciate the mindset.
Good to see our country keep moving towards getting back on track.
It’s all uncharted waters. Gotta just continue to adapt as it plays out.
Go MLB season 2020!
You know the season is going end the first outbreak among players right?
Just making sure.
Take in these Spring Training 2.0 games, the few that happen before the big outbreak will be all the baseball we get the rest of this year.
Hey, it’s “death to anyone who crosses a picket line” guy.
I’ll play the “you know _______ , right” game.
As in: you know MLB players were crossing hotel picket lines in 2017, right?
&, no. No I don’t know. Also; neither do you. Uh?
Strawman argument proving you can’t answer my question or feel like you would be a “lesser” person for just admitting you didn’t know? I’d hate you 1000x less if you just owned up and moved on. There’s nothing to be “owned” here, its literally an anonymous comments section. Just trying to inform yall but everyone here gets triggered by facts and harsh truths.
Bro…are you drinking, bro? Like a lot?
I have no idea what you are trying to say lol. But it made me laugh.
So there’s that.
Let me guess…currently unemployed red stater?
Don’t worry little boy, blue states will still be here to bail you out again
Theres been outbreaks. 4 Phillies have it. A reporter said 10 Dodgers have it. Where is the cancellation?
I said “the BIG outbreak”, which is coming.
Also gotta love your source “a reporter said 10 have it” lol go away troll
That reporter was the first to break David Price giving 1k to every LA minor leaguer. He clearly has some sources. “Big outbreak”. Hahaha sure. In March you yelled about how there will be no sports in 2020 and if there is its evil. Now that sports are happening you have to shift to some other nonsense. Just like how Matt Chapman is worth 500 million dollars and the Padres just traded Robert Hassell for Mateo. You’re the biggest troll on here.
How do you account for some states approving fans and others not allowing it?
He’s nuts.
And greedy.
Providing jobs for people is greedy? Odd.
If the Yankees can open safely later this season, are willing to dedicate the resources to make things safer, more power to them. I’ll go in 2021.
I would like to go to a Reds game this year, but would be thrilled to at least watch on tv.
If you only had to worry about fans sitting in their seats, it might make sense to have 20-30% capacity seating. But you also have to worry about restrooms, concessions, entering the stadium (with ticket taking and security checks), and everyone leaving at the same time at the end of the game. Seems risky and a lot of work to establish/enforce the necessary safeguards.
I think concessions and entrances can be handled well. But the restroom situation could possibly be a big hurdle. Limited in number, possibly a site for the highest risk, more difficult to regulate and maintain privacy, yet everyone needs access when they need it. I don’t know what the plan would be.
If the plan is 50 percent capacity in stadium, than only half the amount of usual people will need to take a whizzzz….. problem solved man
Simple solutions from simple people. There are a lot of moving parts when you have 20k+ roaming around a confined space. Think about it for a minute… mentally map out all the potential points of exposure you would go through while performing a simple task like leaving your seat to buy a beer
So you are saying everyone has alway had the opportunity to go anywhere they want throughout the entire history of this country? Think about your response very carefully
No way the Yankee organization could have thought of this. Have you telegrammed Mr. Steinbeaner yet???
This is absurd. Not only is it most likely not going to be feasible from a health standpoint but after months and months of arguing and refusing to pay players because fans wouldn’t be in attendance — how stupid can the MLB be that they would then attempt to have fans at the games and thus opening themselves up for further anger and lawsuits from the players union etc. Like seriously why would they even put themselves in that position — especially now where it doesn’t even seem feasible why anger the players further by saying that you’re planning on it!?!
“Dumb billionaire says dumb thing and everyone has to listen”
Beaches are open and local goverments allowed everyone to protest in hoards. But sure they can’t coordinate fans spread out in some seats.
And the effects of those protests and beach goers continues to develop. While indoors is a bigger worry, this country will continue to be on a rollercoaster until there is unity and one plan for at least the country if not the continent. There’s a reason why the NHL chose two Canadian cities.
One reason being facilities in close proximity.
Why be optimistic and safe when you can just go ahead and act like a braindead zombie instead?
talking about trutraitor and teatraitors?
@jeff zanghi ….. you have a brother named mike? I once knew a Mike zanghi . Former MD state trooper, Good guy….. but a huge ball buster.
I mean, theme parks and zoos are opened back up, at least at baseball games you can enforce social distancing a little better.
Is this guy a delusional trumper?
Looks very dangerous, Indy, you go first.
My House of Ill Repute just re-opened….not sure how they’re going to do the social distancing thing.
OTOH, customers there have been wearing masks for years……
Bob, where do you live and can you provide a rate listing?
Ok Hal, what about when us normal people who aren’t in boxes need to use the bathroom? You know, the one that all the other fans use?
Yeah, no way the owner of a sports team could have known fans use stadium restrooms.
If you have half the fans then you have half the usual amount of people using the bathroom. If it’s fine to stand x amount of feet apart in every store you go in……. then why can’t you do it at a game?
Sit the fans a few seats apart with lower capacity and play ball. But I agree it is rich to hear it coming from a guy who has his own private crapper @the games. I get it.
It doesn’t work that way. People won’t magically appear in their seats and remain seated the entire time. They would still have to travel to the ballpark, walk in, find their seats, all of which requires being in proximity to others. Even if 90% of all the people in attendance follow every possible precaution, the remaining 10% can screw it up for everyone else. Even if seated apart people will be screaming, getting up for food and beer, going to the bathroom, activities which require moving past others. The risk is just too high at this point to consider having hands in the seats. Just keeping the players and staff safe is a daunting enough task, add a few thousand other people and you are making things impossible to manage
He’s delusional
I expect the Padres to win it all in 2020!!!
Oooooooooo Kay…….. lol! And I expect Jennifer Lopez to leave A Rod for me. Come on J LO…… Alex might have a few hundred million on me but he can’t give you a good time like this baby!!!!!!!
I saw JLo, you have a chance if you get taller, better looking, obtain hundreds of millions, and learn look and talk Latin
Talk Latin… what makes you think she would be impressed by a dead language?
hey, he can get all the testosterone he wants now!
My lord, the vitriol. Why do these tiresome arguments need to be played out on every damn comments section on the internet? We all know what side we’ve taken. And we all know we feel the other side is ludicrous. What’s the point in litigating this hamster wheel here?
It’s the internet, that’s why
Yankees faithful lol, there is no Yankees faithful. They are all cowards.
Fans could be in the stands in very limited numbers.
So Mr. Steinbrenner, if everyone has to sit six feet apart, does that include members of your own household? And if not, how do insure that people sitting together actually are members of the same household? What about moving in and out of seating, will that be prohibited and if so will everyone be issued with a relief bag? And what are you going to do, make everyone enters the stadium sign a waiver that they won’t hold you responsible if the plan doesn’t work? It all makes so much sense, until you think about it.
When you go to a game your ticket is a waiver for being struck by foul balls. They can easily add illnesses to that list. Besides proving you got COVID at a baseball game would be impossible to prove. Setting up seats so people can enter and exit the rows is not exactly the hardest thing to do in the world. We built a nuclear bomb in 1945. Im pretty sure we can work around what you said in 2020.
Nope. First of all, waivers are not a shield against liability, not by any means. The teams have been extending the foul ball netting for a reason, and the reason is they have been paying out big money on these claims. Second, it is far from impossible to demonstrate the origin of spreading. It’s called “contract tracing.” Maybe you’ve heard of it? It’s been all over the media. Third, any seating rule created has to be obeyed, and if it isn’t obeyed, enforced. Good luck with that especially with a crowd of thousands. Finally, you didn’t even attempt to answer my question about household groups. It’s a tough one, isn’t it?
So… part of this problem is science, but the other part, the much harder part, is human behavior. And what have we seen about human behavior in this pandemic so far that gives you much hope?
Bottom line, wishful thinking isn’t a plan.
Rays fans have been social distancing for years.
Don’t know about the rest of the country, but NYY and NYM have an uphill battle. NYS has ~2x the per capita death rate of worst country in the world- Belgium. Putting covid patients into nursing homes was a death sentence. NYC has ~3x per capita worst in the world. Social distancing works, but they kept the subway open and made the trains smaller so people were on top of each other. Mayor now won’t let Contact Tracers ask is infected people were at protests. This total lack of common sense will make it hard to run the business of baseball.
New cases in NY after the protest, have gone down.
Dude you don’t live anywhere near NY do you? NY at the moment is in a much better position than the rest of the country. The numbers you quoted, though likely correct, are not representative of the current situation. The city through a lot of shared sacrifice and effort was able to get things under control. The subways were closed at night for cleaning, they did keep them running as much as possible because so many of the essential workers needed them to get to and from work.
Well ‘bro’ not so sure about the shared sacrifices in NYC. People who had to work did so. True front line people chose to and really deserve Everyone’s respect ! Lots of others just ran away if they had the means and/ or opportunity. Everyone else hid out at home till the pestilence died away bc there was no metaphorical lambs’ blood to mark the lintel. That’s not sacrifice- it’s survival.
I live in a neighboring state where people ran to and drove the death rate per capita to 120+% more than the worst rate for any country in the world. NJ, NY and CT have rates of 1700, 1650 and 1200 per million ( source Statistica as of 6/29) with Belgium at 800+. Point of information TX, Az and FL have per capita death rates of
90. 240 and 170 as of 6/29.
Infection rates and cases are climbing in TX, Fl, Az and CA. The information that we are being given is full of holes about the qualitative nature of the new cases. Surely it’s driven by both more testing and opening up businesses. Irrespective there is a world of difference between Knowing that only 10% of deaths are for people under 55 yrs. and how you manage for different parts of society. Any plan has to allow for that large section of the population under 55 yrs. to support their families.
The damage gets done when people distort the Facts – you, the media, politicians etc. People see through every instance when the facts don’t fit the narrative. Keep Walmart open, but close Kohls. Home Depot good, but Mom and Pop shoe store bad. Don’t be outdoors at the beach, but mass protests/ riots (both outdoor gathetings) are critiqued differently. That’s when people stop listening- when it doesn’t make common sense.
This is a damn serious situation that calls for transparency and collective responsibility. Read – wear a mask, socially distance, wash your hands and protect the vulnerable.
Don’t hide information by forbidding asking if someone was at a demonstration. That mind set hurts everyone. And as I originally pointed out- NY teams are working in an area that has had post poor results. Worst in the world bad. They have some real challenges. Not exclusive ones but one that might affect the amount of entertainment and distraction that a baseball season can bring us.
When will people see through Faucis corrupt smile and realize our death toll is falling. Cases can go up for any disease without people even having symptoms. It’s called juicing the stats baby. Bunch of nut jobs
Thank god there are medical experts like you around to set it straight for the rest of us
The leaders approach, wear a blindfold
I just spoke to a nurse in Las Vegas that said get your PPE now, as they fear for tomorrow. The hospitals are testing and admitting so many new patients they are worried about what’s to come.
That’s my words of advice, get ready now, be more cautious, things will get worse.
Here is the truth in the masks: rednecks feel emasculated when people who have more formal education tell them to do … anything – including wear a mask. “You thank yer better n’ me? Dey took arrrr jobs!” That’s all this is about.
Why can’t a dialogue exist?
Is there a reason to jump straight to an inflammatory & inaccurate stereotype?
That is doing a disservice to all of us.
I’m college educated. I did well in OCS. I provide jobs. If you are keeping score at home that’s a three strike K.
I resist applying sweeping generalizations to people who disagree with me. I do see the temptation. However, that would do no good.
Not to mention it’d be off base many times.
Right now, I strongly believe, finding common ground is really important.
I mean… you do you. But the approach you are taking is really unhelpful.
Ya know?
I imagine yankee stadium will be filled with the remaining three people in the universe who still haven’t figured out that our precedent is nothing more than a dung heap.
“Underlying condition”…it’s a shame people stereotype that and assume it means the victims who have died were all on their deathbeds or near the end of their lives.
I’m 57 and have what was once considered a deadly “underlying condition”: asthma. My family doctor sat me down at 16 in front of my mother and told me, “Live your life like there’s no tomorrow because you probably won’t see 30.”
Forty one years later, two kids, married for 30 years and having operated two small businesses for three decades, I STILL medicate daily for my “underlying condition”.
I work with the public in a face to face, hands on manner, half of whom probably feel this is all bunch of crap and think wearing a mask is stupid.
People with “underlying conditions” have as much right to survive as those who don’t. Many of “us” have paid into social security through our work histories longer
I let this go for awhile wondering of any of the brutal know-nothings on this board would have the cajones to respond to someone in your situation. No surprise, it was greeted with a cricket symphony.
Take care and be well. Keep in mind that even if some people can’t find it in themselves to care about their fellow human beings that a majority of us do.
…longer than most of the conspiracy theorists and individuals who are risking the lives of those around them have been alive.
Will I die if I contract covid-19? I don’t think so. Will my asthma be forever worsened an my life compromised due to worsened breathing capabilities if I contract it? Most probably. Will anyone who is infected others care or support me, my wife or my family in the future if I am unable to return to the same quality of life? Absolutely NOT.
People who haven’t been effected in any way by this simply can’t comprehend just how bad this thing is or what the long term effects (physically and mentally) sufferers will endure.
One person’s right to live is not more important than someone who has “underlying conditions”.
How do you social distance when people pass your seat going to and fro their seat? Or vice versa when you leave your seat? Even with just 10 thousand fans, everybody will space 6 feet in the concourse areas? Good luck. Do people enter and leave the stadium in stages? What about the lady toilet lines? They usually run 40 deep. That’s 240 feet with social distancing. Steinbrenner is on glue.
Yes go yanks
Fans make it exciting