9:26pm: The players are indeed expected to respond favorably to the league’s requests regarding reporting timeline and health and safety protocols, Jeff Passan of ESPN reports on Twitter. So long as the final points can be tidied up, it seems the resumption of play will be underway within a week.
7:29pm: The 2020 season is now slated to proceed under the terms of the late March agreement previously reached between MLB and the players’ association. The league has issued an announcement stating that the owners unanimously agreed to launch the campaign after further negotiations with the players failed to result in a new deal.
The campaign will ultimately be established at sixty games in length, according to Bob Nightengale of USA Today, though the league announcement doesn’t so specify. Rather, the announcement asks that the players inform the league as to the readiness to begin Spring Training (part deux) before assessing schedule length. It seems the season will go for sixty games so long as the players agree to report for preparation by the first of July. Assuming the players do indeed report by that point, Opening Day would be set for the weekend of July 24-26.
The other key element left open in the league’s announcement is agreement upon a health and safety protocol. Recent reporting indicates that the sides were working through a few final issues, with a general expectation that there’d be a deal. Indeed, the union’s own statement indicated as much earlier tonight.
While there’s now a clear path to a 2020 campaign, it’ll leave both sides without some of the key benefits they had sought. The league wished for an expanded postseason, while the players sought more regular season contests. Each side clearly stood to benefit somewhat from those concessions — the players would’ve had a cut of the playoff revenue; the owners would’ve had a longer season to boost long-term branding and earning opportunities — but they still couldn’t bridge the final gap for a fully negotiated new agreement.
This move comes right on the heels of the players’ decision to reject the owners’ final offer for a settlement. The players may well have done better if indeed the campaign comes in at sixty games, as the league’s final proposal provides. But the acrimony on both sides has shown no signs of abating. And the lengthy and public standoff over money — all in the midst of a pandemic and social unrest — has certainly not made the best impression on fans.
The league may have avoided a heftier labor cost in 2020; the players may finally have found some unity. But the game isn’t exactly glimmering at the moment. And the stage is clearly set for a monumental labor standoff with a wildly uncertain free agency and collective bargaining negotiations on the horizon.
Resolving things by reverting back to the late March agreement means that there are some open questions left to be debated. The sides have debated the meaning of the deal — in particular, how it’s to be interpreted in the case of a fan-free season — ever since it was signed. The union has reportedly threatened a grievance even if a season is installed by the commissioner, though the prospects for that course of action are uncertain at the moment.
The extra innings of negotiations is over and the winner is (mmrph) muddled by mask.
Finally, play baseball.
To be clear, they negotiated nothing for weeks upon weeks, got nothing and get less money for it.
The MLBPA is a joke. Outside of the successes of past regimes, guaranteed contracts and no cap, this current iteration SUCKS.
60 games is welcome but a joke. Hoping for some good games.
To be fair, the owners could have said play ball anytime over the last few months, or weeks or days. This is what they and the players already agreed to.
Not really, there were those pesky shelter in place orders
Is 60 games welcome or is it a joke? It’s easy to sit down behind a computer and criticize something that you know nothing about, right?
Anyone who thinks this is the fault of the MLBPA is clueless…
A: the owners want less games
B: the players take all the risk
C: both sides previously negotiated this agreement back in March
D: The owners have long been angling to lower player salaries
E: the owners made these negotiations public
If you blame the players association for trying to play more games and wanting their full pro rated salary after negotiating that back in March, you’re just never going to see things clearly.
Well stated, jroxphilly!
owners made this public? they made have started it, maybe, bit I saw Tony Clark’s ugly face plenty
The owners are the ones who purposely dragged these negotiations out because they knew it would come down to the having to concede to their original agreement but by stalling they only have to pay the players for at most 60 games (roughly 37% of their annual salaries but still get the additional revenue from expanding the playoffs. I’m guessing this was their plan the entire time.
The players take all the risk? It’s the owners who have hundreds of millions of dollars in bank loans, it’s the owners who put up all the capital, and it’s the owners who are responsible for paying hundreds of employees.
just because there’s a date, playing any games depends on how communities fair with new Covid cases. take nothing for granted.
players take all the risk? what about coaches, locker room staff, etc. that is likely older and earning less money? there will be a grievance and a lot will depend on the truthfulness of the claim that the league will lose more money with more games.
That’s exactly what happened bdpecore along with more playoff money possibilities with that expanded post season play. Throw in for the owners the better odds of their team getting to the post season. Owner’s came out like champ’s
I think it is the fault of the MLBPA. 40% of total league revenues are wiped out by having no fans in the stadium but the players demanded to be paid their full salaries even though there won’t be revenues available to pay them. Look no further than the Braves financial statements last year. Baseball teams do not make a lot of money year over year. The Braves made $38M of operating income last year on revenues of over $470M and lost -$50M of net income on the season. The Braves are a Top 15 franchise in MLB. Now they have to pay players 100% of their salaries for every game played even though they are losing 40% of their revenues. So even in a 60 game season, the Braves stand to lose ~$75M+ in operating income this season if everything else remains the same. The fact that the players union couldn’t understand this shows how ineffective their leadership is. The players may have ‘won’ by getting 100% of their prorated salaries for this shortened season but they are going to lose in the long run. Free agency is going to be non-existent this offseason. Players expecting to get $8M – $10M per year will be lucky to get an offer for $3M-$4M and those looking to break the bank (Mookie) are going to be highly disappointed in what their final offers are. And then the CBA expires after the 2021 season. With some much animosity between both sides, I can’t see how this doesn’t end in a work stoppage of some type. So this is going to impact baseball for 3+ years. You think you’re upset now, just wait to see what’s to come!
A they made several offers with a lot more than 60 games which the players rejected
B this is true, if you are not talking about financial risk
C this does not bolster your point
D generic comment one can say anytime, prove its relevant here
E so did the players
I see clearly
The players are taking about as much risk as your average McDonald’s employee, probably even less risk.
There are no expanded playoffs Jroxphilly
Good job nick1218 not much else to add.
Its OK to have an voice an opinion but for Jroxphilly to call everyone who has another opinion clueless and blind is not really needed. Just state your opinion and let it be; it does not reflect well on your case.
I’ve been trying to convince everyone not to worry about the season being cancelled.
So you can prevent the spread of the virus is clubhouses. Wow, not only do you know more baseball, but you also know more about the virus than any person alive.
The virus is a joke if you’re healthy. Stay home if you’re not. I know several folks that caught the virus and are now healthy! Play ball with fans in stands!!!
I agree. I know plenty of people who have shook it off quicker than a cold.
Viral load mean anything to you? No? Yeah the willfully ignorant don’t care.
Well I hope you’re right, but we’re looking at 60 games maximum and the distinct possibility of much less than 60 or none at all still.
I can go without baseball but a couple months of MLB would help a little with this awful summer.
“Protect the elderly and those with underlying conditions” mean anything to you? For the rest it is a cough.
“The virus is a joke…” maybe the most offensive thing I’ve read on this site. Tell the families of the 110,000 dead Americans and the plethora of those still trying to recover about how funny it is. It took my neighbor, who works full time at 62 and trying to get his house paid off so he and his wife can retire, 8 weeks to get back to work and feeling human again.
The average age of those infected in Florida is 37. Will they die? We all know they probably won’t and will eventually be just fine. What about the tens of thousands of OLDER folks they cross paths with? Don’t they have a right to live out their lives in a safe environment? Let’s just take all the dui limitations away and turn all the drunks loose on the roads. I mean after all, if you were driving home from dinner with your wife and kids and some drunk leaving from happy hour kills them and he survives, it’s your fault for being on the road with him, right? I mean he’s fine, so send him right back out to the bar tomorrow because nothing happened to him.
When we force people to fear leaving their homes because the ignorant refuse to acknowledge the danger, those same people need to be held accountable. Refusing to heed safety protocols resulting in someone else’s health being altered or losing their life should be punishable by law just as talking on your cell phone while driving or drinking and driving. Make someone sick and they lose work, accrue hospital bills, lose their jobs, etc and the person who refused to follow protocol should absolutely be held responsible just as that drunk driver would be.
The ignorance and mentality of this post is precisely why baseball or any other sport should NOT be played. It’s the healthy, asymptomatic infected people who are the biggest threat to our seniors and those who are fighting other compromised health situations that WANT to live. Our parents, grand parents, aunts and uncles, brothers, sisters and CHILDREN who battle every day to survive are the ones being killed by the ignorant who infect them because THEY aren’t worried about ‘the flu’.
If baseball (or any other sport) resumes before there are proven treatments the powers and officials that decided it was safe are just as responsible for any illnesses or deaths as the homeowner throwing a party who over serves a drunk guest and lets them leave, causing an accident. The difference is, what if that drunk drives through a mall or restaurant?
Just because “many” are unaffected by this virus doesn’t mean it should be ignored and shrugged off when 100,000 Americans die in 90 days WITH social distancing and quarantines. You think those 90 days were rough, just wait for the next 90 when everyone decides they are done wearing masks and all the air travel resumes between states.
Listen, I know this post is too long, but I know three people who have survived this, two will never be the same as they were beforehand. My wife and I know of many other people who have recovered (through conversations) including folks who have died.
I have had my asthma under control (as has my adult daughter) for years through medication and operate 2 businesses. If I get this crap and survive, my breathing may never be the same and I could be incapacitated (at 57) for the rest of my life. Why? Because too many ignorant, self centered people think “This virus is a joke.” and refuse to protect those around them.
jim stem, Thank You
This. People like brew007 and Cleatus just don’t seem to understand that young people who get the disease may recover just fine, but when those kids and young adults spread the virus to their parents and grandparents, the virus will be fatal for lots of those elderly people. Lots of people seem to think that this virus just randomly selects who it will infect, and then all the people who are infected cannot spread it to anyone who the virus will then kill because, “well lots of people I know recovered from the virus just fine, so that means no one will die from it.”
To believe all that Jim- you have to trust a media who at any given time- carry a 10% approval rating and a congress at any given time- carry an approval rating worse than that. And it’s been that way for decades. Why ?!? Bc neither the media nor congress care to improve their approval rating bc truth and integrity interfere with their agenda.
The media and congress believe and push a theory of what’s going on and how to treat it. There’s Atleast 3 other theories of what’s going on and how to treat it. The thing is though Jim- they are all just theories. Which means they are all potentially wrong.
We all have a right to believe whatever we want to believe. Well over 95% of deaths are from people w pre-existing conditions and the death rate in our country isn’t any higher than any other year. So when people call it a joke- I can respect their opinion and not have to go on some fear mongering tirade as I’m an adult and can think for myself.
I too am at high risk as I have a 1 year old and my wife’s pregnant. Still we live full and mentally healthy lives. If the ballparks were open- I would bring my whole family to a game, eat hotdogs and use their restroom facilities and not be paralyzed in fear over it.
Good luck in your search for the truth friend
Brew007, the virus isn’t a joke. It real and likely here to stay if we aren’t willing to remain quarantined to stop its spread. Which means you would prefer those at risk to remain home indefinitely so you can watch baseball games on TV with no fans in attendance. Sounds very selfish if you ask me.
Also there is so little known about this virus that healthy individuals like yourself could very likely be at risk down the road since it’s already shown to be fatal in a small number of healthy younger adults because their immune systems went into hyperdrive once infected.
This particular strand is mutating at a significantly more rapid pace than other viruses like the flu so it’s very possible the longer it sticks around the more likely a new mutation will be more dangerous to the majority of humans and not just those high risk respiratory patients.
So you can continue doing your thing and hope for the best but I’ll continue being considerate towards others by wearing a mask in public and practicing social distancing until the experts tell me it’s safe to stop.
Btw I’m also happy the people you know who contracted the virus are all healthy. I also know several people who were infected. One was on a ventilator for 3 weeks while two others were asymptomatic. So just because those you know didn’t have reactions to the virus doesn’t mean you won’t.
My friend, who’s a nurse, treated a mother and daughter who were both infected and of the two the mother survived while the daughter died. The reason the daughter got infected is because she believed she would be ok if infected and stayed with her mother to take care of her before she was admitted to the hospital.
All I’m saying is be careful what you wish for and don’t take this virus lightly. It’s not as black and white as your making it out to be.
I know more about you too!
Halo 11 what about the “is clubhouses”? I never said clubhouses “was”……. they still is!, I don’t debate that but I can say the club houses are going to be sanitized
Everything you just said about quarantine and mutation is a theory you choose to believe. None of it is scientific fact
BREW007……not even worth wasting my time pointing out ALL the reasons your statement is pure ignorant, you obviously lack any sizeable IQ to be able to understand. Just hope for the future, you didn’t have any offspring.
Jim Stem –
Post of the year! It amazes me how some of these blockheads do not see the big picture. I don’t care if THEY will be fine…it’s everyone else that they could infect. What a bunch of self-centered jerkoffs.
Who cares if most of those who become seriously ill have had underlying conditions? Are we now allowed to kill off anyone with an underlying condition? Look past yourselves, people. You are sharing this planet with others, and they have just as much right to life as you do…underlying conditions or not!
Yeah…never mind what all the doctors and scientists are saying/recommending. Let’s all listen to TINY brain instead…he obviously knows more than any of them do.
flu is as deadly, so is this the new norm every year? why nothing during h1n1? to cancel any sports is stupid.
Tiny –
I sincerely hope your ignorance and arrogance doesn’t result in the severe illness or death of your 1 year old child. Take a minute to consider how your conscience would haunt you every moment of every day for the rest of your life before speaking/acting in such a self-centered manner
KCJ, the beacon of morality. I see you’ve conveniently forgotten the flip flopping on several issues regarding this pandemic we have faced. How about you go back asleep and we will hope, pray and proceed with caution while you dream about having an opinion that’s more important than others. Newsflash: it isn’t.
I agree with you tiny! I had a friend that went to visit his uncle Who was very sick and everyone told him not to go because he may have the virus. His name is Johnny and because he didn’t believe that the virus was serious and it was exaggerated and did not fear getting it, he still went and visited his uncle. Johnny has been bed written for a week and now he’s in the hospital with the virus.
this is factually incorrect. it’s far more deathly and contagious than the common flu.
Stop comparing this to the flu. Even with the whole country shut down it has killed far more than the flu does. Imagine if we hadn’t shut it down? We’d be looking at a million dead or more. Would that be enough to get people to take it seriously? If we played all the normal pro sports this year, how many players would die? 1? 100? How many would be enough to make you change your mind?
I simply cannot fathom how anyone can shake off 120,000 dead Americans as some normal we have to accept.
None of this has to do with following the media’s narrative or Congress’ narrative. Listen to the actual DOCTORS out there who are working all day every day, swamped with nothing but COVID cases. They are dying themselves at a terrible rate, but still reporting to work. I am embarrassed for the way America has responded to COVID compared to the rest of the world, most of which has this well under control because they have responsible leadership and educated citizens who listen to the advice of actual experts.
Lol well done citizen
All that hacking to get literally nowhere? Smh
I don’t think their should be any playoffs. 60 games is laughable.
Completely agree. There’s going to be a huge asterisk next to this season. The MLB has become a joke and the owners are laughing all the way to the bank.
What a colossal disappointment.
Why is this a joke? You can just add it to all the other asterisks we have now since you can apparently cheat your way to a title, get caught, and still keep the hardware.
I think this is gonna be fun and am 100% all-in. Thank god we have baseball.
Yeah no kidding. I won’t be watching
LOL if your beloved Red Sox squeak into the playoffs, you’re NOT going to watch???!!!!!???? haha yeah right
Oh no! A Sox fan won’t be watching!
I can’t find anyone who says the 1981 Dodgers World Series win is a joke. They made the playoffs based on finishing first in a 57 game season, yet no one seams to think 1981 was a joke.
For someone who doesn’t know anything about baseball history, maybe you’re the joke.
The Los Angeles Dodgers played 110 games in 1981.
Every MLB team played over 100 games in 1981.
*Baseball History*
Every team starts at the same starting line. We’re running a 200 meter race instead of 500. All 30 teams will have the same chance to win at the same amount of time.
2o20 will be part of baseball history too and we will remember it for what it was. Anyone looking to taint the 2020 winner is a bitter idiot. Play ball.
The Dodgers only won one half of the season. The team with the best overall record in baseball didn’t make the playoffs.
Manfredsajike just wait for even more joking about the eventual MVP’s and the CY’s of 2020. I can just see someone get hot and because this will be a two month season someone like Yaisel Puig get the MVP for one hot month of play and a #5 starter of the Pittsburgh Pirates win the cy over pitchers like Kershaw
So what happens to other elements
discussed in negotiations such as expanded playoffs, dh in the NL, man on second in the 10th inning. Does the commissioner have the power to impose these proposed changes?
DH in 2020, not 2021
no stupid extra inning rule
no expanded playoffs
no playoff pool for players
No, the commish can not implement those changes, but the two sides can agree to them. As of now, the players get no real playoff revenue because it’s tied to gate receipts. We’ll see.
Patrick, it probably turned out better for the fans.
Exactly. As a fan I do not care which side “won”. Short term, the fans win. That’s the only group we should be concerned about.
Whoopidy dooooo
How it came about might not have been pretty, but in the bigger scheme of things, like all things in life… best to let go and move on. They’re set to play some games in a difficult situation for all people everywhere, so let’s just hope it works out and believe in some possibility of a positive outcome for a change!
Ah, breaker one-nine, this here’s the Rob Manfred
You gotta copy on me, Tony Clark, c’mon?
Ah, yeah, 10-4, Tony Clark, fer shure, fer shure
By golly, it’s clean clear to Flag Town, c’mon
Yeah, that’s a big 10-4 there, Tony Clark
Yeah, we definitely got the front door, good buddy
Mercy sakes alive, looks like we got us a season
Thank you for this
Love the CW McCall reference
Lol. Love it
Love it
About time!! Let’s play some ball
The loser is everyone. I wish the owners had the guts to simply cancel the season.
I don’t see how the season is going to finish (assuming it starts, which I’ll only be convinced of when it does). Cases are spiking and there is absolutely no way you can control the movements of every player. You are going to have guys who go and break protocol and potentially expose themselves to the virus. This is seriously a bad idea.
If there is reckoning, I hope baseball is ready for it.
What’s the over/under on how long before the season is cancelled for COVID reasons? Three weeks/fifteen games, whichever comes first?
I’ll put money on zero weeks, won’t be able to get out of spring training.
O/U is 1 game – I’ll take the under easily
I predict there won’t even be Spring Training.
15 sounds about right.
Okay, let’s use our common sense here. If there are no tests done, how many confirmed cases would there be? (Answer=zero). Now, if they are testing, would it not stand to reason that they might find some people that test positive? (Answer=yes). The more testing, the more confirmed cases they find. Duh.
If a tree falls in the forest and you pretend not to hear the thud, does it make a sound?
If I were to use my common sense, I would know that when a player falls ill, he’ll get a test somewhere, if for no other reason to protect his family and teammates.
If I were to use my common sense, if an older coach or manager winds up in the hospital on a ventilator, he’s gonna get tested.
If I were to use my common sense, I would think what also matters is the rate of positives. (If you conduct 10 tests and have 3 positives in wk, then have 20 tests and 10 positives, it’s getting worse.)
But common sense is in short supply in ‘murica these days.
Not if the thud is silent.
Does anyone remember that 80% of the population was locked down? Of course there was a spike with more testing going on. Most folks never got the cough.
Are you one of the nuts who also makes a fool of themselves by giving store employees hell for asking you to wear a mask, as per store policy?
Regarding your comments about COVID-19 being a cough, even if there was truth in that, it’s almost irrelevant in the discussion of an illness that we’ve known about for four months and have no vaccine or proven treatments for. Just because you were willing to risk your health over an inconvenient several months of your life doesn’t mean others should… Such self entitled people make the situation worse.
You need to talk to Iknowmorebaseball.
He knows the season wont be cancelled. I’m not sure how, but he knows it.
Pardon me if I missed something among the recent mess of a back and forth between league and players.
Does sending home the players to scrub the sites and testing everyone before allowing re-entry not add a layer of certainty to the safety of the players?
I’m almost expecting an ‘Olympic village’ type living setting for everyone wherever the game sites will end up being.
Do the games absolutely need to be played in the USA?
Realign not super necessary?
One site for each division, 2 games per day with one team off. July15-Sep27 for 60 games in this fashion.
Playing only divisional games would make the regular season super important.
I’m done. A fan for 58 seasons, life is too short — even with COVID about — to waste my remaining time paying attention to a sport run into hell by a gang of corporate criminals: the owners and their mouthpiece, Manfred. I feel for most of the players, who likely chose to pursue the sport out of passion for a beautiful game, only to have their careers shortened or otherwise diminished by greed. So when do the bailouts begin for these over-privileged capitalist-cretins?
Cue the violins. The poor wage-slave players playing for nothing but passion for the game? Yeah, that and $550k or more per year, 10x what the median worker earns. Spare me!
Technically the players will be receiving less than 550k due to prorata cuts.
MLB’s lawyers are most likely paid several hundred thousand a year, So Ohtani one of the best 750 players in the world will be paid less than MLB’s lawyers.
Are those lawyers cutting their pay by more than 50% I bet they are not one of the 750 best in the world at their job.
Another clown that wants to compare athletes to people with regular jobs. How bout start comparing them to the ENTERTAINERS they are
Compare them to Tom Cruise, Lady GaGa, Kevin Hart, The Rock etc
$200K for two months ‘work’, where do I sign ?
Steeler – some entertainers make zero when they do not work. Bad take. Average from you, but bad take.
when 1 player makes 1/2 of a franchises total worth is their career, dont you dare insinuate poor players. player salaries are why normal people can’t take their families to a game. interestingly your all good with that.
Spare us all your union twaddle.
Why not continue to watch? As a fan for 58 years, I doubt you lost all interest in the game, itself, even if many involved disgust you.
You can watch online while not putting a penny into MLB’s pockets.
@88winespodiodie. I’ve been a fan for 50 seasons and I’m done too. I blame both the owners and the players. Slightly more on the owners, whose stadiums the taxpayers subsidize.
So much for all that wasted time and effort with the quarantine.
I guess we’re just going to settle for herd immunity.
It was always going to be herd immunity. This is the definition of flattening the curve. The same number of people will get infected, but spread over a longer period of time with fewer severe cases/deaths. This WAS the entire goal of the shutdown. Health officials in California (of all places) are even saying that on the record.
He did it. The mad lad pulled the trigger. Congrats on having balls Manfred
baseball my #1 sport for life but I dgaf about this season.
Mega truth
Same here in terms of the final standings. Too few games to take much stock in with team accomplishments. In terms of individual counting stats, it does matter to me to an extent.
So you didn’t care about baseball in 1981 when the Dodgers won based on a 57 game season?
The Dodgers won 63 games in 1981.
They played two half-seasons in ’81. Playoff spots were allocated based on the results of the two seasons independent of one another. The Dodgers made the playoffs because they finished first in the 57-game 1st-half “season.”
The stats will look weird. Someone leading the league in home runs with 18? In wins with 9. What if someone hits .400 in 60 games? Decent hitters off to bad starts might end up below .200. I hate to say it but just cancel the season. I’m kind of liking this year off from baseball. If it does go forward, the weird stats will coincide with all of the other weird crap going on. 2020, what a year so far.
I wish they had canceled this season altogether. This is a farce.
I grew up adoring baseball. But baseball is dead…. murdered in fact.
Please boycott these clowns. I will.
Good riddance nobody wants you here
What steeler said.
With everything going on in this world, I am glad that you are taking a stand! /s
I honestly don’t understand why people like this are mad. They think the season should have started a month sooner? Just chill out jeez
It was done before this. Derek Jeter is in HOF even though he is a cheater and his stats are tainted. Red Sox,Yankees and Astros cheated fans and got no punishment just rings. Blake Snell told fans to die and the players backed him up instead of banning him from the union.
Why is Jeter a cheater, you human clown shoe?
hey johnnydubs, taker off your tin foil hat next time before commenting garbage!
How/why was this so difficult? Such an embarrassing exercise.
Excessive greed from players and owners.
Make sure you take your pay cut to do your job too
as you stated earlier, these are regular employees. taking a pay cut when you make 35k a year as opposed to 15 million, is not the same. you backing the players, in a time when people can’t afford to eat, is truly sad.
Most folks did, and we’re fine as long as it comes back.
I took a paycut and I’m not whining about it. I’m grateful to have not been furloughed. There’s less opportunity in the the here and now but the economy is rocking in June!! I expect a YUGE month in July!
Baseball will help Make America Whole Again.
Go Astros Go … ⚾️ ⚾️ ⚾️
You Misspelled REDS
Actually he misspelled cheaters
Bang bang
strike in 3…..2……1
Grievance in 3… 2…
Go Astros Go …
I heard the Cleveland Indians drum is going to be relocated to Houston.
Mixed emotions….baseball finally but….probably can’t go to boo the Stros.
Best comment in quite awhile
Thanks, but I’m gonna pass.
“ThEReS nOt GoInG tO bE a SeAsON”
Still might not be…
Jinxed it,
The REEEEE’ers out there are genuinely upset there’s gonna be a season. Sixty games is not ideal but it’s better than nothing.
I just hope they use the juiced balls to make it interesting.
Will Tony Clark still be union president after the 2021 season or will someone else be negotiating the new CBA?
If performance matters, he shouldn’t be working in baseball in 2021.
Clark may be the worst MLBPA Union President ever. He capitulates at every step.
Manfred is a joke of a commissioner. Easily the worst in all of the major sports.
Love it!
Altoid Manfred has no authority. He is the owners puppet. Everything has to be approved by ownerships vote.
I never thought I’d wish for the days of Bud Selig but jeez.
Manfred is doing his best to make Selig look competant
Manfred IS Selig. Seligs right hand man when he had the position. Bad to worse
Let’s do it!!!
court time!
What a waste of time. Both sides are an embarrassment. There’s very little point or legitimacy in a 60 game season in my opinion. I would have rather they cancelled 2020 and worked on avoiding a strike in the next CBA instead.
The players wanted 114 games. The owners whittled them all the way down to a 60 game joke schedule. It’s pretty obvious which side the embarrassment lies.
While I do side with the players, they haven’t been faultless in all of this either and Tony Clark has been absolutely useless.
Why is it a waste of time? When did you expect it to start up? We are just now getting treatment. We just now know it wasn’t going to slow down much in the summer months. We had 40 players/coaches get this virus this week.
It seems like you people don’t understand we are in the midst of a pandemic.
I don’t know why I’m bothering to reply to you as you’ve proven countless times that every time you open your mouth something idiotic comes out, but I would have expected once we got below the possibility of half a season, or maybe even 100 games, they’d have realised it wasn’t a worthwhile exercise and just punted for 2021 instead. How can any team possibly claim with a straight face that 60 games is a legitimate season if they win it all?
MLB played 110 games in 1981
They canceled the season in August, 1994
They played 140+ games in 1995
Which is worse? I say the canceled season is worse, by far.
A 60 game schedule is likely to get the best teams into the playoffs, and then there will be a full post season. Could it produce a fluke? Sure. But see the 1987 Twins who were 85- 77 after 162 games. They had the fifth best record in the AL. There are more examples since the leagues were split into divisions.
If MLB can complete the season, that’s the best outcome right now. It could have been better if the owners had agreed to play as many games as possible two months earlier, with prorated salaries. But they didn’t. So here we are. Make the best of it.
As an exhibition and having baseball to watch it’s a good thing, but it really is nothing more than that – an exhibition/novelty season.
The seasons you are talking about had almost double the amount of games or more. And there are plenty of teams who are up there after 60 games and nowhere after 162. In theory, a team could win just 30 regular season games and be crowned ‘World Series Champions’. Do you honestly think that’s a legit title after so few wins?
Glad to have some baseball back, but I and I’m sure many others won’t be taking it seriously or as anything more than an exhibition until 2021.
They won’t even get six games in.
The won’t even get one game in.
They won’t even get “spring training” in.
There will be no season.
Cancel it already.
Go away Troll.
Sorry, he’s right. Cancel is best now and inevitable anyway.
The only FACT Agent is that you are clueless. Please stop embarrassing yourself. BTW there won’t be an MLB season
Shocking — someone racist enough to call COVID-19 the Wuhan Flu is also upset that NASCAR is banning the flag of a band of traitors who went to war against the United States because they wanted to own other humans.
MLB season will start one day before the NBA resumes and the same week NHL playoffs start. What a complete failure.
Honest question, what do the players gain by not agreeing with the owners? Seems to me they lose things they wanted and play same games for same pay. No expanded playoffs, but that would have made players money too.
I can’t see either side having a winning case if they file a grievance. I just don’t get it.
Players don’t directly get money from expanded playoffs, which is why they proposed splitting the TV revenue from expanded playoffs in 2021.
The two sides exchanged numerous proposals that included a $50 million playoff pool for players, but the owners’ last offer was $25 million- with another $33 million in advance writeoffs.
Players normally get a percentage of gate revenues for playoffs, which is problematic this year. Cuz there’s no gate!
If my math is correct that would’ve been $58mm more for players.
Yes, and as Manfred points out in the MLB press release, 61% of players (the 1200 union members) would have gotten more take home pay in that $33 million. Average $45K apiece.
And some $ 245 million- ish more for owners from expanded playoffs. Plus some amount for advertising patches on uniforms.
More than that heater… more money to teams in 2020 means more to players in this year’s free agency. Less money gives cover for fewer contracts and less money in the offers leading to more unrest.
But maybe thats another part of what they want to allege collusion over in yet another grievance
That’s about $38k for each player.
The players don’t lose much.
They’ve just been windmilling their private parts around getting ready for the CBA negotiations. At no point has either side given the other a cogent reason to agree on anything.
Boy ain’t that the truth?
The threat of a grievance is the hammer the players had in getting a season of at least 60 games and ensuring the owners continue to work on appropriate health and safety protocols.
I would think so, else it would have been 48 games.
Players get to file a grievance. Anything and everything else pales in comparison to MLBPA thinking they may get a look at MLB’s books.
Let’s go Astros!!
stop cheating!
That’d mean none of Manfred’s sanctions hurt, and all the fired/suspended parties couldn’t be there to celebrate from ownership down…
I like it. Hate the astros but love the idea of Manfred needing to hand over the hardware.
Fitting for the abortion of a season 2020 would be…
I am reminded of Pete Rozelle having to hand the Super Bowl trophy to Al Davis after he won the court case to move the Raiders to LA. I snickered so hard. There was Bryant Gumbel holding the microphone, and instead of just allowing the presentation, he had to ask Rozelle what it was like to hand the trophy to Davis. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound!
This means no expanded playoffs? The players more than tried to help the owners out
So what’s the deal with the NL and the DH now?
Universal DH is part of the March agreement for 2020 but not 2021
Too late. I’ve found other stuff to do this summer. Life is good without sports.
Clearly you haven’t. You’re here commenting on a sport on a sports website. The exact opposite of having other things to do.
But it did sound right. Like the NFL boycotters who constantly post on football sites that they’re boycotting it.
I think it’s like Veganism in that it doesn’t count if you don’t tell everyone.
“so long as the players agree to report for preparation by the first of July.”
This is they key phrase. Manfred has made it so that if there is a problem, it is the players to blame. I have never once cared who “wins” in any MLB labor squabble. I only know that the real losers are always the fans.
No, key phrase is “will abide by the terms of the March Agreement.”
ALL the terms.
Including the provisons for requirements before start of season I hope?
a;nd Manfred’s right to cancel the season if Gov’ts do certain things
MLBFU… Fan Union!
Some spend way more and some don’t support the league whatsoever, but I’d say an average around $200/year supporting MLB in my personal history. Tickets, clothing, cable costs basically.
A lot of this posturing is going to lead me toward spending my share in support of local baseball.
Baseball fan always…. MLB fan also always, but being a paying supporter is another question in the next couple years at least.
ya but how does this help Bartolo get a job?
He’ll wait for 21 so he can bat again!
So much for waiting hahahahha
Could of had more money with extended playoffs. Could of had a better chance to the playoffs with more playoff spots. Could of worked less inning with some new extra innings rules. Could of had rest days by being a DH rather than constantly playing in the field. But
gonna ride that grammar error all the way to the finish line, eh?
It’s called commitment.
He could have changed but then we’d have nothing to amuse us!
Which will happen first: Spring Training 2.0 or the filing of lawsuits?
Lawsuits won’t even be relevant. It took over 4 years for kris Bryant’s hearkng. They’d be wasting their time and effort just to lose. Not worth it.
ST2.0 in 10-14 days
I’m more interested in the news, rumors, and how this fiasco will go.
IDGAF about 2020 and will watch my.next game spring 2021, if it exists.
Why wouldn’t it?
Well finally!! It’s about time.
Manfred is ass
beautiful metaphor
A grievance can take many twists and turns, even as the two sides try to agree on discovery issues, which could be a bigger fight than the grievance hearing. But maybe even terms toward the next CBA come out of it. As long as they can keep it out of the media, there should be far less acrimony than we’ve seen.
That’s the rub. Neither side should have ever played this out in the media. There was nothing to gain and everything to lose. The same negotiations and outcome could’ve happened behind closed doors with media being fed bits like “tirelessly negotiating”, “daily video conference calls”, and other things to at least give the impression they were trying. Instead, the notion that the relationship is shot and they wasted weeks of being able to play is what millions are going to take away from this.
good. less DH is better.
No DH is part of this?
Universal DH in 2020, not in 2021. yet.
Both sides pretty much giving the fans the game back while they continue to fight behind the scene with grievances and etc.
good. now lets all stop being picky and watch.
First it’s announce not annnounce. Fix the headline. So what happens next? Players show up, union files grievance. As they play on, Manfred and Clark continue negotiations on the expanded post season. That’s what the owners really want. They weren’t going to shut down the game over 60 or 70 regular season games. By mid August/early September, they reach an agreement in exchange for the union dropping their grievance. Expanded playoffs this year and next appeasing the owners. Owners agree to pay the players for 67.5 games and no qualifying offers this year and next. Reminder that in 1995 the players returned without an agreement. They didn’t reach an agreement until late in 1996. So we will all live happily ever after. Of course this could have been done last month, but better late than never
Well, step one is done. Still need them to hash out the health and safety protocols. Doable. For those who doubt a season can be pulled off, the KBO and NPB are proving otherwise. The key will be how they handle positive tests. Positive tests will occur. Given the sheer volume of tests, there will at least be false positive tests. So how those positive tests are handled, how the players are isolated and cared for will be key in getting a season in. Can’t do what KBO is planning to do which is to stop play for 3 weeks., which would be about a 1/3 of a 60 game season.
There’s newer tests that give quick results… as in you can test everyone before they enter the stadium and they know before they enter the locker room.
Positive you retest 2 additional tests – to rule out false positive and then a false negative of the 2nd test.
If still positive then you quarrantine for 14 days.
Korea had a near zero new infection rate before restarting, and they have done a better job with testing, contact tracing, and quarantining.
Major difference between USA and Korea or Japan. Both of the latter countries contained the virus before ramping up baseball. Cases are spiking all over the place here. Percentage of positive tests also increasing. That means that the number of tests conducted is not why there’s an increase. It’s because Covid is spreading.
Has the MLBPA filed their grievance yet?
They normally have 60 days, but their terms can be different.
The players union has not yet
Mask wearin szn
Excited for baseball. Look forward to spring training on July 1.
Never a bad time for a Hot Shots reference
The biggest winners out of all the teams is most definitely the BOSTON REDSOX!!!!
Reasons why
1. Because of this short season now our luxury tax will reset and we can spend big this offseason!
2. No universal DH in 2021 means JD Martinez will most likely stay in Boston since there will be no DH in the National league his options remain limited.
3. We with out a doubt we won the mookie to the dodgers trade. All those prospects locked up for years and the Dodgers get Millie for only 60 games plus playoffs.
4. Mookie is actually the biggest loser here for betting on himself and not taking the 300 million Boston offered him, there is no way he is getting 400 million anywhere now because of covid, owners will not be looking to give anyone that kind of money. Now don’t get me wrong Mookie is not an actual loser he is most definitely a winner and now I think that the Red Sox Have a much better chance at getting him to come back home to Fenway then they had say even last week.
The Sox could spend $300 million on pitching this offseason and would still be lucky to have an average rotation.
So I am wondering if minor league baseball will also resume plays with fans allowing inside the ballpark?
Why would you even wonder that?
Because I live in Charlotte we have a gorgeous looking minorleagueball park. Which host the biggest beautiful incredible amazing fireworks show in the Southeast on 4th of July
I live near Pittsburgh. We have an even more beautiful minor league ballpark.
Bahahaha! Yes, yes you do.
Ouch, I felt that one.
I live in Memphis with a minor league park that has been voted the best in the USA, but we’re not getting baseball this year…
No minor league…decided long time ago.
I’m not saying that I don’t understand why people are angry at the owners and (to a lesser extent) the players. It’s been a complete fiasco from beginning to end, and it’s made MLB look as though they have a serious lack of perspective.
That being said, i’m surprised by the amount of people who just want them to cancel the season anyway. I know it won’t be the norm, but these days, what is? Frankly having baseball back seems like a win to me.
Most are trolls, who want to get others Dander up.
Not real baseball fans.
“I don’t agree with their viewpoint so they must be a troll.”
One day you might grow up into a fully functioning adult and be able to have an actual conversation or even a debate with someone without throwing your toys out of the pram.
Agree 100%. Seems to me any real fan wants, well, baseball….right? Whether it happens or not, I choose to be optimistic. This world has gone nuts and it’ll be nice to tune in ESPN for scores and not incessant one sided political ranting.
Replays of old games and some KBO action only gets us so far!
Watching a playoff race for KBO without any MLB to steal my attention would possibly change my interest levels but for now I find it hard to get invested in baseball outside of MLB action.
Diving catch, runner gunned going for a double and the chess match that comes with each pitch in a close game have been some joys from brief KBO viewings that have helped me get through the void lately.
The biggest joy so far came from reading the Neyer/James Guide to Pitchers, check for it if you get the chance and can never get enough baseball.
MLB Network not breaking in to report this same with ESPN.
I am not happy with the game playing. I will watch my Islanders and hope they win the Stanley Cup, but I would sooner watch Toronto versus Calgary this year over MLB
Some baseball is better than no baseball. But the season is not to be taken seriously.
Unless the Reds win the WS, then it counts.
And this will be the year the Indians win it all and nobody will take it seriously.
Send them all to New Zealand, quarantine for one month, then let it rip. Train in August, play in September and October, postseason in November. Bring them back to the US in December. There, that was easy.
Provided the quarantine is strict, I would absolutely welcome MLB here in New Zealand. Considering summer peaks around December/January here, it’ll be the perfect climate too.
Growing but still minor sport there?
Seems a sweet idea to me.
Not that my agreement helps the case in any way.
More of a laugh, but what about building fields in the Arctic Circle? Midnight sun!
Literally non-stop action!
I’ll just play super bases loaded, thank you. GO ATLANTA AMOEBAS!
Clark will knock it down.
If they want to have a chance at playing 60 games, I think they have to do it in a bubble, maybe two bubbles. New hospitalizations and transmission rates are rising alarmingly in Arizona (one MLB team), Texas (two teams), and Florida (two teams). SoCal (three teams) is trending in the wrong direction, too, in both averages and counting stats. But at this point, this country wouldn’t lock down for the Black Death.
The lowest-risk bubble sites at the moment are probably New York City and the SF Bay Area. The NYC area has four professional baseball fields — Mets, Yankees, and two MiLB teams — and a number of well-tended college fields at St. John’s, Seton Hall, Fordham (short LF porch, though), Stony Brook, et al. The Bay Area has two MLB stadiums, and high-quality college facilities at Stanford, Cal-Berkeley, and Cal State system campuses like Sonoma State..
Both areas have thousands of empty hotel rooms. Both areas have world-class teaching hospitals. All games could be played within a 100-mile radius of downtown.
Are you reading this, Mr. Manfred?
The Chaplain, Thank You
I don’t believe anything Nightengale says
I heard he said you have a large penis and don’t like to be sodomised…
These guys should play for pennies and donate the majority of their check to charity. The owners should take a marginal salary and donate the rest of any proceeds to furloughed staff or charity. That’s about the only thing that would make the squabbling between millionaires and billionaires worth it.
While we’re lining up wishes for the magic genie, how about a push for slashing ticket prices moving forward!
Can’t blanket them all as horrific greed monsters though.
Seeing some veteran players show support to the minor leaguers, and COVID relief efforts. Tax break, PR stunt, not enough, all valid counter points to be made but always looking for the worst is no way to live.
How about the ALL IN Challenge to eliminate food insecurity through Fanatics.com? Seattle Mariners have gotten involved with a sweet package to bid on. Again, their part may not seem like enough, and it’s not even the team doing the donating of the money. Still a great cause that hopefully other teams get involved with. And really bitter to nitpick something good like this.
Even Bryce Harper should get a bit of a pass considering how he has contributed!
If still feeling bitter, try to read about each team’s nominee for the Roberto Clemente Award. Never fails to warm my heart. At the least, there seems to be a handful of guys on every team that genuinely want to give back. And every team seems to have a department in full support of helping with these types of initiatives.
Looking for the good is a lot less exhausting than arguing about the bad that’s being brainwashed at us on the regular!
Anybody who thinks there will be a baseball season has been living under a rock.
I say there will be NO season at all.
So…. are we going to be allowed to attend??? Or is this empty stadiums?
No attendance. Empty seats. And it appears all games will take place in one or two designated locations to minimize travel.
Dumb. Everything is business as usual. Don’t see the need to not have fans.
The next big hurdle is – will the impending breakout of COVID-19 derail the season anyway?
That will be the 2nd hurdle. The first is the players electing to sit out, and filing a grievance.
Well, the Players did say “tell us where and when”, so there will be no sympathy from me. But you’re probably right.
It was always “tell us when and where [so we can sue you]”. Players never had any actual interest in making a deal
Uhhhh, what happened to the rest of the article (?)
I know tradition and 162 and all of that, but…I can say from the two lockout shortened NHL seasons I’ve seen, it makes the regular season into one giant playoff run.
Every game matters so much more.
i agree. yes the true “best” team may not win due to injuries but why does that matter? injuries will happen and it will be more impactful than normal, but This season isn’t a normal season. This will be a season where more teams are going to be more competitive with one another due to those factors, And I think that makes this season more interesting than a 162 game season. Say the Dodgers lose walker Buehler for 20 games and kershaw for 30. and maybe the Padres still stay healthy and they give them a run for the division. What is wrong with that people? In this scenario and those injuries over 60 games the Dodgers are not much better than the padres compared to if they played 162 and they had time to get healthy. But what if they played a 300 game season?maybe the Padres win the division because kershaw gets hurt again for games 200 through 300 and buhler gets tommy john at game 175. The point is there’s nothing magical about 162 games. People just seem to assume that over 162 games it’s the magical number to let the best teams overcome all of the injuries that might happen during the season. Well if we played 162 games maybe they lose to crucial players in September and then they get swept in the first round of the playoffs…Well now the “best team” didn’t win due to these injuries and the timing of them.
This is a mistake that will not
end well…..
So you’re calling an Astros World Series win? Ugh.
I think this is going to be a fun season! Make the best of it!
Let’s see what happens when everyone starts into and out of Florida, Arizona, California, Texas…no fans, no additional gate revenue or sales. What happens when coaches or team personnel start getter sick? What happens when 4 pitchers get quarantined or games and series get canceled or postponed? How about that first superstar player that says, “You know, I think I’ll sit this season out.”
I maybe wrong, but I dont think this is final. If I remember correctly players can/will file grievance bc march agreement said they would play as many games as possible.and I for 1 wouldnt object. Wtf is a 60 game season, baseball is a marathon not a sprint, and most teams and players are just finding a groove 60 games in.
I really don’t understand what is going on –
1. It sounds like the players don’t want to play a 60 game season and the MLBPA voted against it
2. It’s been related that players and personnel from a number of teams have recently been infected by Covid19, though the exact number of players hasn’t been disclosed.
3. The owners sound like they don’t want to have a season without more guaranteed money in their pockets for the post season run.
Yet somehow the season is still slated to take place?
The players wanted more games but 60 is better than nothing. Yeah, the virus aspect is going to be a huge hurdle and who knows. Heck, all the players may get it before the season starts the way it’s going, and they don’t have to worry about in season infections as much.
this is about the happiest I’ve been in a while
To even have a slim chance of getting in 60 games, they’d need to go back to playing all games in a bubble. Scratch Arizona, Texas, and Florida. Infection rates and hospitalizations are climbing steeply there. Ironically New York City, which got hammered early on, could be one bubble site. The SF Bay Area could be another. The virus (for now) is well controlled in both places.
NYC has four professional fields — Mets, Yankees, and two Class A MiLB teams — plus a lot of well-tended college facilities. The Bay Area has two MLB stadiums and numerous high-quality college fields like Sunken Diamond at Stanford.
Both places have world-class teaching hospitals and thousands of empty hotel rooms. All games could be played within a 75-mile radius of downtown.
Are you reading this, Mr. Manfred? You can’t ignore the virus or just wish it away. Only the president gets to do that.
The players did say, “Tell us when and where.”
I don’t see why the middle of the country is not being considered. Since no fans will be in attendance, local population is meaningless. Playing in those Iowa cornfield diamonds from Field of Dreams would be pretty cool. Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota. There are a lot of states that have barely been touched by COVID-19 and are a lot more sparsely populated than Texas, Florida, Arizona, or New York. Even if they don’t have big league fields now, it wouldn’t take much to build a few, especially if they don’t have to consider parking and seating.
I agree. It would be nice. I’d love to watch that on TV. Good old-fashioned country hardball. The sticking point might be finding lodging for the thousands of people — office personnel, coaches, medical support for testing, TV crews, and 1,200 players (40-man rosters) — needed to put on the show.
Surely there could be some college dorms that are going unused. They have enough money to just rent an entire small college campus for the entire fall semester.
If I read that right, the OWNERS are moving forward with the season? Don’t they need players, minor leagues, umpires, etc as well?
What happens if the players just decide to not show up?
Pretty sure this setup was in the March agreement. If the players refuse to show up they would be in breach of contract.
That thing in your gun site is a foot.
not sure I care anymore. nothing like playing a season with almost every fan waiting for next season.
As a Jays fan I’m wondering how the draft in 2021 will work – will it (as I anticipate) be a mix of 2020 and 2019 records, or will it be purely on 2020? Given odds are the Jays won’t sneak into this years bizarre playoffs (60 games makes anything this year bizarre) the draft is a big question. With 60 games though who knows what could happen?
I imagine they’d do it like the already do. Inverse standings, ties broken by previous season standings, further ties by coin flip/chance.
As a Jays fan you should be more concerned about the overall development of the future. This ordeal holds back the progress of Groshans, Manoak, Kloffenstein, Richardson-Woods and others. 60 games will hopefully be enough to find out if Bichette can handle SS and where Biggio will play. Jays are certainly one team hurt by this.
Getting all the players to spring training by 1 July will be nice. Some are still outside the country.
I didn’t think the union would give up the right to file a grievance. No union I know would.
Play ball!
The players union didn’t give up their right to sue, did they? I thought that was why Manfred wanted an agreement, so there could be language such that the MLBPA wouln’t pursue a grievanve. But this isn’t an agreement – this is the owners saying play ball.
Correct. Players will report, a grievance will be filed (possibly from both sides) and its likely the season will conclude long before any resolution of the grievance(s).
Are they planning to do the thing with 3 10-team divisions to reduce travel?
Just cancel, games without fans is stupid. Bet football won’t see that
Don’t rule out a negotiated settlement. It’s still better for both parties.
MLB raised the stakes by initiating the season via the March Agreement. Ball is in the player’s court now.
Four divisions, each div plays all games in one place, NY, LA, SF, Chi, each area has two major league ballparks. SF Area, NY, LA area also have nearby minor league parks.
These are the most unsanitary cities in America, with some of the highest homeless rates. I live near SF and Oakland, it’s third world in many parts. There’s better options if the goal is to have multiple ball parks nearby while still avoiding the virus.
“The union’s 38-player board, consisting of an eight-member executive subcommittee and representatives of all 30 teams, voted 33-5 against MLB’s latest proposal, a person familiar with the vote confirmed”
I wonder who voted in favor…
No DH, no NHL playoffs. Victory for me if they play or not.
No, you still lose because you are an anonymous commenter making totally worthless comments that dont matter online. Your life doesnt matter.
Glad LA gets to try to convince Betts to stay. Was worried he wouldn’t even plan for the Dodgers at all. Between that and being flat out depressed with no sports I truly need this as I’m sure many other sports/baseball fans do too.
I am not sure what the players achieved here? Help me out. They retained the right to file a grievance? Wow! A big deal for a league that is surely on it’s way to minimalization and insignificance.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Schedule must be just against division opponents. 60 games 15×4=60.
That would only be possible if they were playing in a bubble. If teams are going to be traveling, you can’t play a 1 game series every day, and with 5 teams to a division, 1 team would be sitting idle for 3 or 4 consecutive days.
This season is a waste unless some weird team wins it all
taking bets on how long season lasts.
before or after august 10
The whole country is about to get wiped out for reopening while we are still having 30,000 new cases a day. Stay inside. MLB is a disgusting company owned and run by the dumbest people in the America.
lol…… So you must be an owner….. Mortality rate of Covid-19 is less than 2%. 2% doesn’t wipe out any country. Quit with the Chicken Little routine.
Kharma might strike both sides via the virus. They deserve that to happen
Yikes !
Universal DH still? I assume
Hope not.
Once (if) the players agree, they need to spell out what that season would look like… I know this was determined forever ago, but there were so many proposals and ideas that idk what that look likes anymore
Realistically, if you compare this to every prior proposal by the Owners, this might end up being the best result for the players. They get about 37% of their pay, service time credit, and haven’t waived any of their rights. Long term, this is great for the owners. Most of them will not bring up any of their younger talent because, why bother? It will mess with arbitration (which often looks at traditional stats) and they have already won big on the draft.
“…and they have already won big on the draft.”
Kyler Murray says hi.
MLB owners are telling every good athlete in this country to play a different sport.
If that’s a win…
Yes, because having long term brain injuries is better than the occasional TJ surgery.
Other than they play I dont get much from this article.
Get ready to have a star baseball player die of covid, you absolute morons. The second wave is about to decimate this dumb country.
Ohhhh, here he is^.
You’re the “death to anyone who crosses a picket line” guy.
Penny for your thoughts on when MLB players were crossing hotel picket lines a couple years ago.
Probably wanna file that under; “ooops”.
Here is my concern…obviously this is not going to have a positive effect on the upcoming CBA talks so while this is over it will only be a short time before we are right back here again. They are killing baseball. Please stop
So if the season were to actually somehow start August 1, to play 60 games (1 gm/6 days/wk), the regular season runs to about October 15, assuming no stoppages of play. Where are we seeing post season games in November? Are they eliminating home field advantages and contesting these games indoors at a neutral site TBD?
It’s possibly a moot point. Two or three outbreaks and 2 week team quarantines during summer training eliminates the season anyway. How is it safe for these organization to travel around the country but not the general public?
Professional sports: On a scale of 1-10, yawn. I’m sick and tired of these rich owners an d these other cry babies getting millions to play games. I’m tired of BLM too. What happened to America?
What happened to America? The left has successfully dumbed down the population, especially those under 40 years old or so. That’s what has happened to America.
You 2 are a couple peas in a great big orange MAGA pod.
Yes because the dumbest people are in the blue states. Rolling eyes. You want dumbing down, I submit the man at 1600. He defines the word fool.
It’s been extremely disheartening. As someone who served tours for this country I now have people trying to tell me what I’m supposed to wear & when I’m allowed to leave my house?
Gosh…that’s not going to play.
&, yeah. The enjoyment of professional sports have plummeted for me.
These negotiations, the media coverage of it, & the reactionary responses by fans have really soured me on baseball. I look at the efforts made by myself, my business partner, our tradesman and sales guys to keep building jobs through this and I’m disgusted with how this played out.
I walked away from the NBA a few years ago (partly because Knicks fan, but also for other reasons, too). So I’ve done it before.
But, my hunting seasons start in 38 days. No wonder I just want to be in the woods or on the water with my dogs and a shotgun.
Ya know?
As a Yankee fan I was amped about this season.
Barely care. I realize that I am just one fan. A fan who was going to Yankee Stadium since before I can remember, though. A fan who stuck with MLB after ’94, too.
I’m most curious about that job creation part. Are you hiring people at a loss? Because that’s not doing anyone a favor. If that’s how you guys do business, sooner or later you, your partners, and all your employees will be out on your ass. If I went in for an interview and someone told me they’re hiring me out of charity, not because they’re a successful business that needs people to expand and make more money, I’d walk out in a second.
So cut that out. And don’t expect other businesses to sacrifice profits for you either. Especially in this case, when people (especially the players) would be sacrificing their futures just for your entertainment. These players have a finite time to make some money. Their careers can end at any time, and then they’re screwed: they have no marketable skills, and families to support. So damn right they’re going to squeeze every last cent out of their careers, while they can play. Same for some owners: they have employees, children, etc. to support, so they need to make sure they run a tight ship, and stay in business. Just because someone’s net worth is in the billions, doesn’t mean they can lose billions of dollars without consequences. The money they lose means job losses. If not in baseball, then in one of their other businesses. These people don’t keep their money in a bank, they are invested in businesses which need to make a profit to keep paying their employees.
The MLB is not a charity, it’s a money making venture. It’s not just the owners and the players, but EVERYONE associated with the business, down to the janitors and ball boys, depends on it staying profitable. Same is true for your business, whatever it is. They are cutting the season as short as possible because they can’t have a paying audience, and they want to limit how much money they lose. You should do the same: if you’re not making money, downsize as much as possible to get the business through the crisis.
Heavens no we’re not.
Adjustments had to be made early in our building season. I’ve built some jobs I normally would not have. (i.e. a 10K job has the same liability risk, warranties, job prep as a 50K job. Meaning I normally have little to no interest in them).
But that gave my sales guys some kind of capout & kept my tradesman working. My partner and I debated this course for awhile. In the end, it seemed like the ethical thing to do.
I’m certainly not running a charity. I’ve little interest in that.
Things have bounced back for us lately. It’s becoming a – more or less – normal year. The main point was this has been a unique situation. It’s taken cooperation on both sides of the owner/employee equation.
Hope that makes my position clear.
Another I don’t care about baseball post on a baseball forum.
Lol… touche’.
Would it be fair to say I now care about it a lot less than I did in March?
Because that is certainly accurate.
July 24-26 for opener and spring training to start July 1? Hasn’t the season been delayed enough? Pretty sure players are ready to go
True. But they can’t sell any tickets. So every extra game they play, it’s money being flushed down the toilet.
That’s why they’re going to keep it short and sweet. They’ll give us a season (and 60 games is plenty) while staying fiscally responsible. Too bad the average American isn’t smart enough to understand why that’s important.
If they were, they would vote for politicians who aren’t okay with putting the government $25 trillion in debt.
Heavens no we’re not.
Adjustments had to be made early in our building season. I’ve built some jobs I normally would not have. (i.e. a 10K job has the same liability risk, warranties, job prep,etc as a 50K job. Meaning; I normally have little to no interest in them).
But those projects (this year) gave my sales guys some kind of capout & kept my tradesman working. My partner and I debated this course for awhile. In the end, it seemed like the ethical thing to do.
I’m certainly not running a charity. I’ve little interest in that.
Things have bounced back for us lately. It’s becoming a – more or less – normal year. The main point was this has been a unique situation. It’s taken cooperation on both sides of the owner/employee equation.
Hope that makes my position clear.
New guy here.
Still figuring out how this format works. Absolutely no idea why or how that post showed up twice.
Ehhh, it happens to the best of us. Enjoyed your take, thanks for sharing. Stay safe in the blinds.
Merci, @gwynning.
Still getting used to the format. I’ve been a vagabond since River Ave Blues & Mr Axisa closed their doors.
I see other folks with “double posts”. Is this a glitch, or whatever? Any way to avoid it?
Great name. Gwynn was a fantastic player. Really wonder what would have happened in ’94. Odds are he’d’ve finished .390+ (was so locked in!) but like a lot of fans I do feel a tad cheated.
Tony Gwynn was fun. It was like he was playing pool, or something when he was up to bat.
Interesting to think about how he’d’ve fared in the 3 true outcome era.
On blinds:
Appreciate the good wishes. I spend ~ 100 days on the water;Mississippi River, Red River, Missouri River, Lake Superior & Lake Michigan, bunch of smaller bodies of water too. I like hunting waterfowl over – ya know – water. Uh?
My grandfather used to say, “if you want to learn how to pray go out on the water”.
Amongst other things. 😉
& definitely missing baseball in the summer pigeon blind.
Thanks for the response.
& if you’re a waterfowler too, enjoy that Pacific flyway (the only one I’ve never experienced).
Big win for the Red Sox! Their luxury tax will reset this year, they got 3 good prospects for 60 games of Mookie Betts and if Eovaldi can hold it together for 10-12 starts, they might even be able to sneak into the playoffs. Play ball!
Are you implying the Boston Red Sox released the Corona Virus?
Only kidding
They should have televised the voting yesterday. And the public gets to see who voted on what side. I assume there was at least one player who voted for the resumption of play. Whoever that player was, I am now a fan of.
The publicity of televising this event would be huge with how everything is going right now.
Every team has a shot now. Although, if one team slumps for two weeks, it’s going to be really tough to get out of it. I like the chances for my Marlins
Players will be crying the blues when Detroit plays Miami in World Series^, so will other 28 owners. This is a lost season for all
The only reason this is happening is so everyone can get a little bit of money. I can’t imagine any player or manager being excited about winning a world series during a 60 game season with changed rules and potentially going against a team who’s top player or players are out “Sick”. I expect a lot of players to half ass the season and just focus on not catching the Corona.
That’s great. When do they drop the puck?
Don’t think there will be a World Series for such a short season.Teams should just be playing for the Pennant – a world series really shouldn’t count when the teams haven’t endured thru the regular ups and downs. It just wont seem earned.