5:17pm: Per an official MLBPA statement: “While we had hoped to reach a revised back to work agreement with the league, the Players remain fully committed to proceeding under our current agreement and getting back on the field for the fans, for the game, and for each other.”
The statement noted that the union expects to reach agreement with the league on “health and safety protocols.” The players say they “await word from the league on the resumption of spring training camps and a proposed 2020 schedule.
5:15pm: It is now Manfred’s turn to act. MLB is expected to issue some kind of statement, at the least, this evening, according to Bill Shaikin of the Los Angeles Times (via Twitter).
5:00pm: The Major League Baseball Players Association has voted to reject the latest MLB proposal for the resumption of the 2020 season, per Jesse Rogers and Jeff Passan of ESPN.com (via Twitter). This result was widely anticipated after the league informed the union it would not increase its offer of a sixty-game regular season.
Per the report, the players’ executive board voted 33-5 against the latest MLB plan. That’s not the same as voting against a season altogether. MLB and the MLBPA struck a deal in late March that would govern the campaign if commissioner Rob Manfred decides to announce a resumption of play. It is also still possible the league and union could still return to the bargaining table.
The trouble with that preexisting agreement, of course, is that the two parties have held different interpretations of it from the jump. If Manfred simply declares a start date and season schedule, with full game-for-game pay but a shorter schedule over which the players can accrue salary, it’s possible (perhaps all but certain) that the MLBPA will end up filing a grievance action seeking more money from the league. That would also mean a return to the regularly bargained postseason structure and other general rules (such as the DH in the National League) that had been slated for modification.
Fooking A. Bunch of prima donna idiots – on both sides. Just call it and try to figure out a way to get 2021 underway
Hilarious that you’re siding with the owners in this.
Pretty obvious anyone who sides with the owners has absolutely zero clue what’s actually going on.
Yes, I’m siding with owners. 100% salary in-spite of zero fans.
Owners have made concessions. Players have rejected offers several more times than owners have rejected offers.
yea we have zero clue. Owners with multiple proposals the players with ‘we are done responding’ but the owners are at fault there is no agreement….ok
It’s funny how both the people who support the player’s position AND the people who support the owner’s position are both POSITIVE that they are absolutely and indisputably right and the other side must all be idiots! And these same people wonder how the owners and players cannot just come to an agreement. You know why they can’t? Extremists like ba2929 on both sides who think the other side is full of idiots and will not budge an inch.
Owners have made 3 proposals that all paid the same amount!
– 82 games at sliding scale = ~33% salary
– 50 games at prorated pay = ~33% salary
– 76 games at 75% prorated pay = (drumroll) ~33% salary
It all comes back to the same place. MLB keeps making the same offer in different forms.
No they havnt, they have repackaged the same deal in different ways
Players play fewer games now and get less. They are stupid, Clark is worse as a president than a mediocre player. They will lose the grievance too.
They get 100% of salary with zero fans without this offer, so they don’t actually gain that by accepting it.
Hilarious that you are not!
I think it’s the opposite, if you soundly side with the players, I don’t think you fully appreciate all of the details from a financial perspective
You must not understand what the word ” Prorated” means…The players will only receive 40% of their contract annual salary. They just decided it is not enough to risk their lives.
One million thumbs up, Javia!
You forgot 60 games @ 100%, and forgiveness of some of the prepaid salary for lower paid players. This is a large give by the owners and will cause them to lose well over a billion dollars this season, but still not good enough for the players union. The players also don’t want scheduled double headers, so there’s really no way for them to play more than 60 games this year anyways as there has to be some off days for rainouts or park shutdowns due to COVID outbreaks. I hope Manfred sets a 50 game schedule and the players try to sue. They (MLBPA) will get their butts handed to them in any lawsuit or grievance filing given what is going on in our society today with this pandemic. All the players are going to end up doing is making even less than they could have under the 60 game, full pay scenario….shameful!
I own 2 restaurants. When I have great years I don’t share my profits with my staff. This year obviously is going to be my worst year by far. Still I don’t expect my staff to take pay cuts because I had a bad year. I don’t feel the players owe the owners any discounts either this year. If the owners don’t want to play they are only hurting their teams market value.
And there is a reason for that. Due to no fans in the stands, there is only this amount of pie available for the players. You can have 100% of your pro rata pay for this amount of games or less than that if you want to play more. What do the players not understand about that?
No they will play. The owners should come back and cancel the season and see how fast the players agree to anything the owners offer.
I don’t know anyone who is on the players side
The owners are paying 100 % with no fans
They should have played with AAA players a while ago and we all would be watching baseball now
Yes Clark and the players appear to be dumb…. Manfred likely to implement season shorter than 60 games, so they could have had more games and money if they took the offer.
However, I think their plan is obvious… unless Manfred chooses 60 games, the players can file a grievance based on asserting that Manfred did not choose as many games as possible, which he is supposed to do. If the offer was 60, 60 was certainly possible. So we will see. But at least we’ll know one way or another this week how it will work, or not.
“ All the players are going to end up doing is making even less than they could have under the 60 game, full pay scenario…..shameful!”
That’s actually not true (if reports are true Manfred will implement sixty games anyway), and even if it were, why is taking less money to stand up for the principle of the initial agreement (full pro rata) shameful?
All you’ve shown that you never understood the union’s position on this.
Less games equals less health risk to players and for all sides as a whole to reduce the risk of another outbreak ending the season prematurely. Less games means more pay per game, i.e. higher rate of pay for the risk to participating in the season.
The owners did make concessions. I was on the players side at first and then as the weeks went on changed my opinion as the PA rejected reasonable proposals. Everyone I talk to has flipped as well. The reasons are different, but most I’ve talked to feel the players are holding up the season at this point.
The players voted for, and approved the current CBA. They never wanted salaries tied to a percentage of revenue, which would result in a hard salary cap like other major sports leagues. MLB salaries align with ticket sales and concessions, not broadcast revenue. Owners are at fault for asking players to take less than pro rated salaries. Players are at fault for having piss poor union leadership responsible for negotiating terrible contacts. Cancel 2020, and lock out 2021, and start negotiations towards 2022.
Just a question but did you pay your wait staff while you were closed, if you were closed? I’m sure when you’ve had down years or slow days you don’t bring in staff, which is the same as not paying them in your business. If what I said isn’t true and you pay your entire staff the same regardless of your business then you are very generous. But if not then yes they share your down years, maybe not your manager or 2 but everyone else.
Javia, is right. Which is why our country is so divided. Both sides can be, and are, at fault.
I’m a fan. Are you not a fan?
Ba2929 – hilarious how when I said BOTH sides were to blame, your response was that I was siding with the owners? A little reading comprehension goes a long way. But hope you feel better now that you got your vent out of the way.
So much truth in Javia’s statement. Well said.
Well lets see in Denver this covid crap has caused my son’s worldwide company to let him and the other workers that they will be laid off TWICE if they didn’t except a 10% pay cut so I think you and your restaurants aren’t the end of the argument. When you lose 20% of your future salary plus all the time missed to covid then these idiots called MLB Players could except 75-80% of their prorated salary like people in the real world are!!!
They are trying to “except” it…
Both sides are at fault. Owners and the players union. Full of idiots. I don’t care how much money either side makes. It’s still bad business
I and many others who know baseball negotiations. We are proud of the players standing up to the corrupt owners! If the owners were losing as much money as they’ve been crying about they would have canceled the season. The players will win their legal case since the owners have not been negotiating in good faith since May 15th.
Probably the best analogy I’ve read concerning the issue. The players are the product. The only product in MLB.
The players all ready agreed to play, and told the commissioner to give them the logistics. There is a contract in force right now.
Lol the major league players are tryin to collectively bargain for next season using right now, Blake snell was crying literally crying online about how scared he was of covid, he was crying so much his nose was running a la Blair witch project…the deal was the player would receive their whole pay based on fans in the stands, there will be zero fans in the stands so that means the deal contingent upon that would be defunct…players have valid gripes no doubt but they are absolute idiots right now, soon baseball will earn no one money, owners will go back to being billionaires and players will stock shelves at ace hardware because there’s only one place to get paid well for throwin 96
I focking agree!!!
Clark’s a clown. Players exactly pay his salary. Guy has no clue.
But the players do the voting not Clark .
Key words being quoted, IF Manfred decides to impose a season.
Call the players bluff, just do nothing. Wait for a new counter proposal.
So you’re proposing MLB do exactly what they’ve done the past 6 weeks?
Manfred HAS to implement a season at some point. The players know this. This recent MLB proposal was crap and everyone with half a brain can realize that.
Give your half a brain a break ba2929. It sounds tired.
Ba2929 – why does Manfred HAVE to impose anything?
Just means no season. Say blah blah blah blah, we negotiated in good faith, blah blah blah blah, but unfortunately during the process as agreement seemed close covid reasserted itself, now the challenges to play any representative and meaningful season seem impossible so it is with a heavy heart we cancel the 2020 season.
Manfred doesn’t HAVE to issue a schedule ba2929. He can use his “best interests of the game” power to cancel the season. Point to the pandemic, say he’s doing it to protect the players and the leagues future and thats that.
Dont get me wrong, I’m 100% pro player, but I can’t pretend COVID19 isn’t happening or that the side I’m pulling for can force the Commissioner to do anything.
I think Manfred also needs to get enough owners behind him to impose the season, and, without the ownership side perks from the agreement may not have the support needed to implement
ba29 I thought the latest offer was decent. 10 games shorter than the players is 1/16 of a regular season, or 0.0625. That’s not a huge difference, and there is a very valid issue that more games pushes out the end of the regular season and makes it more difficult to fit the postseason in. 60 was better than 48-50 or whatever their prior offer was.
We’ll see… will be a miracle if we see games at all at this point. I could care less who was right or wrong.
Time for the league to call their bluff. Manfred’s statement should simply say that due to the corona virus and the danger it causes, the league will not pursue a season any longer than the 60 games the players have rejected. Since we feel 48-50 games is too short of a size for a season to put the player’s health in jeopardy, the league will now turn its focus to the 2021 season and sincerely hopes that a vaccine is available by that time. We are sorry that an agreement couldn’t be reached but the safety of all involved is most paramount in our decision. We hope to see everyone at spring training in 2021.
Manfred could’ve cancelled the season even if there had been an agreement struck, and according to some posters here it would’ve been more benfitcial for the players to agree to 60 games than allow Manfred to implement his own schedule.
So why would Manfred be given the right to implement his own schedule (a shortened season which is exactly what the owners wanted as they claimed each game increased the total loss without fans) and then cancel the season?
Put a runner on second base to start every inning? Are you kidding? Lets just change all the rules to suit Manfred.
#1. Get rid of Manfred.
#2. With Manfred gone baseball will resume. LEAVE BASEBALL ALONE.
Well done, Looongball! Manfred is bought and paid for.
It was a pretty crappy proposal. Not surprising.
It was a great proposal. Full pay. What else did they want?
They already have full pay by letting manfred issue a season. The issue is the owners stand to gain from changes included in their offer and the players don’t feel they are getting anything for that. Considering ownership has taken them to task in the last couple of negotiations I’d guess they weren’t willing to yield another win.
But why reject the proposal, instead of, you know NEGOTIATING. Do these guys not know how deals are made? It’s truly mind boggling.
Who cares MLB is fake as every Found out Astros
I don’t think it’s about fairness, it’s about winning and losing.
They’ve been negotiating for months. Haven’t you noticed? They proposed a very reasonable 70 game slate just LAST WEEK that the owners vetoed.
Lol it’s like some of you are completely oblivious.
they countered the proposal, the owners rejected their counter, so they voted on what was offered.
They did negotiate….. many times they tried. Have you not been paying attention?
If I’m the owners… I say take it or leave it. Let the players stay home and earn nothing. MLB can then start spring training by inviting the minor league players and build a team. I’d rather watch those guys play. At least they give a damn about the game not the pay check.
Rouge …..So you understand negotiating?
Owners proposals….
– 82 games at sliding scale = ~33% salary
– 50 games at prorated pay = ~33% salary
– 76 games at 75% prorated pay = (drumroll) ~33% salary
It all comes back to the same place. MLB keeps making the same offer in different forms.
You should read more on this issue. It’s pretty apparent you don’t understand what is going on.
Did you miss the last 60 game proposal?
Thank you someone who understands math.
Do you really believe that there were no discussions between the two before the vote? You appear to be the one who doesn’t understand, Wiff.
No, sorry, it was trash.
Full pay with no fans? Yeah, it was trash.
Not just about pay at this point, buddy.
lol ya corona was the big topic from the players. Now that the money is good, they want more games..umm….
Not much of a comeback buddy.
It was a fair offer and the players will play for a little less than what they were offered.
The owners will have a season for a lot less than what they offered.
Players will get full salary when MLB implements a 50-ish game season. So their proposal took away their right to file a grievance for an extra 10 games’ worth of salary. It’s a crap proposal, you should actually read up on it rather than blame the workers and look past the greed of the billionaire ownership groups… lol
Why is it a “garbage” proposal?
Like it or not, the Nations biggest expert said they shouldn’t be playing baseball in November.
I hope the season is cancelled and the “workers” get nothing. Neither side has negotiated in good faith.
That’s beside the point, tv networks will not renegotiate playoff schedules so November baseball was never an option to begin with.
I say play ball in 2021 and forget about this year honestly.
This is when owners need to doubledown.
Just because Manfred CAN impose a season doesn’t mean he ‘SHALL’ or ‘MUST’… time to call the MLBPA bluff and just do nothing.
Why side with the billionaires trying to take advantage of he situation and not the working man in this scenario? Curious.
Working man? You’re arguing Uber rich vs rich. There is no “working man salary here, other than minor leaguers.
Nobody, NOBODY in this scenario is the ‘working man’ in the sense you’re talking robber barron vs uneducated factory line worker.
They’re all elitist ultra high income, and ALL are being unreasonable.
Why side with MLB to cancel the season? Everyone feels pain for their idiocy. Owners/teams lose money from fixed costs. Players lose the year salary.
Perfect outcome, especially because this was never going to amount to more than an exhibition season anyways.
No… It was a fair proposal. The players are HAPPY to play for what the owners offered.
The players wanted to use their position to stick it to the owners, but that has nothing to do with the proposal being fair or not.
So by rejecting the 60 game proposal, they’re going to end up with a 54 game season. So they took less money just to avoid the owners being able to make more money on expanded playoffs? Why?
Yeah up until now, it’s been obvious to side with the players, but this last rejection reeks of just sticking it to them. Both parts make less money this way. And thousand of workers that work in and around the game are worse off too, thanks to this who-driven millionaire quibbling.
This is all about showing strength for the next CBA. If that CBA weren’t looming a deal would have happened a while ago.
I don’t blame the players and it’s probably better for the game that the players voted no.
But between the players and the owners, no one won, there are only degrees of losing.
The players by rejecting kept the right to file grievances. The owners proposal took away their right to file grievances.
Manfred needs to just cancel. I am sick of legal BS and arbitration. When they comeback I will return. Let’s go Islanders.
Latest news says NBA resumption is seriously called into question and odds are basically pick em as to it being cancelled entirely.
I agree cancel and then tell them pay reduction for next season.
Lol ya that’ll work.
These aren’t slaves. They’re employees in the most powerful union in the country.
If you are relying on the islanders to make you feel better, good luck.
shows you how desperate we are for sports
I am a hard core Islanders fan grew up on Long Island
Where are the Islanders playing?
let’s go Isles!
I’m all for cancelling. COVID will not allow games anyway.
I am done. If they play.. I’ll watch free games on tv. Won’t spend a penny on mlb.com, jerseys,etc. and when games with fans are allowed some day…. I won’t go.
2020 is toast.
Stop trying and call it. Why bother? This went past embracing weeks ago. Why isn’t the season starting next week on the 4th of July?
Good thing I didn’t have any respect left for the players
why? the players are the one risking their families’ health and possibly their own. the owners need to compromise a little bit
They aren’t risking anything. They had be 1000 times greater risk driving to the game. What a bunch of BS.
“They aren’t risking anything. They had be 1000 times greater risk driving to the game.”
Don’t go into anything that involves math.
And you should not go into anything that requires independent thought. Drink some more kool-aid.
Do you suppose that the large majority of these in the prime of their life athletes are simply sitting at home and doing nothing? Not coming into contact with anyone?
Or do you need to hear about more birthday parties at Dak’s house to convince you that returning to work isn’t gonna be so bad?
Too true! The players obviously want to play, ownership is trying to take advantage of that and just push their greedy agenda on those who are actually risking their health. Let’s not forget almost half of the teams have at least one covid case..
Please explain.
Over 40 players and staff have contracted covid, so the players and staff are the ones putting themselves and their families at the potential risk of covid. Owners continuously undercut the players and negotiated in bad faith. The players came back with 70 games which was more than fair and even said they would give up their right to file a grievance.
If Pro-Rata pay for 60 whole games isn’t enough then tell the bumbling idiot Blake Snell and anyone that thinks like him to stay at home without pay.
I suspect he’ll show up once a date is set. Good luck with the grievance. The union will be footing a heavy legal bill for a long drawn out loss.
You don’t even make any sense. You argue that the players voted “no” because of risk to their health, and you also argue the owners were wrong to not extend to the 70 games the players wanted. If the players were so worried about their health, why would they keep pushing for more games to “risk their health” playing? You’re fighting from both ends and it doesn’t work.
Every player making $25Million + per year went to Twitter to say “Tell us where and when”. Obviously they didn’t mean it.
Then they don’t have to play. There choice to show up or not. If a deal is made and if a season can be played that is. Which it won’t
When and where huh
Lol, exactly
When and where was telling the MLB to just implement a season.. MLB tried to negotiate again (in bad faith), and failed to put together a decent proposal.
I think baseballanalytics must be Tony Clark. Working triple time to try to change minds in favor of the players……
“Tell us where and when”.. Pack of lies.
Go to bed, Don.
When and where is what they are back to. The proposal they voted down was the leagues counter to when and where. If it was just about the games they’d have accepted it knowing Manfred will impose aa season of less than 60 games. The additional changes are worth more to the owners than a half dozen games are to the players. So now we are back to when and where. Manfred issues the schedule, the players will report and grievances will be filed.
When is 2021… where is new secret sites in the middle of the desert without grass
I was hoping theyd pick Easter Island.
@Todda, I think the “where and when” may happen, and the players will play. I think the reason they didn’t accept the owners proposal was to preserve their right to file a grievance. I am guessing the players think that if the owners have them play a 50 game season, the players will win their grievance and recoup more money than playing the 60 games as proposed.
I have no idea how the players think they can win this grievance.
When Dr. Anthony Fauci said MLB shouldn’t play too deep into fall and with 40 players and coaches testing positive… it’s over.
You argue that the ownerships bad faith tactics dragged this out and you could already have started a season. Im not suggesting its right, wrong or reasonable; just that that’s the road you go down.
@Halo, I agree. I don’t think the players will win any grievance. I think it would’ve been best for them to accept the 60 games and get “some” pay/play in for 2020. At this point, it’s so late in the season, all they may get is service time and bad faith (on both sides) heading into the upcoming CBA negotiations.
How do you start a season without a health and safety protocol?
Players never finished and agreed to one.
Can’t argue play could’ve started without it, AND, MLBPA kept making counterproposal and negotiating which cuts against the grievance clock as well. If MLB wasn’t negotiating in good faith you stop and trigger grievance… but that didn’t happen either.
You can file anything, but it’s a tough row to hoe given all the facts here not even counting covid.
Providing eight owners don’t veto the season, the players gain next to nothing by voting yes.
I think the owners made a fair offer.
I don’t blame anyone. Except maybe the Chinese.
It will be a 60 game season without extended playoffs. But the players will still get the DH and still be able to file a grievance.. even though the grievance will go nowhere.
What you are missing is the time that has already went by that games could have been played. By stretching out proposals the Owners have wasted days that should have been playing Baseball. They had their chance & blew it, now the players do have a grievance for those lost days.
Dogs, no they could not have been played.
Haven’t you learned anything over the last few days?
The rest of the United States have. We learn new things about this virus on a daily basis.
The Virus just started showing up. Games could have been played already, but were not because of delaying an agreement. Yes I do keep up with the facts.
Nobody really wants to play. See you maybe in 2021.
At this point, Manfred needs to step in.
I think he’s already stepped in it.
Of course they did…
Holy s$%^ just accept the damn offer. If you wanna play accept it.
It’s a terrible offer that takes advantage of the workers in this situation, and lets the billionaire owners off the hook for their continuous greed. Don’t forget the players are the ones putting their and their families’ health at risk.
sure it’s ok if the business owner loses millions as long as Scherzer gets his 27 mil. All the while normal people are starving.
The business owner reaped the benefits in the *checks notes* literally every season in recent memory when revenue, profits and franchise values grew at a pace that far outstripped salary growth. Risk is part of owning a business. Not sure why you think the owners of MLB teams should be exempt from that basic principle and should instead get to socialize their risk with the players.
How is full pay a bad offer?
Both sides want to play. 60 games.100% prorated salaries. So for less than half a season they’re getting their entire pay for 2 months instead of 6 months.
I’d say thats a good deal. If I was set to make 35 mil over the course of 6 months. That’s great. 5.8mil a month. Turn it to 2 montsh getting 35 mil 17.5mil per month. Yeah I’d take 2 months.
How is that a horrible deal?
Wrek, prorated means the salary is scaled to the number of games they play. So, to use your example of 5.8 a month, if you play two months, you get 11.6. Not 35.
To answer your question more directly though, here’s why the owners’ offer wasn’t a good one:
The March agreement said the commissioner could unilaterally set the schedule and pay the players their prorated salaries. The owners have indicated they’re only willing to do that with a schedule ~50 games long. At this point, there’s not much hope of playing more than that, as the most recent offer shows.
But, the players contend (with some merit) that the owners have acted in bad faith through these negotiations, which would allow the players to file a grievance potentially worth a billion dollars. The owners wanted the players to waive any grievance as part of the offer. Given that the offer isn’t meaningfully different from what the commissioner will likely impose unilaterally, it doesn’t make sense for the players to give up that valuable right.
Sorry, but no sobbing for the players. Full guaranteed contracts and hefty compensations, pre-COVID. Post-COVID, allowed to receive 100% pay (even though no fans in the stadium) for pro-rated 37% of season. They played a game of chicken and they lost. Last time I checked, baseball is a for-profit organization. You want no-profit go find another hobby. You’d like the owners to absorb the losses but if you would like that please go ahead and acquire a stake for your own baseball team. Same goes for the players.
This is why the players get paid so much. Sure, if you don’t want to play because of health risks that’s fine. You just won’t earn a paycheck this year. The option to quarantine was offered but the players rejected it. Other leagues are doing it. But please don’t argue it both ways. If you’re concerned about your health and the health of your family you should play these games while quarantining. And yeah, sorry players but you don’t get the perk of working from home as that is impossible. Part of why you earn the big bucks.
By not accepting… over what 10 games…. the players are proving they don’t want to play. They just want paid yit home and eat bon bon’s
You’re not going to play any games at this rate
Well, that sucks. Shame both parties can’t pull together and realize that you have to compromise on both sides to reach an agreement.
Well that should just about do it for 2020.
And the vicious cycle continues.
I got plenty of other things to do. Whatever. I dont think Im going to miss the 2020 season.
It’s over. Start football
until they kneel and then football will take a gigantic hit
Jesus christ can they just agree on something already
Just cancel the season and be done with it. There is just no compromise on this.
Sick and tired of both sides.
its always the people who’ve already made their money that are ok with holding this up. they need to think about the players that haven’t made their money and depend on this season.
I thought one side said 70 games full pay and the other 72 at different times? So it looks like this is all a show and neither side wants to play and just blame the other side.
The difference in proposals was 60 games against 70 games. The players came down by about 40-50 games from their original offer a while back, while owners came up by 10 games from their original 50 game proposal..
Players are getting paid 100% full salary per game played even though teams are not earning any stadium revenues. Do you understand how a business works? Baseball teams are not non-profit organizations. It’s hilarious how some people think wealthy owners should just absorb all the losses because they’re wealthier. Imagine if the real world was run by socialism?
Players are saying they want to play more games, but can’t extend beyond a certain calendar date, and have to be able to see family, have to get paid 100%. Sheesh a lot of demands. Oh but than they say health is really important even though a lot of what they’re asking for is riskier for their health and the health of others. Which one is it?
If the players don’t want to play, they have my blessing.
The owners were going to give them 100% of their salary even though there would be no fans to watch them play. That’s fair.
There are no good guys or bad guys. There is just a pandemic.
Theres only you and me and we just disagree…
I agree. But, I think the players are a little selfish expecting full prorated pay with no fans in attendance.
No season would really suck for fans of rebuilding clubs. As a Tigers fan, I was hoping for the continued development of prospects. Without any baseball, it’s like taking 2 steps back.
And idiots
And who holds all the power to cancel a season, after it is started, because of the virus attacking the players?
Just how many of the 50 or 60 games do you think the players will get paid for?
Do you think they would even finish a whole season of 50 games?
Just How Much Is Discovery Worth?
Couldn’t quite agree on the meaning of vote.
Oh well, it’s time to start brushing duck blinds, clearing snakes, wasps and other critters out of deer stands.
I’m done. I don’t care anymore. I was on the players side, but sometimes you need to compromise to get something done. Baseball needed to get back on the field, for the game and for our country. They’ve had months, and they couldn’t put their own stuff aside for the greater good. IMO this is worse than the ‘94 strike given what’s going on in the world, and this is only going to spill over into the next collective bargaining agreement and make that even worse. I do not care about a 50something game season at this point. Just pack it up, shut up, and go home players and owners!
Great name – and couldn’t agree more on everything you stated.
Fans …
– 82 games at sliding scale = ~33% salary
– 50 games at prorated pay = ~33% salary
– 76 games at 75% prorated pay = (drumroll) ~33% salary
It all comes back to the same place. MLB keeps making the same offer in different forms.
Baseball1010. What are you talking about? Latest proposal is 100% pay for the 60 games. They’re getting 37% pay. 60 games (multiplied by 100%) divided by 162 games is 37%.
@1010—–keeps coming back to the same place…..like your annoying, repetitive posts. We get your point that you missed the 60 game offer or just intentionally leave it out to make it easy to cut and paste.
I’d your the owners, dont you just schedule the season and make them decide if they play or not…then you dont have to pay them if they dont show.
Yes, probably, but many of the small market owners don’t want to play at all. They will lose the most in this concept. At this point they are all just trying to save political face.
heaven forbid the players take a small pay cut to offset the loses. that’s the greed
Actually, some of the biggest teams that own their own RSNs lost the most.
Huge payroll, but no gate/gameday revenues.
Because they own the local media, if they don’t broadcast they don’t earn. Nobody else to shift the loss to saying pay me our contract rate and you deal with the loss.
Thats why it’s not too hard to imagine multiple blocks of owners voting against resuming play.
Teams with big underwater contracts that wouldn’t contend? Vote NO.
Small teams without revenue streams outside gameday revenue to cover costs? Vote NO.
Teams with high payrolls and also on the hook for tv losses because they don’t have anything to broadcast? Vote NO.
Can we find 8 teams that fit one of those slots without the concessions in the proposals?
I’ve been steadily losing interest in the sport for a few years now and this really doesn’t help.
Baseball is toast. Nobody cares any more. Won’t watch idiots
This back-and-forth on pay and number of games is silly!
Have they agreed on rules of play? And NOT play?
What about closing down facilities because a team breaks out with cases like the Phillies last week?
Is an entire team quarantined? Or the team currently playing that team? Or the team that played that team in the last series?
Can the Players Association say ¡No más!
I. Officially. Don’t. Give. A. Shit.
Then why are you wasting your time responding on here? Your actions belie you.
Then why say it?
Both sides are complelelt tone deaf and clowne. Hey players, at this point what more did you expect??? 60 games at full pro rated is fine for where we are in the calander. Baseball dropped the ball and should be playing today.
Time for the commish to pull the plug. Too much damage has been done to salvage much to benefit baseball. Congratulations to the owners and players for workings so diligently to shoot themselves in both feet simultaneously.
Manfred should cancel the season and not reward the players with a year of service time. They can when and where that.
Was already ruled that they all gain a year of service anyway.
Unless I missed it, I don’t believe so. I think that was always part of the discussions on a season, not part of the March agreement if the season were cancelled.
IIRC, March agreement stipulated 2 things: players would accrue service time prorated in a 2020 season just like salaries. in a 60 game season 50 games would earn you 50/60ths of 162 game schedule service time.
The second thing was in the event no season happened players would qualify based on what they earned in 2019 – I’d you qualified in 2019 you’d earn it for 2020 in the absence of games.
I don’t know anything, but, it’s possible the Union took this route to file a grievance and then use it as leverage for a settlement as part of 2021 CBA talks… using the settlement of litigation as an asset to trade away. Just my uneducated uninformed thought…
The way the union has been acting, I’m not sure I’d want to leave a grievance in the hands of an arbitrator. Could just as easily go against them.
Yes but a grievance on the pretense of financial constraints could very well lead to the league having to disclose financials, and that would be a huge advantage to the MLBPA during their collective bargaining talks.
Maybe…and maybe not. With the flipping corona madness, the economics of the game have really changed significantly. Without cost certainty, there may not be any baseball at all for a long time. The players should have agreed to take what they could get as fast as they could. The world has now changed based upon a strong version of the common cold, and the type of salary for playing a game that the players are used to will be gone forever.
Bryant lost his grievance. This grievance is going no where.
That could very well be the case. I think you DO know something!
I’ve about had enough of this damn dog and pony show…
I’ve been a baseball fan for more than 60 years. Past strikes or lockouts have strained my patience. But this has gotten me to the point of saying a pox on both your houses. I have no sympathy for any of you. Screw baseball.
Failure on both sides undoubtedly. I can’t defend either side anymore.
I really hope they don’t play. This is not going to work without the players sacrificing and if they voted no, why would anyone think they would be willing to sacrifice.
No to playing with a mouse. Last damn thing we need is to pile on with a plague outbreak.
Usually I scroll past the dumb comments, but this was so especially dumb that it warranted a response. Your wording wasn’t even consistent throughout, and it’s sad to think how long you waited around today to post this just bad comment.
what do you expect from a phillie phan
I thought it was funny…
Again, it wasn’t just prorated pay and corona virus protection. Both sides threw a wrench into negotiations.
Players look terrible here imo. They got the prorated salaries they wanted, there isn’t enough time left to play more than 65 games if this deal were signed today so not like they were off far at all on games played. They were getting bonus money still from the march deal and they were getting more playoff money than normal. The season was only going to be 60 games but they were getting more than they would over a normal 60 game stretch of season in a regular situation. They wanted to win for the next CBA more than they wanted to play this season pretty much.
Now Manfred sets like a 50-55 game schedule, the players make less money, the owners make less money, we get a crappier season. The grievance is probably filed but should probably just be thrown out at this point since the players were way less sincere than the league in these negotiations, maybe they get a round of discovery to help them in the next CBA agreement. Clark and/or Manfred have to be fired. They can’t both be in charge for the next deal after this, it is just setting the deal up for failure.
Maybe in the long run this ends up being a good thing for the CBA. Maybe the owners realize the players are not going to give in and actually make significant changes to the financial part of the game. But I don’t think that is how owners usually think so I think it just means we are going to get a strike.
I have to respectfully disagree. I still side with the Players. They wanted to play as many games as possible consistent with the original terms and they offered revenue enhancements every step of the way.
This last offer of 60 games is a handful more than what Manfred will dictate… what’s the point if you lose that pro-rated salary but gain a 1 billion dollar grievance (I think they settle for a lesser some later or concessions in the 2021 CBA talks). Either way, I can’t fault the Players for saying no because the incentive for them was neutered long ago…
I respectfully disagree. I think this is 100% the players fault. They signed the March agreement which CLEARLY called for a renegotiation if fans were not allowed to attend. They then proceeded to behave like they had no idea they agreed to this, and demanded full pro rata. Either they did not understand what they signed, or they really only care about money. This isn’t about ‘future generations of ballplayers’ at all. They just don’t want to go back to work at this point because they won’t get all of their money. The players have not acknowledged whatsoever that the economics of the game change without fans. Unfortunately this is really going to hurt them going forward. All the players fault, in my opinion.
Well, we can’t say CLEARLY because it is ambiguous, each side has lawyers, and under present circumstances it is CLEARLY in the player’s interest to litigate because they only have a financial boon to make given the alternative.
The owners’ offers were the same financial compensation package, which doesn’t move the needle at all from any client’s position, and gives rise to a colorable argument… one which owners should take seriously.
I’m not a labor lawyer or anything of the sort but as fans we were abandoned on Day One… so in trying to understand how we got here I’ve just been trying to appreciate the lay of the ground as they see it.
Don’t get me wrong, each side is greedy I agree… but who should’ve made concessions?… I’d say owners should’ve moved up from a ~30% total season salary
Bluff ….You don’t know if ownership is losing money. You haven’t seen their books or know the dollar amount of all teams media (T.V. and Radio) money. Here is MLB’s offer…
– 82 games at sliding scale = ~33% salary
– 50 games at prorated pay = ~33% salary
– 76 games at 75% prorated pay = (drumroll) ~33% salary
It all comes back to the same place. MLB keeps making the same offer in different forms.
The deal before this was for 1.5B which is 38% total season salary over 72 games. This one moved it up to 37% of the season salary over just 6o games. This idea that all of these offers were just the same is incorrect. Each deal has gotten better for the players both in total pay and pay per game.
What should have happened is the owners should have just given them a generous offer on day 1 knowing that it would help the game in the long run and would hopefully create good faith for the CBA. What we got is the owners lowballing the players in the first few offers and the players making no attempt at all at making a deal.
This is not true. The first offer you listed was for 1.2B, the second was for 1.3B, the third was for 1.5B. It also wasn’t for 75% pay or for 76 games so everything about that last bit is wrong. I would be on your side if what you posted was true, but those numbers simply are not accurate.
Ender – in good faith MLB gave up service time, gave up arb years of control, advanced salary all in the march agreement, and the players gave up NOTHING except codifying what the CBA already mandated in prorated pay in the event of cancelled games due to national emergency.
If the players weren’t responding in good faith already, how likely would MORE unilateral concessions be to move the needle? It would just create more entitlement and sense of falsely being empowered to continue acting unreasonable.
They won’t get any money from the grievance. The grievance is about getting a look at the owners books. If they agreed to a deal today the most games you could expect to play is 65.
It will either be denied completely because it is ridiculous or they will go through discovery and then find for the owners. Or I guess they could settle on like 150k just to make it go away. But the odds of the players winning it are extremely small.
Also don’t get me wrong here, this doesn’t mean I support the owners over the players in all of this. Just how this went down makes the players look really bad. The owners basically caved into the pay the players had been asking for all along and then the players refused to give at all in return. The length of the season right now is perfectly reasonable. One week to report, 3 weeks of spring training leaves roughly 63-65 game schedule left.
I understand where you’re coming from and I would suspect a settlement too. I just don’t necessarily “buy” that the owners’ willingness to offer back some concessions in the last 24 hours before the truest hard deadline wins (or should win) in the court of public opinion.
your assuming they win the grievance.
Settlement on the hazards of litigation and the numbers involved scream settlement to me but perhaps the books are so large that those millions are small…
Cancel the season and don’t pay the baby’s then they will play once you fu ck with their money they will start talking
This was expected outcome, the C- virus is going to dictate everything in sports the rest of the year. Nobody knows what will happen.
It isn’t the virus, it is the political response to the virus. The virus is, essentially, a bad common cold. Perhaps a bit more severe than last year’s cold, but not much. The only reason the world shut down is because of the response, not the virus. Everyone who is deathly afraid of catching the cold, and not showing the courage to live with it, is at the heart of the problem.
On to the 19th inning. 0-0 score. Is anyone still watching or has everyone passed out on their recliner waiting for this to end.
Both sides have turned off the fans big time. Some will never come back and I am not sure either side cares all that much.
If fans want to get everyone’s attention, cancel season ticket purchases, cancel sports streaming packages, cancel MLB cable shows, support your local high school sports. Fans need to send a wake up message for all the owners and players who take fans for granted.
Screw those greedy players. Let them hit the unemployment line like millions of Americans.
They don’t deserve a penny
There will not be one game. Not one.
There will be multiple outbreaks during “spring training” and that’ll be the end of it.
And this entire airing of dirty laundry, this three month cat fight between a group of greedy millionaires and a group of significantly greedier billionaires will have done nothing except alienate the fans and make the sport a cheap punchline.
And I doubt that either Manfred or Clark are bright enough to have any idea how much they’ve humiliated this great sport.
Would love to see how many people here would agree to go back to work in very close contact with people with no mask, no social distancing, and for 80% of your pay. It’s easy for everyone else to say “just play already” when you’re not the one who has to expose yourself and your family to a virus that we know very little about still.
Do it already. It’s actually not a problem. Even as an immunosuppressed person. Maybe because I’m not a nut.
Yes!!! This. I’m also in a danger group, but I can think independently. Most human beings cannot, and would rather rely upon the Faucis for their thought process. The original post is correct that we don’t know much about corona. What we do know for sure is that there is almost zero risk for any MLB player. Almost zero. The players know this, too, which is why the entire discourse is about money.
The company I work for gave 100% to people working from home and 120% to people who were willing to come in.
You are fortunate. The organization I work for gave us a 20% pay cut and we had to work extra for ill colleagues. Oh, and I am an intensive care doc.
I definitely fall in that category. I work as a table games dealer in a casino. I have Multiple Sclerosis. The mgmt is saying they will not have a mask policy. The number of players allowed on a game will be decreased by 50%. Dealing in a casino is a TIP-BASED position, with all tips split. I figure I will take a 50-60% pay cut from pre-shutdown. What makes it worth me going back to that situation. That’s my question…..
I hear you. I deal with the Wonder Drug Humira. The one on TV that talks about how I might develop rare fungal infections, or bizarre cancers if exposed to basically anything.
The truth is that it shuts off your immune system, but as long as you take reasonable actions such as washing your hands, don’t lick doorknobs, or rub your eyes, and eat well and get sleep, your life is about 75% normal.
You only have issues when cold and flu (and corona) season rolls around, which means instead of a one or two day recovery, you might be laid out on the couch for an entire week and feel horrible. Something like strep or flu sucks worse than the Pittsburgh Pirates’ #8 hitter, but you manage.
But this hysteria needs to stop, as it is ridiculous and frankly scary.
If baseball opened tomorrow and did not have mask restrictions, I’d be there. And would agree not to sue anybody if I got sick.
Just give us Pepper Brooks and Cotton McKnight and anything from the Ocho
My amateur men’s league is going to start in July. We all pay to play and can figure it out. The fact these clowns can’t come to an agreement while most people are suffering in a pandemic is much worse than any previous strike or lockout.
Amazing. Baseball could have dominated the last two months, but instead threw it away.
Don’t care.
Just cancel the season and 100% of my discretionary sports dollars are going forever to hockey or minor league baseball whenever the MLB actually lets that restart.
Don’t need to support either these worthless owners or spoiled players that aren’t more than 10% more entertaining than a AAA game anyway. Maybe the Nippon Ham Fighters can pay Mike Trout.
Time to shut down this clown show. The stranglehold this phoney union has over mlb has to end. No baseball until 2022. I think everyone will be just fine.
Please cancel the season
There was nothing worse then the players statement. They would be better off saying NO and shut up. Their words proved it is about finance not health. The owners caved in to them, and it is still not good enough. The fact that Spring Training sites are shut down should be proof for the arbitrator that the owners were fair
The players have lost me .,I started out Pro Player because I felt a “Deal is a deal” and no one forced the owners to sign, but the players showed their entire goal was to not play and still get paid. Watch them demand 162 game pay at 100% salary. I say cancel, and do not sign players in the offseason ( especially Paxton a union head and a Boras Client).
Watching what he did for the NYY there’s better excuses for not signing him than his alignment with Boras or rile in the Union. Those are just icing on the cake
Unions are garbage and need to die
Owners should just cancel MLB season due to cost and play AA and AAA ball in August and September. I’m confident they could get a TV deal.
So players are fighting to play more games to make more money? Am I right?
From the beginning, this has been a game of chicken. Manfred has the ability to open up camps invoking “when and where”. He can’t because that would lead to a grievance. Can’t cancel the season in June, since Spring Training facilities are shut down anyway. Besides, the owners are more concerned with the expanded post season. That’s where they can make up some of their losses.By rejecting the offer, players will force Manfred back to the negotiating table. From Manfred’s perspective, he can’t invoke “when and where”. He needs an agreement and the owners need a post season. It will get done this week
Stick a fork in 2020, its done…
It’s been done
Ok, that’s it. Game over.
Just forget about major league baseball in 2020. Don’t force out a season. It won’t be fun anyway as players and owners will just moan about not getting a deal and all talk will be about that, the corona virus, the empty stadiums, ‘which team has gained the biggest advantage…’, etc.
I also really wonder if it is safe to play already. The Corona Virus in general is not under control in the USA, and judging by this very website corona is present in a lot of spring training camps. I don’t think it’s a good idea to start playing (and traveling) again.
Lastly, I don’t want to see a team crowned ‘world (series) champion’ after playing 50-60 regular season games and (possibly) a skewed playoff schedule. Make sure to get everything set for 2021 and beyond. It would be a death blow for major league baseball and it’s fans if the next CBA negations will be rough as well.
Fans are the customers who the owner/players business is supposed to please. If a customer goes into any business it is to purchase something they want. It is the responsibility of the business to please them with the purchase. If they don’t , you don’t go back. Both sides argue over their interests but just assume the fan will be there no matter what. Just maybe the combination of the pandemic and resultant economic uncertainty will shake everyone towards a more realistic understanding of how blessed they are.
This is way beyond pathetic at this point. Just stop.
When and where?
Manfred will announce a 60 game season tonight according to nightingale on Twitter. So the players were right to vote it down. They got their 60 games at full pay anyway yet preserved the right to grieve and the right to opt out of the season on a player by player basis. They wont have to put ads on their uniforms or have a silly extended playoffs for two seasons. No mics on players if they dont want them. No DH in nl if they don’t want it. No extra playoff revenue for the owners who were not willing to share it. Players win. Baseball coming soon.
Is anyone paying attention? Phillies have a massive outbreak. They cant play a season with these risks. Owners need to shut it down.
The MLB PA and Owners have made a mockery of this whole thing from a PR standpoint. Given that COVID will make a second wave and given the recent positive tests in the MLB, they should lie and say that an agreement has been reached but then cancel the season due to COVID and the health of all individuals. This would solve the problem of the MLB PA and Owners both continuing to look like jackwagons.
I played golf with a microbiologist and a surgeon yesterday. They both made it very clear that the coronavirus is not unusually severe, and there really is no risk to more than 99% of the population. Yes, the virus has been bad for a lot of people. The response to the virus has been horrible for 100% of the population. These knowledgeable people indicate we have viruses EVERY YEAR that are just as bad or worse than this one. The horrible political stunt this year has proven one thing and one thing only: Human beings cannot think for themselves, and your politicians (ALL of them) don’t care about you one bit, they only care about earning your vote.
Except for this… EVERY YEAR that are just as bad or worse than this one. ” Which is flat out wrong, I agree with much of what you said.
It’s very contagious and 1% are going to be seriously affected sounds right.
However… as far as baseball is concerned, it doesn’t matter. It’s still a month. Players have to be quarantined and that is likely going to be for a month.
Since it’s infectious, you are going to have a lot of players miss half the season.
Very contagious, typically means, except with the extremely rare exception of Smallpox or Ebola, that it is not fatal. Viruses trade easy transmission for fatality, because if a virus it too fatal, it can’t keep spreading, because hosts die off too soon. So, got some news for you Huckleberry, if this is spreading like wildfire, it isn’t very dangerous at all.
But yes, let’s believe junk science. Wake me up when 2021 gets here.
I cannot believe these people exist in large numbers around us. They also are tearing down random bronze statues.
You see 5 Phillies with coronavirus. I see 5 Phillies that won’t be able to catch it or transmit it by the time the season starts. If they were out there playing baseball with the virus alread in fake spring training, it must not have been too bad on them.
Sounds like Democrats against the Republicans.
Manfred still has to have the approval from 75% of the owners to “force” a season. I don’t think it happens. The players will file a grievance claiming the MLB did not play as many games as possible
Exactly. There could easily be eight owners who don’t want the season.
Really!? There would really be owners who have no interest in having a season?
Yes, some have speculated that in some markets owners would actually lose more money by having a season with no fans vs having no season at all, so I definitely believe there are 8 owners out there ready to vote not. I hope it leaks which owners vote no.
Yes, the players and the owners agreed in March to renegotiate reduced salaries if they had to play in front of empty stadiums because playing games in that manner loses money per game. Players refused to negotiate the salary down… so it’s not terribly surprising owners would rather not play than play each game at a loss
Why is this even dragging out. Owners and players already had a deal from months ago. Manfred is supposed to set the season and pay the players a pro-rated amount.
It’s dragging out because neither side wants to play and end up responsible for many sick and possibly dead players. If they wanted to play, they would be playing already. I want to watch baseball add much as anyone but not at the expense of their health.
Dead players? Hundreds of dead players? Players dying between innings? OMG, we’re all gonna die!!
How many 20-40 year old pro athletes do you know that have died from the coronavirus? You’re bound to know some, since playing could cause many dead players.
Right, it’s either one or the other.
I wish we had rational and balanced dialog, but why should this be different than anything else.
Where I’m at in Allegheny County (Pittsburgh), there are 1.2 Million people. In the past 3 months there have been 178 deaths. 144 of those people were age 70 or older. 23 people were between 60 and 69. 9 were between ages 50-59. And there were 2 between 40-49. No one under 40… period. So that’s 94% at age 60 or older. And 0.014% of the population that has died from COVID-19, mostly due to a few nursing home outbreaks. I don’t think there will be dead players everywhere.
We only go to about half a dozen games per year because it’s a three hour drive, so in that regard not much will change. We’ll still watch as many games on tv as we can.
Based on how this has all gone, I won’t assume that Manfred even has the votes from the owners to mandate a season until I actually see it. If the owners know the grievance is coming why wouldn’t they just cancel the season?
That would be my strategy. Shut it down let as many players as possible be free agents. They will hate that
The owners ratified the March agreement which included a clause giving Manfred the power to mandate a season. I dont think he needs a vote from owners here.
Because if they cancel the season they will lose the grievance and likely have to pay players anyway. In th agreement they are bound to, it says the commish needs to schedule a season with as many games as possible.
No season. Everyone loses. Put the focus on 2021.
Both sides are killing the game and blaming the other side for the problem. As a regular working stiff, it’s billionaires against millionaires. Personally, they can all stick it. I’d just like to watch some baseball instead of all the other crap I can’t stand to watch.
Well said!
I think the same things about politics and government. I dont care guys what you name the base, who you appoint ambassador to nowhere, or what he tweeted from his toilet, just keep me safe and pave my damn road.
this is now on the players!!!
just cancel the season on these crybabies.
Lots of money, lots of greed and no baseball. Adios….
The players get next to nothing by voting yes. The only thing they have to worry about is that eight owners vote to end the season.
The players are not the bad guys for voting no. The owners are not the bad guys for asking for an extended playoffs.
I guess in today’s climate, everyone has to blame someone.
This is all Scott Boras ( Clark is a puppet). If I was the Yankees I would stop dealing with him. Wells who signed with Boras? Let him go back to Arizona. Paxton and any client of his: Do not sign them. That is what George Steinbrenner did for years. It worked well. Do it again.
Can we just stick a fork in this now? I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m done with both groups, at least for now. I have to assume that MLB won’t start a short season without the union agreeing that there will be no grievances, and it’s pretty clear that isn’t going to happen. Therefore, they’ll just cancel the season due to the pandemic, and look towards next year, as why have a 60 game season with multiple legal battles going on during it. Just pull the plug, take a month or two off from each other, than get back into a room and start working on a new CBA.
I personally see no point in even having a 2021 without a new CBA in place, as the nastiness of the contract battle during a season is just going to take away from anything happening on the field.
It’s time for MLB to put a bow on this season and call it. I suspect they will get the 8 owners they need to vote no in order for the season to be officially over. Unfortunately, for MLB there will be no steroid induced home run chase to bring the fans back this time around.
Screw you, baseball. Stick your collective greed up your asses.
Please disband forever and put us fans out of our misery!!!
At this point 2020 has been such a disappointment just cancel all sports until we have a full proof vaccine. Players and owners get stupid money for kids games and us fans are even more delusional for caring! Like these players/owners making millions and billions give a crap about us. We could start our own leagues and play better ball
There have been zero vaccines ever invented for coronaviruses, but yes, let’s all wait for this one.
How about we wait for a viable treatment?
Treatments are getting better every day.
But regardless, if a player gets this, he’s out a month. The severity of the virus is not why players will miss a month, it’s because if they get it, it’s in their system and they are contagious for weeks.
Are you serious? I know immunosuppressed people in my house that got this and weren’t “out for a month”. It was four days, a week, tops. But, crazy testing rules expanded that to 14 days minimum.
Stop watching garbage, fake, made-up news. And no, I am not a Trumper, or Repub.
If that is true about high risk people in your house coming out relatively unscathed, then they should consider themselves lucky, although long term effects are still unknown. They were likely only exposed to a small viral load.
Players coming home to high risk family have a pretty easy decision to make at this point, regarding playing or not.
Just my $0.02…
The owners don’t want to play at all, because then they don’t have to pay the players, I truly believe that there are a number of owners who think that this pandemic is their chance to break the union.
mstrchef13, I don’t think that, but I think many owners believe they’ll lose more if they have a season than cancel a season.
I hope the A’s can work something out with Semien, maybe a loaded one year contract, as I’d hate for his A’s career to come to a close with this disaster of a season.
I hope Manfred announces there will be a 4 game season and MLB is hoping for the Pittsburgh Pirates or Baltimore Orioles to win at this point. Would be par for the course for 2020.
Quite simply, agents and attorneys are advising the players they need to retain the right to file litigation against MLB.
Dealing with the Players Association is like dealing with Black Lives Matter. They only care about themselves and their agenda. If I owned a team I would shut the business down ( not calling it a game) before giving in.
Bob Nutting Approves this Message.
—Did you notice that he literally only has one player under contract for 2021, and it is Gregory Polanco on an option??? (who will be traded for bats as soon as possible) The Pirates might be the first team in MLB history to have all 25 players on Minimum contracts next year. Insane.
Which is why we all stopped going to PNC Park… it only adds money to Bob Nutting’s wallet. He won’t put those dollars back onto the field. 2013-2016 proved that. A legit first baseman would have put the Pirates on top of the NL Central, but they signed or traded for Gaby Sanchez, Travis Ishikawa, Sean Rodriguez, John Jaso. Ike Davis….. cheap losers!
They should play a 68 game season. July 17-Sept.27. This allows the players that are borderline HOF candidates to get a few more counting stats. The owners should be able to defer 10% of the players salary of those making over $1 million (post prorated), at zero percent interest.
Players are paid for 61.2 games this season. The owners get 8 more games of tv revenue.
Move the all-star game to after the 2nd round of playoffs.
This will require a 17 game spring training. Allow more pitchers on the team for the first 3 weeks. In the first week, allow starters to go only 3 2/3 innings for a win. The second week, 4 1/3 inning. The third week 4 2/3 inning. Then 5 innings from then on.
No they need to play 0 games and 0 innings.
At this point I fully believe the players just want the season to be canceled so they can file a grievance and hope to get paid for sitting at home. Otherwise they would have come to an agreement. This is a farce
That is exactly what they want. So what 100,000 plus people died from this disease. As long as we make our millions nothing else matters.
This is usually all the big shot union reps at my work want….. to get paid money for work they didn’t do.
Yep, definitely on the owners side! Would there be any teams without “owners “? Would your city have a team without the owner/owners? The players are employees, they’re not entitled to anything! If they don’t like it, if it’s so bad making millions playing a game, then quit and get a regular back breaking, thankless daily job living paycheck to paycheck like the vast majority of working people! So damn tired of hearing these spoiled, ungrateful cry babies!!!
Whatever is going on, just don’t care anymore. I can’t wait until the summer of 2021 when an unemployed Josh Hader is begging for $50 to teach my kid to throw a slider.
Insane that baseball could have dominated all of America this summer, but threw it away.
Whatever, my lawn and trees are looking better than ever. The paint on the house is amazing. And I’ve spent ZERO, ZERO, on professional sports of all types. This is actually great.
Yep I’m the same. I’ve been eager for baseball to start. At this point I don’t think I could care less
Tell the players to report to camp 6/29/2020. First game 7/17/2020. Play the remaining schedule as written ending the season ,9/27/2020. If the players want to play it’s 60 games or so, if not collect unemployment and take the extra $600 from the Federal Government. Be at camp or you’re furloughed, maybe we’ll see you next year. Or maybe you’ll do real good at selling vacuum cleaners door to door.
I don’t share the anger because I was going to be watching the NHL playoffs (assuming they play, of course) and not baseball, but…having said that…
It is amazing that they can’t get their…stuff together.
The owners would rather let the house burn down instead of using a hose and running up the water bill and the players are sauteing the golden goose.
I think I get it now reading between the lines.
We want to play, but we don’t want to play.
A big game of ping pong. The results of the vote was surprising……..in that 5 players on the subcommittee actually voted to accept the proposal. Players were never going to give up the right to file a grievance. Potentially worth a billion dollars. It is also the hammer they have to make sure the owners pay attention to safety protocols and play as long a season as possible. Now we’ll see if MLB does respond by just setting a schedule or tries do string out negotiations in order to finally implement a shorter season.
Shut it down we do not need you open up in 2 years.
That’s it. The fat lady has sung. The owners won’t implement a season without an agreement – they don’t want to face a grievance and they won’t want to play without expanded playoffs, especially in 2021. My guess is that they will claim that they need to wait before implementing a season in order to ‘see how COVID is shaping up’ and then they will just announce that there will be no season due too COVID.
Next comes the grievance and that should be just as fun
I hate this league so much. How come I can’t watch your games online? And how come you can’t find a way to compromise during an unprecedented pandemic? Seriously.
People are going to get sick and some are going to die and some are going to say
“why did we play this season!!??”
Life as we know it will
be forever changed…..
I think the big reason both sides know that even a shortened crap season is important to play is covid may not be going anywhere anytime soon.Playing this season could be a way to set safe parameters for future seasons their is a very real possibility they could be dealing with this next season.