We’re looking to add one person to the MLBTR writing team, in a part-time position that pays hourly. The criteria:
- Availability to work this shift every week: 5pm-1am central time on Saturday nights
- Exceptional knowledge of all 30 baseball teams, no discernible bias. Knowledge of hot stove concepts like arbitration, draft pick compensation for free agents, and the competitive balance tax.
- A high school degree is required, and further education is preferred. Please include your highest completed level of education in your application.
- Writing experience is necessary, and online writing experience is preferred.
- Attention to detail and ability to follow the MLBTR style and tone.
- Ability to analyze articles and craft intelligent, well-written posts summing up the news quickly and concisely.
- Ability to use Twitter, Tweetdeck, and WordPress.
- The job may include opportunities for supporting research and social media tasks.
- If you’re interested, email mlbtrhelp@gmail.com and explain how you stand out and qualify in a couple of short paragraphs. Please attach your resume to the email. We often receive several hundred applications, so unfortunately we will not be able to reply to each one.
At the end of your application, please fill in the blank: After the ____ season ends, assuming the CBA remains unchanged and he does not sign a contract extension or go to the minors, Phillies first baseman Rhys Hoskins will become a free agent. Rather than give an explanation, simply write, “Hoskins question: [Year]” at the end.
Finally get some competent writers. Luke adams needs to go biased yankees fan.
Guess I’ll have to read some Luke Adams. I haven’t seen ANY NYY bias here. Nada zippo zilch. I would know if I saw it.
As for the competence of writers, there is an inverse relationship between a person’s ability to write and his/her propensity to impugn the writing of others.
Oh, I left off the punchline to my last comment: “Luke adams needs to go biased yankees fan.” ZING!
It’s time for bed Mo.
Says “The Kid” in the room. Pffft!
Luke Adams works for Hoops Rumors.
But I agree it was ridiculous when he was advocating LeBron to the Yankees.
Dang this would be perfect if I wasn’t 15 lol
I mean, Devan Fink was writing for FanGraphs when he was 17. If you’re a good writer you’ve got a shot (I would think)
well they want a high school degree so doubtful BUT it never hurt to apply as ur right if ur a good writer and u our write hundreds of others then it’s not hard to think that they talk to ur parents and get that paperwork squared away and get u on board . it never hurts to try but not try can hurt u
Yeah, honestly this sounds like a pretty good opportunity, but being 17 is my only problem here
trust me I have the same problem
Applicants should demonstrate their ability to incorporate the “former/latter” device no less than 2 examples.
Applicants should demonstrate their ability to incorporate the “former/latter” device in no less than 2 examples.
Your former comment was almost as good as your latter.
I’ve got a good ladder.
does that make you a ladder day saint?
Ah yes.. Grammar police. Site is full of that type and a guess is less than 10% can write in cursive, just print like any 5yo can.
No one needs to write cursive anymore. With online banking, most people never even write checks. It’s an obsolete skill. All you need to do is be able to sign your name.
* fewer than 10%
Fewer than 10% of those under 30 should be your fact. Through 2005, most schools still taught cursive and grammar.
Now its 2020. There are more variety of genders than there our people who write cursive.
Maybe Casey’s Partner should apply.
They didn’t advertise for a “conspiracy theories about NL East ownership groups” writer
Must have just come up with these rule because they dont apply to the writers they have now.
“After the ____ season ends, assuming the CBA remains unchanged and he does not sign a contract extension or go to the minors, Phillies first baseman Rhys Hoskins will become a free agent.”
Strawberry? Allergy?
Flea & Tick – that would be the wise thing to do.
HA!! man I love our collective peanut gallery sometimes
He lost his rookie eligibility in 2018. A player doesn’t get arbitration until they are 3 years away from free agency (excluding Super Two players) and get 3 years of low salary before that unless they sign an early-career extension. Overall the Phillies can control/have controlled him for 6 years in total. Therefore he should be a free agent after 2023 as of now.
Smh….schooled by a 13 year old….lol
Hoskins question: 2023
(BTW, I’m otherwise utterly unqualified.)
So, when can I start?
I was so close.
Ability to win a thesaurus battle with Jeff Todd preferable but not required
bring it
Ben was great but probably found a better job
Wish I could I’m 16 though
I hate discrimination !
I would hire you…….sometimes a mind of today’s teenager is intriguing. ………..but like Politicians, your Boss or your Parents….. no one wants to hear your opinion until you start paying taxes, pay rent, clean your work space and vote.
What a surprise the MAGA creep wants to “hire” minors.
Frahm, a majority of the comments on this website sound like they’re made by 16-yr-olds, so you’d be perfect.
Who reads the articles?….I just go to the comment section. That’s where all the juicy stuff is written…..and sometimes more accurate.
Gee….I know so much juicy baseball stories….I wish I can tell about it,,,,,,,,but people would sue me……and I have a lot of good stuff in life.
Comment of the day, nice one hozie!
…and then you probably need everyone else to explain the article to you.
After the “Championship” season ends… wasn’t that the new wording they used for “regular season” that made it really confusing?
Lol I thought it was a typo for “championship series”?
Yeah, it took me a minute to figure out what the heck it was talking about.
Melchez…..Championship Season isn’t new wording, it’s MLB wording. MLB docs like the Rules, CBA, JDA etc all refer to the regular season as “The Championship Season” and they have for years and years.
would be cool, but im not gonna act like im A. old enough B. knowledgeable enough of the CBA and C. able to stay awake until 2 PM on a day im usually working on.
Christmas. Things are usually heavily discounted, and sometimes free.
Funny, theses writers have biases already.
Well, when you write a thesis, you usually take a position, so natch, theses writers would be biased
A thesis is one thing and this is not a thesis. I watch their chats and I see how they write.
It was a joke. You wrote the typo “theses writers” instead of “these writers.”
Don’t even care
I implore you to write in through our contact form with a full accounting of our biases. Desperately curious to find out my hidden predilections for different baseball teams or whatever else you have sussed out.
Applicants need to use a word other than “slashed” to describe a batting line.
Any reasonable person would have a bias against the Astros and that a hole Crane. Oops I guess I’m not a suitable candidate.
I’m eliminated. I’m very biased.
Applicants must use the term “crack the roster” when referring to a player making the big league team.
I’ll take the job. Potato salad!
They’ll want your bag of cans for collateral.
The government!!!
Geez. When I was 15, I was collecting mini batting helmets from Dairy Queen, not lamenting the fact that I was too young to get a job writing on the Internet (probably because the Internet didn’t exist yet).
Whatever you’re paying, it ain’t worth it.
Where’s Xabial when you need him.
Whatever happened to X?
2 likes 20 dislikes on every post lol
I don’t want a job, but please, upgrade your email, @gmail.com is just not professional.
Make sure is not one of those White Sox fans (ChiSox_Fan) who hate the Cubs more than they are a fan of their own team. All the article will be how the Cubs suck and there will not be one article about the White Sox at all.
Do I get special preference if I have a Diego Segui bobblehead?
Compensation ?
$1000 space bucks
Hey Pads Fans/koamalu/outinleftfield/websoulsurfer/ watermelonmtnscout/The Padfather did you apply?
I couldn’t write for MLBTR, I’m non biased.
Nah, we can see the real reason.
Can whoever you hire be forbidden to use any variation of the word, “opine”? It’s become an epidemic on this site.
So many backseat drivers.
Hello friend, I’m going to email you some important literature about spirituality and healing through the love of the universe
This sounds like a good opportunity for someone. I’ve done sports in print, and have an unrelated B.Sc., but I know myself well enough that I couldn’t keep my biases hidden. And that’s where most “journalists” fail these days; they don’t know how to be “reporters.”
Hopefully, the new hire will be able to maintain the established standards of MLBTR, and not let it devolve into the cliquish and unprofessional muck that has swallowed most of the SB nation blogsites.
Good luck!
I hope this means Connor is no longer writing here
You’re stuck with me.
Connor please do something about “Shawn Hemp”
@ Connor – Hahaha
@ Bane – agreed the guy is an idiot, but don’t let him drag you down to his level & beat you with experience.
”no discernible bias”” unless you’re a Red Sox, Yankees. Phillies, Nationals or Mets fan. But, be careful.
eyem graet ate righting butt canut right four mlbTr bcuz eye havah byus towarrds Orilers
I’d love to have this job. Even if it’s a side hustle. Heck, I’d willingly write articles and send it for review. They could pick which articles they would like to post and pay me off that (vs hourly).
forgot to say “of course” is required to appear in each article a minimum 3 times
But they always capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence!
Needless to say, I would use the term “needless to say” in every article.
Undoubtedly you could do much better. We’re just dying to read your stellar, informative prose.
I’d apply, but I’m usually writing tweets for the White House at that hour.
No pay no play.
This is a paid position.