Pro Hockey Rumors, MLBTR’s sister site devoted to coverage of the hockey world, is looking to add multiple part-time writers to its staff. The positions pay on an hourly basis. Specifically, PHR is looking for people who have availability at these times of the week (plus some weekend availability may also be needed):
- 8am – 9am CT, Monday-Friday
- 8am – 3pm CT, one day per week
- 3pm – 9pm CT, Monday-Friday
Applicants must meet ALL of the following criteria:
- Exceptional knowledge of all 31 NHL teams, with no discernible bias.
- Knowledge of the salary cap, CBA and transaction-related concepts.
- At least some college education.
- Extensive writing experience, with professional experience and a background in journalism both strongly preferred.
- Keen understanding of journalistic principles, ethics and procedures. Completion of basic college-level journalism classes is strongly preferred.
- Attention to detail — absolutely no spelling errors, especially for player and journalist names.
- Ability to follow the site’s style and tone.
- Ability to analyze articles and craft intelligent, well-written posts summing up the news in a few paragraphs. We need someone who can balance creating quick copy with thoughtful analysis. You must be able to add value to breaking news with your own insight, numbers or links to other relevant articles.
- Ability to use Twitter, Tweetdeck, and an RSS feed reader such as Feedly. In general, you must be able to multi-task.
- Flexibility. You must be available to work on short notice.
If you’re interested, email prohockeyrumorshelp@
I’d rather watch grass grow
Once Seattle gets a team I will definitely attempt to be a hockey fan. Post this in 2 years!
I tried twice, and failed. Canada have it.
I can only write about hooking.
Because you’re only in the box for two minutes?
hockey may be my 2nd favorite sport, but i understand very little about it still.
MLB’s my favorite sport by far, but hockey’s the best sport to watch live and 2nd’s not even close.
I like to whistle.
The is quite the job specification. One might think with those demands and high level of skills required it would be a high paying position.
I was thinking the same thing. Seems to me, they’re in search of a unicorn.
Yeah, same here I’m from Minnesota and probably more knowledgeable than your average fan but I wouldn’t come close to meeting these expectations.
Well I’m a biased fan, so this won’t work out.
Is self identifying as a Maple Leafs hater considered biased?
Nah. Considered common sense
Ooowee! Sounds like a great gig!
What a strange sport. Doesn’t travel well on TV but in person?
Wow! My sister the Nun couldn’t get enough of live hockey! Must be all the violence. Interesting…..