Major League Baseball is doing its part to find a cure for the devastating coronavirus. Twenty-seven of the league’s 30 teams are participating in a study which could test around 10,000 people for coronavirus antibodies, according to Jeff Passan of Stanford University, the University of Southern California and the Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory are running the study.
“This is the first study of national scope where we’re going to get a read on a large number of communities throughout the United States to understand how extensive the spread of the virus has been,” Stanford Dr. Jay Bhattacharya stated (via Passan), adding: “Why MLB versus other employers? I’ve reached out to others, but MLB moved by far the fastest. They’ve been enormously cooperative and flexible. We’re trying to set up a scientific study that would normally take years to set up, and it’s going to be a matter of weeks.”
Bhattacharya hopes to get the results by week’s end, Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic relays. It’s unclear which teams aren’t partaking in this study, but we have confirmation of some of those that are in the mix. The Pirates (via Jason Mackey of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette), the Mariners (Greg Johns of tweets), the Tigers (according to Jason Beck of, the Athletics and Giants (Susan Slusser of the San Francisco Chronicle notes), the Astros (per Chandler Rome of the Houston Chronicle) the Phillies (Scott Lauber of the Philadelphia Inquirer relays) and both New York clubs (Tim Healey of Newsday reports) are among those lending a hand.
It’s clear that the league would stand to benefit financially from baseball returning as soon as possible, but it doesn’t seem that’s its primary focus in taking part in this study. Rather, Dr. Daniel Eichner – the president of Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory – told Passan: “MLB did not partner with us for any selfish reason to get their sport back sooner. They jumped in for public health policy. That was their intention and their only intention.”
Play Ball!
Please and thanks!
Ahhhh the Astros….if you have antibodies, bang the trash lid slowly…..
Seems like a relatively homogenous group to be testing. I hope they get a lot more people involved. This is all part of a necessary process. Good for baseball getting involved. I’ve been recruiting for and participating in CPS-3 for over 10 years along with over 300,000 people. I hope this leads to some good information.
In what way is do you mean baseball homogenous? I hope you don’t mean ethnicity. The MLB is very diverse with players from all over the world.
Simple random sample!
They’re searching for antibodies, meaning the theory seems to be that a number of the players already had it and simply never exhibited symptoms. Which isn’t surprising, most players are elite athletes, young and have great respiratory health. The players are almost an ideal group in that scenario
Imagine being a fan of a team who isn’t helping. I can probably think of a couple.
3 S’s! sports, sex and screen have been used by many illegitimate governments of the world to gain popularity and to let people forget about politics. funny thing is current administration has provided sex and dramas on tv screens in bunches!
You sound angry
nope! just watch the dumbo on tv. he is funny!
CNN is not a valid source of news when it’s owned by David Levy, a registered Democrat.
How is a legally elected government “illegitimate”? How is a President praises by experts on corona and who was the first to act on it, “funny”?
How about Biden’s list of sexual assault allegations? Doesn’t matter because he’s a Dem? How about Billy and Monica? Before your time?
Ah all your posts over the past month make sense now.
and fox news isn’t a valid source of news since it’s owned by registered republicans.
and yet, you guys take it as gospel.
oh, and you know hair fuhrer has a ton of sexual allegations as well, right?
oh wait, he’s a christian according to you guys (while zero democrats are), so he can’t be a rapist (just an adulterer, a lover of incest, water sport enthusiast, etc..), so he can’t be a rapist (guess those 50 plus accusers just seduced him, reich?)
CNN passes itself off as a serious news organization. Fox News is upfront with their leanings. There is no mystery to Fox News. MSNBC and CNN claim to be “mainstream”. They aren’t.
mfm, you sound like a leftist and that’s cool. Society is still waiting for a leftist to show class, dignity and not pass judgement or place blame. Also known as leading by example. It will never happen since leftest democrats are angry by nature. That is a historical fact. They just change the targets of their angst.
Isn’t fox news’ slogan “Fair and Balanced” tho? All news media’s claim they are unbiased and the other ones are biased. WHAT?!! Someone has AN OPINION????? That’s craaazy I’d have never guessed that…..
Pretty easy to be angry when you watch tards steal your money year after year, and then claim that said benefactors are destroying the very country they literally keep afloat.
But you’re welcome, red stater.
So…you like successful (rich) people as long as they tell you what you want to hear.
Yeah, you’re a real saint.
You just described the low-income voter base for the Democrat party. I am also not affiliated with any political party. However, you are a leftist casting judgement and you proved my point. Thank you. And you’re welcome.
You know nothing of our countries politics.
How is a legally voted in government illegitimate?
Does Biden get a pass from you for his sexual assault allegations?
How about the amount of lies coming from Dems daily?
The ones who have been criticizing the president of the free world will be the first ones in lie to cash their stimulus checks.
Hey thetruth, clam up you stupid idiot.
More proof of leftist angst.
You’re either angry or ran out of medication during this pandemic.
Wild Bill,
How wild are you actually?
Not wild while self-isolating.
Last time I checked this was a baseball site. Please keeps your political views to yourself. I for one don’t feel this is a proper forum for this discussion.