4:29pm: Teams have been issued a memo with new regulations, Scott Miller of Bleacher Report reports (Twitter links), including the requirement of a compliance officer who will monitor on and off-field personnel decisions.
The league investigated the Marlins situation, Miller adds. It determined that the club was “very lapse” in avoiding settings with a greater risk of transmission.
MLB also announced its most recent testing results. Twenty players and nine staff members have tested positive in the past week. Twenty-one of those positive results came from one organization, which is obviously by this point known to be the Marlins.
4:05pm: It sounds as if there’s serious contemplation of a potential end to the just-launched 2020 MLB campaign. Per Jeff Passan of ESPN.com, commissioner Rob Manfred informed MLBPA chief Tony Clark that the league could halt the campaign if problematic recent developments aren’t turned around.
While this could and may yet become a contentious matter, it doesn’t sound as if the message was intended as a threat. Passan labels it, instead, as a “reality check” for the sport. Both owners and players would obviously suffer financially if the season is punted.
The concerns are by now well-known. More than half of the Marlins’ active roster has come down with COVID-19 and the team isn’t playing presently. The Phillies are also on ice since they recently played the Miami org. And now two members of the Cardinals have tested positive.
It sounds as if the commissioner’s office could contemplate a cancellation or pause as soon as Monday. The hope is that the Marlins-related outbreak will be contained and that the Cards won’t have further positive tests. The worst-case scenario would be for members of still other organizations to come down with infections.
It seems there’s also a broader concern with the way players are behaving on and off the field — with some government officials evidently conveying issues to the league. Rule-breaking behavior captured on cameras doesn’t make for a good look, though in many cases it’s not especially risky for transmission. But it sounds as if league officials have identified high-risk actions occurring elsewhere in the ballpark and away from the field of play.
There’s ample blame to go around for this situation. Player responsibility is an easy target, and may well be at play in some cases, but there’s far more to it than that. Travel poses obvious transmission opportunities, even for those that strictly adhere to protocols. And the Marlins-Phillies fiasco — in which informally ascertained player sentiment was inexplicably allowed to drive decisionmaking — shows that there have been leadership and planning failures from the highest levels of the league on down.
Of course, the largest factor in the difficulty of pulling off a season isn’t really in the control of Manfred, Clark, or any of those they’re paid to lead. With tens of thousands of Americans testing positive every day, and many more surely coming down with uncounted infections, it’s awfully difficult to keep the virus from infiltrating traveling baseball teams and/or the many people involved in staging games.
About time.
Stop ! Please stop
They never will. The cultural wokeness warriors will permeate every sliver of America life with their diatribe on how you should conduct yourself. Unfortunately, everyone is offended, most people can’t take a joke, and most turn everything political. Baseball used to be an escape from this. It’s a shame…..
Last night red sox players were seen spitting during the game, notably bogaerts after a play following the first out of the 9th inning. This was on national television. It happened through out the game with other players, including both sides.
This is just one example of the behavior cited by the article. It is a BAD look.
Players NEED to just realize for 50 days they have to follow the rules and resist partying in the cities. Literally less than 2 months. It shouldn’t be that hard.
Well it was fun boys
Good job Marlins…
Marlins should be eliminated from the league through 2020. You break the rules you pay the price. Let’s not punish all the other teams for the stupid immature behavior of one team. I say if they can’t form a team of 26 to 30 players by Monday each game they can’t do so is a forfeit.
I agree, cancel the Marlins season and move on.
Yes why let the other teams suffer when they are all okay just cancel Marlins season
Yes why let the other teams suffer when they are all okay just cancel Marlins season and let the other 29 play.
Clark tell players. You celly, you are suspended. Yeah I know guys, that’s harsh and imma get nasty crap from this but, that is a way to solve it
Who had 7 games on the office pool?
I had 10. Dammit. /s
I’m have 10. Just need to get through the weekend!
What a shocker. MLB made a bad plan and implemented it poorly. Something else is new?
Did MLB have a bad plan or too many Marlins go to a gentlemens club?
The bad plan is depending on people who are not dependable.
bad plan was delaying the start of the season into the infections upswing. it’s all on the commissioner and some team owners.
Then the players would have wanted 81 games.
sure, but if they started a season in may or june, they’d have played more than half of the season making it somewhat more of a legitimate season.
We have a lot more answers to this virus now then we had in June.
Yes in this case its the Marlins and their FO idiots
Both. The fact that MLB had a system that permitted Marlins players to make their own decision about playing after already testing positive is insane. There should’ve been compliance officers from day 1.
I like your answer dirtbag. That doesn’t sound like a compliment, but it is,.
Called it yesterday. Said that if they have Compliance People for Sign Stealing then they need them here. Also called for Veteran Players to kick some a$$ in the clubhouse to get the young guys to socially distance etc. Step up Baumgartner, Trout etal ! Ditto every manager and coach!
Dirtbag – “Compliance Officers”? The Nazis in WWII had those too.
It was a bad plan, and we know it was a bad plan simply by looking at the results. We also should know why it was a bad plan. Other pro sports knew they needed to create a player bubble if they were going to keep infections out. MLB thought they could do it on a voluntary basis. MLB was wrong. Predictably wrong. Catastrophically wrong.
BTW somebody needs to tell Scott Miller that “lapse” and “lax” are different words.
Manfred proposed bubble cities. Tony Clark and the players said no.
Lol I was wondering if anyone else noticed that about “lapse”
Mlbtr shoulda just included (sic) but nobody duz granmar these daze
BlueSky – that’s exactly what MLB pushed for. It was the Players Association who rejected it.
We are wash them try to come up with a plan and nobody could agree on either side. Someone had to make a decision and go with it.
No MLB had a plan Miami players had other plans.
Agree. A few cases might be inevitable. 18 on one team means That Team blew it. Marlins players are totally to blame. All of South East Florida is on fire and they should be the most aware and cautious team in MLB.
Bring out the pooper scooper.
this is hardly news without specifics to be fair.
I think it is news. But people can read it differently.
“if problematic recent developments aren’t turned around.”
Manfred was saying to the head of the players association to get his members in line or we wont have a season.
This is how I take it too
Examples? Just watch game footage.
Players are spitting on the field on national tv.
Camera in dugouts show guys with masks on their head, but, pulled below their noses and or mouths to where they have NO effect when they’re not on the field.
Plenty of common sense thing that were intended to limit spread but aren’t being followed.
It’s stupid, can’t guys make it 2 months… TWO FREAKIN MONTHS?????
When the average player makes $1.5M you’d think they’d have some respect for the guidelines
Plus I thought that “hand slapping” wasn’t going to be allowed. I’ve seen no elbow or cleat “bumps” like we were told would be okay. It just seems like they’re letting the players do what they want.
End it.
Maybe the whole idea of travelling thousands of miles over and over again wasn’t the greatest plan when it came to returning to play. Who’d have known?
It’s not the mileage, it’s going in and out of places while the virus is still surging in many of those places. The real problem is that without a vaccine, it’s hard to predict this thing. While certain places like New York or Boston may seem relative safe and stable now, one spark can reignite the whole fire.
Remember in March when everyone though Covid would be gone in 3 months? It’s completely unpredictable.
Wiffle, I don’t think it is. You could be right but I don’t think so.
It’s about players acting irresponsible. The virus is raging in California. Zero problems.
And we don’t even know if the players got the virus in Miami, it’s being reported they got it in Atlanta.
So based on the information we have now, I don’t know if you can make that assumption.
I know. They definitely should’ve went the UFC/NBA/NHL model though and try to stay in one spot and cut off the outside world.
I’m not disagreeing with that at all JD.
No one cares what I said a month ago, but I said exactly that. Play 45 games, five games a week. Two days off a week. Five game series and IN THE SAME AREA!!!
But the Angels are doing it right. Every player has his own suite.
Don’t even think about it
Let Miami call up their AAA team; nobody will notice.
And move their location
Agreed, that’s the point of having an alternate site player pool. The 40-man roster rule should be waived in this case. They should field a team or forfeit the games. Extending the season or adding several double-headers with seven-inning games is not a smart move during a pandemic. Their alternate player pool had no positive tests.
Just pull the plug already!!!!!
manfred and clark are terrible and should be given the boot
One boot to split, or do they each get their own boot?
They would have to get two separate pairs because there is no way they could agree upon a single pair. Both sides would demand the other take the left one.
Some of these players are going to have to learn a big lesson, and quick. I’m not pointing fingers, because EVERYBODY needs to be safe. Not just the Marlins, Phillies, or Cardinals. Everybody. People need to finally listen to Manfred, and take him and everyone else seriously right now. This disease is bipolar, on Brett Martin (who has a compromised immune system) he was fine, but Freddie Freeman (who is healthy) pushed a 105 fever. If players don’t start taking this seriously, 2020 baseball is doomed.
Sadly, not any different from the country as a whole.
You hit it right on the nose.
Ouch. Why I oughta…
Oh, a wise guy!
Exactly. The virus and the preventive measures to reduce exposure to it have somehow become a symbol for your own personal political agenda. It’s maddeningly simple. Follow the rules, wear masks, don’t go out in unnecessary trips, etc.
I really don’t understand what’s so hard about this. If a grown man can’t follow protocol while being heavily compensated for it, then what hope is there for this blasted country moving forward?
Is it really a surprise that anything involving Clark and Manfred wouldn’t wind up in a raging Dumpster fire?
Whatever they have to do, do it. But please don’t ruin future seasons like the NHL and NBA have.
I need to hope that 2021 will be back to normal even though it probably won’t be until a dang vaccine.
It up to the players to act responsibly. If they are capable, we’ll have a season, if they are not, we wont.
But depending on the wisdom of people south of 30 is a hard bet to win.
Shut down the Marlins instead.
Yes. Send a strong message.
Then call up NFL Owners/ Commissioner/ NFLPA and make sure they learn the lesson from MLB.
Leave it to MLB – the safest sport to play (outdoors, far distance between players most always) to screw this up. It’s a damn shame if they get shut down. Especially considering that almost all of the players who tested positive were asymptomatic. A mass majority are young athletes in the best shape of their lives. We, as a country, clearly have no idea what to do here and are choosing to overreact and still not solving it. Failure on every level (and don’t bring your divisive political party BS into this convo – both parties are at their absolute worst right now).
If everyone just followed rules we would be like Korea right now. But instead we have people like you who call it an overreaction who go around without a mask on and this will go forever.
And what if ppl who don’t wear a mask never get it?
What do you mean “if?” At this point only a vaccine is the only hope. To too many, the simple act of wearing a mask is a hill to (quite possibly literally) die in.
Korea had the virus under control when play resumed.
MLBPA should have agreed to a bubble. Whoever made a stink about not having one should be looked at for this mess.
If other sports can do it, why not baseball?
Common sense needs to prevail. Teams shut down for 10 or more days with no practice ? Looking at injuries when they return . Make up games as 7 inning doubleheaders ? This is the Big Leagues! Rule changes and Roster changes for this year only ? What are we doing ? Advertisements on the field ? Flexible schedule to adjust for cancelled games ? Team bus from Philadelphia to Miami ? Stop it now –
I say Marlins should be shut down period and those games they forfeit period. They caused the spread to their team now pay the consequences.
The recent outbreak w/ Marlins and subsequently the Cardinals isn’t a result of bad planning by MLB or the existing MLB covid-19 protocols
The recent outbreak is a result lack of personal responsibilities by the players.
In other words , it’s a result of post game ‘STRIPPER WINGS ‘
This is a message to The players via Tony Clark to TIGHTEN IT UP Now. Otherwise, MLB is pulling the plug
It appears that is the case. But we don’t know for certain. But if I had to bet, I put my portion of the stimulus package that you are correct.
Sure we do. A couple cases might be inevitable, but more than 1/2 the team’s roster means they spread it amongst themselves.
But did you see the rack on the one on the main stage?
MLB NEEDS to take a look at the NBA and their BUBBLE SYSTEM! YES, I KNOW it would be a bit more challenging for MLB as the games are longer, but they have no issues with outbreak. The NFL better take a look too, because at this point their is ZERO chance to finish the season without it.
MLB did consider early on and got much push back from players on the concept
Its not the same. NBA/NHL who are doing bubbles were about to start playoffs. baseball and football are at the beginning of their seasons. I think they could have made the bubble work using the spring training facilities and probably would have been in better shape, but they collectively chose not to.
NFL and college football, are you watching??
There is zero reason for college football to have games.
None whatsoever. Sports fans are ridiculous. They want to ignore a pandemic just so they can have games to watch.
I like ping pong
What you said
We still have golf. Koepka certainly blew it today. 3 putt from 4 feet. Rickie had another nice day. Todd was on fire.
I tried to flag this comment for talking about golf but i cant find the option for reporting a golf comment. Must have been so obvious they overlooked it. Just kidding btw, hopefully golf will not have such an issue as i fear golf , bowling, darts, and their like are all we might get for a while.
Don’t forget single scull Crew
Don’t forget good old fashioned wrestlin’, ohh… I mean “Sports Entertainment.”
Lord knows they’d continue their weekly shows and monthly PPV’s if their entire locker room was diagnosed with COVID-19.
If the players cost the season they will not be treated well at the negotiating table in 2022 at all.
Brian, the players know who messed up. the owners know who screwed up. If they are fringe players, they are not going to have a job. Just look at Puig, and what he did is nothing compared to the Marlins mess up.
current CBA expires Dec. 2021
And the negotiations will carry on well into 2022.
They still don’t report who is actually symptomatic. Wouldn’t it be newsworthy if these guys were truly sick with symptoms? They don’t differentiate between positive tests and those who are truly symptomatic because most people, about 85%, have few or no symptoms.
Play ball.
Asymptomatic transmission can occur, I don’t know where your 85% fact came from….
He pulls numbers out of…. all the time. Been doing it since the start Nothing new here.
It’s the latest thing in Murica. Make stuff up and hope no one calls you out on it.
This is one source that I consider unbiased if you have 18 minutes to spare. There are many others who provide facts without agenda or fear which is what we are fed on the “news”. As I have commented many times before, I don’t watch the news at all, including Fox News. They seek ratings through fear mongering and agenda reporting. That’s why you never hear the number of recoveries, which is the vast majority of cases. You also never hear the average age of death (80), or that the vast majority of the deaths are people who were elderly or who had underlying health issues. Those facts don’t boost ratings.
Do your own research from sources who don’t have a dog in the political fight. They’re hard to find but they are out there. I have and formulated my own opinion. We can disagree.
Your “research” consists of a Youtube video by a former doctor that’s been widely debunked?
That’s about it. The science deniers latch onto any crackpot they can find who endorses their fallacies, and then ignore everything else. The loonier the tune the better, so long as they tell them what they want to hear.
billy – Widely debunked? By whom? People like you who disagree with her? That’s not debunked. You choose your sources and I will choose mine. I choose people who are not tied to the political nonsense then I make my own decision. There are many more non-political sources of information if you don’t like the one I chose to post. Do some research outside of CNN’s fear mongering.
Blue – Still using the term “science denier”. It’s not science if it changes daily to fit an agenda. As strongly as you and others think I’m wrong, I and others think you are wrong. The difference between us is you choose to turn to name calling and personal attacks instead of a healthy and respectful debate on our points of view. As I’ve said before, liberals can’t wrap their heads around the fact that some people have a differing opinion from them on issues. It’s ok to respectfully disagree. You need to learn some respect for others Or is that just the responsibility of conservatives? Tolerance, as liberals like to preach, goes both ways.
Horse droppings. You cite thoroughly debunked sources. You quote erroneous statistics. I know science deniers who are liberals, I know science deniers who are conservatives, and I know science deniers who have no ideological leanings. As for mine, you know absolutely nothing whatsoever. So that’s just another load of horse hockey you are inventing to rationalize your science denial. All you need to know is I trust science and the people who do it. You don’t. That makes you a science denier. Just own up to it already.
Thanks for proving my point about you. Cheers.
The latest CDC estimate of asymptomatic carriers is 40% of people at most who have COVID. Problem is, COVID is still highly transmittable with asymptomatic carriers, and they can still cause an outbreak. That’s why they don’t differentiate between people with symptoms and those without–they still have to be quarantined away from the team. Otherwise, your team is liable to have the kind of outbreak the Marlins did. COVID is a disease that kills through infection rate, so it’s extremely important to shut off any chance of spread, The problem for MLB is if an outbreak robs teams of too many players, and how that affects the rest of the schedule, and it gets to a point it simply becomes unworkable.
Also, the unspoken danger of COVID is its long-term damage to organs, which recent studies have started showing that asymptomatic people do suffer. More than half of the 76 asymptomatic passengers on the Diana Princess cruise ship now have significant lung damage. The lack of symptoms may simply be a younger, healther body compensating for the actual damage being done.
And for a professional athlete, that damage could shorten or end careers.
I think the over/under for the NFL is 3 games. How can they possibly keep the virus in check when there are what… twice…3x the number of players and coaches and each play results in at least 10 of the players falling on each other. Laughable to think that will work.
I’ll take the under
I will take a full season. The issue is the staying in cities for baseball with no issues when training. Football will fly in for one night and then fly home. Not spend 3-5 days there
The issue is strip clubs. Good luck keeping NFL players out of them.
1 game a week = more time for strip clubs
Teams will have to quarantine themselves in a traveling bubble for several months. MLB had the advantage of having several games during a week for players to focus on, but even that wasn’t enough. Boredom is going to be the biggest problem for players in keeping to the protocols. Just too much time in between.
Wrong logic. It’s going to be the other 5 days that bring down the NFL ‘IF’ (and it’s a big ‘IF’) they manage to keep it together for travel and game days
If you read between the lines… perhaps revenue hasn’t been where the owners want it to be indicating they are more willing to shut it down?
We could go with conspiracy theories, or we could go with the fact that all the outbreaks are creating a logistical nightmare that likely won’t get better.
They are getting push back from the communities they play in. Just shut down the traveling virus show.
It seems as if some players are going to screw this up. They better get their act together or they are going to lose a lot of money.
MLBTR: could we get past the “players got to decide” urban myth — later reporting has been clear that MLB had made the decision to play when Rojas polled the Marlins. Less clear, but it appears that when MLB made the decision there were only 4 new positives — the others came later in the day
“Everybody stay where you are, chill the eff out.”
I do think there was any way to have a plan that wasn’t risky since nobody could agree on anything. Someone had to make a decision. It is disheartening to read players are not complying off the field and or away from the field. The lack of leadership from management and the damn players will get them what they deserve.
Cancel it. Screw both the owners and the players. Honestly they all suck and they all are doing an excellent job ruining the sport. This is a complete cash grab and an utter embarrassment.
Someone from Philly speaks the truth.
BTW — all these injuries, many minor, are having as big an effect as the Covid —
MLB radio says its the stress players are having with confinement in hotels/homes, travel, heightened performance expectations, and the virus itself w/ unknown effects., plus the start and stop spring training.
Oh poor babies must really be tough making $2M to $30M a year and having to fly and stay in a hotel at night, maybe they need a head doctor or something
Dude. It ain’t rocket science. They’re mostly young people without formal education or life experience.
The solution is to provide Leadership. Every Manager/ Coach/ MLB Player Rep should be up on the soapbox telling them what to do, the ramifications for them, their team, the league, as well as, friends and family. Then do some additional Social Media with a guy like Trout bc that’s more lingua franca to these guys than anything else.
Yeah the fake crowd noise is pathetic. I tried watching a game but it is just ridiculous. And then you have the Dodgers and Astros going after each other. They have no sense. At this Point the sport can die for all I care.
No playoffs. Last team that can field a lineup from their 40 man roster wins.
Agree. Trophy is just a piece of metal anyway.
A sort of Hunger Games style year.
Will the Red Sox not have their luxury tax penalties reset if the season is shut down? And would prospects who were called up to start the season gain a full year of service time? And will prospects who were going to be Rule 5 eligible this offseason still be Rule 5 eligible?
What a shock that the self centered players refuse to follow the rules. Clint Frazier is one of the few players doing it the right way. The selfishness from the owners and players is disgusting. The cheating for last 2.5 decades and the treatment of the fans. I didn’t want baseball back in the middle of pandemic.
Of all the teams that had to be “very lapse” with their risk management, the fact that it’s a Florida team is the least surprising.
yeah, most of FL has a laissex-faire attitude about the pandemic in general so no surprise at all.
Blame Georgia/Atlanta for having strip clubs open.
Blame our entire nation for not taking a pandemic seriously. Zero leadership. selfish citizens.
Cey Hey, Then move to Russia good riddance or China your the bonehead here
Cey Hey – You mean free citizens who practice personal responsibility.
and the league was contemplating to gather every team to play there.
don’t the players get paid in full(60 games) if the season is canceled by the league?
they should make the marlins pay for everyone’s salaries
No pay if games are compromised because of a national emergency. MLB already agreed to 170 million, but if the season gets axed, so do the paychecks.
No if the season is cancelled they get paid for the games played
Have they had any new cases on the Phillies? I haven’t heard since the initial ones. I think that will tell us a lot in regards to on field transmission.
If they enforce the protocols, things should not end up like the Marlins situation.
i think they’re still awaiting the results
No player has yet been positive. Sports Illustrated reported earlier that one of the two staffers who tested positive, was actually a false positive.
Wasn’t this Juan Soto’s issue? He was asymptotic but couldn’t get two negatives in a row.
Hope it stays like that for sure
Bad plan. Poor implementation. Welcome to America.
The absolute BEST part of all of this is that Derek Jeter is responsible for the shutdown of MLB. LOLOL!!!
No, the reason would be we are the biggest bonehead country on the planet.
Bigger bonehead countries are where you get executed (and your family) for saying things like this in public. “This country” is far from that.
Our nation’s response has been awful. That spells bonehead. Yet our leaders like telling the rest of the world we’re better than they are. The way the United States has bungled this is a worldwide disgrace. No leadership.
This guy is a troll. My mistake for engaging in conversation.
Right ask Cumo or DeBlasio why they ignore the basic signs of the virus in their State, their the boneheads and many like them.
Cey Hey, move to China if you think its a better country we don’t need you here, or to Iran or to Cuba or to North Korea or to Russia, etc.
Marlins “very lapse” in enforcing virus protocols — why hasn’t MLB fined the Marlins a substantial amount of money?
“informally ascertained player sentiment “
That’s IAPS to us sheeple.
It sounds like a euphemism for an “unsubstantiated rumor” or “pure BS”
If they shut it down, these owners that demanded a season can give all the players 100% of the 60-game salary.
No way they do not get full pay only the games played in
The season should have never started, as much as I’ve loved watching games again.
Agreed. I love baseball and live music. But in the big scheme of things, it is just entertainment. It’s also what many people focus on to avoid the real issues and concerns of our nation and planet. At this point, that is not what we should be doing. It is not an overstatement to suggest that the future of our civilization and humanity are at stake. Yet here we have people complaining about extra-inning rules and how to squeeze in these games. It comes with our freedom, I suppose, but in this case, it’s freedom gone too far. What good are ballgames and other forms of entertainment if it’s not safe enough to enjoy them?
Theoretically, limitations on freedom is the very definition of authoritarianism. However, I get what you are saying though I am not willing to go as far as you suggest since in most instances when we travel down the road of limiting liberties we often don’t return to the status quo.
Also, the idea that there are more important things to worry about, while true, is often a useless proposition for the average person to address. Most people lack the education and sophistication to even understand if their choice is correct since they suffer from information asymmetries. Baseball, while only a game, is one of the things that keeps society from destroying itself.
Does anyone know where the other 4 positive cases that were announced tonight are from? MLB said there have been 29..
21 – Marlins
2 – Phillies
2 – Cardinals
4 unknown to me…..
cey hey, does china get any blame at all?
I will take this one.
China gets the blame, all the blame, and nothing but the blame. Anyone who thinks this isn’t their fault is a Chinese spy or an idiot who doesn’t understand basic facts.
Hahaha spoken like a true moron
Blame China because people in the states want to cheerfully spread a highly contagious virus around?
I have a hard time *not* putting this squarley on the players shoulders, man.
Now, I can certainly recall what my “priorities” were when I was in my twenties. I get it. I really do.
But look here, man.
My roofers (God love ’em) have been on their best behavior since fecking March. Roofers!
I’m definitely bothered by the blatant lack of respect shown to their co-workers and employers.
Unions, man.
Ya, you’d think players with millions on the line would have some self control, but I guess having money also makes it easier to get into trouble
As to your first point…I guess it kinda makes sense that it was the Marlins.
Ya know?
As for the second I didn’t really have the opportunity to combine money with my twenties. 😉
So that’s just all theoretical to me.
What’s that song I hear starting to play, “Shut it down” by Pitbull ft Akon.
Instead of canceling the season, suspend it 10-14 days, make sure everyone quarantines, and reschedule the games at the end of the season and start the playoffs around October 15. Not ideal, but better than cancelling. And hopefully during the 10-14 days the players will realize how much responsibility they have to follow regulations if they want a season.
You mean like how all of America took 10-14 responsible days in March and nipped that virus thing in the bud?
Fire Manfred – he’s a useless clown.
I just don’t get this constant fire Manfred rhetoric. What could be done any better given the circumstances? I;m not sure what some of you are hoping for but it seems you are all looking for something you can’t have and blame the commissioner.
Manfred is the perfect shield for ownership. He speaks for them then takes all the heat from clueless fans who blame him instead of ownership. That’s why he keeps his job.
That’s his job. The players have Clark and the owners have Manfred.
I could bet that most Cardinals fans could pinpoint the two who have it with pretty high certainty.
Forget bubbles. Just be responsible.
My guess is three weeks from now, this season is done.
Dear moderators, why are my political posts being turned down but liberals can put here whatever they want? Why dont you let me respond back?
Lol I think you answered your own question genius.
That’s just sort of the deal here, man.
I’ve been posting here less than two months and that’s pretty apparent.
My first post ever here was mildly pro-owner. Mostly, I was sharing my experience getting a company through all this Covid stuff.
It was nuked.
Not only that, but I was sent some long nonsensical reply as to why. I feel my post was valid.
Hey…*I’ve* gotten a company (knocks on skull) through this. I’m sure the trigger happy mod has absolutely no idea about doing something like that.
Here’s the kicker, though. About half a dozen comments below mine someone posted “death to anyone who crosses a picket line”. Which, let’s face it, is a hideous sentiment.
*That* disgusting post was *allowed* to stand.
Not only that, it received upvotes!
I guess that’s why I have no problem blowing off the site’s begging me for money.
I get it. Bias = clicks. Don’t expect me to support this particular bias, though.
Or whatever.
They never reply to me..what can they possibly say to me..they can say all the garbage and lies without a return response ..thats the joke of it…i dont have fb but if they have a fb page i bet they dump stuff there too
It actually kinda made it *worse* lol.
It began by accusing me of being “ignorant” and not “understanding the situation”.
We will build our 150th job of the season tomorrow. Wtf? Is that beginner’s luck?
Not even close.
It then went on to implore me to “not ruin it for everyone”. Which, obviously, precludes death threats to a replacement labor force.
Ah well. Going to get the job off the ground early tomorrow morning & then drive down to Nebraska for their limited small game opener.
The best revenge is living well.
Im still out of work. Morons wont open up the city ( im in nyc)
Your so called president ruined your country. Blame him
Man you’re a moron,,yes the man who shut the country down is the problem,not the ones who told you to go out and about your lives to chinatown,movies..keep protesting etc…
Yes the person who turned wearing a mask into some kind of political statement is to blame.
In other countries where we have the virus somewhat under control, the top medical people are in front of cameras every day updating on the latest development but in your clown country your so called president has managed to turn the top doctor into some kind of political opponent. What a joke
Trust me, nobody is laughing.
Yarp –not under control anywhere. Blame Fauci , for all the confusing mixed messaging – he;s the “expert” right? You progs make me sick. Please tear down more statues.
Pretty under control here and other countries are laughing at you clowns. Yea dont listen to the doctors, please go listen to your dear leader and go inject some disinfectant. Lol
Maybe the Marlins used this strategically. The chicken pox technique. Expose the players to multiple strippers and groupies as early in the season as possible to infect as many players as possible. Now when the playoffs come around and these players have recovered, the Marlins will actually have a chance against the mash up rosters of the other teams who don’t get their breakouts until the end of the season. Now, that’s adjusting to the Covid Age.
So are the Marlins going to be devastatingly punished like they should be or is this just one more instance of Manfred’s “I don’t really give a crap about anything but money” attitude?
Considering games are regional, every game is blacked out.
If we see another 20+ in the next few days, I can see this being over.
I will be so mad I had a great feeling about Detroit Tigers this year
Where did the virus come from? Who manufactured the virus from a lab? Who held back from telling the world about it? Who let their ppl go back and forth to italy without telling italy?..who shut thrir country down except for the wuhan area?…what country did this president say was killing us and ripping us off? Every answer is CHINA.thats why you blame them .
Just have a double elimination tournament and call it done. Hell, already changed the double header games to 7 innings each. Why? Because that would make a difference how? The pitchers would be fresh if they have a lot of double headers due to postponed games?
Compliance officer AKA babysitter. Good grief.
Watched the TX-SF game last night. Wilmer Flores REFUSED to wear a mask in the dugout. Everyone else was wearing one while he just breathed heavily all over the place TWICE after running the bases. Didn’t see him with a mask on once. Then one of the coaches came up to him and they were chatting away, the coach pulls his mask below his chin, because, you know, you must protect your chin from the virus (?!), and they have a nice chat face to face. The coach puts his hand on Wilmer’s chest as he turns to walk away. Good social distancing there. Way to ruin it for the rest of us!
Tell – Masks are a false sense of security. When the rationale to wear one is “well, it couldn’t hurt”, then it’s stupid. I have worn a mask twice for a round trip flight to get on the plane. Where I live liberty and personal responsibility have survived and thrive with few cases and three deaths of elderly/sick folks. Don’t be a lemming. Look at information from unbiased sources.
Spend 18 minutes: youtube.com/watch?v=WQB_nksm5Gc&t=2s
Total bunk, debunked.