Today is the last day in which teams can option players to the minors before the MLB roster freeze kicks in. We’ll keep track of the smaller-scale option decisions around the league.
- The Padres optioned reliever Gerardo Reyes to Triple-A El Paso, the club announced. The righty logged 26 innings in 27 MLB appearances in 2019, his first big league action. Reyes’ 7.62 ERA was certainly not what he envisioned, but he struck out a very strong 32.5% of opposing hitters behind a 15.6% swinging strike rate. Reyes averaged 96.9 MPH with above-average spin on his fastball in his MLB work and looks like a solid relief prospect for the Friars.
the whole roster freeze and service time solution is just silly.
What would you have done differently?
1. players may be optioned freely, but any optioned player may not be recalled until 10 days after opening day.
2. players with no service time prior to the 2020 season will not recieve service time.
isn’t #2 already happening? I guess except for in cases where the players out of options or on the ML DL?
I wasn’t admonishing you like the others, I honestly wanted to know what you would do differently cuz I’ve got my own ideas. But getting the owners & players to agree is the challenge. I like both of your ideas, thanks.
Why? Just don’t say something like that without a better alternative.
what about all the players signed for one yr. they basically get a free ride by not playing at all this year. For the season will be cancelled. If the players get paid for not playing how about all the emp’s of businesses that had to shut down, restaurants, theatres, most main street businesses, most retail businesses, etc. Those emp’s are not being paid, sad. 50% of baseball players make more in one yr. then the ave. family makes in a lifetime and the union for these players demand they get paid, that’s insane. This is the time for MLB to start the baseball strike and stop kowtowing to the union and MLBPA demands.
MLB Owners have only committed to paying players 3% of their annual salaries ($170M total for all 30 teams) if there is not a season at all. If they end up playing 50% of a regular season (81games) they get 50% of their regular season’s pay. Seems like a pretty fair deal to me.
MLB was stupid to agree to not abide by rules as they existed. They must be affraid of mlbpa strike at expiration. Too bad the mlbpa has no concern for next generation of players.
It takes two to tango.
Stop looking at me, SWAN!
Nice Billy Madison reference…
Maybe it is the $300 million porking to the draft class and minor leagers.
I am the smartest man alive!
MLB needed no buy-in from the player’s association. Could have just followed existing contract.
They’re trying to make small steps that are better for them now, and if it means a longer term sacrifice so be it.
There is no better alternate that both sides would have agreed
Crowd less games can be played with opening day on May 1. Play the games in China. You don’t need stadiums, just fields that can be studios. No need to travel, all 15 fields can be in the same city.
Toss around a bunch of ideas, without considering logistics or anything else. Great idea.
June or July opening day would be fine. All of May could be late Spring training.
Just start the season at field of dreams! All teams, round the clock action.
Select one representative from each team to play as their team in MLB The Show. Play a whatever scheduled game they have for that day and put it on ESPN.
I’m so bored today that I just watched the 1998 Kerry Wood 20 strikeout game against Houston on ESPN. A couple of observations:
1) I love the fact that they pretty much used the same baseball for the entire at bat (unless it went out of play of course). If a pitch was in the dirt, the catcher just threw it back to the pitcher vs. changing it out for a new ball like they do today.
2) What a difference high-def makes in today’s broadcasts. You couldn’t see the batter’s face clearly in this game using low-def cameras. We are spoiled.
I realize this post has nothing to do with this article and doesn’t add much value, but such are the symptoms of being bored to death, sheltering in place. Stay safe everyone!
I watched hideo nomo’s no hitter w the sox!
I watched that Kerry Wood game live and I remember that I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen.
Gerardo Reyes needs to learn command if he ever wants to stick in mlb.
No need to explain, everyone here misses sports and I enjoyed what you wrote. Thanks.
Make all games seven innings with the late innings allowing pitch designated/hitters for trailing teams
No. Just no.