Major League Baseball has formalized a wave of rule changes and procedural protocols that have been widely reported upon and speculated upon over the past several months as the league and players union worked toward a return to play. The league also formally announced a July 3 return to training camp — now officially referred to as “Summer Camp” — and confirmed plans for July 23 or July 24 start to the regular season.
Among the changes that have now been put into place for at least the 2020 season, per the league’s press release:
On-Field Rules
- National League games will include the use of the designated hitter for the first time in history.
- An extra-innings rule will begin each extra inning with a runner on second base.
- The batter (or a substitute for the batter) who leads off an inning shall continue to be the batter who would lead off the inning in the absence of this extra-innings rule.
- The runner placed on second base at the start of each half-inning shall be the player (or a substitute for such player) in the batting order immediately preceding that half-inning’s leadoff hitter. By way of example, if the number five hitter in the batting order is due to lead off the tenth inning, the number four player in the batting order (or a pinchrunner for such player) shall begin the inning on second base. However, if the player in the batting order immediately preceding that half-inning’s leadoff hitter is the pitcher, the runner placed on second base at the start of that half-inning may be the player preceding the pitcher in the batting order. Any runner or batter removed from the game for a substitute shall be ineligible to return to the game, as is the case in all circumstances under the OBR.
- For purposes of calculating earned runs, the runner who begins an inning on second base pursuant to this rule shall be deemed to be a runner who has reached second base because of a fielding error, but no error shall be charged to the opposing team or to any player.
- As previously announced, the new three-batter minimum rule will require the starting or any relief pitcher to pitch to a minimum of three batters, including the batter then at bat (or any substitute batter), until such batters are put out or reach base, or until the offensive team is put out, unless the substitute pitcher sustains injury or illness.
- Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in OBR 4.03(c) or MLR 2(b)(2), any player may appear as a pitcher at any point during the game (i.e., no extra inning requirements or six-run rule, as were once planned for 2020). However, all players eligible to participate in the game, regardless of position, must be included on that game’s lineup card.
- Prohibitions against unsportsmanlike conduct will be strictly enforced to prevent unnecessary physical contact and support physical distancing between individuals on the playing field. In this respect, players and managers should maintain physical distancing from all umpires and opposing players on the playing field whenever possible. Players or managers who leave their positions to argue with umpires, come within six feet of an umpire or opposing player or manager for the purpose of argument, or engage in altercations on the field are subject to immediate ejection and discipline, including fines and suspensions.
Procedures for Health and Safety
- Each Club must submit a written COVID-19 Action Plan for approval by MLB.
- Spitting is prohibited (including but not limited to, saliva, sunflower seeds or peanut shells, or tobacco) at all times in Club facilities (including on the field). Chewing gum is permitted.
- Pitchers may carry a small wet rag in their back pocket to be used for moisture in lieu of licking their fingers.
- Clubs must provide expanded dugout and bullpen space at their ballparks.
- Players, umpires, and other on-field personnel should practice physical distancing to the extent possible within the limitations of competition and the fundamentals of baseball. Examples of ways in which physical distancing can be incorporated without disrupting the basics of the game include:
- When the ball is out of play, fielders are encouraged to retreat several steps away from the baserunner.
- If the batter is in the batter’s box and the catcher needs to stand to relay signs to the infielders, the catcher can step onto the grass towards the mound to give the signs before assuming his position behind home plate.
- First and Third Base Coaches should remain in or behind the Coach’s Box and shall not approach a baserunner, fielder or umpire on-field.
- Players on opposite teams should not socialize, fraternize, or come within six feet of each other before the game, during warm-ups, in between innings, or after the game.
- There will be no pre-game exchange of lineup cards. Instead, each Club will input their lineup card into a mobile application provided by MLB.
- Clubs may schedule up to three exhibition games before the end of Summer Camp. Clubs may consider scheduling games against their opening opponent in the days leading up to Opening Day. There is no limit on the number of intrasquad games permitted.
- A regionally-based schedule will feature each Club playing 40 divisional games and 20 Interleague games against the corresponding geographical division.
Revised Procedures for Transactions
- All player transactions that had been suspended resumed this past Friday.
- Yesterday, each Club submitted a list of up to 60 players who will be eligible to participate in Major League games during the 2020 championship season (“Club Player Pool”).
- Roster rules include:
- By 12:00 p.m. (ET) on the first date of the revised 2020 regular season, each Club must submit to MLB an Opening Day Active Roster with a maximum of 30 players, and a minimum of 25.
- The maximum Active Roster limit shall be reduced from 30 to 28 on the 15th day of the regular season.
- The maximum Active Roster limit shall be reduced from 28 to 26 on the 29th day of the championship season for the remainder of the championship season and postseason. There shall be no expanded rosters in September.
- The limitations on the number of pitchers on the Active Roster otherwise required by MLR 2(b)(2) shall not apply.
- In the event that a doubleheader takes place while the Active Roster limit is 26, both Clubs may use an additional player.
- A Club is permitted to carry up to three additional Taxi Squad players from its Club Player Pool on all road trips with the Major League team. If the Club elects to carry three additional players, at least one must be a player whose designated position prior to the season is catcher. Players on the Taxi Squad are permitted to workout with the Major League Club but are not permitted to be in uniform and in the dugout during games. Upon the conclusion of each road trip, players on the Taxi Squad will return to the Alternate Training Site.
- August 31st will be the 2020 trade deadline and September 15th will be the 2020 Postseason eligibility deadline.
- Standard Injured List placements will be for either 10 days or 45 days, with the latter replacing 60. A COVID-19 Related Injured List will allow for placements that will not require a confirmed positive test for COVID-19. A player may be placed on the COVID-19 Related IL based on a positive test for COVID-19, confirmed exposure to COVID-19, or if a player exhibits symptoms requiring self-isolation for further assessment.
The extra inning rule is a horrible gimmick. I would rather have a tie after 10 innings.
Did that gimmick ruin the WBC?
It’s not a gimmick. You may not like the rule, but it’s not a gimmick?
Technically it is a gimmick by putting a runner on a base they did not achieve by hit, walk, hit by pitch or dropped strike 3.
Baseball fans can justify the difference between the WBC and MLB, because WBC uses international rules where the runner on 2nd is an actual rule. But what ruins the WBC for some is the fact not all the best players participate.
That stupid rule ruined the WBC for me. I was at a semi final WBC game at Dodger stadium and they started the 11th inning with 2 runners on base. Ruined. Illegitimate result.
Whether you want to call it a gimmick or a rule, it’s awful,
This was written in August, 2018.
Since 2012, there have been 1,200 extra inning games. How many of these games went 10 innings, you ask?
524, or 43.7 percent finished in 10 innings.
But, 981 of the 1,200 games — or 81.8 percent — end by the 12th.
It’s very rare that you see a game go 15 innings or longer, as there have only been 58 such games in the last 5 ½ years, or about 4.8 percent of total extra inning affairs.
They’re “fixing” a problem that does not exist.
Exactly correct.
It’s a gimmick
It is not like they haven’t “fixed a problem that doesn’t exist” before. Change the rules to save 3 minutes in a 2 or more hour game. The MLB has been chasing it tail for awhile why change now?
I’d rather have the extra inning “gimmick” than a tie. But then I do not feel the need to express outrage at silly things.
Both teams get the same opportunity. And more base runners are always fun. Combined with the 3 batter minimum, some managers might have to do something for once. Some hitters might have to learn to bunt, hit it to the right side, etc. It might even help mitigate the high HR/ K games that we see now.
I’ll watch it and likely enjoy it.
two flyouts and the game is over. you shouldn’t be able to win a game with 0 total bases
The stupid gimmicks started when they allowed the pitcher to be removed from the game for a hitter, then being allowed to reenter the game to pitch the next inning.
One thing we know this extra inning rule will do is make sure Billy Hamilton is guaranteed a roster spot.
The stupid gimmicks began in the 1870s when they allowed teams a 12th player. It should have stayed an 11 man roster forever.
I’m being sarcastic, but it seems odd waxing nostalgic about crappy hitters batting.
If that the argument we should allow designated runners to stop catchers, aka crappy base runners, from running the bases.
The purpose is to specifically help protect pitchers so that pitching staffs are not overtaxed given the short “spring training’ to ramp up. Otherwise, there are actually about a dozen reasons why it could be a good idea in future years (maybe starting between the 12th and 14th inning). For example, in many cities affordable mass transit for fans and game staff may close before an extra inning game ends in the wee hours of the morning.
I would not mind if MLB did something for games that went past the 12th inning. But not this rule, which produces an illegitimate outcome to the game.
The American league used to have a 1 AM curfew for many years. If the game was tied, they did not start a new inning after 1 AM, and would continue the game either the next date or a later date.
I would hate to have ties in baseball, but I’d hate it less than this rule.
God forbid that pitchers actually have to do the only thing they are being paid to do now. Maybe if these relievers didn’t overthrow so much, their arms could take pitching 3 or 4 innings instead of being “overtaxed” at 15 pitches or so.
How much more can pitchers be protected? They have already said they don’t have to bat or run the bases. They have added an extra 5 roster spots for additional players, most of which will likely be pitchers. Do we need to put in the protective netting from batting practice as well? Do we need a designated fielder, so pitchers don’t have to field bunts or pop ups?
It’s just so ridiculous.
I cant stand extra innings, it’s such a waste of time. I would rather see this change or any change, even if its rock paper scissors or home run derby.
It’s terrible. I watched a ton of indy ball games last year and the three batter minimum rule was a nightmare. If anything, the rule changes delayed the games even further.
Masam99- I don’t mind it all too much.
What bothers me is he starts at second base. I hope they move it to first in the near future.
If we’re worried about pace of play, moving the runner to first speeds the game up way faster and it’s a much more interesting ball game in my opinion. I do agree tho that massive extra inning games this year can’t happen.
The minor leagues saw a dramatic decline in the length of extra inning games employing this rule. I don’t like the DH either but, I’m board.
Small wet rag aka a pine tar rag
Wet rag = spitball?
I remember years ago where Dick Williams accidentally listed Nolan Ryan’s name as the starting pitcher of a game.
Ryan went out their. Faced one batter, and got the batter out.
The three batter minimum rule reminded me of that.
And your post is void of any logic.
logic for what? He didn’t even make an argument, just a historical quip.
Clepto struggles with reasoned thought.
how much do you get for writing for them?
I like this better than a man on 2nd:
(2)The number of fielders allowed shall be equal to nine minus the number of innings beyond nine innings, for innings 10 thru 16.
(3)If the score is tied after inning 16, the number of fielders allowed shall be 2.
(4)This clause shall have no impact on the lineups.
We may see someone score 100 if that happened.
@34679 That is beyond stupid.
and people thought a runner on second was a gimmick….
How sticky is that ball going to be after the pitchers “clean” their fingers on that “small wet rag” in their back pocket?
robot umps
Welcome to grade school on most of these “social distancing” on field rules.
And I call total B. S. to only three spring training games.
I will accept it this year only as long as it all goes away in 21. The DH I’ll accept also.
I hate the DH thing because this is their excuse to allow it forever.
The DH was coming anyway. This just accelerates it.
All of these rules are excuses to make them a forever change.
I want the DH, who likes to watch an automatic out 3-4 times a game. Having pitchers hit, makes the NL weaker.
Vegas, totally disagree with you; the NL is the better baseball, more strategic game; whether or not to PH for the pitcher is a factor, sometimes if he is closing in on 100 pitches but throwing well, do you hit for him or not.
Adding another .250 hitter who swings for the bleachers & K’s too much, more inept, less drama, waters down the game. Can’t stand the AL for having in the first place.
“Offense is so exciting”
That’s a fragile plan.
huzzah! the position pitcher rises once again!
and the pitcher roster limit is gone as well, which is great. sadly the 3 batter minimum isnt. well, 2/3 aint bad.
Does this mean no playoff changes occurred, or that playoff changes are outside the scope of this article? I know just a couple days ago MLB was continuing to negotiate with players on it.
That’s where it stands. My guess is we get expanded play-offs.
I hope we DON’T get expanded playoffs. Cheapens an already cheap season. This isn’t the NBA or the NHL!
The expanded playoffs were a way to offset part of the lost revenue from not having fans in the seats, and- so they said- to partly offset teams getting eliminated after just a partial season.
Estimates range around $100 million or more for the extra TV revenue.
At the same time, the players are set to get no money for the playoffs, since the CBA pays them through a percentage of gate receipts. They had a pool of $80 million in 2019. $50 million was included in offers from both sides until the owners’ last offer which was a $25 million pool.
$33 million in advance write offs was left on the table by the players as well.
And using advertising patches on uniforms is more revenue that the owners could have had if they came to an agreement.
It seems that both sides would benefit if they agreed on these terms anyway, and work on the grievance issues later. If they’re talking, that is.
The two sides were unable to agree to that part. It was being pushed heavily by the owners due to the amount of TV revenue involved. Since they didn’t agree, the commissioner forced the season which caused a standard playoff format to be adopted.
I really hate the extra inning baserunner rule. I’ve been trying to talk myself into boycotting baseball and this rule certainly helps towards that but I know myself to well. I’ll cave once enough curiosity sets in.
Yep, my feelings exactly.
Frankly, I enjoy the rule change discussions, but I will not watch a single game. I was for canceling the season, so for all intents and purposes, my action effectively does cancel the season. Don’t tell me MLB (or anyone else) doesn’t care. I realize that, and don’t care. I’m not sending a message–I just truly don’t care.
Why not just play tee ball in the extras and hand out participation trophies to all at seasons end. No hurt feelings because you are the Giants and suck… we all win!
How about Whiffle Ball instead?
What do the Giants have to do with the rule changes? Lol
The extra innings should be a Mario Kart tournament
Home run derby. Best vs the best, 25 pitches.
A-Rod’s idea does really sound much better than this
This is a freaking joke. I already not watching because of dh rule..but why not
put this crap out there…mlb chaseing that dollar as fast as they can. We
probably talking about a four hour game now.
How about lifting the blackout rule for TV games. It is ridiculous that in some parts of the country like Iowa and Las Vegas that five teams are blacked out locally. MLB owes it to the fans after what they put the fans through with all the back and forth. Some good karma would help MLB for once in a sport that never does the right thing. Oh by the way, fans are not allowed at games anyway this year. Another reason to lift the blackout rule.
I completely agree! People in Iowa are blacked out from six teams, and Las Vegas blacks out three or five teams, with no realistic chance that they’d be going to see a game in any of those parks.
use hola free vpn. works wonders. by the way i live in “netherlands”, you know. use fix button twice to ensure proper working
Lift the blackouts, also make radio broadcasts free.
Bye Bye Love…
DH is here to stay for the NL. I don’t get the hate for it. People say it takes the strategy out. Yep because it takes a mental giant to decide if the pitcher should hit in the 6th inning and beyond. Have to be Einstein to power through that.
Hitting is only half the game. DH’s are half players, guys that lack the skill to play the whole game. It’s why I hate the NBA, they think the whole game is scoring and are lazy and inept defenders.
I strongly disagree with a ‘player’ only hitting and being protected from playing defense, because I like how you normally would have to pay attention to the balance of defensive and offensive for each of your roster spots. It won’t keep me from watching, as I expected it to be implemented at some point. I do think that you should “get the hate for it”, however, and your hyperbole is typically what I see out of people arguing for it for whatever thats worth.
It’s about tradition. Love of the game. DH sucks
don’t worry, season won’t make it to the end
Much ado about nothing as not a chance in Hell they are playing, unless they are locked down in Canada or Europe. Americans have so messed up the Covid crisis, they have become the laughing stock of the “have”countries. No sports league will be playing until there is a reliable vaccine. This is all Nero fiddling while Rome burns.
It’s possible no baseball will be played. At this point, even practice is causing Covid-19 cases.
The runner-on-2nd during extra innings is so pathetically “little league”
Manfred is considering adding the Invisible runner on 3rd base if games make it to 16th inning with a tie score
2.7% of MLB games in 2019 would have been affected by this dumb extra inning rule. So in a season where rosters are bigger and the season grind is less than half the usual length we really gotta make sure that we have a rule in place to solve that non problem
The robot umps in Indy last year weren’t great either. I talked to a lot of players and I’d say 25% of pitchers liked them, 75% didn’t like them. Majority of hitters weren’t a fan of them. Also noticed in Somerset and New Britain the robot umps were very off. I have at least thirty videos of strikes that were called balls, all from different games. They need to keep baseball The way it is because all the changes are going to kill the game.
Well, guess I should thank Manfred for saving me money and time. Not a fan of the DH but I can live with it for a year. The extra inning rule? I’ll pass. Having subscribed to mlbtv for a decade or so, I will not subscribe this year because of the ridiculous rule change. If the rule changes continue, I’m gone.
Oh, I expect some clown to reply to my post by saying. “Good riddance”. Unfortunately, I am the type of fan MLB needs. I subscribe to MLBTV. I go to regular season games. I go to spring training and I even go to Arizona Fall League.. I also take my teenage son and others to games. That is a lot of revenue lost.
Extra inning rule? I need more excitement than that, so maybe I’ll go watch grass grow or paint dry.
Better be prepared for the one year of the NL DH to last the rest of your life.
3-weeks of inter-squad followed by “up to” 3-exhibition games before Opening Day? Older players will drop like flies and the taxi squads will be taxed.
Just another sign of the times. Everyone’s in a hurry. So sad what big business has done to America’s Pastime. They continue to push away the traditions that made the game great.
10th inning – man on first. 11th inning- man on second.
12th inning and beyond – man on third.
Fire Rob Manfred!
Why? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!