As Texas reports a growing barrage of coronavirus infections, its two MLB franchises each were in the news in relation to the virus. Fortunately, in both cases it seems there’s no particular cause for alarm.
Astros GM James Click said today that the team had a player at the team’s spring facility in West Palm Beach, Florida test positive for COVID-19. (Via’s Brian McTaggart, on Twitter.) The player is said to be doing just fine at the moment.
Per Click, the team’s procedures helped avoid any spread beyond the lone player. (It was not specified whether he was a major or minor leaguer.) “There were no other positive tests,” Click says.
The Nationals share the recently constructed complex but have not opened it to their players. AP’s Howard Fendrich tweets that the Nats did have one minor-league player in the Dominican Republic test positive. The player was not at the team’s facility there and those that were have tested negative, Jesse Dougherty of the Washington Post reports (Twitter link).
As for the Rangers, they’ve decided to halt the activities they had been overseeing in their spring home in Arizona, Tim Brown of Yahoo reports on Twitter. Though there haven’t been any positive tests or presumptive coronavirus cases, the organization decided to hit pause while the league sorts out testing and related protocols.
It seems that approach could be adopted more broadly. Today’s revelations of coronavirus concerns in several camps, in particular that of the Phillies, emphasizes the point that baseball needs to get its house in order if it is to put on any kind of 2020 season.
And it keeps… getting… worse.
Cancel the season.
I agree. Foresee the postseason just being canceled anyways…
Is it bad to be very intrigued for who got it?
Nah, you’re not alone
Bets on Correa
Let’s focus on 2021. This virus isn’t going anywhere
What makes you think 2021 is going to be any different? The virus isn’t going to look at the calendar on December 31st and say it’s been a fun ride.
Fools think we’ll have a coronavirus vaccine for the first time ever. There will never be an effective vaccine, and COVID-19 is not that bad. Glorified flu. It’s here – go live life or we’re dead already.
If we hadn’t had the shutdown, Millions of Americans would’ve died. Fools think that this is a glorified flu. How often do we shut down society for the flu?
I believe it will magically disappear after the election.
Kind of like the caravans of violent immigrants poised to invade right before the midterm elections that we haven’t heard anything about since?
And like Blasey Ford after Kavanaugh was approved to be a SCJ.
oh thats it. i give up hope.
No cause for alarm, Jeff? Tell that to the player; his family; teammates; etc.
Yeah tell his family he has something less deadly than the flu.
Does the commissioner have a grasp on anything?
We know from a recent leak that several players across MLB had tested positive. The timing here to have three teams report cases on the same day comes across as suspicious. For all we know there have been cases popping up regularly without public announcements. We might be at the point that Manfred doesn’t have enough ownership support to impose a season, and is looking for a way to cancel it and save face at the same time. Declaring that they can’t guarantee the health of players and other personnel would fit the bill.
Fear not, Astro fans. The team is granting stipends for its players to go to Home Depot and purchase some trash cans to practice on.
Who cares if players test positive. It’s not real. No one cares when some gets the cold, pneumonia, flu. The stats are the same. In fact most people praise a players “toughness” when they play through.
It’s so true. It’s a figment of our collective imagination!
Unlike your intelligence, which is purely a figment of your own.
120,000+ dead in four months is not real? You don’t get to replace reality with your own
118,955 of those were over 85 or had underlying health conditions. If you’re healthy it = the flu. Live life.
Really want to look up on the CDC the ages of those who died of c19. Don’t spread the false information like that.
Actually, official figures suggest it was over 1 million, and all of those had diabetes and had recently eaten m&ms, which was believed to be the underlying cause.
Even if that is the case, that is a hell of a lot of people already dead. There a many more in that condition, so the potential for additional deaths if people are not careful is very high. Take a few mins to look at the numbers for yourself rather than let some right wing radio host/blogger/YouTuber tell you what to think
This is why I come here, for the free medical advice. Thank you, Dr. Dangler, for presenting the findings from your peer-reviewed, published medical research.
Mr Dangler, May I borrow your spaceship? I’d love to explore some interstellar travel like you seem to be doing, as clearly, you’re not living on planet earth.
Damn, no “Trash can tested positive for COVID-19” jokes?
I’ll see myself out.
The trash can is prohibited from entering the Astros complex. Don’t forget that Verlander does not tolerate cheaters.
The Rangers still won’t refund season ticket holders their money.
Yeah it’s absurd. Got a decent amount sitting in the Rangers bank account that I’d love to have right now. Worries they could declare bankruptcy and the money would be gone. Was looking forward to taking my daughters and dad to games this year at the new ballpark. But we’re getting screwed big time. Makes no sense.
That sucks. We got a refund on our Yankee tickets but thats peanuts.
Good job editing out the improper use of the word “too.”
Learn how to knit.
Hey, let’s not forget. The Astros still cheated last year.
Absolutely no proof of that. Worst cheaters in history to lose every home WS game while cheating. The article is about the virus –
118,955 out of the 120,000 Covid deaths were people age 85 or above? Oh, and Covid is “the same” as any regular ole flu, huh? Wow, we are in the presence of intellectual genius here, my friends. Wait, this website is FREE and no monthly fee is required to get this priceless information ?!?!