Burly backstop-turned-DH Evan Gattis confirmed that his playing career is now finished in an appearance on the 755 Is Real Podcast with The Athletic’s David O’Brien and Eric O’Flaherty (audio link; profanity warning). The 33-year-old says he’s “done playing” professionally.
This news was obviously expected. Gattis did not play in 2019 after wrapping up his tenure with the Astros. Last we heard, he was not seeking playing opportunities. His productivity waned in 2018, though surely Gattis would’ve caught on somewhere had he pursued a deal.
It’s sad to see Gattis depart the scene. His mythical emergence with the Braves as something of an everyman Paul Bunyan is one of the most interesting tales of contemporary baseball. After battling mental health issues and taking a prolonged detour, Gattis improbably returned to the game and carved out a six-year MLB career, slashing .248/.300/.476 with 139 career long balls.
While the main plot points of his personal story were already known, it’s quite another thing to hear Gattis humbly and thoughtfully narrate his epic tale. The above-linked podcast is highly recommended listening.
Shame to lose someone that can hit a home run on a pitch over his head…
Well its probably easier bcuz he knew what was coming
Because the Astros is the only team he played for, right?
Four home runs were hit at home in 2017 when the scheme was active. He hit five on the road during that time.
They didn’t just cheat at home. That is a misnomer.
Explain how the Astros knew what pitch was coming on the road.
It’s always fun hearing these “he cheated” rants from all these rabid Yankees fans. Carlos Beltran brought this whole system over with him from the Yankees. Pettitte and his HGH usage (at least he was man enough to admit to it). Jason Giambi anyone? That’s just a couple instances there’s for more cheating from that classy organization. All the teams cheat get over it. It’s not just the Astros. They aren’t even my favorite team I’m just tired of hearing about this.
Pettite was man enough and admitted? LOL! His “one time use to rehab an injury” line was almost as big of a joke as Giambi’s admission.
Trying to equate knowing what pitch is coming vs PED’s is useless. To destroy any points you have on it.
Gattis IS and will ALWAYS be a cheater. THAT ring he has is tainted.
You should be tired of it, you should be appalled by it, dont let your cynicism, interfere with whats right & wrong.. Not everyone is cheating, not everyone are liars & fakes. But in baseball Trashtro’s are the “Apex” liars & fake’s.
Manfredsajoke…..you really are a joke aren’t you!
Where the hell did you get that its only Yankee fans ranting above….you jerk…all of baseball is upset at all this…its not relegated to just NY Yankee fans….get over yourself…you are not that important! Also…we’re pretty tired of hearing from you!
Pettite used HGH prior to it being banned. So there’s that too.
We talking about the one off Strasburg, right? Absolute bomb.
That’s my second favorite home run, after the Glenallen Hill
I loved Glenallen Hill = )
and yes, the Big Sexy home run too !
bang bang!
After his “snitches get stitches” tweet about Fiers, good riddance
Yeah really.
Cry more.
Can’t believe you took that tweet serious. I’m sure Fiers isn’t getting “stitches” unless his team hires a full-time comedian for the clubhouse. At last check we aren’t certain Oakland can cover it’s own pop machine.
Believe me, i didn’t take it serious. Obviously Gattis has no intention of hurting Mike Fiers. The reason I said good riddance is because that tweet is just another example of how little the members of that team care about the damage they’ve done to the league, all for a tainted World Series trophy and a bunch of tainted World Series rings.
Dude, he bought a novelty tumbler that a place was selling. He also immediately tweeted he had no bad feelings.
What a coincidence. I bought a novelty t-shirt that a place was selling. It reads “_ _ _ _ the cheating Astros.” I have no bad feelings either.
What bothered me about it is that he isn’t taking bullying seriously. Fiers talked about, at best, unfair actions by his (then) team. Gattis’ tweet gives the impression that exposing wrong-doing should be met with retaliation. That is witness intimidation.
That was so no class statement by Gattis but maybe he was angry that without knowing the pitch was coming he was a below average player. He was a terrible catcher and even though he hit hoem runs with the astros no team wanted him. They all knew he had to cheat to hit home runs.
Wait-what? A terrible player? He a averaged just under 25 homers and had a career .250 average for a 6 year career after being undrafted. That’s terrible???
I guess he retires then tweets the cup of “snitches get stitches” or he would probably end up with the stitches after getting beaned.
I wonder how much the cheating scandal waned on his mind. The only consequence is a dread and fugitive mind
32 HR per 162 games is nothing to spit at. heck of a masher.
How many were trashcan aided?
He averaged 33 home runs per 162 games during his Braves tenure.
In 2017, from May 28 to the end of the year, Gattis hit four home runs at home and five on the road.
He hit .240 with a .772 OPS at home, and hit .263 with a .751 OPS on the road.
So to answer your question, four….maybe.
Gattis is badder than Chuck Norris in that regard, he just asked the catcher what pitch was coming, and the catcher was so intimidated that he just had to tell him.
nailed it @Rangersb29 lol !
Dont forget the buzz
He had 11 triples in 2015. Were his legs aided by trash can bangs that year?
He’ll be a great softball player
Fun fact: Gattis was once a janitor!
I’m all for randomness!
So was he the trash can guy?
He probably hooked the whole team up with his employee discount
In other news, I’m going to lunch.
This and Gattis retiring are equally important, which is not at all.
Yet, his story is inspiring while you’re a waste
Except he has 30 million in the bank and you have 2 figures.
Exactly. Having more money always makes you a better person.
just like Mr. NJ’s ability to type a comment does not make him important.
It is somewhat interesting that he hit 11 triples in 2015 and never hit another one the rest of his career.
Will Middlebrooks came up in 2017 for a stint with the Rangers, and the day he was called up was a double-header with the Braves. He hit a triple in the first half of the double-header, and a triple in the second half. He had 2 triples in 2017. lol
Bill Schroeder of the Brewers had a triple for his first major league hit. In a major league career with 1356 plate appearances over eight seasons he never had another. And oh yeah, he caught the only Brewers no hitter, which we hear about several times every season as Rock is the FSN Wisconsin color analyst for the crew. To be fair, he rarely brings it up. Brian Anderson loves to razz him about it. About both of those things, actually.
Had one with ATL but yeah, one of weirdest stat anomalies ever.
I loved watching Gattis play, his career is one of the better underdog stories in modern day baseball.
Evan is going to kill his softball beer league!
Take care and enjoy your retirement Oso Blanco
I didn’t even know his nickname was oso blanco (white bear). That’s one of the better nicknames I’ve ever heard.
El Oso Blanco….he got it from teammates while playing for some Mexican league
Loved watching Evan play. Wish him the best
Never used batting gloves. Just pure grab the stick and kill the ball. Earned several millions of dollars and got a (tainted) ring. I think it was 2014, where if he hadn’t gotten hurt around June, he probably would’ve made the All-Star team or Home Run Derby. Started that season really strong.
Anywho, loved watching him play and really maximized his gifts, even if it wasn’t a long, decorated career.
I played against him in college. I was warming up in the bullpen when he hit a home run that is probably still in orbit somewhere.
Where did you play in College. Very serious question, is it worth trying to play at that level or is it too many hours of practice with nothing to show for it when you are 25? This is a serious question, as my high school baseball player may or may not continue to play?
It’s well worth it, especially if you get a good degree when you go to college. Keep baseball as the dream, but go ahead and have a nice fallback degree for something you like doing.
It is worth it in my opinion, as long as it doesnt bankrupt the family. If I didnt get a scholarship (full ride for 2 years and 75% for the final 3 years), I probably wouldn’t have done it. In my scenario I played ball in Texas but am not from the U.S. My degree doesnt quite translate without additional courses, but I still have a good career. Having a degree and a college sport on a resume never hurts; it shows discipline and dedication. Especially when you do it all far from home.
I hear there’s a beer softball league in Iowa that’ll take him, and has Billy Butler playing 1B.
I think he hit one about 460 off Hamels in Philly, one of the furthest hit balls I’d ever seen hit in that stadium. IIRC he also went oppo to RF in the TED by flicking his wrists at a ball he was obviously fooled on. One of my favorite guys to come up late as a PH while he was with the Braves.
Good luck to him
I think he hit one about 460 off Hamels in Philly, one of the furthest hit balls I’d ever seen hit in that stadium. IIRC he also went oppo to RF in the TED by flicking his wrists at a ball he was obviously fooled on. One of my favorite guys to come up late as a PH while he was with the Braves.
That’s the one that landed on Ashburn Alley and bounced off an awning of a concession stand if I remember correctly. It was an absolutely massive blast. Gattis used to kill the Phillies but I respected him for it.
Old age, couldn’t hear the trash can well enough
His most productive offensive year wasn’t 2017 with HOU — shocking. (It was 2016 with HOU).
I bet Gattis could kill a guy with his bare hands.
I bet most people could.
I don’t want to play if I can’t cheat!
Thank You Evan for your play!!!! Sharing your personal side wasn’t necessary because it’s no one’s business what you have to deal with,thats between you,your doctor’s,and you family.
Gattis was the old school type of player, see the ball, hit the ball. Thoroughly enjoyed watching him during his playing career. Best of luck to him.
You mean hear the trash can, hit the ball
Looking at his career stats he look liked he could still hit
Hopefully his cringe worthy quest on Twitter to defend his ring retires as well
His Catcher eligibility played very well in fantasy 2015-16 though I must say, helped me to a couple vacations
Bang! Buzz! Karma.