Typically, late March is a time in which we see a lot of roster movement as clubs sort out their Opening Day rosters. Veteran free agents on minor-league deals can often force the action by virtue of opt-out clauses in their contracts. But the situation looks quite a bit different under the unusual circumstances of the delayed 2020 season.
League rosters have not been frozen. And there’s no rule suspending the operation of those opt-out clauses. Accordingly, teams and player agents have been left to sort things out on a case-by-case basis.
MLBTR’s Steve Adams reports (Twitter link) that there are a variety of approaches being taken around the game. In some cases, teams and players have effectively pushed back the decision by reaching new agreements pegged to some future date — from the start of a second Spring Training or eventual Opening Day. The Phillies, Blue Jays, and Pirates are in the latter camp.
In other situations, it seems, the sides have more or less tabled the details, leaving for another day a determination on the operation of the opt-out clause. And in still other cases, there’s still uncertainty. The Royals, for instance, are still trying to decide how best to handle the immediately pending (March 26th) opt-outs of veteran relievers Greg Holland and Trevor Rosenthal.
It’s certainly possible that those and other players will simply exercise their opt-out rights as originally negotiated. We’ve already seen some players — Joe Panik with the Blue Jays; Ryan Buchter with the Angels — earn 40-man roster spots in recent days, so some clubs have obviously been willing to make commitments.
Curious how this might impact your favorite team’s plans? Our 2019-20 Free Agent Tracker includes links to all of our posts on minor-league signings, with simple filters to help you isolate the signings of interest. At minimum, you’ll see many of the players who were brought into camp as non-roster invitees. And the linked posts on the signings include opt-out details, if they were reported.
they should just select Rosenthal. he’s been great.
We will BLOW PAST the SWINE FLU (18K deaths total) in about 10 DAYS and the FLU in about 11 DAYS (20K). And that’s not factoring the acceleration in deaths we’re experiencing. That’s just the 33% INCREASE IN DEATHS EACH DAY we’re currently experiencing now. And that’s just the next 11 DAYS. After that the infrastructure is really stressed and will soon collapse and people will be dying in droves. Because thetruth and other deniers can’t be bothered to listen to and take the advice of the experts. They all become carriers and some of them will die, too. But they will kill off a bunch of innocent people along the way. Don’t listen to thetruth and the rest of the deniers. They’re dangerously ignorant frauds. Listen to the virologists and infectious disease doctors. They know what thetruth doesn’t. He’s just some 25 year old know-it-all with a couple of denier friends in med school. Med STUDENTS. NOT DOCTORS. NOT SPECIALISTS. Just general medicine students. I go with the experts. My wife knows many of them firsthand. They know. thetruth doesn’t.
Are you an MD? PHD? Or just into MGD? MGD is pretty good.
I get my information from virologists and infectious disease doctors. Experts. Not the wannabe deniers on this site.
You can do the math yourself. We’re at 810 deaths this AM. That’s a 33% increase overnight. The rate of increase is accelerating. If you ignore the acceleration and just calculate at the rate of increase of 33%, today’s rate, you will get the numbers I stated in the number of days I stated. It’s simple math. You can do it yourself in Excel.
You have a higher chance of dying of stress or a stroke if you don’t calm yourself down from your frantic traumatization state. You may have secondary trauma.
^ this. I mean, be careful, but worrying compromises the immune system. He is actually being one of the people who can more easily put others at risk.
you dont need to be a doctor if you are good at finding good, factual information. the internet is a great well of knowledge id one knows how to use it properly and judiciously.
You must be real fun at parties.
At the rate we are currently going we will hit 3MM by the end of April. That’s why we need to flatten the curve, as China has. If we don’t do so quickly it will get out of control. Don’t listen to the deniers. They’re DEAD wrong. People you know will die. YOU may die. Once the hospitals become overwhelmed anyone who become significantly symptomatic will likely die due to lack of care (ventilators). The two 30-something year old scientists who went to the ICU and returned home with oxygen tanks would have been refused access and likely died.
At the rate we are currently going we will hit 3MM deaths by the end of April. That’s why we need to flatten the curve, as China has. If we don’t do so quickly it will get out of control. Don’t listen to the deniers. They’re DEAD wrong. People you know will die. YOU may die. Once the hospitals become overwhelmed anyone who become significantly symptomatic will likely die due to lack of care (ventilators). The two 30-something year old scientists who went to the ICU and returned home with oxygen tanks would have been refused access and likely died.
At what rate now? Who are you, DOOGIE Howser
I already said above. The CURRENT RATE of 33% each day. Which, btw, is increasing. It could be 50% by next week considering what’s happened in the last week. The math is simple. Again, as I explained already above. Take the current death total of 810, which is 33% more than yesterday, and calculate that going forward. We BLOW PAST the SWINE FLU total (18K deaths) in 10 days and this past flu season (20K) in 11 days. Then the hospital system is really stressed and the death rate will assuredly accelerate. But I just calculated forward through the end of April at 33%. That’s if we don’t flatten the curve. The current methods are not succeeding in doing that. China was much more draconian and they have STOPPED the increases in cases and deaths. We’re not even close. Because deniers among us spreading the virus. My sources are virologists and infectious disease doctors. My wife is a PhD medical researcher. Not doogie howser. Who’s your source? Let me guess…
I’m with ya Mo.
Be Mo Funny.
Dude your NUTS
I’m curious, what part of the country are you in, Mo? I would guess NY because of your screen name?
I agree with you about the need to flatten the curve and to take this threat seriously. I’m in CA and it seems like we are taking the right steps but I also know that not everyone has been following directions (e.g., people driving out to Joshua Tree from LA or going to the beach instead of staying in their neighborhoods).
Not trying to be rude, but I come to this site for entertainment. There are thousands of sites I could get the information your commenting on! It’s nice to be able to come here, read stories and exchange comments with knowledgeable, (the majority) like minded people. I’m here to take a break from the stuff your posting. With all due respect, take it somewhere else! Please take that stuff somewhere else!
Fieldsj2 they’re probably here because they got kicked out of sites where this subject matter is discussed. I I want to start a new subject and anyone feel free to comment. I want to ask opinions on what baseball should do with the schedule once we start up? You guys go first because I have an idea.
Kinda hard to predict what they will do with the schedule without having a timeframe of when it will start but one idea I have is to get rid of the long road trips and schedule more geographically. That way they can cut down on the day’s off. Also maybe expand the rosters by a player or 2.
Exactly! Time frame is the factor, I agree. So I think when the start is determined, at that point make a brand new schedule that follows the same set up as a regular season format schedule with teams playing each other evenly the same amount of times but instead playing three game series, play two games series and which would eliminate 1/3 of 162 game regular season schedule approximately.
Agree fieldsj2
Fieldsj2 yes!
We should be asking Germany, Austria, Korea and Canada what they’re doing differently.
I looked at their stats and they have had very, very minimal deaths and very low numbers of serious cases. Germany’s number was unreal, something like 8 serious cases out of thousands of cases.
Besides the human aspect of beating this pandemic, it would be wonderful to play ball sometime this year and have a pastime to forget about sickness for a while.
From Canada, we shut a lot of non essential services two weeks ago. Now it’s purely delivery, grocery stores and medical aid that’s open. We been quarantined when MLB, NHL etc shut down. And having easily accessible health doesn’t hurt either.
It’s not easily accessibly. That’s total crap.
Some one take this guy off? There is no sports here
Have you ever been covered with invisible spiders?
Mo4ever,: are you trying to a get a job @ CNN ? or are you already there ? relax dude we all have to go eventually .
His real name is Don Lemon.
What does this have to do with baseball Doogie
I guess the Duke boys of Hazzard were close to curing the virus… But they were off just a tad. Because they Staightenin’ the curves
Flattenin’ the hills….
Jeff Todd REMOVE MO4ever
If New York is looking to flatten the curve they should turn to the Mets Rick Porcello who mastered that with the Red Sox last season. .
Mo go. Shut up and stop posting.
Refill on prescription he’ll be fine.