Click here to read a transcript of this week’s chat with MLBTR’s Steve Adams.
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Click here to read a transcript of this week’s chat with MLBTR’s Steve Adams.
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“In exchange for the players’ cooperation in the sign-stealing investigation, the MLBPA insisted that the players be given immunity.”
So basically, I guess most everyone would have rather this remained buried, If the MLBPA instructed players to remain silent, that’s EXACTLY what would have happened.
It’s absurd to believe Manfred could have gotten the information he did without capitulating to the MLBPA demands.
But Unions are always right and management is always evil.
Ugh. How many times are you going to say this. You sound as awful as the Astros press conference.
How do you guys get questions answered. I have literally asked a question every day for 6 months and never see a reply. Does it require some sort of subscription?
Don’t take it personally. I’m about 1 for 10. I just figure my questions have not been all that interesting.
The guy wants to have dinner with Jose Canseco… are you really that offended he doesn’t want to answer your question?
Aw Halo11Fan, you still upset over all the beat downs he put on your Angels when he was an A’s Bash Brother? He did pretty good North of the Border too for 1 season with his 46 dingers and 29 stolen bases and winning a Silver Slugger award. He would be a very interesting person to sit down and chat over dinner with!!
Actually, no. It never occurred to me.
I don’t consider the guy who was on celebrity boxing and could only fight Danny Bonaduce to a draw remotely interesting.
I don’t find a guy who rams his wife’s car interesting.
I question anyone who would choose him as the number one guy they would want dinner to have dinner with.
I don’t think he’d in my top 500 choices.
Today was a “slow” day in terms of chat participants, and we peaked at about 1100 readers submitting questions. During busier times of the year we’ll have two to three thousand people in there. There’s really no answer other than sheer luck of the draw and is largely why I always provide my Twitter handle at the end.
I’m with you on Canseco. My favorite player as a kid. Met him at a signing, really cool guy.
Do you slip a five dollar bill in with your question?
I’ve submitted exactly one question and it got answered. Ha!
I had four questions answered in a single chat back in early November.
I think it’s pretty pathetic that the Mods can go be political and make asinine, attacking statements towards someone they don’t know and disagree with like Aubrey Huff but get so sensitive and disallow comments on certain articles. It just really goes to show that they don’t value free speech, quite ironic more a media puppet.
Haha cry more about it.
We all just disagree. Some people think racism and misogyny are cool, and some people don’t. But as along as you’re a white dude, it doesn’t matter, amirite fellas?
Mr. Baseball. I’m not 100 percent familiar with his post, but which post are you talking about.
That one stupid post about Iran? If one stupid action labels a person a racist, then we all are. I’m not saying he’s not, but that not enough evidence for rational people.
In all due fairness, Aubrey Huff comments are pretty bad. I think racist is spewed about far too frequently, and not very accurately, but there seems to be something wrong with Aubrey Huff.
Not to the level of someone crazy enough to fight Danny Bonaduce on celebrity boxing or ram his wife’s car with his car…but way up there.
Huff is probably nuts, but Canseco has removed all doubt.
I don’t care that Aubrey Huff is a republican — and the issue with him isn’t one of political view. You can be a republican or a democrat while still not persistently degrading women and minorities.
Openly mocking an organization for hiring a female coach, suggesting that she has nothing to offer MLB players simply because of her gender and his constant other remarks have nothing to do with politics. There are plenty of other attendees of that Giants ceremony who are going to vote the same way as Huff; he’s not being barred due to his stance on the election.
I do regret cursing, since that sets a double standard; we don’t allow our readers to use that language and I should’ve adhered to the same guidelines.
I apologize for that, but I also wholly reject the notion that Huff is being ostracized for his political leanings. Baseball is full of athletes on both ends of the political spectrum. The whole “they hate my political views” is a straw man.
Openly mocking an organization for hiring a female coach,
When you are right you are right. I don’t see how that’s remotely defensible. He deserves to be called a misogynist for that comment.
But that makes him a misogynist, not a racist. Although he very well could be. I don’t know. Wouldn’t calling him a misogynist be enough? Accuracy is important.
She doesn’t offer anything though. She hasn’t played the sport. She’s the token female for a woke organization. It’s not misogynistic to point out flaws. It’s ok for men and women to have their own sports. As far as the middle East comments go, why should we care about the thoughts and feelings of what a country that hates us? If he would’ve praised what you agree with, you guys would be gushing over him like he was the best thing since sliced bread. Just admit it, you don’t like people that disagree with you. Also, it shows a bias, which isn’t supposed to be allowed according to the post about you guys hiring someone.
yeah, cause you right wing nutters sure love you some free speech, right?
oh wait, you guys are the biggest snowflakes that ever snowflaked.
don’t like it? go see if breibart or fox will create sport sites so you can your safe spaces (oh wait, turns out they suck at stuff like that. guess that’s what happens when you grow up in a bubble, you lack the ability to play sports, never mind be able to cover them)
This is what MLBTR has regressed to –
A bunch of juveniles (that come off as teenagers) that make everything political, and whine that a moderator on a chatroom board didn’t answer their question.
The games can’t start soon enough.
Huff was a tool as far back as playing in the low minors.
I’m 2 for 3 with getting my questions answered… I think that’s a pretty good average..
You are the Mike Trout of questioners.
I’m 2 for 3 with getting my questions answered… I think that’s a pretty good average..
Or maybe you ask the same question over and over and over again and you are actually 1 for 100.
How else can you explain two posts saying the same exact thing?
There is a nonzero chance that it was literally Aubrey Huff in the chat.
He probably heard that MLBTR was hiring and wanted to hop on and make sure no females were applying.
I thought i read that Manfred told the owners their punishment would be worse if they spoke out