It always seemed there’d be an interesting tale when details finally emerged regarding Yoenis Cespedes’s mysterious ranch injury last year. And indeed the story spun by the New York Post baseball team of Joel Sherman, Ken Davidoff, and Mike Puma isn’t a boring one … well, not exactly.
The ankle injury Cespedes suffered, which occurred while he was rehabbing from surgeries to both heels, put him on the shelf for the remainder of the 2019 season. In concert with preexisting leg issues, the new malady put the remainder of Cespedes’s career in doubt. It also spurred an effort by the Mets to avoid much of the remaining money they owed him, resulting in a recent agreement on an amended contract.
As it turns out — drum roll, please — Cespedes was injured when he plunged into a hole during some kind of interaction with a wild boar. Precise details aren’t clear, and probably don’t matter much at this point. It’s not difficult to imagine some of the myriad ways in which one might end up in a compromised position while in the vicinity of such a creature.
Cespedes came clean about the matter from the outset, at least in the main, according to the report. All involved may or may not agree on all the particulars, it seems, but they have generally accepted that the malady was indeed boar-related.
So, what’s a player contract say about an injury that results from such an unlikely series of events? It depends upon the precise details of that player’s own pact, some of which include specially negotiated language. Whether there’s anything relevant in the Cespedes contract isn’t known in this case. Section XVI(B) of the Uniform Player Contract does prohibit players from engaging in “any other sport or activity involving a substantial risk of personal injury,” though that provision is framed in the context of engaging in sporting events and its application to this factual setting would no doubt be a matter of some debate.
Had the sides ended up in a grievance proceeding on the subject, they’d have been forced to engage in an exploration of both the full facts and the proper interpretation of the contract. (If there are any unique clauses in this deal, the interpretation of which could conceivably have required exploration of the original negotiation of the contract, current Mets GM and former Cespedes agent Brodie Van Wagenen would’ve been even more hopelessly conflicted than he was already.) After weighing the costs and risks, the sides instead settled on the aforementioned renegotiation, with the blessing of MLB and the MLBPA.
Yeah… god bless that man…
Damn beat me to it
……Should have rode a Hog
What a boar…..
Steve Somers doing a great job covering this on WFAN, he’s on til 10 tune in.
Steve Somers here and you there…
And how you be?
I saw Blake snell in my community basketball league a couple weeks back before Christmas in Seattle. In the game he played he just chucked up like 20 deep threes and played zero defense
100 lol
You sure that wasn’t James Harden
The real life Robert Baratheon
Beat me to it. Lol
Happy to read this.
The way MLB players are being marketed today, each is a humble guy with the mental ability to have been a brain surgeon, devoted his life to finding a cure for diseases, or become a legendary diplomat that would have single-handedly brought peace to the world…..
But instead elected to help his starving parents, ill siblings, and destitute relatives so he become a major league baseball player.
I’m old enough to remember when laughing about what players did was as much fun as watching the games. Now it’s all serious, players are a “brand” – no funny stories allowed or their agents will sue!
Correa: I got hurt getting a massage, weirdest injury ever!
Cespedes: hold my beer.
I’m still confident Correa is lying.
Couldve been getting a “massage” with Bob Kraft. Injuries from that type of “massage” aren’t unheard of…
Kind of messed up this gets put in the Ron Gant and Aaron Boone pile though. We don’t know if Cespedes was wrestling with the boar, or maybe he had no idea it was around. Walking around your own ranch doesn’t sound the same as riding dirtbikes or playing basketball.
No chance he was just walking along, minding his business, when he got attacked by a boar. If he were blameless, no way he agrees to give back all that money.
He was doing something stupid, just a question of what.
My best guess is Cespedes was probably out on his property hunting boar.
That would give the Mets the upper hand, and the ammo they really needed to likely win the battle. I’m not really sure hunting is considered a sport, but either way, it could certainly be considered a dangerous activity that put Cespedes’ health at risk…
Hunting boar with a rifle doesn’t sound dangerous.
Guess it depends on the terrain.
Fudge pa ker
Hunting isn’t dangerous
Both their stories are BS. Clearly the Mets can prove it, that’s why Cespedes is taking a huge L.
must have been one hell of a happy ending
Go ask Derek Holland who was taken down playing with his dog.
Bro Sammy Sosa hit the DL sneezing.
My Favorite is still Brian Anderson just because it was so weird. He was getting ready to iron a shirt in his hotel room and decided to test the heat of the iron by placing it next to his FACE! Then he decided to turn his head right into the iron leaving a nice big burn mark on his cheek.
I have been on this earth a good many years and have met many people, but I have never met anyone who tests an iron that way.
it was an effective test, I’ll give him that.
… or moronic.
My favorite will always be when Ricky Bones messed up his back while …. adjusting his recliner?
Can’t forget about Madison Bumgarner falling off a dirt bike
Okay but how is everyone forgetting Joel Zumaya getting a career ending injury by playing Guitar Hero?
Definitely should top the list, but it was far from career ending. It happened his rookie season in 2006. He broke his forearm throwing a 99 mph fastball in 2010. Not too many guys can say their last MLB pitch was 99 mph.
Correa lied. His sister told a totally different story.
I heard it was Lenny Dykstra and not a wild boar..
Is this a joke concerning the Cespedes family barbecue where he was seen roasting an entire wild boar??
I don’t know what I was expecting the origins of Cespedes’ injury to be, but it’s fair to say I didn’t expect it to involve a wild boar. Crazy.
* Only question, was he hunting it or?
Southern states (many) open season 12 months a year to hunt wild hogs as nuisance animals/pests that they are and i can tell you as a person who grew up in the great state of Florida before it became over populated many decades ago, that when u run into one.. with several inch tusks it ain’t no picnic.
Those things are foul tempered beasts and even with the state well filled out, there are still thousands upon thousands of swampy and wooded acres filled with them and *maybe* the dude did stumble upon one of the things and try to run away.. It’s all one can do without a rifle/shotgun/pistol with you.. Then those sheltered activists wouldn’t probably understand.
Why didn’t he just peg a baseball at it? He has a gun.
He was running from it, tell me there’s video!
Unfortunately, I don’t thing Cespedes has the same video hype team with him on the ranch that produced his legendary MLB showcase video.
“Next with Bear Grylls!”
I still can’t get over how the son of a Cuban Olympian Softball player is a multimillionaire who cosplays as an 1800s American cowboy in 2020. Its like 500 pages got turned over at once.
ah classic Yoenis. this man desperately needs a reality TV show. id pay good money to watch it. “That’s our Cespy!”
That’s just the way they roll in Cuba. Jump in the hole and grab that big fat boar!
Andele! Andele! Arrepa! Arrepa!
That’s very insensitive towards horizontally challenged females
This is such a Mets story.
What an absolute, bonafide idiot.
Yes Cam, you’re correct. I forgot that because they play a sport they should spend the rest of their time like the boy in the bubble.
With his injury history and that much on the line while recovering from a pretty hefty injury? He probably should have been in a bubble, i mean didnt he go out from swinging a golf club? Either way he did something stupid and lost a ton of money because of it.
So yes he can live his life but if he wants to do dumb things he will have to face the repercussions.
When you’re getting paid aboit 30 million a year to perform an athletic job… yes your employer has a right to expect you essentially do so.
Don’t like it, don’t take the kob
Wow. Those boats are powerful animals. Bizarre headline.
Boars, too.
You’re going to need a bigger boar.
He must have been running full boar to shatter his ankle like that
Hunter Pence screwing around and somehow getting put through a closed sliding glass door is up there as one of my favorites that I’m sure is similary obfuscated.…
Cespedes seems to have been on firm legal ground. If he was hunting wild boar with a pen knife, he would indeed be at risk of “substantial injury” but if he was carrying say, a .460 Weatherby (way too much for a pig) that would pose far more of a serious risk to the boar.
This just in: Cespedes signs with new agent, Scott Boaras.
Also the Rally Boar will definitely be a thing in Queens.
Jesus I hope so.
Von, I owe you an apology. I didn’t register the brilliance of the Boras joke. This is probably the fifth time I’ve read your comment and I just got it. I’d call it a blonde moment but I’m bald lol.
Boar hunting. Likely with a pistol. Adrenaline rush.
I heard Bobby Bonilla was the only witness.
I miss MikeYank55. He had such witty posts. He had me hooked on every word
I will never run out of questions about this. Number one: Are Yoenis and the boar friends now?
According to Page Six, they were caught having dinner at “Luigi’s” in Manhattan…..the boar ordered the bean sprouts…..
The truth is, he and Justin were just wrestling.
Bour? Justin Bour? Big Dude, probably easily hurt a lot people. Hello, is thing on?
So he was caught in “some kind of interaction” with a wild boar…..
My question is, did he even buy the boar dinner? Give her (him?) some chocolates? Remember a birthday? Send flowers?
Of course the perv in me wants to know who got on top……
Didn’t last long. The next morning he called her a pig.
The big unanswered question here is how the restructuring of the contract affects the AAV for potential luxury tax purposes. Just reallocating the money is one thing but the luxury tax threshold is another. And no, the answer has not been given.
As a renegotiated contract with the blessing of both MLB and the players’ union, it is a one year contract with a base of 6 million. The “luxury tax” figure is — for now, at least — 6 million. Both Spotrac and Cots Contracts have it listed as 6 million towards the luxury tax threshold.
This really sounds more like a Madison Bumgarner style injury to me.
This is so cespedes!
Uptick in respect for the agent/GM. Neither he nor anyone else involved, to the credit of all, leaked this wild story. Must have been tempting, darn those pesky canons of ethics.
I got a good laugh out of this article… thank you
Wild boar? I gotta try that at work!
Atticle titled “Details on injury”, that was a fraud because there are no details presented.
Hunter Pence running through a “sliding” glass door
Kerry Wood in a hot tub
Jeff Kent washing his truck
That guy that broke his thumbs closing the trunk of his car
Dick Allen ‘allegedly’ putting his hand through a car light, pushing his car.
And, while not as funny, the three guys from Philly, getting into a car accident because they were too cheap or too stupid to arrange for a car service coming back from a bachelor party.
Marlins pitcher Ricky Bones once strained his lower back getting out of a recliner while watching TV in the clubhouse.
A recliner injury, that’s something all weekend warriors can relate to.
The man has been just as productive as Bobby Bonilla has the last 10 years with the mets!
Is your iq lower than 4? Yes.
All jokes aside, isn’t anyone actually irritated that this is being reported as something that actually happened (it’s on the ESPN front page now)? I mean come on,
you can’t do any better than reheat one of 2019’s most popular memes “30-50 Feral Hogs” and try to feed it to us? Not that anyone actually cares about Cespedes or Van Wagenen, but it’s actually pretty disturbing that no seems to have any problem with propagating or buying into obvious BS anymore.
I’m actually relieved to hear it was no simple accident. When I was under the impression the guy hurt himself getting off a horse I thought it was absurd to take millions from the guy but rehabbing and hunting wild boar was irresponsible on his part. Everyone did the right thing here. Cespedes came clean and the Mets didn’t go for the whole contract like the Ellsbury nightmare.
And surprisingly, the Players Association is on “board “ with the settlement for Cespedes
I doubt anyone will believe this, but about 15 years ago one of my friends dads went boar hunting with Barry Bonds. The interesting thing is that they didn’t use guns, they hid in tree limbs and stabbed the boars to death after they came close enough to pounce on. I saw photographic evidence with my own eyes.
Bonds had to relieve that Roid Rage somehow I guess.
I believe Barry Bonds would be enough of a coward to hide in a tree and give the boar no chance to gore him.
“That’s all, folks!” – Porky Pig
Bobby Ojeda sticking his finger in the lawn mower when it stopped working
Not Kris Benson’s wife?
Never wrestle a pig.