In an op-ed published by the New York Times, super-agent Scott Boras has called for baseball to “return the players to spring training-style camps as soon as possible.” The idea would be for MLB to take steps now to lead into a season that would provide fans with a “sense of hope and normalcy.”
It’s obviously not a unique concept to suggest holding a 2020 campaign — or to launch a second Spring Training in advance thereof. All of the various coronavirus-altered scheduling proposals have included some concept of players ramping back up to prepare.
What’s notable about the proposal from the game’s most powerful player representative is that it is premised not on a specific plan for resuming play, but on launching the preparatory steps even without one. Perhaps concerned with the possibility of a rushed second spring, and/or sensing a chance to build some momentum, Boras proposes re-gathering the players and support personnel that were scattered by the mid-March suspension of pre-season activities.
Boras writes:
“Even before we know when, where and how we will have an Opening Day, we should give players the chance to ramp up for Major League competition. Like many others, they are doing their best to make things work without access to the ballparks that are their ’offices.’ But the best basement batting cage or backyard mound can’t give world-class hitters and pitchers the game-speed preparation they need.”
Some might think this is putting the cart before the horse, particularly given the many concerns with ramping up economic and social activity at all at a point where infections are still on the rise.
But Boras does also suggest utilizing “staggered reporting dates” to ease the transition. And perhaps there’s an important underlying point here: by starting with team-by-team gathering for training, and then building up from there, MLB can iron out workable processes and accelerate as circumstances permit. It’s arguable that the alternative — at some point, declaring a target start date and then trying to ramp to prepare for it — is actually more fraught with risk and less likely to succeed.
Boras also notes that we can now learn from the experiences of Asian leagues. As we covered earlier today, Taiwan’s league is even nearing live fan attendance. Of course, even the preparatory stages that have led to a regular season in Taiwan and Korea only occurred after public disease transmission was brought under control.
Me too, Scott. I went back to work yesterday and haven’t spontaneously combusted yet.
Hopefully nothing happens to your and those around you, but why do you feel the need to minimize what is a very real concern for many people? I get it people need to work, so things should open up in a methodical way, guided by science and the numbers rather than based on how some people feel.
It’s a ruse to inspire the illusion of safety. It’s ironic “normal” flu deaths are down 70% over 2018 levels, why you ask? Because they’re classifying them all as COVID, more than HALF of the folks who’ve perished (many of the 80-90+ year olds in nursing homes) haven’t even tested positive.
They’re “presumptive positives”, the group that is terrified of something with the death rate less than the average seasonal flu, would rather stay home because it’s what they do best. I’m still getting paid but I want to get BACK to normalcy, as I had to furlough my whole team and that’s no bueno. It’s political right now and it really shouldn’t be, this is unprecedented for a reason – it’s insane and doesn’t work. Our country needs to reopen ASAP. We have 20% of the population with antibodies, meaning this is way more widespread and WAY LESS deadly than many of the media overlords are articulating to their seething, willing lemmings.
It’s sad to see so many people buy into hysteria and hyperbole with no semblance of facts on their side. I get it, facts over truth.
Watch out darkside deletes comments like this, anything truthful that doesn’t fit the Dems narrative
idiots. Don’t look at the cause if you doubt the findings. Deaths in general are up in high risk categories. If not from Covid, then from what? I’d love baseball back as much as anyone but not at any price. Sports will have a huge place in recovery efforts but why not wait? Baseball for 2020 is in my books already gone. The beauty of the sport is so many games in a half a year meant both every game counts as well as time for a team to get hit at the right time. Great this disease and then bring everyone back. To do it the other way is just nuts.
I guess because someone posts something that you agree with you automatically decide it’s “truthful.” The “facts” stated in the post….that HALF of the deaths …of which many are 80+ years old…aren’t facts at all. They’re simply rantings from yet another Orangeboy warrior who believes everything that Fox “news” spews nightly.
I’m still waiting for one of you followers to bring up that there’s only 10-15 cases and they will disappear very soon to justify crowding into the local bar to pick up the available skanks.
I was hoping for lots of hatred and vitriol when I came here and I wasn’t disappointed!
Kudos to all of you for not being able to compromise on virtually anything these days!
Comments like this are deleted because this is a friggin baseball site and crap like this derails the point of the site
agentp and mack22 might want to look deepen their shallow gene pool.
to deepening*
The forecast is for heavy snow associated with a desire to call off the season, as well as implement stricter lockdowns…
It takes an idiot of supreme proportions to suggest that flu deaths are down because they are purposefully being misclassified, rather than apply the common sense to realize that they’re actually down because *people are staying inside* and *taking extreme virus-prevention measures*.
-Kyle Downing, former MLBTR Writer
Lol actually, everyone who overlooks basic common sense is an idiot.
“Whyyyyyy would someone call names and make fun of someone just because they overlooked something so painfully obvious??” xD
Why are you replying to yourself?
Or, you can see the reports that doctors are coming forward saying that they’re told to classify many deaths as COVID-19.
Try using google. You’ll find this, “Dr. Scott Jensen, a Minnesota physician and Republican state senator said he received a 7-page document coaching him to fill out death certificates with a COVID-19 diagnosis without a lab test to confirm the patient actually had the virus.”
No wonder you’re an ex-MLBTR writer!
he came forward with a claim that hospitals could get more in Medicare money if they classify as such yet many outlets investigated and found little fraudulent claims.
I don’t get the connection between being an ex-MLBTR writer and a medical subject matter expert… And an angry blanket insult within a very few words seems to be poor form.
I believe the widely-debunked claim you’re referencing has to do with living cases, not deaths, but don’t let that get in the way of your wild story. Wish you’d have tried to think a little before posting this comment.
Lol if you don’t understand why such a glaring oversight makes someone an idiot you might endure some struggles in life yourself.
I wish you weren’t such a condescending a**hole, but we can’t always get what we want in life 🙂
Funny how the flu is down cuz of ppl staying inside but somehow the corona virus keeps going up with ppl staying inside
OMG I read it on google so I know it is true!
Lesson for life: when people say dumb things without thinking, they should probably prepare for a little condescension. Nobody is under any obligation to be nice to an idiot who thinks they’re smart.
Learn to read, @alas.
From Fox News: “Jensen then told Ingraham that under the CDC guidelines, a patient who died after being hit by a bus and tested positive for coronavirus would be listed as having presumed to have died from the virus regardless of whatever damage was caused by the bus.”
Jensen is grossly distorting the CDC guidance, which says “certifiers should use their best clinical judgement.” Clearly, the government is not coaching anyone to juice numbers, but leaving it to the doctors on the front lines. If Jensen thinks the bus example is “best clinical judgement,” then Jensen is an idiot — the very kind of expert that Fox cultivates.
Facts are truth…not seeing many in your post
Exactly, don’t take it from the MSM do some research
I keep hearing this line a lot….think for yourself Mack. Don’t take it from the QAnon threads. Do some research.
This type of “enlightened argument” really is fun.
They are NOT combining seasonal flu totals with COVID-19. That’s just a dangerous and misguided conspiracy. I work closely with this and I can assure you there is some mistakes, some misclassifications, but certainly no intent to purposely alter the results. You probably think the US was behind 9/11 too.
doesn’t every Looney tunes character come to life?
U are wrong, they are counting flu and “presumed” cases as covid. Just read the cdc website, it says on there that they are pretty much lumping anything respiratory together now
Man where do you get your facts? Flu death rate .1% Corona Virus 2.5% or 25 times that of the flu. There is nothing in place for contact tracing.
Nobody knows exactly how many people have had it. Even Cuomo has estimated the virus death rate at .5. So stop with the 2.5 nonsense, it’s not close to that high
You could use the same arguement for confirmed cases of the common flu
Agentp, honest question, if this is political as you say, why is the rest of the world suffering so horribly as well? Out politics aren’t in the other 70 countries afflicted by this. And if it’s just politics why did it start in China, Italy, Spain etc before coming over here? I’m not challenging you, if honestly like to know your thoughts. Thanks.
Your tinfoil hat is showing!
Hey stop using common sense immediately!
Deleted by YouTube. Did the host have rabies?
Well said
Complete nonsense that does not pass independent fact checking.
We are in a world wide pandemic.
Healthy people of all ages with no pre existing conditions are getting sick and dying from Covid 19. There is no known cure and no known effective treatment.
You went back to work because you had to in order to support yourself. I sure do hope that nothing happens to you and those around you; however, your comment is ignorant and doesn’t take into account what real people are going through. People like you need a reality check.
Haha, the irony of this comment is rich.
You clearly don’t know what irony means.
tedtheodorelogan If you went back to work and now come in contact with someone carrying the virus you probably won’t know they infected you within the next day or two.
ted the odore? Maybe you should think about that. One day back and feeling like
Mighty Joe Young? Impressive how you are able to right the boat and boast.
I never stopped working, in fact I have been living in my rv as not accidentally infect my wife and young child. I think anyone “calling for normalcy” is an idiot.
You are living in an rv to get away from your wife and kid not to protect them. If it wasn’t to get away from them then you would be the first one begging for normalcy so you can get back to being with them but instead you would rather live in your rv with peace and quiet
You are an ass if you think that. I want my life to be normal too, instead here I am living like a monk and watching my kid through a window. So CUBGUY13 WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR HUMANITY DURING THIS PANDEMIC? OR AT ALL?
Nobody cares what you want Boras.
Boras The Clitoras
Boras needs to shuddup n go count his money.
@tedtheodorelogan I hope you cant vote or do anything important. Grow up you selfish psycho.
I never stopped working. I’m not dead. The Karens in this comment section are gonna lose it about you saying that though.
Such illogic.
Something hasn’t happened to me therefore it isn’t happening is one hell of a logic take. Then again, there are many parts of your country where elected officials decide a school curriculum so I shouldn’t be surprised.
god forbid unelected bureaucrats getting to decide how to indoctrinate other people’s children instead of those children’s parents. u cant be a mlb fan if u dont love america guy
Well if Boras says we have to get things going, then…
Yeah I agree… I mean he is totally sincere about helping things get to normalcy, has zero to do with how much he is losing and will lose.
He should run for president. If a failed businessman who has lost way more money in his life than he has gained and also had his own fake reality show can win the electoral vote (but not the popular vote) Boras Clitoras should win by a landslide
Let’s get moving! We can’t hide inside forever. If a dude doesn’t want to play because of the risk they don’t have to play. People can go work and make way less than pro athletes, no reason they can’t.
it’s not about you. This has to stop. No staying inside forever isn’t going to happen but it’s been less than 2 months in most places. Numbers are still too high and mainly in areas where people don’t give a crap. so because 1000 people in a town are willing to risk getting the virus, it’s ok? it’s not like they couldn’t possibly spread it. the virus only infects those who want it right?
I want sports as much as the next guy, but having a well though out and expert driven plan is vital and for some, that just seems like more work after being asked to stay home.
Everyone is going to be exposed to it young fella. Everyone…convenient how you also don’t mention all the data coming suggesting lockdown and quarantine might not have been the best idea. Confirmation bias at its finest
What lol….what do you think halted the spread?
@twinsfan. Quarantine isn’t about avoiding COVID-19. It’s about slowing it down so the medical establishment isn’t overwhelmed.
Also, funny how you accused moneyball their of confirmation bias for posting his info yet you refer to other data that says differently without posting anything else. The only difference between you two is that you are more vague.
People of means more likely to comply, tolerate, and remain inside and those without more eager to return to paid employment. That’s the bottom line.
@Twinsfan333 do you also think that every single person got previous plagues? So why are we alive then?
Some people should not be allowed online, and you are one of them!
everyone may get it. certainly without a vaccine that is likely BUT everyone getting it, and everyone getting it in the same time frame and using hospital resources are two different things. clearly people who argue against don’t understand math in any way, shape, or form.
that is in some ways true but some people “of means” feel they are losing more money than the avg Joe and also want business to get back to normal.
Strike Four apparently doesn’t know what
“Asymptomatic” means and what “carriers” are.
Did every single person catch an outbreak? Nope.
How are we alive? Well it’s simple your dumbinance. People can catch something and be totally fine (asymptomatic). Not everyone who catches Ebola, the plague, corona, Spanish flu died or were sick. Just cause someone catches it doesn’t mean it’s going to hurt them like it does others, or kill them.
Do you know how people in Africa survived malaria? People with certain genes for sickle cell were able to reproduce and carry that gene on as a natural protection for malaria.
What data? You should tell that to the Italians and Swedes.
So why are we alive then? Strike please never ever change. You are more precious than you know. And if anyone ever gets to decide who get to be allowed online I do hope it’s you.
Why are you alive? I don’t know? So, what data says that social distancing is a bad idea?
Agreed Salary and that has been accomplished. Health systems across the country are cutting huge chunks of employees everyday. The vast majority of hospitals are not overwhelmed so only diminishing results at this point.
Look at your own bias. What data? Anecdotal evidence from one guy yelling in a parking lot?
MoneyBallJustWorks Fact is people just feel entitled to be free to do whatever (legal of course) they want no matter the effects it could have on those around them or the situation, like being in a pandemic. If they are temporarily inconvenienced in any significant way, the government is taking over and stripping their rights and freedom away.
Agree with your take 100%
And CNN and MSNBC haven’t? Give me a break
how do Trumptards turn everything around into a they do it to or conspiracy theory.
he made a valid point. you somehow found a ludicrous way to add media to this.
When you say “expert” are you referring to the people who said masks do nothing and then said we all should be wearing them? Or are you referring to the “experts” who can’t make up their mind about how long the virus lives on a given surface? Or maybe the “experts” who said pets don’t get the virus and then said they do? I agree, the experts clearly know best… or don’t….. or do
experts said masks don’t protect you from getting the virus if you go into an infected space or encounter an infected person. the mask is more for the sick individual but since people can be asymptomatic, the recommendation is for all to wear it.
and yes experts are learning more each day as much research is done and more cases show up. You should try learning more each day. might help you from falling down more often.
People go to work who make way less than pro athletes do so because they have to in order to support their families or don’t have the option to work from home. It’s selfish to tell someone else how to live their lives and put their family and loved ones at risk purely for ones entertainment.
@acarneglia you are a terrible, terrible person. Life doesn’t revolve around you. You have mental health issues if you want America to go outside in A PLAGUE. See a doctor, immediately. Please.
A plague? Hyperbole much…
You realize sunlight is the best thing someone can do to prevent the disease outside of medicine? I really think you have mental health issues, and not in an insult kind of way. Please, when you feel it is safe to go outside, seek help. I am really concerned for your wellbeing.
Steve, the medical facts are such that sunlight, nor medicine, at this point in time, prevent the disease.
The Plague is back now? My god, this year cannot get any worse.
for once, he makes sense!
there is a lot of information missing from this.
Yes Boras is making cents and not dollars with his players not playing. He hates making cents.,.
@pburns65 you are a bad person. stop being evil. stop playing chicken with other peoples lives. I thought you clowns were all lives matter abortions are illegal types? now suddenly lives dont matter? moron.
we need to jeopardize lives so Boras can continue to fill his wallet. How dare the MLB put players’ safety before Scott Boras’ bank account!!!
The only way you get a full season is MLB The Show where the crowd cheers for the away team when you play at home. Anyways I sort of agree with Scott here, probably the first and only time I will. Yeah we may not get 162, but any number will suffice.
The crowds really bother me on their video games. Cheering like it’s the World Series when it’s not appropriate and being completely silent when they should be cheering.
Yeah it’s not like the EA NHL games or the WWE 2K games where the crowds actually cheer, boo, or do whatever they do at the appropriate time. Maybe the next patch for TS20 maybe they’ll fix the crowds.
Bora$ is tired of not making money
*tired of not having other people make him money
He clearly provides a role to the players that the players feel is worth the compensation he gets. He works for the players, not the other way around. Saying other people make him money is like saying your boss makes you money.
The quicker the players get back to spring training, the quicker they can play a season, the longer the season, the more the players make, and the more commission Bora$$ can rake in. No conflict of interest there.
Exactly, no reason to think his wallet is doing the thinking here
I mean he could be missing hundreds of millions if the players don’t get paid this season lol
The premise for resuming playing for both the Taiwanese and Korean baseballs was steady and continuous decline of new cases. The baseball players are humans and have families, too. We can’t ask them to risk theirs and their families’ lives because we want to see baseball, although I really miss it.
Things cannot open up on a large scale until there is sufficient testing available for the entire population, not just for those already sick.
We can’t force them but we can certainly ask. Obviously the reward for the players if they do return is millions of dollars so I think as long procedures are in place to minimize the risk (you can never eliminate risk), we can see baseball played on TV this season
but that fittingly is missing from Scott’s plan
not your choice Scotty
Well darkside I thought I smelled something
I wish we had baseball, but there are still a lot of issues to work out first. For example: Players and their families who do not reside in the US cannot make it here with no visas being processed. Evgeni Malkin of the Pittsburgh Penguins talked about that when he said he and his his family will wait it out here instead of returning to Russia. Since Malkin and his son are dual nationals, it is his wife that might get stuck.
Lentils are not biscuits. See how cute my comments are? Funny funny!
so funny i forgot to laugh
Not kidding brah, deleting posts because you disagree makes you an abuser of the worst kind of the 1st amendment. You should resign immediately
what on Earth are you referencing?
You don’t understand the first amendment
Lol like you babies did back on the days? You all cried when someone had a different opinion or called out something and mass flagged until they were deleted. Hypocrites
first amendment doesn’t over rule TOS agreements and other general community rules placed in good faith. the 1st amendment allows you to criticize the government not say anything you want with impunity.
So rich all these snowflakes who cry first amendment couldn’t even pass a high school civics course. FFS, what a jabroni!
How are you still commenting from Jail? obviously the federal government has thrown you into jail for you comments on a message board if you believe your 1st amendment rights have been violated.
MLBTR is a publisher so they have every constitutional right to delete speech they don’t agree with on their site.
Let’s please not let Boras influence a decision that is much more delicate and important than many are making it out to be
I trust him over Dr. Bill Gates.
Please stop calling Bore-Ass a ‘super” agent or similar – he’s just an ‘agent’. Was he super in the 2017/18 and 2018/19 offseasons when he was advising guys to take a pass on longer, much more lucrative deals than the shorter, way lesser contracts they ended up signing?
A lot of his high profile guys did really well
he makes a lot for people and represents many of them. how isnt he “super?”
He’s special in that Gordon Gekko kind of way.
Look at how much he got the top 3 free agents last offseason. He is a super agent.
He’s the biggest name agent in sports, jack
As they say at the local butcher shop: NEXT!
^ we found a bad person, guys
^ I found the emotionally unstable person, guys
I’m sure McConnell gave him a big ol paycheck to say that.
You wonder if Boras applied for any of those loans…..
How is he going to call for spring training to continue when Arizona is still in a mostly lockdown
Baseball is played in a lot of different states that have widely varying infection rates, and widely varying local governance rules. To say “Baseball should restart right now” would be great for me as a fan, but perhaps not the smartest approach to dealing with a pandemic. There may be several localities where it’s relatively safer to play games. I live in NYC and the Yankees and Mets players live here and in the surrounding suburbs. Probably not particularly safe. Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Philly, all hot spots, and there’s evidence that areas with low infection rates are seeing them move up. It’s true that younger and healthier people are much less likely to have severe symptoms, but there are also plenty of stories of bad cases in MLB-aged people, without underlying conditions. This is the kind of thing that gives no certainty. All you can do is try to minimize risk, you can’t eliminate it. I’ve never heard a single fan defend a ballplayer who is injured because he engaged in risky behavior, but here, the players would be doing it to keep their jobs. Run the numbers with any reasonable estimate, and you can’t escape the conclusion that some players will get sick, a few even seriously. Is the public ok with the morality of that? These aren’t first responders.
Yes sir, Commissioner Boras! Whatever you say!
Scott Boras will demand a resumption of the baseball season, then climb all over the owners for not doing enough to protect his clients from the COVID 19 virus. What a guy.
Precisely, LL.
There was a Bernie Williams that played in the 70s. I wonder if he’s jealous of the second Bernie’s success.
I’m sorry, but people can have opinions. I’d like a Spring Training II to start in late May, but just because I say it doesn’t mean it can happen. IDK why commenters are throwing such a fit because he wants Spring Training II to start. My hope is that the players have been training at their homes, and it only takes 2 weeks of STII to begin the season (virus pending).
Look at those Korean uniforms riddled with ads. That’s where we’re headed unfortunately
Enough money will never be enough money for the owners.
Or for the players as well.
It’d be cool if certain MLB players got sponsored by different companies, and their logo only got on that CERTAIN player’s jersey. It would be like basketball and shoe sponsors. I’d rather that than universal uniforms with the same sponsors on each. I’d much rather no sponsors, but if we have to go there, that’s how I’d want it. Imagine if Joey Gallo was sponsored by Chipolte, and he had Chipolte commercials too lol.
I am fine with it, as long it is iidiocracy type sponsoring.
It’s just too soon. Nobody wants baseball back more than I do, but you have to be realistic. There is no vaccine and until there is one, or the trend goes downward at a minimum, there won’t be fans. I don’t want baseball wo fans but we may have to. The curve is flattening but we continue to have too many infections and not enough testing to start talking about this. Maybe start a spring training mid-June, season starts mid-July, no AS break of course, gew days off, and go til end of Sept. 2.5 months with doubleheaders = approx 90 games. Crown a champ of 2 leagues with 2 wild cards in each league.
Why does anyone care what Scott Boras has to say? He’s motivated completely by greed. I want baseball back as much as anyone but Boras is not an authority on anything and his opinion shouldn’t mean anything to anyone besides his clients.
Because a salary reduction trickles down to agents. To return his bank account to normalcy.
Well said. I suspect Mr. Boras call for action is not all that high-principled.
We should not “go back to normal” until we have a day with zero new cases.
We also should not “go back to normal”, period.
You realize that there will never be a day with 0 new cases of covid? That’s like saying until there is a day with 0 cases of the flu. When we have a way to reasonably treat the virus, we should go back to normal. And yes normal, like we have with every other virus that had an outbreak.
influenza and covid-19 are not the same.
things will go to a new normal but clearly some people will learn and take more precautions.
Flu kills 80k people in a year and nobody bats an eye.
Covid kills 60k people in 7 months, it’s been here since last November, and everybody loses their minds.
1. where do you get your 80k number? 2017-2018 there were 61,099 in the US and that was a really bad year.
2. there has been over 70k killed by covid-19 and yes in less time.
I’m not sure if you tried to make an argument against but if so, you failed miserably.
CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S., highest death toll in 40 years…. 2018.
K. 70k killed in 7 months. So what it kills 90k in 12 months? OH THE HORROR 10k more than the flu! So much worse!
Point of the comment was to mock idiots like you who seriously believe this is “worse than the flu” and “a lot of people are going to die!”
Uh huh. Forgot to mention
*Mainly elderly population, 50+, are dying.
* Many deaths “due to covid” also had other health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
* Oh and the “total cases” aren’t actually calculated correctly and “deaths” aren’t calculated correctly.
But you know. Covid is one of the four horseman of the apocolypse coming to claim our souls and first borns!
Now please ramble on how your cnn or MSNBC, web md medical knowledge will save lives. Fox cnn MSNBC all worthless far as I’m concerned. Look up the numbers.
People are overreacting.
oh but you’re the expert then right? you have this whole thing figured out from your mom’s basement. please enlighten us with all your sources Jabroni.
so in your numbers you assume a 10k/per month death rate (though are using November when the first reported case by the CDC is January) but apparently there will only be 10k deaths over the next 5 months?
all stats show it’s worse than the flu especially from a mortality rate. have many had other conditions? sure but they also don’t necessarily die each year from getting the flu.
the fact you like to bring up media is great. follow your moronic orange leader and go watch your daily Alex Jones garbage and see where that gets you long term.
What are you saying? that we should learn something from this? That is not very american of you.
Good thing most of the people in power are not crazy fear mongers like strike four. There will never be a day with zero new cases, so in your dictatorship fantasy land life will never resume. People can still get viruses like swine flu, smallpox and polio even though we have a strangle on them. Is it not safe to go out with those out there too even though we have days with people still getting them??? If life never went back to normal there would be far bigger issues than covid-19 but hey you like scaring people more.
Boras schold keep his big mouth shut. thinks he runs baseball
In this thread; people (Including Boras) thinking they know more than doctors.
I want baseball too, but it ain’t worth people dying over.
Tell that to Josh Hamilton!!!
This is a joke and very tasteless.
If done correctly people won’t be dying. Correctly means testing often which is feasible for MLB’s resources. But there will always be those that would get mad at MLB spending money on tests while theres a false narrative out there that regular folk can’t get tested.
I’m against ST without a plan in place. What’s the point? The games don’t matter, there’s an increased risk – both of illness and injury, and there’s little to no money to be made for the owners. I suppose you could argue that if we start ST now, any future delays in agreeing upon a plan could be mitigated by having the players ready, but there could also be a Round 2 with Covid that cancels the whole season. I want baseball to be back, but I don’t think starting ST without a plan for a season locked down is that good an idea.
I rather hear about baseball than hear anything from Boras !
Sounds like someone is NOT getting paid y’all understand
Play the games, this is a hoax and everyone knows it.
I read that Cubs Jon Lester is not wasting his best pitches in his backyard or at a high school field. with any throwing.
At 36, Jon does not have much left in the tank.
You guys a great BASEBALL site!!!
I Think it would be a great idea to shut down the comments section on all these articles that are centered around Covid- Its lead to nothing but bickering and too be quite honest is probably leading to a lot of your readers tuning out all your articles because they are sick of all the back and forth in the comment sections from non doctors/ deniers/ gloom and doomers/ etc etc etc –
I do think the site plays a strong role in these times but it should just focus more on baseball than fighting about Covid- Ive noticed a lot of the better posters have left and you are down to a lotta the same guys who just come here to spread their Covid views daily against each other…(And it turns into the same arguments every time)……. Its getting old, its getting exhausting, and speaking from personnel experience I know I come here less bc I cant stand seeing it all down below in the comments section –
I will add that (as you know at MLBTR already) Fangraphs saw a huge downswing in clicks when they went all political and woke and hired Meggy
It just simply turned off a lot of the people that went there strictly to talk baseball
I hope this doesnt happen here
A migrant from Fangraphs
great Scott. what would you suggest when entire teams get the virus? who gives this moron a platform?
MLB has no interest in having a season so what he says doesn’t matter.
Pretty sure the MLB has a lot of interest in having a season since they are tanking money right now. However, they are willing to sacrifice the season if it seems like the best option to take for it’s employees given the current scenario.
The don’t have any interest. NASCAR has a plan and is getting to it. MLB is sitting on their thumbs
Scott Boras is a money grubbing, egocentric moron. If anyone pays any attention to a person that is so obviously bad for baseball, it will surely aid in ending the Grand Ole Game forever
Scott Boras should NOT be the voice of baseball returning. Its 100% self serving, or at least thats the optics of it. Boras stands to lose hundreds of millions in Fees as do a lot of agents. His business is 100% commission based, so this would set his operations back a lot, as his overhead is extremely high. Its self serving, and improper for Scott to be pushing this. At least be honest and admit its killing his business.
Good to see so many bizarre takes on this thread. No wonder the US is leading the way in this pandemic….and not in a good way.
Currently, the US’ response and handling of the COVID-19 epidemic has been abysmal, and the rest of the world is looking at it as an example of what not to do.
While the US bickers amongst themselves, ignore lockdown rules, protest with guns, and generally find ways to screw themselves over..other countries have been getting on with what they need to do, and getting exceptional results.
Listening to Boras in this matter is not the answer.
For once..just once..the US needs to not be the laughing stock of the world, and do something right.
unfortunately this has been the last 4 years
You left the 0 off after the 4.
Zero leadership coming from Washington DC…Just a bunch of complete BS like take drugs that will kill you, inject lysol, drink some bleach….
What a disgrace!!!
@SportsFanoooo No one ever talked about Lysol, but that’s what YOU & other Liberals heard because you must have some sort of attention deficit disorder. Do you even know what a medicinal disinfectant is. Have you had a flu shot? Try looking up polysorbate 80 and formaldehyde and try and comprehend what they are, when you’re finished with that look up what chloroquine is. I know it will be difficult for you though because you hear voices in your head about lysol.
@Cam But we should listen to Liberals like you.
Really hope we get baseball soon. In our current situation Las Vegas has probably been hit the hardest as far as the economy is concerned. When the shutdown happened. Nevada statewide had 300 mil unemployment apps submitted.
The Wuhan Virus is killing people with comorbidity, but so does a long list of things. The virus is not killing healthy people. If any at all, it is not statistically significant. It surely doesn’t warrant quarantining the healthy. I can’t imagine what we would do if we had something new that is more deadly than the flu. Globalists and those seeing more power and control live this, but it’s an assault on liberty.
You are completely wrong and dealing with fake news, fake facts that do not pass independent fact checking. Covid 19 is killing people from all age groups including infants, teens, people in their 20’s and 30’s with no preexisting conditions etc…Some very healthy people with zero pre existing conditions are getting very sick and dying…even young people in the prime of their lives. Presently there is no cure, no treatment, no vaccine to prevent catching this deadly virus and pandemic.
@SportsFanooo Complete lies you are speaking here.
Except quarantining the healthy has proven, across the world, to be the most effective tool for stopping the spread of COVID-19. There are literally countries and countries worth of evidence.
Meanwhile, as the USA continues to put up appalling transmission numbers, stubborn people are spending their time arguing about “liberty” instead of just shutting up and doing the right thing for once.
You’re wrong. Sweden didn’t quarantine anyone and they have ‘acceptable’ statistics in relation to this matter.
you lost credibility the moment you said Wuhan virus.
and yes the number of healthy people dieing might be lower, but saying let them Rome free means if they visit their parents, Grand parents, work at places with elderly customers, you infect those people potentially.
wake the f up. it’s not just about you getting it, it’s about you doing your part to protect others.
@MoneyBall Yes, you lose ‘credibility’ these days for telling the truth and facts, so much so that even facebook, twitter, google, and YouTube will censor you.
A shortened season is obvious. Top 16 at end of season enter post season regionals played at higher seeds home park. 8 teams move on to double elimination tournament with winning teams from each side of the bracket play in a 4 out of 7 Champions series. Winner is Champions Series winner, not a World Series winner. Play the Champions Series in 2/3/2 format at each teams ballparks. Back to normal in 2021 hopefully.
Boros does not give two sh^^^ about MLB players, families, their health, the health of the fans etc…This is a cynical ploy to get his money streams flowing from the players and MLB back into his company and his pockets..
Nailed it. I’m sure he’s looking ahead to next year’s FA class he represents and thinking, if some of these guys struggle out of the gate, I’m going to lose money. The idea of his to start without much of a safety plan reeks of greed, he just tried to poor a sugary syrup on it.
It’s not about deaths, it’s about not flooding hospitals with cases. Most do recover. We’ve been locked down and our hospitals have still been pushed to the brink.
He so dam greedy, he only doing this cause he’s loosing alot of income on contracts with incentives.. This ain’t no joke, baseball ain’t more important than people life’s, and money definitely is not
I agree with Mr. Boras. Baseball should resume except the New York Bankees and Mets should not be allowed to play since New York is the worst state in the country. Take away rat infested New York and this country is fine. Play Ball Folks
Adjust your tin foil hat..It is on too tight.
Just because Boras speaks, does the media have to report it?!
this literally is the question people ask about the President.