The chatter on Red Sox star Mookie Betts continues even as the opening of camp draws near. Three NL West organizations are reportedly engaged with the Boston organization on the exceptional right fielder, adding to the intrigue.
Kevin Acee of the San Diego Union-Tribune updates the situation from the Padres’ perspective, covering quite a few notable details on the discussions. The Friars are said to be trying to structure a deal around a pair of young MLB-level players: one outfielder (Manuel Margot or Josh Naylor) and one pitcher (Cal Quantrill or Joey Lucchesi).
Supposing that aspect of the prospective arrangement meets with the desires of the Boston front office, there’s still the matter of sorting out the money. As has been reported previously, the Friars wish to offload as much as possible of the Wil Myers contract, in no small part due to the fact that Betts is set to play for $27MM in 2020. But the sides are currently deadlocked on the dollars, with the Sox “offering to assume about half” of the $61MM still owed Myers and the Pads wishing “to eat only about a quarter.”
While a ~$15MM difference is no small matter, that’s not necessarily an unbridgeable gap. (At least, assuming the teams are seeing eye to eye on the other pieces.) But the Red Sox surely don’t want to sell low on a franchise stalwart. And the Padres are understandably wary of over-extending for a rental player.
Among the clubs pursuing Betts, the Padres are in the most speculative competitive position. They’re trying to move out of the NL West cellar and chase down the Dodgers and Diamondbacks. That won’t be an easy feat, even with Betts. While there’d always be a mid-season ripcord if things fall flat, and Betts is all but assured of receiving and declining a qualifying offer at season’s end, it’s questionable whether now is the time to push a bunch of chips in on a purely win-now move.
heard Anderson Espinosa is included
I would like that but of course there has to be a lot more too. Wish the Sox had never traded him. Is he healthy now and ready for ST??
He’s so healthy, the medical records preller sent over show he never even had that second TJ surgery… he’s healed retroactively in time if you can believe it!
I can’t believe it but I’m going to anyway.
Considering after the padres traded for him, he went down for tjs less than a month later. He is currently rehabbing from his second surgery.
He was a Padre for a little over a year before he had Tommy John surgery…
How is it, and this is a general question and not directed directly at you, that Boston is considering offers when the owner has said that Betts isn’t being traded, not now anyway (but he’s also said to be pushing to get salaries under the cap) and the club has stated that packaging Betts and Price is not an interest to them (how else they going to dump Price;s $96 million). What does considering offers mean exactly? It’s hard to put much credibility in these, or any, trade news
It certainly is an issue of credibility of the rumors out there…
Such a shame about that guys career, cant ever trust a pitching prospect until they actually hit MLB
Even then its a stretch
Here we go again.
Margot and Quantrill should definitely seal the deal.
– No one
Not even close but add in Espinoza and we may have a deal
Espinoza’s career is all but over you guys
Yeah these guys still think it’s 2016.
You know they’re joking right? Since the Sox traded Margot to the Padres in the Kimbrel deal and Espinoza in the Pomeranz deal I dont think any Red Sox fans actually want to trade to get those guys back
You want him? Ok
How’s a second tjs in Rehab. Hasn’t pitched since July 2016 in a game and on the 40 man sound?
wait….the Padres seriously added espinoza to their 40?!
That was before he had his second Tommy John surgery. If they hadn’t added him he would have been the first pick in the 2018 Rule 5 draft.
Ah thought it was after the second. Makes more sense now
Haha. Please take Anderson Espinoza.
I stanned Espinoza hard 4-5 years ago, but come on. He’s a throw-in at best in this or any other significant trade.
Yeah.. A #4-5 starter and another JBJ. Hang onto him until the AS break if that’s all the offer is from SD, or anyone else. Taking the draft pick after the season isn’t that much worse. Having betts for 2020 gives them a legit chance to contend, those 2 don’t.
are you kidding? Look at their stats. They are both below average players. I love Margot’s defense, but his OPS+ is in the 80s.
are you kidding? Look at their stats. They are both below average players. I love Margot’s defense, but his OPS+ is in the 80s. Quantril has been terrible in the minors and the majors.
I hope Bloom gets it done sooner than later. I sure will miss Mookie, but he’s gone do the RS need to get what they can.
Or they can just stop being cheap and pay the man
There’s a yawning chasm between “paying the man” and giving the man the richest contract in the games history, which he will surely be asking for.
and Boston paying a player $400M or whatever its going to be over 8-12 years is a drop in the ocean of the money behind the team. The faceless ownership group are being greedy and would rather pay less so they can all buy 4 mansions this year, instead of 3.
Just stop. jeez.
THANK YOU this isn’t even controversial but no one is willing to admit it
” The faceless ownership group are being greedy and would rather pay less so they can all buy 4 mansions this year, instead of 3.”
How many mansions, cars, and boats does Betts have? How much did he invest in making himself a major league player?
Would you rather have no ownership in Boston than a smart GM and owner who feels there’s a limit on the price tag for one player. There already in deep over the top luxury tax, that’s what happens when you over pay players and then they play ave. baseball the rest of the contract. So stop complaining about ownership they’ve already over spent on too many players.
To pay a 50% penalty on any money you’re over the cap for 3 or more years makes $40 million a year $60 million. That’s stupid with no guarantee of a WS or two or three Even then, teams that do that usually have a fire sale after they win it all or they get stuck with contracts on players getting older.
Strikefour, Faceless? The owner is John Henry.
@soxsam: a moron comment from, obviously, a big market fan base. Wow, you are clueless.
Or they can just stop being cheap and pay the man
1-He’s already said he is intent on testing free agency.
2-I’m not paying him $40 per when he is 35 year’s old.
3-If he likes Boston, we can re-sign him for 2021.
@JoeBrady bingo
JoeBrady, unless you are John Henry, Tom Wener, or Sam Kennedy’s burner account, you’re not paying Mookie ever, so don’t worry about his salary.
@soxsam32 Still can even if they do trade him.
They’re not being cheap. He repeatedly said he doesn’t want to sign an extension. He doesn’t like Boston, he’s leaving. He’s disloyal.
Pay the man? He doesn’t want an extension. He wants to test free agency.
320 million for 10 years isn’t enough?
According to recent reports, no it is not.
Betts wants $400+ MM
The problem with “paying the man” is that he isn’t worth the money he’s looking for. In the eyes of the market value, I would say okay, but in realistic value, he isn’t Trout and never will be. The guy is too small to warrant such a contract and won’t be worth it half way through, never mind the back end.
I am with you, if we’re gonna lose Mookie I wish they would just rip the Band-Aid off
If those are the principles then I don’t see the Red Sox doing the deal. To take 50% or more of the Myers deal you would need a couple of their next tier prospects. Gore is NOT in the equation no matter what. If the Sox take Myers it would have to be something like Myers, Patino, Naylor and Morejohn or Baez.
Boston options are limited
– Keep him and end up with nothing but a 2nd or 3rd round pick and a large financial hit
– Trade him for the future, as well as get under threshold for 2020
Plus, the trade pieces they get in return stand a chance of increasing their odds of contending this season if it is young Major Leaguers and Myers going back.
In my opinion, the team kind of has to trade him for the short and longterm betterment of the club. Because of that, it isn’t a matter of making demands, and instead one of accepting the best offer they can get.
Padres hold the cards in this negotiation, as the Red Sox need them to get under threshold and supply something for their future much more than the Padres need Betts.
I would think Boston would trade JDM if they were that concerned with luxury tax. And, I think they should trade him and Price before Mookie. They want premium top talent, which is completely justifiable.
JDM isn’t as valuable or tradeable. There’s a reason he didn’t opt out. Betts is leaving after this season, trading the disloyal man is a priority.
You call it disloyal…but it’s really called business. To the fans it’s a game but to the owners and players it’s a business. From that perspective can you blame any player for wanting to test free agency? I’d hate to see mookie go but I understand his thinking.
“disloyal”? Has he not worked hard to serve the Bosox? Is he not loyal to the team that is paying his salary?
You forgot:
– Pay the man.
The Red Sox operating income (profit) was estimated at $80M/year from 2016 – 2018. That estimate is probably low and doesn’t take into account all the various revenue streams they have available to them or the appreciation in value since they team was bought for $380M. They can afford it if the want to.
Which part of he repeatedly refused to sign an extension don’t you understand? Is it inconceivable that he doesn’t like Boston and doesn’t give a damn about fan opinions?
@thetruth could just mean he wants to get paid what he’s worth. If Boston offers him the most $ I don’t see him signing elsewhere for less, traded or otherwise.
They really don’t. There are other teams in the mix.
“Padres hold the cards in this negotiation”. Not sure if that’s completely true; the Dodgers are holding some aces. Besides, the Padres manager needs to keep his job by getting out of the cellar this year.
And if the Sox keep their roster as is they may be able to get a W/C spot
You’re right in that the Padres don’t need Betts, they need much more. But the Padres need to move Wil Myers worse than Boston needs to move Betts.
The Padres have $75m+ committed to three players over the next three years. Two of those players are garbage. So I’m not sure what cards the Padres hold you’re speaking of.
SD fans think they can offer Myers and Quantrill and get Mookie.
Ummm, just a thought, AJ Preller is known for trading big names, I would not put Gore off the table. Do I agree with it? No, Gore should be untouchable. But that GM sure likes to touch.
If you traded JD then that means 2021 and beyond means no JD or Betts, and much less in prospect return or 2020 threshold space.
Trading an asset you wont control beyond this year anyway, that would also bring the most return and allow for the highest threshold space, is the logical way to go.
Gore is a very high level prospect. He’s about as close to can’t miss as you can get (barring injury). Preller would be swinging from the biggest tree in Balboa Park if he traded MacKenzie Gore.
Why? He traded Trea Turner and Luis Urias.
Neither of those are the same level as Gore
There’s a big difference between Trea Turner and Luis Urias and Mackenzie Gore. Turner and Urias were both highly regarded prospects, but Gore is on another level.
Ok you can have naylor myers morjon hunt and cal
Want a happy ending with that too?
Yeah, good point. Seems a little light as written in the article. But hey, if the Sox want to let Betts go for what’s written, more power to them.
There is a 0.0% chance that the Sox are only getting Margot and Quantrill back in a trade for Mookie Betts. That’s right, a 0.0% chance. Even if they are NOT taking back the terrible Myers contract.
If the deal was Price AND Betts, then maybe the Sox would suck it up and make that deal.
But if Myers is coming back and the Padres think that crap offer will fly? They are wrong. It will take two fringe players (such as Margot & Quantill) plus 2-3 of their other top prospects: Patino, Campusano and something else.
Otherwise? Trade Betts and Price to the Dodgers for Peterson, Keibert and Maeda. It would be a MUCH, MUCH better deal.
The more I hear about this trade, the more I think that the Padres are pawns to get the Dodgers to up their offer.
I hated everything you typed. I think it’s ALL completely wrong.
Not going to happen, Padres have the upper hand here not the Sox. Take the two guys plus 1/2 of Myers salary and be done already. Or get nothing in Oct. Patino and Gore are untouchable, look what the Bucs got for Marte, very little.
The Red Sox won’t get “nothing” for losing Betts. They will get a draft pick. And that draft pick is way better than an overpaid clubhouse cancer like Wil Myers. Even if the Padres pay half his contract.
That draft pick, after the payroll penalties, is maybe the 4th round. We’d be better with Baez than a 4th rounder.
All you guys say “better off with xxxxx than a 4th rounder”…
Do you realize Mookie was drafted in 5th round?
Have the payroll penalties been leaked to you??
@JoeBrady not if you also have to take Myers
Upper hand in what? Everything you just said is wrong lol. The Padres are begging anyone to take Wil Myers and any of his salary and willing to give prospects to do so. That’s just to take Myers. Margot, Quantrill and Myers won’t bring back a player from any team let alone Mookie Betts lol. I think any team would rather get “nothing” than that package and be on the hook for $30m lol.
The Pirates got two top 10 prospects for Marte. Pretty decent trade for both teams.
Keep Betts he’s not worth the guys you mentioned, no way. Look who the Bucs got fot Marte not much two second tier A farm hands.
The Sox aren’t going to get top five prospects for a one year rental. They should first see how much of Price’s contract they have to eat in trade. They should keep Betts and trade him in July if the Sox are trailing the Yankees buy 8 or more games. If they are in the race keep him and receive the Comp pick.
The Angels are the most obvious starting point for Price. If the Angels take the whole contract the Sox will have to throw in a prospect too. If they eat one year’s worth of the contract the Sox should get a top 10 prospect in return. This would be beneficial to both teams.
The Red Sox should have no business trading a top-5 player in the league when they’re 2 years removed from a franchise best year. I am so sick of this team pinching pennies and accepting terrible seasons like 2012 and 2015. Just go all in and deal with the penalties! The MLB draft is probably the most fickle of all he pro drafts; even if you get a good player in the mid-to-late rounds, he won’t make an MLB impact until 3-4 years after he’s drafted!! It’s not like John Henry, a billionaire, can’t handle a $12 million fine. Good god. This is so ridiculous
Sure glad the team doesn’t think like you do.
It’s to get under the threshold like they did in 17. under the current CBA, once every three years is needed to limit draft and I think international money penalties.
He doesnt even want to consider an extension. So you think they should play him for a year then he walks and they get nothing?
Why should the Red Sox go over the luxury tax and pay fees? The Red Sox have spent money and now they are strapped due to contracts of Price, Sale, Mookie, and others. Why should a owner lose money by digging into his own pockets? Red Sox aren’t the only time to back off the luxury tax threshold and attempt to go under it. Why pay a fee and have it go towards the Marlins, Pirates, and other franchises that haven’t used money to extend or sign players? Big spending clubs are giving free money to organizations who pocket the money. Red Sox, Yankees, Cubs, Dodgers, and others attempt to stay under the luxury tax as much as possible. Why feed another club money when they at club isn’t putting money into being competitive?
Apt, Shannon. Apt.
Because why is it a smart competitive decision to act like there’s a salary cap when there isn’t one? By ignoring the luxury tax, you can gain a competitive advantage over your rivals by outspending them and keeping your MVP-level talent. Guys, you’re forgetting that Mookie, in only 6 years playing time, has been worth more than Bryce Harper, Yadier Molina, Nolan Arenado, Paul Goldschmidt and Andrew McCutchen’s entire career WAR totals. And every one of them has played more seasons than Betts! To trade such a prodigious talent to save money is lunacy for a big market team. Anyone denying this is delusional. Plus, Price’s contract as well as Sandoval’s and Hanley’s will be coming off the books in the next couple of years anyways!
There not trading him to save money. They’re trading him to prevent losing him for nil. They’ve made their offers and he’s made his stance known.
And this ownership team, with the exception of Dave Dombrowski, has a documented history of low-balling franchise players in the past few years. Jon Lester would still be in a Sox uniform if they hadn’t made him such an insulting offer; and in that scenario, overpaying price wouldn’t have ever been necessary.
Boston would not “lose him for nil” they would get a draft pick, much like the Giants got for not trading Bumgarner.
Also, keeping Betts all year might….yknow…lead to the playoffs? Boston have a great team with lots of elite players.
It should NEVER be about cheapskate owners trying to get under some tax bracket that doesnt even hurt in the owner in the slightest, it should ALWAYS be about winning, winning above money, winning above taxes, winning above all!.
Plus, *obviously….* winning makes more money!!! Playoff berths lead to more revenue from bonuses and more general eyeballs on the team.
Wow a complete long shot crapshoot draft pick! Sign me up.
Plus, the team would obviously take a hit to their chances by trading betts but they’d still compete w/o him, build depth and improve beyond this year by acquiring controllable talent.
If they lose price and Betts there is literally no chance of getting to the WS. Come on Monty I don’t have to explain this to you. Your mental gymnastics are pretty ridiculous here
Lol they surely can
You want Lester now the way he’s pitching? Lol
Lester is one example and I admit I was wrong as I wouldn’t have paid him then either. Who else? Damon? Ellsbury? The team was right with Ells and Damon was ok in NY but not worth crying over. The team has always spent.
Not sure how it works but if they don’t get under the threshold, their pick I think gets devalued.
OK, The Sox should make zero effort to sign Betts, and here’s why; Betts is a great player, high value and the face of the team. That said, in the history of MLB there is not one single case of a long term contract (5+ years) working to the benefit of a team when that player is under 6″1″ and 210 lbs. It’s got nothing to do with Mookie. The smaller frame can not handle 200 plus games a season, plus travel, workouts and the beating they take on the field for an extended period. Mookie id great but doesn’t meet the physical criteria for a long term deal.
There’s no chance even with those two are you kidding
Winning above all doesn’t work anymore. Most of these guys are highly over paid when their on a ten or eight yr deal, its a losing proposition for the fans and ownership
@Shannon Wolfe – what kind of minds defends a billionaire pinching pennies? Grow up. A billionaire would sell you for a profit if they could, and we the people should constantly be taking the money hoarders to task.
If you dont want to spend whatever it takes to make your team but the best team on the field, you do not deserve to own a baseball team, period.
And sometimes the best thing is to trade someone you know is leaving for much more than the comp pick you will get for him leaving.
@soxsam32 – absolutely nailed it. Thumbs up.
Good thing that year was tainted eh?
I am so sick of this team pinching pennies
Pssst, you probably don’t realize it, but the RS had the largest payroll in BB last year.
He doesn’t want to sign an extension, it takes one overpaying team for him to leave in a year. Him not signing an extension also shows how many f*vks he gives about you or Boston.
OK, The Sox should make zero effort to sign Betts, and here’s why; Betts is a great payer, high value and the face of the team. That said, in the history of MLB there is not one single case of a long term contract (5+ years) working to the benefit of a team when that player is under 6″1″ and 210 lbs. It’s got nothing to do with Mookie. The smaller frame can not handle 200 plus games a season, plus travel, workouts and the beating they take on the field for an extended period. Mookie id great but doesn’t meet the physical criteria for a long term deal.
Pedro Martinez six year contract with the same Red Sox.
Padres can wish for trading trash for a superstar all they want boston aint stupid, then they want boston to take on will meyers terrible deal. This just seems like boston trying to up dodgers offer so dodgers will take price as well.
Padres aren’t stupid they have the leverage not BoSox
SD may not be stupid but have they EVER won a WS?? Keep your prospects Preller. Dustin May is probably as good as Gore and LA actually SPENDS to get FA talent unlike SD. Enjoy many more years outside the post season.
Good take Price and Betts still won’t get you the ring, sorry, there’s a curse of the dodgers
RedSox would be foolish to make that trade for all 4 of the guys mentioned. Cal is trash. Margot is trash. Naylor is trash. Joey is decent. Meyers is beyond trash and only the Padres would give that guy money like that.
Unless Boston can get 4 of SD’s top 10 prospects, they should keep Mookie and contend.
Who’s to say they can legitimately contend? They didn’t really all that well last year, year before is tarnished by cheating.
Daynlokki did MLB let you in on their decision before informing the rest of us?? As far as I know Sox have NOT been found guilty of anything yet.
They will contend before SD does.
Hahaha well we know that’s not happening!
Please keep Mookie and see what happens, padres can keep their prospects and make the playoffs without Betts
What in 2028???
Four top ten prospects for a one year rental? Dumb comment.
Not dumb if the Red Sox are also taking an overpaid clubhouse cancer off the Padres’ books.
Yes it was even from a Red Sox fan but if you think SD is getting Mookie without giving up at least Patino then let’s not spend any more time on this. Quantrill is a reliever at best and NO-ONE wants Myers. Margot is average at best too.
Ha ha your dreaming, keep Beets for a year Padres don’t need him
With all due respect, you don’t have the foggiest idea what you’re talking about.
Margot is about as good as JBJ, for a whole lot less money.
Quantrill was the #8 pick in the draft (I was hoping he’d drop to the RS @ #12), had a 3.32 ERA through his first 18 games (13 GS) with a 70/19 K/W in 81.1 IPs, and has 6 years left under control. He compares favorably to a guy like Giolito, who had an awful first full season, before becoming one of th ebest in the league.
Naylor was the overall #12 pick. He projects to be an excellent hitter, but his defensive usefulness is in doubt. But would likely still be a good DH.
This guy baseballs. Nailed it. Cal and Naylor just might be very good. Margot, ehhhh, we all know what he brings. Luchessi is consistently getting better. If the hold up is Wil’s money, then I believe both sides will make amends to seal the deal. For this fan, I’m ok with a “no deal” here.i like our guys. Our Top 10 Prospects are untouchable, especially for a rental. (Regardless of whom that rental is…)
“Our top 10 prospects are untouchable’
Well, no need to read any of your comments ever again.
I’ll miss you
Hey surefirelosers, you’re gonna be disappointed when you see the return the Red Sox get for Mookie. You can take that to the bank!
So according to Sox fans the Dodgers have to give up a haul with players like May, Verdugo, Downs, Gray any top prospect not named Lux ect. And yet this reported Padres package is pure meh.
I mean the Red Sox aren’t demanding at least one star-level prospect they’re out of their minds
No one will pay that prospect price.
The Red Sox are the ones needing to make this trade to both get something for Betts and get under the threshold.
No team needs one year of Betts, he is merely a bonus if you can get him cheap enough player wise.
EVERY team needs one year of Betts. What kind of backwards logic are you on? Do you think losing is the aim of the game? Betts helps teams WIN GAMES, what all 30 teams are trying to do.
Please do not ever talk down on a 10 WAR player like he’s a nonfactor. This is one of the worst takes ive seen on here lately.
Which is what makes this so unreasonable! The Red Sox have no business taking anything less, and the other teams have no reason giving up that prospect capital for a rental. This deal won’t happen. All I’m saying is the Red Sox should just pony up and pay the man
Lol this team can’t win.
Stop giving out insane crippling contracts!
Give this guy an insane crippling contract!
Make up your minds.
The Red Sox don’t “need” to trade Mookie Betts, and doing so wouldn’t even get them under the threshold to reset their luxury tax, especially if they have to take money back in the form of Wil Myers. They can easily go into the season and if they aren’t in position to compete trade him at the deadline. No team needs Mookie Betts lol one of the dumber comments I’ve seen on here and that is saying something. He has been a 6+ WAR player every year of his career and had a 10 WAR year two years ago. He is the kind of generational talent that could swing a pennant race.
@Strike Four Mookie is not a 10 WAR player. He is much closer to 6-7 WAR. One year of Betts is NOT worth 6 years of a potential all-star prospect. Padres are not Mookie Betts away from winning the WS, so they will be careful with what they offer.
The Dodgers are potentially a Mookie Betts away from a ring, so I would see more haste from them than the Padres.
They are $17 million over, so dealing Betts and taking on $10 million a year would put them right up against the limit.
I can’t really see him ever getting to 10 again especially looking at his defensive decline. I don’t pretend to understand dWAR, but that 2016 2.9 dWAR seems like a statistical anomaly to me and the stats don’t look that much better than Puig’s 2014 numbers which resulted in a negative dWAR. But the essence of your comment is spot on–there’s no team where Betts isn’t significantly better than at least one of their corner outfielders.
However, I think if I’m the Dodgers, I’m waiting until the report on the cheating comes out before trading for him. You could face a huge fan backlash if his name comes up in the report in any negative way considering there is the potential that he was actively involved in cheating to deprive the Dodgers of a WS win.
I’m a Dodgers fan and I wouldn’t take Alex Bregman or Carlos Correa for free. I’ll stop watching them if they trade for any of those guys–they’re a disgrace to the game. Dodgers fans have some experience being on the other side when stuff came out about Gagne and Lo Duca–it sucks realizing some of your favorite players sacrificed their integrity for a win. no matter how many other guys were doing it.
Oh sure give us Myers and some scrub prospect not in your top 5 and call it a day right??
Every team can use him, but no team needs him.
Not having him is what every team planned for. Getting him for one year would be a bonus for a club, but it’s not something any team is going to throw away the future for – especially this late in the offseason.
Red Sox kind of need to trade him big time though, as keeping him means a large financial hit, a huge future prospect hit and a lesser chance of competing this season or in the future.
They are the ones trying to find someone to take him, not the other way around.
So let me get this straight, you just tried to argue that the Red Sox have a better chance to compete THIS year if they trade Mookie Betts, and that they are basically trying to give him away because no one wants him? This is a truly special type of stupidity.
If the Sox were to deal Betts and not take any real 2020 salary, they would have roughly 10 million to spend on top of the immediate help the roster would receive in the form of the return players.
That is an improvement over where the club sits right now with Betts.
No team needs Betts, and the resources are often better spent elsewhere.
Just look at Harper. Did the Nationals, or the Phillies for that matter, need Harper?
Team that lost him better used the resources and won a WS because of it.
Team that got Harper finished at 500 and without a playoff birth.
Despite everyone seeming thinking that way, it’s not Betts in a bubble for anyone involved.
So according to Sox fans the Dodgers have to give up a haul with players like May, Verdugo, Downs, Gray
Sorry to disappoint you, but we aren’t getting that package, Or even half that package.
If the Dodgers take Price, an offer of Peterson, Downs, Ruiz and something else (Maeda?) would likely work.
Dodgers would keep Lux, Verdugo, Gosselin and Gray.
PEDERSON how many times are you going to get it wrong?!
hopefully Red Sox fans never need to learn how to spell it. he is garbage.
Peterson, Pederson, what difference does it make?
You should consider yourself lucky to be able to listen to Don Orsillo.
The Padres, barring several additions, will not be making the playoffs in 2020 or 2021. Several years down the road? Who knows.
I don’t think that you understand how terrible the Myers contract is and what it would take to get rid of that contract alone.
Myers is worth about 2-3 MM per season and he is set to make 67.5 MM!!! The Padres will have to attach prospects to get rid of him. Even if the Padres eat HALF of his contract, he is still overpaid by 10 MM per season.
Mookie can be traded to the Dodgers, straight up, for two (three?) of their 3-7 ranked prospects. Those prospects are similarly ranked to the Padres 3-7 prospects.
WHY ON EARTH would the Sox trade Betts for 1/2 of Myers contract, Quantrill and Margot, when they can trade him to the Dodgers for actual, highly touted prospects?
So, if the Padres aren’t willing to put Patino, Campusano + on the table, there will be no trade for Betts.
The foolish Padres fans who think that they will be acquring Betts for their unwanted trash are sorely mistaken.
Cross your fingers that you will win 75 games this year!
Myers is set to go. It seems he has already been agreed upon. It’s him and what you call the Padres “trash”. If they pay the extra $16.625 million, it looks like it is done. I expect that the Padres will pay it.
Javla – That is false.
Hold up, 3 NL west orginizations are in talks? That has to be Padres, Dodgers, and D-backs, right? Because we know the Padres are, the Dodgers wanted some star power to put them over the top in 2020, and the D-backs want a true CF so that Marte can play 2nd full time. I hope the D-backs get him.
It is indeed the Dbacks that are the third team. It was mentioned in a previous MLBTR update.
D-Backs are no longer involved, as they just traded for S.Marte!
D Backs are out of the running now that they have Marte, its the padres and dodgers I hope the padres do not throw some good prospects at this deal, I’d rather have the Sox keep Betts and pay the penalty
If the Sox can get Betts for Margot, Lucchesi, and some salary relief, it would be a steal, even for just 1 year.
That would be grand larceny and end Bloom’s career before he’s had a chance to try everything at Quincy Market.
At least we can agree on this point lol
High five!
It’d be a steal alright, much the same as if AJ kicked down the door in the middle of the night, hogtied bloom in a closet, and robbed him blind.
If AJ Preller has connections to the Mafia then that might be done.
Oops, obviously meant “If the Padres can get Betts….” My bad.
That deal sucks from Boston’s perspective and hi still think the chatter is to get LA involved.
Preller’s job is on the line so he’ll cave before the Red Sox will – w/o Mookie he’s not making the playoffs and he’ll be gone.
W/Mookie, SD has a chance to be respectable and save his job.
except once Betts leaves next year he will be fired anyways.
For a year. But will ownership let him offer a $400 million contract? Seems unlikely to me
This comment only makes sense if ownership is braindead extreme113. If these team owners are smart enough to make billions of dollars, they know how to judge present and future value. Selling the future for 1 year of playoffs will hurt the owners wallets. They will have something to say about it if Preller tries to give away all of the future value of their product to try to save his job.
Dodgers will win the west handily again. The DBacks are going to be pretty good and have the best chance at a wild card.
Padres will be better, especially if Gore makes the team and performs to his potential and Tatis shakes the injury bug.
NO maybe two prosepcts at best for betts and 1/2 Myers salary, who wants a one yr rental and even then the padres won’t make the playoffs so why make the trade
No point in trading for Betts if you don’t think your team can make the playoffs.
No mention of the additional prospects beyond a trade and cut candidate in myers and a pair of meh league average to slightly below young mlbers?
Like several, I really can’t see where Myers is even in the discussion here. Including Price of course changes that, but there doesn’t seem to be any mention of that.
Quantrill and Margot is enough of a “discount” for what Betts is going to give SD…..I would think another piece would have to be included. But there’s no reason at all to eat any money, or take back a contract. Betts’ contract situation certainly diminishes his value, but doesn’t eliminate it; it’s Mookie Betts, for heaven’s sake.
Meyers is in the discussion because he has 3 years left on his contract.
That means the Padres can eat up to 100% of his 2020 salary while taking the Betts money, thereby putting the Red Sox comfortably under threshold and able to fill a few more holes to try to contend in 2020
It makes a ton of sense to take on 2021-2022 salary in order to get under threshold and the young players
The annual value of the contact is how luxury tax is calculated. Padres paying all of this years salary for Myers would still hit the Red Sox with a bill of his remaining dollars divided by 3.
Myers annual cost is $14M. If SD chipped in only 2/3rds of his remaining salary, that would make his cap hit -0-. We don’t need to get that low, but even at 50%, his cap hit is quite low.
Thank you Pride, you are correct, my mistake
Ya and if he breaks his ankle in ST Betts is worth nothing, take Myers or nothing
nothing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wil Myers
I still think the Dodgers end up with Mookie. They have the money and prospects to make it a “clean” deal.
Dodgers have money, yeah, but nothing comes out “clean” from Chavez Latrine. They literally had poop coming out of their stadium dugout area. L.A. Times did a big article on that mess that hit the manager’s office, the dugout and the infield beyond their dugout—lots of pics on the Sports page,
David Price + Mookie Betts for Reynaldo Lopez + Nomar Mazara + one of James McCann or Zack Collins. Drop the catcher if White Sox take on all of the contract dollars. Who says no?
Literally everyone
Margot is god awful? Do u guys have tvs
I’m sure he’s a lovely young man, tips bartenders well and holds the door open for ladies. But his statistics show he he is trash adjacent.
Yes he is trash
Betts and Price for Myers, Margot, and Mackenzie Gore
Spuds Mackenzie / Al Gore 2020
Sox will literally never get Gore. Pads think he’s the next Kershaw. Sox could send Betts and offer to pay for (but not get) Myers, and they still wouldn’t get Gore.
If Gore and Myers are there, Price is most definitely not.
Your crazy Gore is worth both of Betts and Price and even then I say NO DEAL
Kinda hoping this ends up being similar to the Dodgers-Red Sox megatrade from several years ago, it’s fun for baseball to have these giant swaps. But if the Red Sox want to include Betts AND Price, there’s no way LAD can afford to take on $60MM in payroll without the Sox eating some of it and probably including someone like AJ Pollock in the return.
But the Red Sox aren’t a struggling team like they were in 2012!!! People, they literally just had a franchise record season and a World Series championship, possibly the most dominant team of the past 20 years. This conversation is absolutely ridiculous.
And they apparently cheated for it too didn’t they?
Daynlokki…. Seriously… they have not been charged with anything and there is a good chance there is nothing there, but keep assuming and keep making yourself look like a mental midget. Then again you are probably also agreeing with all the idiotic lies Adam Shiffty and the stupid lefties keep throwing out there and wasting everybodies time and money..
Right, like that lefty John Bolton. I prefer to wait until the report comes out before calling them cheaters, but you don’t need to bring politics into the conversation. We’re here to get a break from that stuff.
If the RS aren’t a struggling team why can’t they afford to may Mookie (by their own account, a great player)?
Astros would disagree with your statement, if their cheaters so are the BoSox, the fine and suspension is coming your way hang on.
Love how the tides have turned. A few years ago Boston was notorious for low-ball offers and proclaiming their top thirty prospects “untouchable”.
Except for …. all the ones they traded, many of whom are mentioned in this article and comments.
Mookie Metts
I’m not even a Red Sox fan and that’s an insulting offer
It be a steal if the Sox could just trade Betts for the remainder of Myers, Pujos, Sandoval, Prince Fielder, Manny Ramirez, and Bobby Bonilla’s remaining contracts plus Rusney Castillo but still paying his remaining salary. Sox fans are so greedy if they think he’s worth more than that…
I honestly feel the trade rumors have been like this for Betts.
You’re surprised they want a return for one of the best players in baseball?
The problem with the Betts situation is that he has not been willing to discuss a long term agreement. He is only interested in testing free agency, so it’s not about the Red Sox not willing to pay him.
The Sox will have their chance to pay him this offseason….but they’re going to have to be the high bidder for his services…no hometown discounts for the Beanboys!
OK, The Sox should make zero effort to sign Betts, and here’s why; Betts is a great player, high value and the face of the team. That said, in the history of MLB there is not one single case of a long term contract (5+ years) working to the benefit of a team when that player is under 6″1″ and 210 lbs. It’s got nothing to do with Mookie. The smaller frame can not handle 200 plus games a season, plus travel, workouts and the beating they take on the field for an extended period. Mookie id great but doesn’t meet the physical criteria for a long term deal.
He is asking for $400M for ten yrs.,who is going to pay that? No team, good luck
Dbacks can get the RedSox under the penalty tax threshold with a trade for both Betts and Price. Dbacks send back Yasmany Tomas (contract is $17M, but CB Tax Threshold is $11.4M), plus SP Merrill Kelly, #4 prospect 1b/OF Seth Beer (#5 1b on MLB Top10 1b, and former Top 100 prospect with Astros), #6 prospect and former Top 100 SP Jon Duplantier, #11 prospect SP J.B. Bukauskas and #26 prospect 1b/3b/DH Kevin Cron. Dbacks take on all of Betts’ contract, but receive $45M ($15M per year) on Price’s contract. RedSox shave a net total of $28M off their CB Tax totals and get under the $208M threshold.
Do you really think the D’Backs would send all of those prospects? I’m not a Sox or Snakes fan, but if I were Boston, I’d jump at that trade in a heartbeat. Not sure why AZ would do it.
I think AZ can get more back if all those guys are on the table?
I’d only do that trade if Betts would agree to sign a long term deal.
Those guys all stink. Red Sox are not going to take a load of trash for a superstar like Betts.
D Backs aren’t stupid your reasoning is strictly biased
This whole conversation is basically like suggesting the Yankees trade Derek Jeter in 2002 because he’s about to be too expensive and ownership doesn’t want to pay him or lose him for nothing. Such a completely hairbrained, delusional concept.
Not. Even. Close.
Well Betts is better than Jeter so there is that.
100% correct.
@soxsam. Get your head out of your rear end. The Sox have negotiated with Betts for 2 years and they know that his demands are ridiculous. They have major problems with the luxury tax this year and they have to get rid of him. If they could have signed him, they would have.
I think the Rangers are quietly in on Betts. They want to make a splash.
Naylor Quantrill Weathers and Baez for Mookie done deal. Padres get to keep their top five prospects. Sox get a right field replacement with high offensive upside in Naylor and Quantrill can slot right into a lefty heavy rotation. Baez steps into the back end of the bullpen right away. Weathers develops in the farm for a little bit and looks to develop into a quality middle of the rotation arm.
I would do it.
All due respect, I’d say no deal, hang up the phone and finish my fish tacos here on the beach.
and you take Myers 1/2 salary also
Again, any discussion that the Sox take back Myers neglects that Myers has negative value. Take back his deal? Sure, with Gore and Patino….and NOTHING less. Certainly not anything to do with Mookie Betts. You might as well dream of, being a Mets fan, including Bobby Bonilla in a deal for Betts.
Yes, the fact that Meyers is included in this deal shows how desperate the Sox actually are to trade Betts, for the betterment of the club in both 2020 and beyond
Meyers specifically then makes a ton of sense as an inclusion for the Sox, as they can eat future money (2021-22) while the Padres can cover a bunch of the 2020 costs to help the Sox get comfortably under this years threshold.
Betts and Eovaldi for Myers and Paddack.
Red Sox and Cubs fans should be upset. Companies print money but cry poor over $5-20 million dollar tax bill? Greed has fundamentally changed baseball in the last few years and this is a symptom of that.
Sox fan and definitely not upset. No way do i want a 400 million dollar contract . Have 4 recent WS. Its ok to rebuild
RS fan here. Every night, I am despondent. Fortunately, I have an awful lot of WSC sweatshirts to comfort me:)
The Sox can easily write those checks it’s the penalty portion of losing draft picks for being a multi time offender.
If the Sox are in fact offering to pay about half of Myers’s contract without asking for any of the Padres’ Top 5 prospects, I’d have a hard time not jumping at whatever four-for-one trade including either Margot or Naylor and either Quantrill or Lucchesi that BOS proposed.
They are not
Though the circumstances are a little different, as Boston has more bandwidth to resign Mookie, this has some similarities to the Orioles situation with Machado. You are either going to ante up on a long-term deal, or you decide it’s not good baseball or business sense to do so, or you just flat cannot afford it. If you decide the latter, you move him–NOW. Regardless if you are win-now mode (and TBH, with where the BoSox are and what’s happened this offseason, I do not see them as “all in”). One year of control, versus 2 months of control+a huge disparity in what you get back. Rewind to when Machado was a year away from FA and the names that were being bandied about for him as a possible return and what the O’s actually got for him as a pure rental.
Sounds like this might happen. That’s a steep price for 1 year, but If San Diego can dump the Myers contract, they’re probably hoping to re-sign Betts.
Take care of our future right fielder, we have big plans for him.
Padres think they should be able to get guys for piles of dog poop. They wanted Syndergaard for hedges and Margot as the header… know they want Betts and give them will Myers contract for that crap?? There is a reason why they are never good..
Agreed, including Myers when there are other teams who would surely offer nothing but cheap prospects is laughable. The Padres pulled the same thing in Merrifield negotiations. They claimed KC had an unreasonable asking price when KC refused to take back Myers.
If Preller was serious about getting Mookie he could keep Myers and include a few mid tier prospects to get this done already. He won;t though, he just likes reading his name in the headlines.
So you think the Padres would be better right now if they had traded Tatis and Paddack to the Mets for Syndergaard as was the ask 2 years ago? THAT makes no sense.
If Boston is really willing to pay half of Myers contract the Padres should have signed off and packed Wil’s bags already.
I for one still don’t buy that Boston has even agreed to take Myers back, especially if the other names are Margot, Naylor Quantril level.
If Boston really does trade Betts I hope their fan base never forgives them. There is no reason to not keep him and make one more run. You have Betts, Martinez, Benitendi, Devers, Bogarts. Why are you not trying to win in 2020? If Sale or Price pitches well enough to warrant a trade then great. Otherwise, pay your tax, try to win in 2020 and tear it all down next offsseason.
Diamondbacks should trade Robbie Ray, Seth Beer or Pavin Smith and a lower level minor leaguer for Betts and Price.
I don’t see the point from Boston’s perspective. Trying to save money and risk losing him for nothing, but why acquire Margot who’s just a fourth outfielder? And I don’t see any of the Padres young mid rotation guys doing well in Boston either. Taking back Myers for multiple years would defeat the purpose. I’d like to see a three way deal where someone takes on Myers’ salary and the Sox can just rebuild, which seems awfully silly but for some reason, that’s how they operate. Win the world series then proclaim the sky is falling after one bad season.
If money is the only thing holding up the deal I think the Padres should just give in. 15 million might seem like a lot, but adding Betts for 1 year will make all that money back in ticket sales from the hype and when Betts leaves next year they get a draft pick out of it. The only reason Myers salary is so high now is because they severely back loaded it.
I know he’s good, but Betts was 39 points lower average on the road vs home in 2019, after the Red Sox have been cheating from stealing signs. You’d hope teams consider this when making a trade.
This makes you look very dumb.
Shut up yah idiot no crying in baseball grow up, probably a yankees fan
Not crazy about how Dave Dombrowski got Boston where they are financially. The Han Ram contract and Panda contract have just about cleared (5mil due Panda this year) but just crazy Price contract that has really hurt this team. But what is enough money Mookie? Makes you look very greedy. Once upon a time a player by the name of Fred Lynn felt the same way, and his career was never the same and he regrets this move to this day. As far as the SD trade offers, money is the component here, Boston needs under the cap with this deal period. That’s the only reason they are doing it. So if they take a piece of Myers contract… Then what they pay for Mookie should reflect in the fact that he is in the top two or three players in the game… nuf said!
When will you be returning your World Series trophy that Dombrowski got you. Sometimes you have to make splash signings to get over the hump. Cant be good every single year.
Hanley and Pablo were signed by Cherington.
DD signed Price, but traded for Kimbrel, Sale, Pearce and Eovaldi who contributed to the 2018 World Championship.
I will take the 2018 Title and some bad contracts.
Passan just reported SD has acquired Betts
Sorry, got duped by my friend who got duped by a fake passan acoount
This makes no sense to me from the Red Sox’s perspective. Lucchesi and Naylor for Betts is a pretty fair swap without including Myers.
2020 salaries:
Betts 27M
Myers 22.5M
Padres want the Sox to eat the contract of Myers? How does this work exactly?
It doesn’t. This is just spin programmed to get LAD back to the table
You have to read the article first.
1-The RS/SDP are discussing a discount of between 25-50%, so it is nor $22.5M.
2-Not sure if it is mentioned in the article, but Myers AAV is only $14M. If the RS get SD up to 50%, then Myers only counts for ~ $3-4M against the cap, which is likely less than we can get any 1B for.
Son, no one cares that Myers’ luxury tax hit is lower than his actual salary. He’s still a AAAA player making $22.5m a year.
You seem like a bad parent, arguing with your children on the internet like this. The Red Sox definitely care about the CBT AAV. It’s probably the main reason they are willing to trade Betts in the first place.
@Clayton Russell well fortunately my kids are smart enough to know that Wil Myers has no value at all.
I’m not saying he has value. He has negative value compared to his contract, however, that negative is less consequential to the Red Sox than it is to the Padres especially if the Pads are taking on half of the salary and pushing the AAV for CBT concerns down around 3M per year. The Red Sox can use him as a bench guy or just cut him while demanding more value in return from the Padres than they’d otherwise be willing to give up. This lets the Pads look at is as more than just a win-now trade while still not really changing much from the Red Sox point of view.
It’s not that Myers has *some* negative value. He has $60 MM of negative value!
The Padres HAVE to attach prospects to get rid of him. Betts is worth more that the above mention offer on his own.
There is a 0.0% chance that the Sox are trading Betts for 1/2 of the Myers contract, Quantrill and Margot/Naylor. That is right, 0.0% chance.
I think that this is smoke to get the Dodgers to take most of David Price’s contract.
You are right. The Red Sox are set to get Campusano as well. No Patino or Abrams, but yes Campusano. That is why the Padres are still fighting over money.
Campusano won his league batting title. As a Catcher. He has a plus arm and plus defense. He is a top 50 prospect. I guess the Padres don’t think you can get a guy like that by taking a bad contract at pennies on the dollar.
They need all the young talent they can get. MLB is about to bring the hammer down on them and the farm system is one of the worst in baseball
Think there is lot missing from these rumors.
We have heard they are discussing myers, MLB players and prospects. That makes sense.
This looks pretty reasonable to me.
Sox half of Myers contract.
Choice of luchesse or quantril
Margot or naylor
Some upside from that group. Quantrill pitched well at times in limited attempts last year. Both quantrill, Margot and naylor are former top 100 guys.
Prospects I think it’s either 1 guy like campusano or its multiple guys like
Baez, morejon, weathers type guys all 3 of these guys have been in and out of the top 100. Some scouts think morejon has better stuff then gore has been injured and lacks the same command. I could see a cather like torrens or hunter as well.
Not sure what the 40 man looks like from a talent perspective. Most of those guys listed would need to be added to the 40man
It makes no sense at all for the Sox to absorb Myers’ concrete slab attached to the ankle contract of Price isn’t in the deal.
Win win situation for the Pads. The farm has loads of talent so even of there isnt an acquisition of Betts there is a chance, at some point they hit on someone from within.
The Sox have a chance to significantly bolster their farm in one trade with the Padres and everyone forgets several years ago with the Rays, Myers was very productive in the AL East. Hes only 29 and entering his prime.
There is still a good chance Myers rebounds. Couple him with a healthy Cordero and Pham and the Padres have a potentially formidable line up without trading for Betts.
Also the Padres keep their young arms and the system is so stocked with young pitching talent, the next Kluber could be waiting in the wings.
The onus is on the Sox to make this happen.
Pretty sure betts is going to sign with the highest bidder. So trading him and getting under the cap plus get some additional pieces makes sense. Could sign him next off season after resetting the cap anyways. Unless you think he doesn’t want to play for the sox then even more reason to trade him.
Keeping him literally makes no sense especially after the sox get smashed for sign stealing penalties.
Wil Myers highlights…in Fenway
High risk for the Padres unless they eventually sign Betts to an extension.
I think the trade, as mentioned, is close, but it feels like we should get a little more.
Quantrill, imo is about a #3, with more ceiling than floor.
Margot replaces JBJ in CF, with JBJ traded for a B-level prospect, for an $8M savings.
If SD pays 50% Myers, then his cost against the cap is $3-4M.
I think the addition of a high-leverage guy like Baez would make this a good deal for us. If Campuso (sp) is available, I’d pass on asking for Baez and pick up 75% of Myers salary.
Seriously? That’s barely worth Betts even if you don’t include Wil Myers.
Betts and the Sox do not have any leverage here, Dodgers or Padres do get with the program
nowheretogobutup, I’ll say one thing. You never fail at giving me a good laugh. And I mean every single post lol.
The trade really makes no sense from either side.
If the Red Sox take on that Myers contract, which is really bad, then they have to get Patino plus in order for it to make sense.
The Padres are only getting Betts for one year and would have to give up a lot. From the Padres GM side this only makes sense if he feels Betts is enough of a difference maker to keep him from getting fired after the another disappointing season.
I just don’t see Bloom being stupid enough to trade Betts take on all or the Lions share of that Myers albatross contract and only getting basically garbage back. It does not make sense.
If SD takes on half of Myers salary, then how is it ‘really bad’? His AAV is $14M. If SD pays 50% of his current salary of $22.5, that’s $11.25. That makes his salary hit to the RS ~ $3M+.
Given that someone like Moreland will cost more than that, how is this bad?
Are you sure that’s how it works with the CBT? I was curious about this. If the Padres are paying 11.25 per year does that subtract directly from the AAV so the AAV becomes 3 point something or does the calculation go over the whole contract? I.E. Original deal was 6y/83M at 13.83 AAV so you make it 6y/83-34 from SD = 49M or 8.1 AAV. Or are both of these wrong?
I’m not real sure how the CBT hit will work if it is truly down to roughly 3 million then this is much more desirable for the Red Sox. Even then I would still want Campusano to front the trade for Padres but we shall see.
This is more complicated than it has to be. Simply leave Myers out of talk will speed everything up.
Myers goes to Sox or no deal, Bloom gets hit with the tax penalty and loses Betts in Sept. For the Aox its do or die, they do not have the upper hand here
Lol no deal then. If Bloom really just wanted to get rid of Betts it would have happened by now. And he wouldn’t have had to take back any bad contracts in the trade.
Please elaborate on this upper hand thing you talk about in every post. Does Boston bring in more revenue with Betts or Myers in the lineup for 2020? Is San Diego the only team Boston can trade Betts too? And how does Boston taking one of the worst contracts in baseball make sense? How does this give San Diego leverage? The suspense is killing me lol!
Per, a fair trade for Betts is Myers, Margot and Gore plus $17mill. Padres fans might (will) say you don’t trade Gore for a rental, but bear in mind how bad Myers’ contract is if this is what it takes to unload most of it..
I would drive Betts out there myself for Gore. That’s a good deal for us.
Betts and Eovaldi for Myers and Paddack.
Doesnt displace enough money for Bos though – Theyd need to be assured they could move Bradley for a prospect at least before they went threw with something like this-”
More than likely Bos has to save 20 mill in a mOokie trade not the 10 in your suggestion
Not sure why the Padres insist Abrams is off the table. It’s not like they have any need for a SS any time in the next 5 seasons.. And if it keeps the Sox from getting Gore or Patino, all the better since you need 5 SPs and only one SS.
Betts for Myers, Abrams, Campusano, Quantrill, Cronenworth, and $16mill. Works out on
Or the Padres could just stop pretending Myers has any trade value at all.
I would do this one as well. I like Quantrill a lot, and Campusano & Abrams are high-ceiling prospects. Myers has no value, but the salary issue is a competitive advantage to the RS. We should never worry about non-AAV money.
Prices have changed Ketch. 5-6 years ago the Sox could have gotten Lux and May for Betts. Even then it would have been a stretch to get them for 1 year of Betts. Now? The Dodgers won’t even consider giving up Lux on his own for 2 years of Lindor. 2 years of Lindor is worth at least 1.5 times what 1 year of Betts is worth. There are real stars for sale all around mlb this year, most with twice as much control as Betts. None of them are getting top 30 prospects. No team in mlb will be giving up top 30 prospects for Betts or any other rental. Period.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
‘No one will give up top 30 prospects for Betts’?
Then why didn’t the Sox non-tender him as opposed to pay him $27 MM? Betts is valuable and that one year contract of $27 MM could have a surplus value of $20 MM (or more).
FYI. a surplus value is a good thing.
The Padres have been bad for about two decades. How would Mookie Betts change the outlook for them?
Betts will only be traded for 2 top 7 prospects from the Dodger or Padres (unless the Dodgers take most of the price deal as well).
If that offer isn’t there? The Sox will keep him an make a playoff run in 2020.
We will see. Most likely by the end of today.
Unlikely he gets traded today.
Unless the Padres offer *some* of their top prospects, or remove Myers altogether, there will NOT be a deal with the Padres.
If a deal happens AND Myers is included, the Red Sox will be acquiring Campusano and Patino and other pieces.
If Myers is NOT included, then I think the deal is the aforementioned marginal players (Quantrill/Margot) and one other prospect (maybe Campusano),
15+ of your top 30 prospects may never get to the majors, so don’t get too attached to them.
If you are actually a Padres fan, you will be absolutely elated with watching Mookie Betts play. He is a special talent. and would be one of the greatest players to ever play for your team. Yep, Tony Gwynn, Dave Winfield…. and Mookie Betts.
… for one year.
Because Tatis is always hurt and will be traded around the time Abrams is making his way to the majors.
Why would the Red Sox trade mookie betts for a bunch of average prospects when they already have similar guys in their system? They already have a good young catcher that can hit. They have outfielders who can run and hit a bit. They have pitchers similar in quality to quantril. Their system isn’t great but it isn’t horrible either. I’d rather they compete in 2020, maybe move price to move his contract during the season if his value rises. Play out the string with betts and make every effort to pay him top dollar in the open market. Philosophy should always be pay your own guys first especially a hall of famed like betts. Make up the contract dollars going forward by using left/right platoons elsewhere if necessary or an opener as fifth starter. I just don’t get the mookie dump for middling prospects the equivalent of which are already in the system. I think the Myers rumor is a padre trial balloon. No way are the Red Sox picking up this kind of contract for a swing and miss guy without a defensive position.
Our system sucks. The only guy coming up in the next two years is probably Casas.. I doubt Duran is ever going to replace JBJ, so Margot comes in handy. Quantrill, imo, is better than any of our prospects.
Are you sure that’s how it works with the CBT?
I think so. If the RS were to trade Price, his AAV is $32M. If we picked up $14M of his salary, then the $32M is replaced by the $14M. I’m pretty sure on that one. So I think it has to be exactly the same if we are getting the money. I’ve never seen an AAV/salary discrepancy as high as this one, so I am not 100% sure.
From what I could find searching around, it looks like you’re right. In that case, it makes even more sense for these two to work out a trade as you said. And actually, I think it would come out to 2.58 Million AAV for the Red Sox, so that’s a big win from a CBT perspective.
If it’s really this close, I’d put my money on a desperate Preller getting a deal done by Thursday. Especially considering the Diamondbacks just got Marte from the Pirates…
Marte is good news for the RS. AZ was not one of the teams I thought we matched up well, and he was the last premium CF available.
The Sox should trade him straight up for that catcher or two good prospects and no Byers.
It’s a salary dump why take back half of it with a terrible player? Maybe its not half but whenever I see a deal like this I just don’t understand why teams take on a bad player’s salary.
I think it would come out to 2.58 Million AAV for the Red Sox, so that’s a big win from a CBT perspective.
It’s kind of a unique advantage. All the SDPs are looking at is his $22.5M salary. All we are looking at is his $14 AAV. The $8M+, as long as it doesn’t hit our payroll cap, is petty cash for Henry.
Past that, Myers is still young enough to be a borderline adequate player. I think, if he were a FA, he’d be getting something like $8M/2.
Son, no one cares that Myers’ luxury tax hit is lower than his actual salary. He’s still a AAAA player making $22.5m a year.
He was a 2.6 WAR/year from 2016-2018. I don’t buy that one bad year in 2019 means he is finished.
And the RS won’t give a rat’s a$$ about his real salary, only his AAV hit.
Myers does nothing that your best hitter in AAA can’t do.
Oh and still ridiculous of you to try and include Joc Pederson in a Betts trade.
This would be a ridiculously bad return even if all 4 were included. Joey L is a league-average pitcher and the other three are all below average players. It wouldn’t be worth it even if SD ate 100% of Myer’s contract.
Does anyone out there understand that these [expletive deleted] bean counters who run the Red Sox now want to trade one of the four or five best position guys in the game when 1.) they will never get value for him and 2.) they will probably take back so much salary that they won’t even save anything close to Mookie’s salary.
I like to see my team keep an eye on the bottom line, but dumping Mookie for any deal anyone is ever going to pay for him in a trade, for one year of his services is unbelievably short-sighted and not what we exp
Does anyone out there understand that these [expletive deleted] bean counters who run the Red Sox now want to trade one of the four or five best position guys in the game when 1.) they will never get value for him and 2.) they will probably take back so much salary that they won’t even save anything close to Mookie’s salary.
I like to see my team keep an eye on the bottom line, but dumping Mookie for any deal anyone is ever going to pay for him in a trade, for one year of his services is unbelievably short-sighted and not what we expected from this ownership.
I suspect the feeling is that the fan base will moan for a while and then forget about it. The Sox only get an opportunity to screw things up this badly about once in a generation Maybe they could let this opportunity go.
If the Sox trade Mookie now, I am going to become a Goddam Yankee fan or give up on baseball altogether.
For those saying hold him until July, the problem is the Red Sox need to drop around 20M to get under the CBT, so unless they can trade some of Price’s (or someone else’s) contract, they can’t afford to wait until July and still get under the CBT. They could theoretically hold him through around early May or so and still pull it off though.
Plus the return in July would be crap. You either trade him now or go for it one more year (ie pay the tax)
Anyone who spends half the year on the team will have half of their AAV salary counted against said team’s cap.
Sox will never do suggested Padres players. Dodgers are where it will happen. They line up better.
Bet you anything the Dodgers have taken all the guys Boston wants off the table. There’s a reason their top prospects aren’t reputably being discussed. Let’s be honest Boston is in a absolutely horrendous trade position. A very expensive player who can’t wait to leave and is only valuable this season. Good luck with those negotiations!
I think that is pure speculation on anyone’s account to say that Mookie Betts can’t wait to leave Boston. I have seen nowhere that he has said he wants to leave Boston he just wants to test free agency.
If the Sox offer him $400 million he will happily stay. He doesn’t dislike Boston at all that l have heard about. He just want his chance to be the prettiest girl at the dance. He wants to watch all the boys fight over him.
I cant reply to my own post above but I think Seager to cincy could be the key in a 3 way trade- They could get Senzel and Joc to be the Rf in my scenario and that would cut about 17.5 mill off the books while not sinking them his year (Joc is prettyy good) and giving them Senzel for the future while also re-setting the tax…
Cource this hinges on Lads confidence in Lux being the man out the gates
Dude stop it!
The Red Sox would see no value in getting Joc Pederson in a Betts trade. Pederson has the same amount of control remaining as Betts.
Maybe but if, and I say if, LA is willing to take on Price’s $96 million (which he might not actually be worth now) that pays down the cost of Betts to some degree. Trading for Betts alone is a different matter but it’s not like he’s under team control for four years. Betts will test the waters of free agency after the 20220 season. He’s not going to give the Dodgers a discount so they’ll have to bid along with the other clubs and there is always some club to bid a stupid amount. So it comes down to what is Betts worth for one year in 5-6 year controllable top prospects? (ones who will be Major league ready in within a year and will perform at an above average level. Then you factor in Price’s contract. Why give up a Lux and a May and maybe Ruiz when if you wait a year you can go after him as a FA. Something you’ll have to do anyway. If Boston is not planning to sign Betts large or Betts doesn’t want to play there. Then they are going to have to settle for a couple or three second level or third prospects. LA could really use a Betts or a Lindor but not to the degree San Diego does. The Padres finished 36 games out with Manny Machado. Now there was a bad signing
Short of getting his replacement in this trade, who would Boston deploy in center and tabbed to Lead-Off the lineup?
I believe you mean RF.
If JBJ is still there then he man’s center. If JBJ is gone benny slides over to cf. Might even see JBJ slide to RF and benny in CF.
Could see a LF platoon of JDM and either holt or someone like him depending what remained in FA at that point.
Leadoff depends who was brought on board and how ST went. Balance speed and BA, might try a few different guys out to see who fits
Same guy they will deploy in center and tab to lead-off the lineup if they don’t trade Betts and he walks after 2020.
Good question but one that is secondary when trying do get below the ‘luxury’ tax. Maybe a three or more team trade for an OF prospect with a bright future. They won’t get value for value. It’s hard to sell something you don’t have title on.
Padres are probably being leveraged against the Dodgers right now in an attempt to get LAD moving – After the Marte signing in Arz Dodgers might be more willing to go after Betts a bit harder-
Dodgers have the huge advantage here as they will not require Bos to take back a Will Meyers type- Surely Joc would be in it but at 1/8.5 mill Joc isnt a burden, hell throw Seager in there in a 3 way trade and you dont lose a prospect at all and it becomes Seager and Joc for Betts essentially-
All that hinges on their confidence of Lux this year getting 500 abs at ss and essentially being the man out he gates-
These types of trades rarely ever happen and it does bring a tad of risk to Lad wgich they dont like like to partake in but at some point doing nothing becomes a risk as well- I say sell Seager while you can, I dont think they are looking to re-sign him after 2021 so might as well capitalize on him now while the market is hot
Reds- Seager Floro
Dodgers- Betts Galvis
Sox- Joc + cincy prospects
What are the Cinci propects?
Joc would have no value to the Red Sox if they trade Mookie. Negative value even cuz he’d cost $ and hurt their draft position.
Absolute nonsense. His projected WAR, 3.2. Your posts are getting increasingly far afield.
Dodgers are at just over $178 million in payroll. They can take on just under $30 million in payroll for all of 2020. Mookie Betts counts over $27 million against the cap. Any injury at all will put them over the cap.
They have said they may go over the cap to acquire the right players. They’d be fine in a year or two.
“Absolute nonsense. His projected WAR, 3.2.”
Exactly. All he’d be doing is costing the Red Sox $ and hurting their draft position. Anyone who trades for Joc is trying to win in 2020. If the Red Sox were trying to do that this thread wouldn’t exist.
Jim Emmons, maybe the Dodgers are willing to go over the luxury tax, but they are not going to do it just to help the Sox. The Padres CAN afford another $55 million before they go over the luxury tax, but they don’t want to and they won’t do it just to help the Sox.
If the Padres can find a taker for Wil Myers, trust me, it only helps the Padres.
Sox are not a serious threat to Yankees or Astros for an AL title this year even with Betts. The pitching is too suspect. Trade Betts for prospects, and sign George Springer in the off season.
as a Sox fan i want Mookie GONE…it would simply be bad business to offer him a long term contract at the ridiculously high price he will get offered by another team…Boston should just dump him now so they get something for him…and stop the complaining about ownership being cheap its called being smart
You and Ray Win underscore my concern. Betts doesn’t promise us anything. He doesn’t mean we can make up 12 games. And keeping him doesn’t mean he won’t leave for another team.
“He doesn’t mean we can make up 12 games.”
Well he certainly makes it more likely.
“And keeping him doesn’t mean he won’t leave for another team.”
Yup and trading him doesn’t mean the Sox can’t bring him back next offseason.
“Yup and trading him doesn’t mean the Sox can’t bring him back next offseason.”
Exactly. We go one season without, pick up get some prospect or young players, and then bring him back, if he is reasonably priced. And without the payroll penalties to deal with, he’ll be a heck of a lot cheaper.
He’s not going to be reasonably priced. But holding onto him won’t change that.
Margot and Quantrill Would fit in quite nice if this is the Devil Rays 2.0
They would. It’ll sound strange, but if you want to be a great team, you need a lot of average, minimum players. That’s what we miss right now.
Just finish it Bloom
Just finish it Bloom
All of the players offered to Boston in that trade are all marginal at best. I understand that Boston, given that Betts is in the last year of his contract, is in a bad spot but how exactly would they justify giving Betts away for nothing of note. They are better off playing out the season with Betts. Betts is going to be a Free Agent after this season no matter what happens. Red Sox fans can’t be happy with what’s going. In fact, what is going on there?
Mookie being on the trade block at all is 100% all about the luxury tax implications. Let’s be honest: if there was no luxury tax Betts would not be on the market. He would already have a 10 year $400 million contract with Boston. They might have signed both Cole and Rendon this off-season and moved Devers to 1B. They can afford it. But they didn’t. Because of the tax.
Honestly, I don’t understand it. When the lux tax was first installed I thought it would do nothing, but I was wrong. You would think that a few million dollars in taxes or fines would be nothing to billionaires. It seems to be the exact opposite. Maybe paying taxes is like Sheldon Cooper and his obsessive/compulsive disorder. It makes billionaires itch all over, drives them insane and they will do anything to make it stop. Paying $1 more than what is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY I mean. For some reason nobody will mess with the tax.
With that being said, taking on Betts contract has lux tax implications for most teams looking to take on his $27 million. If the Dodgers take it, they will be $2-3 million under the tax. They will go over it if anyone gets injured. That is why the Dodgers need to include Peterson. The Padres are not against the cap, they are just somewhat cheap(some would say). Preller I am sure has a budget that he is not allowed to exceed. He is right up against it. He cannot take on any additional money, including Betts, without getting rid of Myers. That is just the way it is. That is why Myers backloaded contract and lower AAV is keeping them in the race. It’s all about salary, all about the luxury tax.
It seems like prospects are almost secondary at this point. Every team has already spent all of their money this year. The Sox will be over the cap unless they make a trade, and to make a trade they have to get creative and take money back.
Again, it makes no sense to me. I would just pay the tax if I owned the Sox. But I am not a billionaire. Leaving a 20-25% tip will not make me break out in hives.
Not just about the luxury tax. Also about adding years of control to their roster.
Yup, one of the latest prospect rankings showed no RS in top 100. One of the latest rumors has Campusano, Quantrill & Naylor (& Myers) for Betts. That’s 18 years of control for one year of control for Betts.
Not sure that you are a Red Sox fan.
FYI – MLB .com has Triston Casas as the #3 1B Prospect in baseball and #77 overall.
I think the Red Sox are 3-4 years away from their next championship, and that’s if they rebuild well. I also think no team should keep players who aren’t expected to be part of their next championship team.
With that in mind, JD Martinez, JBJ, Price, Eovaldi, and yes, even Chris Sale should be on the trading block, not Mookie Betts. He is young enough to be a leader of that next championship team, with Benintendi, Devers, Chavis, Bogaerts, etc.
If the Red Sox are 3-4 years away from their next championship why wouldn’t they trade Mookie Betts the pending free agent?
So we are going to pay Betts $150M over the next 4 years, but aren’t going to compete?
If Betts goes to the LAD’s I want Pederson and Seager as part of the package. I don’t mind a batter hitting 60 dingers in the last 2 seasons so he strikes out 25 % of his plate appearances. He could play 1 B or the OF. Seager is a MLbplayer. He’s versatile. “The Wall” might allow them both to improve their batting averages. Include Maeda and 2 prospects for Betts and Price. We can include a ‘small’ amount of cash. I like PTBNL; don’t be in a rush.
I would say the same with Betts to the Padres–Myers plus any of the packages as long as Price is included to get us below the Luxury Tax. I already trust Chaime Bloom to make the right deal. His time in Boston is dependent on making the right move and finding the right manager.
Why would you want Pederson? The Red Sox aren’t going to contend if they trade Betts and Pederson is a rental just like Betts.
Taking Price would put the Dodgers over the luxury tax on his own. LA is not going to go over the tax so Boston can get under. They have to include Peterson in the trade for Betts just so Betts doesn’t put them over the tax. If the Sox have are being forced to trade Betts to get under the tax, why on Earth would LA trade FOR Betts if he is going to put them over?
The Padres are not up against the luxury tax, but they have a maximum budget. They are at it. That is why they have to include Myers in any deal. Just Myers for Betts will add $5 million to this years payroll for the Padres. Because of Myers contract structure, the Sox will save $14 million against the cap. They cannot and will not add Price.
No team in mlb that is currently under the luxury tax will go over at this point. Not for Betts and certainly not for Price. This is what the Sox have to work with. They are up against a wall. I know every Sox fan wants to get rid of Price and get a huge return for Betts but that is just not possible at this point.
I don’t think the Dodgers care about going over the luxury tax line. Why would a bunch of billionaires care about having to pay a few million in penalties?
Anyway, Pederson would have no value to the Red Sox if they trade Betts because he’s a rental.
Javia-The dodgers deal out Joc and Seager and take Betts on its only +12 mill theyd still be comfortably under
Jim- They are still trying to contend so Joc makes sense – Shades of Grey my friend its not all black and white – In my proposal they get Senzel, Joc for a year and get below the lux tax shaving 20 mill for next year for Betts last year- I have cource have it a 3 teamer with seager to Cincy though
Bull. If they were trying to contend this thread wouldn’t even exist.
Padres want to get rid of Myers so bad they will trade away a bunch of ok players and a top 10 prospect for a 1 year rental.
1 yr rental or chance to revitalize the city and go for the playoffs hard…..I guess its just how you phrase it right?
Not going to revitalize the city if they aren’t able to keep him after 2020.
Didn’t we hear this same bs a few years ago?
jimthegoat, if the Dodgers didn’t care about the luxury tax they would have already gone over it. They would have tried to sign Cole or Rendon. They care. If the Red Sox didn’t care about the luxury tax Betts wouldn’t be available for trade, would he? He is available because the Sox desperately want to get under.
None of this is about what the Sox want back. Peterson has to go back so LA doesn’t hit the tax. Myers has to go so the Padres don’t go over budget.
Getting rid of Betts is, at it’s core, a salary dump to get under the tax. Trust a Padre fan when they tell you: in a salary dump you never, ever get anything of quality back. Trust us. We traded the “Crime Dog” Fred McGriff, the best, most consistent power hitters in mlb at the time, for MELVIN NIEVES!!! This was when the Braves minor league system had Chipper Jones available. Sound familiar? Premium player for premium prospect? That didn’t happen. The Padres ended up with Melvin NIEVES for the best power hitter in the game. THAT is what happens when a team is forced to dump salary.
Congratulations BoSox! You now get to feel what Padre fans felt for 40-50 years. I would say Ha! Ha! But being a Padre fan and having been there so many times myself, I feel for you.
jimthegoat- You ask why would billionaires care about the luxury tax? You obviously did not bother to read my previous posts. All I can say is that they do care. If they didn’t Mookie wouldn’t be on the trade market would he? Isn’t the Sox owner just about the richest owner there is? He shouldn’t care, but he does. Every other owner, all of whom are poorer than him, do too.
If they trade Mookie they either have to replace his production in FA, which will cost more money than he is making, or they will take a hit record-wise, which according to you they don’t want to let that happen in 2020.
If they trade Betts, it is to add years of control to the roster, which Joc Pederson doesn’t do for them.
So it looks like the price has been set. Myers, Margot or Naylor along with Quantrill or Lucchesie and a prospect. Money is the only thing holding it up. Sox want the Padres to pay $33.25 million, Padres only want to pay $16.625 million. The Sox must be getting a pretty decent prospect for the deal to be hung up over so little money. I am guessing it is Campusano. I think he is the only top prospect AJ would even consider because of the Pads catching depth. We will see.
I hope so. That would be a pretty decent return for one year of Betts. IMVHO, I don’t think we’ll get there, but maybe we can send a prospect back or pick up more salary.
If the return is any less then that it’s not worth it and Campusano had better be included in the return or it’s terrible.
Since the Red Sox are cheaters, they should trade with the Dodgers to ease their conscious.
Sox are in a bad place.
Owner has stated getting under the cap is a goal. They didnt make the playoffs this last season and 50/50 at best this season.
The farm system is dead last in the league.
The league is about to hit them hard for cheating.
Their best player betts will be a free agent next year and refuses to sign an extension.
Let’s see here..
50/50 at best chance to make the playoffs.
Terrible farm system
Over the cap
Losing best player
About to be penalized for cheating
If they can trade Betts they need multiple players back. 1 player will not help them out of this mess. Their best bet probably is to take myers and his terrible contract and try and get as many prospects or young mlb players as possible.
Myers has negative trade value so taking his contract and low avv helps with the cap. Plus the Padres have a deep farm system and want to move myers. This is paying for a farm system. I’d want 3 or 4 of the padres top 10 prospects. Plus perhaps young mlb talent as well. Can reset and in a year or two make a playoff push again.
Other wise are they going to get better?
They can trade Betts without taking Myers or someone like him. Easily.
If they could they would, but they can’t so they shan’t.
Your dreaming Padres have the leverage not the Sox, I say Myers and 2/3 rds of his contract and two regulars and the Sox take it, they don’t have a choice. The regulars are second tier players, Naylor, Quantrill or Margot and Baez
Please pick Lucchesie over Quantrill! Please pick Lucchesie over Quantrill!!
Jimthegoat…of.course they can trade him without taking on a bad contract. Nobody said they couldn’t.
The padres didnt include myers their offer would be less.
You have to look at myers as buying additional players. Depending how much of the contract the sox eat the more they get.
With their current farm system it definitely makes sense to think about doing this. Heck the padres spent 80m one season buying international players. The Braves have done this even the sox did it before.
Now the padres may not offer their top 3 but there are plenty and I mean plenty of other quality options. Usually best to get quantity of quality then just 1ish player that wont lift them to the yankees level.
“Jimthegoat…of.course they can trade him without taking on a bad contract. Nobody said they couldn’t.”
Javia did.
“Now the padres may not offer their top 3 but there are plenty and I mean plenty of other quality options. Usually best to get quantity of quality then just 1ish player that wont lift them to the yankees level.”
Depends on who/how much $ they have to take back.
@Javia absolutely they would be able to trade Betts without taking back a bad contract! All they would have to do is tell the other 29 teams “Here’s Mookie Betts. You have 24 hours to send in your final offers. Best offer gets him.” But they want to maximize the prospect return and that strategy just doesn’t do that.
Isn’t that offer basically what they are doing right now? Do you think they have excluded any teams from the current bidding? Of course they haven’t! He has been on the market all offseason and as of right now this seems to be the best offer. Sorry.
Your strategy makes no sense. So teams get 24 hours and best offer gets him?
Suppose the best offer is not so terrific? Then you are screwed.
One year of an expensive Betts is not getting you a prospect package worth trading Betts.
@wordonthestreet I’m not saying the Red Sox should or shouldn’t do that. I was explaining to Javia that they don’t have to eat any of Mookie’s salary or take back any bad contracts to trade him and that if they REALLY just wanted to get rid of him and didn’t care about the return, it would have happened by now.…
Some insight on some of the padres prospects.
@Javia no it’s not what they are doing. They are trying to maximize the prospect return, even if it means they have to take back some dead money and keep dragging trade talks out for days on end. If Betts were truly at the point where they HAD to take back some dead money to trade him at all, they would have just non-tendered him. There’s not a team in the game that wouldn’t take Betts for one year at $27m.
You have seen the offer jimthegoat. It’s right there on It’s Myers, Margot or Naylor, Quantrill or Lucchesie and 1 prospect. I kinda doubt that 1 prospect is Gore, Patino or Abrams. The only thing holding it back is whether the Padres will pay 1/4 or 1/2 of Myers remaining salary. This is your “maximized prospect return”?
The return for Betts is going to be far, far lower than you or anyone else thought it was going to be. You can deny it all you want, but this is where we are.
Again Jim what is your point?
Sure teams woukd pick up Betts for $27m. But that costs them no prospects.
Now what teams will pick that up AND part with talent? And what level talent? That is the issue.
@wordonthestreet my point is that Javia is dead wrong in saying the Red Sox can’t trade Betts without taking back some dead money.
I prefer if they give us second tier prospects instead of that garbage combination
I personally really, really like Cal Quantrill. But to each his own.
The prospects the Red Sox get back will be worth more than the dead money they are taking (Myers). Again, if Betts’ trade value were truly so low that the Red Sox couldn’t get anyone to take all of his contract, even for no prospects, they would have just non-tendered him. They had that option.
If they are willing to take Myers that tells us that they are willing to take on dead money in order to add prospects. Not an uncommon strategy in MLB. The Giants did it a few weeks ago when they agreed to take Zack Cozart in exchange for LAA giving them their most recent first rounder.
Wow. Now the article above doesn’t even mention the additional prospect the Sox were supposed to get. I was afraid it might be Campusano and now it is nothing? Now it’s just Myers and 2 others? I would take this deal, pay the full half of Myers salary and run! And I am even a very big fan of Quantrill.
Take it and run AJ!
I have a gut feeling myers will have a career year, whoever hes with.
I have a gut feeling he’ll be released before his contract expires and will then drop off the face of the Earth ala James Shields, Brian Wilson, Chase Headley and Jonathan Papelbon.
Well, if your job was on the line, like Preller’s is, you’d go all out to get a guy like this, too. To me, Myers, Patino, Campusano, gets it done… if Boston can pay ALL of Myers money, let them have Lucchesi, as well.
If SD falls short of contention by the trade deadline, trade Mookie and get back some of what you gave up. And maybe the quality is better than the quantity you traded when you got rid of Myers and some prospects. Preller may lose his job, but his mea culpa, was getting rid of Myers, who one owner, couldn’t stand.
The quality will not be better than the quantity you gave up if you flip Mookie at the deadline. He’ll only have 2 months of control as opposed to a full season and can’t be QO’d.
Well, maybe not..but IT’S STILL Mookie. You’ll get something significant. But not in spades.
Patino and Campusano are not involved blackleather. No top prospects are involved it seems. It’s either Quantrill or Lucchesie and Naylor or Margot. Money is the only holdup.
Well according to Mlb the friars are trying to structure the deal around Margot or Naylor and one of Lucchessie or Quantrill plus a prospect. The key words are the Friars are trying to structure a deal and the name of the prospect is not been said yet my guess it would have to at least be Campusano. The deal does not just hinge on dollars if Bloom accepted the deal like without a top prospect he would be run out of town. My guess is Myers, half his salary paid by friars Naylor, Lucchesie and Campusano for Betts. Anything less then that Bloom tells the Friars to kick rocks. The Red Sox really don’t have a catcher of the future so Campusano makes sense.
Actually I stand corrected it’s two young major leaguers, of course Will Myers and at least one prospect. So there could be more I’m guessing Campusano for sure and maybe another prospect that starts to make more sense.
I think we’re too far down the road to turn back now. Boston sorta has Preller bent over. If he flinches and gets too stingy, Betts goes to LA. It’s really that simple.
“I think we’re too far down the road to turn back now.”
Not really.
“If he flinches and gets too stingy, Betts goes to LA.”
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
I would love to see the Twins get involved in the Mookie Betts discussion.
Trade Eddie Rosario and 2 of our top 10 prospects for 1 year of Mookie. The summer in the twin cities would be crazy
Send Mookie + Price away. Clear the board for a year.
Given that we’re only talking about 15 million or so separating both sides, I expect that things will eventually get worked out.
My guess is that the less of Myers’ contract the Red Sox are willing to eat, the closer to the aforementioned deal we’ll be (Myers + Naylor + Quantrill is my guess).
If Boston was willing to eat more of the contract, maybe an additional prospect would be included, and the quality of said prospect would depend on how much more salary Boston was willing to take on.
To be honest, and as others have said, I rate Quantrill highly but I would take the deal on the table (with Boston paying half of Myers’ contract) if I was Preller. I would much rather see SD pay the 15 million extra and keep their top prospects, rather than fight for every last dollar and have to include one of our promising prospects just to get a bit more salary relief. But, I suppose it’s not my money.
With Hector Olivera’s salary finally coming off the books next year, and the commitment to Betts only lasting 1 year, there’s 35 million in payroll coming off the books in 2021 as things stand.
You are already light on the deal.
The current deal is Myers + Naylor + Quantrill + Campusano and they are haggling over the final prospect (which may be Patino or Baez or Abrams).
The Sox will end up eating 1/2 of the Myers contract.
Or, this is all smoke and the Sox will be trading Betts and Price to the Dodgers for Pederson, Downs and Ruiz.
Given that we’re only talking about 15 million or so separating both sides, I expect that things will eventually get worked out.
My guess is that the less of Myers’ contract the Red Sox are willing to eat, the closer to the aforementioned deal we’ll be (Myers + Naylor + Quantrill is my guess).
If Boston was willing to eat more of the contract, maybe an additional prospect would be included, and the quality of said prospect would depend on how much more salary Boston was willing to take on.
To be honest, and as others have said, I rate Quantrill highly but I would take the deal on the table (with Boston paying half of Myers’ contract) if I was Preller. I would much rather see SD pay the 15 million extra and keep their top prospects, rather than fight for every last dollar and have to include one of our promising prospects just to get a bit more salary relief. But, I suppose it’s not my money.
With Hector Olivera’s salary finally coming off the books next year, and the commitment to Betts only lasting 1 year, there’s 35 million in payroll coming off the books in 2021 as things stand.
Campusano is now part of the deal. My take is that if the Sox want to pay half of Myers they can have Paddack or Lucchesie to go along with Naylor or Margot, Myers and Campusano. If they want that extra starter, they can pay that extra 1/4 of Myers salary. Really, I would be okay with the deal either way, but AJ obviously wants to be a hard-ass and I cannot blame him for that.
Campusano is rated as the best C in the minors, I would not give him up for a rental, hold on to Myers and platoon him with a LH hitting OF. Trisman or Naylor if they did this Myers BA would increase by 40 points. Myers has a strong BA against LH pitchers or better yet the Sox keep Betts, the Padres have the leverage here,
Actually no Campusano is not rated as the best catcher in the minors and it’s not even close.
Campusano has made strides but he isn’t even in the same league as the best catcher in the Minors. The best catcher in the Minors by far is Adley Rutschman. It’s not even close.
Wrong Adley isn’t even in the top ten in both leagues in the minors.
MJ Melendez is rated No. 1 and Campusano No. 9 plus he’s only 20 yrs old. Your guy isn’t even on the top ten nice try.. I wouldn’t trade any top ten of the Padres farm system for Betts for a rental, no way. and a $27M one yr contract. Keep Myers and the others, we’ll make the playoffs this year without Betts.
@nowheretogobutup well if nothing else at least your comments are good for a laugh
If the Sox pick up $30M of Myers contract and I believe they will this week, the prospects and regulars that go back would be Quantrill, Naylor and Baez. Three players who have played in the Bigs and are ready to go.
Highly doubt Boston does this without Campusano especially picking up that much of the contract Quantrill, Naylor and Báez are not enough.
Baez is not part of the current trade, Campusano is.
Padres have the leverage, Sox have to make a trade Padres don’t. Keep Campusano and Baez give Sox Quantrill, Naylor and Myers, Padres eat 1/2 of his salary.
Lmao the Red Sox don’t HAVE to do anything
If Preller is able to add Mookie and shed Myers without giving up any of his top 5 prospects it will be a huge coup. People keep talking about how Wil Myers has some value to the Red Sox because his luxury tax hit is lower than his actual salary due to the way his contract was structured but that dances around the fact that the dude simply has no value.
Relax,Campusano is top 5.
If the Padres acquire Betts, the trade will be as follows:
Quantrill/Naylor/Campusano plus another solid prospect (Patino or Abrams or Baez)
Padres pay all of Betts contract
Sox pay half Myers contract
Padres will acquire their best player since Tony Gwynn
Did you read the article? It says it right there. The return has already been agreed upon. It’s Myers/Naylor/Quantrill/Campusano. There are no additional prospects. That’s it. The only hang-up is whether the Padres pay 1/2 or 1/4 of Myers salary. If the Padres agree to pay half the deal is done. The Sox are not going to pull Patino into there at the last minute.
Campusano is not mentioned once in the article…
Try The full trade is outlined there.
so apparently Betts turned down 10yrs 300mill extension and countered with 12yrs 420mill…hahaha as a sox fan he needs to go and go BEFORE opening day
No he doesn’t. I would be happy watching Mookie put up a 7+ WAR season and the Sox making another playoff run.
The Myers contract is TERRIBLE. The Sox are only taking on some of his contract to improve the Padres offer, which is currently Myers/Naylor/Quantrill/Campusano and I think that another (big) piece will be added.
If the Dodgers are still in the mix, I would prefer a trade of Betts and Price for one of their pitching prospects (May/Gosselin) plus Downs and Ruiz and Pederson (salary purposes) over the Padres deal.
Do you really think the Sox will be able to add Price to the deal, throw LA $30 million over the luxury tax AND get more prospects for the privilege of paying Price $96 million?
The current offer from the Padres (Quantrill/Naylor/Campusano) is what the Sox get if they take on at least 1/2 of Myers contract. If you pull Myers out you would not get Campusano..
If you add Price and take no salary from the Dodgers, you would get no prospects. You would actually probably have to send them Casas since you would be putting them over the cap. If you don’t add Price you will get 2 minor prospects for Betts. They aren’t going to offer the Sox multiple top prospects when the Padres offer 1 and want them to take back Myers. That would be like a bidder at an auction going from a $20 bid and bidding $1000. It doesn’t happen. All LA has to do to get Betts is beat the Padres offer.
Red Sox aren’t adding Price to Betts deal. The Red Sox will wait until at least Spring Training maybe longer to deal Price if they do at all this year. By waiting they will take the chance that Price is healthy and pitching well. They will then be able to get much better deal for Price.
I highly doubt that this Betts deal comes together but as a Sox fan I would be Ok with Betts to SanDiego if it nets Campusano plus another prospect and Quantrill and Naylor oh and of course Myers and his toxic contract.
I seriously doubt this trade happens as well. Both the Padres and Dodgers are going to need the Sox to take on SOME money to get rid of Betts. LA does not want to go over the luxury tax and San Diego has a budget. I don’t see either one going over the lux tax or their budget and giving up multiple top prospects to do it. If Boston just decides to pay the tax there will be no trade.
The Padres offer is terrible and not just from a Red Sox homer point of view:…
If Bloom traded Mookie Betts for that Padres offer Margot or Naylor plus Quantrill and Campusno but has to take on Myers, he will be eaten alive in Boston.
It would be better to trade him to LAD (without Price) for Pederson, Downs and Ruiz as that offer would FAR EXCEED the Padres offer and the Sox would not have to pay Myers.
Pederson has been a 2.3+ WAR guy in 4 out of his last 5 years. He will offer something this season (while the Red Sox are still trying to make the playoffs) and the Sox will pick up two top 75 prospects who are close to MLB ready.
Unless the Padres offer more (Patino or Abrams), then they will be watching Myers kick around the ball in the outfield on a 70-75 win team.
Also, I thought that the trade was going down yesterday?
im honestly hoping betts leaves and i love him, i live in mass and they are my home team, but wow this guy DOES NOT want to be here, he turned down a 12 year deal, how much more money does he friggin want? ya hes great, but whys he acting like he needs to be paid more than most small country’s entire economy is? He always seems to be this soft spoken out of the radar type guy, doesnt like the ‘ bright lights’ but wow, he wants more money than he deserves. So go sign with la, st Louis, anahiem, wherever and get over paid just like Harper did, and by all means go win 4 more world series, but also fall back to earth and realize your a baseball player, you arent developing a cure for kids with cancer so get over yourself.
I think he wants a 10 year, $400 million minimum contract. I also do not think he will get it.
You’re 100% right and when you have a selfish player like that it’s generally best to move on from that player for the good of the team. I can clearly see the royalty relative connection to Megan Markle and his apparent thinking process. The man probably wants velvet toilet paper and a gold toilet. He needs a good proctologist.
Talked to a friend that works in the Red Sox front office and he said it’s a done deal for Josh Naylor, Cal Quantrill and Wil Myers and the Padres are paying half of Myers’ remaining salary.
You’re friend is clueless
You’re grammar is bad
You need a new friend in the front office because this one is useless. There is no way that trade goes down without Campusano and possibly another prospect as well.
Was wondering what the reports were today on the brand of toilet paper Betts used and why he preferred that? Just so we can have that brand at Fenway Park should his majesty have to relieve himself there.
He will require his own personal eunuch to follow him around with Egyptian cotton toilet paper to wipe for him. He will probably ask for that in his next contract.