Weeks of bidding has reportedly driven the price tag for Josh Donaldson into the nine-figure range over a four-year term, with at least three clubs said to be sitting at that lofty price point. The end game may now be upon us.
The star third baseman has given teams what amounts to a firm and final asking price, according to a report from Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic (subscription link). Donaldson is “simply waiting for one of the clubs to hit his number” — around $110MM — per the report.
It seems, then, that the Braves, Nationals, Twins, Rangers, Dodgers, and any other lurkers need only place a single phone call to Donaldson’s reps to get the paperwork started. With the first three of those clubs reportedly already close to Donaldson’s asking price, it doesn’t seem like a huge stretch to bridge the gap. On the other hand, it may be that these teams feel they’ve already moved well out of their comfort zone for a 34-year-old player with a not-so-distant injury history, however talented he may be.
We have seen this sort of bidding situation emerge before. Sometimes, the player ends up picking from among multiple, roughly equivalent offers, as reportedly occurred a few years back with Jason Heyward and Ben Zobrist. In other cases, a team leaps up to meet the asking price, as then-Blue Jays and now-Braves GM Alex Anthopoulos did to land Russell Martin — a situation he discussed last year.
It’s interesting now to see Anthopoulos weighing another tough call on an older free agent. He has twice acquired Donaldson, first via trade in Toronto and then through free agency in Atlanta, and has twice been rewarded for doing so. But while Anthopoulos made no shortage of big-money strikes during his time with the Jays, he has run quite a tight ship with the Braves. Most teams pressing to win end up going out on a limb at some point or another. No doubt Anthopoulos is presently weighing whether to do so with Donaldson or take on somewhat different risks by seeking an alternative path to the quality bat he wishes to acquire.
The calculus is much the same for the other teams involved. For the Nationals, the luxury tax line is fast approaching after a series of other moves. Adding Donaldson would probably mean going past it, though that seems to be a palatable outcome after dipping under the bar last year and going on to snag a World Series win. The Twins have ample flexibility after piecing together a cost-conscious series of rotation moves. It’s arguable that the Minnesota organization is most in need of a boost and best positioned to take on the long-term financial risks. But there are probably other ways the team could go to improve as well.
It could be that we’re seeing a bit of a staring contest here. Even if every organization knows that it controls its own destiny with regard to Donaldson — meet his ask and he’s yours — they’d each rather get him for less. There are some exceptionally talented alternatives in Kris Bryant and Nolan Arenado, but they’ll each require a sacrifice of talent and it’s far from clear how appealing the trade terms will be in both cases. Other possibilities, such as trading for Kyle Seager or signing Todd Frazier, rate as backup plans in comparison to the addition of Donaldson or one of his talent-level peers.
4 yrs 110 million? That’s insane for him at his age. Isn’t it?
Of course it is, but someone will pay him.
This is a little disappointing to me. It seems like at least 3 or 4 teams have offered Josh Donaldson a 4-year $100 million contract. He has said all offseason that “if all things are equal” he would “prefer to stay with the Braves.” All things are equal and the Braves have offered as much as anybody else. He also has said he “will give the Braves a chance to match any offer” before he signs with another team. I wouldn’t know what to think if I were the Braves GM right now. You matched his top offer and he still won’t sign. Now he is saying that he will sign with any team that offers him a 4 year $110 million deal. Does that mean the Braves can wait and see if anyone else offers that before they agree to match it like he said or does it mean he will automatically sign with the first team that offers that contract without giving the Braves a chance to match afterwards? Based on what he said before the Braves should stand pat and wait to see if another team meets his new demands and only agree to match afterwards to make sure they have to drop another $10 million before they actually do it. Based on what he is saying now though, it seems like he will just sign with the first team that offers him $110M. That is the opposite of what he has said all offseason. The Braves should not be forced to outbid everyone when he has already says he prefers Atlanta and will give them a chance to match. He should stick to his word and tell the Braves if another team offers him that but not push them to outbid everyone else first. A players first choice team should not have to outbid everyone. They should only have to match the top offer. $27.5 million a year is going to be a ton for JD’s 4th year. He was projected to get $75 million. He can’t just settle for $100 million and call it a day? His 4th year salary could kill a team like the Braves if he follows usual trends and isn’t that productive at such an old age. This almost makes me pelrefer the Braves save $40+ million and trade for Bryant or Arenado for 2 years (assuming Arenado opts out after 2021).
That’s a lot of words for I thought he wanted to be a Brave.
You did overstate the case but I understand your frustration as a Braves fan. If it’s all about the money don’t say all that jazz about the Braves. Remember Josh Hamilton felt slighted by the Rangers in the almost exact situation and we know how that turned out
I missed it where it says the Braves have made an offer equal to the other teams.
I was going to post the same thing. Some people make up stuff to justify their feelings.
How do you know what the Braves or any other team has offered?
That’s right… You have no idea!
We have no idea what the Braves offered yet. Maybe they didn’t meet his asking price at all.
Try reading the article it clearly stated the first 3 teams were near his asking price. The first 3 teams were Atl, Was, Minn
“Reportedly close” is far feom a definitive fact.
I don’t know if he was telling the truth or not, but if he was, this would be part of the negotiation process. Even if he wants to be a Brave, he also wants as much money as possible, so he’s gonna get other teams to drive the price up in hopes the Braves match it. At some point when it’s clear the Braves won’t increase their bid further, that’s when he’d sign with them. So I would just wait and see before I write it off.
Again, that’s assuming he actually has a big preference to return. I don’t know the man so I have no idea what he feels. But I do know how agents operate.
All of his statements are postering for the media. Same goes for every athlete, every actor, and every politician. How you can not come to terms to that reality is absolutely mind blowing. Stop thinking with emotion and use some discernment.
Donaldson doesn’t owe the Braves anything. If they valued him so highly they should have signed him to multiple years last year. Both sides took a gamble Donaldson came out on top
Exactly right.
*Replying to WideWorld*
We literally have no clue what exactly the Braves or anyone else has offered.
Here is a tip. Its called a paragraph!
As repetitive as your post is standupguy, my question to you is how do you know the Braves offered four years, $110m?
Really? You were going to post the exact same thing Alex?
Actually it’s 4 years, 104 million. You’ll see.
No, they didn’t reach $110 mil, but they offered 4 years and $104 mil.
Braves should offer him a 4/110 deal with an opt-out after 2 years. Defer some of the contract ($20 Mil for a 10 year period) and then “walk away” if he declines.
Swith gears and trade for Arenado. They HAVE the pieces to do it.
Seth that’s an idiotic take. Hamilton has legit demons he was dealing with.
Comparing Hamilton to Donaldson is not even a close comparison every club knew Hamilton had drug and alcohol problems he went downhill because of that not his contract situation and also Donaldson is about a million times the player Hamilton was
“Reportedly close” = “His agent said three other teams made an offer so someone will stupidly believe it and actually make the offer.”
Donaldson is getting greedy. Forget Donaldson. Don’t trade away are prospects for anyone. Riley will hit as many Hrs. as Donaldson in a full season. Maybe try and sign Nicolas Castellanos, he could play 3rd. some. Ender, Acuna, Markakis, and Duval in the OF.
Agree, 4/100 is too much at his age, much less him trying to push it to 4/110… if any of the suitors were my team I’d happily pass… but someone will pay him out of pure need
I stopped reading three sentences in…
What happened to pay the players and take money from the greedy owners
Braves just got picked up Pete Kozma. I’m having dreams of Rafael Belliard….
Yeah drank himself into retirement
The cheap Braves will never pay that.
Perhaps, but ‘reportedly’ is as good as it gets for the sake of these arguments until the player is signed. We’re all speculating based on smoke and mirrors.
I could see Atlanta doing it
I hope not. As much as I respect his game, the salary structure has gone nuts again and some teams will regret this years spending. Teams have short memories. In a sick way, I’m glad Boston is sitting this year out regardless of the reason. Of all their big contracts the last six years only JDM has worked out as a great investment. Winning the championship saved the Price deal but the others? I’m not counting Boegarts or Sale because they haven’t started yet.
It’s not that bad of a deal for JD.
One thing to consider is how much revenue has increased in MLB if Forbes is to be believed. When the current CBA was signed after the 2016 season, MLB revenue was almost $10b. This past season according to Forbes it was $10.7b. As revenues increase, we should also see player compensation increase.
The competitive balance tax was a fixed number under the old CBA. This was amended under the current so that it increased each year until 2021 when the CBA expires. Maybe it isn’t increasing enough given MLB continues to set record revenues.
You may have record revenue, but, we don’t know if there’s also record expenses.
Setting aside teams building more robust international presences, increased scouting, analytics, and even aging stadiums requiting capital improvements (or additional cameras/trash cans) all cost money. It’s hard to say how that all shakes out due to books being closed, but, costs outside player salary are substantial.
When, where does the craziness end? MLB caps spending without punitive taxes but not spending by clubs on free agents. A year or two passes, producing a WS win – or not – then the salary dump begins. Teams who develop young talent are handcuffed from retaining them after their days of indentured servitude have ended. There needs be some ‘allowance’ for teams to keep their own players against the salary cap. It makes no sense to limit a clubs ability to sign a player, especially their own, while players are unhindered in their efforts to sign record setting contracts. How much is filthy rich? When something is tried, collusion is asserted by the players union (which is nothing like a union), The ML Players Association and the owners need to get their acts together and agree on something that will save this game. Unbridled spending and taking ain’t going to save it.
George Sr would have already written the check…
Too bad he’s dead. Not cutting any checks now, is he?
He proved last year that he can be massively productive. I think he’s got plenty left to justify the contract. Did you see what Nelson Cruz did last year? Hitters hit and Donaldson is a hitter!
Chris Davis is a hitter, pay the man!
Cruz also had the luxury of being a DH
Nelson Cruz is the exception not the rule. I could run down an enormous list of aging players who’s game fell off the planet in their upper 30’s
JD does look a lot like a Beltre type when it comes to aging, where the hitting gradually declines in subtle ways, and he can still play above avg defense even if its not near his peak.
You’re not really comparing Donaldson to Beltre are you? One is a HoF lock and the other will NEVER get there. JD had a fine year but the comparison is laughable.
Not even after winning AL MVP?
He is also an exeption to another rule, he took HGH and nobody talks about him in that light. He has led the league in homers for 5 years or more after that. Yet A-Rod was on the other side of it. Time to let A-Rod and the other PED guys in the Hall. A-Rod, was the best shortstop of all time, and Bonds and Clemens were the at their positions of all time.
LOL you’re not serious?
Beltre career: .286/.339/.480/.819 (OPS+ 116)
Donaldson career: .273/.379./.509/.878 (OPS+136)
Tell me more about how You can’t even compare the HOFer Beltre to the 2015 AL MVP Donaldson.
A Roid was the best of all time you say? Too funny!
So why is it now time to let A Roid and the other fraudsters in the HOF?
Donaldson has played 6 full seasons and received MVP votes in every one of them. Beltre is a HOFer, but let’s not pretend that JD isn’t at that level..
They were the best of all time huh? The best at being pansies who have to cheat by juicing to get a leg up on the competition instead of competing with honor. They were so great they had to take a shortcut as far as training goes because they didn’t love the game enough to put in the work without that pansy boost. Must be a yankee fan, no understanding of the game of baseball, just likes watching MLB baseball being played on that high school dimensions yankee stadium because games without at least 6 homeruns are too boring for you. The mlb should make it madatory that all players use PEDS so we and make yankee stadiums dimensions mandatory for all MLB stadiums so we can see baseball at its best and have many more greatest of all time type players like A ROID and Clemens. Let all the PED guys in because they were hugely aided by PEDS to get a leg up on the rest of the competition who didn t cheat and competed with honor, great work hof’ers all the way!! I for one hope they never get in and I hope they are remembered as being the cheaters they were and not as great players. As good as they were and probably would have been even without PEDS they still cheated and because they used roids you can never really know how much of their greatness on the field was a result of being juiced out of their mind. Look at Mark steroid Mac. Pretty good career throughout and than when he’s in his late 30’s he really starts juicing, grows 3 times in size and is suddenly blasting 70 homeruns when he’s like 40 years old. Very impressive for sure, i mean even the guys head and face were just completely jacked up, roiding harder than any bodies ever roided before. In conclusion, you and anybody else who shares your opinion that PED players should be in the hall of fame have zero respect for baseball or competition in general. Cheating is cheating, no way around that. no matter how good they were they still cheated, used a substance that gives you a clear advantage and because of that all of the stats they put up as a player are tainted and can never be untainted. Not many players make it to the HOF, the ones who have put up the numbers without PEDS, perhaps A ROID and Clemens and others who you argue for just weren’t quite good enough to put up those numbers without cheating to do so, or perhaps they couldn’t of put up the numbers anymore when they got older without juicing, we just can’t ever know how good they actually were because they CHEATED so they should never go anywhere except into THE HALL OF ROIDS. Or they could make a new hall to honor all of the people who cheated to help them accomplish great feats in sports. Lance Armstrong and all his tour de France wins he got by cheating are celebrated there along with all your beloved MLB juicers. LMAO what a joke they all are, can’t win without having an advantage. Most of us call people who need an advantage like that to win pansies. You call them great?
Thome and Bagwell are in. Not saying ARod should be but the hypocrisy and scapegoating is outrageous. It’s still a big problem (PEDs) and everyone pretends it’s just a half dozen guys a year. It isn’t. It’s dozens. Many dozens. That’s why they do it. Only a few get caught. It’s low risk, high reward, baby. Like Ortiz. Check out his age 40 stats. The dude had the most painful feet in baseball by his own admission. Said they were a big part of his decision to retire. He was in excruciating pain every day. Then he goes out and leads ALL the young bucks in baseball in doubles. On notoriously bad feet. And RBI’s. And slugging. And OPS. Riiiight. Give me a break. There’s absolutely no honesty in talking about PEDs. None. At least ARod admitted it. Ortiz lied.
Donaldsons career numbers will go down as he ages, that’s just the nature of averages. But you seem to be forgetting that Beltre is arguably the greatest defensive 3B to ever play the game. If you look at advanced stats, only Scott Rolen can challenge him on that front. Donaldson is not even in the discussion.
Adrian Beltre did that over a 21 year career which started at the age of 19 with 12,130 plate appearances, and Donaldson’s done that over a 8 year career so far starting at the age of 26 and 4,476 plate appearances. Great comparison, now Donaldson has to try to play and perform for the next 10 years to try to make up that gap of 8,000 plate appearances to be anywhere near Beltre…
Massively Productive? I must have missed that.
A WAR of 6.1 and a line of .259/.379/.521/.900 (70XBH, 37HR, 97RBI) with quality defence. I’d say that’s pretty productive.
His numbers have been declining since 2015. I’d hate to see what he’ll be doing in another 4 years.
Last year ain’t got nothin to do with this year
In terms of what kind of contract free agents will get, last year has everything to do with this year
Not at all, he’s still an elite player.
How great will it be when multiple teams go to 110 and he says “110? I meant 120”
@dman07 If not insane, excessive for a 34 yo. Still, I was just reminded that although Donaldson only played 2/3 of a season in 2017, he was so good he was still worth 5 wins.
That’s the thing about a 6 win player in 2019. He can lose 50% of his value and still be worth putting in the lineup. The argument for Donaldson is that he’s a legitimate star and in 2020-2021 can push you towards the postseason, while remaining good enough in 2022-2023 to be worth putting in the lineup–unlike a number of older FAs who at 2-3 wins that you have to sign for 2-3 years, as soon as they slip you can’t play them anywhere, particularly in the NL.
I wouldn’t do it, but it’s not as crazy as it seems–I don’t think.
This is crazy. Guy looked like for years he could barely make first to third without his legs flying off like helicopter blades. I must admit he’s fun to watch…
I think he’ll get the 110. He basically owns the free agent class for 3B right now.
I wouldn’t do it either….
Make it 5 years then the AAV comes down and you get his bounce back age 39 season.
Is it more insane than giving a 7 year 245 million dollar contract to Rendon who will end his contract at the same age?? The last four years of Rendon is 140 million. The math is what you make it
Its More insane for the Yankees giving cole a 9 year contract for 325 million
It really is but honestly that’s the luxury they have. So many teams “needed” Cole this offseason that his market exploded with one topping another and another until it reached insanity. The Yankees simply wouldn’t be denied and in the short term they’ve moved up to favorites because of it IMO. You know the Yankees they’ll worry about the back end on the back end
The Yanks were at least $20 mil above any other offer. We’ll see how it plays out. So many guys had ridiculous seasons last year for them. People are just penciling in those numbers for this year. It doesn’t work that way.
Cole’ contract is really a 10-year deal. If Cole opts out in Y5, it creates a Y10 at the same salary, an incentive for him to stay. So even if he doesn’t want to leave the Yankees, all he needs to do is opt out at the 5th year and the contract will add the 10th year.
Not sure you understand what opt out means or how they work.
The last 4 years of Rendon’s contract will benefit from the surplus value of the previous seasons…
Wonder who’s reallllly trying to make the extra money at this point, him or his agent.. This is the definition of playing puppets on a string but can’t say it’s crazy because he is the market. It just looks borderline greedy to everybody else on the outside not in the same position.
At this point you supplement what you would have paid to bring back Teheran and give it to JD to bring him back for 4 years while keeping him away from the nats. Pretty smart economics to me.
Oh, stop it. The agent works for the player, not the other way around.
Realistically, this is Donaldson’s last payday. He is seeking to maximize that deal. This concept that “greedy agents are manipulating the players” presupposes the players are idiots and rubes.
Put differently, if the agent was only about the money, why not close a $100M deal and collect the 3% or 4%, instead of pushing for another $10M? The commission on the extra is relatively trivial from locking down the sure thing.
This scares me because Mozeliak may extend Carpenter again and add 3 more years and $60M to his currently insane 2/$40M
Yes, it is. Hope the Nats pass.
yes it is, but love that it works out for the Rockies and Cubs. teams aren’t willing to pay…Bryant and Arenado may be available for the right price.
“4 yrs 110 million?”
Josh found Zillow dot com.
You’re only looking at it the one way. First off he hit 34 Home Runs last year the Braves paid 23 million for that and that was basically minus the first month and a half
when he did basically nothing. So its not to far fetched for a team to pay 27 mil for around those numbers.
But the other way to look at it is considering signing him not only keeps his production in the lineup but honestly having him protect Freddie Freeman may be his most important role.. Freddie is a top 5 player in my book but definitely top 10 so you don’t want teams taking the bat out of his hands. Who would teams rather face Freddie or Markakis or Duvall? Donaldson changes that
You’re just gonna ignore the other 3 years that’d be required at that price and the general trend of players declining as they age through their 30s? When you do that I guess it does make proving your point super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Somebody is going to eat the last 2 years of his contract
Twins completely missed on pitching. And supposedly already offered him 100. Offer him 116 (only 4 extra million a year) and call it a signing. Get it done. They have the money.
If he set his price at 110, why offer him 116??
No more “let me check and see what everyone else is offering”. They have a big need and have the money. The difference per year to just get it done and move on should be well worth it given how badly they’ve done this offseason
Just prepare yourself for what Wheeler did to the Pale Hose.
To outbid the others, no? It’s like people buying a house in Manhattan or San Francisco.
Except at the end the house you own wont be worth way more then it was when you bought it. My buddys family still owns his great aunts house in the city she bought in 1914 and its worth bank.
Logically, the Twins would sign Donaldson, as they have the money to spend. Logically, they won’t sign Donaldson.
The Twinkies are owned by the descendants of Carl (Mr. Cheap) Pohlad.. They won’t even be close and will cry to the fans and media about how hard they tried to get this signing and the other failed signings done. Look for Matt Duffy at 3B and the Pohlads laughing and counting their money all the way to the bank.
I’m a descendent of a lot of people that I have nothing in common with. You’re reaching and IMO on the matter is they’re giving it a pretty good go this offseason. At least some of their low key moves have some upside unlike many others
Jim Pohlad is not only a descendant of Mr Cheap, he is also a disciple.
EVERY move the Twins make is done first with an eye on the bottom line.
How awful……
An investor that is concerned with the bottom line.
Who needs budgets? If we think like that, there wouldn’t be millions of young people with trillions of dollars of college debt that they can’t pay off.
String ’em up!
Sure if you want to invest go to the Stock Market. If you want to own a CIVIC TREASURE, act like it.
Baseball teams are businesses, what are you talking about?
Enjoy JD Nats
Ooooh, the intrigue.
I would do “his number” but def not “his his number”. One too many his for my liking. Not at his age.
I can’t see a national league team agreeing to this. If he wants to play it’s going to be an American League team. Which makes way more sense.
Hes never posted negative dfWAR.
posted huge IL numbers though…
Calm down, he injured himself at the end of 2017 and it went through 2018, he doesnt have an injury history…those that think he does dont know the game very well
JD needs to not hit the tarp as hard and he will stay healthier. Dude just needs to let a few of those fouls go since he is worth more then any out if it knocks him down for a bit.
It must be so nice to set your own price at that length and age in mlb – my how times have changed.
Either way, he will just “miss” any calls that come in if it’s not the Braves, maybe excepting the Nats, imo.
@TheMick7 It’s not a sea change, though–it’s just that it’s extremely rare for players to post 6 win seasons at age 33 (and 5 wins at age 31 while being effective in limited time in 2018). That makes you your very own seller’s market.
Usually with 4 year deals we’re looking at someone like Curtis Granderson, who can still play, who had close to a HOF peak, but is clearly post-prime. Even then the Mets had to go to 4 years because Granderson wasn’t far removed from that peak, and you could figure the last year wasn’t necessarily a throwaway. Granderson was still good enough when he signed with the NYM that you could expect he’d be moved in the last year of the deal to a corner, and might well hang in as a backup caliber OFer–and he was actually better than that.
I’m just thinking of the 2-3 win OFers in their 30s who somehow commanded two and three year deals last offseason for 40m to 50m. Or AJ Pollock, who somehow got a 4th year from LAD, and is giving them just what they deserve for such foolishness.
Donaldson’s older, sure, but he’s also a much, much better player than any of that group.
Also enormous risk that he’s just a year away from that. Some people don’t just decline at that age they are almost unrecognizable from one year to the next. Not saying he can’t but risky to say the least
You’re ignoring position. You don’t just sign players based on “wins”. You compare them to other players at their position. If I need an outfielder, I don’t care how many “wins” a 3b got.
Fangraphs had him at 4.9 WAR last season, and a lot of that is because he’s still a decent 3b. If he has to move to 1b he’s automatically less valuable, and will be worth less “wins”
What about his play makes you think a move is needed anytime soon. Defensive 3B age fairly well. Maybe its the stout builds? Maybe its the type of plays you make arent as speed driven so a good glove and good instincts keeps you good. I bet Beltre could play next year and be a scratch defender still.
If you watched his games, he is definitely more than “decent” defensively.
Dude was an absolute stud at the hot corner in 2019.
Anyone really think the Dodgers? Are they just being used to drive up the price slot used by Friedman like always to make us think he’s trying? Lol
Where’s John Heyman’s mystery team!
To answer your question. Its The Bad News Bears. To raise the capital Buttermaker has sold his sold pool cleaning franchise. Amanda Whurtlitzer has sold her Maps to the Stars franchise. They plan to submit thier offer over the weekend as soon as they can hi jack Kelly Leaks motor bike and get over to the nearest kinkos to fax in their offer.
Not a chance. Somebody is always willing to go that extra year and it’s never going to be the Dodgers. I’m sure the players and their agents have figured that out by now.
You’re right the Dodgers won’t and that’s why they are the juggernaut now that they are. The Dodgers new way of doing things is modeled from the Cardinals but with more payroll flexibility. They’ll be in the playoffs damn near every year and watch as they start winning multiple championships by not going stupid in one year just to be upset and be in a hole going forward. The Dodgers are great I’d be thrilled to have that roster with that farm. Yankees, Astros, and Dodgers are a cut above the rest and the Dodgers for once don’t have a ton of ugly back end of big contracts. Hate them but love what they’ve done
The Dodgers are modeled after Tampa, not STL. That’s where Friedman came. The big difference is now Friedman has real money to play with instead of Rolls of Quarters.
It’s why they’ve come close so many times, but have not won. It’s why if nothing huge happens between now and opening day they will start the season with their lowest payroll since 2012 and a big hole at the top of the rotation that will not play well in the postseason. Just so we know.
A loop hole at the top of the rotation? Eh?
What was that supposed to mean, eh?
He is just randomly trolling the threads with short and pointless posts. Probably just a beginner that doesn’t have enough ammo in the old knowledge tank to create an interesting argument. He just does the hit and runs and hopes nobody notices.
It almost seems like the team wants to make a deal as a statement, but in reality its hard to improve what they have. I dont even think JD is a great fit. I mean if you want to do the most to improve the WS odds of the team and get the most improvement by replacing someone bad then trading MIL for Hader seems like the best possible upgrade they could make. Keep the powder dry for mid season injury replacements. Too many players that are at least good to make real true upgrades easy.
Can’t believe someone would give that amount to him with his injury issues – oh well, more power to them
Are you kidding me? He was a 6 war player last year! That is star level production.
Dude is vegan now. He will outlive us all (while being incredibly hungry).
You’re the guy who dresses as the Chick-Fil-A cow at their conventions to infuriate both, aren’t you?
He had one injury year. Stop it. This isn’t the tail end of Dsvid Wright career. It’s Adrian Beltre
He had two injury filled years. First he torn his left calf & then the right one the following year. He also made a point of letting everyone believe that the second injury was the same as the first i.e, he didn’t come clean with the media until he was pressed about it. He also insinuated that the trainers were to blame for his injury when he hurt himself during the offseason. He’s a real stand up guy that Donaldson.
So he tore both calfs one after the other and blamed the trainer? How odd. He might not be wrong.
Yes how unprofessional of the Jays trainers for not following him onto the set of Vikings DURING THE OFF SEASON on the off chance that he might need medical attention.
One injury, that due to timing, spanned 2 seasons. If you’re not going to pay a guy who was hurt once, you’re going to struggle to find ballplayers.
Two injuries in two consecutive years. One in each calf.
I thought it was the same calf, but doesn’t change my opinion.
Also had a dead arm there too. Could hardly get the ball across from 3 B. The Jays also DH him about 10 games a year as load management.
After watching him as a Jay, I can’t see the 4th year as working out well, and would be quite concerned about the 3rd.
Oh no, not 10 games a year at dh. *gasp*
Twins get Donaldson, Braves trade for K.Bryant, Nats get The Todd Father, and N. Aranedo stays put until maybe deadline or next year, when the Roxs sell off the delicious snack box, to retool.
I don’t think the Nats are gonna settle for that scenario
If they don’t sign Donaldson or include Robles in a trade they very well could be. Heck, they could be even if they include Robles in a trade bc other teams may still outbid them.
Robles is going nowhere
Then they probably need to sign Donaldson. Why would the Rockies or the Cubs accept anything less than Victor? Do the nationals have any bona fide prospects.
One more season like last and you’ll wish you had.. But even if he rebounds he plays a far more injury prone position and you’ll not only shed that risk but be getting 6 years of Arenado.
You’re out of your mind or must be a Rockies/Cubs fan or simply don’t know how valuable V.R. is.
Look for someone who is at another position that could move to 3B? Maybe Kyle Seager is better then Frazier if they think they can fix his bat the rest of the way. His deal does add a season on a trade by guaranteeing the team option.
No way the Cubs get Robles for Bryant.
That’s why the Nats can’t get Bryant.
Nats need to make the call and defend their trophy.
I’m not a Bryant fan, but he has an MVP. Robles doesn’t. Odds being what they are for MVP Awards, he probably never will.
Braves got this
It is looking like JD will be signed by the Blue Jays for 110 mil/4yrs to play 1B.
No thanks. We don’t need his alpha male toxic personality around the kids. Hard pass.
The Jays are the last place Donaldson signs – for so many reasons.
Based on his stats he is past his prime offensively. Trending down last two years with a combined ops+ of 125. The prior 4 years clocking in around 145 ops+ Collectively. This is eerily similar to the indicators pujols stats showed before the huge decline the angels have delt with. Donaldson could have 1/2 years of “good” production then could fall off to being a glove first guy for 28 million per year. I still dont know why teams didnt make anthony rendon an offer but are willing to risk it all for a 34 year old aging ball player.
u seem like a dummy
All of the “this is insane” posts and “with his injury history” comments are completely off the mark. I happen to think the Braves should go to $110 but at least in your post you made sense and provided factual evidence.
I don’t think he’s likely to turn into Pujols but I agree that more teams should have been in on Rendon. They should have known what would happen with Donaldson.
Pujols is older than he claims to be, so you can’t really make that comparison fairly. If you add 3 years to Pujols age, and go back and look at his career, he was productive late into his 30s.
Just because a player ages, it doesn’t always mean they’re going to drop off a cliff. The only age related thing that’s really tough to fend off is the decline in fast twitch muscle speed. You can train for strength and flexibility, and Donaldson takes care of himself. I’d do 4yrs and 110 this very minute for him. He’s going to hit. His defense may slip some the last year or so, but it’s worth the risk for a big bat, and to hang onto the prospects.
Arenado will be around the same age as Donaldson at the end of his 7 that Donaldson will be at the end of 4.
Bryant will be a huge cost in prospects to be in this same boat 2 years from now.
Not to rip off Nike, but Just do it, Alex!!
Wonder which team will end up regretting it. He may have a good year or 2 left, but 4?
So glad my Reds don’t need a 3B lol
Yup because the Reds signed one to turn him into a second basemen
Jealous Brewers fan?
Not even a Brewers fan just saying that’s what the Reds did
So the reds screwed everyone in the 3B market along with the Angels when they choose the strategy that pitching doesnt matter to winning.
Twins seem like they would make the most sense since they can move him to DH when it becomes necessary and still potentially get value out of the end of his contract.
The NL is getting a DH soon so that plan doesn’t matter
Paying a DH 28 million a year isn’t something that a lot of teams want to do.
Nelson Cruz was always a decent bet even as he aged because he was relatively cheap ,this is the opposite of that.
Braves make the most sense to me,since their starting pitching is mostly still young and cheap and will be for a few more years and Albies and Acuna are in the small money parts of their contracts.
Honestly, as a Rangers fan. I think he’s worth the money. I’d be thrilled to have him in Texas, but selfishly, I’d prefer Arenado even if it meant giving up the likes of Winn and/or Jung.
Texas needs a right handed bat and a third baseman. Donaldson and Arenado both provide that.
Winn and Jung??? Nah. Maybe for Jung or Wendzel but not for even Winn unless the Rockies send 50MM and he agrees to take off the opt out option.
Braves offering a 4 year deal doesn’t matter anymore
What if they go to his price? Then it would, right?
If I were the braves I would be pissing all over JD. Just reading between the lines, it appears that the Braves have stepped up and “matched” other offers a few times already now. Yet JD just continues to use them by turning around just to ask for even more. Pure greed.
He’s got the leverage, so I don’t fault him for it. How many fans say anything when their favorite team beats a player in arbitration, or signs a guy below market because the team has leverage. It’s a two way street, and I say this as a Braves fan.
Paging a sucker….sucker…..paging a sucker
Mike Hunt….Mike Hunt….has anyone seen…
Winning takes the balls to gamble when you aren’t one of the rich teams.. Myself I like traded prospects.. 3 out of 4 fail to be long term MLB starters.. and that is just position players.. 4 out of 5 pitching prospects are long term failures..
Doesn’t that change somewhat when you have a deep farm. I look at this Cubs list from 2014 – which is no doubt an outlier of “success” – but it is indicative of what a really deep farm system can do (the good old days).
Pierce Johnson
All of those guys got at least a cup of coffee in the majors.
long term player.. is the measure.. and yes some teams are better at drafting and developing.. but those are the general numbers from the Sabermetric types.. Take the Twins.. when is the last time a can’t miss twins pitcher drafted and developed by the Twins became an true Ace… .. I would believe the answer is Frank Viola.. ( Not Santana.. not drafter by the Twins a Trade acquisition)
I’d hazard most teams have waited a long time for a true ace they both drafted and developed. Ace is such a fleeting thing to begin with these days.
Santana was a rule 5 draft pick
Santana was an amateur free agent signing who was signed by the Astros .. who was picked up in the rule 5 draft by the Florida Marlins who then traded him to minnesota for cash and Jared camp… No a drafted player by Minnesota at all.. baseball-reference.com/players/s/santajo02.shtml
It changes if you have really highly regarded prospects with super high floors. If you have a lot of high ceiling low floor guys you cash them in and hope they dont all hit there ceilings. I think if your smart like the Rays you let as many as you can get some MLB experience or close to it so they can see what they have and get more value since proven MLB players are worth way more then prospects even if theyre just role players.
Those Number i give are for top 100 prospects.. and of course if you cherry pick the top 1 or 3 the numbers will change..
Pierce Johnson on the same list as Javy Baez ? Ok …
Imagine what could have been without Epstein signing Heyward or trading away Torres. Unlike others, I don’t believe that Chapman was the reason the Cubs won the WS. I believe they won despite Maddon’s overuse of him and nearly blowing the WS. The Quintana trade was even worse.
If you sign Donaldson you’re hoping you get the best of him for 2 years and get to the promise land. All the Teams on that list are set up to contend now with the exception of Texas and they’ve got a brand new box opening up. Ask Beltre how he liked being an aging bat in Texas..
I would say Braves and Rangers should be his 2 choices if he wants longevity but then again he likely doesn’t care as long as someone shows him the money.
Get it done AA. Please
If multiple teams have offered 4/100 then telling that group “first team to offer 4/110 I will sign with” sounds reasonable to me.
It’s reasonable in regards to negotiation tactics. However, in regards to value, it’s pure greed. He is going to raise his own price tag so much that everyone will change their offers to 1yr/27.5M… you know what they say JD, be careful what you ask for.
That kind of $$$ is insane for a 34 year old 3rd baseman. No way.
Donaldson is an elite 3rd baseman and a late bloomer, age wise. He’s only had one season where injuries affected his performance. Even his injury shortened 2017 was an outstanding season. Then he takes off “prove it” contact last year and nails it. Pay this guy already. 4 years is still low risk and if he lands with the Twins, the DH spot is in play in a couple years.
Jose Bautista was a late bloomer then his game was cut in half in the blink of an eye. Age gets us all just a matter of when. Very few players have defied it a bit and kept it up in their mid to upper 30’s. History is not on his side. He could be one of those exceptions but I wouldnt pay that for that chance
I believe it was Rougned Odor that beat Bautista’s game in half.
Regarding “DH slot”, I think some folks have been mistaken in suggesting JD become a full time DH with Twins in back end of contract. Nelson Cruz is an outlier to how the Twins have used the DH in recent years because, well, he’s Nelson Cruz. Prior to that, they preferred to rotate many position players into the DH slot for load management, to keep several players more fresh for the entire season. In JD’s case it could simply be that his portion of DH time in the rotation could gradually increase. His glove is too valuable to suggest he becomes Cruz II. Cruz gets paid to take 4 ABs a game and be a mentor. Donaldson plays the whole game, both sides of the ball.
When you commit that kind of money to a player at Donaldson’s age they will want him to play 150 games. A huge ask for anyone let alone someone over 35 playing a position.
Braves sign Donaldson and trade for Lindor, both deals are announced simultaneously by the Braves themselves because Alex Anthopoulos works in the shadows.
Giants are motivated to move Longoria and he’s likely a 2 WAR player the next several years. Longoria could represent a fallback option and one perhaps more cost effective than Todd Frazier. Perhaps Zaidi and staff will pay down enough of the balance (money is also coming from the Rays) to make Longoria a viable option via trade.
They better tell somebody because this is literally the first I’ve heard of it. I don’t think anybody would pay Longoria anywhere close to 4/33 mil (if we’re talking half of what’s left on that deal) though.
Yeah lots of seasons left for a declining player who is already not super valuable. He starts a lot lower then JD for not all that much less.
So basically he is saying “I don’t care if you are bad, just give me the money I want“. Would not want this guy on my team.
He’s already made 80 mill…at the age 33 and injuries he has an asking price? Haha
$27.5 million a year ???
No thanks I would much rather tell the Rockies to throw in $32 million and get Arenado.
Actually I think I would much rather the Braves sign Ozuna and trade for Seager before signing JD for 4/110
Noooo they’re ours!!
Big Donaldson fan but kinda dissapointed in this-
Hes probably using the Braves in all honesty to drive up other offers, not so cool imo-
At this point I wouldnt mind everyone putting him on ice until he “re-considers”-
He probably has a couple 100 mill offers… holding out for 110 is just greedy imo
He is using the fact he is the last good 3B left while multiple contenders still have no options. Dont begrudge the man for the happenstance he finds himself in, but right now he has all the leverage since none of the plan Bs come without a prospect cost.
I guess the part i disagree with is using Atl as a ploy – I still hope he signs with Minny who is best situated for an over-pay currently ; so maybe this helps-
If you had 4 companies vying for your services, would you not try and negotiate the best package? It seems silly to “blame” JD. He is doing what everyone would do. It’s his last deal and he is the best FA available. Sure I’d like the Braves to sign him 75 over 3, but he is worth what he gets. The money and years are a concern, surely. However, the Braves are smack in the middle of their title window and losing him moves them a step backwards…the Nats/Dodgers/Phil’s sign him and its 2 steps back. Gotta just pony up. Sometimes, while unfortunate, for mid market payroll teams, it’s the cost of business.
Spot on.
Father time is undefeated.
I disagree. While ultimately this is true. There are more than a few players that have played well into late 30s. Not to mention, going vegan, if he is a true vegan could easily add to his career. People that have done this understand what it means. The muscle recovery, and the severely improved inflammation control can make you feel 10 years younger. I know most wont agree, but some of us have first hand knowledge/experience and can say it’s very significant.
I like him in LA taking up payroll and roster space.
If any team already offered him 4yrs/100MM I would give him 7-10 days to sign or move on.
Reason 28482 you’re not in a front office and you’re making 10 bucks an hour somewhere.
The fact that you don’t know where to place commas inside your large numbers tells us you that you have never had enough money to know better.
Simply NO.
Welcome Austin Riley.
so there options are to pay a 34 yo 4 years 110 or trade for an almost 30 yo who has home ,351 .412 .645 road .277 .346 .521 splits and pay him 7 year 235 mil and he can opt out after 2 year or trade for a 28 yo 3.6 war player for maybe 2 years or maybe 1 and pay him back end arb prices or sign an almost 34 yo 2.2 war player or go a different direction that the quality really goes down from there if it was my team i would want them to go for the 4 years and hope for the best, imo it would be the best decision its alot of money but you wouldnt be giving up any of your prospects except for a draft pick after the 2nd round, the cubs would want to much for bryant and the rockies would want to much for arenado plus you would have to pay them big money also. donaldson is the most bang for your buck
Sadly many don’t understand exactly what your saying which is the truth
Best case scenario is you trade for Arenado and keep Riley letting him play the OF/3B/1B and hope Arenado opts our in 2 yrs and you move Riley to 3B full time. But in any trade with the Rockies you have to get them to cover about $20-$30 million.
Does that mean Pache or Anderson must come into play ?!?
Gonna be an interesting weekend
The Braves don’t need Arenado for the price of top prospects, period.
Nobody understands what he is saying because he doesn’t know how to use punctuation.
Is that whole post “a single sentence”……….Wow!!!
I think it’s past the time to take your Adderall seahawk
You also have lots of competition for everyone until the musical chairs settles for most of the other contenders with a clear need still. I wouldnt be shocked if someone took Lowrie from the Mets to try at third if he is healthy since he has played there before.
The calculus is much the same for the other teams involved.
Differentiation? Integration? Limits?
Why are you not a GM?
Wow! What an offseason!
Said no one.
These mid market teams make between 250 and 350 million a year withe Twins at 250 and Braves at 350, so I think they can pay Donaldson. These are the mid market teams with the cap at 210. Time for a floor, even the Rays and A’s make more than that amount. If you had a floor it would goose teams along to try and win, and maybe even help teams get a new stadium or move to a new location to draw some real fans.
Donaldson’s calves are held together by duct tape and Elmer’s Glue…
He will have impactful moments within a four year deal, but he most certainly will not be worth that kind of commitment.
Hes had 1 full year of injuries and has played like 150+ in I think every other season. He went vegan, yes it truly matters, and his most recent sample shows he is fully healthy. He just turned 33 and will be 37 at the end of it. Sure it’s a risk, but considering all the other options (players/circumstances)…money, prospects, grievances, H/A splits opt outside etc…josh Donaldson is a known commodity and if close the Braves should make it happen. He doesnt die in 3 years automatically. If anything him at 100% for 2 years then 90% and 80% for the 3rd and 4th still provide the Brave shte best chance to succeed in their contention window.
Id give him the $110m on the condition he changes that stupid haircut
Yours Truly,
Montgomery Burns
I don’t blame the guy for trying to get the most money he can at this point in his career. Wishful selfish thinking on my part he may take a slight discount to play with the Braves. Just had great success here, grew up / college near here.
Part of me wants the Braves just to pay the guy and pray he maintains performance. The money is there to get him and then lock down Freddie if needed. Rather they are willing to spend it is a different story
He may just do that, we don’t know what’s really going on. I like when players have at least a little affection for the team they are with. I don’t fault them for not, as the front offices rarely, if ever, do. Remember Bronson Arroyo? A discount sometimes just makes it easier for them to move you for someone else.
100 mil over four years was an overpay yet he is holding out for 110. Can’t say I blame him but I sure as hell wouldn’t want my team signing him for that $$$. Then again Im a Pirates fan so that doesn’t matter.
Anyone want Colin Moran?
$27.5 million v. $25 million per year. I wish I was in that predicament.
He’s simply not worth it
The guy’s hairstyle alone smacks of Atlanta.
Awesome reply.
Hilarious since he had that haircut since he was in Oakland or even before that. Pax your face smacks of NY, full of rats and no decency. Got the scum part of your name right.
Josh Donaldson is a tremendous player and deserves every penny is asking for. He is only 34, what is wrong with this people? Age is so overrated in our Country more than any other in the entire world, unreal!!!
Yeah but the concern is that the last 2 years of that contract could be pretty ugly, especially for a NL team, at nearly $30 million per year.
Said the old man who still thinks he could do what he used to
With today’s salaries, I don’t see it being all that crazy. Let’s look at it for it’s true value. We need someone to protect Freddie period. I’m sorry but no one on this current roster can do that. Acuna is comfortable leading off, Albies is the perfect 2 hole. Before his elbow started bothering him Freeman was legit MVP candidate. He was because he had JD protecting him some hasn’t had in other years “cakes” really? Just pay the dude and rule the East in 2020.
I hope Markakis is relegated to the bench or is trade material. However the trade bit wont happen without his permission. 10 and 5 gents.
Freeman was better (based on the protection argument) in 2018 without JD. It’s an overrated and imperfect theory.
Greediness does not become you Josh. I hope the Braves give you a pass and wave bye-bye with the middle finger
Do you know how much money the owners of the Braves have? People who call players greedy are just clueless.
You sound like a socialist on welfare. Always gotta blame the guys writing the checks right? I bet you can’t wait for them to pay their “fair share”. Way to thumbs up every one of your own comments though.
Liberty your move. U want to win right.
Liberty your move
Pay the man
You are crazy to want to sign this guy. I hope he ends up in Atlanta bc they have the most solid core moving forward and whoever signs him is going to take a huge blow to their finances plus they’ll have to play him bc they are paying him so much- even when he’s 35 and washed up. Which I think is in like 3 weeks.
Just turned 33 and only had 1 full year of injury. Most recent sample size shows hes fully healthy and a huge difference maker. Lose home and it’s a step backwards. Lose him to the Phils/Nats/Dodgers and its 2 steps backwards.
Todd Frazier suddenly looks like a decent option
If there is one thing I have learned in my professional life, it’s that you only get one chance to negotiate. This is pure greed though and I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. At least this should drive up the asking price for Bryant as his $18.5M this year is looking better and better.
He is worth what he gets. It’s that simple.
How do you follow up, “you only get one chance to negotiate” with “this is pure greed”? This will be the last big contract he ever signs, so he’s naturally trying to get as much as he can. That’s not greed. It’s a smart play.
Donaldson reportedly signing with the Braves early this week..4 year 104 mil.
The steroids are causing delusions again.
Nationals have to pay him, yes. They are essentially on a 3 years and bust plan anyways.
The Nats already have Keiboom for 3rd.
Yes. They already have a guy who has not yet proven he can play at MLB level. They don’t have anything…yet.
let him walk
Whoever signs him will not see him on the field for many of the games. He has a history or calf problems as well as other injuries. A contract into his late 30s? Injuries increase with age…questionable signing coming.
Show proof he has a “history” of calf issues. 158 games played 3x, 155 2x. 1 year of injuries and played a very productive full season last year. You do not know what you are saying.
I wish the Braves had a time machine and they would go back and get Terry Pendleton in 1985 and then go back to 1941 and get Stan Musial and bring him back to play left field for the Braves. Then, after a few years, when Musial’s contract would come up, the Braves could trade him—strait up!—for Mike Trout. That would be ideal for the Braves this off season.
If this is accurate, then I say “adios.” That money can be put elsewhere. I’d prefer to give up some prospect capital and lock down a younger player with equal numbers, such as Bryant.
If Donaldson goes to the twins, I think Bryant ends up with the phillies if he is still out there in Febuary, thats how they ended up getting Realmuto.
Curious……Why do the Phillies need a 3B?
Especially one that will cost as much as Bryant and probably leave after 2 years.
They have Didi at SS, Kingery, and Harrison for 3B, Segura & Harrison for 2B…..and Gamboa coming up soon
Does Kingery have the range to play third is the thing though. I still keep wishing they would just trade Bohm & another prospect for Arenado but he would be the same situation as Bryant because he can opt out,
The Dodgers, Twins and Padres have more depth to trade from. Who do the Phillies have (please don’t say Segura)?
they can trade Bohm & possibly Moniak and a blue chip prospect , while taking on the money of Arenado’s contract or most of it.
After Bohm and Moniak they have no blue chip prospects
I’m curious how much more money the Braves made the past two years compared to the first year in STP. I know the numbers Liberty released but I’m not buying those. Having a playoff team the last two years, having All Star weekend this year, the Battery continuing to grow…they have plenty of money to give JD a 4th year and it not cripple the team in the future.
Not sure that’s how the decision is made.
You want to pay this guy $27.5M at age 37?
Probably better than paying Arenado 35 million
This is ridiculous! Sure, he has been one of the most productive hitters in the league but with the age and declining defense metrics, noone should give him that much money! Just look at what happened to Pujols! (and many other aging stars)
Whichever team that signs him will regret handing out that nine-figure deal.
It’s “only” a 4-year deal as opposed to Pujol’s 10-year deal but it will most likely cripple the team that signs him for half of the contract.
Prove it? 158, 158, 158, 155, injured, 155 games played. That’s not injury prone, that’s “an” injury.
Nelson Cruz ring a bell? Going vegan and loving your team make up for 1 year and the extra millions. People need to research before inserting foot in mouth.
Ichiro and Julio Franco could probably still play.
I hope nobody signs him at his asking price.. What a selfish peace of crap. I hate when athletes do this, it makes the sport look bad. Dude, you’re making millions!!! Be greatful!
Piece, not peace. Grateful, not greatful.
If you are trying to educate this bunch, you have a monumental task ahead of you my friend
Ha! I usually never do that, but two blatant errors in one post was more egregious than I could handle!
Just sign Frazier. Let Donaldsnot millions injured for another team
One hundred million. On top od the almost 50 million the internet says he is currently worth. It also says his dad was a construction worker. Blue collar. This human needs to appreciate what he has or retire and go count his money alone in a hole.
What an idiotic thing to say. You would do the. Ery same thing in your career. JD isnt doing anything. He is moving the needle forward for the players….I’d rather he get his money than owners get more….
Well, Arenado and Bryant are looking much better. It would be hilarious if Donaldson prices himself out
The thought that someone would prefer to give away prospects rather than money is about as idiotic as it comes.
The thought that someone still hasn’t learned that dealing away prospects for stars has been around…well since ANYBODY here was born is hilarious. Do you understand this is part of baseball? Losing unproven prospects that have only a small chance of being long term stars in MLB for a PROVEN star is not as bad as damaging your payroll to the point you can’t recover for a few years. Look at the Cubs, just one player like Heyward can screw up your payroll and handicap your moves. Especially at Donaldson’s age, if he declines nobody is going to take that 110M contract off their hands. Your comment is why we still need the thumbs down feature, so you understand how bad it is.
He can set his price at whatever number he wants, but I think he’s looking at $100 million or less.
Whoop dee doo. Enjoy Washington and your deferred Dolgoff Plan money, Josh.
.250 Hitter in a small ball park what’s the big deal. Hope the dodgers don’t sign him we already have the same in Joc Pederson.
Odd his career avg is .273
Wow, that is amazing. Definitely worth 110M then.
Oh look 240 comments of how selfish players are. Meanwhile the billionaire owners are Scrooge McDucking in their money bins. No one buys tickets to see the owners play. They should get every penny possible.
Players and owners are both guilty. Why would you or I be on either side? We should be on OUR side. It’s fan money they are fighting over and its not like either side is concerned for us.
Hey he’s got a family to feed to.
I am wondering if JD’s numbers last year were skewed by the 2019 baseball? inflating his value?
If they did they inflated all offensive numbers. So Rendon shouldn’t have gotten his money either.
You can still compare him to his peers which is really the true way to know his value.
They don’t seem out of line with career numbers.
If this report is true. He will get hurt this year and years to come. He is a good player that was just offered $100,000,000.00 guaranteed dollars to play baseball for the team that he claims to want to play for. Now demanding 10 million more? Thes players should be ashamed of themselves and will learn. The world is changing. Karma is happening quicker. Good things to good people. Injuries to the greedy. Peace and love to people that appreciate and are truly good.
@Jaysthoughts, perhaps you need to be concerned about bad karma.
I’m guessing you’re a Marianne Williamson supporter?
Walk away at that price. 3/70 max. He’ll get more, of course. The signing team will regret it in year one.
I agree that 110 is just being greedy, and this is almost a guarantee that he gets hurt and whichever team is stupid enough to shovel out the extra 10M will regret it by 2nd year. As a Twins fan I wanted him for our lineup, but now it’s just plain ricockulous!
Adding Donaldson could potentially turn our offense into the leagues best, I say go for it then add more pitching at the deadline.
Yes. Him wanting more money guarantees he will get hurt. Because that’s how life works. Why are you so dumb?
Looks like 2019 was Donaldson last year in baseball.
Go Cubs Go
Where’s that bitter Yankees fan to cry at this comment?
As much as I like JD ( even as a Blue Jay ) it could be a better gamble on Frazier or Seager and have some wiggle room for another starting pitcher. Atlanta could package a couple non top 10 prospects for a proven arm.
At 110 million the odds in this gamble go down some. If AA wants to roll some dice then go get Bryant and ink him to a 4 year deal.
If Seager was paired with Haniger for a lesser of a king’s ransom, I’d go that route if SEA kicked in some dollars. We could include one of our OF prospects that could give them a great looking OF of the future with Kelenic, possibly Contreras at C, and some great pitching.
A top 5 of:
…that could be intriguing with a nice balance of power, speed and OBP. Seager could transition into Riley (if not included). Having Swanson & d’Arnaud could really round that line-up out.
That’s only $105 million over what the Pirates plan to offer.
I expect the Padres to give him 6yrs/$200M and put him in the outfield, because that’s what they do.
I think it would be wiser to sign Donaldson than trade for Bryant or Arenado let alone have to sign Todd Frazier. After JD is signed though and you are one of the 3 teams that missed out I could see trading for Bryant or Arenado. The Cubs & Rockies are going to want a good package of prospects headlined by one in the top half of the top 100. IMO, the conditions surrounding both Bryant and Arenado decrease their value making a prospect in the 1-50 range in the top 100 an overpay. Bryant or Arenado would upgrade a contending roster but it would only be worth trading top prospect capital if JD were not available.
4 years of JD at 27,5mil/yr
2 years of Bryant at 18.5mil/yr + a Top prospect and some
7 years of Arenado at 30+mil/yr + a Top prospect and some & he may opt out after 2 yrs or stink in years 5-7
1 year of Frazier at ?
It makes sense for a contending team to act first and pay JD instead of missing out, especially since you may not even be able to or be the one that trades for Bryant or Arenado, let alone the fact that neither of them will be traded before JD is signed.
Thought he could get 4 years at $85MM, but not $110MM.
In his defense, he’s still putting up MVP-like numbers (6+ WAR) and 4 years isn’t too long. He’s still playing 3B well so he can always go to 1B eventually and may never end up being a DH.
At some point, it’s just basic greed. The guy has made over $80,000,000 in salary alone in his career and now he’s dicking around whether he gets another $100,000,000 or $110,000,000? If some human can’t get by on $180,000,000 he’s not going survive on just $190,000,000 either. If he truly wanted to play for the Braves, that’s where he’d already be. It’s a shame how these front office people allow agents to manipulate them. Keep giving 35, 36 and 37 year old players $25,000,000+ yearly paychecks and wonder why you can’t unload them. At least Harper’s contract makes sense in that it’s front loaded.
Jim, I hope you have the opportunity to put your beliefs into action. Where a few other companies come calling to pay you big bucks and you say no thanks. I have enough and dont want to be greedy. Doesnt that sound ridiculous. More money for players is less for owners, that’s good in my book.
More money for players is less money for fans.
Total bonehead economics.
Not really. Donaldson has reportedly said he wants to play in Atlanta. If that is true, just sign with Atlanta. 10 million isn’t going to make a difference if you play where you want to play. Players talk all that cramp or most do, that the money isn’t the main objective. I want to play close to my home or family. Remember how Tex said he wanted to play close to his family, didn’t he live in Baltimore or DC. You can’t get much loser than that and he signed with the Yankees for more money. Most players talk all that cramp about family and it’s not the money, yet they take the money.
It may very well be time to give Joshie boy the big fat foam middle finger salute/chop from Atlanta.
Yes because the Braves are clearly broke.
Donaldson was a late bloomer. He will be fine. If he does a Pouhos make him be the greeter at the local box store.
Does a what?
Braves, Twins or Dodgers seem to be the most likely landing spots for him.
Nats chances of all the moons and stars lining up and repeating a trip to the WS
are less than 25%.
Nats went on an incredible streak/roll at the end of last season
that is very unlikely to happen again.
Parity is here at the MLB level.
Talent is spread evenly around both leagues.
There are no really dynastic teams anymore.
That said, whoever takes this deal is really payingfor 2 years at the beginning of the deal.
Injuries and age very likely will cut years 2 actual value/service of Donaldson to a 10M-15M year player maximum skills and stats produced.
We have seen so many of these deals “blow up” on teams for mid 30’s year players like Pujols, Cabrera, Cespedes and many more…
Pujols has a ten year contract, Cabrera has an eight year deal. Not quite the same thing.
Similarity is in giving a mid 30’s star a big 4+ year deal
when most players start their skills decline in their mid 30’s.
Injuries are a huge factor in mid 30’s players also..
If I recall, after their 19-31 start (while they had lots of injuries), the Nats were tied with the Astros for the best record in baseball.
They beat the Dodgers, Cardinals and Astros.
Their WS victory was well earned.
Well deserved WS Victory for Nats…They went on an incredible roll in the 2nd half and at the end of the season. Nats got hot at the right time.
The chances of the Nats repeating that same incredible roll 2 years in a row are slim..
Cespedes yes he was a serious oversign but that wasn’t as obvious at the time.
Pujols is not even in the same cat. He was a ten year deal for an insane amount of money.
If you are referring to Asdrubal Cabby I have not seen an oversing on him for most of his career. He has had a few bad stretches but has been pretty consistent over his whole career
Milk the market to get more then go to the Braves….the team you want to go to. Seems like a solid strategy to me.
I hope he signs with ATL for four years and $110M.
As long as the Nats say no, i’ll be happy.
Lol, you’re saying no now that you see he’s not coming to you. Lol
How’s it going Papa wondered where you were…
Yes Donaldson will pull down a contract that in a vacuum would be considered a “Bad Idea” But that is the cost of an unrestrained Market. But the Advantages can not be ignored. Do we NEED him not really. Even if we are not the favorite to win the division we are a good bet for the wild card right now.
But would it benefit us?
Assuming health for a second (and you just should NOT sign a marquee player unless you can assume his health) the first year and the second year should be good.. at that point (theoretically- and I really hope not) the DH will be coming into the NL. At that point Donaldson becomes your DH.
Mind you am not saying we need to sign him to have a chance, which is the tack I see some taking here. Nor do a see us a sunk if he goes back to the Braves. But on that point signing this particular “Overpriced” player does keep him off the Braves Roster… It is the same as a two win swing when you play a division rival.
I myself am pretty neutral on this one. I see benefits and drawbacks going either way. But I am ready for the man to make his decision….
How are the Dodgers in this conversation? Donaldson is not that much of an upgrade over Turner/Seager to justify $27M a year for the next four years. As a Dodger fan, I want him to sign with the Braves. Makes them that much more competitive and interesting, and ties up all that payroll.
The “Bringer of Rain” is going to return to Atlanta. It will be formally announced on Monday evening.
Four years at $105MM
The Twins offered 4/$110
D.C. offered 4/$97
Who the f… are you, and what the f… are you talking about?
Looks like it’s 4:20
Sweet mother of god what is the hold up?! m.youtube.com/watch?v=qlJaR_URY_E
Rangers shouldn’t waste their time with 4 years and blowing the budget on Donaldson. Just make a phone call to the Cubs. They have Jung coming up, so 2 years of Bryant for a prospect package would be the much smarter choice. In fact, they could also put the same or better package together for Contreras. The addition of Bryant or Contreras vastly improves the look of the Ranger’s lineup.
How big of a brain explosion would it be if the Nats signed JD for 4/110 and Atlanta signed Zimmerman for 2/6.
Now, that would be something. But then again, a train wreck or something too
watch out for the gray matter spray
Any GM that gives a 4 year 110 deal to a 34 year old needs to be fired.