Following last night’s recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Major League Baseball has issued a new statement confirming that Opening Day will be delayed considerably later than the original April 9 date:
Today Commissioner Robert D. Manfred, Jr. conducted a conference call with the 30 Clubs of Major League Baseball. Following last night’s newly updated recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) restricting events of more than 50 people for the next eight weeks, the opening of the 2020 regular season will be pushed back in accordance with that guidance.
MLB will keep fans updated on decisions regarding plans for the 2020 schedule in the days and weeks ahead. The Clubs remain committed to playing as many games as possible when the season begins. We will continue to monitor ongoing events and undertake the precautions and best practices recommended by public health experts, and urge all baseball fans to follow suit. MLB extends its best wishes to all the individuals and communities who have been impacted by the coronavirus.
Eight weeks from the CDC’s new guidelines last night will push things back until May 10, although there’s no indication that that’s a firm target date. Players will surely need a second installment of Spring Training to ramp back up for game readiness, and the restrictions on the size of gatherings could (and likely will) apply to exhibition contests as well. Even that May 10 date could be optimistic insofar as resuming exhibition play; USA Today’s Bob Nightengale tweeted earlier today that multiple general managers are bracing for a delay that could extend into July.
As for the “playing as many games as possible when the season begins,” that remains a challenge in its own right. Manfred said on the aforementioned conference call that owners are still hoping to play a full schedule, although characterizing that as “difficult to envision” would be putting things mildly. Even a Memorial Day start time feels somewhat optimistic at present, and that would push the standard six-month season calendar back into December. Some stadiums, of course, are domed or have retractable roofs, which could aid in playing games late in the year when weather conditions are a concern, but there are myriad logistical challenges that would go along with playing games in neutral settings as necessary late in the year.
Some have suggested vastly increasing the number of doubleheaders played throughout the season, but one can imagine substantial pushback from the MLBPA on that front. The season already has very few off-days (relative to the number of games played), and increasing workload in an effort to reduce the overall length of schedule represents a heightened injury risk.
As has been the case since the the initial two-week delay was announced last week, the unknowns overwhelmingly outweigh the certainties. There’s no immediate means of accurately forecasting the rate at which the coronoavirus will spread — at least not in such a long-term scope. The league and union will surely take the downtime to discuss matters such as scheduling, player salaries, service time, postponing the draft and All-Star Game, pushing back the trade deadline and countless other situations necessitated by the unprecedented slate of delays. As for when Opening Day will actually take place, there’s just no clear way of accurately projecting that at this time.
Yeah dark side we don’t live a society where the CDC can dictate what the public does. All they can do is give a “recommendation” they don’t have the power as an organization to do anything else but warn people. You choose to be an idiot or you don’t. But your actions impact more than just yourself.
The CDC gives the recommendation. The local and state gov make the mandates
Wash your hands
No. I will buy toilet paper instead.
Parx, that’s fifty percent effective.
If you are millennial, and you want to do something… go give blood.
Because the baby boomers who supply the vast majority of blood in this nation, are not giving blood.
Now it’s millennial fault? What about the boomers who pretend it’s still nothing and continue to golf, go to concerts, LETS GO FLY!
Yeah, blame the 25 year olds who are stuck working every day praying their cubical mate isn’t infected and coming to work because he can’t afford his bills otherwise and politicians are too busy to do their job
Oh, more boomers there too!
Don’t start halo. You already are one of the biggest morons on this site. Don’t pretend it’s millennials fault
So there’s only two generations?
MoRivera 1999
This is not about millennials vs. boomers. It’s about individuals and the choices they make.
claude raymond
Dude, Halo wasn’t bashing millennials. He was actually bashing baby boomers who typically give a lot blood and are doing nothing.
He’s saying millennials could do what boomers ain’t.
I’m not sure about his comment that boomers typically give a lot of blood. I have no idea if that’s a fact and I don’t know why he’s focused on this 2 groups.
But, again, I think you totally read something into his post. He thinks boomers aren’t helping.
Kevin 23
Yeah, tons of boomers running around at Spring Break. GTFOH
Wow, Gen X-ers get off scott free… Score one for the grunge sect.
“You want to do something good”
Certainly implies you’re not doing good at the moment…… why he focused on one generation is beyond me, but Many boomers love to say millennials are worthless.
What they Universally fail to realize, any problem with How millennials act is based on their failures as parents
Millennials are 25-35. They aren’t in college partying at spring break lmao, they more likely Are working full time jobs, with kids at home
Get over your misguided anger at an entire generation
Sad part is MLB and other orgs afraid to make a decision, so instead they virtue signal and make the CDC an authority.
People act like this is a zombie virus. Shut off the tv and go do something non-virtual.
Boomer’s are the generation most-likely to be affected by a virus, so they’re actually keeping distance and therefore not doing their normal things to the extent they did before. Xers are a smaller population and won’t have as big an impact as mils. Both xers (me) and mils have consistently left boomers to pull the weight because our generations value free time while boomers generally value work time.
Where I live, it’s typically boomers who operate the food banks, soup kitchens, and so on. Most service clubs are heavy with boomers. We recently formed a Facebook group called Caremongers where we can volunteer to help people who are in quarantine or laid off because of the virus. Any demonstration you see advocating for the environment, responsible forestry, better healthcare, etc., are well sprinkled with grey hair.
Boomers do care, and we have the leisure to do something about it.
That’s OK. When I was your age, we didn’t trust old people either. “Never trust anyone over 30,” we said. I still don’t, many years later.
thetruth 2
Idiots are the ones endlessly insulting others.
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” – President Reagan Aug. 12, 1986
CofC – better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool than to talk and remove all doubt. Look up what happens to people who get effing measles, mumps, rubella, polio, etc. and see if that Reagan crap still sounds good.
Or, look up the annual numbers for other similar strains of flu, see the over-reaction to this, and understand CofC’s point.
Sad part is MLB and other orgs afraid to make a decision, so instead they virtue signal and make the CDC an authority.
People act like this is a zombie virus. Shut off the tv and go do something non-virtual.
…the reason this problem is as bad as it is. Morons like Darkside think he’s smarter than the damn CDC
During this hiatus, Mr. Commissioner, maybe you and your pathetic staff can finally investigate the DEATH Of TYLER SKAGGS. An Angels employee of 24 years, supplied the lethal cocktail that killed the 27-year-old in the prime of his life. We know the Commissioner serves at the pleasure of the owners. So is that why you won’t investigate Arte Moreno?
I want to cry I will die without sports
let’s send them all to an island with a field and just have a big round robin in the mean time.
No way. I NEVER thought they’d do that. /s
OMG like me 2 super shocked
Further proof that the MLB is delusional if they think that they can still get 162 games in.
double headers every day. 35 man rosters
We definitely will see multiple doubleheaders in this years schedule.
whynot 2
Where does it say anything about playing 162 games? “Playing as many games as possible” does not mean 162 games. Silly troll.
During the initial 2 week delay MLB was stating they would try to still play a 162 game season.
5th paragraph down Sparky
John Kappel
Reading is difficult…..
Lmfao. Says owners want it. Duh money
Manfred says he seeing it as next to impossible already and we have no idea on the real timeline… but yeah, it’s all of MLB!
Fuck Me Bitch
Who at MLB said they were still going to play 162 games? Um, nobody.
Fuck Me Bitch
I humbly correct myself.
RIP the Field of Dreams game…
Oh scooter. Such drama.
All sports schedules are going to be thrown for a loop. Probably going to have baseball in November possibly December crazy. Basketball who the hell knows when season will end and new one will begin. Crazy times
Teams play 19 games against each other in their division. Cancel 7 of them. They play 4 teams so that is 28 games. Play two double headers against each team in their division (one home, one away), that is 8 double headers and saves 8 days. 36 days saved.
Cancel two 6 game (3 home, 3 away). 48 days saved, or 7 weeks plus the off days.
Allow the season to run one week over schedule, 8 weeks net. Play 2 weeks of spring training, 6 weeks net.
Start spring training 6 weeks from the original opening day.
Dude stop it. Are you the same troll on Saturday that said they do a rotation. Then after that reverse the rotation?
MoRivera 1999
Some people enjoy thinking about schedules.
What rotation? It wasn’t me.
Just cut interleague play. Done.
You’re so dumb. How do 15 teams play head to head with no one off a whole series?
I’ll wait
Clayton Russell
Well, you could have a triple header almost every day involving 3 teams (a vs b, b vs c, a vs c). Not serious, of course, but that would be one way of doing it. Or put the Astros back in the nl, maybe.
Asteriks belong in a trash can. Along with the Rob Sox.
I can’t believe that the Yankees are so scared of the rays that they have gone as far as engineering a worldwide pandemic to delay the start of baseball season so that their team may recover and be on par with the rays
Here is your tinfoil crown oh great king of the Conspiracy Theories. =D
This ain’t the Yankees. This is China being mad at the Rockets GM regarding Hong Kong…
Why not just call this season null void, and let all the players go to free agency next season like normal, do the draft like normal (maybe let the high schooler and college players do a combine to show their talent), and just erase the 2020 season. Sorry Dodgers, at least you saw Betts in a spring training uniform.
If they canceled the season, there’s no way the owners will let service time be affected.
The owners aren’t the only ones with a dog in this fight. The MLBPA would have something to say about it.
The MLBPA can’t negotiate their way out of a carpark.
Fuck Me Bitch
Because it is March 16th. No reason to cancel anything. Postpone until you can safely the games, then play them. If by August or September it’s still not safe, then cancel the season.
I love baseball as much as anyone but MLB is rightly a secondary concern in today’s life.
I don’t see why exhibition games would need to have fan attendance. Yes, I love Spring Training, go every year, and realize a lot of charities benefit from working those games, but really a second round can be done minus the fans.
Pitchers are the ones who really need the gradual build up. Most hitters are ready after a week or so.
Maybe start the pitchers on simulated games late April, have a 2-3 week non fans series of games, then go. Add an extra pitcher spot to the roster for a month.
Because players have it too?
Totally agree. I think May 9 should be the confirmed start of the season (though you can’t confirm anything right now), and let the pitchers take their own time to get ready for the season. Get on a regular throwing program, and that alone will help you get ready for the season. The hitters just need a week to get their timing back, and they’ll be back in the swing of things. That’d be best case scenario.
Seasons not starting in May.
All I want is some damn toilet paper!
All I want is baseball! I just want to see Corey Kluber pitching in a Rangers uniform!
Sneak into a hotel and steal a bible…
Fuck Me Bitch
Nice jab, T-Rex guy.
Nice job recognizing the t rex reference.
Thank you kindly, Beatles guy!
Fuck Me Bitch
The Slider will always be one of favorite records.
There won’t be a 2020 season. An official public health white paper from the UK suggests the crisis will extend to the spring of 2021.
Wagging the dog.
While I disagree with Four4Fore’s suggestion that this is all a hoax, here’s a bit of context for that white paper, from an article in the Guardian:
“For the public to hear that it could last for 12 months, people are going to be really upset about that and pretty worried about that”, said Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia.
“A year is entirely plausible. But that figure isn’t well appreciated or understood,” added Hunter, an expert in epidemiology.
“I think it will dip in the summer, towards the end of June, and come back in November, in the way that usual seasonal flu does. I think it will be around forever, but become less severe over time, as immunity builds up,” he added.
Also, the white paper refers specifically to the UK. Granted, the emergency is global (“pandemic” by definition = occurring on multiple continents), but what happens in the UK is of course not necessarily what happens in the US.
Covid 19 is serious. Speculation about the length of the outbreak is premature. Our media is doing a good enough job stoking fear without more wild speculation. Stay safe, but panic helps no one.
It’s probably going to be worse here in the US. We have a more unhealthier population. (Obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol).
Can you use that white paper as toilet paper? Asking for a friend.
I thought your family uses corn cobs for butt wiping. Have you run out?
Getting rid of interleague play for this season could be a start.
Math disagrees with you.
Fuck Me Bitch
Getting rid of interleague play is more about disliking interleague play than math.
There’s 15 teams in both leagues you dummies, one team in each league would just be not playing for three days. I don’t really like Interleague Play either but why is this so hard to get, I see other people say the same thing, what don’t you guys get about the concept?
Inter league games have higher attendance. Financially, it’s easy money.
And you 84, stay in the trash can quarantining.
If the season should start on May 25th (a big “if”) that would leave about 105 days to play games, figuring 1 off day every two weeks and three days at the All-Star break. Extending the season will ensure that the players are wearing winter clothes for the World Series.
If they want to play doubleheaders, perhaps make the roster 30, and allow teams to have active and inactive players, like hockey. They will have to devise rules so they teams do not abuse it, but would give players some rest, especially bullpens. One doubleheader a week would add 18 games, making the total in the 120-125 range.
Yes, the season is shorter, but players will still break down without off days. Injuries are always part of the game, but we don’t need to add more.
Season starts July 1st if then, not sooner. Let’s be realistic here listen to the CDC and the doctors on this virus.
Let’s all admit that there will be no baseball this year and make arrangements for that.
I’m miss baseball as much as you will but let’s get real about this.
Hi Miss Baseball
Hi Miss Baseball what are your “Stats”?
The White House (clown central) is recommending gatherings of less than 10 people. So, as long as the American League eliminates the designated hitter, they will be allowed to play games again.
You are assuming robot umpires?
Who you calling a clown your Daddy? If you get this virus you’ll be glad all that is going on is taking place, why? you’ll probably live through it.
Incomprehensible gibberish.
No need for politics bashing.
thetruth 2
“Clown central” was an ignorant insult that you didn’t have to add. You’re trying to trigger people so flagging you.
Have you seen the way he makes up his face though?
What if I have a deep abiding respect for clowns? Honestly, what the hell is wrong with you? Get over it.
I ‘ve read most of these comments and from what the Washington Doctors and CDC is saying the soonest the season could start would be July 1st. That leaves about three months of baseball. Wondering if the players get paid during the down time? They are still working on that with MLB union. As far as playing in Nov or Dec that’s not going to happen no way, too many injuries to the players in the snow. The season may be shortened to 100 games at best.
I think if we even have a season, they should have teams play the bulk of their games within division and have the rest of their games with the next division over. No east to west travel. Play eight games a week. Four game series. Interleague only in same division if at all. Reduce travel time as much as possible. Figure out a playoff plan that cuts the number of postseason games down. I am not yet doubtful there’s a season at all, but this is all changing very quickly.
If we get baseball that matters before July 1, I’ll be pretty surprised at this point
Let’s play two…everyday!
With a 35 man roster sure.
Come on China, enough with the wet markets already!
The following schedule proposal should be considered:
1. 14 week schedule consisting of 84 game schedule. All teams off on Monday’s.
2. 3 game home and home with every team in your league.
3. Designated Hitter in both leagues.
4. Division playoffs eliminated in 2020.
5. World Series between two league champions to be best of 9.
Finally, 2020 Draft would be postponed until September.
Make that a 90 game season with each team playing a 6 game home and home with one inter league opponent. Blind Draw to be fair.
This has more to do with travel, so…
First select 6-10 stadiums in relatively low risk, isolated areas and assign all tested players, coaches and production teams plus medical staff and broadcast 4(6) 3(8) 2(10) games from each location daily. This weathers the storm for 3 months, and then travel may open up again.
Maybe 5 teams to 6 stadiums and broadcast 4/day. Morning baseball, y’all. It could work. Strategically, if those facilities are regionally selected light travel is possible. You could divide the AL and NL accordingly, and postpone interleague play in accordance to a safe return to home ballparks at a later date.
Still 24 games per day, it’s doable. And people will watch probably more than ever, so no worries about advertising cash.
Manfred, call me.
Starting the season in July doesn’t make much sense. If they have to wait that long, they might as well call the season. To the extent that it is viable from a health perspective, MLB has to consider playing games with no fans in attendance.
This just goes to prove that even in the zombie apocalypse (or whatever this is) seeing Manfreds face and reading his comments still makes your day worse. Manfred:still worse for baseball than coronavirus. P.S. Bleep the CCP for hiding this from the world.
Manfred is a moron. INvestigate Tyler’s death.
Fuck Me Bitch
Maybe a result of not being able to WATCH baseball more of us will PLAY baseball. Start a league. Over 30, over 40, over 50. Start a movement. Too many of us watch too damn much baseball, etc. (Less than a week into this and I can feel the addiction lifting.) Others?
Wow, no matter what they do, this will not be a “real” season if YOUR team does not win it all. LOL. That said, this season is really done, but how can MLB make it fun? There is no way they should expect players to play until December and\or play double headers, daily. Now, if the players want to do that for us, then, well, I’d be just fine with that, sir. 🙂 Stay safe everyone, and let’s get through this together.
july 1
I’m an English teacher in China and I’ve lived in quarantine for two months. The most aggressive resolution is 3 months for the start of the regular season. The teams still need at least two weeks of spring training.
My guess is that it’s a shortened season with an expanded playoffs. With such a weird year, MLB might as well make the playoffs unique.
Le Grande Orangerie
Seriously, who writes these things. There’s no indication that May 10 is a firm start date? Wonder why. It’s almost like there’s a pandemic.
Unlikely in my view that the season starts at all. Most people won’t venture into the stands with thousands and pay for the privilege.
Better safe than sorry
Stay healthy everyone
uncle mike
Fat chance that the MLB season opens up in April at all!!!!! Maybe June 1st.
MLB and its leadership are inept. Whatever they decide will be wrong.
lets not let the Covid-19 over shadow the fact the astros are still cheaters.
I have an Idea, I think MLB should have exhibition games in an empty stadium 1 or 2 weeks prior to opening day and have opening day in mid May.