Three weeks ago, it appeared Alex Rodriguez no longer had any hope of purchasing the Mets. However, it now looks as if he and famous fiancee Jennifer Lopez have re-entered the picture. According to Thornton McEnery of the New York Post, Rodriguez, Lopez and some of JPMorgan Chase’s “very senior bankers” are working on putting together a bid to buy the franchise from current owners Fred Wilpon and Jeff Wilpon.
This is clearly a serious attempt from Rodriguez and Lopez, who McEnery hears are putting in “hundreds of millions” of their own dollars to land the Mets. It’s unclear exactly who else would be part of a Rodriguez-Lopez ownership group – Wayne Rothbaum was said to be in the mix earlier, but it doesn’t seem that’s the case anymore – though they have been talking with New England Patriots owners Bob Kraft and Jonathan Kraft. The Krafts don’t want to buy a baseball team, yet they’re “very intrigued” with the plans Rodriguez and Lopez have to breathe new life into Citi Field and its surrounding areas, McEnery details in his piece.
Regardless of whether the Krafts do accompany Rodriguez and Lopez, a source told McEnery that “the money is there,” that “a bid is coming,” and odds are the Mets will go for less than $2 billion if they do change hands. Furthermore, while the Wilpons have been reluctant to give up any part of the SNY television network in a sale, it seems they’re more open to it now. The Wilpons would still want to keep some portion of SNY in giving up the Mets, however, McEnery reports.
The coronavirus shutdown could continue to lead to major financial losses for the Wilpons, who may reportedly lose up to $150MM even during a half-season. That could increase their urgency to sell the team, and it now looks possible that Rodriguez and Lopez will swoop in if the Wilpons do step away.
Arod and the Mets part 2: Electric Boogaloo
This is messed up, and I sincerely hope you’re not sending any extremist code here on a baseball site.
@ cjelepls It’s a bad 80s movie reference, not what you think. It implies that the sequel will be even worse than the original featuring more spectacle and less heart. Please take your Orwellian thoughtcrime policing somwehere else.
I’m so confused about what’s messed up about it.
The only thing messed up are the drugs that cjel is on that turns you into a paranoid schizophrenic.
Or NYMK, you’re proving that you’re ignorant, uninformed AND criticizing people who, given today’s events, had a very valid concern.
It’s not what YOU think it is.. but let’s bring schizophrenia into it too!? You’re such a good guy
Do your homework before calling others names…
Thank you for providing that source! From the source:
“ALLAM: “Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo” was a dud. It was so bad it became a cult classic. The title has evolved into a meme, a sarcastic way to describe any unwanted sequel, and not just for movies. You now hear it in politics and sports. Most importantly for the spread of the meme, it took root among gamers.”
Thanks m8. Didn’t know there was also a negative side to this meme.
Just curious….what did you think it was that for you so upset? How do you not know Breakin’ 2?
Only the extremists see the extremists code
In other words cjepelis is the extremist
I’m OK with *anyone* buying out the Wilpons and trying to make something of it. Good for them. My take on reading the Post article was the Wilpons may consider giving up a portion of SNYtv, to make the math work. That makes it *appear* the Wilpons may be a little more serious about selling now. I didn’t think they were serious before.
Love the Always Sunny reference
They’re not going for under 2 billion stop it
Reportedly valued at $1.5 Billion. They’re not getting any offer even remotely close to the $2.6B Cohen was originally offering. Maybe they get close to $2 Billion if a controlling interest of SNY is included.
That’s gonna be deciding factor, if and how much of any is included
Yes,they certainly are!
I guess you don’t coronavirus.
You really should!
It’s the hippest dance,bro!
I don’t know, I think the Wilpons would be lucky to sniff 1.5 billion in present economic times. If they offer up control of SNY, maybe it’s a different ball game.
Well, couldn’t be worse. I hope.
As much as I dislike arod and don’t want him in the HOF during his lifetime, I like this for baseball. Athletes are Uber competitive and are far less likely to sit back and take in the profits while the team doesn’t really go for it (jays, pirates, current Mets, loria, etc)
The main concern I have is is j lo and he were to separate and it turns ugly. Could become a McCourt mess all over again
you know the jays are technically only entering year 3 of a complete rebuild and have been flexing their financial might the whole time (paying tulo to walk away and signing Ryu for example). Look at MJ and the hornets as a prime example of how sometimes teams dont do well under former stars. All that matters about the people in charge is that they make sure not to have to heavy a hand in the operations and to hire and allow the people who know how to run a team run the team.
I highly doubt they are putting in enough money for it to be an issue. They will be owners in name but not control. Like jeter in Miami. He’s an owner but he’s not really THE owner
JLo has already been married three times and AROD once. It’s not if but when. It’s not like they will sit down with a counselor and work on their issues. She’s a diva and he’s going to get tempted by all the women when she hits the wall.
I mean you can apply that hypothetical to any divorced owner, by your logic. No one can see the future. Do we know figures for how many other owners are divorced? I’m sure it’s not 0. You can’t exclude people for having had a rocky love life.
Remember, MJ wasn’t a great owner although he was a fantastic athlete.
Assuming they are the same level of aggressiveness while playing with their own money and unable to be part of the game as they would in their prime, is a heckuva assumption
That’s MJ as a basketball owner. As part owner of the Marlins, he’s not involved with much other than working with Jeter on building a culture the same way Pat Riley did with the Miami Heat (who they also have consulted with occasionally).
So, if this group that includes JP Morgan execs gets control, do the change the name from Citi Field or does the name stay the same and they take the competition’s money?
whoever the biggest sponsor is likely
The naming rights contract with Citibank is for 20 years, with an option to extend it to 40. (I’m assuming it means 20 years from 2009, when Citi Field opened.) I guess JP Morgan Chase could buy out the naming rights? Not sure how that would work.
For giggles, let’s rename it Balco Park… Just to see if the internet really can go BOOM!
I guess ARod is still tyrying to get enough steroids for thwe entire team.
As long as we win like the Yankees did in 2009!
I think it would be great for MLB, Mets and New York baseball in general if Alex & J Lo bought the Mets.
I’m inclined to agree. I know the PED thing from his playing days is a hot button issue, and I could understand an argument against him for the HoF due to that. When we’re talking team ownership though, I don’t see the problem. He’s passionate about the game, and J-Lo and him would be decently funded. I’m not a Mets fan, but Queens deserves a decent ownership group. I think this would spark an energy around the franchise.
I think it’s a horrific idea. On the heels of the Astros scandal, having a known cheater own a team is the last thing the league needs right now. Granted almost anyone is better than the Wilpons, but will be disgusting if ARod is an owner.
Just curious, how do you think 95% of the other MLB team owners got their hundreds of millions even billions of $’s? You think they never cheated, lied and stole from people. At least A-Rod fessed up to his shortcomings.
Not going to argue that as my personal interactions with billionaires is exactly zero.
But someone who blatantly cheats the sport becoming an owner is baffling. Even removing the cheating, he mocked the game. He was a prima donna to his teammates. Outside of former players that have been involved in domestic violence, I’m hard pressed to think of any players who would be worse to represent ownership in this sport. He should have been banned from the game. But the way baseball is going, it’s fitting.
Hard to be banned when you beat the test. Over and over. I get what you’re saying though; seems terrible to see a guy who made tons of money thanks to a mix of talent and PEDs and feeling like that money was stolen. Also hard to believe guy claiming he started using in 2001 after the Miami clinic fiasco. It’s very easy to believe he started before 1996.
Actually, it has long been whispered here in the South Florida baseball community that A*Roids has been using since high school at Westminster, along with Doug Mientkiewics. I remember whispers that the reason that A*Roids PR team went hard at attacking Selena Roberts is because she found evidence of use since high school, so they wanted to discredit her before she was able to bring that forth along with the other parts of her expose.
I actually don’t think this is a bad idea. Sure he is tainted with his steroid past, but he was one of the best players the sport ever produced and he loves baseball. The problem I have with too many teams these days is owners and GMs often never grew up in the city and are dispassionate about putting a contender on the field. If you’re a fan growing up you want a winner, not a ten year rebuild. ARod may just be the guy the Mets need.
Just depends. U could get Derek jeter or nolan ryan. Jeter blew up team he bought. Nolan always tried to do smart business and put a competitive team on field, and he was only a minority owner.but generally speaking, ur probably right.
Any deal that gets rid of the wilpons is an improvement.
Knee jerk reaction is a group of bankers would be bad… but look at the revival the dodgers saw.
Key is getting SNY as well. Need to kick out the wilpons but ALL the way out. No half-pregnant.
Coming from a Red Sox fan this is going to be sacrilege, but since they’ve been dating he has become much more likable, except on the shark tank that sucked
A-Fraud shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near MLB. What’s next Pete Rose wanting to buy the Reds?
Pete rose is broke. Why he still does signings
A-Rod is much more attractive than you and he smells way better!
They could probably beef up their bid with HGH.
great comment
Well apparenty YOU do, because its a word, and just that, much like the moron you are.
When you are done revising the Websters dictionary, please let us know so we can all avoid the sesame street bad word of the day…..and avoid gnats like yourself barking stupidity.
You tell em…
good, they will trade syndergaard and everyone else!
The mets might be able to entice more players to come to he team. With Kraft and A-rod in charge there will be all the HGH and Happy Endings a player could ever want.
george bush 2 owned rangers allegedly had a big bowl of white pills in the club house.
The 7th inning stretch would have a different meaning in the Kraft suite.
Kraft is “very intrigued”
With the idea of getting a massage from JLo.
I would be too
Drop dead, A-Roid.
Now if Aroid makes a successful bid to by the Mets then hopefully it will get him out of the ESPN Booth
George fantastic idea. Another plus, Mets would be players for back page against the evil empire. Going to war with yanks on spending recklessly would be great.
It’s always good to have one of the biggest cheaters in baseball history to own a team.
People talk about the Astros? The Yankees don’t win the 2009 World Series if ARod isn’t juiced.
Well..Thanks to Jennifer Lopez, at the very least her cosmetic line will ensure that the Mets have the nicest skin in Baseball.
The Wilpons losing $150MM? There’s a silver lining to all this.
He was suspended for an entire season. He cheated, lied, lied and lied. But he married well, provides adequate commentary on ESPN – if that – and… married well? I get Arod hired and continues to hire the greatest spin doctors and PR flaks in the world. What I don’t get is why everyone buys it. Is it just a NY thing?
and a player is now buying a franchise. yet many of you somehow support their arguments to get paid more. comical.
Your counter argument boils down to saying that the Wilpons (owners) deserve that money more than A Rod (players)
I’m going to guess the “the Wilpons aren’t making as much money as they should” side is in the minority..
A-Rod isn’t trying to go in there by himself, cut a check and walk out with sole ownership of the Mets. He’s part of a group. I’m not saying he’s poor, but he’s not Bill Gates rich, either.
But help me understand- I’m getting the vibe you think players are paid too much, since they can afford to be part-owners of a team? So are you on the side of those “poor” billionaire businessmen because you’re against upward mobility in one’s career, or another reason?
Also, I’m sure a significant chunk of what they put into the bid is from JLo’s earnings.
As a Mets fan, my initial reaction was YUCK. But after reading the Post article, I like their vision a lot. The main question, as always, is will the new ownership group be willing to spend like a big market team. I have a feeling AROD is smart enough to know how to build an organization. The guys is a tool, but he’s smart and passionate.
I could go for this, despite the warts.
The Pirates can only hope that Kris and Anna Benson want to buy them.
You yard one up, get a “compensation” from Anna. Although, I would pass on that, if you do a little google research.
Whew boy… Would that ever be messy. Lol. Those boardroom meetings sure would be uncomfortable, given some of the events after they called it quits.
Let this be a lesson to all the whining big buck MLB complaining underpaid players like Scherzer with big bucks in the bank. Past or present. Buy a team and run it the way you want. There is likely to be a fire sale soon.
Maybe if ARod becomes an owner steroid use and gambling by players will become legal in the MLB paving the way for many formerly disgraced players to get to the HOF. Maybe Draft Kings will purchase a minority ownership interest in the NYM?
i don’t see why people hate this so much. im one of the biggest anti-A-Rod people out there, but anything that pushes the Wilpons aside is good for the team and therefore the league.
Agree. I hate Alex and I loathe the Mets, but this is good for baseball. Lopez could help enhance the fan experience side. Rodriguez would be a hilarious foil for Jeter’s plans in Florida. With a potential recession looming the JRod group could get a really favorable deal on this. The only thing I don’t like about it is that it will make things harder for the Phillies when the Mets can afford to start paying for nice things again.
When have the Mets ever paid for nice things? When they do throw money around it’s usually for a washed up has been like Bobby Bo, Jason Bay, George Foster, etc.
What A-Rod did in his past with PED’s is something that tainted what was a great career. However, the guy is a great baseball mind, is looking to put together a strong ownership team (if the Kraft’s are involved it’s a good thing, look at how well the Patriots are run), and has a vision of how to run the team.
Add the fact that A-Rod grew up a Mets fan, and admitted to regretting signing a deal with the Texas Rangers after the 2000 season over signing with the Mets. He WANTS the Mets to be a solid contender year in and year out. They have a solid young core with McNeil, Alonso, deGrom and Rosario. They currently have one of the best rotations in baseball and with ownership willing to invest in the team and not still look to recover from Bernie Madoff, they can spend appropriately on the right players.
As a Mets fan, I like the idea of A-Rod/J-Lo and co. buying this team and getting the Wilpons out.
They should look at buying the Ray’s or some other team. May have more success
If A-Rod does become an owner of the Mets, is it possible he gives Carlos Beltran–who is in a somewhat similar situation that A-Rod was, in 2014–a chance to come back to the Mets as an advisor, or at least retires his number. A-Rod and Beltran are very good friends, and if anything, Beltran has enough character that he deserves a second chance in the game.
Honestly, it’s a completely different scenario. Both cheated, but the magnitude is far different. A-Rod did steroids to help himself and how HE played only. Beltran cheated by creating a system to steal signs to give his TEAM an unfair advantage.
A-Rod essentially did something that most other players at the time were involved with. Beltran did something that created hatred for an entire team and multiple players in one organization benefited from. I do think Beltran gets an opportunity at some point to manage in the majors, but his involvement pushes his opportunities back a few years until it all blows over.
I’m not necessarily sure if he will manage down the road, maybe he will. He definitely will receive the opportunity as an advisor to a team. My only question is, what team would be willing to give Beltran a 2nd chance to be involved in the game.
Both of them have demonstrated a massive lack of integrity. Neither deserve another chance. The game is suffering negative consequences due to the actions of both of these losers. It’s embarrassing and sends a clear message that cheating pays huge dividends
*A-Rod buys team.*
April 10th: “Hey guys, I’ve got some good news for ya. This morning, 910am, I activated myself.”
Sort of like Roger Dorn
Does that mean he’ll sell the team back to the Won’tpons at a substantial discount?
As we observe all of the back and forth between owners and players, I want to present three observations or questions.
1 To the owners: the players say that they can’t trust you to be honest about your finances. Why do they say that? Are you honest about your finances?
2 To the players: the owners believe they pay you well but have no protection when you fail to produce at the level the contract is predicated on. Do you think that it would only be proper to expect production that validates the contract?
3 with all this said, do both sides truly understand that the objective and key to being successful financially is to fulfill the fans desires? As you negotiate would it not serve both sides to make the desire of the fans the central issue?
Conclusion: It seems that by attempting to understand the other sides thoughts and trying to do something to eliminate their arguments in a positive way would go a long way to solve the problems.
I am in no way an Arod fan but this news makes me very excited. Anyone but the Wilpons!
Working with your wife!!!, you can start drawing up the divorce papers, yeah this isn’t going to end well.
Buying a baseball team together. There must be something else to do when you’re getting bored with each other.
Arod hopefully won’t own any team!