The television rights fee battle between the Orioles and Nationals is still generally on track for potential resolution — at least, in significant part. But the ever-expanding saga has grown so massive that it now comes with a range of complications. Its ultimate outcome will ultimately carry widespread implications, especially in the D.C.-Baltimore region.
Dan Connolly and Britt Ghiroli of The Athletic (subscription link) recently examined the underlying dispute and its more recent developments. It’s a worthwhile overview of a contentious issue that has turned an acronym for the Mid-Atlantic Sports Network into the name of a monster with a mind of its own: The MASN Dispute.
To be clear, there really isn’t a new development on the legal or the negotiation front. The teams are still at an apparent standstill while they await the outcome of the latest round of litigation.
In terms of the convoluted legal roadmap, it’s best to focus on where things are now rather than looking back … to the extent that’s possible. Last summer, a court upheld an arbitration award in the Nationals’ favor. That judicial decision is presently being appealed. If it’s not upheld, we’re back to square one. If it is upheld, in theory, the initial dispute will in large part be resolved.
Unfortunately, there’s quite a bit more to the situation. The Orioles have injected new legal claims and even launched a separate arbitration proceeding. The initial five-year TV rights fee period has already passed, so even as it remains under dispute there’s another one to consider. And as Connolly and Ghiroli write, there are other complications: tens of millions in legal fees and costs that continue to pile up; the need for the Nats to repay the league a $25MM loan; and a need to recalculate and distribute back revenue-sharing payments from the D.C. organization.
The aforementioned post documents the genesis of the dispute and its connection to the fortunes of these two organizations. The O’s benefited from a near-term cash injection as they controlled MASN and broadcast Nats games at a bargain rate. But the long-term concerns that the Baltimore organization raised at the outset seem largely to be coming to fruition. The Nationals are turning in a consistently competitive product and just captured the 2019 World Series, creating a rosy outlook for drawing new fans from the broader capital region. Meanwhile, the O’s are gasping for air after going all out to take advantage of those aforementioned competitive years, trotting out a low-grade roster and seeing franchise-low attendance figures.
The major question remains whether the two clubs can both thrive at the same time in the same geographic region. They both drew well in successful 2014 seasons, but has the balance shifted south? Connolly and Ghiroli discuss the recent downturn in the fortunes of the Orioles and concerns about the team’s profitability should the Nationals receive a full market rate for their TV rights. There’s no indication at the moment that the O’s are in financial trouble or can’t operate just fine in Baltimore, but the organization’s long-term outlook isn’t clear — particularly with the Nats’ draw creeping northward.
This surely isn’t a zero-sum game; the teams play in separate leagues and could in theory benefit from a friendly rivalry. Cooperation between these teams seems like the best path to mutual success. Orioles owner Peter Angelos and Nationals owner Ted Lerner have handed the operations of their respective franchises off to their sons, which presents some hypothetical opportunity to set aside personal misgivings. But we haven’t seen evwidence of a detente just yet. A return to competitive baseball from the Orioles would obviously help. Baltimore GM Mike Elias says he sees the D.C. organization as a model to follow in building back up the roster.
So … how to sum things up? There’s reason to expect some clear decision points from the courts that will bind both parties. And there are some conceivable pathways to a “more business-like way” of determining rights fees in the future (to reference the words of commissioner Rob Manfred). But it remains largely unclear precisely when and how these ever-broadening relationship problems will be resolved.
the entire country is shut down and these two are still screaming at each other…lol
Ha! So true.
So MLB basically screwed the Nationals owners for life as long as the team is in the area. The easy solution would be for MLB to allow for the Nats to have their own network and let Orioles keep MASN. Or to just give them 50/50 partnership. But no, good ol Selig had to appease Angelos and give him a sweetheart deal for “allowing” the expos to come to DC.
orioles had the whole area to themselves before, graciously, allowing the nats to move in.
No, the Senators had the whole area to themselves before graciously allowing the Orioles to move in.
Or a team in dc
That’s bull
Senators 1, 1900-1961
Senators 2 1962-1971
Nationals 2005- now
Milwaukee brewers 1901
St. Louis Browns 1902-1953
Os 1954- now
Who has more time in the area?
Answer is the nationals
however, senators gave away the area and moved to texas!
Your rational seems inconsistent.
While the current Orioles were previously the Brewers, then the Browns, we (acknowledge but) do not claim their history. They did not play in Baltimore. We had other teams, also previously called the Baltimore Orioles, including one that became the NY Highlanders/Americans, then the Yankees. We don’t claim their history and they don’t claim ours.
Senators 1, 1901-1960 are now the Twins (AL)
Senators 2 1961-1971 are now the Rangers (AL)
(Minor note, I believe your dates were slightly off.)
I suspect that you may be pushing that there has been a team in Washington for more years, but it’s not the same team. By your reasoning/example, Minnesota & Texas get to claim their respective Senators teams, even though they previously played in a different city. (I do think that it’s a nice touch that your stadium celebrates the 2 Senator teams, the Grays and the Expos.) You can acknowledge (honor) the 2 previous teams, but I don’t believe you get to claim their place in history.
“Since at least 1981, Major League Baseball had designated the Orioles’ television territory as extending from Harrisburg to Charlotte.” (Wikipedia)
MLB acknowledged that moving the Expos would encroach upon the Orioles’ territory, which is why Orioles, by agreement, will always have a majority share of MASN. TV rights from 1901-1971 notwithstanding (I jest), I personally do not believe that this majority share will ever make up for what was lost beginning in 2005.
That all being said, there’s no question that the past 8 years of the MASN situation has been significantly mishandled!
I am well aware of where teams come from. Os can suck it nationals can suck it
Nationals command a larger market
Yes, yes and yes. Well stated!
Yes! Well states!
The Television wasn’t invented until 1927. The first MLB broadcast didn’t happen until August 1939, The Senators didn’t broadcast their games until 1948 which did not include broadcasting in Baltimore. These points make most of those years irrelevant to a dispute over TV broadcast rights.
Also MLB established broadcast areas not the teams. When Angelos bought the team it had an establish broadcast including the DC area and was factored into the sales price. Same goes for when Lerner bought the team with the current markets established.
North Carolina does NOT show O’s games nor is MASN a cable option. NC shows Braves games – to my . NATS would be a more logical choice.
NATS should partner with a few rich cats & broadcast their games on their own channel thru streaming mode !
That will be resolved when the O’s can’t afford to pay what they owe the Nats. The original deal called for the abrogation of the contract when and if the O’s don’t pay what the owe. Part of the settlement will likely be some money still paid to the Nats, but much less if the O’s let the Nats go their own way via t.v. rights. I think Selig did the best he could to get baseball into D.C. It just worked out better and quicker than even Selig thought it would. Nats winning the WS makes it even better/quicker.
How about we have a 7 game series, winner takes all?
Sure just give us O’s fans a few years. I like our chances, a lot, by 2022.
more like 2032.
The O’s should just bet it all on one game, and show up early… Nats will show up and it’ll be too many people congregated in one place already and they’ll have to forfeit.
The Orioles have lost the original case, the appeal, and lastly the arbitration hearing. The Nationals need to hold the Orioles accountable for not only the respective court’s rulings but the incurring and future legal fees. The Nats don’t need or want any detente with a failing organization!!! Are the Stienbrenner’s supposed to romance the Wilpons?? I realize that analogy has different circumstances but the Orioles have sank to the slum level of Baltimore.
hmm try reading the agreement. the O’s were screwed over by MLB because they didn’t want to give more to the nationals, that was originally agreed upon. so…your mis-informed.
mlb thinks the deal was unfair. TFS you signed live with it
dc is no better than Baltimore sir. DC was the murder capital of the world not long ago
Seriously? The DMV is wayyyyy better than the Baltimore area. Like 100,000 times better. And actually the Nationals play a significant role in that.
The Nationals play a role in making the DMV area way better than Baltimore? The Nationals play no role in making DC a nicer city than Baltimore. That’s honestly the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.
Income is higher in the DC metro area. Alexandria/Montgomery county etc. there’s just more money down there than there is in Baltimore. But don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of lovely urban dumps in DC and the surrounding area.
@jbigz12…”That’s honestly the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” Then, the court presiding over MLBTR has ruled unanimously, eh-hem, clears throat, speaks clearly, firmly, “jbigz12’s ears do not work when he is speaking” guilty guilty guilty!!! Please self quarantine away for MLBTR posts for 14 days. Thank you…
Your ramblings are getting more sad and difficult to decipher! I believe you may have sleepy Joe disease!
U are crazy dude! Where do you live? Evidently not in DMV area- or u are dumb!
DC metroplex ( VA, Md. Counties around DC) are NATS fans mostly. The metro ride stats during games can tell you that too. These areas have purchasing power to afford $10 beers, food at $20 x head and
attend! Been @ NATS stadiums since ‘95 .
Areas around Nats Park & Audi field are super being built up. $750K condos & up. Upscale food/bars, In 5 yrs it’ll make Inner Harbor a joke.
Agree w you; and Angelos is the responsible one (the buck stops there) for the O’s demise w roster and farm system. He did it on purpose, and wants to make $ off his MASN side & then sell!
Exactly, and there’s no way Mark Lerner will do anything less than what you’re saying.
time for one of them to relocate to Charlotte
Dc, though there has been 3 teams since 1900, has fielded a team within the nations capital longer combined then the Os have been in Baltimore
But default the Os can shove it
not sure that has anything to do with the masn deal, which is what this article is about.
Who cares
Os suck nationals suck
Nationals have a larger market being in the nations capital
Nats just won the WS, Bubba.
Regardless of the DC/Balt sniping going on in these comments the Orioles have a tremendous history in Balrimore, include multiple championships, Cal, the Robinsons, the last time we see four 20 game winners in the same rotation, etc. Yes, that includes the current ownership with the 1997 wire-to-wire AL East champions, and also includes one of the top 3 parks in baseball. The product is suffering and baseball needs to take steps to ensure smaller market teams stay viable, that we highlight these amazing parks with events like the All Star game and that ownership has a plan moving forward that returns this team to competitiveness and that they are willing to put forward the financial assets to sustain that (looking at Pittsburgh too). That means there can’t be a zero sum game in this dispute, that MLB needs to not take sides and help find a solution that works for both teams, one in which neither team reneges in 10 years.
Tell that to Angelos- I think he is your cause for a piss poor team & ruining a legacy
only way that happens, and I believe it will, is Nats and O’s go their own way. Otherwise, the O’s will have to pay up, which they can’t afford.
The underlying premise about cannibalization is just insane: NYY/Mets, Cubs/Sox, Angels/Dodgers, As/Giants. We could go to other sports. NFL has two teams in a few cities. These aren’t even the same city. You can support two sports teams, even when one of them is as woefully managed as the Os have been in the past few years (just ask the Wilpons).
Not sure the Bay Area effectively supports two baseball teams; likewise with Chi-town.
Put both teams in the same division. Treat them both as home town teams. Create a rivalry and fan interest.
They should be a natural rivals as it stands. Angel fans generally hate the Dodgers You need a NL and AL team in the same area. It doesn’t work having 2 teams in the same division. One of them will suffer no matter how good the team is..
Like that idea. Perhaps, however, too many meetings dilutes said potential rivalry too much.
Angelos mishandled this from the get-go, although he was ingenious as a businessman in swiping the Nats TV rights. As a long time resident of the DC area (and having lived in all three zones of the DMV) I was once a die-hard O’s fan. But Angelos’ efforts to torpedo the Nats and his stranglehold on their TV revenue cost him my fandom for his team. Many other Nats fans feel the same way. He should have recognized the writing on the wall and welcomed the new team in DC to encourage more of us to remain O’s fans for the AL and Nats fans for the NL. He blew it.
I hope Baltimore can support its own team and doesn’t lose the O’s but it’s not mainly because the Nats are in DC that they are struggling.
Different sport, but I grew up in Long Island, NY and went to multiple islander games even though we were ranger’s fans. It was easier for us to get to since the team was on Long Island and the team wasn’t very good so tickets were cheap. If they put a decent product on the field, people will show up to games whether they are fans of the home team, fans of the visiting team or just people who like to watch baseball.
Ditto Xspec! I go to O’s games now only to see the Yankees at much lower prices for visitor side close up seats !! Spend my &$ on the Nats!
WS should have been Nats- Yanks but the TrashStros spoiled it!
Angelos was greedy and ensured that both teams would end up going their own ways.
And Angel fans wonder why Arte changed the name from Anaheim to Los Angeles. The team’s share the same TV/Radio Market. Either team can relocate in the same geographical area without the other team’s okay.. But they can’t bring in a minor league team into the area without the other team’ss okay. Which is what The Dodgers were planning on doing. They were going to locate team into the SFV. But Angel owner Arte Moreno blocked it.
Ever since the dumpires handed jeter a home run on a fly out, the Orioles have fallen on hard times.
When you get a chance use the web to look up how they did in and around 2014.
The O’s have cut about 50M off what-seems-to-be their affordable payroll ceiling. That was true last year, and is pretty likely to be true this year. That’s 100M. I can’t see the settlement being more than that.
What are the numbers? Who is getting what and what r they fighting over?
You have to wonder if all of this could be solved by simply allowing each team to have it’s own version of MASN which they own in their entirety.
— Baltimore gets MASN 100%
— Washington gets DCSN (or whatever they wanna call it) 100%
The Orioles would then lose all the Nats revenue from MASN. That’s what their fighting to keep. That wouldn’t solve anything. The orioles were promised the lion share of the revenue the network generates. If the solution seems that simple—it’s because it is. I doubt this thing gets resolved anytime soon. They aren’t even fighting order the revenue for this coming season and beyond yet.
That will be the end result of all this. Unless the O’s can pay the Nats what they owe (they can’t and won’t), its buh-bye MASN for the Nats, and hello to Ted Leonsis’ Monumental Sports Network! Ted is the owner of the Washington Capitals, the Bullets (I mean “wizzies”), the Verizon Center, and is also holds a minor ownership position with the Nationals, as well. His MSN will be the answer to all this b.s. from Angelos. A deal between the Nats and O’s will ensue once the O’s balk at paying the total fee, they will go to Mark Lerner on bended knee, and Lerner will reduce the amount the O’s owe the Nats by a lot, as long as the O’s release the Nat’s from MASN. Otherwise, its’ pay up and probably have to sell the team.
I’m reality, MLB never intended to honor the contract they signed with the Orioles. MLB has clearly taken the side of the Nats here, when they should have remained neutral.
All you have to do is look at how MLB tried to ram its arbitration mechanism down the Orioles’ throats by seeding what was supposed to be a neutral panel with members that had CLEAR conflicts of interest.
How clear? So clear that a judge stepped in and threw out the binding arbitration, citing these very conflicts of interest.
That NEVER happens. That’s how openly arrogant MLB has acted towards this agreement that they themselves signed.
Imagine for a second that you’re sitting in arbitration with your employer. The arbitrators are supposed to be neutral, but as it turns out they are actually lawyers who represent your company in other interests. How fair do you think the ruling is going to be?
Thats effectively the level of “good faith” that MLB has operated with over many years, and includes them acting like sniveling whining babies and pulling the All Star game from Baltimore to intentionally hurt the franchise and the fans.
MLB’s motives are clear here, and the press at large should be ashamed for missing the endgame which is to put such a squeeze on MASN that the network is nearly bankrupt, and then the Orioles will be forced to renegotiate the whole thing lest the network go under.
It’s shameful, obvious, and happening right in front of everyone’s faces. But no, let’s keep listening to the trolls count how many years a Senators team was around in the early 1900’s, as if that has anything remotely to do with the current situation and let’s just let MLB ignore the binding contract that MLB and the Nats signed.
You have it completely backwards. The Orioles blackmailed MLB to get the MASN rights. There is no issue with their supposedly territory since the Orioles are in the AL and tha Nationals are in the NL.
Angelos threatened a lawsuit that would expose some details regarding the purchase of the Red Sox by the former owner of the Marlins; driven by the defaulted owner of the Expos (Loris) purchasing the Marlins.
The Orioles signed this deal before the Lerner’s owned the team – MLB did. MLB bent over backwards to be fair/nice to the Orioles – including a provision that both the Orioles and the Nationals get the same rights fees – even though the Nationals market is much bigger.
The deal included a provision that every five years the fees would be reset. We have now had two resets that have not happened. And the reason is because when the teams could not agree on the new rights fees, as per the original agreement (signed by the Orioles when Angelos was the owner, and MLB before the Lerners owned the Nationals), it was turned over to an arbitration panel using rules agreed to by the Orioles. When the first reset happened, there was no agreement, so it went to arbitration panel who used the agreed upon methodology and decided upon an amount closer to wait the Orioles/MASN wanted to pay than what the Nationals wanted.
“There is no issue with their supposedly territory since the Orioles are in the AL and tha Nationals are in the NL.”
You think an NL team can’t steal an AL fan, especially if that NL team moves in next door to that AL fan? Of course territory matters.
Frankly the O’s should have an advantageous position in MASN in perpetuity for having sacrificed part of its territory.
MLB ruies state that the AL teams have no say in NL teams within 50 miles and vice versa. Which is why MLB has the Yankees and the Mets; the While Sox and the Cubs; the Giants and the Athletics; the Angels and the Dodgers.
And the Orioles never sacrificed any territory because they did not own it to begin with.
And it is the Orioles who signed a deal that they have consistently refused to abide by.
His point is the physical territory is a joint territory much like the Mats/ Yankmees or the Angels Dodgers territories. You can through in Oakland and SF if you like as well
Anyway we can take bets on this? Nothing else to do…
For the life of me, I do not understand how anyone can say that the Orioles deserve to hold DC as their own region. I have lived in DC for years and I can’t remember the last time I saw a single Orioles logo or sticker much less a shirt or flag or something representing an Orioles fan.
It seems that most national writers who don’t know DC just assume that DC people rooted for the Orioles in the past (before the Nats came to town) and that is so far from the actual truth.
That will be the end result of all this. Unless the O’s can pay the Nats what they owe (they can’t and won’t), its buh-bye MASN for the Nats, and hello to Ted Leonsis’ Monumental Sports Network! Ted is the owner of the Washington Capitals, the Bullets (I mean “wizzies”), the Verizon Center, and is also holds a minor ownership position with the Nationals, as well. His MSN will be the answer to all this b.s. from Angelos. A deal between the Nats and O’s will ensue once the O’s balk at paying the total fee, they will go to Mark Lerner on bended knee, and Lerner will reduce the amount the O’s owe the Nats by a lot, as long as the O’s release the Nat’s from MASN. Otherwise, its’ pay up and probably have to sell the team.