Click here to read the transcript of tonight’s live baseball chat.
By Mark Polishuk | at
Click here to read the transcript of tonight’s live baseball chat.
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is the dodgers guy 11 years old?
Same with Bombers and his 60 game winning streak. Why waste time with those type of questions.
yeah. as much as i dont want to grudge the guys and what they do for us, but there are a lot of silly questions they seem to get. Aaron is probably the 2nd best player of all time and to say he isnt at least top-3 is crazy. Its probably Ruth, Aaron, and Mays and then the field
Slacking on easy questions? Entertainment?
Who knows? Hundreds of questions are coming in: hit an easy one out of the park? I’d love to see a YouTube video “behind the scenes” on Mark hosting a chat.
I think Ruth is head and shoulders above everyone else. His numbers are up there but what he did compared to the other players of his day is just unreal. Ted Williams (3 prime years lost to military), Henry Aaron, and Willie Mays are the next tier and they are all so close I wouldn’t argue with which order they are put in.
There are probably 10 guys that are deserving of the number 5 spot.. Bonds, Cobb, Musial, Gehrig, Wagner, Walter Johnson, Clemens, Cy Young
Bonds deserves to have every hit, homer, RBI, etc… removes from his record. Lifetime ban for that bum and ANY other player with positive test during that era should also receive the same treatment. Top 10 players don’t need to cheat to win.
Caffeine is also a performance enhancer…
As is Viagra…
What makes them okay in your opinion vs sports enhancers
Either that or Aaron did some ungodly things to his mother.
How the Delayed Season Impacts…
Whatever happened to this “series” that you guys said was just about the Yankees? Still waiting?
Since a prior post was closed, here’s a reply to the commenter that said players weren’t going to die. Everyone gets COVID-19. Maybe 1% die. (Basically.) 30 teams, 26 players each, 780 players. Which seven players do you think it will be? Is the MLBPA, much less the coaches and umpires, not to mention training, clubhouse, and other staff, really going to take on that kind of risk? Give it up, people. 2020 is over when it comes to sports (Taiwan notwithstanding).
Pretty sure 100% of players won’t get it.
How do you base this brazen conclusion?
30 teams x 26 players= 780 players. Using a overall 1% COVID mortality rate = 7.8 deaths. Approximately, 4% of coronavirus deaths are age 18-44. 7.8 x 4%= .312. Of those 4%, 92% have underlying health conditions per Typically, baseball players do not have underlying medical conditions save Fuld, McGowan, Lowe, Duvall and Mancini. .312 x 8%= 0.02. 0.02 deaths. 0.02 deaths is much different than 7.8 as suggested above.
Actually, the risk is even lower than what you suggested. You are implying that all 720 MLB players would get Covid. 0.54% of the population is infected with Covid so in all actuality the risk to players is substantially lower.
Thank you both for being the voice of reason based on facts. Way too many “Chicken Littles” spouting off with doom and gloom who don’t seem to grasp that if you aren’t old or unhealthy this isn’t a big deal.
Good luck to you and your loved ones. Be smart, be strong and stay healthy.
Hang on a second…. Is Mark P implying that if baseball is played in 2020, every team will fall below the luxury tax because they will not play 162 games??
Q:We know the luxury tax won’t reset but do you know if there are any negotiations to change the number if rosters expand to, say, 30? May give a team like the Cubs a chance to get closer or under by just keeping minimum guys….or hurt teams that are just under that have to pay additional major leaguers. Thoughts, please.
A: A reduced schedule means less salary is being paid out, so no team is in danger of going over the CBT threshold even if they have to account for extra players on a 30-man roster.
I was under the impression that baseball teams luxury tax would be prorated based on the amount of games a team plays. I.e. if the league plays 81 games the luxury tax would be set at 105 million.
Earlier in the discussion Mark P also implied that if baseball does not play in 2020 the Red Sox will not have their luxury tax reset. I was again under the impression that LT figures were based on where payrolls were currently set for 2020, not that 2020 was completely wiped out and we would go based off the 2019 luxury tax settings.
@ DRJ…..Forget the % BS. One death, or even the possibility of it, is not worth the risk if it can be avoided. Would you also use percentages to support allowing drunk drivers???
You must have such a disappointing life if you live in this much fear!
Hear is the real math that media isn’t telling you:
0.5% of the US population has been infected. Half a freaking percent!
The death rate on the global population is 0.003%! Three thousands of a percent!
0.018% of the US population has died of Covid 19.
To put things into prospective this fine morning, as you eat your eggs, 25% of the deaths in the US are from Heart Disease.
It’s rather humorous to me that the US closed gyms because they fear a illness that has effected 1/2 a percent of the US population but obesity effects 42% of Americans.
Fair enough I guess, but my mother-in-law is dead from covid-19. Eating eggs for breakfast and not exercising is a personal choice people make that only impacts their own life expectancy. That’s why I compared covid-19 safety to drunk driving and the percentages that DRJ used. I’m not going to force-feed eggs down people’s throats and I’m not going to lock them out of gyms and I’m not going to risk even in the smallest chance to get them sick or their loved ones sick or the loved ones of their loved ones.
I absolutely LOVE baseball and want it back to normal.
How much of disappointing life must I live? Yeah, it kinda sucks for my wife and our children right now. Living in fear? Hell no cuz we as a nation are better and smarter humans than you. Good luck to you, please be safe and healthy.
Because of lack of testing , we do NOT have an accurate infection rate.
Stanford , Harvard , UofW data projects min 10 X more infection than documented. With an overall expectancy of probably real number closer to 20 X
Only people who are complaining gyms are being closed are career bouncers or future sex offenders
The stolen base is going to make a come back (regardless of what Mark P thinks).
First, teams are going to combat the new pitching fade of pounding hitters low with off-speed pitches.
Second, teams are focusing a lot more on “small ball” again to combat how pitchers are combating launch angle hitters.
The Mark McGwire answer was a Grand Slam!
who is IKF? someone ask about him and I’m curious who he is?
Isaiah Kiner Falefa….Rangers utility man
drasco036– You are right on the numbers. I was using ManfredMustGo’s argument with the 780.
Bill the Cat–Im sorry your mother in law passed. Im sure that has been tough on you and your family. Condolences
No, he is DEAD wrong with his numbers
Because of lack of testing , U.S. infection totals are unknown. Most data says infection is 10X probably 20X current 1.1 Million number
And the mortality rates are still rising. Doubling rates are troubling
Thank you DRJ.
You mustve had a great mother-in-law. Hope you and your family are able to get through this time and think on all the good memories you had with her. Take care Bill
Thank you again DRJ, you are a good person. We all want baseball and life back to “normal”. So let’s stop this lovefest, go Mariners and screw your favorite team!!!
I can see the infection rate being 10-20x what is reported as stated above. My office only tested the most severe cases from mid March til mid April due to low testing supplies. If that is the case, then the mortality rate is significantly less which is a good thing. I just dont agree with calling an illness or death COVID without a positive test.