There has been some question as to whether the second version of spring training will include any games, but that’s no longer the case. Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic reports that Major League Baseball has told teams they’ll allow them to schedule up to three exhibition contests apiece before the regular season starts July 23-24. The best case is to have exhibition opponents located in close proximity to one another. However, if a team isn’t near any potential opponents, it can schedule a game(s) versus the first club it will play in the regular season in the days leading up to their opener, according to Rosenthal.
- Jayson Stark of The Athletic passes along some more information on the 2020 campaign (Twitter links: 1, 2). For one, once a team removes a player from its 60-man player pool, the club won’t be able to bring him back. However, a player will still be able to go back and forth between the major league roster and the taxi squad if a team keeps him in its 60-man group. Also, opposing scouts will not be allowed to attend taxi squad workouts or intrasquad games, relays Stark, who adds that it’s up in the air whether MLB will permit in-person scouting at all this year – including during the playoffs.
- It’s already known that one Diamondbacks player has recently tested positive for the coronavirus. He’s not the only member of the organization to do so, though, as Nick Piecoro of the Arizona Republic writes that “several” of the organization’s minor leaguers and one minor league coach have tested positive over the past week. All of the positives came out of the club’s spring training facility in Salt River, Ariz., but each of those individuals were and are asymptomatic.
- The coronavirus has also affected the Dodgers and Twins of late. President of baseball operations Andrew Friedman told Bill Plunkett of the Orange County Register and other reporters Thursday that members of the Dodgers organization have tested positive, but nobody had “symptoms that were problematic.” Meanwhile, Twins president of baseball ops said (via Phil Miller of the Star Tribune) that “a few” of their players and minor leaguers have tested positive in recent days, though none of those individuals were in Minneapolis or the team’s spring training facility in Fort Myers, Fla., at the time.
All star game
what’s the issue with intersquad games?
No scouting allowed.
No issues. They can do those.
Players get tested more easily and more regularly, so it isn’t really newsworthy that they are also contracting the contagion that doesn’t kill a significant amount of healthy people.
I guess it’s newsworthy, but not worthy of a headline. None of it is really concerning until/unless any of them end up in the hospital, which is highly unlikely given the fact that there is an average of only 22 people being hospitalized with COVID per state per day, out of the thousands that test positive each day.
The chances of a pro athlete getting really sick from this (as opposed to merely testing positive) are close to nil, although some older staff could conceivably have a more serious issue.
But isn’t that kind of what its about when you mention older staffers?
I’m responding to myself here but I was thinking constructively maybe a “penalty box” type dugout thing where older/at risk coaches sit, still in the atmosphere on the field but with some glass above head level so no spittum can reach. Like spring training with the BP nets and the coaches next to the dugout except in the dugout itself…
201 people hospitalized yesterday with Covid 19 in the state of Florida; as Casey Stengel used to say, “you could look it up”.
And you could look up what the word, “average”, means.
3 to 5 percent dead isn’t significant?
eh, don’t bother replying, you people will just shift the goalposts like you always do (since you actually lack a good argument or proof, since none of you are doctors or scientists, just aholes).
lol, 3-5% isn’t true because 100% of the population hasn’t been tested. It’s just guesswork. plus avg death age is OLDER than the avg lifr expectancy (81 vs 78) source:CDC
Bravos, the only country with a virus death average age of 81 was Italy, and that was in March. So, you’re either incredibly stupid and unable to comprehend what you’re reading, or intentionally spreading misinformation. Either way, you’re wrong and enabling dangerous rhetoric.
If you had actually done your homework on US statistics, you would know that the percentage of 40-60-year-old Americans suffering from virus and fighting for their lives is nearly double that of their European counterparts.
And then there’s the math….
Focusing on small percentages, or even fractions, is sheer ignorance. Over 127,000 Americans have lost their lives WITH preventative measures in place and the excess death numbers (average number of deaths per week/month/year minus confirmed virus deaths) are far higher, which suggests that the true numbers are much higher due to late, and/or a lack of proper testing.
Baseball should go on if it can be done safely. That goes without saying, but not every aspect of life can be done the same at this time.
You and a number of other commenters here should be ashamed of yourselves for even suggesting older generations are less deserving of respect and existence. Crap like you’re pullin’ should be criminal.
I love how you just ignore the scientists and doctors that don’t agree with your point, while acting like they’re the only ones that can comment on it.
Exactly, you can’t just ignore scientists and doctors because you don’t like what they are saying.
You have to vilify them, invent wild conspiracy theories about them, assign sinister motives to them and then use edited clips and quotes to discredit them.
According to the most recent studies, mortality is around 0.6%. Now go find your calculator and let us know if the number you get is not significant.
Break it down in age brackets. Then let us know if the number you get is significant or not. You don’t need a calculator, you need a smarter human to find out for you.
Are you trying to argue that an older life is less valuable? Where is that line for you and who else would you like to focus on? Minorities maybe?
The lack of empathy and understanding with some of the commenters here is disturbing.
Stevil – are you really as ignorant as you’re trying to be? Did anyone say anything about older people? No, YOU did. You idiot. I simply told BlueSimpleton to do a breakdown of each age bracket to fully understand the scope of the percentage, you automatically made a false assumption that older people are less valuable? Where are your priorities? Why are you focused on minorities? What does race have to do with this???
Your comment is pretty pathetic and in poor taste and judgement.
Mortality rate: 20m / 120k = 0.6%
Herd immunity: 335m * 0.7 = 235 m
Less those who have already contracted: 235m – 20m = 215m
Potential deaths to come: 215m * 0.6 = 1.29m
Now we’re supposed to care whether it matters if they are young or old. Or maybe we’re supposed to believe that the virus will suddenly lose interest in us. The resident ignoramuses on these boards are falling back to increasingly bizarre excuses for reasoning. They apparently learned all of their science and math from the wood nymphs and the unicorns, and got their consciences from the lower forms of life.
You’re fooling nobody, wild bill. You’re pivoting, because you don’t want to own what you were implying.
If you were innocent and meant nothing, you wouldn’t have responded to BlueSkies_LA the way you did (rudely).
Why should age brackets matter at all, a life is a life right? I happen to like my grandparents, do/did you?
So now testing positive isn’t “problematic”?
Maybe. If you’re positive but don’t have symptoms, you may not get sick. You may transmit it to others, or not. If you test positive, isolate, and don’t get sick, then it’s not a problem. The problem comes when you have the virus and give it to others even if you don’t get sick. We’re still unsure how many people would test positive for COVID but still not infect others. That’s the main risk, and why they want people to stay as much in a “bubble” as possible.
Well, duh. Passing it along to others is sort of the definition of the problem with contagious diseases. For baseball teams this means even more than in the general population given that they are actually trying to play a team sport. Players who are contagious will have to be quarantined for at least two weeks. Everyone they’ve contacted will have to be tested. A big part of any given roster could go into the freezer any given moment. So a player testing positive seems more than just a little bit problematic.
There’s a risk in driving your car or flying but it doesn’t mean we don’t travel. If a player believes it’s too “risky” to play they can simply opt out for the season and forego most of their salary. This is just as it should be. Let educated and informed people make their own decision regarding the amount of risk they can tolerate. If you want to stay in your basement go for it. But if you’re living a modestly normal life there is some risk.
an entire generation of scared babies out there, I swear….
A whole generation that flunked remedial arithmetic. I swear.
Of course you miss what the concerns are about. Same old story! Here’s a hint – it’s not for the young and healthy part of the population.
…then isolate those ones?
The DEATH RATE for ppl under 80 is less than most common bugs. WTF