In the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, MLB has taken the drastic measure of suspending Spring Training games and delaying the start of the 2020 season by at least two weeks. MLBTR’s Jeff Todd discusses the implications in today’s video.
By Tim Dierkes | at
In the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, MLB has taken the drastic measure of suspending Spring Training games and delaying the start of the 2020 season by at least two weeks. MLBTR’s Jeff Todd discusses the implications in today’s video.
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Tim better be paying extra for all these videos you make lol
If we can’t have baseball with large crowds, can the Tampa Bay Rays and Miami Marlins still play? Please advise.
Yes, it could be a 4 team round robin series with the A’s and Mariners.
Yes, it could be a 4 team round robin series with the A’s and Mariners.
Here come the scared sheep with “this is overblown” “this is just media hype”
No you’re just scared and don’t want to accept reality.
It’s amazing John… People don’t get it.
Let’s compare this to the swine flu. It’s at least as contagious. Fifty million Americans got the swine flu. This current flu. Catch this flu vs the swine flu, you have a 200% greater chance of dying. But that’s not the worse part, you have a ten to fifteen times great chance of being hospitalized. Some Americans are bad at math.
If you are one of these people who walk around business as usual, then you should be thanking the people making sacrifices.
Or they’re rational and look back at the SARS, swine flu, bird flu, etc and realize it’s not going to be as bad as people are saying.
3.4% of reported cases? Means 96.4 reported cases are fine. Flu alone kills at most 650,000 people out of somewhere between 80 million and 100 million cases, roughly 1%. The amount of people who have Corona is going to go up and the death rate is going to go down as more people test positive and don’t die. Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell are fine and have it..plenty more people like them who have it, don’t know they have it, and are fine….but that doesn’t get included in the data unless you are tested and confirmed to have it.
Idk specifics on the breakdown of the 3.4% but you look at Italy who’s at 6% death rate of reported cases…..Italy is one of the if not the oldest European country in terms of average age by population with a mean average of around 46 years old. Older people getting sick and dying? It’s sad and tragic but idk why people are shocked at this…..older people are at higher risks of complications due to illnesses regardless the type. You break down the 3.4% of deaths there’s a strong chance the breakdown consists mostly of people who are older, younger kids, or people with a history of health issues.
Condolences to the families that have lost loved ones. But wide spread panic and mass hysteria aren’t necessary.
This is not the swine flu, or SARs, or the bird flew. No one who compares it to those has clue.
You are saying it’s 3.4% reported cases? What do you base that on?
It’s not just older people, it’s people with high blood pressure, diabetes and smokers. Lets just toss them away.
The facts remain. If you treat this like the swine flu and 50 million people get it. Death Rate 1%. Hospitalization rate 15%. Do the math.
worldhealth organization reported statistics
“This current flu. Catch this flu vs the swine flu, you have a 200% greater chance of dying. But that’s not the worse part” – Halo11fan
So people who compare Corona virus to other flu don’t have a clue huh?
Considering that MERS CoV and SARS CoV-2 are both a Coronavirus and COVID-19 is a Coronavirus… I think there might be reason enough to compare them.
Not to mention some vaccine attempts are beginning with where we left off with SARS. Even the virologists believe there are enough similarities to compare them.
Of note: it’s estimated up to 575,000 H1N1 deaths globally in the first year. A total of 60M Americans infected and 12K deaths. Approximately 5K COVID-19 deaths since December. I had swine flu at age 28 and it was no walk in the park, but I was able to care for myself for three days and avoid any medical care whatsoever. Treated with mucinex and Advil. Of course, at that time the media told me that though 1K Americans had died, I shouldn’t worry or panic.
Bottom line: we’ll mostly all be fine and there is no reason to panic. We all need to start thinking rationally and individually. “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it” (TLJ, MiB)
Just because you are outside the highest at risk group doesn’t mean you should ignore taking precautions. There are at least two major benefits to having the everyone take measures to reduced exposure: 1) the higher % of people that take action the faster it will be under control and the faster we return to normal 2) the higher % of people that take action the lower the exposure rate for those in the high risk groups.
It comes down to thinking about not just what is good for the individual but what is good for the whole. If we look back in six months and say it was all an over reaction, that’s good, it means we all did what it took to keep things under control. If we all think we are being “rational” and fail to take the correct precautions we will be at fault for helping prolong this thing and letting it affect more people than it should have.
Nobody said ignore precautions.
Wash your hands with hot soap and water. Soap breaks down cells better than hand sanitizer. Soap with citrus kills most germs (base vs. acidic).
Disinfect public surfaces and surfaces at home
Yes, improved hygiene is important, but taking steps to reduce contact with others is of even greater importance. Those who have the ability to stay home should do so as much as possible. We know there are a lot of people that don’t have that luxury, so those who can should stay out of the way and thus help decrease the rates of exposure. Although it may sound like an over reaction, it is the right play.
Define overblown and mass hysteria?
If people think this is overblown they probably aren’t scared. The scared are stocking up on toilet paper, hand wipes and canned foods. Those thinking this is overblown probably aren’t.
We are all guest. There was a great MSN article by an Italian Doctor yesterday. The headline was…
“Young and unafraid of the pandemic? Good for you. Now stop killing people”
People should google that.
“they are having to choose between intubating a 40-year-old with two kids, a 40-year old who is fit and healthy with no co-morbidities, and a 60-year-old with high blood pressure, because they don’t have enough beds. In the hallway, meanwhile, there are another 15 people waiting who are already hardly breathing and need oxygen.”.
the quickest way to get past this pandemic is let it run its course. not saying that’s the best way
MLBTR is banning comments that say it’s overblown while they allow others to say the sky is falling. It’s one-sided and really lame.
The problem is not whether you get the virus, it’s whether you transmit the virus. There are a lot of people who could die from this and the more transmitters, the more people are likely to die. It’s one of those situations where you have to care more about other people than yourself. So for people who don’t care, it’s overblown. For people who do care, it’s a nightmare. There has been nothing like this in our lifetimes.
I believe there’s too many goats gobbling this stuff up. I personally fear corona beers much more then this coronavirus. I recall seeing movies about a virus epidemic and I see that those movies are accurate on the human behavior. Last night I witnessed people behaving like cavemen pushing, hitting others with their carts and having angry faces as they shop Walmart. What scared me the most was thinking that if there was a real disaster I think there would be more than just pushes and shoves and carts hitting you. We should all take precautions against this coronavirus but reality here, my goats, the illness is not the virus, it is the Corona madness.
Bingo! I’m more inclined to carry a gun to the grocery store than a mask and gloves. More likely to be robbed of my toilet paper on the way to the car than dying from COVID
As a Yankee fan I rather have the season canceled. Half of them are the walking dead wounded they need about 2 years to get healthy. Another one is Brett Garbage he’ll be one year older and a free agent. Him going into the 2020 post season is another loss..