MLB and the players are kicking around all kinds of ways to play a season in 2020. In today’s video, Jeff Todd explains why it’s too early to cancel.
By Tim Dierkes | at
MLB and the players are kicking around all kinds of ways to play a season in 2020. In today’s video, Jeff Todd explains why it’s too early to cancel.
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Of course it’s too early to cancel.
What makes this flu so tough to deal with its contagion rate and our inability to fight it.
Once a tested reliable treatment is found, we can get back to life as normal.
And since no one knows when that will happen, it is too early to cancel.
Good lord
You do realize it is not a flu?
Unfortunately which news network you follow determines your education level on this virus.
Apparently lol
What about the people that are working in hospitals (or first responders like me) and even doctors who say this isn’t as bad as the media portrays it to be?
East about the actual facts that prove the numbers are skewed by the media, CDC/WHO and misleading the country? Because right now, the numbers just aren’t there for this type of reaction.
What doctors are you talking about? The ones in your head? The health officials and medical experts are the ones dictating this.
One month ago Philly barely had many cases. I can tell you one hospital currently expanded to have 5 ICU floors to care just for hospitalized cases. One month ago that had just one wing. That is just one of the many hospitals.
Certain areas have not been hit with this as bad as others and social distancing has played apart. If the population was able to roam at their free will without any restrictions the number of cases would be staggering. Severe cases are still coming in and we are essentially on lock down.
20% of those diagnoses require some form of hospitalization. Keeping the number of cases down will allow hospitals to treat.
There is not one person I know in the Philly area dealing with this on the front line that have said this is not that bad. I’m talking EMTs, nurses, and doctors. I can’t imagine what they are going through in some other hard hit areas as well.
We are not out of things yet. If we open things up too quickly things may get disastrous. We just need to be patient.
our sailors are not getting treated and one died today. what an unnecessary tragedy! l.a. doctors were given masks that are so outdated rubber bands are just popping off.
It’s like all the people who are “its not a big deal” types have never watched one of the dozens upon dozens of disaster/horror films there have been on pandemics for decades!
Some of us don’t follow news networks. Any of them. We choose to educate ourselves about things in other and deeper ways.
Are you aware that there are 7 different types of Coronavirus that can make you ill? They’ve been known about for awhile, just not by the general public. That’s why this form has been abused by state and local governments, to test the limits of their reach, so to speak. Because it’s called novel.
Meanwhile, nurses are being furloughed in parts of Wisconsin because the predicted surge never showed up.The cookie cutter approach to this is what is both maddening and foolish at the same time. Personalizing it for 340 million people is worse.
Being a in the medical field doesnt mean you aren’t an idiot. Why would a first responder no anything at all about pandemics? You wouldn’t. The numbers are actually there. Its not about deaths, people have to stop being so caught up with the number of fatalities, and understand the amount of people that have to be put in the ICU.
His name is DoctorDoom of course he’s lying
Tell that to the people that have died in a relatively short period of time.
Ok, so you watched a video or two on YouTube, what exactly is your point?
No, the ones I work with. lol look at the CDC on coding for CD-19 deaths. If they assume the death is caused by CD-19 it’s marked on their death certificate. COPD patients who died from their illness are marked as CD patients even if they had no symptoms. You’re being misled and played by the media. The numbers are skewed.
Let’s get past semantics and just have a conversation.
Actually, it is a flu but no is “the” flu. Both are viral infections that attack the respiratory system. Both can lead to pneumonia and cause death. The difference between the regular flu viruses and the Covid-19 virus is there is no vaccine as of yet and the regular flu has several established treatments for it. This virus is just new to fight and needs a new treatment regimen developed.
You’re right. The flu is worse. Reopen everything.
it is being reported just about everyday that certain drugs may work. what researchers are trying to find is what combination of drugs and what combination of them works most of time. it’s not an easy process and even with loosened approval process it will take months if not years.
Everyone watch Sweden. No social distancing except closing high schools and gatherings over 50-People. So far so good, the next few weeks will tell. Hi
we have 500k cases. lol. You people are actually insane.
Sweden’s curve is going straight up right now. Cases have doubled over the past 10 days.
Wrong. Check the data:
Almost doubled. They had 4600 cases on April 1st. Over 9600 as of today.
Developing a vaccine for an infection about which little is still known is no easy task. A vaccination is essentially a simulated infection to trick your immune system into creating antibodies to fight it.
Right now the CDC and other research labs are busy coping with the pandemic. It’s going to be a while before vaccines are developed.
Actually several potential vaccines have been developed around the world already. They are all being tested. several have started human trials already. This virus is being attacked on many different levels around the globe as we speak. From treatment to vaccines.
99% of those who died from coronavirus in Italy had other illness, average age: 79.5 (source:Italian health authorities via Bloomberg)
Among all COVID-19 patients with complete information on underlying conditions or risk factors, 94% were reported among patients with at least one underlying (pre-existing) condition (source: CDC).
You get the picture. Do your own research.
Too to
way too early. new cases are decreasing in many states. May and maybe June might be no go for travel, but even within that time the current plan may be able to go into effect.
He didnt say it was flu, he used flu as a comparison. And I would like 1 of u genius’ to explain how it’s any worse than flu other than lack of vaccine.
The death rate from the flu in the US is approximately 0.1%. The death rate from COVID-19 in the US is likely somewhere between 2-6%. You still probably won’t die from it, but your comment is completely ignorant because it is (statistically-speaking) 20-60 times more deadly than the flu.
The one issue bbballblk is he is comparing flu mortality rates for an entire season with current COVID-19 cases. As the accurate number of cases are reported the mortality rate should drop. A German study found that at least 15% of the population there had the virus and either didn’t even know it or showed mild symptoms. If this statistic holds here then this is right in line with the flu. So, you can’t trust the mortality numbers just yet.
As far as 20-60 times more deadly, that depends on who you are. If you have lung issues, a heart condition, or are obese then it will be bad for you.
I think the original poster is correct in the sense that we can’t stay on lock down for much longer. Many people don’t even have enough food or money to make it another week or so and some of us are worrying about protecting a bunch of boomers and those with weal immune systems (like me). Let the boomers stay home and practice social distancing.
Here’s a thought experiment:
I put the over under for the MLB season starting May 31st.
I put the over under for the riots to start on May 15th.
Am I off on this?
Darth, I agree with you that the “final” numbers (once we can get ALL citizens able to take the antibodies test) of the mortality rates will go down. Your point is correct that many have had the disease but never got tested (therefore don’t get counted). I know about a dozen people in two different states who fit this profile. But, I also heard on a news program (sorry, I forget which one…usually I like to cite my sources) that MANY people are dying from Covid who didn’t get tested, and therefore aren’t getting counted in the mortality rate totals. For example: in NYC, on average there are some 25 people/day who die at home under normal pre- covid conditions. Right now, that number has jumped to over 200/day. How many COVID-19 deaths? We’ll probably never know. In about 3 years I think the data will have a mortality rate one percentage, and then a “likely died via covid” percentage as well. It does seem, very likely due to social distancing, that the mortality rates will eventually start to come down. As low as the annual flu? My guess is not.
Yes. You are way off. Every single thing about your comment is way off.
Thejet must be a grounded–both literally and metaphorically. I guess you need a bailout?
Yes. You are off. This is not specifically a virus that “only” attacks “boomers”. People in their 40s have died and today an infant became infected. Would you feel the same if thousands of infants and kids became infected? Who says the virus can’t mutate and infect younger populations more easily? The argument to just let “boomers” isolate does not work. We need to be patient while recognizing people need food and shelter. There are factions working on those issues as well as treatments and vaccines. We need to be patient. It is the only way to win.
@thejet, care to say why you think my comment is way off? State your opinion man. I appreciate well thought out and compelling discourse. I am not a fan of saying “you suck because you suck.”
It is more deadly than the regular flu because A) there are vaccines for the regular flu, B) the strains of the regular flu have been around for a long time so people have built up antibodies to fight it off easier.. We do not know the real death rate yet because not a lot of testing had been done until recently.. There have been a spike in confirmed cases in the US because more testing has been done. With continued testing and more milder confirmed cases will be counted and the death rate will most likely drop.
@ gozurman1
Everything you said is 100% correct.
Which is more deadly, is all a matter of perception. The death rate is slightly below 4% in US right now, the flu is under 1%. But total cases for flu is over 20 million and coronavirus is little over 1/2 a million. And the avg healthy US adult isn’t gonna die from either. And, I would argue that the reports for coronavirus are skewed drastically high, bc I know some states were counting presumed cases as corona, meaning that there were no positive tests confirming it but they had the symptoms so it was counted as positive. Well, the problem with that is corona, flu, cold, allergies, bronchitis, and asthma all carry similar symptoms. So again, how is corona significantly worse than flu?
Fact. Coronavirus is believed to be more deadly than any strain of the flu. The flu causes approx 61,000 deaths per Year. We have had 21,000 in about 2 months. Fact: There are vaccines for some of the most severe Flu strains there is no vaccine for Corona. The reason the death rate numbers are lower (which is a good thing btw) and why some states are seeing lower numbers is because of social distancing. The initial projections and models from the government did not anticipate this much success in social distancing. Be patient people. It’s working. We need to stop saying this is the same or just as bad as the flu. For perspective, we are talking about 7 times the deaths on 9-11 so far and more to come. Most people felt we lost a lot of American lives on 9-11. This is serious. Not something we can just “isolate the boomers” from and everyone else can go watch baseball.
Season flu kills roughly 0.1%. Corona is roughly in the 2% range. That is 20x more dangerous.
Corona virus attacks the body in multiple ways. Severe cases end up needing hospitalization leading to oxygen support and some requiring ventilation. You see pneumonia as a by product of the illness. What is under reported is how else this virus attacks the body’s ability to carry oxygen. It attacks the hemoglobin inside your blood stream. Basically hemoglobin is like a train car. The more train cars you have allows the body can carry more oxygen. Without those cars (hemoglobin) the body cannot properly exchange Oxygen and CO2. Its a little bit more severe than I have pneumonia and cant breath well. This virus can potentially attack your red blood cells in a violent manner. A lot of these patients also develop pretty severe renal issues leading to dialysis.
Ok. No disputing that. The death rate say 20x that of corona. But even with vaccines and endless studies on flu, ur 40x more likely to get flu. And, dont mean this discount anybody’s condion, but 99% of avg healthy adults with normal strong healthy functioning immune system, will recover. Its dangerson for ppl with compromised immune systems. But everything is a risk to those ppl, flu, corona, pneumonia, heart disease, everything.
The death rate among actual closed cases in the US is 21%.
No it’s not. U need to look at cdc numbers not whatever ur looking at, and its 3.9%
Exactly! It’s like, how is this any different from getting shot while wearing a bullet proof vest other than the lack of a bullet proof vest?
@Ricky Adams: You’re an idiot. Go away.
I see no reason why we can’t explore how to continue mlb or any other activity for that matter in a safe and respectable way. That negative militant mindset that seems to automatically combat and argue any suggestion otherwise isn’t benefiting anyone. I think it’s a positive thing to try and talk about how we can continue as a nation and a world to find ways to continue on with our day to day lives.
Agreed. Some people are so hysterical they want people to be confined to their homes, depending on government handouts to survive indefinitely. I don’t care what happens with the baseball season, I just want regular people to be able go to work and not be forced into poverty over something that has a mortality rate of around 2%. If you are of compromised health, then continue to stay home. Set the rest of us free.
mortality rate may be low for you but ever consider how medical personnel literally risk their lives to keep it low? many have contacted the virus themselves and still working with much less than necessary proper protective gears? why add more burdens to them? stay home and, maybe, read a book for the first time in years!
I have RN’s and other medical professionals in the family and was married to an RN before she passed away. They were risking their lives on a daily basis in every ICU in every hospital in the country before this virus and will continue to do so well after this virus is controlled. There are people in every hospital with deadly communicable diseases all the time. You have no idea how many days my wife would come home from a shift in the ICU and the first thing she would tell me of the patients coming in with ________ bug . Had one pregnancy that she tested positive for one of the nasty bugs that you don’t want to be positive for while pregnant. Remember these hospital employees when this virus has run it’s course. You can breath a sigh of relieve. The hospital employees will be dealing with the more seriously ill people with infectious diseases and no one will ever think about them because it won’t be in the news all day every day.
People are running out of money. “Staying home and reading a book” might be an option for some, but when you are down to your last few hundred dollars because the government deemed you nonessential and have mouths to feed your outlook changes.
I understand. I am currently out of work and using savings too. But I also think this is real and letting people out right now to “get the economy going” will just lead to more illness, thus weakening the economy further. We are in this for the long haul and it probably won’t get better without a vaccine or very successful treatments. We both need to seek other ways to feed hungry mouths because waking up everyday telling people this isn’t that bad is not reality. This is bad and we need to take it seriously.
It’s boomers. They’ve been practicing inter-generational theft for years. Why stop now?
I’m banned from using that word, lol
Someday your kids’ generation will blame yours for everything they perceive as being wrong in their lives. 😀
Why are stupid people so fixated on the death rate, and not the hospitalization rate? What do you think happens to the death rate if people cant go to the hospital?
Another overlooked factor is that things like heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, etc don’t take a break just because of a pandemic.
Good luck if you or a loved one has a heart attack and all the hospitals are packed, the staff is ill, all the EMT’s are sick, and so on.
You do understand that you, right now, could be a carrier and subsequently infect 5-10 people everyday you are “set free”. This is not the flu. Listen to the health professionals. This is real. I am sorry we can’t watch baseball. I’d like to also. But this is what a pandemic is. A disease that spreads around the world. This one has no cure. People in their 20s, 30s and 40s have died. An infant tested positive today. I wonder how all the mothers feel about you wanting to be “set free”. Personally, I think they will have a vaccine in the fall for healthcare workers and others sometime thereafter. The treatments are getting better also. In conjunction with isolation and people NOT continually saying “the media” is blowing this out of proportion we will get through this. But it’s real. We need to face facts and not cite flu stats or some stats about how Taiwan is playing baseball. We are not Taiwan. Things are different here.
Just in case it’s not clear (I think it is from the video), I am very much NOT advocating for an immediate return to “normal” that doesn’t account for the very real, very serious public health issues we face. Let alone doing so merely for the purpose of staging baseball games.
Start the season already. Teams can play in their home parks. No fans.. televise all games. Maybe youtube them. The teams all live, play and travel together, so if everyone is healthy, there is nothing to worry about.
First, you are assuming that all the players are ok with you putting their lives in jeopardy. Yes, people in their 20s, 30’s and 40’s have died from this. Probably even people that were good at baseball too. The virus doesn’t care. Secondly, you need people to open the park for the players, work on the field, work the cameras and televise equipment, work in TV control rooms, open the clubhouse, cook food for the players, work as medical trainers for the injured, work security and more. The players don’t just show up and start playing. There are a lot of people that support this and are necessary. I miss baseball too. But about 21,000 people just died in 2 months. More on the way. No baseball unless there is a vaccine or fail proof treatments.
The players put their lives in greater jeopardy when they board a plane to travel to a road game, or stand in the batter’s box inches from where a pitcher throws a 95-mph fast ball.
One-off cases of deaths of young, seemingly healthy people doesn’t change this at all.
We cannot live in fear. Protect the vulnerable, and get the rest of us back to LIVING as soon as reasonable. Otherwise, residual deaths and poverty will make the virus itself look like a picnic.
you can get a high-paying job in new york carrying corpses out of hospitals!
@renbutler Someone who gets it. Most people are brainwashed and terrorized out of their minds going off these ridiculous comments.
I worry about the guys in the dugout and bullpen, all packed together. Some of the older managers and coaches around the league could fall ill and pass away.
Everyone wants to see baseball, but some things are just more important.
You can have the coaches sit away from the players. There are no fans, let them sit in the front row. As far as workers at the stadium… screen them. Make sure they are healthy. Start getting back to normal.
Of course it’s too early to cancel, that’s a no brainer.
It’s also too early to plan a return unless you have no brain.
This is a ridiculous waste of time. Nothing will happen because someone planned it. How utterly absurd to think that.
Everything will happen at some unknown point in time. This is not a pregnancy where we’re going to birth a season on a particular date. It’s not a surgery with a predictable recovery period. There’s no calendar, no alarm clock, no expiration date, no ticking bomb.
This too shall pass but we don’t know when. We can only affect how bad it will be for the country.
No one is blowing this out of proportion, no one is fear mongering, no one is over reacting. What we do have is an utterly foolish misunderstanding of the pandemic by an unfortunate segment of the population who can best be called know nothings. Sadly, they come here.
Not too early to plan. You alter the plans until the plan actually goes into action. You have to come up with various contingency plans so when it comes time to put an actual plan into action you can do so easily and you are prepared to have the plan work…This is exactly the right time to plan and to keep planning as days go by. No planning means failure and lost seasons, lost revenue and teams that will cease to exist which will mean even more lost revenue..
I understand what you are saying and you’re right about having a plan. My issue is with the timing, the timing that no one can predict. Baseball is the least of our problems and frankly, I don’t really care whether they play or not. The reality is that we didn’t plan for the pandemic, we should have, but our leaders failed us mightily. Planning for the return of the economy has one single risk factor, the pandemic. If you go back to work on a Monday or a Tuesday it’s not much of a difference, but if the curve comes back, we are toast. It will be worse to the economy the second time. That’s my point, when the reopening happens is one big crap shoot right now. If we get it wrong it’s a huge problem. If we wait a little longer than we have to, it’s not a very big problem. In time, everything will come back.
It was early to cancel in February, but you are running on the timeframe our moron government is using, don’t do that. I’d rather no season than a 2 month (Nov-Dec) one.
But based on how things have progressed with testing treatment etc, I can see MLB playing in fanless venues by late June or early July latest. Do not think anyone is planning for a 2 month season at this point. I do not ever think they would pay a 2 month season .
and a lot of us (myself included) would rather have a 2 month season that none at all
Governor Abbott of Texas is devising a plan to get our state back up and running. It won’t be all at once, but a well devised plan with certain safety precautions is feasible. This will do a lot for the morale of folks. In the meantime “fanless” games seems appropriate. I am a senior citizen and a season ticket holder for the Rangers. Since I am in the higher risk category because of my age, I have no problem with myself and my wife continue to stay at home while the state tries to resume activity and business. Just let me have my early senior hours to go to stores if I need to.
Sorry, but after serving my country, not you nor anyone else is going to tell me I can’t shop at certain times. You don’t like my constitutional rights then you can leave.
Possibly the worst take on here, and that is saying something.
So you are ok with telling certain classes of people that only other certain classes of people can shop or any other activity? That is discrimination no matter what kind of spin you put on it.
Sir, I appreciate your service to the country, and I had no intentions on violating your constitutional rights. We all have constitutional rights.
this is why our country is screwed. people need to get off their high horses. here’s how it works – you dont have the right to infringe upon the rights of others if someone gets a disease from you and dies from it you are depriving them of their rights. ergo you can be restricted from doing an activity that makes you likely to pass on the disease.
Really? Come and infringe my rights.
The virtue signaling curve will never be as flat as the curve for the infection rate. Absent a full 100% lock-down where even the would-be enforcers of the lock-down along with homeless would have to completely quarantine for some period of time like 14 days [in other words, pure fantasy], this ‘social distancing’ just prolongs the inevitable until a vaccine and/or solid diagnostics are developed & distributed. Our country is screwed because that’s the reality so far…no matter which high horse you happen to be riding on and it does not include all the pecuniary and non pecuniary damage that has been done.
Exactly, get off ur high horse. If u wanna stay locked up in ur house to stay safe and protected, then do so, but who r u to tell anyone else they have to, too? We all know it’s out there, we all know the symptoms, and risks. Let everybody choose for themselves. U know liberty, this isn’t fascist germany or communist russia.
Here’s the thing, Ricky, those “choices” don’t just impact the person making them. As people roll the dice, the virus lingers and spreads, making it so the high risk are faced with isolating until a vaccine is found.
Look at it this way- if you want to drive your car down a dark, desert highway at 125mph, with no one around, and no safety belt, while texting, that consequence is yours’ alone. That is your choice. Do it in the middle of New York, and now everyone risks suffering for your choice.
People have been getting diseases from other people for a long time now. You are going to stop it?
What’s wrong with trying?!?! Social distancing is working. Stopping the spread of disease saves lives.
This is not a right enshrined in the Constitution.
Ur journalist, what’s liberty mean? Freedom, right? So free about being told u have to stay locked up in ur house?
I like what our local costo did. There’s a line. Only 2 people per “party” allowed in. Only x number of people allowed in at a time. Lines are insane, but it’s better and more controlled than people running in like it’s black Friday and start mauling each other over the toilet paper.
@JClack here’s what your post reads like to me
“im white anger anger capitalism capitalism capitalism even if it kills us”
Not @JClack but you are really assuming much by what you are saying. A lot of people of just about every nationality, race, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation and any other label you want to come up with are angry over all of the crap cause by this freaking virus. Many people are angry because they are being told what they can and can not do on a daily basis and you are so off base in your name calling on this one. For all you know he or she could be a Native American Communist who is angry. At least you made me laugh at what you said. 🙂
@Jclack: you’re a moron. You *already* can’t shop wherever you want. I love you WannaBe tough jackwads who puff out your chests until it’s time to get serious. Then you just run off to mommy crying about your rights being infringed. You’re all cowards. The average American family has knuckled down and done the hard thing, the right thing. But no — you’re inconvenienced and not even tough enough to back up your own words by doing what is truly best for the country.
An anonymous keyboard warrior calling a veteran a coward? Lol, the irony.
Selfishness is what gets people killed.
Besides, stores are private businesses. They can set any hours / policies that they want.
I heard Governor Abbott also has a baseball team ready to play. I think Who’s on first. Couldn’t resist.
Cancel it what’s the point on playing 80 games?
Rather have 80 games than no games.
I’ll take 5 over none
Well, for one thing we’d get real baseball. Right now all we’ve got is people uploading PS4 games to YouTube.
“And the Rockies score their third straight shutout against the Dodgers as Bellinger strikes out four times.” Uh, sure Homer.
If they’re not cleared to play by late May, they might as well cancel the season.
Ah a Fox News gripe. Have you also compared anyone to Hitler lately?
What ?
The virus threat is mostly hype pushed by politicians and media. It isvery similar to global warming with many low level scientists pandering for popularity. The Governors and mayors can’t stay off of the tv. Make the HCQ a generic like aspirin and go back to normal. What a waste exploiting herd mentality.
Imagine backing your head into your own butt so hard you believe the opposite of everything even though its entirely wrong.
@Backatit: hey look, another coward moron. Who knew? What are you all mating with each other? You have NO CLUE what you’re talking about, but that surely hasn’t stopped your diarrhea of the mouth, nor your constipation of the brain.
A certain segment of the country will complain about the federal government no matter what it does. They’ve been bred this way for generations (probably since the Reconstruction Era) and most don’t know why. If you’re the time that wants to kill other Americans to protect your “rights”, you’re the biggest part of the problem (toxic partisanship, domestic terrorism, intolerance).
*If you’re the TYPE
1. COVIT-19 is not media hype. I wish it were.
2. Climate change is real.
3. HCQ is used to treat malaria. Malaria is caused by a parasite, not a virus. You might as well take sugar pills.
DrDan75 I think you’re spot on. I do have a question for you (if you’re not actually Dr please don’t answer ). HCQ is used treat Malaria, that’s true. But I think what makes it successful vs Malaria is what could make it successful with Covid. Doesn’t HCQ help the Malaria infection because Malaria, like Covid, impedes hemoglobin production? Even though one is a parasite/bacterial and the other is viral, couldn’t their destruction both be treated with HCQ if it helps stimulate hemoglobin?
COVID does attack the heme on hemoglobin molecules. This attack kills off the hemoglobin and does not allow it to do its job of transporting oxygen.
This is one reason you see a lot of people develop low pulse ox levels.
HYdroxychloroquine is suppose to block certain “factors” from attacking the heme sparing it from cell death. This allows it to do its job of transporting Oxygen. HYdroxychloroquine doesn’t stimulate hemoglobin but more or less spares it.
Good to know, Thank you. So much of this quest for a treatment, a cure, a vaccine etc is fascinating to follow. Godspeed to those on the frontlines making a difference. Social distancing is working as well. Let’s do our part too! Baseball will be back, when the time is right!
HCQ is also used to treat Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Neither of those are caused by parasites either. HCQ has been found to help combat the symptoms of COVID+19. Many doctors in many hospitals in many countries have been using it with success. I guess your “sugar pills” are working in the field quite well.. Go ahead and ignore the medical professionals and the researchers that are;advocating it’s use.
Anyone using MLB Rumors to stay current with the COVID – 19 might as well be watching Fox News.
CNN and the major networks are not any better. I have been watching them all and all are now more opinion shows and not straight up news anymore. They all report what they want you to hear.
Any person/network suggesting the numbers of infected or deceased as a result of the pandemic are inflated for (political purposes) have zero credibility. Certain people don’t like being told the truth, hence the echo chamber fringe news networks/talk radio/blogs.
They are all about ratings and making money, regardless of their political leanings.
BTW, does Anderson Cooper ever sleep? Asking for a friend.
I’m not really sure if this is directed at MLBTR itself, but …
1) We are not remotely posing as a source of information on the coronavirus. We are discussing it from a baseball perspective and really only offering light commentary on MLB planning.
2) We take the public health situation extremely seriously and are not remotely suggesting that anyone do otherwise. Please review the video itself and our coverage of this matter in its entirety.
Cranberries to Apples
MLB should absolutely call the season now. Pro sports require lots of people in relatively close quarters, that’s like, the one thing we cannot live with until there is a cure.
MLB already called off parts of ’81, ’94 and ’95, this isn’t even unprecedented in the league.
Still to soon to cancel. If nothing changes in 2 months, then consider cancelling. No harm by not cancelling now.
Here’s Dr. Strike still pushing that cure nonsense even though a virus can’t be cured. If the amount of people it takes to play a baseball game can’t get come togethere then nothing can. They even said coaches and managers may sit in the stands to start off. Its plenty safe and can’t wait til sports come back!
doesnt do anyone any good to cancel now.
No. Wait it out. No need to make that kind of decision.
At first I thought the headline said “In favor of MLB’s barnstorming.”
Now that would be cool.
i did too at first
For those that think it’s no worse than the flu or that people are acting “hysterical”, what happens if we start baseball back up on May 31 and somebody tests positive for Covid? Be it a player, coach, training staff, media etc etc, what does MLB do? Have a plan for that because it will happen. You cannot risk this spreading through a team’s locker room, front office, etc etc. As much as I hate to say it, I don’t see how have sports this year.
**No plan may go forward without ownership and players union approval.
Thank you keep dreaming…
well duh. what says that wolnt happen though
Every other business: we need to reopen ASAP
Baseball: you monsters! How can you even think of reopening?
Reopening anything in this current state of affairs is asinine. Full stop.
I love reading all you whiners, cowards, morons, and jackwads proclaiming how this is all “made up”. Have you been to a hospital recently, you chicken crap big mouths? I *dare* you. Go. See what’s really happening. And then STFU.
There is a better chance of contracting the virus at a hospital than self-isolating, so no I haven’t visited. Maybe if you had a thoughtful comment we could take your act serious.
What’s with the massive pessimism and doom & gloom with the Trade Rumors staff?????
theyre responding to all of the loonies in the comments who want things closed for the rest of eternity because things *could* last 12-18 months until there’s an improvement.
The United States is at the peak right now. Chinas leak ended after 6 weeks. Theres no reason to believe that the US peak wont end in the same timeframe. We’re nearly 3 weeks into the peak. Its way to early to even think about cancelling the insane. There’s no way in hell that happens.
At the latest Baseball in July. No BS Arizona and Florida nonsense either.
New York Gov. Cuomo: ‘The worst is over if we continue to be smart’ about coronavirus…
The worst is over so why is there talk of the season ending?
The economy is about to be restarted.
Public health officials will help us all be prudent.
The MLB games will be played to an empty stadium.
What is this massive unreasonable paranoia?
We have all been isolated for weeks now.
If you don’t get contaminated and no one else has it then in 2 weeks we’re in good shape.
It’s been 3-4 weeks since the lock down.
If (the MLB) reopens in May or June how is that unreasonable to be considered?
Yes, of course we don’t want to restart the contagion. And we won’t. That’s what experts are for. And the experts are saying we will be ok very soon.
You can’t hide forever.
This is definitely a topic that should have had comments turned off. The percentage of baseball-related comments here has to be in the single digits.
well yeah, because this is bigger than baseball
Might as well shut the site down then, right. Bc theres very little baseball activity to discuss right now.
How do you not talk about a world event that’s precisely the reason there isn’t baseball tonight? I mean given the title of the video/link, this is exactly the place for it. You had to somewhat anticipate the content, right? I hate when people want to censor everything.
Baseball has a GOLDEN opportunity to put itself back in the public eye. Years of bad television deals has limited the number of people that can actually watch a game.
I remember growing up in Southeastern North Carolina, I could regularly turn on Braves games. Now I’m out of their market and unless I pay for MLB.TV, I have to rely on hoping they’re on National TV once a week.
Thankful to Twitter and the apps like this to keep up as best as possible, but what difference does it make if a majority of fans can’t turn on games to begin with?
it also has golden opportunity soil itself if the pandemic break out on it. why take undue risks?
Of course you “don’t cancel the season already”. What’s the upside in doing that now? Absolutely nothing. I will say that regardless knowing what we know about everything it is going to be incredibly difficult to have a season though. I would put the odds under 50% they do have a season, and if they start up they could easily have to shut down again too. But canceling now would be idiotic and pointless.
Models continue to way overestimate this, both in geographies with intensive and very lax social distancing. Cases are so low all it will lead to is another pandemic outbreak. Time to ease social distancing to shorten the curve. Play ball!
sweden tried it and regret, now.
Wrong. Check the data my friend.
I think one of the biggest game-changers (in the near term) will be the tests for antibodies. Once we have them (and they are actually working!) it will become feasible to staff an empty stadium with “immunity certificate” employees. H*ll, if I turn out to be immune and my home team Jays need someone to sweep up the trash or cook hot dogs for the players, *I* will volunteer!
Obviously, baseball should not take resources away from more pressing needs. But I suspect that there are enough bozos like me (grin) who are of limited use in a hospital but who could do grunt work in a mlb stadium if they were immune.
I think you’re on the right track.
What we really need is an accurate, 5 minute test for COVID 19.
If it’s expensive then have the government pay for it and make it available to all of us as it has to be cheaper than the alternative of shutting down everything.
Something as easy to take as your temperature and 100% accurate in minutes.
If we had that test people could know where they stand immediately.
That way they could isolate themselves immediately.
If we can find out if a woman is pregnant in 5 minutes. Then.
Why not a 5 minute COVID 19 test available free to everybody?
It will cost money that our “leaders” in Washington D.C. don’t want to pay for.
One question- what will be the league’s stance on players who are uncomfortable risking their health and/or lives if they were to play? I believe that should be taken into account.
I don’t know how many people comment here, but we obviously have differing opinions among us. There’s no reason to believe 1000+ players wouldn’t as well.
Would there be consequences, or would they be allowed to sit without penalties?
My guess is that the league will allow any player the “option” to play or not play in 2020 and if they chose to opt out of playing their contract would still be in force in 2021 just as if 2020 never happened contractually for that player.
There may be a special way this could be mandated by the President and Congress not only for baseball but for all of our citizens.
Very valid point. My point all along is ppl should choose whether they wanna go out or stay in. Well, using my own argument, the players should be of same right. And if, they choose they dont wanna take the risk, they should be able to do so, without consequence. But we also know that may not be case. They’d still have to deal with owners, GM’s, managers, teammates, fans, media, etc
If and when they start to play will they have to stop chewing, spitting, clearing their noses on the ground, have separate water bottles, no tubs of Gatorade to share, wear masks and nitrile gloves, carry their own hats and bats back to storage racks, no yelling or cheering in the dugout and no face to face with umpires. And lastly no umpires yelling out balls, strikes and outs, just hand signals for that.
Asking for open discussion usually leads to name calling. These are all opinions and we all are allowed to have them. If you don’t agree… tough.
How come I never heard of any of the other 18 COVIDs?
The 19 signifies the year it was discovered. It’s not the 19th version…