At least two players in the Angels system have tested positive for coronavirus, GM Billy Eppler tells Jeff Fletcher of the Orange County Register (Twitter link). This becomes the latest instance of infection in MLB ballplayers.
Eppler did not divulge any further details regarding the identities of the players in question, including whether or not they are on the team’s 40-man roster. But he did make clear that they had not been at the team’s facilities during the pandemic shutdown, so it seems there’s no reason to worry about further spread within the organization.
We have now seen multiple teams now acknowledge actual or potential COVID-19 diagnoses within their organizations. The information has hit the news wire even as labor negotiations seemingly reached a new impasse.
MLB decided earlier this evening that it will close off team facilities for a period of time. Players and other personnel will not be allowed access unless they have tested negative for coronavirus.
Kind of off topic, but has anyone else noticed that one of the Angels pitchers has the same name as one of the Impractical Jokers? (Joe Gatto)
Somebody get the manager! If only Maddon’s first name was, Laarrrryyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! Larrrryyyyyyy!!!!
Lol! Just noticed that.
Surprisingly there has not been a player named James Murray since 1922 and never been a Bryan/Brian Quinn
What about Sal?
Sal Bando, who was 4 time All Star, 3 time World Series champion third baseman that played from 1966 to 1981, mostly with the Athletics, who he played for from 1966-1976, then with the Brewers from 1977-1981.
Oh oh. Amazing how in the last 2 days a number of teams with a number of players have the symptons.
What I’d like to know is why were players and personnel allowed to return to camp without getting tested and cleared first?
MLB had no protocol set up. Oooops
they will deflect responsibility for that to the teams. This was bound to happen.
It wasn’t the MLB’s call to make. Anything to do with player testing, has to be cleared by the MLBPA.
I really don’t care who’s call it was to make, none of the players should have been allowed to return to camp unless they were tested and cleared.
MLBPA and the Boras clammored over players being kept out. They also didn’t have an agreement in place for protocols even though MLB proposed one months ago.
Another good faith move by MLB let them back in.
This is what you get. Had MLBPA signed off on the proposal months ago we probably wouldnt be here.
More and more stories coming on about infections. Seems kind of convenient timing for the owners
You know why they got sick? Because we’re in a pandemic!
really? Thanks dude, I did not know that.
Just find it kind of odd, like this was no lot happening prior?
Yeah, the timing is certainly strange. It doesn’t seem to do either party any good though for negotiating leverage. Just bad news all around.
They stayed at home and didn’t get it. Then went into public areas and got it.
Not much mystery here.
Like al conin said it’s not a good sign for anyone. Owners are concerned with a later outbreak ending playoffs with no champion. An outbreak now would mean no baseball which neither want
The virus is peaking in Florida and California. I am sure plenty of players got in March and April but kept it to themselves.
It’s a pretty simple question the MLB, every sports league, and any other business is currently asking themselves:
“What level or amount of coronavirus can we live with?”
The teams are only as good as the players they’ve put all their efforts and money into assembling, developing, etc. If even one player dies or ends up with long term health problems out would be devastating – not to mention this is their family to protect.
No more devastating than it happening to you or me.
The Last Of Us 2 is freaking dope, so worth the wait
The sex scene is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in a video game.
That’s great, but you don’t indicate whether you like that or not?
If you believe covid is as dangerous as the media, politicians, and “experts” like Bill Gates are saying, you are stupid enough to do anything they tell you, even wearing a mask while you’re inside at your house, probably even while you shower, and you deserve everything that is coming. Some of us actually read and study all about the world’s corrupt actors that control you sheep.
Yikes. Was this meant for Breitbart?
Russia, Russia, Russia. I don’t read Breightbart, but it’s hard to believe they are less accurate than CNN and MSNBC.
121,000 deaths in the USA so far. But yeah, sheep.
Keep wearing your mask while you walk your dog. Only fools believe the death toll is accurate, when deaths are recorded as COVID death when people obviously died of a heart attack or another comorbidity while having COVID. It never happens with the normal flu and other comorbidity. They usually say the disease killed them. That’s the common medical practice. Also, you don’t think the extremely high percentage from nursing homes is a coincidence? Those are easy places to create high death tolls and globalists want to decrease population. Some of us actually study and know what we’re talking about, while most people don’t know any different but to trust their government and “experts.” Keep living in ignorance and fear, while you do whatever they tell you because of your fear.
“Bro who uses a fake name on the comments of a baseball trade rumor site, finally reveals the truth”
My name is fake? You’re bkbkbkbk, whereas my name is in my handle. The fools on here clearly don’t even know the definition of fool.
Homer, you sound like the biggest sheep here, and it’s disturbing that you can’t see it.
You really have ears to hear? We’re on different wave lengths for sure. I read several books a week. I study history, law, philosophy, and I know about globalist big bankers and their agenda to control you. That’s called enlightenment. Do you even read one book a month?
When are people going to stop worrying about some measly pandemic when they should be worried about Mexicans and people saying “Happy Holidays” to them when they go shopping!!!
You think it’s as dangerous as the news coverage it’s getting? Of course it’s not.
That doesn’t mean it’s not the deadliest pandemic in a hundred years capable of killing hundreds of thousands of people. But to some demographics, it’s less deadly than the flu. To some demographics, it’s more deadly than the Spanish flu.
Like everything else in life, one size doesn’t fit all.
With all the hyperbole, this guy has no perspective, but I have discovered there is not a lot of balance and perspective on either side.
There’s very little hyperbole in the facts that I stated, which included the fact that this virus is really killing a certain demographic. I stated that fact. Hence, I do have that perspective also. You didn’t add anything to what I said, other than to misunderstand words in their common language.
Literally zero hyperbole.
The same people who fear Mexicans and not having their specific religion catered to with verbal greetings in retail outlets are now saying that a pandemic that has claimed around 120,000 American lives is nothing to worry about.
I wish it was hyperbole instead of reality. And yet, here we are…
That’s hilarious. But it does show that some of you are so dumb that you’re stuck in either/or thinking. You can’t have a concern for several complex issues because you have too much cognitive dissonance.
Is your cognitive dissonance from peeing your pants over “caravans” of thirsty, hungry people but telling people that pandemics are no biggie?
If not, it probably should be…
One woman gets shot on a pier and it’s WW3. 120,000 people die and…yawn. Maybe it’s that.
Is it from saying a fetus must live but old people and those with pre-existing conditions can go ahead and die because you are bored sitting at home?
Your cognitive dissonance is quite complex, indeed.
Alex Jones is an mlb trade rumors fan!!
Think of me as Alex Jones with a law degree
“Alex Jones with a law degree”? It takes a special person to describe himself that way.
You *are* special, aren’t you?
But, how convenient…
When he gets sued for saying insane and reprehensible things like “the dead kids and grieving parents are all just actors” he can save money defending himself and then put those saving towards paying out the families after he loses in court.
It is dangerous to people like Bill Gates and the politicians running the country. It is not dangerous to young healthy athletes.
That is well said on so many levels. I love comments like that because your sentences have so many implications.
The way I see it:
If all those “experts” are right then wearing a mask helps prevent the spread of it which is a good thing. This is assuming they are right, of course. It helps protect others and/or myself by wearing a mask and regularly washing hands/surfaces.
If those “experts” are wrong, then at worst I’ve had to wear a piece of cloth over my face. In truth, it can get a little uncomfortable or sticky while I’m wearing it an extended time. It’s also a bit annoying to unlock my phone too.
If they forecast our apparent doom and nothing happens, some people may be peeved. If they tell us not to worry, and bad things happen, people will die and be much more angry.
At best, you’re saving lives, preventing the spread, and keeping yourself/others healthy. At worst, you’re inconvenienced.
With that being said, wear a mask.
100 bucks says you are white and live with mommy. this sheep has gotten very good at stomping wolves. you’ll be first on the list.
Mr. Moreno, Mr. Carpino, please come clean on the death of Tyler Skaggs. BOth of you cried at the press conference, then hired lawyers to keep the media quiet. You and MLB promised a full-throated investigation. HOw about doing the right thing. Just once.
People are nuts.
He had Fentanyl in his system bought it illegally.
Moreno wont sign PED users. He ostracized and ate 70 million dollars to get rid of a cocaine user who fell off the wagon and you think he knew about this?
I think Moreno should have stuck by Hamilton, but he has such an aversion to illegal drugs he dropped him.
Some people are nuts.
*Moreno wont sign Ped users outside of Pujols
u dont know Moreno. He allowed illegal drugs to be used by his BFF and business partner when he ran the Billboard Company. Everyone knows that.
Please don’t let it be you know who…
Scrap the season, it’s time for MLB to clean out its closets. Start negotiating a new contract with the players union now and get the game healthy again.
I’m absolutely of the mind that if the season is cancelled (and it’s looking more and more likely) that both sides should take a week, do whatever they need to do to chill a little bit, and then get RIGHT to work negotiating a new CBA.
The sarcastic close to this would be, “maybe then we can have baseball by 2023.”
If one team will suffer a fatality, it will be the Angels.
It’s just their kind of luck.
how many have had the flu is the question.
lavey, what’s your point?
If a player gets this they are shut down in and quarantine for a month. A player with covid in his system, even though he may feel perfectly fine, is not going to be allowed on the field until it’s completely out of his system.
That takes the better part of a month.
14 days. But yeah they can’t play a season with teams being out of commission for 14 days at a time.
I miss baseball and I would be excited about a 60 game season. But this virus is not going away. I think it’s time to give up the season, fight this Covid and be ready for 2021
First line refers to players in the Angels “system” testing positive for the virus, and then the next line refers to this being the latest example of “MLB” players testing positive for the virus. That second line, stated as fact, is incorrect as the article later says Eppler would not say if the players were on the 40-man roster, let alone the MLB roster. Hopefully the people infected recover quickly, but that second sentence is misleading and should be corrected.
This article and the commentary prompted me to research how many Angel players became “angels” in their prime. In my search, I came across this obscure fact having nothing to do with the Angels. In 1924 in Dutch League Baseball, an infielder was killed by a line drive to his head. His name was Hartog Hamburger! What kind of hitter must it have been to hit it so hard that a professional infielder didn’t react in time? The Dutch league exists today and is called Honkbal Hoofdklasse. But my main purpose of writing this is to alert all of you that there once was a player named Hartog Hamburger. And Hartog Hamburger played in Honkbal Hoofdklasse. You’re welcome.