Major League Baseball’s latest proposal for the 2020 campaign hasn’t been met with open arms by the players. As the two sides continue to butt heads over the financial aspects of the 2020 season, there are also considerable health and safety guidelines that need to be negotiated.
This morning’s proposal, according to Jorge Castillo of the Los Angeles Times (Twitter link), would require players to sign an “acknowledgement of risk” waiver, which gives many in the union pause. Players are wary that upon signing such a waiver, they’d be unable to take any action should they feel the league provided an unsafe work environment.
Another potential hurdle to clear is that the league does not appear inclined to compensate players who opt out over concerns regarding the health of family members in either salary or service time. MLB Network’s Jon Heyman tweets that immunocompromised players — e.g. Carlos Carrasco, who missed much of 2019 while battling leukemia — could opt not to play but still receive both service time and salary. (Per Jeff Passan of, via Twitter, the league would define high-risk individuals as those who “may be more likely to suffer severe illness as a result of COVID-19 than others. … Individuals who, by virtue of their age or medical history, are at a materially higher risk … of complications.”
Players who aren’t willing to play due to similar concerns regarding a spouse, child, parent, etc., however, are viewed differently. Heyman indicates that the union is at least seeking service time for those players that opt not to play for reasons other than their own added susceptibility to coronavirus complications.
Perhaps most concerning, though, is the lack of communication between the league, the 30 clubs themselves and the local governing bodies that are overseeing broader efforts to deal with the public health threat posed by the coronavirus. Bradford William Davis of the New York Daily News reports that few of the relevant local authorities have been meaningfully engaged on plans.
It’s a bit surprising that some of these boxes have evidently not been checked at this point, several months into the COVID-19 crisis. Perhaps the league and its member teams feel they won’t have trouble smoothing over any issues on the public health front once they’ve got an agreement with the players. And while there could still be stumbling blocks in the collective bargaining negotiations over health and wellness, there’s also reason to think the sides can come together. Indeed, Andy Martino of tweets that the general issue still isn’t expected to pose any significant roadblock.
Stop whining and suit up!
They don’t want to play, players or owners! The season will be lost and a lot of fans will be gone for good.
Many other ways to spend discretionary dollars. I will no longer take my kids to watch a bunch of spoiled brats playing a kids game. MLB RIP
Snowflake. The players have like a 5 year window each to get paid. They’re trying to make sure they don’t giveaway a significant portion of it. They already agreed to prorate their salaries. This is 85% owners being greedy 15% players. The owners have seen their assets explode over the last 20 years, you’re telling me that can’t take one flat year on their asset?
Yeah for sure. Part of this is the players but again it’s a lot more than just like mike trouts and the Bryce harpers, a majority of players make the league minimum and cutting that in half then almost in half again hurt them a lot. Owners are being owners, just offer 75% guaranteed, 100% prorated if there’s a playoff, let players opt out, maybe not get paid but at least service time. At least offer it seems perfectly reasonable to me although I don’t know the behind the scenes stuff
Trying to ensure they don’t give away part of it by earning nothing if they don’t play? Huh??
Hardly? Wrong.
I fully agree, I’m over this bunch of billionaire owners knit picking with a bunch of millionaire players! I’ll gladly wait to see if anything is left to care about next year!
You should try being the best in the world at something people want to pay for before judging.
Half of league minimum is still $275,000 it is hardly starving….you are all cry babies.
I do not care if they ever settle….then both sides will be losers LOL
Take away taxes and agent fees from that. Then realize that some of these younger guys just signed loans on houses/cars for themselves and or parents assuming they’d be getting a certain amount. In March, they just agreed to give up half that income and now the owners want to give them even less.
Nymetsking, you do realize that some money is better than no money, right?
You’ve never negotiated, have you?
But thats not the argument Bkbkbk
His money, his choice……… that kinda goes into “want to see you play” right?
Funny part is, you start adding up a bunch of those “choices ” and those players start getting a whole lot less-
I personally am not going to shell out 200$ as well to take my gf to a game- Ill stream all my games on my website since La decided that 50% of La residents were not worthy to watch the Dodgers, ill buy a Lakers cap if needed over a Dodgers cap, My footprint will be felt, now start multiplying that……
I love how you defenders think its an all or nothing gig….Nope, we can still enjoy our teams, but yea theres a sliding scale and lemme tell you the results wont be kind to either the owners or players in the future and Ill have no qualms at that time. They earned it!
Metsking – $275000 plus hotel and travel is covered, and I believe teams still give money for food vouchers on the road. Save your sob story. Ballplayers can pick up a part-time job in the offseason like they did years ago.
Part time job? Playing baseball or any sport at the highest level requires such fine tuning and preparation that it is a full time, year-round job already.
Owners assume all the risk. That’s the price of chasing the gains; gains beyond our wildest imagination. Most of these owners are sitting on a gold mine already. Take Arte Moreno who bought the Angels for $184 mil. His franchise is now worth an estimated $1.8 billion. Most of his gains are tied to the product of baseball staying relevant. He needs fan interest maintained in order to protect his investment, even if it means a short term loss.
Even if games aren’t scheduled, players are still working as we hash things out in this thread. They’re preparing non-stop, most of them right down to their nutritional requirements to stay in peak condition.
I miss the game dearly, but I’m pro-player all the way.
That’s nice. Get a part time job in the offseason. The players who paved the way for today’s player to make millions did. People in everyday life do. If the player does not like it, find a new league or a new profession. Nobody is pressuring them to have a career in baseball. Leave if you don’t like it. Start a new league. Go head to head with owners. Until then, play.
Numerous – The players are no different than the millions who were laid off who make a tenth the money…..we all have homes and cars to pay for …… try again. Maybe you can come up with a better excuse.
….and they will be back to their CEO pay next year $550,000. (US real median household income $63,688 in 2019) and again we all have homes, cars and expenses.
Owners have done the math and with the CBA expiring after next year, they’re setting the stage for harder-ball negotiations then, believing the players will show cracks in their armor before the 30 owners will. Until now I’ve been primarily on the owners’ side but unless they truly open their books, Players need to understand the owners a salary cap if an independent auditor is used to calculate a floor and ceiling, they could as a group do even better. You think the Yankees and other big market teams will agree to a high at say $220M? Not happening. More likely the high would be $280m or more. Some where no team is projecting to go to. Needs to be high in case of injuries. This is not football. Money is earned through their regional networks and teams will spend if they can still make money.
*unless they open their books, I’m starting to feel for the players.
Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack,
I don’t care if they never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don’t play it’s a shame.
For it’s one, two, three strikes, you’re out,
At the old ball game.
Emphasis on “I don’t care if they ever get back”
By the time they finalize an agreement it will be the offseason.
….or 20 game regular season with expanded playoffs of 30 games to generate interest. LOL
My 11-year-old played a tournament this weekend, and these assholes can’t play? Geezus, what a soft ass society.
Does your 11 year old have to travel in close quarters with 50 other people? Stay in hotels in close quarters? Shower and work in close quarters? No. They have probably 12 players, play maybe 2 games a week in front of maybe 30 people and practice with only a few parents lingering until it’s time to run them home. Apples to oranges homie
Let’s be honest, this isn’t about health for either side. Get real.
Agreed, definitely not able health…..only about money
Don’t forget the 11 year old is a minor. As such they are relying on their parents to make the correct decisions for him/her. In this case it appears the parent is imposing their believes on the child and exposing them and everyone else who comes into contact with them to unnecessary danger. But hey this guy gets to feel better about himself
JoeShmoe – 12 players who have to pay their way. Ballplayers have it covered by the owners they are fighting. Take your apples and oranges elsewhere. Kevin is correct.
Until there’s a reported infection. What’s not fair is the different salary structure. If you’re 24 and making minimum, your facing the same health risk as your teammate who prorated is still making millions. There is no solution and players should be able to opt out at no pay without penalties.
That minimum is over half a million dollars. You point holds no weight, sorry to say,
Won’t someone look out for the owners. Brother. The billions generated are because we like to watch people like Mike Trout play baseball, not an owner drinking wine spritzer in the luxury boxes.
Juxtaposing kids baseball to MLB is just silly. I guess because I used to work on old cars in my backyard the mechanic who works on my car should take less because of the “love of working on cars”.
I got an idea, lets go back to how baseball players were treated pre-union. Only problem is the owners couldn’t outsource their jobs to get slave wage salaries.
The billions are generated because WE pay them. You fail fundamental logic; they play, we pay. They don’t play, we don’t pay. If we don’t like what’s happening with the game we stop paying period. Without us there is no them.
Stop using the owners v. player tactic. It’s us versus them. Both of them.
were the rioters … I mean protesters…. wearing masks and practicing social distancing. Go to Costco and tell me how many people are social distancing. Lol
Almost half of the US work force worked straight through the pandemic. No excuses for the MLB. It is all negotiation tactics.
Simple… Baseball is not an essential activity by any means
Kevin, that might be the single worst, most asinine take on this issue I’ve heard yet. Congrats.
You need to start living life and learn something.
does your son get paid?
Darkside, that kind of drives home the point even more. These kids and parents are living in the same unsure world and they’re paying to play because it’s what they love.
These clowns fail to realize that we do not need them.,PGA Tour this weekend, and more places are opening up for entertainment ( restaurants, beaches etc):
NASCAR > golf
What’s your point?
NASCAR is not a sport.
KingTiger, you are correct sir.
Men/women walking up to a ball and asking for silence, or driving around in circles all day. Both are boring to watch.
Look, it’s just not safe right now. Both sides should stop teasing us and shutdown the 2020 season.
Ha ha ha…you’re probably serious too. Wow!
Fear has taken right thinking individuals and turned them into uneducated rubes.
Safe enough to protest so it’s safe enough to play baseball
It’s about priorities my good ole boy. Protesting against social injustice though dangerous is a much more valid reason to take a risk than watching a baseball game.
(insert face palm)
So much stupid I don’t know where to start.
So let’s get this straight, to you taking a risk in order to take a moral stand on a matter of social injustice is on the same level as having the ability to attend a baseball game? Just want to see check which way your moral compass is pointing.
Didn’t know this was a political message board
When it is on the periphery of a baseball discussion it is
Stupid everyone
Dead Baseball
If a caveman could write it would look like this.
Hulk smash puny baseball!!!
Darth – not a caveman…..just censorship by the MLBtraderumors
Now is obviously time to pull the plug. Hopefully there will be a vaccine next year and baseball can gear up again for the 2021 season. No advance of $170M. No service. The MLBPA isn’t going to cooperate, so just pull the plug.
No vaccine isn’t stopping other sport or the rest of life resuming.
AFK – yes, everything else is open!
…how many rioters had masks on ??? Lol
Vaccine….hahaha. Influenza would like to have a word.
Exactly. There’s never been a successful vaccine to any form of coronavirus.
So why dont we stop sports during flu season ? Theres a vaccine for the flu yet more people die from it on average than covid
Shouldn’t the flu make you poop your pants since its deadlier even with a vaccine? Or does that contradict what the TV tells you so you dont care
Do some research…or show us yours. Corona passed the flu long ago.
Courtesy of bogus death counts. When a guy with covid gets depressed and shoots himself, and that death is counted as covid, then it’s obvious the counts are bogus.
Loosen up your aluminum hat…another one that is not true.
Prove it’s not true.
@wilnersm the fastest vaccine ever made took 4 years to develop. Most take five years or
longer. Not to disappoint you, but you could be waiting a while.
Meantime, perhaps the Blue Jays can find radio play by play broadcasters who won’t call a Spring Training homerun like it’s October playoff baseball. Yes, that includes you Wilner.
Nothing new about empty threats. Complainers complain.
The entertainers….er, players….can’t risk hugging one another every time they do something good – that they’re being paid millions of dollars a year to do. Things that for over 140 years MLB players used to do by at most slapping hands and / or nodding at one another.
So it appears that it is unacceptable to have these walking commodities / meal tickets endanger their futures as well as the futures of those that live off of them – starting with their agents, PR people marketing their “brand”, etc.
So lets call it a year and see how the NBA, NFL, and NHL do it – sports where contact is a part of the game.
P.S. New Zealand (help for those of you with college degrees – that’s a country) noted today that they have found no instances of the virus being currently being active there.
P.S.S. Gotta go. I’m off the (crowded) Fitness Center. Again.
You have the type of humor only a grandmother could love.
Justathought- you have no sense of humor….must be a dem
Sick burn, you really showed me
Plenty of classic games on YouTube to watch.
I’ve taken up reading again. It also provides the bonus of taking me away to a place far removed from the current insanity of this world.
QAnon posts don’t count as ready… just saying
Just saying to who? Sounds like maybe you have, though.
I’m more into fiction. Currently in the Quinn Colson series by Ace Atkins. Try those, instead of trying to judge people you don’t really know.
I hope MLB teams just keep negotiating until October and call the 2020 season over. They should take the position that until it is 100% safe (with no liability), baseball games will not be played. Let the union come back and grovel for work (and pay).. They will when no one pays union dues.
These highly paid employees need to quit being pansies and get back to work like everyone else. Out of baseball, many players couldn’t get jobs mowing lawns yet they’re paid a lot of money for playing baseball. They need to take risks like everyone else to put food on their table or retire and move on.
These “negotiations” remind me of a baseball “fight”…..
The benches empty. Players run out of the field. Some yell at one another. The coaches (i.e. the adults) restrain some of the more vociferous players. Some players on opposite teams dance with one another as if they’re fighting, cracking each other up. The umps throw a few guys out that are pulling each others jersey’s over their heads, and all the rest of players on the field talk with one another about when the next players union memorandum is expected.
The players will play if it’s slow pitch softball. No pickoff throws allowed (can’t stand too close to one another). No stealing. Defenders not allowed within 6 feet of one another on a popup. Meetings at the mound must have 6 feet between all visiting human beings. When the manager removes a pitcher from the game, the pitcher must not hand the ball to the manager….rather, a licensed medial professional certificated by the players union and dressed in a space suit will take the ball, place it in a sterilized container, and the ball will be brought into a guarded fortified room in an underground bunker for 5 days to assure any vestiges of what might be a virus vanish into thin air.
Your satire is breathtaking, you should write for South Park
This is all about trust and there is no trust between the owners and players. I think that umpires, fans, and the minor leagues could also be included in that. There is no trust
The difficulties are not about this season but about the next labor deal. While I am a little bit frustrated with the players I believe that it is the owners who have created this situation through their actions the last few years. Their dealings with MILB are an example of that. No one wants to give an inch, or be perceived as giving an inch, for fear of hurting their negotiating position. Unfortunately I think that the back and forth we are seeing and will see, is about positioning for a labor board complaint regarding negotiating in good faith.
It breaks my heart seeing what is happening. I miss my baseball. But the owners are far more in the wrong here than the players. This is a crappy proposal that they put forward today. They are obviously content with a bare minimum season so that they can get their postseason money.
No, it’s about selfish, well-to-do, selfish jerks squabbling over money
Are you complying about them just because they have money? Is resentment and jealousy the reason?
Do you know why the minor league players dont get paid?
Thats right my friend, the MLPA doesnt even recognize them as human beings
The players are just as greedy
Major league players sacrifice minor leaguers for their own gain, that’s how it has been for a very long time. Now they are even doing it to their own. Some of the highly compensated players like Scherzer, are unwilling to negotiate. He wants as much of his $30 mil per year, sure I get that, but he is doing it on the back of those making the league minimum. Scherzer has been around for a while now and has made a lot of money so he can afford to sit around and wait it out, if he didn’t pitch ever again he is set for life, but a first or second year player does not have that luxury. To a player making $563 k, getting let’s say 40% of that would be a lot more significant to them than Scherzer receiving $12 mil out of his $30 mil.
Players are human beings who have families and friends who are being put at higher risk to contract a virus about which we know a little. You can’t expose yourself to the travel schedule with multiple athletes and supporting casts who have contact with other individuals and not worry about the health and safety of your family. I’m with the players on this one.
65% of the players make less than a million dollars (yes, I know, let’s not weep too hard). Some of those players are, because of service time manipulation, paid far less than their value. Before we start knocking players who, for personal reasons, don’t want to risk infection, a reminder that the owners are asking them to sign waivers, exposing themselves and their families to something that probably won’t hurt the majority of them, but likely will grab a few. I wonder if the owners would be this cocky if the 50 richest players (47 of which are at 20M or more) decided to divide themselves up into the over paid (like Albert) and the paid for value (like Trout). The overpaid report for duty. The mega talents sit out the year, deciding that, given the small percentage of their salaries the owners want them to accept, and the risks they expect them to take, they can take a pass. Imagine baseball back, but without some of its most bankable stars.
YOGI said : “When you get to a fork in the road, TAKE IT”. The fools took it !
Tommy-……or the fools have been stand at the fork for almost 4 months trying to decide which fork to take….
like your humor !
At this point, everyone knows that if you’re under 65 and healthy, your risk of dying from the virus is extremely low, like lower than dying in a car accident during your daily commute. I would bet that 90%+ of players who get it would be completely asymptomatic. This is pure, dishonest posturing, although I don’t have any sympathy for the owners, either. At this point I am ready for MLB to go out of business and for baseball to be a sport relegated to small town beer leagues and a few museums. Good riddance to all these clowns.
Both sides are running-out-the-clock. Unfortunate.
The five stages of grief that started in March for a normal baseball fan: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. If you are not yet in the acceptance stage, you’re in for a very long summer. As for me, I’m going to the beach, and checking out some bikinis!
If they don’t play this year over a few dollars.When there a lot of people’s lost their jobs.And don’t have millions to fall back on.You might be seeing the last of MLB baseball then they won’t have their millions of dollars.They are not the only ones that is. Affected by this virus. They need to really think about there decision to play or not..
Come on. Just get it done. The NBA agreed to their proposal in two weeks. If they lose this season, fans will rightfully assume the players just don’t want to play.
MLB Union has been a problem for 40 years.
They have ruined the sport.
Sick of these winers