If Asia’s top professional baseball leagues represent a preview of what MLB can expect when it tries to get back to play, then the results are mixed — and remain largely indeterminate. Let’s catch up on the latest …
Japan’s Nippon Professional Baseball is back on ice, as Jason Coskrey of the Japan Times writes. It’s a reflection of renewed measures to tamp down on the spread of COVID-19 in the island nation, which recently declared a state of emergency in Tokyo and other areas.
The league’s timeline is now again uncertain. With the new restrictions on activities already set to extend for about a month, a mid-May start to the 2020 NPB campaign would seem to be the best-case scenario.
Even still, Japanese clubs remain able to do quite a bit more than is presently possible for their MLB peers. As Coskrey explains, teams are now backing away from full-squad workouts but are still holding individual or small-group practices at team facilities.
The situation is more promising at the moment in Korea. Per an Associated Press report, the Korea Baseball Organization is currently hoping for an early May launch.
Pre-season KBO contests could occur as soon as April 21, according to the report. There’s already baseball of some sort available, as the Lotte Giants have plans to broadcast intrasquad contests (via MyKBO, on Twitter) as they prepare for spring tilts later this month.
Most promising of all? Taiwan’s top league, the Chinese Professional Baseball League. It’s still scheduled to launch its season — without any fans (real ones, anyway) — on April 11. While it doesn’t carry the reputation of the other two major Asian professional circuits, the CPBL stages a five-team league that spans the island and typically draws reasonably sizable crowds. It’s a much simpler and smaller operation than the majors, to be sure, but it could be a good bellwether for whether and how baseball can resume.
Bellwether! Great word.
both s. korea and taiwan are the most successful limiting exposure and fighting corona virus. u.s. on the other hand, haven’t seen the worst of it yet and will be taking undue risks bringing the games back. what if players, coaches or even stadium workers get infected and get sick? better be safe than sorry.
I doubt either south korea, nor taiwan especially were enthused about allowing in CCP citizens in the 1st place, not to mention have a media that swallows whole every bit of said propaganda emanating from that place.
South Korea definitely does not have a media like that at all.
yup, fox news hasn’t landed in korea by handing out bribes to senators! that’s for sure!
Hey Vizion! You must be one of the several thousand people still watching CNN – the Communist News Network.
ha, a teamoron!
There are 2,000 members of the Communist Party in the entire 330MM people country. You are wild-eyed paranoid Faux News idiot talking about communists in 2020.
Mo, stop talking. Your ignorance is appalling. Get back to baseball where we can trash your takes on something you know a little more about.
Hey ‘letsplaytwo’: “anybody who wants a test, can get a test”. A lie a month ago, and still a lie today. By General bone spurs.
Limiting exposure will cause a ripple effect leading to more deaths next year or later as this will be cyclical just like the regular flu. It’s better to take some immediate losses now than to hide, not build up an immunity.
Limiting exposure has enabled us to prevent far greater numbers of death than we have experienced. Initial projections were for as high as 250,000 deaths. With drastic measures such as social distancing, shelter in place and stockpiling masks and ventilators to ensure the availability of healthcare the projections now are for 60,000. We are currently running about 2,000 deaths per day. At that rate COVID is the number one cause of death daily in the U.S., greater than cancer or heart disease, number #2 and #1. That’s the bad news. The good news is that current projections indicate that after another 9 or 10 days at that level of deaths per day (around 2,000) we will begin to see the death rate slowly drop down to next to nothing by June. It will continue at that rate until August 1 at which point it will basically be gone. Those are the latest projections.
Be careful with those numbers. Projections of deaths in the U.S. if no mitigation had taken place were well north of one million in some statistical studies. The current projections are simply the middle of a probability bell curve based on very wiggly data. A scientist would tell you that the statistical confidence factors are very low. All anyone can say with any degree of confidence is that social distancing the other methods were are using help contain the spread and reduce mortality greatly. As for when it will be “over,” nobody really knows, because the definition of over isn’t cut and dried.
Actually the confidence factors on projections now are very high, in the 90% plus range.
They are wearing N95 masks not covering their nose or it’s on their chin most of the time. I doubt any of them have even been fit tested or medically cleared to wear a mask for non-energy intensive activities. Baseball doesn’t require its athletes to even be in shape. See: Heath Bell, David Wells.
Also, this is just wasting masks needed by medical professionals.
3M 1/2 face and P100 can be decontaminated and reused several times over. You can get a longer life out of a P100 filter than they suggest. It just builds up with more particulate.
I mean I’ve spent 8hr days in 125 degree plants in full chem tyvek and a full face respirator going up and down staircases and ladders all day. These guys can get in shape enough to wear them correctly while standing next to 1st base.
That or wear those skeleton balaclavas. Now that would be cool. Every player looking like a hockey goalie.
“haven’t seen the worst of it yet,” I think we have but it’s still not the extinction event the drama Queens on T.V. have been screaming about for weeks.. America needs to safely re-open.. We’re all Americans and feel for NYC but over 35% of American counties have no coronavirus cases and 37 states have 100 or less deaths. Americans are getting more depressed by the day. Lost jobs. Businesses going bankrupt. Bring back baseball to give us some hope..
It’s now down to 32 states that have less than 100 deaths, and 30 of them don’t have a baseball team (Arizona and Minnesota being the exceptions). You said safely re-open but there’s no such thing today. Safely re-open means waiting, as much as that sucks right now.
“ down to 32 states with less than a 109 deaths.” Unless people are coming back to like that number cannot go down.
Safely is relative. Eighty year olds were already dieing at high rates. Same really for 65 on up. This sucks and I feel for anyone (family and friends) going through this or who loses someone even a day early but government, will not make a significant dent in this. They don’t know enough to know the right course of action and aren’t weighing people’s lives above all else as one would expect. Economic, military and other interest will Trump those of you and me. Let’s put it this way have any of you been able to get any tests? The Yankees have gotten some as have other minor league teams. Have any of you been told by the news how much a test cost, where to acquire them, or how many billionaire organizations have received them while they won’t give us any.
I would suggest that if people are getting depressed every day, then to those go volunteer at your local hospital. Deliver meals to first responders and their families. Lost jobs is still a better alternative to list lives.
Meant “ lost” lives.
Scared little boy, feel free to go back to your bubble and snuggle in your security blanket… people die everyday, grow up… sick of you scared children playing the part of adults…
@mehbah, whoa dude. You can have any opinion you like. But to be that crass to another poster who, IMO is exactly right (I follow the advice of the epidemiologists, virologists and infectious disease docs myself), just because you disagree (for no reason stated)…you’re the one who needs to grow up. You see,
grown ups treat others with respect and have empathy, even when opinions are different
“I feel for NYC and I guess some people died but seriously people need to risk their lives to entertain me”
Arizona hasn’t seen the worst of it yet, especially in Phoenix. Nearly 40% of their cases are in the 20-44 age group.
I saw a report about some league having robotic fans. That’s as dumb as robotic umpires.
if mlb really wants to bring baseball games play them at the brightest of them all. yankee stadium!
I’m tired of hearing from the candy ass cowards complaining about the virus, 99% that get the disease will survive with a large number of the 1% will be over 65 or compromised. That means living your life in fear if you are not in that category is downright stupid. If people lived their lives while avoiding the “compromised category”, they would get it, heal up and it would be over. Instead we are destroying are economy out of nothing but irrational fear and extending this long past the time period it needed to be. Amazing to me, this same country had people go in to wars KNOWING most would die and still did it just a couple generations earlier while people now sit on a couch cowering from something that most likely will never hurt them. People die everyday and in much larger numbers than this virus but because it’s new, you guys act like hiding is required by everybody. My son is a cashier at Walmart, if anybody could get it, it would be him and he goes to work everyday with no gloves, no mask and zero fear, and when he brings it home, the rest of my family has zero fear. If I or somebody died, it would suck but it is what it is, everybody will be getting this at some point, either now or in the future and if you don’t already know that, you are dense. I have never been more ashamed to be an American as I am right now,
why don’t you volunteer for the corona virus test, ms. bravest online?
If you’re so ashamed to be an American, move to a another country!
Why should I move? So you idiots could continue to try to take over? Doesn’t change the fact that you idiots are trying to tell others how to live their lives because you are scared of a virus. You should be embarrassed but most are too stupid to understand how idiotic this is. How many people need to lose their jobs and entire way of living because YOU have an irrational fear of death? I’ve come to learn, the statement “people are smart but the mass is stupid” is wrong, most people are stupid as well..
This is America. Everyone has the right to live their lives as they see fit, and no amount of disparaging comments from you or anyone else can change that. I would never call you the names that you have used to describe people. I hope you and your family stay safe, and can pursue whatever path you choose. Just please don’t call other people stupid for doing what they believe is right for them or their families.
I guess that’s how we got this egotistical, childish dimwit, with a 3rd grade vocabulary- in the white house.
It is straight up stupid for people on here to tell me how to live MY life and right now, I am being forced to do stuff I don’t agree with because of all the weak minded individuals who are running scared and have the government destroying lives. When others come on here and state baseball should not come back this year, it is nothing but fear and irrational and anybody that speaks out, gets shouted down. I will not back down, if you want to hide, feel free but don’t tell others they should be doing the same.
ROFL… says a person who probably has done nothing in their life. Honestly, probably the same person who watched The Apprentice and thought it was great… guess what, nobody cares what you think, nobody ever will and you sure as hell will never have any influence in any real way… go back to doublewide and fry something
Double wide and fry something, Ha. You’re funny. Hope that makes you feel good.
Or the other reason is the Dems nominate a crooked elitist bit….mean person to run against him.
Tough guy talk
I feel so sorry for you because you can’t live YOUR life while people are dying. Calling it “weak minded fools”. And you say you and your family have zero fear. That is such empty bravado. Stop
If you’re ashamed to be an American and calling us “weak minded fools” do us a favor: walk into a hospital and tell a doctor or a nurse they’re weak minded fools. I hope they have enough strength to knock teeth down your ignorant, pathetic throat
Andy you’d be the first person ever to knock teeth down someone’s throat through a computer screen. Congratulations but your comment seems to tip on the side of empty bravado. Just observing here.
i can only imagine! that’ll be a great scene.
Current projections are for 60,000 dying. That’s a lot less than previously projected. And it’s because we’ve taken aggressive measures. We’ve saved tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives with our actions. And you talked about war deaths? About not willing to sacrifice lives? Well 60,000 dead is MORE than Vietnam. And Vitenam took 15 years. These deaths will occur over a 4-5 month span. Get out of town with your ignorant know-nothing talk.
We are currently losing 2,000 people a day. That’s more per day than cancer or heart disease, which are normally the #2 and #1 causes of death on a daily basis. Isn’t that enough for us to sacrifice for? And neither cancer nor heart disease are infectious. COVID is a killer that can spread. I applaud the aggressive efforts to flatten the curve, stop it from spreading, stop it from getting out of control. 100%.
The willingness of you and your family to “live without fear” is a selfish stupidity that endangers and harms everyone you encounter. You are a menace.
Just offering a scenario for the fellow who wants to call people “weak minded fools” with a keyboard
Offering a scenario to the fellow who wants to call people “weak minded fools” with his keyboard
Two important corrections: Death rate is 0.66% corrected for asymptotic cases. BUT without social distancing and overwhelming hospitals, it jumps to 2-4%. Plus collateral deaths from others who can’t get proper care.
That said, it’s here until we have a vaccine, so the best option is to ease restrictions and monitor. If we stay we’ll within medical system capacity, ease more. If not, increase restrictions. In other words, maximize living our lives, while not costing additional lives.
Restrictions being ‘eased’, would be a mistake without a huge increase in testing. And t rump doesn’t want massive testing because that would reveal the true numbers. Rump and gop don’t want that. They can’t handle truth.
Wow bragging about how stupid your son is but I guess he gets it from you do you even register on as IQ test?I’m a veteran and proud you’re obviously a loser with a son heading right along with you.If you don’t like my opinion of you FU.
Thank you for your service DonC. You are a true hero!!!! Appreciate your comments as well. God Bless America!
My son has a 4.0 through high school graduating with an AA degree while in high school… also has a full ride for his next 2 years… Daughter is graduating from FGCU with a 3.9 with a Bio and Bio/Chem dual major and off to med school… wanna try again? I seriously doubt you are a veteran and if you don’t like my opinion… FU
Did your son get it, from t rump university?
And with that 4.0 GPA, he works at Walmart and doesn’t wear a mask or gloves.
He may be book smart, but as far as basic common sense and street smarts go, not so much
then, why is he working at walmart as a cashier? by the way, my son is stupid. he once went to an army hospital in georgia to advise a doctor of the product he designed in a surgery. after it was done the lead surgeon who was a full colonel told him he could get full ride scholarship to any medical school he wants to attend. no strings attached. and my son declined. what a stupid boy!
i doubt he even has kids.
So what you’re saying is you are a bad father who can’t capitalize words after periods and question marks? Stupid and negligent is a bad look, as is teasing those working at Walmart. What a day you’re having.
it’s an old habit from my days in engineering firm. besides, we had the greatest secretary. miss you mrs. nelson!
In your head rent free 24/7 🙂
You’re completely unaware that other countries aren’t even letting people leave their homes without a pass
The bell curve is alive and well. Really smart people are somewhere else and really stupid people are flocking here. The “logic” behind complaining about the response to the situation is just about the lowest form of trailer trash known in this country. We are about to lead the world in deaths. Maybe a few more days and we take over the top spot. America is number one in something. Hooray! It’s mostly because of the stupidity of Americans that we can claim this world championship. Be proud America. You are great again. Congratulations.
The problem is the people who need to get it to help thin the stupidity will just be getting it, be in bed a couple days and then go on how it was the worst thing possible… yes, people will die, they do everyday and more Americans will die compared to others areas BECAUSE WE HAVE MORE PEOPLE. Compare the numbers to the US and the EU and amazingly are numbers look way better… or percentage but hey, you smart liberals hiding in your closets can’t do tough math like that…
So you are ok with people dieing if we bring back baseball too quickly? We need to realize that yes people will die but we should because why should we be scared?
Rates of infection and death are much higher in the U.S. compared to the rest of the world.
100% wrong but you keep spouting the stupidity
Ok tough guy Mehbah. All you do is tell everyone how stupid and scared they are, and refute their stats (that’s short for the word “statistics”). How about giving us a source for your factually- presented opinions? Stating something is 100% wrong, and then calling some one stupid, makes you look rather foolish unless you can back up your claim that the other post is 100% wrong. Source?
Hey mehbeh. COVID is currently the leading daily cause of death. Greater than Cancer (#2) and Heart Disesase (#1). And unlike cancer and heart disease, COVID is infectious. It can spread. But we shouldn’t be careful? What are you nuts? You and your family are a dangerous menace to society.
I’m a conservative Republican mathematician.. I run 5 miles every morning. Same as I’ve been doing for the last 40 years. I just stay away from the other people. I don’t go to parks. I’m a trail runner and I know how to find places to run that are away from other people and not closed. I’m not breaking any rules and not putting myself or anyone else in any danger. This is not that hard. It makes a difference. Too many people can’t handle it and are screwing this up and then there’s the idiots who don’t think it’s serious. Many of them seem to come here to spew their nonsense. I have been using mathematical models for over 40 years and made a nice tidy amount of money as an actuary. I love baseball, I played against college kids into my forties. In time it will come back. But to prioritize it ahead of anything is utterly unforgivable.
An actual question for the writers, without any drama and bickering:
Any chance ESPN, FOX, or MLB Network can simulcast any of these games? It’s not like they have any other live event programming to air.
Can you ask?
i haven’t tested myself but you could check out ‘afreecatv’ on your smartphone. it seems safe but with some ads.
I wonder if the USA could get those games broadcast here?
For those of you who come here every day like me, you know that I’m a Red Sox fan and routinely argue with Mo4ever, who in spite of his obvious intelligence, insists on being a yankee fan. In baseball the Red Sox are always perfect and the yankees always suspicious. That’s a total pile of crap. I grew up in the same town as Mel Stottlemyre, Bucky Dent, Goose Gossage, the next town over was Willie Randolph, Tommy John. I knew one other Red Sox fan in high school. All my friends were yankees (boo) and Mets (yeah) fans. I’ve met other former yankee players as an adult. They’re good people. But I’m a Red Sox fan first and foremost.
Here’s the thing, I’m also aware that Mo4ever and I are now on the same side. It’s not fun reading the posts here that show a clear disregard for reality in this incredible historically dangerous time in our nation’s history. We react to it and likely will not stop being annoyed. We are not weak people, we are in fact incredibly strong. And smart. And we have the perspective that baseball is inconsequential right now and that talk about playing games is foolish. We have a journey to get through, walk it and be strong.
Back atcha. Good to see we have some common ground. 🙂 As for COVID, we can do this thing if enough of us play it smart. btw, my wife grew up in your neck of the woods.
BTW, our neck of the woods doesn’t have any woods anymore. They’ve stuck houses everywhere possible.
Typical “holier than thou” response from a Red Sox fan. I saw the insults you posted earlier toward people who disagree with you. You will never persuade a single person with that kind of mouth.
There is little or no “disregard” for the danger the virus poses to a small segment of society. It’s simply a matter of isolating the most at-risk people while the rest of society works to prevent mass unemployment, depression, suicide, etc.
I know — you think I’m “stupid” “trash” for saying something so vile. Well, the more insults you hurl, the more I know I’m right.
And I’m sure you know exactly who those high risk people are because you’re so smart. So the 30 year old baseball coach, the 24 year old EMT, the 46 year old middle school principal, and on and on, were clearly also at high risk and yet just a small segment of society. Here’s the thing, genius, everyone is at risk. I’ve had friends at 16, 21 and 36 drop dead from heart attacks. Should they have known about it? Was it their fault? Are you really that naive and foolish?