An unnamed Red Sox minor leaguer has tested positive for COVID-19, the team announced Tuesday. According to the statement:
His positive test occurred on March 23rd following his return home and he was last at the Fenway South Player Development Complex on March 15th. Given the timing of the player’s positive test and travel, we believe it is more likely that he contracted COVID-19 after he left Fort Myers. Nevertheless, out of an abundance of caution, the club is shutting down Fenway South from all activity effective today, for at least two weeks.
The statement goes on to say that the facility will now receive a “deep cleaning” and that anyone who came into contact with this player has been instructed to go into self-quarantine for two weeks.
This illustrates the potential dangers of attempting to maintain camps and group workouts during the pandemic. According to Chris Cotillo of, many Red Sox players, including major leaguers, had still been working out at the facility (Twitter link). Hopefully, the team is correct in its assessment that the player in question contracted the virus after leaving.
This is now the fourth case of a positive test for COVID-19 for someone connected to Major League Baseball, joining a Reds employee and two minor leaguers in the Yankees system. The statement notes that the player in question is “doing well” but does not elaborate because of privacy concerns.
They are really gonna end up canceling 2020 aren’t they
The year or the season?
Possibly both, at this rate
Nope. Too much money at stake for this “epidemic” to ruin it. By the way more than 80% of people and 99% of ones in his age group he’ll have mild symptoms.
Why the quotations…
It’s not about him for the most part. It’s about not allowing him to spread it to more vulnerable people. How do you not understand this.
You are aware young are getting it now and a 18 year old died yesterday.
The Truth is thetruth foolishly does not believe in an epidemic. He is probably some high schooler
I doubt the season gets cancelled
Player gets flu. Media continues panic.
That is what the headline SHOULD say.
10% of all cases in Italy have ended in death. Continue on about how it’s the flu.
10% of Italy, not the world. Italy has way more old people who live far closer to each other and with more younger people than here. Why not mention South Korea with their minuscule death rate if you’re going to randomly name a country?
How many common flus do you see shutting down entire countries because icu’s are overrun by patients to the point doctors are needing to pick and choose who lives and dies?
So ignorant trying to compare this to the flu in any way. Billions of people around the planet get the yearly flu, yet few die and barely any need medical attention. This is absolutely nothing like that in any possible way
Goose is an idiot. Plain and simple. Let’s hope such idiots don’t infect other idiots or worse, those in the highest risk category. If you live with someone elderly or with an immune issue, think about what you can do to them even if you feel no symptoms.
not true….influenza has and will kill far more than Coronavirus by a large amount. This unfortunately is just panic because it’s been named something different
**not true @darkstar61
66 million people get the flu each year and almost none need a hospital stay or die (between just 8,500 up to max 20,000 die off those roughly 66 million infected)
Put Coronavirus is 66 million people are you are talking 10 million people in the hospital and more than a million dead
So again, you are an ignorant fool if you think the two are comparable in absolutely any way, there is no getting around that.
We have vaccines, treatments and herd immunity for/to the flu.
We have none of these for this virus.
That is the difference.
Have you honestly looked up the numbers to how many have died from the flu compared to where were at right now with corona? Yea it could get worse but as of now the flu kills significantly more and no one cares. Your the ignorant one dude
@darkstar61 take those same numbers and apply them relative to people infected. Heck times them by 5x or 10x and it’s still not close! As far as vaccines, that’s the scare at the moment and I whole heartedly agree…but most flu vaccines aren’t effective either!…please don’t push panic of the LOW HANGING FRUIT for the Media smh
I know exactly how many the flu kills. I quoted the exact numbers, between 8,500 to 20,000 (220,000 hospitalizations) off roughly 66 million infected
This spreads much faster than the flu, puts people in the hospital at an astronomically higher rate and kills in numbers that are not even remotely comparable
The world is shutting down to ensure this never gets to infect anywhere near the bullions the flu would hit, because this is not remotely comparable to the flu in any way. If a similar amount of people get this as get the flu then the world will never look the same again.
That you cant understand that means you are an ignorant fool, plain and simple. The two are not comparable in absolutely any way imaginable. Talking about the common flu in the face of a world altering pandemic just shows straight ignorance
It’s panic because it’s new and there is no known treatment. Coronavirus has the capability of spreading far faster than the typical flu if left unchecked. That’s the reason for the quarantining.
Sportsfan, wait until it hits someone you know. This virus has the ability to affect a community in total in just days if left unchecked.
ok good talk @darkstar61
Exactly…those who compare it to the flu have no idea what would happen in this country if a vast number of people did not get a flu shot.
These are the same morons who dont get one, and pass it on to an elderly person, or one with a compromised immune system…that it kills.
Lol this contradicts all the facts we know.
No the reason is because they want to save on insurance money. It’s not a fatal disease for 90+% of the population.
Lmao now let’s look at the facts: (From the CDC)
1. Death rate is 1-3%
2. Less than 1% of Americans are known to be infected.
3.80+% have only mild symptoms.
4. 12% have serious but not fatal symptoms.
5. Only seniors and people with serious health conditions are in danger.
No we do it’s in clinical trials
@darkstar this is literally the flu. Just a strain of it.
Literally, it’s a completely different virus
Dark – Where are you getting your information from?
18-24 months away. Not happening right away.
No, the problem with Italy is that they are short on ventilators. People are dying from respiratory arrest because they are out of supplie. That’s exactly why they are trying to flatten the growth curve here. Because otherwise we will run out of supplies. My wife is a university medical researcher. Her lab has been ordered to send their gloves, masks, lab coats, etc. to the hospital. They are already running out of supplies.
It’s not just elderly people, but also younger people especially if they have asthma or are obese.
5. incorrect. though they are obviously more at risk, there isnt just zero risk with young people. there have been multiple young people with clean medical records that were hit hard with this virus
You hit in on the head in describing Goose.
Have you ever heard of senior communities? Maybe you have heard of the mythical Florida and Arizona retirement destinations? It’s also not just about playing the games, but the proximity of all the fans and workers. Pack all these folks shoulder to shoulder, touching hand rails, concessions, doors, tickets, money, cards, elevators, buses, etc then send them back to apartments, stores, workplaces, recreational venues…and their own families. Just because some people may believe they are invincible doesn’t mean everyone else they contact are safe.
few people die from the flu? really?you obviously have no idea what your talking about.
0.01% of people contracting the flu will die from it.
If you seriously consider 0.01% of something to be a lot, then there is no hope for you
The US is not Italy. They had people from Wuhan working in factories there, living there. Stop using this false comparison.
What? They did not. The issue with Italy was they had huge increase and Pneumonia cases and respiratory failure deaths in a Northern region and did not react fast enough. Before they started testing and figuring it out had spread through country. Now they don’t have medical capabilities to control it. If it spreads to fast we will be in same situation.
US has a bigger and more unhealthier population.
That’s because Italy has an old population. Check out CDC statistics. The death rate for healthy non-senior citizens is 1-2%. 80+% have mild symptoms and only 10%+ have serious not fatal symptoms. Don’t be one of those people buying media BS.
Ah yes, countries everywhere are watching their health systems completely collapse, and are locking themselves down, because of …the media!
Thanks for that fantastic insight, “thetruth”
Always love to see thetruth practicing medicince without a license. It’s because he has a couple of friends who are denier med students. Not virologists or infectious disease doctors. Just general medicine STUDENTS. Well my wife and I know dozens of medical professionals from all walks and they say differently from everything thetruth says. It’s the medical supplies and doctors and hospital beds. If the virus spread too fast, we run out. People die for want of supplies and doctors and beds. Pure and simple. the truth has no idea what is going on and why we are locking down. And he is the problem. The way he’s behaving he’s probably a carrier infecting people all day long.
We will BLOW PAST the SWINE Flu in about 10 DAYS and the FLU in about 11 DAYS. And that’s not factoring the acceleration we’re experiencing. That’s just the 33% INCREASE IN DEATHS EACH DAY we’re experiencing now. And that’s just he next 11 DAYS. After that the infrastructure is really stressed and people will be dying in droves. Because thetruth and other deniers can’t be bothered to listen to and take the advice of the experts. They all become carriers and some of them will die, too. But they will kill off a bunch of innocent people along the way. Don’t listen to thetruth and the rest of the deniers. They’re dangerously ignorant frauds.
You realize that a 1-2% death rate for non-senior citizens is extremely high, right? The general death rate for the flu is around 0.01%, 200x less than that of a 2% death rate
Yes, and it can not be said enough
1.3 – spread rate
0.3% – hospitalization
0.01-0.03% – death rate
2.5-3.0 – spread rate
~15% – hospitalized
~1% – dead
If those numbers were instead Plate Appearances per game, XBH rates and HR rates, just imagine the difference in talent everyone alive would so easily see. No one would ever dare compare the ability of 2 such players, the difference is so astronomically different.
People who are seriously proclaiming it is merely like a common flu are flat out lying to themselves, and anyone else who they hope hears it. Some people will believe it, be it from wishful thinking or ignorance, but the numbers do not lie and everyone can recognize the differences in said numbers.
Begamin and Mo4ever – the total death rate is 1.4%, not just for non-elderly. Your disinformation and conjecture is part of the problem.
You are saying, quite likely deliberately, the exact wrong people are spreading supposedly misinformation
March 24, 2020
“…Check out CDC statistics. The death rate for healthy non-senior citizens is 1-2%”
As you can see, it is the self-proclaimed “truth” which posited the statement you have an issue with, while ironically only 1 of the 2 people you blame even decided to confront “thetruth” on it at all (Mo4ever never touched it)
By the way, the death rate for the world is actually at 4.5% (21,284 dead of 471,036 cases) and the death rate in the US is currently at 1.5% (1,046 dead of 69,047 cases)
But that US rate has been rising as more and more of those filling up the hospitals are not recovering (it was a 1.2% death rate in the US a few days ago, and has been going up 0.1% each day recently as our death rate has started to skyrocket)
That said, I still personally believe it is likely naturally closer to 1%, which is why I always chose to use that much lower number in my posts
Thanks Dark. I addressed US stats because we’re in the US. Mo4 is simply in panic mode, which is why I included him in the comment.
Hey Goose you need to grow up and educate yourself. No one is reporting any player got the “flu” they reported a Covid-19 positive test.
If you think Covid-19 is a joke or just the “flu” you are lacking in intelligence.
United States is holding steady right around 1%…..not comparable with Italy.
20k deaths in US from Influenza during flu season…compared to 1k deaths from Coronavirus in US…A little prospective people! Media has created chaos that’s focuses on the LOW HANGING FRUIT
you don’t know how numbers work right? you cant compare total deaths when people are still getting sick with it. if we keep dragging our feet we’ll be beyond 20K in no time flat.
well both numbers continue to rise simultaneously. Influenza was just 16k not very long ago….soooo how can the Tortoise realistically catch up with the Hare in this situation?! …please explain how numbers work properly again?
you know what @darkside830…forget I said anything. Just trying to help you and @darkstar61 have some perspective and not spread the Worry. But I don’t have the energy anymore hahaha…..anyone else who reads this do your part as i am, as we all should be doing! But don’t feed the negativity and stay strong!!!
Braves – When the overwhelming response by people is to hoard toilet paper for a non-gastrointestinal virus, they have definitely targeted the low hanging fruit. Critical thinking has been overrun by irrational panic.
People are loading up on toilet paper because they are preparing not to leave their home for 1-2 months. You can figure out ways to eat and such, but you can not easily get by without toilet paper.
Ensuring you are prepared with toilet paper for possibly being locked up for months isnt a sign of “low hanging fruit” in any way – if anything, those questioning why people would be gathering months worth of supplies are the “low hanging fruit” that are clearly not prepared for what may very be coming
Thank you. Its truly mind-boggling that people are questioning why people are getting supplies, as if multiple countries arent completely locked down right now.
Dodgers, that might be technically true but look at certain hotspots. The U.S. is vastly larger than Italy. I live on Long Island where every day the reporting reflects how it’s getting worse, not better. I’ve only been out to go to the pharmacy and supermarket in the last ten days with one exception. Yesterday I delivered supplies I had to my doctor who simply can’t get basics. As I have a handicapped wife and my own disabilities, I naturally order in bulk. Little did I know my getting by the case exam gloves, antibacterial soap and wipes would allow him to continue to treat patients.
Thank you for sharing with your doctor.
New York has over 20k cases just as of now. Wait until the hospitals and ICUs are over run with elders and immunocompromised. People who should be able to be helped back to full health are going to be dead in some kind of holding cell. The threat of exponentiality is so abstract to some people and it boggles my mind.
so? 1% of the US population is ~3 million people. do we want 3 million people dead
I could swear that I had already seen this on a ticker tape under ESPN when I was in a bowling alley like a month ago. This is some deja-vu level weirdness.
Seems to be no middle ground about the virus. There’s “we’re all going to die” and the it’s “nothing at all.” I’m leaning toward the possibility that it’s political. Possibility.
If the same number of people got corona that get the flu, you are talking tens of millions in the hospital and more than a million dead in just the US.
That is without even taking into account how many other injuries and such would need to go untreated because the hospitals would all be overrun by Corona patients
And this spreads much faster than the flu does
The shutdown of cities, states and even countries is in a desperate attempt to stop that world altering outcome from happening
Even if we happen to avoid a worldwide collapse after all of this, it will be directly because of these desperate measures we took and the other side will say, “see it wasn’t that bad”. If we went on our normal lives, you’re talking about tens of millions dead.
This disease puts sports in perspective. While it’s a great distraction, sports athletes and talk about who belongs in the Hall, just doesn’t matter. The true heroes are the medical first responders, those deliverers who continue to bring packages and food to those that shouldn’t go out and some of our government elected officials who have done a remarkable job. Governor Cuomo if your listening, thank you!
I do enjoy cuomo totally putting deblasio in his place and making him so insignificant as mayor. That was at least enjoyable to see. I have to give cuomo credit for doing a decent job. I have to say most politicians have done a decent job. Yes, president included. I would say rand Paul is an idiot, Nancy and chuck are ridiculous, and the jack ass senators and congress that made money off this by selling stocks when they knew things were bad before the public did. Those all are worthless. Other than them, I am pleased. Could and should things be better, yes, but given what this could have been, I would say decent job.
its just not. no politicians (for the most part) are pushing anyone to any side. amazingly, they’re actually mostly being quite reasonable about it. but i do agree with the polarization, though that’s mostly just ib part like politics, actually – the most vocal are towards either extreme.
lets stop jumping to conclusions here and admit the obvious – none of us are health professionals, and even they know very little about what will happen here. what we do know, though, is that it has a much higher mortality rate than the flu, but places like South Korea have already done well dealing with this, and we alraedy have great signs for a working treatment and vaccine that could both appear in the (relatively) near future. society will not collapse, in fact, if anything, it may just be a wakeup call on a few things, namdely that we are hopelessly ignorant and ill-informed.
This is why comments need to be turned off on subjects such as this.
Why? Because you disagree with someone here? Because people are having a discussion?
I don’t agree or disagree with anyone here, I just don’t think it’s appropriate for non-health professionals on a baseball website to be discussing what is worse, the flu vs. the coronavirus when no one knows what tomorrow, let alone next week or the week after or the month or months after will bring, but whatever gets your rocks off, begamin.
There is no comparison to be had, and it is a simple math equation
Flu will spread at a 1.3 rate, put 0.3% in a hospital and kill 0.01-0.03% of those infected
Corona is spreading at a 2.5 rate, putting about 15% in a hospital and killing around 1% of those infected
Mathematically, those two things are not comparable in any possible way
It’s kind of like saying little leaguers are better hitters than major leaguers. Factually, little leaguers get more hits than major leaguers each year, but does that make little leaguers better hitters? No, it’s solely because there are so many more of them. We would all agree someone saying little leaguers are better hitters than ML hitters would be a fool
The flu sucks, but is a part of life we are forced to live with. Meanwhile, if not handled properly, this disease has the capability to forever alter the course of the planet, and has already crippled the world for more than a month. That is why it is being treated as it is instead of it being treated like a common flu, and why people saying garbage like “Player gets flu. Media continues panic” are getting called out for being fools spreading absolute nonsense. They might as well be telling us little leaguers are better hitters than MLers
we’re all non-baseball professionals and yet we talk about which teams are worse/better when we have no idea what tomorrow will bring. considering that covid19 is affecting everyones lives, as well as the baseball world, its extremely appropriate to talk about it.
suppression of communication is a disgraceful suggestion.
Just part of the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry
I sure hope many of you don’t procreate.
The world is ending isn’t it?
Of course not.
But we know roughly how this is spreading and what is needed to contain it. Places like China and South Korea locked down their populations completely and monitored every single person infected to understand and control its spread. Doing that, it took them both 8-10 weeks to get things under control
First Europe, and now the US, did not do that, so our spreads got out of control. That doesnt mean it will stay out of control, but it does mean our pain is going to hit much faster, harder and last longer than if we had taken the steps that were needed.
Most people are smarting up, doing things like isolating, or at minimum serious distancing. That will help slow the spread greatly and ideally get us past it faster.
But the more and more people try to downplay the severity, the more people will not take this seriously. Those not taking it seriously will keep the spread alive and well, and prolong the time we are all affected. Ideally in 5-8 weeks (depending on exactly where we are on the curve) we are looking like we are getting this under control as well, but if people do unbelievably mindless things like cram in for Easter mass, then we are likely looking at months more of this here. Not forever, and not world ending, but months more of the pain we are seeing
For many it has, yes. How many deaths across the world do we need to see before this debate over the severity ends?
I see the site has been overun by deniers. If you look at what the numbers have done in the past 7-10 days then we will surpass the swine flu and influenza in no time flat. I remember one denier saying just last week that we wouldn’t even reach 1K deaths. Well a week later and in a couple minutes we will blow past 1K at a 33% increase per day clip. And that’s with some of us practicing social distancing and slowing it down. If people like thetruth and the rest of you deniers also practiced social distancing aggressively we could flatten this curve. But noooo. Some people gotta deny. Can’t be inconvenienced to pitch in during a pandemic. It’s the lack of ventilators, medical supplies like gloves and coats and masks, doctors and hospital beds that will kill people off in droves if we don’t slow this down. But don’t listen to the experts like I do. Listen to online commenters like thetruth who have medical STUDENTS for friends. As if they’re experts in virology and infectious diseases, the guys who really know.
At the rate deaths are accumulating we will BLOW PAST the swine flu in about 10 DAYS and the flu in 11 DAYS. And then there are all the days after that, when the infrastructure really begins to collapse, that the deaths will not only continue but accelerate. Then thetruth and the rest of the deniers will really look like the dangerous fools they are.
It just needs to be said that we do not know for sure that will be the case, and ideally it will not.
But we do know how to best control it, we’ve seen countries like China and Soth Korea be able to handle the outbreak with intense monitoring and isolation of the population. We know how that can translate into a country that doesnt even take extreme isolation measures with it. Germany is an example of a country that treated each possible case as a ticking bomb from the very beginning, and they have not suffered as much over time because of it.
Italy, Spain, France, etc did not take it seriously like that, instead allowing it to spread freely, unmonitored in their countries for quite a while before finally locating the issues when it was too late.
The US is in the same, to an even worse situation as the Italy group, and yes, because of that we are seeing doubling of our numbers every 2-3 days, just like those countries do. This is the result of having infected walking around for weeks without even having a way to test them in large numbers until the last few days.
So again, ideally it does not take place, and maybe it will not. But we don’t know for sure, we only know the path we have chosen to take is not a good sign. No way of getting around it, we failed about as badly as we could ever possibly fail with regards to identifying and monitoring the infected, and our leaders did not take it seriously at all until it was way too late. So if we do not see death numbers at least comparable to Italy, then we can only call it dumb luck.