There hasn’t been much scuttlebutt in terms of the Astros’ GM vacancy – but a number of names have been floated for their next manager. USA Today’s Bob Nightengale observes that the current known pool of candidates leans heavily toward veteran, respected leaders (Dusty Baker, Buck Showalter, John Gibbons), while MLB Network insider Jon Heyman succinctly recaps what makes this hiring situation so very unique. The front office executives left behind in Houston would likely lean towards a more contemporary approach, given their heavily analytical approach, but with spring training not that far off, owner Jim Crane made the decision to hire his next field manager personally. Bringing in a field manager before the next general manager is not the ideal process, writes The Athletic’s Jake Kaplan, but little about the Astros’ current situation is.
- Cubs third base coach Will Venable is the exception to Nightengale’s observation. When asked today at the Cubs Convention if he’d be leaving, Venable said plainly, “No, I’m not.” This, per Gordon Wittenmyer of the Chicago Sun Times (via Twitter) and many others in attendance – though Venable did walk back the absolute denial a little bit later in the day (covered in depth by The Athletic’s Sahadev Sharma here). Sitting bench coach Joe Espada has also been speculated about, though given the circumstances, an outside hire seems like the prohibitive favorite. For what it’s worth, MLBTR readers settled this issue just two days ago, electing Buck Showalter as the best choice with 34% of the vote.
- Now a few days removed from the release of the Commissioner’s verdict on the sign-stealing scandal, most Houston Astros players have avoided public comment. Jose Altuve and Alex Bregman did speak to the media today, expressing empathy for A.J. Hinch and Jeff Luhnow, while denying any use of wearable tech, per’s Brian McTaggart. The Commissioner’s report found no evidence of wearable tech utilized by Astros players in 2019. Still, The Athletic’s Jake Kaplan writes, the organizational response (or lack thereof) from players on the whole misses an appropriate measure of contrition. As players participated in the Astros’ FanFest today, Kaplan describes a couple of scenes wherein the organization’s PR staff attempted to mollify any discussion of the scandal by pairing stars of the team under fire – Bregman and Altuve, namely – with youngsters like Kyle Tucker, Yordan Alvarez, and Abraham Toro, who were not yet with the club in 2017.
funny how cocky Bregman is and how Verlander talks about all the home runs he gives up with a juiced baseball, both are cheaters
If these guys think ducking it will improve things, they are sorely mistaken. It’s going to get ugly. I’d recommend a PR campaign with admission and contrition but I don’t know if that’ll help.
Questions might not be the only thing these guys are “ducking” come spring training.
Altuve, Springer, Bregman, Correa, and Reddick will all be wearing fastball in the back and head this year.
Every game should start with fastball straight to thigh where the buzzer lies.
Throwing at a guy’s head doesn’t strike you as, you know, maybe a tad bit dangerous? It shouldn’t be part of the game, no matter who cheated or when.
Can you say more?
Is that you Allourgodshaveabandonedus?
@Intimidation. Of course it’s dangerous, but it will happen..I am not condoning it. I’m also smart enough to know how the game of baseball polices itself.
Throwing your hands up and saying “oh well that’s just how it goes” is condoning it. So if a guy gets knocked out because of some chin music, oh well, that’s just the league policing itself? No, that’s barbaric and didn’t solve anything, and you could kill the guy. Hitting people you don’t like isn’t policing, it’s just petty. You shouldn’t do it in other parts of life and shouldn’t do it here. No violence in baseball.
this coming from someone with intimidation in their name lol
If players intentionally and fairly consistently throw near their head or face, they’re gonna get in trouble.
I will never be able to stop it; neither will you; neither will any other fan. Therefore, trying to stop it isn’t something that I am going to focus my efforts on.
“If players intentionally and fairly consistently throw near their head or face, they’re gonna get in trouble.”
In trouble? The pitcher would just has to say he wasn’t breaking the rules… he was just cheating and the league would have to shake their finger at them.
Yeah you’ll personally never be able to stop it but if you don’t take a stand against it, it’ll keep happening. I pitched at a college level for a couple years (I wasn’t good lol) but even if I got past that level I wouldn’t stand for it and you shouldn’t either. Things get done when fans speak up about it. It’s like saying, “oh well, I can’t punish the Astros more so might as well not talk about it” when that’s not true, you have a voice and you pursue what you think is right. Again, this “policing” is stupid and can easily be solved off the field but player safety is first.
And the username is a line from Little Giants sacball, doesn’t mean I want violence in baseball, but nice zinger attempt.
I see your point but this isn’t something that we will agree on. Throwing at someone’s head is too far but I am fine with the mid back. I think a pitcher has to be able to throw inside to back a hitter off of the plate and also stand up for his teammates when it is needed.
I think throwing inside is different and it’s unfortunate when it gets away and leads to a plunk (I’m guilty of it lol) but I don’t see how this “policing” leads to anything better for the sport. Especially when historically we talk about policing in terms of more violent acts (Utley on Tejada, Fiers on Stanton, and so forth), not something where no one got hurt. So I don’t see this as called for, and I think it’s regrettable that guys turn to it even for retribution.
But hey at least we can be civil on the internet hahaha, cheers.
Dude shut up
Tough guy detected
We all know how duck, dodge, and deny worked out for Pete Rose, while apologizing (sometimes without admitting what they were apologizing for) worked pretty well for Giambi and other steroid users. Astros players should take note.
Yep, you could tell they were lying, it’s going to be hard to put this behind them.
Of course they’ll deny using wires cuz no one definitely prove it other than cheater Altuve was definitely hiding something n I doubt it was his bare chest or under shirt.
The funny thing is, out of the 3, Gibby not as “old school” as his outward presentation suggests.
As said above, the Asterisks road games will be ugly… and rightly so.
What happens when they play the Red Sox? Will they just throw bean balls at one another?
No. The Yankees, Dodgers, Reds (Bauer), and Indians (Clevinger) will be the ones throwing up and in.
Well they don’t play half of those teams so..
I imagine BoSox/Astros would be a pretty high-scoring game.
On another note I am curious to see if they will be boo’d at home. Don’t Mess with Texas.
Road team fans will boo them at home fersure
A large portion of the fan base is in denial so idk about the others lol
No one is in denial. We just don’t care. Being in denial is how I would describe the other fan bases that act like this wasn’t something that their team did also.
And before you ask, I don’t care because it wasn’t a rule until after 2017, and as Jack McDowell admitted, this has been going on since the late 80’s.
A well thought out rebuttal to Black Jack’s allegations.…
Texas is toast! Of course the fans won’t boo them at home, this is not the Yankees.
Whoever gets Buck Showalter won’t regret it
I wish the RS would get Buck but I doubt they will. I wish they would. I had a lotta regard for him when he coached the NYY when they were bad, not his fault, he was good.
Showalter is alway on the wrong team at the wrong time.The guy is a jinx.Gibby is the guy to sort this mess out.
Players not getting covered in the report and no punishment for them isn’t right. If they think they can just ignore talking about this they better think again.
The problem is MLB granted the players immunity and anonymity if they cooperated with the investigation. They felt it was the only way players, mainly those at the center of the storm, would talk candidly about the subject. However, the whole truth is not being uncovered.
This may be confirmation bias on my part but there had to have been buzzing or other tech device involved. I think the Astros players are lying about its use and until something is uncovered, I know I won’t be satisfied.
Same confirmation bias that made you think throwing at guys is an adequate solution to problems? In that case, pump the brakes a little. We as fans should not condone violence.
Well something has to come out about this eventually—especially when one who was involved leaves the Astros.
I think that, having seen what’s happened with the Astros, the Red Sox players will universally deny everything, immunity or no immunity. We probably won’t get an honest picture.
Just like all cheaters do smh.
The Mets led baseball with 95 Hit-By-Pitches. The Astros had 66 HBPs, which was also the league average for a team. What’s the over/under on Houston for 2020? More than 66? More than 95? In 1898, the Baltimore Orioles set the record with 148 HBPs. Where will the 2020 Houston Astros fall?
Also, Mike Clevinger is my idol:…
746 seems right
The only one getting drilled will be Mike Fiers. He broke the code.
1. He pitches for an AL club, so there is this thing callEd the DH.
2. When he visits NL ball parks, I doubt those clubs will be throwing at him.
Without Mike Fiers, the so-called MLB investigation goes no where. The people who seem to be chirping up the most and opposing what he did are fans (dumb), analysts like Jessica Mendoza (what?), and some retired players like Latroy Hawkins who are criticizing him not speaking up while a member of the Astros (somewhat fair).
He broke the code of not being honest. Question his motives all you want, he told the truth where no other Astros player, coach or manager would. That’s the code of dishonesty for you.
We already explained to you that omitting things or gaining from the dishonesty and not renouncing it while you try to hurt everyone else is still being dishonest, but man you really just don’t get it so I don’t see what abusing my keyboard is going to do for you at this point.
What he did has truth in it. But it’s possible to say some truth for an ulterior motive, or even to gain from the original dishonesty at the time and ride it out, which is in itself dishonest.
P.S. kcmark how about no one hit anybody and we stop condoning violence in the sport? Maybe throwing 45 in your beer league won’t break any bones but these guys can be dangerous.
Internet tough guys talking about them getting thrown at and condoning it. Seriously? Throwing at guys okay when they made you mad or they wronged you? No place for it in the game, no matter what team you’re a fan of.
Preach brother
Nah sorry. Still a place in the game for guys getting thrown at. Very much so.
Found the tough guy. No, there’s not. No one should get thrown at and risk broken bones or brain damage because of beef. We see what plunks, intentional or unintentional, can do (Turner, Judge, Stanton). Keep it out of the sport.
For every action, there is a reaction. What happens when your catcher gets trucked at home or your second baseman takes the runner’s spikes in the knee? Whether we like it or not, baseball polices itself and it’s not a sport for the “soft.”
Then that’s why the league is putting rules in place to stop it. Just because violence is pArT oF tHe GaMe doesn’t mean it should be. It’s not soft to stand up for player safety, man, don’t be a tough guy online. And your examples are actions that lead to injury, sometimes pretty serious. Teams who cheat, whether it’s juice or doctoring the ball or stealing signs or what have you, didnt do this. So you don’t even have true “eye for an eye” going on.
And even if you did, doesn’t matter, stop condoning violence in the sport. There are several ways players could press MLB to do more if they want to go down that road and feel that they are being unfairly treated. Potentially ending a guy’s career with injury and messing his life up is not the way to do it. Hitting the guys you don’t like doesn’t solve problems. You can reach a solution that is both nonviolent and sustainable.
@Intimidation. I’m not being a tough guy online. I do have to ask though – What is the highest level you have ever played at? I am curious about how deep in the trenches you have been. Typically, that will impact someone’s feeling towards this.
Ahaha this is the guy who calls Scott Boras immoral and then turns around spews this garbage.
Agreed. If MLB and Manfred won’t police and discipline the players, then the players have to enact the discipline, just as they’ve done throughout baseball history.
Ok so the discipline here is just potentially knocking dudes out or cracking ribs or fracturing wrists? Whatever you say big guy. But I don’t believe in violence against any player. And hitting guys because they did something wrong (or even allegedly wrong) won’t solve the problem so how is it policing? This buzzword keeps getting parroted every single time.
you throw at them to get them to charge the mound. then you deliver the real damage.
The MLBTR tough guy army is out in force, ok pal.
Gibbons is a “respected leader”? And what about the “blue wall of silence” that directs the shame and anger towards Fiers rather than any of the “Stros, who may just be doing the cheating better and in a higher-tech way than a large sector of their opponents?
Prior to last week, I was all for Jessica Mendoza’s position on SNB. I thought it was a refreshing change from the traditional color analysts who like to hear themselves talk. However with her comments about Fiers she has lost all respect and credibility and I hope that ESPN does not invite her back for the new season.
Saw something in USA Today yesterday by Bob Nightengale with mostly ex-players and current coaches or “special assistants” like Ron Washington and LaTroy Hawkins still scapegoating Fiers, even if Ron spoke out against the Astros, too. See you’ve migrated from Roch Kubatko’s page.
I’m still waiting on the proof that it actually happened. What did they dig
Funny if opposing teams start hitting their garbage cans while Astros are at the plate, or frisking them when they step into the box. Going to be an interesting year…
metal/electronic detectors in baseball
If you were Baker, Showalter, Gibbons or any other potential manager from the outside of the Astros organization, would you take this job? You will be a 1 year caretaker, who will be abused for an entire season and then kicked to the curb at the end of it. In 2021, the Astros will hire Bochy or someone else who won’t be tainted by the original scandal, nor by the year of abuse the Astros are about to go through.
It’s a fair question to ask, but, man, yeah… I think if I were one of those guys, I’d take the job. There’s a potential opportunity to win a WS.
I guess any “dirty” player or manager will be ostracized and denied consideration for the Hall of Shame just like Bonds and Clemens….
… wouldn’t dirty play qualify them for the Hall of Shame?
Saw something in USA Today yesterday by Bob Nightengale with mostly ex-players and current coaches or “special assistants” like Ron Washington and LaTroy Hawkins still scapegoating Fiers, even if Ron spoke out against the Astros, too. See you’ve migrated from Roch Kubatko’s page.
Called gibby over a wk ago, before any interview was announced. He’ll be coaching the astros.
I’m convinced Altuve and Bregman will never play another MLB game. I believe everything will come to a head in the next few weeks and they will both ultimately be given lifetime bans. This buzzer thing isn’t just going to go away and be swept under the rug, and the burner account references photos. Anyone sitting on a story this juicy won’t be able to keep it a secret forever. There’s also at least one team employee in the video room who had to be in on it, and who knows which players knew. I think MLB opens a new investigation as well, they can’t just drop it when there’s so much controversy and the uniform grabbing looked so suspicious.
And if I’m right, and I do believe I am, Altuve will lose $150m in future salary (but at least walks away from the game having earned over $30m), while Bregman will lose $100m and has only made $1.7m in his career thus far, so basically not much, which will go down as one of the biggest financial blunders of all time.
I hope you’re right, but I don’t see it happening
Haha. I like how you left Gleyber off your list. If you believe this “source” about the Astros, wouldn’t you have to also believe the same source about Gleyber?
Either way, not happening. They already investigated the use of buzzing devices when they did the first investigation. This isn’t the first time someone has mentioned players using that type of technology. They found no evidence of using any technology to steal or relay signs other than what they announced. So your dream will not come true.
No one seems to get that buzzers have been in the headlines since late Nov and forget how to use google when you tell them they were.
Exactly. This was investigated and proven to be false.
I find it hilarious that we the fans are being told that an elaborate sign stealing system, well-thought out with multiple people involved, that its success was ultimately contingent on batters having to hear banging on a garbage can. Like c’mon. How stupid does Manfred think we are? Sweep things under the table much?
Cheating scum bag punks.
LOLOL, buthurt Yankee and Dodger fans here screaming “Bean em, hit em, give em concussions’
Sorry boys, but you are NOT getting that 2017 ring. No matter how much you whine like little girls.
Lighten up, Nancy.
“Lighten up” because he doesn’t want to see guys get hurt and possibly get brain damage? How are you the “light” one? Stop condoning violence.
How about the violence Astros players and fans are calling for on Fiers? I haven’t heard you condemn that violence. Let’s say if Astros players and fans incited by players don’t go after Fiers then pitchers won’t go after Astros players. Sound like a deal? Can we agree on no violence either way?
Quit being misleading, I specifically replied to another one of your comments on another story saying no one should hurt Fiers. Not going to sit here while you try and drag my name.
No violence. No chest thumping. No “pOlIcE tHeMsElVeS.” I even used Judge and Stanton in this thread as examples of how when guys get hit it’s bad for the game.
Next year, they’ll make the shirt buzzers even smaller so Altuve won’t have to worry about tearing his shirt off.
It was not a busser, small electric shock, Listen to what Altuve told you, (I didn’t have abuser because catcher would hear it) It was not abuser, it was something else. There are many wireless ways to do this.
Astros now unable to accuse other teams of cheating unless they have proof positive.
At the time watching the game, I couldn’t believe how the Astros and Sox hitters were right on every pitch in the playoffs. Now we know. I remember Betts and Bradley laughing about it in the dugout in the playoff agains’t the Yankees. Watching the Astros at home again’st the Yankees and Dodgers I could see the same thing. This will be with both teams for the rest of their career, but only the top players like Altuve, Springer, and Bregman.
Where did anyone name the players involved?
So, let’s pretend here for a second. You are one of the managerial candidates to join the Astros in the next couple weeks.
A. The team is amidst a scandal bordering on fan and media paranoia to a cover up.
B. The organization removed 3 key authoritative members in the past 3 months.
C. The Players have not admitted or taken any responsibility, used speculative accusations as a platform to claim innocence.
D. Most baseball fans are angry, violated or both with the team you’re about to join.
E. You really have no idea what you’re getting into as far as all the employees, departmental relations, cliques, etc.
F. The investigation could be reignited at any time, and all it would take is one or two more people coming forward (not just on your team, but on any team).
So if this is the climate. Do you take the job? How is this different than say a gas station, where a stealing conspiracy has just lost two store managers but all the employees are dubiously found innocent?
Please state your own, or any combination of the provided A-F as your main reason(s) for declining the Astros offer?
Only someone desperately needing a job would work for Houston right now
Y’all really think the Astros were the only team to steal signs? Everyone in the mlb for 100 years has cheated in one way or another. Pitchers putting substances on there glove or hat to pitch better. Players taking roids. Stealing signs. It happens. Accept the punishment and move on.
more like 150 years.
I say throw at them, but keep it below the shoulders. Make the point that they aren’t ducking squat, but that there’s a line you (the pitcher) won’t cross. A lesson the cheaters shouldn’t have to learn, but, clearly, they do.
If Altuve and Bregman continue to lie will they lose their immunity when the truth comes out? The truth will come out, and then will commissioner act or stick his head in the sand some more in one of baseball’s greatest cover up ever
What if the truth is already out, and they were NOT using buzzing devices? Hmm!
What if the truth comes out about the Yankees, Dodgers, and others that used a similar system to steal signs? Will the commissioner act, or stick his head in the sand some more in one of baseball’s greatest cover ups ever?
Please hire Buck!!!!!
Maybe the firing of the managers involved they will start to talk about what they know.
It amuses me that everyone is stating the players are not sorry. They still have to abide by the wishes of the organization, specifically Crane. Once you are in trouble you do not wish to cross your boss again. They do not need to tell me their sorry, they need to win the whole thing to shut it all down. #yankeefansaretheworst
Does anyone think this will affect Elias and the O’s?
Let’s be honest, Major League Baseball didn’t find evidence, because they didn’t try or want to find it.
Ban some dudes during their peak years. It would be a pretty satisfying outcome to this.
Good luck finding a manager with integrity boys!