The Giants are the latest MLB team to shutter a Spring Training facility due to concerns over the spread of the coronavirus. Andrew Baggarly of The Athletic reports on Twitter that the organization is taking the precaution while awaiting test results.
It’s important to understand that there’s no confirmed infection from a person associated with the team. But “one person who had been in the facility and one family member exhibited mild symptoms,” per president of baseball operations Farhan Zaidi.
Hopefully, the tests on those two individuals will come back negative. The team has also recommended testing for anyone else that had been through the facility. Regardless of the outcome, the fact that these steps were required serves to highlight the magnitude of the challenges still facing Major League Baseball.
We heard earlier today about worrisome developments at spring facilities in Florida, a state that has seen a notable uptick in infections. But the virus is tearing through Arizona, the locus of the other half of the league’s primary training sites, at an even faster rate.
I don’t think there’s going to be a season.
I don’t think you’re wrong. This may also happen with the NFL, too.
NFL will be even harder to keep it under wraps. So many players, coaches, doctors, training staff, tv crew, facilities workers, food service, cross country travel, etc in a close contact sport.. I’m beginning to think all sports are impossible this year.
2020 has been kinda weird, not gonna lie
That’s an understatement
Im a Chiefs guy since 1986. I said the day after the super bowl 2020 would be weird. Yeah. I take that back.
Just ‘kinda’?
In before right wing paranoid “you’ve been conditioned” comments.
ha ha ha
Wasn’t there some reference to 2020 being weird in the Back to the Future movie?
Death numbers are similar from last year. Medical mistake deaths will go down and Chinese flu deaths will go up, doctors have a scapegoat now
Get new talking points. This one is outdated.
Calling COVID the “Chinese flu” is simply racist.
Why is it racist? It came from China. Was the Hong Kong Flu racist when they called it that? Was the Spanish Flu racist, especially since it didn’t even originate there? I guess we better stop calling it Kung Pow chicken or General Tsao’s chicken because it’s racist. Stop calling them French Fries because that’s “racist” against the French. Now, if they called it the Ching Chong flu, yeah, that’d be racist.
First of all, it is not the Covid-19 is not the flu. Second of all, nobody knows if it actually came from China. Third, it has been used as a reason to attack Asians. So, yes it is racist.
Everyone in the world (except Iran and China) says it came from China, even the WHO. Come on now, get real. Call it whatever you want, but it doesn’t change the fact it came from Wuhan, China.
That’s it they’re done, the players jerked that chain to many times.
If you must write your conspiracy nonsense, you could at least make it short *eyeroll*
@henry, hospitals in Texas, Florida, AZ, Alabama, (and in about 2 weeks, Oklahoma) and rural hospitals in SoCal are totally overwhelmed. Watch more than one stations’ news and read the papers. Facts dude.
So overwhelmed we get tik tok videos of nurses dancing every other day
Well there you Tik Tok is the world’s source for medical news. If you saw it there, it must be true. All you need to do is make a video and everything disease is cured.
I live in Texas, in the DFW area, and hospitals are not overwhelmed. In fact, several nurses I know were laid off and they have no signs of being rehires anytime soon. Are cases spiking again – yes. But the vast vast majority of hospitals in DFW have tons of capacity.
when someone says – “ don’t make a big deal…we’ll get through this”
I always say
yeah – you could die, but the rest of will get through this – you ok with that ?