JULY 1: The return of live fans will have to wait at least a bit longer, per Yoo (via Twitter). Governmental approval still hasn’t been issued, though it still seems likely to come before long — except, perhaps, in the Kia Tigers’ home city of Gwangju, where there has been an uptick in coronavirus cases. (It’s still a much smaller number than most U.S. cities are dealing with.)
JULY 30: The Korea Baseball Organization has thus far successfully followed Taiwan’s top league in launching a 2020 season. Now, the KBO hopes to join the CPBL in re-introducing live attendance.
Jeeho Yoo of Yonhap News reports (Twitter link; full story) that fans could be in the seats within days. The plan is to open at approximately thirty percent capacity, with careful precautions in place to limit the potential for coronavirus transmission.
All of the planning is obviously occurring in concert with Korean authorities, who’ll need to sign off on the final plan. The league is working up a variety of protocols, according to Yoo.
While it may seem like a fairly rapid development to go from no fans to nearly one-third attendance, it seems the KBO has been hard at work all this time preparing for a re-launch. Among the measures being taken:
- Tickets must be purchased online in advance.
- Utilization of QR codes at entry to limit contact and enable tracing if transmission is suspected.
- Modified entrance and spaced seating protocols.
It’s obviously quite important to understand that the KBO (like the CPBL) is operating in a nation that has far lower current COVID-19 prevalence than does the United States. Korea’s top league has already provided a model for relaunching play, but its strict standards for maintaining its schedule — the league says it will shut down for at least three weeks if any member of a team tests positive — would almost certainly be unworkable for MLB. If and when it comes to considering the reintroduction of fans on this side of the Pacific, it’ll be important to learn from the KBO while also recognizing the very different public health situation.
Wouldn’t it have been nice if this had been us?
I guess the leaders in South Korea actually care about their people. That used to be the case in the USA. Now we’re care about greed, stupidity and selfishness. And a whole lot of innocent people are paying for it.
Yes, well South Korea has a population of a little over 51 million. The United States has a population of over 328 million. Not to mention the United States has more than 9,000% more land mass than South Korea.
It’s a whole heck of a lot easier to contain COVID in a nation of just over 9,000 square km that is surrounded on 3 sides by ocean and on the 4th side is a crazy, reclusive country living in the 16th century.
Complain about the US leadership all you want, but comparing the US to South Korea is like comparing a sphere the size of a baseball to a sphere the size of the moon. There is no comparison.
It’s a simple comparison of what they did right and what we did wrong. No moons involved.
Let me guess who you voted for. The denial is amazing.
In 1976, I voted for Gerald Ford. This year, I wrote in Mitt Romney. In 45 years, I think I’ve voted for two Democrats. And I’ve voted in every one of those 45 years.
Whyhayzee, we waste our time statung the obvious. It’s frikkin OBVIOUS!!! Yet people want to make excuses. It’s simple. Liberal or conservative, when A leader of a country blatantly and publicly ignores what needs to be done to reduce COVID numbers and the numbers INCREASE?? This isn’t about politics, it’s about decisions.
So South Korea isn’t as big as the US. Well it’s bigger than MANY states that are seeing huge shifts.
Quit making excuses for who YOU voted for all you apologists. I voted for Paul.
And Whyhayzee, remember how much teasing Ford went through? Wouldn’t it be great if we only had to worry about our leader hurting people by his golfing.
I agree but I’m more worried about human behavior than anything else and that’s kind of scary. It might explain a lot that I once got hit in the head by a golf club that my friend threw in disgust after an awful shot. Good times, those 70’s.
Don’t get me started on human behavior. 70s had a lot of stuff going on too, I don’t miss them but part of me longs for them…specifically high school. Best times of my life.
Just in case your jealous, every president golfs 2-3 days a week since the 1940s. What next , Greenland interferes with 2020 election.
“Not to mention the United States has more than 9,000% more land mass than South Korea.”
This is pretty dumb. Have you ever been to SK?
“Of the 91 larger countries having population of over 10 million, Bangladesh (1,265) has greatest density followed by Taiwan (673), Republic of Korea (527), Rwanda (525) and Netherlands (508)”
And considering the fact that about 70% of South Korea’s land area is mountainous, its POP density is practically No.1, which means that it’s a lot easier to contain the virus in the US, compared with SK.
there is an argument to be made about how its harder to hold people to quarantining and such when they are more spread out, but yeah, that statistic doesn’t work too well here when that fact can go either way as far as its effect
Ridiculous, and you should feel bad for having, and worse for sharing, this opinion..
Korea vs US population, in millions.
51/238 = 15% or so
Baseball vs moon diameter, in cm
23.5 / 347425183 = 0.000007%
Tell me again how comparing the popluations is like comparing the size of a baseball to the moon.
Americans aren’t willing to be taken away from their family if they are sick to be quarantined, the countries that are able to open like this are willing to do more to get rid of the virus. Korea also does contact tracing through your phone and tell you if you have been in contact with someone who is confirmed COVID. Unless we are willing to get there we will not have fans
We are already being traced through our phones. Not true contact tracing but setting it up for that. Most importantly, Koreans are better at following rules than Americans. They trust science and that their leaders are listening to the right people to make important decisions. Even if we had the greatest political leader in the history of the world, we would still screw this up because of our attitude towards entitlement and our inability to subjugate ourselves to doing something because it benefits other people without harming us. How hard is it to wear a mask and social distance? We can’t even follow simple directions. We deserve to lead the world in deaths. It’s such a shame but nothing changes for the better.
Damn, whyhayzee, you are killing it! I can’t wait for your posts now. Keep it up my man.
While you’re correct about American sensibilities, leadership by example would have been helpful.
Exactly pt
Hey but at least we had a test run. If we have an actual emergency, we have proved that all we do is eat and hoard TP. Major fail.
When you wonder where your job, your money and the better part of a year ran off to…amazingly only half the people in this joke of a country look to the leadership at the top that’s not doing anything
That’s good news ! Hope to take my family to a Reds game this season.
How does a story about Korea opening up to fans by doing the right things have to do with going to a Reds game?
Inquiring minds want to know
That’s not going to happen, better luck in 2021 or 2022.
It’s scary nj
Btw, njbirds? Jets? Help me
yep, that became political quick. figures. maybe next article we talk about, i dont know, baseball?
C’mon Darkside, I got a quick geography lesson about South Korea. It wasn’t a total waste.
But I agree, baseball from now on. Have the actual schedules been published yet?
Really, fellas?
Back to going over & over why & how S Korea differs from the U.S.
Populations, land mass, etc are absurdly different. Not to mention the existence of a very homogeneous society.
But, sure. It’s a “leadership issue”. Riiiightt lol.
I get it. It’s political. But…man, isn’t the lack of logic embarrassing?
“Not to mention the existence of a very homogeneous society.”
Exactly. “Homogeneous” people don’t spread viruses. Or something…
there is some validation in suggesting that having more people who think alike would make viral responses more effective. part of the issue in the US is that there is so much stratification, where half the population wolnt leave their houses and half wolnt wear a mask and/or stay home. its not a given, but a more consistent mindest would probably result in lower numbers of positive tests.
We are a country of divides: politics, urban vs. rural, social beliefs, racial, ethnic, yankees vs. Red Sox, etc. but the biggest things that are missing are empathy and humility. People are interested in what other people think of them, but they’re not willing to spend any time or effort thinking of others.
Simple fact: the U.S. has less than 5% of the world’s population and over 25% of the coronavirus deaths. It’s a national disgrace. I’m so tired of all the damned stupid excuses for why we are being hit so hard. The reasons aren’t complicated and they aren’t obscure. The nations that are getting through this better have a national plan and national leadership to implement and manage that plan. We have neither. So unless we’re bailed out by a miracle vaccine, or some huge and unanticipated advance in treatment, look for 300k deaths by Christmas.
loom at places where cases are increasing now like Florida. the numbers dont lie – its more cases, but more are in young people and the death rates among the new cases are lower. not saying actions are right or wrong but that is a fact.
Honestly whyhayzee, I’m fine with that. Not people being so unwilling to help others, but the fact that people who don’t exist. A world of where people can work together despite all differences is a world where people have no differences. Being human means being different and being wary of things that are different from you. I’d rather live and die in a world that changes at the cost of my life as opposed to a world that is stagnant at the cost of my individuality.
In any case, to each their own.
And I was just commenting on how a lack of logic should be embarrassing.
…without realizing the irony.
You talk about logic and then state that one of the most densely populated countries on Earth should have an easier time containing the virus because it’s smaller when the size of the country means almost nothing and the density means just about everything.
Lack of self awareness should also be of concern, if we are making lists.
So…now we’re discussing population density?
On the topic of being self aware; I’m aware that I have a company to run & jobs to build.
You have good day doing whatever it is you do.
I’ll do the same.
“Populations, land mass, etc are absurdly different.” – You
“To calculate the population density, you will divide the population by the size of the area. Thus, Population Density = Number of People/Land Area. The unit of land area should be square miles or square kilometers.” -Wikihow
You were literally the one who brought it up, whether you realize it or not.
You are talking to the breeze. Here’s the pattern: Once the misinformers are nailed they move on to someplace else. So much disinformation, so little time. It almost seems like they are being paid to mislead. But that’s crazy talk because nobody would ever do such a thing. Right?
He has ‘jobs to build” for his “company” LOL
Tell you what, @mwweller.
Was 90+ degrees & high humidity today.
I bet my roofers & siders wouldn’t’ve minded if it was “jobs to build” instead of actual: jobs to build.
Tough day. Thank goodness we’re all pretty tough guys.
Welp, looks like I’ll have some time to hit the fields for some rock doves.
Have good day, bro.
Oh you’re such a he-manly man. May we swoon at your feet?
Or, maybe, South Korea and the US are different, AND the US has had horrible leadership *shrug*
I don’t think “logic” means what you think it means, Ducky
hmm, odd, seems things arent all rosy outside of the US. its almost like everyone has issues dealing with this virus and even the shining example of South Korea isnt so shining anymore.
Difference is the way they react. Had 12 cases on Tuesday….population of 1.5 million. First double digit day in Gwangju since February. They react…contain and minimize the exposure.
Contain with “Hospital Nurses” armed with M-16s 2 positive test earns you a a trip to Detroit
As much as you would like to believe that, no, that is not the case. They use solid science and people cooperate with one another. They understand that wearing a mask does not mean giving up your rights, it just means you are being a decent human being. Wearing the mask is good for the individual and they society as a whole.
its not a lot of cases, but its clear even their measures arent foolproof. South Korea likely dealt with the strongest load of SARS cases, so they have a plan in place for this sort of thing. as it turns out though, all nearly 200 other countries in the world never seemed to care to make such a plan, even thos much closer to that pandemic. even so, its clear their plan isnt airtight.
The KBO is a cool league but the ESPN broadcasts are awful. Wouldn’t even know a game was happening if you were just listening.
Gosh, that’s certainly not what I’m seeking, or whatever.
But hey!, if that’s your trip? Sure go ahead. I ain’t hatin.
Only point was it IS a tough job. It WAS a tough day.
Sorry “if” you took “it” “the” wrong “way”, “bro”.
(Thus far, 2 rock doves. Been another truly blessed and productive day. Sun starting to set…spectacular. It’d be better if I was streaming the Yanks in this pop up blind. But, I’ll make do with “The Torrents of Spring”- first time reading it!)
Have a great night, bro. It’s cool if you don’t wish me the same, bro. But, me? I try to stay classy. I may not always get there? However, I do make the effort.
[virtual head scratching]
My bad, bro.
I was using my response to you as a makeshift platform to respond to multiple posts – including yours.
I may have overestimated your intelligence. Noted.
Real simple and specifically for you; yes.
Yes you may swoon at my manly feet. Gotta shoot straight with you though. I’m a pretty busy dude this time of year. Also…well, your swooning sesh is completely unimportant to me.
It’ll be a bit of a challenge to schedule it.
If you can accomplish your deal in a truck, or on one of my waterfowling boats, or in a blind that’ll help you fulfill your weird goal (that ok if I call it “weird”, bro?). Just don’t screw up my shooting.
Hooping this is simple enough for you to follow, bro.
Of course, have good night, bro.
I won’t be underestimating your intelligence, because that would be impossible. Bro.
It appears someone’s widdle feewings are hurted. 🙁
That’d probably be a mistake on your part, brah.
But hey!, hope you are living like a king on the unemployment & stimulus checks I’m – ya know – paying for. Uh?
K. Stuff to do. Wanna get these new leads entered in mail chimp. You have a great night lil bud.