It seems that Major League Baseball would prefer to avoid a repeat of the Astros’ sign-stealing debacle, a scandal that only worsened when individual players escaped punishment due to a lack of a punitive framework and an exchange of immunity for information.
There’s a new structure for dealing with such matters, should they arise in the future, according to Evan Drellich of The Athletic (subscription link). MLB and the MLB Players Association have agreed to a series of rules that are designed to foreclose the round of controversy we’ve seen recently from the Astros and other teams.
The key here is that the commissioner’s office now has authority to impose suspensions — without pay and service time — against players and personnel. Punishment can be assessed upon a violation of the broad prohibition of utilizing “Electronic Devices or Visual Enhancement Devices during the game to identify, communicate or relay the opposing club’s signs or pitch information.”
There are some added protections for players. They’ll get union representation while the league investigates. Much as in the context of the domestic violence policy, the league will start fresh in terms of precedent for suspension lengths (at least for players). It’ll all be subject to appeal and final determination by a neutral arbitrator.
The league is also stepping up its monitoring and enforcement mechanisms. The video review rooms will be isolated and communications strictly limited; ultimately, cameras will watch over the proceedings. Trained security professionals from a third-party vendor will watch the door to the doors even to the clubhouse; notably, they’ll be given authority to document and even confront any players or personnel that violate rules such as the ban on in-game cellphone access.
For the time being, players will not be able to watch any kind of live or video feed during a game that features an angle of action that would reveal signs. That will ultimately change, but the league needs time to sort out a system for blotting out signs in the feeds its players will be allowed to access.
It’s all a game of whack-a-mole to some extent, but there’s a key backstop now — a clear threat of suspension — that was lacking previously. The new system is a reflection of the inadequacy of the old one. It would be an improvement if it could ferret out and adequately punish cheaters, but the league hopes for more. If this slate of initiatives really works, the likelihood of being exposed and fear of significant punishment will prevent would-be rule-breakers from even trying.
Too little, too late
right, because the Astros weren’t punished enough its all meaningless now. might as well not punish anyone for anything anymore.
Hah! Oh, they’re going to get punished. What happened in the Dodgers game a couple of nights ago is going to happen at least once with every MLB team as payback. The Astros’ players better get used to it.
And what about the players that were on the 2017 Astros team and are now on other teams? Does Marisnick or Marwin escape the fastballs at the head. Nobody has an issue with the Astros getting hit, but I have an issue with throwing near the head.
I agree, the head should be off limits. I have zero issues with a guy getting drilled in the ribs, but let’s not potentially take away someone’s ability to lead a normal, functioning life.
I’ve always felt if a pitcher drills a batter above the shoulders, and the guy gets shelved, that pitcher should sit without pay for however long the batter is IL’ed for.
As one former player, now an analyst, said last night. “They need to stay away from the head, but folks it really hurts to get hit in the ribs”
Why would someone put Marisnick on? The assistant Commissioner is the man who ordered Roger Clemens to throw a ball at Mike Piazza. He didn’t get suspended and had Tim McCarver defend Clemens do that on a live broadcast. Yanks won 98,99,00 and 09 from roids but somehow that okay. David Ortiz is a POS steroid user but baseball looked the other way. He almost hit Pedroia in the head with a bat in a roid rage. Let me know when baseball does something about those teams cheating. Oh they won’t do they handled the Astros the same way what a shock
Given Kelly’s suspension, I don’t see too many more teams trying to exact “justice” on the Astros.
Manfreds a joke
Just to be clear, The team was punished, but the players weren’t. The Astros should vacate their title and banned from the playoffs for a season, plus the guilty should have been suspended a season. The guilty got off without punishment because the union protected them. IMHO, the Union should have sacrificed them for the good of the game. Yes, the players better be wearing bubble wrap this season.
But then you would have had to go after all the rest of the teams doing the same stuff. It’s a rabbit hole the MLB didn’t want to go down (union and the league).
I do not understand how “vacating their title” makes sense as a punishment. They still won, even if we all pretend they didn’t. Take away their trophies, payouts etc., but what happened, happened.
You really don’t understand because “they still won”?
@DarkSide830- Just take the Championships away from the Astros and the Red Sox. Seems too fair to happen, right? Probably. If you cheat, you can win it all and then just lose draft picks and $. Great message being sent out by the league. smh
But again, that is the past. This announcement (assuming they put teeth into it) is a step towards correcting a wrong, and I believe that’s DarkSide’s point. As such, “there was a flaw in the system and we’re trying to repair it” IS a great message being sent by the league.
To lump in the RS with the Astros shows you don’t understand what happened in either situation. You do understand that Cora was suspended for this season for what he did while with the Astros, Right?
The RS were not accused of relaying what pitches were coming in real time by watching a monitor, then electronically or audibly telling the batter.
Thats why the fines and punishment was so different.
@Yank4Life why not take away Yanks Championships as well along with DBacks? They cheated for their championships as well. Jeter cheats on his taxes and gets rewarded with HOF?
Failure of the past is no excuse for failing today or in the future. If steps are being taken to improve something its a good thing no matter how much something from the past sucks.
Right. MLB should throw its hands in the air and do nothing.
Horse out of barn. Time to lock it.
its good to have a structure for these things. having more set-in-stone guidelines should better prevent this from happening again.
You’re a God damn year late you dumb lawyer clown. Get out of baseball, all you’ve done is bash this sports head into a mirror and left its body on the floor of a tracker trailer stop rest room.
How is it if you lose a WS like the Black Sox scandel your out of baseball but if you cheat to win zero punishment for the players.
EXACTLY! The Black Sox didn’t have a union.
Answer: Kenesaw Mountain Landis
A racist prig
Cuz throwing a series for gambling is way worse than breaking rules to get an edge
Werent they banned for being associated with gamblers and not the fixing itself being theres no evidence…. and other ppl were banned just for knowing about the fix, plus i believe they played in 1920. Dont go by the 8 men out movie, cpl of mis-facts in there
Would the NFL mold for the manager communicating through the catcher’s helmet (a la HC communicating to the QB) not work?
I like it.
Now punish the Yankees and investigate the teams that players have identified as cheaters.
Stupid clown league.
@kennonr- Punish the Yankees for what? Not cheating.
Stop being biased and accept that your team couldn’t even when while cheating
DTD_ATL- That’s just your opinion and not a proven fact & learn how to spell correctly.
The league has covered for them and you know it. They did the same with Boston. The sport couldn’t survive knowing that a majority of the teams did the same stuff Houston did. Your team had one of the ring leaders the season before he came to Houston. Think logically here.
“Think logically”
Presents claim without evidence.
it’s been proven that the yankees never cheated, quit crying and move on. nothing to see there.
@pinstripes17- Yes absolutely, correct. This is fake news
Steroids during their “series wins” and they were caught with lap tops in the dugout a cpl of yrs ago..stop pretending the astros are the only ones .
That’s cool and all but when a team gets caught and they give 1 guy a 2 day suspension we’re all gonna be complaining cause everybody’s hero Joe Kelly got more for throwing near a head of a cry baby cheater
Reinstate Pete Rose
Odd timing for this to rollout.
I’m absolutely sure it’s an attempt at deflection.
Not really. After Joe Kelly was so wild that he couldn’t even hit the batters, he’s hoping to ease the tension by putting strict rules in place.
Its just too late.
Altuve and Yordy should give their awards back, the Astros should lose the title, and life time bans for players involved should be issued.
Even Baba Booey laughs at Kelly
A-roid giving back his mvp award? Yankees giving up the tainted w.s. titles? Canseco and McGwire with oakland giving back their rings? Manny ramirez? Clemens,the poster child for roid rage giving back his cy youngs? How about barry ” the growing head ” bonds, is he giving back his mvps?
@metsfan68- I guess this means you don’t want A-Roid to own the Mets?
That would be a disgrace on all ends..the guy who made a mockery of roid usage and embarrassing baseball to no end wants to be an owner? What owners of the other teams will even say yes to him? And what happens when him and his scank of the month break up..can you say l.a. dodgers all over again when McCourt owned them….
@Yank4Life why would he? Are all Yankees fans this stupid or just you?
@metsfan68- How dare you talk about J-Lo like that. lol. I hear you and happen to agree with you. As a Yankee fan I never wanted AROD on the Yankees. I feel he destroyed are clubhouse chemistry from day 1
I like how they said that they would stagger suspensions of three or more are suspended.
Uh, why? The team should be punished by playing down that many players at once. You cheat, you screw your team. That will definitely help deter cheaters.
because the league doesnt want to hurt a whole fanbase. lets face it, any suspensions, unless lifetime, hurt the fans more then the players. and we can debate whether or not that would have been reasonable, but that would have hurt fans as well, and may have never been on the table.
Wise point, Darkside. Cheaters should be punished- but you can’t cripple a franchise to the point that it becomes unwatchable for a fan. That hurts the product from a business standpoint.
Well, you CAN but that would be against MLB’s business interests. That’s the real motivating factor.
Yeah whatever would those cardboard cutouts do. League has done a great job hurting the fans. How do you explain to Braves,Padres,Mets and Cardinals fans who were cheated out of a WS win. Ironic Yankees fans get upset about Astros but when they cheat it’s okay. Baseball union confirmed it is not a real sport but just entertainment. They gave clues when Clemens was roid raging in 00 WS and baseball did nothing because they wanted Yankees to win or Ortiz hugging Jeter on the basepath but Astros scandal confirmed it
@johnnydubz- You still have no proof of the Yankees cheating. I wish you the best of luck with that. You seem really delusional having no proof. Might be stupid to keep talking about this or even speaking at all
“Trained security professionals from a third-party vendor will watch the door to the doors even to the clubhouse”
What are these players? Convicted felons? Watch the door to the door??? Do they not have any sense of fair play? Unbelievable that MLB has to go this far to prevent players from cheating
Blame the money. The financial benefits of cheating have grown so large that it way outweighs the risks.
This feels like a good first step toward eliminating this type of thing. The loss of pay- and especially service time- will be some pretty strong deterrents. I’d start the suspensions at 30 days, though.
to be fair, i think it can vary widely for the specific infraction. it can go anywhere from being simply complacent (which may or not be imposer bsased on whether or not orders from the program came from the top or from peers) to actually orchestrating the project. (which would have to go on a year + possibly staggered over multiple years) there are varying levels of responsibility to be had beyond just the usage of the system.
Alls I knows is that a lot of Yanks, Red Sox, Mookie, and Astros suddenly can’t hit the broad side of a barn. Lot of season left to prove me wrong though <3
to be fair, numbers vary widely in a small sample. one 0-4 game or one 4-4 game can double or triple your AVG.
The 4-1 Yankees have Stanton hitting .417 and lemahieu hitting .500. Judge is .267 but sanchez and Gleyber are struggling. Sounds normal for any team this year but small sample sizes due to scheduling issues. The Astros?!?! Altuve and Bregman are each .174 but Brantley and Correa are each over .400. Springer is .048, reddick is .182 and gurriel is .238. That’s a LOT of struggling at the plate. And the Red Sox? Not too much hitting there right now with JD hitting .250, Devers .200, bogaerts .167 and benintendi hitting .105 and not one home run between them. That is an interesting study albeit early in the season.
Manfred has no testicles so I doubt this “punishment” is ever deployed. Given the lack of punishment for the Asstros players and the now 8 game suspension of Joe Kelley for NOT hitting a batter, It’s clear that the Commish is firmly backing the cheaters with the weight of his office. I am surprised that the owners still employ this buffoon, but maybe I am giving the owners more credit than they deserve.
Well at least they agreed to something. Next will be that player restrooms have toilet paper. Of course, there’s always the question of who buys the TP.
I don’t get why people are making such a big deal out of this sign stealing thing. The batter could easily just look back and see the catcher’s sign before getting the pitch.
My view might be too simplistic, but that’d be different, to me, at least.
If I’m the catcher, and you’re hitting, and I see you physically glance back at my signs, I know you’re trying to steal them- and I can take countermeasures. Plus, I think timing that would be incredibly difficult while still trying to hit a pitch.
When you start involving tech, trashcans, and forms of code- I feel like you’re trying to get one over on me, unbeknownst to me.
Yeah, but then the batter would get a fastball to the ear hole…….oh wait, strike that.
That’s not true at all. Catchers are mindful of this and if this practice became widespread teams would simply change how they communicate on the field. There’s a reason teams don’t already do what you’re suggesting; it isn’t that simple.
“… could easily just look back and see…”
Have you ever actually been in a batters box, sir?
They should have been properly penalize from the beginning. This falls on the commissioner for not handling this correctly. Now we still have a problem because the commissioner failed to do his job. He rewarded the cheaters instead of doing his job. Now baseball has a ugly reputation. He needs to be removed from office.
The reason the Astros are hated is because they know they would not be penalized so they boasted about cheating. They rubbed it in the other teams face.
It’s a double edged sword. Without offering immunity to the players it’s possible we’d have never known the full extent of the cheating, and punishments would’ve been even weaker due to lack of proof. I was against vacating the title initially, but given MLB’s lack of recourse I think it should’ve been on the table.
I find it both insulting and disappointing that in such a traditional sport of baseball that we have come to know that we have to have rules for the teams that cheat and steal….what ever happened to the integrity if playing the nation’s favorite past time?
You hit the nail on the head, bens04ter. Unfortunately when there is the idea that gaining a competitive advantage will equate into a greater payday, the temptation is too great for some regardless of the punishment.
Hopefully this deters more Houston/Boston type behavior. It sucks nobody involved in those scandals was adequately punished, that flags still fly and playoff bonus shares were kept.
But this is MLB’s way of trying to look forward.
or save manfraud’s behind.
How about we just ban the Astros, Yankees, and Red Sox and then we’d never have to worry about cheating again…
absolutely agree! but then, let us simply dissolve them. better.
Lol… how are the Yankees tied in with this?
Did I miss an investigation and subsequent penalty? I feel like I’d’ve known about that.
Clemens,Andy,Arod,Cano,Melky,Grimsley etc using roids which resulted in 5 championships. Wasn’t Beltran on 16 Yankees and assistant to Cashman last two years? Perhaps that explains why Gio became good or Judge when they were garbage before playing on the Yanks…..
@johnnydubz- More fake news… smh
@Ducky Buckin Fent- No your not missing any investigation at all. Yanks not guilty again! It’s just when the Astros & Red Sox cheat the Yankees got to take a hit for doing nothing at all. lol. We should be used to this behavior by now… fake news
The league had to implement sign stealing rules literally because of them. Don’t be so biased
There should be no such thing as a video room. All appeals should be virtually instantaneous and come from the field of play.
Ragging on Manfred illustrates how little fans understand how things work. :50 years ago the owners gave away to the players the right to unilaterally administer judgments in perceived wrong doing. They have to go through the union. Even though most players agree that such rule breaking should be punished, they still are reluctant to place a rule in place that could boomerang on them at some point. Past drug issues illustrate the issue.
It all depends on the teeth. Say we could apply this to the Astros retroactively. If Altuve gets a 5-game suspension for wearing a buzzer, so what? If he gets an 81-game suspension, now you’re talking a serious disincentive.
What people miss is, if they went after players MLB would have gotten Roger Goodell’d in federal court and nothing would have stood. Without a clear policy it would have gotten shredded. Manfred is an idiot, but he wasn’t wrong about that element of it at least.
Classic Spineless Manfred move, wait until someone decides to do something to retaliate against the cheaters to impose these new rules. He really is a joke, should have been fired along with Hinch and Luhnow.
Like it or not, MLB had no authority to punish players for their actions in the Astros or Red Sox cheating scandals. Now they do. Whether it acts as a disincentive or not remains to be seen. Laws really don’t deter criminal behavior. Most criminals think they will get away with the crime.
Coming soon: Commissioner Manfred to announce that Major League Baseball will conduct sign-stealing workshops for all teams.
All you ppl crying for astros punishment are forgetful or stupid… do you know what IMMUNITY means??? They were given immunity for what they told mlb….no immunity ,no talking to mlb.
But in reality the guy who was on the team that cheated to win the w.s. is mad at the guy who was on a team that cheated to win the w.s.?….. its like wiping before crappping, makes no sense
If the punishment for the team would have been more crushing (25 or 30 draft picks and 300 percent of a cycle of international spending) the penny-ante negotiating with the players wouldn’t be necessary.
The punishment of the organization was minimal, considering the scope of the action.
The yankees have been cheaters since steingrabber bought them. Eye in the sky cameras in the 70’s. Ducky Bents homer was a stolen sign. Reggie Jackson’s homers were stolen signs. Then all the steroid teams. Throwing broken bats at HOF players in a roid rage, huge fine, but not thrown out of game? MLB enabling the chokers then feeling guilty enough to look the other way for the 2004 chokathon. Manny being Manny. Papi. It was all payback for the other years of helping the yankees when fans reach over the fence or swipe tag phantom outs at the plate on backhand flip throws. Jeter was a creation of MLB help, his teams loaded with PED users and his highlights all a created ruse of wrong umpire calls. Andy petite with the widest postseason home plate in history. And on and on, a litany of pathetic assistance.
Didn’t the league already have protocols for this? Cheating is cheating, whether it’s ped’s, cork, sandpaper, pine tar, etc.
So the league is using the lack of groundwork for not suspending any players? Wouldn’t being caught cheating be enough to suspend? Looks like the league is just trying to cover their butt for lack of action against the Astros. Too little too late, Manfred needs to go.
Agreed! Manfred needs to go!
Cover their butt? Where is the suspensions for Ortiz,Andy,Clemens Luis Gonzalez etc? How come the Red Sox,DBacks and Yanks haven’t been force to vacate the titles they cheated for? Joe Torre works as the assistant Commissioner which explains why Yanks are allowed to cheat even know. Explains Gio’s numbers and Judge when they sucked before Cashman used Beltran’s system. Why did Joe Torre try fixing 2015 NLDS series when he didn’t suspend white supremist Chase Utley
And yet another day/night of meaningless, comments on a closed issue…..
The rage and emotion over the result of a game played by millionaire mercenaries………..laughable
It doesn’t matter who cheated because it doesn’t matter who wins……..if it really mattered, they wouldn’t do it every year…..
Let it go…..
Manfred’s yanks will eventually lose their appeal to have his letter stay sealed. Stay tuned.