11:48am: GM James Click says the hope is for Alvarez to return on Friday, as Rome further reports. There’s no new concern, it seems. Alvarez has simply not progressed quite as quickly as hoped. Click indicate he still believes Alvarez will be ready for Opening Day.
9:52am: Astros outfielder/DH Yordan Alvarez has been dealing with a seemingly minor knee injury. But it’s an increasing threat to his readiness for the upcoming season.
Houston manager Dusty Baker says that Alvarez won’t appear on Wednesday as had been scheduled, Chandler Rome of the Houston Chronicle reports on Twitter. His precise timeline is unclear and it’s now uncertain whether he’ll be able to on the active roster on Opening Day.
Alvarez did say just yesterday that he has seen improvement in the joint, as Rome reported. And he expressed optimism about his ability to return for the start of the season.
The precise issue isn’t entirely clear, but Alvarez has indicated it is more or less the same sort of discomfort he faced during the 2019 season. Those problems didn’t prevent him from marauding through MLB pitching, but there’s obviously ample good reason to ensure that the 22-year-old is at full health in advance of his sophomore campaign.
At the moment, there’s no indication that any invasive or other more significant treatment is under consideration. The ’Stros can afford to be patient. While the team would unquestionably miss Alvarez’s big left-handed bat during any absence, it can fill in by handing over more opportunities to Kyle Tucker and others.
Seems like an easy way to get paid to sit out during the heated Houston season opener week(s)
You thinking that is a factor in any situation involving the Astros players is comical.
Hey, at least it’s a different take.
Wrong take though. Alvarez wasn’t in Houston while the crimes were being committed. Guilty by association it seems..
Maybe if he bangs his knee on a trash can it’ll alleviate his discomfort.
does sidelining him give Alvarez a chance to bang the trashcan lid for his teammates? A better chance to make the team. mmm
Can’t wait to watch this team reap it this year, lol
Missing a few days in ST is reaping it?
Don’t forget whistling and buzzers. I rewatched jesus luzardo debut vs astros last season and clearly hear whistling just before delivering the pitches
They need him 2 make the noise now that there 26th man Trash Can is suspended.
Trash can joke. Buzzer joke. Karma comment. Cheater comment. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Get used to it.
mad bro?
No, thanks for asking though, bro.
You seem to be, you made a comment about it. Bro.
The Trashstros should be viewed as the joke of baseball for at least the next 50 years. If you’re a fan and disagree, you are a peabrain who would have “just followed orders” in WW2 – that’s facts and what every non-homer Astros fan thinks of you.
Find a new team to root for, dummies…
Ok bro. Just checking. Fooled me bro. It’s something the organization and more unfortunately the fans will have to deal with. It will be annoying but what do you expect?
Ahh the false equivalency punchlines referencing Naziism and genocide or criminal law. Never gets old.
“My team can NEVER do anything wrong” always gets old.
Nazis, bro? Bro? Nazis? That’s a stretch. You ever read beyond page one of that history book? Keep reading, it gets better – we won.
Understood, Padres (bro), no harm done. I’m not an Astros fan or, believe it or not, a Nazi. Heads up on Strike Four, though, he’s out to settle a few historical scores. I think he’s put-in a hard week on a few Netflix docs. Studious lad – morally impenetrable in his stance against genocide. A leader. He’s gone rogue. A maverick. An outlaw. Best of luck to your Friars this year, Padres (bro).
LMAO guy calls Astros fans Nazis. Knew you were a joke but come on. First you came with the white guilt, now everyone you don’t like is a Nazi, just go back to Twitter or something. And you act like we’re the toxic ones.
Stop talking about nono so comments don’t get closed like on several other pages, I want 2 make family friendly Trashtro jokes.
We just have to figure out which Hollywood actor he is!
30 parks – you lost me when you made your first comment, you know, the “thats ol’ shtick routine” but after the last two, you’re winning me back. Keep it going kid!
BTW, pretty sure Yordan is taking some extra time to get used to pitching when he doesn’t know what pitch is coming…. just saying…
You guys all get that Yordan was not on the 2017 or 2018 teams he was a rookie last year or do you have proof they cheated last year. I get trashing the guys on the 2017 2018 teams, but why a rookie from last year?
Trash can jokes are still funny. There is nothing funny about Karma…
You forgot about the take away their championship comment!! lol
All I hear is waaa
All teams cheat. Astros got caught cheating twice so now I want to see what they get… should be any day.
Astros are a great team
Boston Red Sox got caught cheating twice now so I’m waiting for the for the news *
@lowtalker1 Sorry to tell ya, but all teams do not cheat. Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good about rooting for the cheating Astros lol.
Do pitchers on every team use a foreign substance on the ball?
Substances used to grip the ball and PEDs are like a 2/10 score on the cheating scale.
What the Astros do/did is 100000/10 cheating. Knowing what pitch is coming and eliminating sign-calling is changing the game so only one team can win. They ALL deserve lifetime bans and are going to deservedly get head injuries because of it. All Astros fans who didnt find a new team to follow: you are cowards for supporting this and ignoring facts and logic and I will never EVER respect you or anything you say..
“All teams cheat” what an absolute lie. You really are just lying to protect your fave team, but your fave team isnt above the game, and here you are supporting them being above the game. There are no “best fans” but there sure worst ones, and thats any Astros fan standing by their cowardly, loser team right now. Enjoy that * you peabrained dummies.
oh how will I leave with myself because Strike Four will never respect me for rooting for the Astros.
I represent all non-Astros fans in this case. So, take a look a look in the mirror. You are doing something terribly wrong here. Stop it.
I’m a non astros fan, and you’re a joke.
It all started with this gem of yours
“ Knowing what pitch is coming and eliminating sign-calling is changing the game so only one team can win.”
I didn’t realize the Astros lost zero games at home in 2017, and I didn’t realize they were a better offensive team at home in 2017. Hint: they didn’t and they weren’t.
“ Substances used to grip the ball and PEDs are like a 2/10 score on the cheating scale.”
Depending on the viscosity of the substance a ball can increase hundreds of RPM, altering the physics of a pitch and at times making it elite. The perceived velocity of pitches increases with spin and carry, and the movement on breaking balls increases with spin. Hitting is hard enough, and when pitches defy gravity, or move more than they should be able to it’s a big problem. It’s worse than PEDs, and it’s accepted.
“ deservedly get head injuries because of it”
“ All Astros fans who didnt find a new team to follow: you are cowards for supporting this and ignoring facts and logic and I will never EVER respect you or anything you say..”
I consider Astros fans somewhat brave, especially when we know there are psycho losers like you out there. Those same people that are braving your extremism likely don’t give a $h|+ about you.
“ 1919 Black Sox only team that’s close,”
Multiple teams spanning decades have used TVs, binoculars, whistles and phrases to illegally relay signs. The black Sox? At least use an example of players that cheated to gain an advantage over competition.
“ I am right and the arbiter of righteousness. You bow to me.”
I couldn’t duck low enough. You’re a tiny POS stuck on the heel of decent society.
Every MLB team has had some form of cheating one way or another, ranging from sign stealing to PEDs to foreign substances. Keep telling yourself teams aren’t trying to gain a competitive edge. Hate to break it to ya, just a fan, but you’d need to have your head buried in sand to even contemplate believing your comment.
@WereAllJustGuestsHere First of all sign stealing from second etc is not really considered “cheating”. It’s always been a part of the game, players will tell you that much. Individuals (notice the word individuals), chose to use PEDS. It was not a whole scale organizational operation to cheat like the Houston Astros. Big Difference
Just a fan
Individuals chose to participate in the Astros sign stealing scheme. Several players declined the information. Unfortunately, every human is imperfect, and I think you would see a similar percentage of participants across the board on all teams if everyone had an opportunity to know what was coming. The difference would be whether or not the manager put an end to it.
Tony Kemp was offered to use the system and declined, and was traded -because- of that. This is a foul franchise from top to bottom and they all need to go the way of Pete Rose.
this is false. He wasn’t traded for this. He was out of options and they had to make room on the roster.
Just a fan – stealing signs is perfectly fine. From the diamond and dugout without the use of technology, preferable. That isn’t the point. You said not all teams cheat. That’s blatantly ignorant. PEDs is still cheating no matter how you slice it. Players cheat. Organizations cheat. Players are using PEDs and haven’t been caught. Wake up and stop defending your stupidity.
Four – what Kemp did is good, right?
@ WereAllJustGuestsHere I agree that using PEDS is cheating. If you read my comment I stated those were individual decisions to use PEDS, not organizational. You said all teams cheat. What are ALL teams doing that is considered cheating? I’m curious
Why didn’t they trade Altuve and Reddick as well, S4? Or why did it take them three years to trade Kemp? You just made that up…
He was traded because the starters (Correa/Altuve/Springer) were coming back from injury and someone had to go. You left out that White and Stassi were also DFA around that time. Stop being misleading.
Oldoak – but at some point the players have to be adults too. They can’t skate because the manager allowed it, or because most people on other teams would respond accordingly. That is unsat fella. Anyhow, there are rules against cheating and cheaters. Get caught, get the penalty. You win the whole thing and get caught, that’s worst-case scenario for team, fans, and the sport. Astros were that team. It’s uncomfortable, it doesn’t make for a nice 2017 story 25 years from now, it shows they weren’t as good as they were supposed to be, etc. But it’s reality. And regardless of the responsive equivocation, nobody views this as anything less than one of the worst cheating scandals ever in the game. Truth hurts, but it’s still the truth.
Imbecile! You need to stop talking about a team you know nothing about. He was in a terrible slump. Houston had just traded Stassi to LAA and they needed a backup catcher. Cubs had an excess of catchers and Maldonado was a perfect fit.
Its perfectly fine to have an opinion no matter how awful it may be but if you’re going to make a statement at least be accurate.
If the Padres cheat, they are absolutely horrible at it
Bwahahahhhaa…a true LOL…
You cannot tell outright lies like this and act like you are telling the truth. MLBTR should take down every peabrain “all teams do it” posts, because there is zero proof of all 30 teams cheating in the same way the Astros did.
Show the proof of “all teams cheat” in the way the Astros cheated. 1919 Black Sox only team that’s close, and the 2017-19 Astros did much, much worse than they did.
Four – typically a whistleblower or two will help move that along. But if you truly believe 29 other teams aren’t doing something to gain an edge then the only person who should stop commenting is you. Because you aren’t paying attention. Baseball has been a game filled with men (and now women) who cheat. Professionally, personally, individually or as a team. Some cheating is worse than others. Astros methods are bad. Very bad.
We can’t prove teams knew of players cheating individually, but if anyone on here believes they did then so be it.
these comments are hardly the worst takes of these comment sections.
“Stop telling outright lies!”
[immediately lies about why Kemp was traded and then calls Astros fans Nazis]
Worst poster on this board without debate.
Does Dusty get boo’d?
I wouldn’t boo Baker. But the Garbage Pail Kids won’t get a free pass because their cheating team hired a manager I respect.
Every opposing team should give out mini trash cans when the Astros come to town. You know, confuse the batter
Bang! Buzz! Karma.
It is detestable that your profile picture is a tribute to Skaggs while assigning unfortunate occurrences such as injuries as karma, as though you are an arbiter of what is unjust or righteous.
Dont tear your hamstrings reaching like this!
I sincerely hope Alex Bregman, Carlos Correa, George Springer, Jose Altuve and every Astros player who used their “cheating system” all suffer career-ending injuries in some way, shape or form. I hope Cora and Beltran go bankrupt soon. Period. I am right and the arbiter of righteousness. You bow to me. If MLB isn’t going to do the right thing and ban them all for life, and instead take the cowardly way out, they all deserve whats coming.
clearly you care a bit too much about this
I would honestly prefer no Astro gets hurt,and since they aren’t getting suspended…I hope they hit a combined .215 with maybe 12 HR between all the cheaters. Maybe win 55 games, all healthy with nothing to blame their failures on except the lack of cheating!
Can this guy get banned? I mean, this is way over the top.
Get out of here with that hate filled nonsense. Wishing physical harm on someone speaks volumes of who you are as a person.
What a psycho. Then again with the avatar it’s expected from your kind
you need to see therapist really bad,wanting players to suffer a career ending injury is uncalled for and down right stupid.
No one here said that Canning was karma for Skaggs. If we did you would throw a fit (along with your McGurk burner lmao). Such a wimp.
Wishing physical harm on someone, or attributing physical harm to someone and claiming it is karma while ignoring the tragic fate of others is ignorant at best.
It sucks when anyone is hurt on any team. It’s obvious though that Strike Four is a fan of the A’s or some other team that needs injuries to the Astros to have a shot at the AL.
I really enjoy watching the two Asterisks apologist trolls (oldoak33 & You know what…)working so hard to spin something that can’t be spun. Wear it boys.
How desperate are you that you have to make a display out of two dudes saying “wow it sucks that a baseball player got injured” lol and how dense do you have to be that you think people who don’t agree with you are automatically trolls? Get outta here dude, your arguments are pathetic.
Bang! Buzz! Karma. Wear it.
The Astros favorite food in the locker room post-game meal should be Bang Bang Shrimp!
This guy is primed to fall off a cliff. He over preformed on a WS team as a rookie and no doubt excelled w sign stealing. By this team next year he will be forgotten
so, how about an actual comment about Alvarez? anyone?
Didn’t you read the Click bait from the GM?
funny the lack of a middle ground here. do all team do these things? no. are the Stros and Red Sox the only teams that do? no. the fact of the matter is, they did it and they’re the only ones we know of, so we have to judge them as the only two offenders until otherwise known. however, we shouldnt assume that is all, and also that the Astros actions are the most abominable actions any humans could commit. so to the middle-aged, basement–dwelling keyboard mafia, we’ve heard enough. go and do something more productive, like anything besides trolling these comment sections. thanks.
I believe school is still out for this young man. Still young, but got some good big league experience last year. Hopefully he’s not hurt too badly, and not destined to be just a DH. I suspect he will learn to lay off the down and away pitches as he matures.
I think too the extra sting against the Astros (and the upcoming release of Red Sox info) is that they won the World Series. That’s why Bonds gets the most venom for steroids because many feel he tainted the vaunted home run records.
That being said, I agree that the basement jockeys need to step away from the keyboard and enjoy the actual baseball being played for this upcoming season.
I think the driving force of fan hatered is the arrogant response from the organization itself. Checkout Yu’s comments on the matter initially he was more embarrassed and dissapointed, but then the Astros players started opening their mouths and actually tried to defend themselves…
Reminder this team allowed non uniform staff to affect in game results. It’s one thing to cheat on your own and go out and perform, a totally different thing to allow some nerd with a laptop to cheat for you.
Also re: Altuve, even if we assume he didn’t use the system, he still received sufficient residual effects such as extra men on base to add stress to the pitcher, a more tired pitcher or an earlier trip to the bullpen for a starting pitcher so now they get into the bullpen earlier in the game, a pitcher second guessing his stuff, “damn I threw a heckuva curveball their and they aren’t even sniffing at it, maybe I’m doing something wrong” pitcher procedes to change a perfectly good approach, begins to overthrow etc…
McGurk: Last paragraph = A+. Regardless of individual use, benefits are still there.
Wow, after spending several minutes reading through what seems to be a transcript from a Jerry Springer show…let’s get to baseball.
Regarding the actions of the Astros – yes, wrong, bad idea, bad for baseball, glad they were caught. Other teams? Sure, some probably sneak some tricks and tactics here and there. All teams? Likely not. The fact that a decoding algorithm was developed specifically for the sign stealing is concerning. But what I can’t understand is this: while teams had suspicions about the Astros’ actions, they never bothered to react with a more complex system of signs! Why not? It seems to me it would have been great fun to try tricking Houston’s reconnaisance agents. Curve ball away becomes high and tight heat. Rope a dope..
Alvarez had nothing to do with this. He is a talented beast of a player. Let’s enjoy watching him play.
Why didn’t he get off his ass and take care of his knee in the off season.
One year wonder
“If I had a knee injury I would simply cure it” said the guy on MLBTR
If you notice there seems to be an inordinate amount of off-season lag responding to injuries from last year. Maybe not, but it sure seems like it.