You may have noticed recently that we’ve closed the comments section on MLBTR posts relating to COVID-19. I’ve taken this temporary measure because the discussions have too often become toxic. Moderating arguments in the comments is not a good use of time for our writers.
We plan to take a few days to amend our commenting policy and our system for enforcement, and then we’ll re-open comments on most posts. In the meantime, the comments are open on this post, and I’d appreciate your feedback and ideas.
I’m 100% okay with comments being off on any COVID19-related post. Plenty of other posts for us to comment on.
Keep doing great work and keep those writers busy doing more important things. 🙂
+3 strikes you’re out!
+4 take your base!
Agreed. Thank you.
That sums it up perfectly.
Great decision by MLBTR! I also want to applaud all the writers for continuing to put out content during this time. I have a ton of respect for the Athletic. Yet there are days MLBTR is putting out better content than one of the best paid sites out there.
I also enjoy reading most of the comments. However, there are a handful of individuals that spew their respective ‘agendas’ on just about every post. It’s sadly ruining it for all of us. It’s really a shame.
Keep up the great work! This site has been a welcome relief during this crazy time period we are all in.
thanks for this. it is the right move.
@snoopy369 perfect comment. Strongly agreed. They really should close up THIS thread after that one, hahaha
Concur, leave the garbage for Twitter and Facebook.
I agree in principle but I also think some of the posts that are Covid related also have things people might want to discuss baseball related. For example a post today about the Brewer’s players who tested positive — before I knew the comments were off — I had tried to comment on why one of the players had yet to make the Majors given how well he’s pitched so far in the minors. So I think the better solution (though maybe more difficult and if so… sure no comments at all is okay… as you said there’s plenty of other articles to comment on) but if possible… I would say the better solution is for the rule to be ‘baseball only’ related comments on such articles. There’s no need for arguments and hatred towards anyone/group about things not related to baseball. there are other places for that. But some of the ‘Covid-related’ posts… also have baseball related elements that at times are certainly worth discussion without getting into any political or hateful ‘off-topic’ rants.
I applaud this SO MUCH.
Good call guys
just think, any day now the off-season will begin
It hasn’t been easy but by default the trophy goes to me. Wish me luck.
Man, it’s just a piece of metal anyway.
hello Tim! thanks for all the work yall do on here.
There is also the option of continuing to close comments on COVID posts as a policy, though on some days, that’s most posts. Most alternatives do involve our writers and myself spending more time on moderation.
Unfortunately I can see you closing comments more regularly going forward.
No other way to manage people who log in with new credentials daily …just to spew their hatred and animosity.
Ironic that: Making all that noise about a team changing its name, for example, while several are almost immediately recognizable even with a different name-of-the-day themselves.
Yeah let’s not waste time on the trolls and those who feed them. Thanks for continue keep us fans in the loop and finding creative ways to push out new content! Much appreciated!
I’m not sure what to tell you. I don’t know why most people are here and what drives their interest in the site. I care about the news. If you had no comments, this would still be my top baseball website. I can’t remember the last time I went to or or any of the sports news. sites to look at baseball news. They are all wire service and narrow original content that will be picked up here if it’s interesting. And, I don’t follow baseball news through social media beyond having this site in my Facebook feed to let me know when something has been posted. Perhaps, I’m unusual and most of your readers come get into flame wars in the comments. As for me, I wouldn’t miss them. Some threads are interesting, but too many devolve into nonsense. DO what’s best for the site. I certainly don’t want you and the staff to have to waste time moderating comments. If you decide to close most posts to comments because of COVID-19 and politics, I’m fine with that. Thanks for being here.
no comments on COVID19 articles is 100% good with me!….I’ve never met so many medical experts on a baseball site anyways sheesh…
Im fine if its closed for every covid related article. Save the comments for twitter. I do agree. Everything has become political and mlbtr does not need to be that way
Good. It’s become a political topic instead of a health related topic. Baseball should not be political.
Jackie Robinson says “Hi.”
While playing baseball, for the most Jackie Robinson just played ball.
That’s why he was chosen. Not only for his talent but his ability to control his impulses.
His participation in MLB was political nonetheless, and I’ll defer getting into any argument about whether Jackie’s ability and/or willingness to try and not make white people uncomfortable is something that we should be aspiring to in 2020.
The day they stop playing the national anthem and stop putting flags all over the freaking place I’ll agree. But for now it is grossly political – when some idiot thought it was a good idea to play an American song (America the beautiful I think) during the 7th inning stretch at a Jays game in Canada is the point I threw up my hands in disgust. Want to go coo-coo for your flag? Fine. That is what nation vs nation tournaments are for. MLB games are clubs vs clubs – cheer on your team, but nationalism is irrelevant.
As to COVID – how the heck did you guys make a public health thing into politics? Seems one side down there is determined to be pro-virus (no masks, no social distancing, open everything, etc.). As a Canadian I look at it and go ‘what the heck is wrong with you’? Our furthest right wing and left wing governments (federal/provincial) all agreed on the need for action and the need for masks. All parties have complimented each other during this nightmare. Before it they were cats and dogs with each other, not unlike down there, but have pulled together to get through this mess.
What you have to understand is that in America, you can spread lies, call them “opinions,” and then claim you’re being censored when private organizations refuse to spread your lies. It’s a little something called FREEDOM and we all know you pinkos up north would give anything to ditch your socialized medicine and die in the land of the FREE.
Oh yeah, who wants to be able to go to a hospital and not leave with a $1 million bill, or to be able to choose your doctor (yes, we can). The ability to lie with no consequence in the US blows my mind – your founders specifically said that freedom of speech did not include the ability to yell fire in a crowded theater yet I seem to hear people down there doing that daily. Especially politicians. Sigh. At least I’m saving a lot of money by not going to the US anymore.
Can you sponsor me for immigration if Canada (or any other western country) lets Americans in again?
I second this. Me too please!
Thank you. Keep MLBTR great.
Keep comment section closed for COVID-19 related articles.
As far as the Indians name change, only have a poll available if you want readers to contribute in a way
And a tip of the hat to MLBTR for keeping us current on who is opting out. seems to have a certain reluctance to cover the topic.
Because has no interest in covering baseball. They only have interest in PR and clicks. I would know. I use to work there. It was shocking how little baseball the people who wrote and ran the website knew about the sport they were covering.
yes, like writing playing pitcher, or playing catcher. also like using the word, as do some on mlbtr, coveted.
I understand your rationale to shut it down, but I’ve noticed the “toxicity” is present in a great many more instances than COVID – 19 – related posts (e.g. DUI stories, political correctness, etc.). Have you considered shutting down the Comments section period?
It’s certainly crossed my mind, but overall I think before COVID the comments on most posts were fine. I do think we need to continue closing them on matters of domestic violence as a site policy.
Please don’t close the comments section. MLB did that and I lost contact with quite a few friends I had made on the Dodgers website. Talking to Ken Gurnick once in a while is okay but it’s not the same at all. And in this time of being home bound, the comments section is one of the reliefs in life right now. Please, if you need to hire a moderator, I’ll contribute, just leave the comments open on baseball. Thanks.
Consider separating the articles from the chat, and just have a “forum” with volunteer moderators – I’m sure you could drum up quite a few of them. Then have a thread automatically created from each article, but not explicitly linked on the article page. That would be easy to do, would allow those who are serious to continue discussing, but not have to worry about “regular” readers having to be troubled with it.
@bill skiles/@snoopy369 above.
Both really constructive comments and suggestions, and I agree with you Bill especially about the MLB site literally slamming the door shut. I lost constructive comment about the A’s because it was a smaller board (in old skool speak) and we’d chat via the board throughout a game. I then moved on to MLBTR.
I do think many posters below the line could self sensor better. I have repeatedly failed on this one, specifically yesterday it was suggested that I was homophobic. I’m not, but re-reading my comment today, I made a bloody good attempt.
I’d support closure on anything related to Covid. Whilst it is inextricably linked now politically, whilst it affects every dialogue, baseball needs to have some sort of season. There is still $3-4 billion out there to the owners and it is a great opportunity to market digitally and to learn and thus ensure a safe 2021 season.
A few incoherent points follow…. (or at least ill connected but I’m racing on my hippo Granville across the swamp jungles of north London in the 20:00 at Hampstead this evening and he’s a bit antsy in stalls right now… )
1) You’ve got a great site which has a lot of intelligent contributors (all those above the line) most of those below it. You have a market for the site.
2) You need to sell advertising to keep a really good site alive. B*tch-slapping below the line doesn’t help. The recent contributor (who’s name I forget, but expert in negotiation and conciliation) got drowned out after two really intriguing articles. That was a shame for all of us.
3) The more you MLBTR guys contribute above the line and the less you have to fanny about below the line, the better the content.
Team MLBTR below the line contributors:
1) The day we make this a chore for those writing above the line is the day that we’ve contrived to really mess this site & its forum up and we’ve all lost..
Take care….
I’d hate to see the comments closed. It wouldn’t drive me away from the site, because I love what the writers do here. It’d absolutely impact my enjoyment to an extent, though, because I enjoy talking baseball with other fans in the comments.
It’s just a slow time because there’s no actual baseball. The bulk of the stories are going to be COVID related, which will naturally elicit opinions. There are commenters I agree with, and quite a few I don’t. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, however. I don’t read comments and come away mad.
There’s also the hide comments button, for those wishing to avoid it.
Thank you, Mr. Dierkes.
I appreciate your website and trying to keep the message boards as clean as you are able to. I’ve been on message boards of other sites in the past, and this is the only website I will be a part of now.
Keep up the great work.
Thank You.
Hmmm, it could be the population of those who comment on this board. Hoopsrumors doesn’t have this issue. Wonder why?
To be fair theres like 20 posters on Hoops
You couldnt get a heated discussion if you turned up the thermostat in there
Have to give props over there though, they do a great job, especially Luke Adams
Is there any chance you could add a block or hide option so we could avoid those who want to make your pages so toxic?
It could be useful to add the ability to mute certain commenters. I’ll look into it.
Tim, most of the flamethrower comment are coming from Bots on overseas servers. it is my understanding that there is software available that will prevent Bots from hijacking your comment sections.
No, that’s not true. We see the country of origin of the comments and they are definitely U.S. and human. has the option for people to mute posters and you never have see their posts or replies. i will have to check to see which forum they are using. Viafoura is what they have
Tim Dierkes
Please, Please, Please. I’m sure there are some people who don’t like reading what I have to say and I’m sure there isn’t anyone who likes reading the posts of two or three frequent users of this board.
Blocking is a good thing. I think most of us can do a very good job of editing your comment section by blocking certain users that provide little to no value.
Halo you have real, genuine baseball takes whether people agree with them or not. That shouldn’t compel someone to block you.
Bit if it does compel someone to block you, just you personally, do you really care? And I read many of your comments – I don’t always agree – but I can see where most of them are coming from & they’re well constructed.
Most of my comments are 3/4 inane, 1/4 serious, but if someone doesn’t want to read what I type – I can’t blame them
UK – blocking me is fine. I’m sure at least 20 posters want to block me. That is fine. I am more tolerant than they think. I know I wouldn’t want to block guys who can carry a real baseball conversation.
Just keep them off for any post not regarding a real sports story. There’s no need having one or two people start a big war in the comments about their political views or their COVID views. This is a sports website.
The issue with this is that COVID stories ARE baseball stories. Many sports stories this season have become political discussions (name changes, players supporting BLM, players testing positive, players wearing masks).
If only my friends group chat could be retroactively disabled. Good idea all around. Unfortunate that it has to be done
I’m fine with you just closing comments on covid related posts.
Totally agree the comments have become too toxic. Stopped looking at Facebook because of folks becoming too political and nasty. Let’s be civil and respect each other when we comment even if we disagree.
How very American of you to limit people’s freedom of speech. You have a tremendous backbone and tolerance for difference of opinion.
You don’t know what freedom of speech is. A common malady among people with a certain mindset.
Imagine telling a small business owner how to run their business, instead of just going to a different business. The caucasity.
I’m not sure I’ve ever heard nor seen that term – how very appropriate! I will steal that and use it liberally! Thanks
How very American of you to not understand the first Amendment.
We need to teach Civics in school.
I’m sure you’re speaking with a degree of sarcasm and I’ll support the right of any individual when it comes to free speech. Regardless of what their views are. I don’t believe by forcing free speech “underground” for pollical correctness sake you achieve anything.
But this is a baseball site. Can we stick to that?
That was a sarcastic comment to get a rise out of people, and it apparently did. People get so butt hurt about everything. Obviously people can’t put context to typed words, so they jump to conclusions. @baseballpun is one of the butt hurt people who don’t get sarcasm.
*says something stupid*
*gets called out for saying something stupid*
*claims it was just sarcasm/a joke*
A cycle as tired as it is disingenuous.
Just like your president, 45 @baseballpun. I’m sure you’ve never said anything sarcastic or stupid. Oh wait, all of your comments are stupid. You don’t understand sarcasm. Now please go take a long walk into the ocean.
If you think 45 is my president, you need to work on your reading comprehension.
45 is the President of the USA. Even I hate the guy and think he’s a POS, but he’s the president. You need to work on your understanding of the American political system of you think he’s not.
I would like to see the ability to opt-out of having the comment section displayed.
The comments are becoming more and more negative, cynical, bitter, mean spirited, dis-heartening, etc.
There are kids on this site because they are interested in baseball. Unfortunately, the experience has taken a nose dive because of the negative commentary. As a parent, I no longer want my kids on this site.
I’m not saying eliminate the comment section. Please give us an option to block it out.
I like to peruse the comments for some additional, intelligent footnotes. Some team fans provide background or nuance to a national story about a player or team. It is tiresome to run across the troll who feels they have a right to expose everyone to their racism or conspiracy garbage. So an on/off switch on the comments wouldn’t be as helpful in my case.
I am fine with closing comments to combustible issues like domestic violence and COVID. I’m not a “keep politics out of articles and comments” by any means, but racism isn’t politics. Denialism isn’t politics.
MLBPA bargaining is a great example. Supply siders vs. labor siders – I straddle that fence, and like to get a smattering of reasoning in regards to ‘making a profit’ vs. ‘small window to max out salary’. Politics is inherently baked into that conversation.
It depends somewhat on what device you use to view MLBTR, but ignoring the comments entirely does not seem too difficult if that’s your preference.
Ignoring comments for me personally is not my issue. The issue is for my 14 year old and 7 year old being drawn into all the negative commentary and mean-spirited world views.
Not saying shut it down… just saying I would like to have the option of shutting it off.
Are your kids not smart enough to figure out how to turn the comments back on if they did give an option on settings to turn the comments off? And how are you gonna shelter your kids from those horrible negative comments when they are said in the real world? No wonder our society is so mentally and emotionally weak
Isn’t the theme of this thread about trying to stick to baseball?
Agree that it’s a big nasty world out there, but as a father I have a right to censor what my kids view on line, and that doesn’t make me or them emotionally or mentally weak – it makes me the discerning adult in the relationship.
Which is what I’m there for – some of the time – designated driver – breadwinner
I think this is what I most wish for.
this isnt a limitation of freedom of speach. for one, they don’t need to open comment sections at all, and two, its not like they are actively removing messages to spin a narrative or something. the writers are simply trying to keep things civil.
I disagree. He just said they will start banning people who think that COVID is a hoax. That is the definition of one of the left’s favorite terms – bigot. The argument that people are going to form an opinion on COVID through “misinformation” on this site is ridiculous.
By the way, I do not believe it is a hoax. I believe in open conversation and not censoring people because they disagree with you.
“COVID is a hoax” is an easily disprovable piece of misinformation. One that is pretty harmful. Most platforms have some sort of filter for false stories and people spreading fake info. Careless not to. Idk why you would want to fight against that
I believe people have a right to their opinion even if you don’t agree with it. Should we remove the National Enquirer and similar books from grocery checkouts because of their spread of “misinformation?” This is the internet… it’s full of misinformation.
“COVID is a hoax,” is not an opinion.
So why are you arguing against the owner of a privately run website trying to stop the spread of misinformation on their website? As the above person said, “Covid is a hoax” is not an opinion.
The National Enquirer may not be a great model to emulate, give their wikipedia a read sometime. Terrible companies will do bad things. That doesn’t mean that no one should care
Harmful to whom?
For those who come to comments for “news” – well, let them. What’s the hurt? You really can’t fix stupid!
Although Covid itself is certainly not a hoax, a whole LOT of Expert opinion has been unreliable.
The ONE important number is the deaths, yet even that is manipulated as some states count a death as from covid if the decedent tested positive positive although he/she might be suffering from Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer!
@amc. You don’t see the difference between a privately owned business editing it’s OWN comment section to filter out false information (let’s just call them opinions for THIS discussion) and someone shutting down the Enquirer from the outside of THAT business? A business owner can edit or filter there own comment section. Pretty sure business owners rights matter too.
funny, the right uses bigot all the time, when they don’t like being “censored” (not actually being censored, but correctly being informed they can’t cram their fairy tales down people’s throats).
but you keep telling yourself it’s a left issue.
You need to get the political comments under control, Tim.
You’ve made a good start with this post and closing comments on certain posts. COVID 19 should not be a political football, but that’s what it has become.
All you can do is moderate, delete political posts, warn the poster and suspend or ban them if it continues. People get the message pretty quickly.
@ Patrick above
Again, I read your posts with interest because they’re well constructed.
However it’s not pragmatic to expect MLBTR to moderate each and every post. For starters it’d be the road to madness (reading recent dialogue) and secondly that’s not the point of the forum.
Mate – simply – MLBTR need to provide content and sell space. If we all hinder that we’re not doing anyone any favours. Not criticising you personally, directly, but the simpler the approach the better.
I think it is a good idea too close covid comment and I think it would be a good idea too close comments to any name change posts as it could provoke bad comments to. I just want to say thank you for the hard work you do.
So we can’t have a discussion about team name changes? Why?
I don’t believe the Indians should change their name, for the record. I can argue that point civilly, without offending anyone. I believe most here could articulate their views, wherever they fall, much the same.
When you limit discussion, you stunt growth and progress.
Whoa, go easy with those words. I said something very similar here the other day and was quickly branded a racist and bigot by commenters instead of having any actual discussion on the matter.
You just subjected us to 7 political, non-baseball ideas, and you haven’t been censored, banned, or enslaved.
I fully support turning the comments off for posts that won’t lead to a baseball discussion, but I really hope you guys can find a way to keep the comments on for the rest of the posts though. Outside of a few select commenters that just want to anger people, I get a lot out of discussions with other fans. It’s nice to be able to talk with people outside of my normal bubble to get a sense for how the rest of the teams and their fans are daring throughout the year.
Unfortunately nothing right now will lead to baseball discussion until baseball is being played. Baseball being played has become a political discussion. Whether they should even be playing angle due to health risks or just how both sides are preparing for next CBA. The only thing both sides agree on is treating the fans like garbage. Ticket prices, Astros scandal,steroid scandal. The 94 nonsense.
Nice post Stan…
Why not just get rid of the comment section completely? Every article has the potential to “devolve”. Its more about the individual posting than the specific topic. Picking and choosing which subjects are potentially controversial or worthy banning comments seems like a fruitless endeavor.
Commenting builds the community, which fosters click-backs.
The message boards are a good draw for this website. The content of this website is strong, but adding the ability to talk shop about these articles is a nice touch. You will always have your trolls, but unless they get way out of hand, the troll comments are just part of the price of doing business on any message boards.
I think limiting the comments is doable, but it’s easy for me to say because I’m not one of the moderators.
On a separate subject, it looks like the Sox are at home against the Twins on Opening Day (the 24th). I’m looking forward to watching some baseball again.
@83sox94win05 I agree it will be nice to see. Should be an interesting year. I do miss the those old Chisox slow pitch softball teams. Konerko, Thome, Dye, Crede. Even though Konerko must have hit 100 HRs against the Twins. Buehrle and Danks finishing 2 hour complete games. And of course Ozzie…good times. Lets hope 2020 can be half as fun for our clubs.
I think there’s a pretty clear pattern of which posts will devolve.
maybe you should consider focusing exclusively on how fat Pablo Sandoval has gotten for a while. that conversation will start classy and stay that way…
Covid stories, name change stories– even BLM stories– these are all stories that are important to baseball in 2020. I would vote to keep comments closed on ALL stories. I really don’t care what the dim witted masses think about them, and it’s terribly depressing to see such simple minded folk allowed access to a computer to spread their ignorance.
Aww if that’s what’s terribly depressing in your life than you either have a very easy life or you are extremely weak minded
Wiffle – again I don’t agree with every word you type, but as a poster who writes coherently you’re basically voting not to type with discretion (which you do) but to gag yourself?
Whilst we’d all prefer to hear from those that write constructively, coherently, I think you’ve got to take a bit of the rough with the smooth.
For God’s sake help me out here because otherwise I’m ostracised in a nation that thinks EPL is manna from heaven and a steal home is robbing from Grandma’s purse….
(A steal home is of course finding one of grandma’s home grown reefers hiding under her Cleveland Artichokes (new name) hat…)
I am a fan of more active moderation. Moderators making occasional appearances in threads to remind posters of the rules and why certain posts are being deleted helps a lot in my experience. I know this sounds like more work, and it might be at the start, but in the end I believe regular reminders result in fewer discussions running competely off the rails.
Person, I’ve got nobody to debate baseball with in person, so these message boards are the only way I can do that. I’m guessing many others feel the same.
The first “person” was supposed to be personally, oops lol
If you’re looking for other outlets I’d suggest trying blogs of your favorite team. That’s usually where you can find the hardcore fans who just want to talk baseball.
There’s another problem: you can’t “debate” anyone without a moderator present, and this site’s mods don’t do exactly what a debate moderator would do.
Join a debate club who use official moderators and set all the topics to baseball, then you can chat it up all you want.
Get rid of all the comments section lmao dude i think buzzfeed or vice news might be more to your taste gtfo
I guess I’m in the minority, but I oppose turning off the comments. For those that don’t like them for a story or a particular set of stories, don’t read them. No one is forcing you to. Otherwise, if someone makes a post that is objectively offensive/completely out of bounds, etc., ban them from posts. I guess they can log in under a new name, but are people really going to sign up with new accounts over and over and over again? I doubt it. Also, make it clear that there is to be no political commentary.
I do think that sometimes people have too thin of a skin. There is obviously the potential for, again, objectively offensive/improper commentary. But simply disagreeing with someone doesn’t make a post offensive or wrong.
I’m with you, beyou02215. People are too quick sometimes to toss out the word “toxic”, when in reality it’s merely something they disagree with. The line is pretty easy to distinguish.
I don’t think it’s a great idea to report every player with COVID. At the beginning of the pandemic, every case was reported with age/sex/county/etc., but even the news started to realize the folly of that.
IMO, it’s newsworthy only if a player is hospitalized, or at serious threat of missing games, or maybe a big name. Also, it’s eye-opening to see how relatively few players are infected among the thousands in the league, and how virtually none of them will experience anything beyond an inconvenient quarantine and some mild symptoms (if that).
I’d like to hear more optimistic reporting. Which teams are looking to allow fans? What measures would they take to do it safely? Just report the facts, and then let the reader decide whether it’s a good/bad idea.
I don’t agree. I do think players with COVID is newsworthy.
I actually think a comment like yours – trivializing COVID – is a type that we’re not going to allow.
But he isn’t trivializing it. It is accurate that as of now it a small minority of players who have tested positive and the vast majority of people who get have mild or no symptoms. This is accurate information. Of course it is worse for some, but that doesn’t make him wrong.
And there you go, trivializing it. Jeebus.
This is problematic because what we do not have in the MLBTR comments is a sober recitation of indisputable facts. We have people talking as if they are Freddie Freeman’s doctor.
Your being biased again Tim. You’re considering punishing a comment you don’t agree with. He didn’t say anything negative at all. You can’t fairly moderate of you can’t keep your own opinion out of it.
I’m sorry but this is absurd. How on earth is he “trivializing COVID”? Everything he said is 100% factually accurate. I would agree that there are more serious concerns surrounding older coaches and managers around the league, but his post only addressed the players.
If this is the type of subjective and entirely arbitrary “moderation” you intend to implement, it’s probably better just to ban all comments entirely, at least on COVID-related posts.
Yeah, the writers views on all of this certainly comes through quite clearly, which sadly is the kind of thing we can’t seem to avoid in the media anymore.
But trivializing? I did nothing of the sort. This is still a very serious issue for a certain segment of our population — one that includes people very dear to me. But it’s simply a fact that the vast majority of people — particularly younger, otherwise healthy people — get over it without much inconvenience at all.
I strongly suggest that you do not dismiss people for being realistic about the facts, and especially for seeing things differently than you do. That’s why media are collapsing all around the world.
So, it’s not that I need all of our readers to share the same opinion as me on the seriousness of COVID or how knowable that is right now.
The offering of COVID-related medical opinions on individual players is problematic. Particularly for me when someone is dismissive as to how it might affect that individual or those they’ve been in contact with.
As to commenters debating the seriousness of COVID in general, it’s not something I’m too interested in hosting on MLBTR. People have different sources for their “facts” and as I said elsewhere, misinformation flies around easily.
My comment got deleted?
I didn’t really think it was trivializing it. It’s not like he said “COVID is nothing we have to worry about. It’s a harmless disease nothing more than the flu”, nor did he act like that the player’s familes weren’t affected at all if said player caught the virus. He said that only a small percentage of players have tested positive so far, and that and most of them will individually suffer relatively mild symptoms. Then just said that he would like to see more reporting of if and what teams are allowing fans, and what saftey mearues they would take. There’s nothing controversial about that.
So youre going to define what trivializes a virus with a 99.9 survival rate? Lol great. Get over yourself dude.
Tim – Really? In no way did he trivialize coronavirus. You, like commenters on here, try to silence those of us with an opinion in conflict with yours. When someone says something you disagree with, you pull the plug on their ability to share their opinion and the supporting data as they interpret it.
I think Renbutler has been pretty spot on with his posts on this thread. I’m interested in why comments like that won’t be allowed. Like Ren, I would like to know about the recovery rate for the players.
I’m also interested in your take about the comment section lacking “a sober recitation of indisputable facts.” COVID or not, that seems a little heavy for the comment section on a site about MLB trades. If this was a medical journal then yes, maybe we should tighten it up, but if anyone is perusing this site for accurate medical advise, then they might have bigger issues. My questions are:
1. What are these indisputable facts you speak of? This seems like language from the Constitution.
2. Must we recite these facts like a mindless robotic preamble before any comment?
I’m not sure how this will translate in practice.
Ultimately, I will live with your decision, this is a private sector site and the owners have the right to censor/patrol the comments as they please. We, as the users, have the right to stay or take our clicks elsewhere.
Reporting “optimistically” on a situation that is totally out of control due to poor governmental leadership would be violently unethical on MLBTR’s side. Tim and crew are much, much better than that.
Now THAT’S the kind of commentary that needs to be eliminated from a sports site — blatantly political, not to mention drenched with polemic rhetoric.
Also, I didn’t say to “report optimistically.” I’m saying that they should include some forward-looking stories that aren’t saturated with “yeah, but, doom and gloom.” Not to pretend that things are completely perfect, but to at least show that MLB is looking forward, and that might just actually end up being okay.
@renbutler you are a coward not even worth replying to, I mean sheesh youre so inherently stupid and wrong I will never be able to convince you how stupid and wrong you are, due to your stupidity and wrongness.
How about just reporting on the number of recoveries which are the result of the overwhelming majority of coronavirus cases.. Why don’t we see that ever? That would be a positive story in the midst of all of the fear mongering.
Why do you need to do this^, man?
How is that even remotely helpful?
I understand everyone has their own definition of fun. I guess I just find yours baffling.
Strike Four – “violently unethical”
How exactly does that manifest?
Spot on renbutler !
But yet well thought out posts are trivial lol……Covid by nature and design is trivial. No one can track how they are getting sick, wives quarantine with husbands yet never test positive, new strands, false positives and on and on….it’s all trivial.
It’s also, sadly, all political. When a farm of trolls show up over less than 1% of players testing positive and call for the end of baseball season it’s bc no baseball fits their political agenda. They come here politicking in droves hiding under a mask of an outbreak that can’t be confirmed by anyone but the sources they choose to listen too.
So why let the mob rule when it’s bad for the site if there’s no baseball ?? Why not allow adults be adults and have the choice to read or not read; engage or not engage ?? How bout save your time and not police it ??
Mlb and espn got rid of their comments and I’m certain the traffic here grew bc of it. Mlb and espn both did it to conform to the pressure to suppress alternative information. When MLBTR’s follow suit of that path- they will take a harder hit as articles are the bread and butter here.
Why blow up what’s made you most successful to conform to a business model that’s created a dwindling audience?? Love to hear the rational behind that….
You won’t hear a response Tiny. It doesn’t fit the narrative.
‘No one can track how they are getting sick’
Please explain how that is trivial.
‘ wives quarantine with husbands yet never test positive’,
I searched through a few search engines and couldn’t really find anything on this topic. Do you have some links that would further illuminate this matter?
‘new strands, false positives and on and on….it’s all trivial.‘
Sorry, I don’t seem to follow this either. New strands? How are they trivial?
I only come searching for the truth.
Finally, ‘ outbreak that can’t be confirmed by anyone but the sources they choose to listen too.’
What sources aren’t confirming it? What health organizations are denying it? That’s who I go to for health news, the professional organizations on those matters.
Leave comments open MLBTR, policing is ugly but that’s the Internet. Can’t we just ban members after several complaints?
It’s easier to simply turn off comments on Covid threads. As for banning a person that may have a different point of view, that seems like an extreme resolution. Toxic comments happen as people are passionate about any number of topics. Just because you disagree with another person’s ideals or beliefs doesn’t necessarily make you right and them wrong nor does it make you wrong or them right. Everybody is entitled to their opinions, that is one of the things that makes people unique humans and not robots. If it becomes derogatory and personal then mute with a warning. If it’s a pattern with an individual then go ahead and penalize that individual permanently. Personally I find all the positive Covid posts to be too much but I don’t comment or complain. I simply skip over them. I personally think that unless it has a direct bearing on the roster such as being placed on an IL then it’s something that doesn’t need to be reported as there is still far too much misinformation out there on the topic. BTW, if you are looking for people to “police” your comment sections then give me a shout… Keep up the great work you all do. Cheers everybody!
People complaining about censoring, I can’t help but wonder what kind of sentiments you had in mind to post but are unable to. Just what is it that you can’t post, as one example?
That’s the point sn0048, you can’t post anything if the comments are turned off. There have been many thoughtful comments and opinions on both sides of the issue. None can be heard because Tim doesn’t want comments in conflict with his opinion.
“None can be heard because Tim doesn’t want comments in conflict with his opinion”
That’s absolute hogwash & nonsense – Why open a debate about a comments section, including welcoming comments and encouraging and debating feedback if you don’t want a body of opinion…. .
UK – Because he has caught some heat about his censorship and felt the need to explain himself. After all, no readers, no advertisers, no money, no MLBTR. It’s his weak attempt to try to justify censorship. That’s my assessment.
You are a guest in his house, show some respect.
Wrong again Tommy22, we are not guests, we are customers. Without customers, businesses go bankrupt. Tim recognizes that the free market works. He makes money from his advertisers. Without readership, the advertisers go elsewhere.
@snoo48, just scroll up and check out @renbutler’s post. Tim replied underneath that comments like those might not be allowed.
What a joke
Tim, I have followed you since the beginning. Kudos on all the success.
My two cents: there are not enough resources, time and money to moderate tit for tat comments and trolling. If the comment section is something you are passionate about, a simple link to the MLBTR Twitter page would enable users to comment there under a platform that can already be moderated. Let Twitter handle the blocked/hidden accounts and offensive messages. That is what they are there for.
There are a number of baseball professionals (front office, media relations, players, etc) who rely on MLBTR as a source. User comments may not dilute the credibility of the actual articles, but IMO it does cheapen the professional standard of the entire product.
I’m all for closing comments so you can actually spend more time looking for relevant baseball stories. For what it’s worth, a lot of sites have gotten very lazy relying on Twitter, which the comments above have already referenced as being toxic. I’d love for you to spend more time curating what you find and also continue to amplify the excellent team beat writers and fan sites that aren’t necessarily on my radar most days.
Tim, I know it wasn’t as popular before, but I think you should consider bringing back the ability to downvote on posts… or rate posts on a 1-5 star scale, if something like that was possible.
If you contribute to a discussion in a positive, thought-provoking way, you get upvoted or rated highly.
Perhaps you could make it hidden to commenters (if that’s possible), but if somebody repeatedly is here to be toxic, criticize others, or repeatedly troll the comment boards, they would be rated accordingly and could be (hopefully) banned that way.
Let us commenters help to “moderate” the discussion boards. While I’m sure a person or two might downvote somebody simply because they disagreed, I don’t think it would be to the extent of somebody denying COVID-19 or harassing other users.
Once you see somebody repeatedly downvoted… out comes the ol’ Dierkes Banhammer!
In terms of the community helping out, we already have what we need in place – the ability to flag a comment. If enough people do that, it goes into moderation and called to our attention.
Aha — good to know! I haven’t flagged a comment before, but I will make sure to do that going forward with objectionable content since I know that will help.
I don’t pretend to know what it takes to make you decide to look at a flagged post but making it a bit easier to point you in the “correct” direction by offering a few options when the Flag dialog opens would be useful.
I’ve never seen the ability to flag comments on my iPad. Is it available?
Thanks for allowing comments, Tim… but I must say this option doesn’t exist through the app. I only have the option to reply.
Car Wash – “somebody denying COVID-19”
In all the articles and posts, I haven’t seen a single commenter ever deny that COVID-19 is a legitimate virus. Have you?
Rarrr rarrr rarrr angry talk rarrr. I need to see what I say in print rarrr rarrr rarrr.
There, I feel better.
I was hoping you would do this. Thank you.
In regards to COVID 19, there is no right or wrong answer because there is no vaccine yet. So nasty comments are not fair or appropriate. Baseball opinions don’t need to get nasty, either. It is a game, not life and death.
Great idea! Every comment is more and more toxic and filled with misinformation.
I think this is the wisest approach, but a little sad. Generally, I think we can all survive disagreements if, through no other strategy, just by not engaging. I want to read about baseball and anything having to do with it–which includes COVID and name changes. I could do without the purely political. I can fine that elsewhere
Thank you!
People need to debate respectfully and in a mature manner. There is so much juvenile name calling, I feel like I lose 5 IQ points every inch I scroll down at times.
I agree something has to be done about the toxic comments. Name calling has no place in the comment section imo. If possible I would like to see a mute button. Would bringing back the down vote button have any effect on comments at all? Until something is done I totally agree with shutting off all comments on Corvid, name changes and domestic violence. Those seem to quickly go south.
Thank you guys for policing this. I like to read the comments from time to time and it has become pretty rough, so thank you guys for cleaning it up
Looks like it’s time to close the comments on this thread now. Sheesh!
Great move MLBTR! It will still fall on deaf ears to some, it’s clear that some people still have “center of the universe” syndrome in thinking their opinions are right and pure, telling you what you should write and how COVID is a bigger or lesser deal than others say. Everyone needs to relax with their personal convictions! Truly smart people recognize they don’t know everything and there’s a lot of gray area. Hopefully these changes pushes people away from abusing the comments section to “show off” how insightful they are… it actually has the opposite effect – it’s toxic and embarrassing! Rather than sitting back and being satisfied with your perfect retort or zinger, you should be dissatisfied with yourself that you need to pursue such satisfaction at the expense of others.
Will you do the same to NHL trade rumors as well?
People like to use comments on articles as a forum for whatever ideological crap they have bottled up that no one in real life will sit down and listen to…
I just wanted to say that I like comment sections in general. I find myself visiting sites that eliminated comments much less often.
Of course, some of the comment sections here have become full of the same arguments over and over with too much name-calling. But people who’d rather not have any comments can easily just not read the comment section.
Maybe there should be a quicker trigger on banning commenters — and make it an IP ban rather than just a username ban. But keep the comment sections.
Not super tech savvy but using a vpn would make an IP address ban moot ( I think)
Mute button would be nice – although that would lead to people creating multiple user names once they figure out they have more people muting them than listening to them. That could be averted by charging each user $1 for a lifetime membership to the comment section which would attach a name,address and CC# ( or other form of payment) to the username thus allowing Tim to void out users attempting multiple accounts ( could still be worked around but bit more difficult and most won’t bother). $ raised could be donated to some baseball/covid related charity. Just a thought.
Comment sections are generally alright until people begin making personal attacks. Perhaps a ‘3 strikes and you’re out’ policy would be appropriate for MLBTR. 1) First personal attack of another member results in a warning, 2) Second attack results in a week suspension, 3) A third personal attack results in a ban.
I know a few of the writers on this site have JDs, so I’m sure the definition of “personal attack” can be thrown together in a specific and thorough manner.
I would suggest making one big post at the end of the day with a report of all the players who tested positive that day so there are less posts to keep closed.
All I am going to say is do not give up on allowing comments. MLB sites used to have comments sections which they closed a few years ago. Made some good friends on the Tigers site, and we actually had a couple of meet ups over the years. I’ve seen other comments sections just close for good because a few people could not behave themselves. Don’t let the few ruin if for the rest of us.
But we need to help you. We need to stop engaging the idiots whose goal is to stir up trouble. We need to just flag their comments. If enough do that then those comments get removed. Maybe you need a quicker trigger on those type of comments. And honestly, if you find the same people causing trouble, deactivate their account.
How about consolidating the COVID posts? It’s now just post after post of this person is positive or that person is opting out. Maybe create a tracker of sorts or something …
Why did you close comments on Indians possibly changing name?
Probably because of what i wrote..i want all team names removed because every name can be offensive.. : i.e., giants offends midgets, animal names offended PETA. Red sox offend Russians etc…
1) Little people not midgets 2) Giants are not offensive to little people – little people look up to giants
“Dwarfs” I believe is the term.
Kinda like this part of the thread. Appreciate the Giants could intimidate smaller people, but who on earth could the Marlins & the Rays offend? Vegans?
Do all the birdie teams offend Silvester & other cat lovers? Tigers?
And believe me the Russians adore the Red Sox but are confused by the Reds. Putin has pictures in the (opposite of Oval) erm Rhomboid office of Lenin, David Ortiz, & in pride of place Rusney Castillo..
Angels offend Devils, Astros offend (oh everybody ;0) especially Mariners, Pirates get Keira Knightley & are tolerated by Mariners.
Are the Twins Kane & Abel? The Padres & Cardinals are doomed in deadlock, surely the Braves might have to follow the Indians. The Royals & the Nationals have issues.
I blame the Phillies….
Giants may not offend little people, but they frighten me!….and that’s good enough reason to ban their name.
I’m kidding, I hate bans of any kind. I’m an adult and I can think for myself.
Words don’t offend me. I’m strong minded, and I don’t have to agree with everything someone else believes in order to get along with them.
I think worrying about team names is as ridiculous as a three headed chicken.
Dwarfs are different than midgets.
Dwarfs, midgets, little people, they all sound bad.
I dated a midget but i had to break it off..she kept sticking her nose up in my business
Smart move.
Good move. I like a blanket no politics policy on sports sites. The subject is unavoidable at times, i get it, but the Covid debate has turned into its own animal and MLBTR does not need to turn into another FB or Twitter.
Great website.. keep doing good things Tim and all
If you dont want covid related comments,then dont comment on players backing out because of covid.
I like the fact MLBTR covers all roster moves. People just need to respect the fact these players are making the decisions they feel are best for them and their families.
Respect for a differing outlook or opinion is dying and a major problem in our society.
Well maybe if we quit turning baseball into a political platform you wouldn’t have to have even posted this. Good heavens. All we ever see now is “racism here” “racism there” “covid cases spike”
How about posting pure positivity for a change, so and so who HAD covid is totally fine , healthy and looking for a hot 2020 season. Or hey Giancarlo Stanton looks like hes gonna shred every ball that comes his way. Anything positive ? Sick of negative vibes
My comment was not in any way, shape, or form a dig. I know several arachnophobic individuals, and not a single one is offended by the word spider or even by a picture of one. They may not like to see or talk about them, but they aren’t actually offended by it. To compare the name Spiders to the team names being proposed to be changed is what is truly short-sighted and ill informed. We all know that it is not remotely on the same level, so stop bringing things like it up. If the hyperbolically opined comments stop, then everything will be fine.
Weird to see my comment away from the context of the message it was in response to lol
Great, now you scared away Glenallen Hill….
I’m sure that it’s presumptuous for me to address you directly, but, I hope that you see this and have the time to address it.
While I certainly think you have the right to close the comments sections on COVID-19 related topics, and in fact, I think that I’m actually in favor of you doing so, some (not all) of your comments on this post concern me.
I think a common issue causing the political divide nowadays is that leftist individuals like to claim the moral high ground on issues as if their positions were self-evidently more moral, and to disagree with them is some act of bigotry. And, to support their stake to this moral high ground, they choose to attack the weakest their political opponents have to offer. Either the most questionable individuals or poorest arguments.
I wish to, as constructively as possible, accuse you of this. It’s not the sort of accusation one would take well. But, when you say things like, and I’m paraphrasing, racism is inevitable on certain topics. and that there’s a clear pattern to how and which topics will devolve, or place an emphasis on issues such as hate speech and political correctness and summarily dismiss criticisms of how COVID-19 is being discussed/handled as people simply calling it a hoax, as if there aren’t more nuanced political opinions than that… This concerns me as it inherently expresses judgement and bias.
You absolutely have a right to your political opinions, and you absolutely have a right to decide what opinions you consider valid on your platform. That being said, if you choose to make posts on topics that are inherently political, you open the door for political discussion on your platform.
I’d sympathize with and agree that there is a time and place for such discussions, and it’s not clear to me that the TradeRumors platform is the place, but, the outcomes in a free society are often beyond our control. Now, you have the power to suppress such discussions, but, I think it’s simply disingenuous for you to suggest that such a suppression (which it sounds like it may eventually result in selective moderation of the comments section based on a political bias) is anything short of you playing your role in the censorship.
It’s really up to you to decide how confident you are in your political knowledge and self-education, and how heavy-handed you’d like to be in enforcing your political bias on your readers. I urge you to consider this more seriously.
I wish to say, as constructively as possible as you put it, that this is the type of nauseating drivel that has turned so many people off. It doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong, nobody cares about your thoughts! You aren’t special nor more insightful than the rest of us, your political bias is what makes things political and your inferiority complex is best left for like-minded friends who see the positives in you.
So, Tommy22, as the topic of shutting down trolls who personally attack others is discussed, you decide to personally attack someone for respectfully and humbly expressing their opinion…nice work.
It’s alright, no need to defend me. I read that response many hours ago and it doesn’t need a response. It’s a self-defeating post. The hypocrisy and projection in the post are self-evident for all to see.
Sometimes, you express opinions or debate with the intention of convincing the person you’re talking to. This was a sincere attempt to convince Tim, so, I tried to be as polite as possible while still making the point that I truly care about, even if it is critical of him. I don’t wish to be mean, only constructive.
But, sometimes, you debate so that everyone watching can see the truth. And anyone who reads Tommy’s response will see clearly. I have no particular reason to assume he wasn’t talking to himself when he wrote that. It seems likely.
Your post was exactly how you described it – polite and constructive. Thanks for it.
The premise is not humble or respectful at all. It’s saying that posting COVID test results is a political issue and it’s not. It’s accusatory and hostile at its core to imply that the baseball writers are taking a political position, no matter how nicely worded. It’s not political, it’s just baseball news, cut them some slack.
This is a baseball site. It should be …fun.
It would be, more so, if the pomposity just left.
I’ll do my part: See you tomorrow.
Absolutely, and I agree.
It’s unfortunate that society today is so polarized that we’d sooner ruin each others’ days instead of have fun together. Yet, here we are
I didn’t want to come across as pompous, I was just trying to be as polite and understated as I can, and this is something I’m not very good at. I wanted to project such a tone because, I’m not trying to take a dump on Tim, I really hope that the feedback is taken sincerely. It was a post in good faith.
Only with baseball’s homogeneous fanbase (both racially and politically) can a disease be politicized.
Thanks, MLBTR, I was getting tired of reading basically the same comments in every COVID-19 related post.
I wouldn’t use the word “toxic” to describe the conversations. First off because people use that word to basically describe anyone they disagree with. I would have just said conversations have gotten just plain stupid and political (the words are interchangeable).
Wondering when MLBTR will have to close the comments on their “closing the comments” article. Every forum I am in is having to deal with this now whether it is talking about baseball or neighbourhood information.
Honestly regardless of post subject the comments have become too political. The COVID. posts were particularly bad, so good call!
I am a conservative that can’t stand Trump. He would be tolerable if he kept off Twitter. I say that to get it out of the way. I don’t know if this election had the worst candidates or the last but truly awful on both sides.
Growing up onr of my best friends was Philippino. We had very few black people in our school it was a logging town. I was friends with all of them though. It wasn’t so small that you were friends with them all you could pick and choose. I tried to be friends to everyone.
One of the best comments I ever got was from the Philippino. There was a discussion about racism. I was raised with a racist father. I tried hard to not let it affect me.
I made a comment about racism on FB and was attacked my Phillipino friend stuck up for me and said what he liked best about me was I was a friend didn’t matter if he was brown black or red we were friends.
I never until that day thought of him as anything else but a friend. He also went on to say I was friends with the few blacks that went to school with us.
With all that said I am against the name changes because nobody was offended until someone told them they were. I can see the Redskins I will agree with that. Even though living near two reservations the favored teams from the pros and colleges are the ones with Indian names even the Redskins.
I know I put some dumb stuff on here. I try to loosen people up sometimes make you laugh. You can tell me what my kids do. That was dumb dad. I don’t get their sense of humor either.
If I have offended anyone I apologize except to guys like wiffle. He cast a small narrow minded net to catch a lot of people in. The last thing and not sure it I have said this on here before but the people that scream the loudest for equality are the quickest to insult anyone that doesn’t agree with them. Many of them get so caught up in their rage they turn ugly. We have some bone heads on our side of the aisle when will the left admit to having stupidity on their side. Everyone has a right to speak until you disagree with them and the gloves come off. Tell me again I am racist.
I also know I cast a small net to catch a lot of people pay attention no matter what side you are on. Who turns it ugly first? I don’t know how we fix this but I do know we need better choices for political office than we have gotten.
I don’t think it’s particularly useful to have dozens or articles on who is testing positive for COVID-19. It is hard to keep track of them all and with so many articles in the feed it is hard to tell if it’s a lot or not that many. I think a better idea would to just have a COVID-19 tracker page (could be locked to the top for easy access) that is sorted by team and has a list of players/staff and dates (or unnamed if they don’t consent). This would make it much easier to get an overall picture of what is going on with regards to COVID-19 in MLB.
Tim, I agree that Covid posts need monitored if not eliminated. Do what you need to do.
Science denier = someone who only agrees with scientific facts when it fits their personal narrative. In this case, just because the COVID death rate is low doesnt mean it isn’t real. Most people I know try and avoid the cold, the flu, and stapling their hand with a staple-gun even though those things most likely wont kill you. It’s the same reason that COVID is worth avoiding.
Science also says the earth is round. Science also says that there are two __________. Science isnt wrong just because you “feel” differently.
You should never restrict free speech. When you run a site that allows for comments and view points from readers to be shared openly, you are inviting everyone to share their thoughts and opinions…period. You cannot pick and chose the comments you like and filter out the rest as you see fit. To do so is to be part of the problem and to be those who wish to restrict the freedoms granted to all of us through the US Constitution. If you enjoy the freedom of press and expect that freedom to be protected, then you make yourself a hypocrite when you decide to strangle the freedom of speech. With great freedom we have inherit risks, and sometimes we may not like the results. However, we must accept those things when we accept and embrace freedom. Therefore, to be quite blunt….you should open up your comments and leave it be. Otherwise you at MLB Trade Rumors become part of the problem and not part of the solution.
Good call, guys. Unfortunate you have to make it, but with lots of people having extra time on their hands, internet trolling is at an all time high. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to baseball articles, hopefully during a baseball season!
I think it’s about time for another mock expansion draft anyway. Have four teams this time…
Vancouver Dragons
San Antonio Scorpions
Raleigh Reapers
Memphis Kings
I wish there were a way to ban all political comments, this is a baseball site, there’s enough politics all around us for a lifetime, I come here for a diversion not a debate over health issues, for that matter there’s too much political crap going on here sometimes anyway
Tim, I think this is a great idea. I support this site and the great job that you and all the writers do in putting information on this site for the readers. Unfortunately, there are always bad apples that ruin things for everyone. I will do a better job of flagging posts that do not belong. I also agree that some articles should never have the comment section active, such as domestic violence incidents, as the comments will always be all over the place.
Keep up the great work that is done here.
Definitely noticed this, and thank you so much. The toxicity has been off the charts.
Making MLBTR great again.
First, I want to applaud the writers of MLBTR. I’ve been using this site for years and it’s the best information around. As it’s been said in these comments, doesn’t cover most of what happens on a daily basis. So thank you for what you all do.
As for the comment section closure, it makes sense. While I enjoy reading everything that is said, even more so if it has to do with the Dodgers, there’s just no reason for the writers to have to use extra time moderate unnecessary political arguments. This site is about baseball, and while COVID-19 is currently part of that, there’s no need to comment on such a post.
I would keep the comments open on certain topics, but COVID-19 related, or really anything political, turn them off. Add a poll if you want some feedback from us, as with the Mock Draft you all did, we love polls.
Do what you have to do and let’s just all hope that we can get back to some great baseball in a few weeks. Keep up the good work.
I like to know what your team is parentheses. Other than members with the obvious Handles. Might stop so much negatively in here.
Generally a good idea, including banning commenters who post harmful lies like COVID being a hoax. 2 more suggestions:
1) Have a way we can Flag comments that violate policy so you guys can catch them sooner. Many comments sections have that but I don’t find it here (I’m on the iPhone app).
2) Option in Settings so that we can turn off loading of comments by default if we prefer. That should also help the problem I experience sometimes where scrolling is erratic.
I am for as much freedom of expression as possible. But I understand if sites don’t want a few crazed goons to drive away readers. After 9/11, I was in a fantasy league where some commenters called for the mass deaths of “camel jockeys.” When we noted they were racist hatemongers and suggested they get back to discussing baseball, they demanded we post our addresses so they could come fight us in person. (My first exposure to right-wing domestic terrorism!) Fortunately, none of them could write jokes and I always got the best of them. Anyway..
The Blue Jays fan blogs allow readers to block or mute commenters they no longer want to see. That seems to work.
Myself, I like to know what real people are saying when they think they are anonymous. It enboldens them to let their freak flag fly. As a Canadian, it is clarifying to see that soooo many Americans are racist, fascist conspiracy theorists. And that soooo many Americans are shocked to learn this about their fellow citizens.
I need the destructive loonies to out themselves. I need to know their deranged opinions. I personally need an unvarnished picture of the real world so I know how to navigate through it.
But I have a lot of free time!
Tim, turning off the comments is probably a good idea on some threads but it’s apparent that you’re most irritated by those that state a different opinion than yours. That’s an entirely different thing. Everyone is way past information overload on the subject and it’s pretty clear that we really don’t know what to believe at this point. Most people are choosing the opinion that they most agree with and calling everyone else an idiot…which in a way is what you’re saying. Turn them completely off or leave them completely alone. Picking and choosing would paint you as part of the problem.
Just go ahead with that policy, as long as you’re more aggressive with the bans. Many people obviously want to just focus on baseball, but there’s way too much leeway with those who want to try to twist everything around and cause havoc in the comment sections. Look at what this comment section’s become, general agreement marred by a number of people who can’t help but stir up argument because they know they can get away with it.
Thanks so much for attempting to take some of the focus away from all the divisive political crap and place it back on baseball. Making sports political takes some of the enjoyment out of it. If you feel too many of us can’t talk about the Covid-19 aspects of the current MLB situation without making it into “us versus them” in the political sense, maybe that can be channeled into Dodgers versus Giants, Yankees versus Red Sox… Anyway, I applaud your efforts.
Not so sure about “science deniers” – seems the experts on Covid have gotten just about everything wrong!
That said, Covid is no hoax although the alarmist reporting ranges from 0 to 10 for reliability!
Was just at my family doctor. He was laughing with me at those that think what the experts say is to stay home and wear a mask 24/7 and want every one of us to do the same thing. If you are not staying at home and wearing your mask 24/7 you are ignoring the science and the experts. He reminded me to do what I have been doing. constant washing of the hands, Wear a mask whenever you are around other people. Have a mask with you at all times so that if, in the event you are outside and another person gets near you can pull up the mask. Don’t shake hands so as to not contaminate your hands. Pretty simple logic based on the science.
In the several comments above, you can see why there is cause for concern among MLBTR administrators. One commentator calls another “willfully ignorant.” Another refers to a “plain and simple lie,” while a third chides someone with whom he disagrees as one who “deserve(s) to be banned” and “no better than a flat earther.” Strike Four then takes posters to task for being crybabies. Why all the vitriol? The question was reasonable, but the responses seem not to be. You can almost feel the toxicity. Unfortunately, though, I find that among comments on most stories on this site, and I don’t think that banning comments on COVID-19 will help to eradicate it.
Fabulous to limit comments. I rarely comment because of the bad form on many replies and indeed use the site less because of the comments.
This a good idea. Also stop with negative comments about The GOAT he being Mike Trout. Anyone who bashes MT is plain and simple jealous.
Its not the Angels fan fault your team didn’t select him in the 1st round in 09. If you need any evidence go type in Detroit fan gets Trouts autograph at any search engine. And watch the vid e o. If that video doesn’t move you. Nothing will.Mike is a once in 2 generations ballplayer
Another sport site falls tot he god of PC thought police. Write and publish your drivel and let people express their opinions as guaranteed by the Constitution. If you are afraid of your opinion pieces being rejected, don’t allow comments, otherwise, stop the fascism. Censorship, your site should be shut down!
I’m pretty sure the Constitution doesn’t guarantee anything about what can or can’t be written in the MLB Trade Rumors comment section.
Free speech means free speech, not free speech when Tim says so. I want to express my support for these players and wish them well, but you have decided that is not to be done for some reason
@eagleman—Actually, @Tim Dierkes is correct. The Constitution protects free political speech to the extent that the government can not arrest and jail you for your political views unless you wage war against the United States in the process. You are not guaranteed the right to publication of your personal views on any subject by a private publisher.
@Steve Nebraska– @eagleman is awarded no points and may God have mercy on his soul……..
LOL…. @Tim
That was a minor oversight by the FFs. (Founding fathers not the more modern vernacular). Along with the bear arms, imagine not having a nice pair of bear arms in between the ocelot’s noses and the antlers.
Speaking of.
I drew a black bear permit this year. Yet another reason I’m looking forward to September.
I agree fully with this.
On a similar note, what is going on over at Pro Football Rumors? Whether it’s COVID or Kaepernick or Antonio Brown, the comments immediately get overrun with racist garbage. I’ll report comments, contact you through the Contact section, even hunt you down on Twitter to bring this to your attention, but nothing is done. I think Kaep articles sometimes have comments closed, but that’s about it.
imo, PFR is a little different from MLBTR and you would actually be doing a service in completely shutting down the comments over there. It’s appalling to see slurs and insults directed at black people on so many articles, and they’re never moderated or removed.
Ill second this
I cant believe what “gets thru” and “sticks” in the football forums
Why does it matter? Even ugly speech is free speech. The key that few talk about is you are free to say what you wish in this country but not free from criticism if you say awful stuff. I’d say let it go. Idiots will put themselves daily.
Have y’all built a tracker for those players opting out of the season yet? Kind of like your FA tracker … could be kept by team or alphabetical by player.
Could also have a tracker of those players who are reported as testing positive.
Anyway, if y’all haven’t done this already it could be pretty cool. If it’s already up I simply haven’t seen it yet. My bad if that’s the case.
I like this idea. Would make it easier to figure out who is on the active rosters and available for teams.
Go ahead and ban ppl for not agreeing with an agenda. I have no problem getting my “players with covid” news elsewhere. I will be sure to post on every social media platform how this site is ran by racist nazis who will allow hate speech against others but will ban you if you don’t agree about a virus
Your right to do so. People comment on Covid because they are frustrated but, I get it.
I think you just have to get use to stupid comments. Technically, half of The population has below average intelligence. Considering it’s probably more difficult to be on the upper half of the intelligence scale, those of us on the lower end probably make up the majority.
I mean look what’s happening to scientists and doctors these days. They spend all those years in school, and accumulate decades of experience working for a time like this. Now they’re just told they’re full of bs and no one should listen to them. I bet Fauci is thinking he should have just given up after the hs diploma and learned how to make a dry martini or shingle a roof.
Fauci is also about 80 and says stupid things from time to time. For someone his age Covid is very dangerous. For MLB players not so much.
If you mindlessly believe anything a doctor or scientist says than you are going to put yourself in harm quite a bit. Just think it want that long ago that lobotomy’s were a common medical procedure.
I would absolutely love a block option so I didnt even have to see the trolls that’s post.
While I completely understand and appreciate your decision here, I’m in favor of opening up the comments on all articles as that’s really what people come back to the site every day for vs. going to ESPN or for daily baseball news. The vast majority of faithful readers and posters are ‘good people’ and while there is some friendly ribbing of one another in the comments section, it’s more entertaining than offensive.
What could be done instead is to ask the readers to report offensive posts to MLBTR so you don’t have to self-police all the time and then MLBTR can make a decision about banning certain people from the site. I realize that you want to protect the younger readers from the offensive and divisive comments, but in this day and age, these kids see so much worse on the internet and if you commit to removing the offensive posters for good, we can certainly do our part by bringing inappropriate posts to your attention and help throw out the bad apples.
If you decide to stay the course and continue to close comments on certain articles I will totally understand, but I wanted to at least provide an alternative option to consider. Keep up the great work, we all appreciate the writers and the overall content at MLBTR more than you know.
My 2 cents –
I would never turn off the comments section completely here. It would be devastating for business – We all know in 2020 the article is just an opener for “us” to give our thoughts and engage below. Thats the beauty of this site
The Mute button works wonders tbh….that alone would probably reduce 50% of the problem and even help clean up the bad actors a tad in the process as well and help engage more quality convo
IP bans for multiple offenders DOES create enough illusion of fear to set some on a little straighter path. Perhaps even a couiple reminders that you ” had to ban a couple people over the weekend” just so its on posters minds from time to time
Me thinks your 2 cents is what they are working on being able to more efficiently clean up the bad actors to which you refer. I believe that it will take a few days to get the new processes in place and would be more beneficial for the writers to not have to go through multiple articles to rid them of the same bad actors multiple times for the same posts.
This comments section is really refreshing. I thought there needed to be a solution for how bad comments section have gotten. Maybe another message board we could call “the cross roads of baseball and politics or something where everyone could discuss the issues they want to discuss with member moderators rather than MLBTR writers.
But when I read these member responses it looks like a great majority don’t want a mix of politics and baseball at all.
Generally speaking, you should have a thick skin to post in MLBTR comment sections. Misquote something, spelling something wrong, admit your a Mets fan and you think they will make the playoffs and so on will get you quite the verbal lashing that I don’t see from other comment sections I frequent.
The introduction of politics made these comment sections arsenic levels of toxicity and it looks like most of us don’t want it at all.
Thankyou for asking this, MLBTR. This has been good for to see. Keep closing the comment sections for Covid topics. I don’t care if those articles make up the vast majority of articles. You are practically saving us from our selves.
My fellow comentors. Isn’t the world terrible enough without us being terrible to each other? Kindness is not a weakness. It is a strength in the face of someone raging against you because it takes strength of character to react kindly despite that. I know I have been guilty of harsh comments so I will be the change I want to see in all of us. I am committing to being kinder withy words when I interact with all of you.
I hope all of us can make this commitment.
I’m guessing comments were finally closed due to those posters still in denial.
If people can’t be bothered to put on a mask or need to be told how to wash their hands, what makes you believe the 2020 MLB was happening?
It’s not.
@Nerdpowahh. If one would believe that 2020 MLB season could happen, many like yourself would say that we were a denier even thought we too wear a mask religiously and know the proper techniques for a thorough hand washing. You do not give any credit to those of us who believe common sense and careful planning would allow for many activities to resume, even Major League Baseball.
This step would of course not been necessary if our political leaders had simply done their jobs.
This comments section is really refreshing. I thought there needed to be a solution for how bad comments section have gotten. Maybe another message board we could call “the cross roads of baseball and politics” or something where everyone could discuss the issues they want to discuss with member moderators rather than MLBTR writers moderating.
But when I read these member responses it looks like a great majority don’t want a mix of politics and baseball at all.
Generally speaking, you should have a thick skin to post in MLBTR comment sections. Misquote something, spelling something wrong, admit your a Mets fan and you think they will make the playoffs and so on, will get you quite the verbal lashing that I don’t see from other comment sections I frequent.
The introduction of politics made these comment sections arsenic levels of toxicity and it looks like most of us don’t want it at all.
Thankyou for asking this, MLBTR. This has been good to see. Keep closing the comment sections for Covid topics. I don’t care if those articles make up the vast majority of topics. You are practically saving us from ourselves.
My fellow comentors. Isn’t the world terrible enough without us being terrible to each other? Kindness is not a weakness. It is a strength in the face of someone raging against you because it takes strength of character to react kindly despite that. I know I have been guilty of harsh comments so I will be the change I want to see in all of us. I am committing to being kinder with my words when I interact with all of you.
I hope we all can make this commitment. Let’s be better than we have been.
I love this post! I don’t know why people are so volatile here, as I keep reminding everyone, this place is anonymous! Stop caring so much and stop being so sensitive towards being told you are wrong, because most of you actually are wrong to begin with and it’s annoying to have to read!
But I love baseball. I love how great the game is on the precipice of being, there’s a mountain of elite prospects who have done nothing but impress so far, in addition to all the Tatis’s and Vlad Jr’s there are. Keston Hiura? Dude is incredible. So many future HOFers just starting out right now, and I can’t wait to get back to them in 2021!
Thankyou, strike four. I have actually wanted to say something directly to YOU for sometime.
I have a lot of respect for you. You’ve stated many things that are right on. You’ve taken a lot of back lash for elevating our crisis above baseball as well as the sufferings of our fellow countrymen.
I am trying to praise you while not talking about the crisis because I don’t want to violate what I’ve recently written but I want you to know that I admire what you stand for.
This is for your missing post StrikeFour. Maybe it’s not missing, but so long as people see it then I achieve my goal of giving my own opinion.
I disagree with any of the points you make, but respect your opinion for what it is: your opinion.
Perspective is understanding that each individual thinks for themselves, so saying that your actions would be in service of “people” despite speaking only on your own behalf is just false. No, not even right or wrong, just false.
Everything a human does is for their own benefit. You are trying to justify your own perspective under the pretext that others agree with you, yet said others are not giving their own individual agreement.
Next, you use the words ‘racist’ and then ‘white’ in conjunction with each other. If you are implying certain individuals are racist, then you need to provide tangible proof of that being the case. If you don’t have proof, then you are acting in the same behaviour that you are against. If a sportswriter is of color, does that (without proof) mean that one should assume that they are racist towards white people? Considering your answer to that is likely no,I encourage you to cease from being racist.
That said, Racism is simply a watered down version of saying “judging a person for being different from self”. Does one not judge a person for looking “weird” or “ugly”? Do people not look down on job occupations like “prostitute” or “stripper”? Simply put, fighting against racism does not put you on the right or wrong side of history. It’s simply a battle in a war that might not ever end. I’m not saying that means one should stop fighting against racism, but knowing the difference between thinking in terms of “how I want people to act” as opposed to “how people should act” allows one to make their argument more convincing, instead of being a excuse for a “I’m right, your wrong” argument.
If you want to claim that I’m doing so myself, I never said anything you said was right or wrong. I simply said I disagree with your opinion with my own, pointed out the flaw in one of your supporting statements, and made clear how I see racism as an issue; that it’s not a right or wrong problem. It’s a mindset that will always exist so long as humans have free will.
Now Ill be honest and tell why I posted this. All comments are means to benefit the individual making them and this is simply another one. Another reason is that for the longest time, I have not been impressed with your comments on this site. I’m not going to claim they are bad or wrong, because every individual has their own perspectives that are their own as is mine, rather I’ve just about always disagreed with either the points made, the behaviour towards other commentators, and both. I don’t know you personally so Ill hold my judgment in regards to who you are as a person. Considering that I’m just adding fuel to my feel-good fire, Ill be off now.
Oh, by the way. I usually don’t respond to responses made towards me since by then I’ve usually said all I wanted to say. Now, I will judge your internet persona, and going off how well you react to comments debating your opinion with their own, I’m sure as hell is hot that I won’t come back here.
Maybe see you on the next MLBTR article? Goodbye.
Should just add an option for users to block comments from people. You can’t see their posts and they don’t see your posts.
Saves you time having to moderate a 20 comment argument and also reduces the potential number of comments that violate the commenting policy.
Or just require people to log in with Facebook or some social media app..
Thank you for providing us with this brilliant site. If closing the comments section on some issues helps you doing your great work, I am all for it – even more so with regard to political questions.
This is what happens when you can’t play nicely with your toys – they get taken away.
I say, either turn em off or don’t moderate em at all.
Picking a “side ” in moderation can alienate half the fanbase as it, rightly or not, comes off as biased.
It’s your site, but in tge interest of business, I reckon the above are your two best options.
Just leave them off. We’re here to talk about baseball, so I would rather you give us the best content rather than moderating comments.
Man. Joey Gallo going down, Markakis opting out. Sigh..Markakis isn’t a starter but he IS an important element to the Braves depth. That does give Waters and Pache more opportunity, but man..this sucks. No animosity to Markakis. He has to do what’s best for his family and himself.
I agree. No posts if the article includes COVID info. No matter the article there will be people who claim this virus is “just another flu” and their freedoms are violated if they are asked to stop cramming themselves into the nearest overcrowded bar or wear a mask for a few minutes every day. They choose to believe that COVID won’t harm them so screw everyone else. Until they get it, or someone they care about gets it.
Funny. You don’t hear people whining about not being able to smoke in buildings or restaurants any more. Isn’t that a violation of these folks rights to be able to spread their cancerous smoke everywhere? Why do we hear nothing about this? Cmon folks. Let’s ditch the masks, open the stadiums to all and get those ash trays back in the restaurants where they belong
Great idea Tim! I’m not very smart so I don’t have any suggestions but good luck in your quest. Change is needed…..
Don’t say that kind of stuff about yourself. There are plenty of comentors willing to rip people apart. They don’t need your help.
Additionally, I have read your stuff in the past and have agreed with you before.
Thank you. There are plenty of other sites to express your views about the virus – needless to say a virus really shouldn’t have “sides”.. I want baseball to distract me – not get my head further into the muck.
Excellent leadership. No need for the toxicity that has appeared on here. It takes away from the experience of enjoying the quality content on this site.
It’s an unfortunate situation and I think as much as it sucks to not be able to make legitimate comments on posts — it is probably for the best given how hostile some of the comment threads have gotten. My personal opinion would be that going forward any comment(s) that have nothing to do with baseball or the actual content of the article just be banned completely. There’s no need for people to be posting misleading information on Covid or calling it a hoax or anything like that… it doesn’t add any value whatsoever to the discussion and just ruins the whole experience for those of us who just want to actually talk baseball or legitimately discuss the potential difficulties the league faces in trying to get the season underway. I appreciate you guy’s efforts to keep the site going and moderate comments as best you can — and personally I think you should just put your “foot down” and say that any comments not related to the topic of the article or baseball in general be banned entirely. There are plenty of other, more appropriate places to have those discussions if one feels so compelled. This site and the comment boards within it should be for baseball discussions and ‘friendly/respectful’ spots related arguments. Not for rants and hostile attacks towards individuals or groups of individuals even. Best of luck determining the best course of action… hopefully going forward people can be more respectful and stick to baseball in the comments
The chances of baseball talk resulting in non-baseball talk are, with no proof and IMO, not low by any means. Posters could mention something debatable and unrelated to baseball, but then claim it as being a “joke” which would upset offended persons more so. Personally, I’d prefer the staff just stick with the live chat and forgo the comment section. It puts a focus on users interacting with the sites staff whom could then end any debates (hopefully) before they get out of hand.
In any case, to each their own.
MLBTR is my go-to for the most up to date, refreshable rumors during the trade deadline and winter meetings/offseason. Shut down your comment section like ESPN, it’s all garbage. Real baseball commenters go to subscription services (the Athletic, BaseballAmerica) or baseball nerd hubs (Fangraphs, local fansites/newspapers) for actual discussion or interaction with the reporters
Maybe you guys should have real convos with a select group of users, like a TV show focus group. I don’t think your site is in trouble but you could be the go-to for every MLB occasion
I disagree with just about every point of your argument. Overall, this is a good community, and I’ve read plenty of good comments. Some of us may not have ever got to participate in those discussions without this platform. Some of us don’t have spare income for paid services.
The issue is the juicy part of the offseason is over, there is no baseball- and everything is basically Covid related news right now. People will simmer down when baseball news returns.
Great points App
Two years ago the comments were fun and this was a good community. Baseball is (supposed to be) a refuge from politics but you can’t hardly get through ten comments on an article about an outfielder with a sore toe without hearing everybody’s social-political commentary. Opinions are like a-holes, everyone has them and the more detail you use to describe yours the less everybody likes to talk to yiu.
one look at my name and i’ll be gone
Just leave them off. The spewing of crap makes it unreadable and useless. If not, then hide them and let people expand them if they want to see them. The hate and lack of intelligent thought is b
Beyond usefulness.
Lotta good stuff in the comments.
First I, too, tip my cap to the staff here. I’ve been reading this site for…man… dunno. Gotta be at least ten years. You guys are great. I want to make my gratitude on that clear as gin. If you will.
I am, however, pretty new to the commentary.
To make another point clear; I’ve had a couple posts that I probably (nah…*should*) have kept to myself. In my short time here I’ve had some pretty fun “baseball only” interactions.
Recently – after some thought – I’ve come to the (obvious, I know!) conclusion that anger, fear, & divisiveness are just not helpful. I mean at all. There is simply just too much of that in the world right now.
Insults, hostility, & sarcasm are not going to change anyone’s opinions, man. Rather, those things will most likely have the opposite effect.
I’m more than fine with keeping it on baseball.
I feel like that’s probably selling ourselves short, however. Sports do provide an excellent vehicle to address larger societal issues.
For that reason, I’ve been making a huge effort to find common ground as opposed to highlighting differences. The very reason we are here is an example of something we all share; the love of baseball. I can be – ya know – really optimistic. I know that. Down 8-2 in the ninth? It ain’t over til it’s over.
We’ve a real opportunity here to try and learn from one another. It’d be pretty cool to take advantage of that.
However it plays out, I get it.
If you read all that, thank you for the time to consider my words.
You know, this site is considered private property, in case anybody feels their freedoms and opinions are being suppressed. If you attack the writers like some of you are, you should be banished from their property just as you would in real life. I applaud them taking a stance since the site has been overrun in the past couple of weeks. I’m not arguing with either “side”, they are both right and they are both wrong. It’s a complicated world out there.
I don’t know why there needs to be any moderating or censorship beyond obscenities…people are AHoles…so what?
Great idea. I want to read something other than hate fueled comments toward on point of view or the other.
If you shut down the comments section, lots of folks will be happy that they won’t have to read my comments anymore.
I agree with those asking to consolidate the positive test covid articles. We all know that there’s going to be hundreds of players, coaches, and other team personal that will test positive. Do we really need to see article upon article about every single one that tests positive?
I understand the impact covid is having on the game, but you can’t expect people to not talk about it on articles when every article is about covid.
I just don’t know where else to get info on Covid without hearing all of this incredibly good information from all these doctors of virology that write comments on baseball websites.
Oh no, where will I get my free medical advice? Just kidding, I come here for baseball talk and I’ve enjoyed 99.999% of my discussions here. I do not care for some commenters so perhaps a block feature would be nice… or as others discussed, a 3 strikes procedure would probably suffice. I try to be funny when possible, I never mean to offend or personally attack and I also appreciate open discussion and debate. I essentially come here for MLB news that is consolidated perfectly for me. The comments section is almost always the icing on the cake. Lots of fun retorts and jokes make the comment section a worthy keeper, in my opinion. As I stated to Tim earlier, the app doesn’t allow for flagging comments so maybe this can be implemented? Let the players in chat police ourselves and there may be no need for moderators. Everyone have a safer and more fun rest of your 2020, go Pads!
Good call…
I think you made the right decision to close the comment section down on Covid-19 posts