The Braves have pledged to continue paying their employees—both full-time and part-time—through May 31, according to Kiley McDaniel of ESPN. Several teams extended a stipend to employees through March, but the Braves are the first team that will compensate its staff through the end of this month, let alone the end of May. McDaniel would go on to clarify in a later Tweet that gameday employees, whose pay is normally tied to games, will be paid in accordance with the $1MM fund established last month. However, workers whose earnings aren’t attached to games will be paid as usual. It’s encouraging that teams are willing to offer a helpful hand to their staff, and it’s possible that more teams will follow in the Braves’ footsteps. And while there are plenty of problems that still need solving, this kind of decision can go a long way towards relieving the stress that comes with these circumstances.
- The Rays, meanwhile, have a plan for how they’ll divvy up the $1MM fund established by all 30 MLB teams in March, as explained by Marc Topkin of the Tampa Bay Times. Some 1,200 Rays gameday staffers will receive a one-time payment to help support them during the delayed season: Team employees (ushers, guest services, etc.) will receive $1,000 and concessions workers, security, and others will receive $500.
- Similarly, Chicago’s Cubs and White Sox have offered grants of $500 to their part-time ballpark employees as their means of allocating the aforementioned $1MM fund, writes The Athletic’s Jon Greenberg. Importantly, Cubs VP of Communication tells Greenberg that the Cubs’ fund “will go way beyond a million,” but at the same time is uncertain whether there will be a second round of payouts to employees. It’s notable that the referenced $1MM figure was established merely as a baseline, and it’s possible—perhaps even likely—that many teams will go above and beyond that threshold, especially depending on the length of the season delay, which can have a profound impact on the livelihood of the thousands of employees who make MLB games possible.
Why’s Ted Cruz the photo…
Shows class Braves!
no that’s kevin malone
Same politics
The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?
What kind of ninjas.
Japanese ninjas
Chinese ninjas
North Korean ninjas
South Korean ninjas
I’d like to know where these ninjas originate from before deciding.
China. They have ninjas, but they have lied about it for so long that they have been able to fool the world into thinking they don’t.
Id bad enough to rescue him for any ninja except Japanese … those guys are for real and legit … true bad asses lol
Japanese ninjas are actually the worst, because they’re the ones we know the most about, making them crap at being ninjas. It’s British ninjas that are really a pressing concern.
Which president? President of the Braves? The president of France? POTUS? Important info for my decision
I’m smart enough to pay the ninjas to look the other way.
Open for business and people could get PAID to work! I know that concept is novel to many but let’s open the USA back up on May 1st! The curve is FLAT. Do it!
If you told me 40,000,000+ people would have to lose their livelihood in just the USA, due people in retirement communities dying, I could show you a way, sans a stay-at-home order, to make things function by May 1st. Pure insanity to continue down this path beyond April.
Jesus Christ, you are such a piece of garbage.
Facts have you all hot and bothered again, eh? Let us discuss what has your panties in a bunch!
Waiting for the facts…
Ignore the troll.
Hey, where was all this outrage when the flu killed a bunch of senior citizens every year? This guy might not say politically correct B’s, but show me where you people care before the news tells you to. How many people die every year from the flu, how many under 25? Last I heard 8 people in the USA had died under 25. If this is a pandemic then we’re always in one. Change my mind.
Ignore the troll.
We lose between 20,000 and 30,000 a year to the flu. We’ve lost over 20,000 to Corona in two months.
Except for the part about there being no vaccine, insufficient testing, no way of determining the extent of the spread (other than to tally up people who might show symptoms and who then are randomly selected and then test positive), no contact tracing, and no clear indication if there is immunity or if previous infected patients who have immunity are still carriers, you’re totally correct, it’s entirely the same as the chicken pox and you should open everything up immediately.
Was this your attempt at a joke Monty or are you being serious? Either way, your posts are garbage. Be better.
Listen Perry the Platypus nobody cares how you feel about the Rona. Just keep laying eggs and nursing your young
Most feeble minds commenting here reek of adolescence and inanity. Not worth engaging. Yawn.
Let’s hear it oh wise one. You’re comment sounds like an uninformed, opinion of someone who’s never heard of yellow journalism. It’s easy to poke fun. Let’s hear your mature opinion. Should I tell you what it is? I watch the news also, so I can tell you what your ignorant but believes if you’d like. Let’s hear your mature argument against opening the country back up.
The economy will come back. Dead people will not. You are trash.
LOL, bless your sweet little heart! May 1st is ample time, cupcake.
Of course everyone in the United States and in fact the world will absolutely defer to your opinion. I mean, seeing as how you are the world’s preeminent virologist, right Dr. agentp?
Come up to Queens and I’ll show you how flat the curve is. I’ll take you by Elmhurst and let you see first hand how flat it is. You’ll be begging for Aug 1st after your 104-temp subsides after 2 weeks.
No one cares about Elmhurst or you. Come on down to Southern Illinois. How’d all these nursing homes get it? Medical heroes probably infecting old people after being fired for incompetence.
Not sure where your venom comes from, but it’s not based on facts (“probably”).
Let me guess…high school dropouts in the military are heroes, people who go the medical school are incompetent.
I’m still working, because I paid attention in high school, and am continuing to put more into this country than I’ll ever get back, but sure, let’s worry about southern Illinois who produces SO much.
No one mentioned the military. Go take your microaggressions to twitter please, your ignorant opinions are worthless here.
Southern Illinois. The most embarrassing part of the state. Feel free to open your little economy back up, so long as you promise to keep to yourselves and never leave your little patch.
Based on your comments, you probably live in a worthless leech red state and can’t stand that a bunch of stupid socialist liberals make more money than you.
@njbirds MAGA!
Most of the leeches in those red states live in the blue urban areas, fwiw.
Jersey people should be the very last to pass judgement of that kind. Wow you’re ignorant and naive there birdsfan.
If you believe this virus only effects the elderly, you’re grossly misinformed. There was a perfectly healthy teacher, in NJ, I believe, that unfortunately fell victim to it. There are others, too. This can effect anyone, anywhere. Younger people may have a better chance, with care. When there are no available hospital beds, ventilators, or healthy doctors though… How do you suppose that goes?
The curve has been flattened some because of these precautions. By all means, don’t let fact get in the way of you spouting your opinions, however, agentp. Fire up because a team able to take care of it’s staff has, and is keeping them out of harms way. We should all be so lucky.
Agreed. I work at a place with hundreds of ppl a day working the building and no one is going out with this. I still know nobody with it and everyone I ask knows nobody. This is wayyyy over blown and there is some agenda behind it
Yep, overblown until you get it, idiot!
agentp, you are dangerously stupid. The number of deaths per day in NY and MI are running at about twice the baseline rates. And that is with stay at home orders in place. Hospitals are overwhelmed with dreadfully sick and dying patients. Nobody has immunity to this virus, and it’s R0 is estimated to be 5.7. Asymptomatic people can spread the disease.
There is almost nothing in common with flu, which in bad years does its thing over many months, and has a mortality rate that is a fraction of COVID’s.
You are a very, VERY dumb person who obviously reads nothing except propaganda publications with target audiences of very, very dumb people.
Knock it off – you are making an absolute ass of yourself.
“No one has immunity to this” a quote someone from the CDC said on the news. Is that accurate? Neither him nor you know the answer to that. Someone had an immunity to small pox because they milked cows, someone in the nordc countries had a natural ‘immunity’ to hiv, a place far from the source of the disease which hadn’t entered humans until 1905 allegedly. The CDC/WHO (Can’t remember which) has also stated publicly that it’s too early to know anything about this virus. The death rate for confirmed flu was 8.6% on Feb 14th and the week (or two, going by memory) before was 10%. Now you’ll look and see .1% but that’s a guess, actual case study numbers are higher, like the numbers on Covid 19. Now I’m not saying the flu kills 8 or 10% of those infected and neither do they but the numbers bare it out and it’s a good example of how numbers can be sensationalized by the news for ratings especially when they have a captive audience. Everyone started spouted off with things not said by the people they were bullying. This should not stop the country. As soon as they have enough reason to close an area it’s already gotten out so unless they lock it all down that day it gets out and is just delayed and perhaps exacerbated by shelter in place.
Shelter in place could easily kill more people than not doing so. It’s similar to antibiotics. The government doesn’t care about old people or anyone else. All they’re trying to do is increase their power over you while stripping right(s) under the guise of public health. Read about consolidation of power by anyone about almost any time in history. It doesn’t matter whether the perceived threat is real or not just that the people believe it is.
Curve is far from flat in the US.
That’s a false choice, but the hubris suggests that’s beyond your comprehension.
Attitudes like that is why the US is where they’re at with infection and deaths.
Great idea. A thousand people dying daily in the US. Lets send everybody back out to infect each other before the virus disappears.
You are not under lock & key. If? you work, your job is closed but you can still go out, touch every damn thing in sight, rub your eyes, suck your thumb. When you get sick & infect your parents, grandparents or your children, then maybe you will find empathy & reasoning behind why this process is lasting much too long for people, like yourself, that have no patience. I would rather have it eradicated fully than have it rebound & have to start this process over. If that happens, you won’t be able to even go outside much less worry about going to work. On another note. Had you been saving & planning for a rainy day, or a lock down, you would happily set at home instead of worrying how you are going to pay your bills. I have a years salary saved. I’m not worried.
That’s all good and well but it is fiscally impossible for most of the people in this country let alone the rest of the world to car enough to get through a 4 month lockdown which is at the least what this should have been. I’m not in favor of giving people money up to $99,000 a year. If they couldn’t save enough how are people living on $35,000 or less a year like most of the world and America. If you make $75,000 a year how can you not have saved up enough for these two months or whatever it is. It’s an attempt by the president and others to buy votes. To be clear I agree that most should be able to get through this time but for the bottom half it would wipe most or all of their savings for many.
Agentp you are too ignorant to have a plan for anything
She got that Thunder Pumpkin.
It’s getting harder to distinguish COVID-19 mitigation and fascism.
Given your obvious lack of any intellectual firepower whatsoever, there’s no real surprise that you are unable to discern the difference. Thankfully, folks as willfully dumb as you generally don’t have jobs with much responsibility, so there is at least some limit to your influence. You are a dangerous moron whose actions may well be killing people.
He’s probably that guy at Publix who wasn’t wearing a mask and standing two feet behind me.
Wow you really have no clue
I see we may be headed back to “Comments Turned Off For This Post” land.
Agreed. Nice story about the Braves until the trolls hijacked it.
Once again TR. Anything directly or indirectly related to the pandemic needs to be shut down for comments. Tired of these ridiculous arguments. If you guys want to argue about all this go to Fox News.
Or maybe you can just stop reading the comments.
Why should he stop reading the comments? He is looking for relevant baseball related comments.
Priggs maybe you prefer all this political crap. The rest of us come for baseball talk.
Hey Priggs why don’t you stop posting and go find some politcal site and spew you political theories there?
Hey, I thought this was a baseball site.
What’s all this crap about politics. You guys are something else. In case you numskulls forgot, the post is about Major League Baseball teams paying their game employees so they can survive. Take the politics to another forum please.
Too bad world leaders don’t visit this site. Looks like some of you have it all figured out.
If they need to I hope they pay the workers. Can we just keep it to baseball if I wanted to read about political stuff I would go to Facebook or Twitter. I understand it’s part of the game right now but I can care less let’s just keep it on baseball please.
God, please bring baseball back ASAP to fill the void in all these bickering seam heads. This pandemic has everyone acting like a bunch of John Rockers. Kenny Powers does not approve.
I’ve read some of the comments pertaininng to the virus & I wish people were better informed. The more informative name for it is SARS-CoV-2. I wish the media was calling it SARS-V2 instead of COVID-19 because the real threat is the severe respiratory disease that can occur while the body fights the virus. There are now
1.7M cases world wide with the USA becoming the leader in deaths & growth in cases now. Some 20% of those or 350K suffer a lot with the virus. Some 6.1% of those infected die during that suffering. SARS related diseases can cause inflammation in
the respiratory system & if it doesn’t kill you that can make it difficult to swallow food & breath the rest of your life. Will all of the 20% die in 10 or 20 years? Why is no one in the media asking that question & why aren’t the experts pondering it?
It is not just people who were already sick that are dying. It’s anybody that is already
experiencing respiratory problems before getting infected. Some 50M Americans fight the typical flu every year & many of those experience respiratory problems when they do. If they get this SARS virus then they are likely to be part of the 20% group.
The worst news to come out on this virus is that there is a “don’t suffer at all” sub group in the large 80% “suffer a little” group. Experts don’t know the size of the “don’t suffer” group but these cases fail the eye test. Only a blood test reveals they have the virus. What does “flattening the curve” really mean? It means slowing the growth
to where the healthcare system here has the capacity to treat the “suffer a lot” group
without having to add more beds. This group means live events can not re-open without 1) living with potential new cases & deaths OR 2) mandatory blood tests for access to the event.
There are test kits out there that deliver a + result as quickly as 2 min. Attending live events & cinemas again will take considerably more time. Healthcare workers have
to be on spot for a + result & social distancing needs to be enforced until people have been cleared after testing. The next time you go out to shop wear eye/sun glasses.
You live in the windy city. Someone with the virus parked next you just needs to cough, spit, or in the coming months sweat on your car. Depending on how the wind blows it could lift some of that right into your eye. You’re infected then. This virus can live up to 5 days on the hard surface of your car.
I think MLB in the AZ ST parks can be a leader in showing Americans how this can work. First prove to Americans that the game can be played in the parks for 2 months
without fans & then open the parks to some fans in early Aug. Ban adjacent parking. Put plenty of space between cars. They can partner with blood bank non-profits like LifeSource to both perform testing & collect blood donations. MLB can offer discount tickets for those who donate blood.
A MLB banner can be simple & positive:
Come to the parks, get tested, give blood, enjoy the game, & save a life.
Blood transfusions can be the difference between life & death for those who “suffer a lot.” It holds back the growth of the virus in the body while heathcare workers try to jump start the person’s immune system to fight off the respiratory disease.