The Astros are interested in former big leaguer Eduardo Perez as they seek a new manager to replace the recently fired A.J. Hinch, reports Andy Martino of (Twitter link). Perez will interview tomorrow, per Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic (via Twitter).
Perez, 50, should be plenty familiar with the organization after serving as former manager Bo Porter’s bench coach during the 2013 season. He was lined up to serve as Houston’s first base coach in 2014 but ultimately opted to step away from that role, citing a desire to spend more time with family. He also spent two years as the hitting coach in Miami (2011-12) and has managed in the Puerto Rican Winter League in addition to managing Team Colombia in the 2013 World Baseball Classic.
Beyond his coaching experience and his 13-year MLB career (1993-2006), Perez is of course well-known for his time as a host and analyst on ESPN and for MLB Network Radio on SiriusXM. It’s been more than five years since he suited up in a big league dugout, although he’s been a popular managerial candidate over the past couple of offseasons. The Blue Jays interviewed Perez before hiring Charlie Montoyo last winter, and Perez was reportedly the runner-up when the Mets hired Carlos Beltran back in November. Like Hinch and Alex Cora, Beltran was ousted from a managerial job following his role in the 2017 sign-stealing scandal.
Among the other candidates for the Astros’ opening are veteran skippers Buck Showalter, John Gibbons and Dusty Baker. Cubs coach Will Venable, too, is reportedly set to interview.
Lol this oaf is one of the dullest knuckle draggers in the game and he continually finds work. Anything to get him off TV tho.
You still watch ESPN? lol
Haven’t watched espn in years. Is he still on?
Sure sounds like you watch it based on your initial comment, nice try.
Pretty sure he was an oaf pre-ESPN as well. Doh!
It’s easily the best white noise to fall asleep to. Interesting enough to listen to but boring enough not to care. It’s truly perfect.
What is espn? Oh does that stand for eastern seaboard propaganda network? The channel that continuously overhyped east coast teams?
Frisco 500 now that tight there is FUNNY. LOL
Uh, and that nasal voice of his…
Define what you mean when you say knuckle dragger?
The Astros don’t care, they just want a guy who will stick with the “program”. What does it matter who the manager is when your “MVP” hitters wear devices alerting them to what pitches are coming.
Did Crane ever offer an apology?
No. And no coach or player has either.
Not true. Hinch and Beltran apologized.
Correct… both did apologize, but they seemed to lack sincerity and did not grasp the level of damage they caused their organizations.
Beltrán: “Over my 20 years in the game, I’ve always taken pride in being a leader and doing things the right way, and in this situation, I failed. As a veteran player on the team, I should’ve recognized the severity of the issue and truly regret the actions that were taken. I am a man of faith and integrity and what took place did not demonstrate those characteristics that are so very important to me and my family. I am very sorry. It’s not who I am as a father, a husband, a teammate and as an educator.” Sincerity can’t be judged in a written statement but it’s miles better than Luhnow’s.
you can never do enough for some people…
Beltran: I’m sorry I got caught.
I am a man of faith.
It’s not who I am.
Crane and Hinch both publicly apologized. See links below. Please don’t spread misinformation. If you are not sure about something don’t post it. There’s way too much of that going around.……
Fiers should be the one to apologize….
Disagree, he exposed massive cheating. he should be commended for coming forward regardless of when or why.
He also got aggressive with his manager once for being taken out of a game. He exposed the truth but he’s still no hero nor a saint.
Whatever! I’m glad some one squealed. If there’s cheating going on like that some one should have said something. I find it funny that it was only a problem to the league when it was public. Steal signs all you want do it the old fashioned way. I hope every hitter from those scandal teams that are still in baseball takes one in the ribs . Let the players police it.
They should build a Mike Fiers statue outside the MLB offices
I think they’ve voiced displeasure or regret and that is enough for me personally but some people want those two words
Apparently MLBTR wants to control your comments as I cannot reply to it. What I would say is: Fair enough, though I heard Hinch’s apology was somewhat of a non-apology apology laced with arrogance. I don’t remember the details so I can’t say for sure. I also don’t know the details on Beltran’s apology but I’ll take your word for it. I would uprate your comment but MLBTR is controlling that as well. They appear to be doing the same with my comments. They are control freaks, obviously.
Hmmm… I replied to @wessti just fine. Maybe the problem is on your end.
“Apparently MLBTR wants to control your comments…”
Gee, it’s almost like they own and moderate the website or something!
For crying out loud, the whining that goes on here about a free product, run by nice people and with relatively unobtrusive advertising….
Our comment filters — designed to keep things on-topic and reasonably civil to the extent possible — occasionally catch comments in moderation.
That’s all.
Cool it with the conspiracy theories, please. It is ridiculous.
Jeff: question for you if you know. Stras was tipping pitches in the WS, Nats’ video crew caught it, info relayed to pitching coach who told Stras. That’s ok? I’m a Nats fan but don’t know what is ok/not ok, clearly what Nats did was more than use video to scrutinize close plays. Thoughts?
Jeff: question for you if you know. Stras was tipping pitches in the WS, Nats’ video crew caught it, info relayed to pitching coach who told Stras. That’s ok? I’m a Nats fan but don’t know what is ok/not ok, clearly what Nats did was more than use video to scrutinize close plays. Thoughts?
Jeff: 1 more if I may? Has anyone broken down Darvish’s WS games to see on video if he was tipping(as Stras did)? Crazy splits for Yu, nLDS/NLCS vs Ws. Thanks
Jeff: 1 more if I may? Has anyone broken down Darvish’s WS games to see on video if he was tipping(as Stras did)? Crazy splits for Yu, nLDS/NLCS vs Ws. Thanks
Mo4ever, you “heard Hinch’s apology was somewhat of a non-apology apology laced with arrogance”? I’ll remember your “research method” the next time you go off on someone or something…
Made the same apology Lunhow did for calling a truthful reporter a liar: none.
@ impala
“Correct… both did apologize, but they seemed to lack sincerity and did not grasp the level of damage they caused their organizations.”
I would reply and upvote your comment but the control freaks at MLBTR aren’t allowing me to. This is new as of today. It only pertains to some of the commenters I see…
I am seeing no controls for upvoting or replying to your comments or wessti’s. Same for my own comments. But everyone else is ok.
id imagine its technical over actual removing of comments given the thread below.
Mo, the apologies were for getting caught. They had no problem advancing, taking other jobs, taking pay raises, etc… until they got caught. They’re just like all the other cheaters who won… they’re sorry enough to get another job, because they truly care only about themselves. It’s sad because I’ve always liked Beltran; if truly sorry, he would cooperate and expose the whole program. He won’t. He’s a cheater and a liar. He’s right where he deserves to be – unemployed.
Why should they apologize? Did you personally lose something in this whole situation?
Could be Astros players will lead the league in hit batsmen this year?
if they are actively being targeted by pitchers then they will eventually sue for assault. tell me exactly what the distinction between throwing at a batter and doing what Myles Garrett did is?
I’ll bite. In baseball the batter is well aware that he could be struck by a pitch at any time, and he is accordingly prepared for that potential outcome. In football, the same can not be said for an unprotected helmet bashing.
its intent that’s important here. accidentally hitting a batter is one thing, but intending to hit someone with a 90+ MPH fastball is nothing short of assault, especially if unprovoked.
intent has to be proven. Not an easy thing to do.
well itll become pretty easy if it happens over and over again. and again, im willing to bet the umps will be more willing to assume there is intent given the situation.
Sue for assault.
Now that’s funny.
Two peanuts were walking down the street, and one of them was assaulted (peanut).
Players have been getting intentionally hit for years and years and years. When’s the last time you remember a player suing for being intentionally hit?
my point is if its becomes much more common then there is a case. Its already arguable when intent is obvious, (see Urena) and it becomes widespread then that case becomes easier.
Are any Josh Beckett types left who have the guts to target ppl they don’t like consistently?
Apparently you think that “guts” and “assault with a deadly weapon” are the same. People like you astonish me – you seem to think throwing a baseball at someone intentionally, at the speeds MLB pitchers can reach, is somehow a sign of character or bravery, and not reckless endangerment of another person’s health.
So they would be putting a runner on base? You think they need free base runners? Their offense is stupid good. Maybe in a blowout but I do t see it.
if beaning Astros hitters starts to become a fad and pitchers like Clevinger continue to issue HBP threats on social media, umpires are just going to start warning opposing managers before the game that they and their pitcher will be ejected upon the first HBP.
Astros opponents need to accept that Manfred’s punishment has been handed down, the Astros have accepted the punishment, and there is nothing more that needs/should be done in the way of punitive action. Anything more is excessive and vigilantes will be punished.
you cant convince this comment section of that. they’d allow any means to reach the end of making it so that this organization (and i guess its fanbase too) never can win again, for fair or foul. they’d see Houston razed over the well equitable punishments Manfred handed down.
Tainted team. Tainted Championship. The lack of remorse from the players leads me to believe that this is an inconvenience only. Cheating is part of their game plan, they’ll just find better ways to do it.
the commish has a gag order in place. the Astros players aren’t allowed to apologize, or say anything substantive about the investigation for that matter, even if they want to.
They can’t apologize? Wrong. And, a gag order does not work that way. They are content-based typically. An apology is never prohibited in a gag order. Where did you go to law school?
Altuve and Bregman are in an article posted on the Astros team page (yesterday was on the homepage) on talking about the sign stealing scandal yesterday. They didn’t apologize but rather “expressed an interest in moving forward and generally averted answers about their roles in the violations.” How convenient for them. So the gag order is not stopping them from talking.
If they were not specifically involved, what would they apologize for exactly?
They are “tainted ” but you on the other hand are as pure as new fallen snow. Am I correct? You who have no blemishes PLEASE keep throwing stones.
That argument doesn’t make any sense, unless you think Empire Jim also played in MLB and cheated.
It’s not hypocritical for fans to critique or be angry at the Astros for cheating at baseball. I doubt anyone on these threads has made millions of dollars by cheating; the Astros did benefit handsomely from their scheme, however.
it might not be hypocrisy, strictly speaking, but it is certainly ignorance when fans ignore their own team’s violations of the MLB rule book (on in-game use of electronics, pitchers using pine tar, fraternizing with members of the opposing team…) and simply zero in on 1/30th of the MLB, pretending the Astros are the only team guilty of violating the rules.
Just read what Tim Flannery, the Padres’ 3B from the 1980s, had to say about electronic means of sign-decoding. It’s pervasive in the league and for reasons most people don’t want to discuss, the commish got a hair up his rear end to use ‘sign stealing’ as a rather disingenuous pretext for going after the Astros. Manfred’s crusade against Luhnow has to do with ‘other stuff’, not integrity in the game.
jeez. they were punished already. get over it.
the players weren’t punished.
many of them will probably find that their future salaries and employment opportunities are limited by this affair, which is a punishment waiting for them down the road.
not to mention complications for a few star players should they be nominated for the HOF.
And nobody ever gets over stuff. Yankees fans are still hearing about stuff 25-years-old!
bobby I’ll believe it when I see it. Bonds and Clemens have almost enough votes to get in and voters are only getting more lenient. As far as future salaries go it wouldn’t be punishment it would be getting their just compensation, not higher earnings from their skewed numbers.
i think you have to give Altuve the Barry Bonds type treatment Altuve was great before Beltran joined the team… but for sure Springers out of this world 17 ws is tainted and should have an asterik next to it.
Cheaters don’t deserve to be in the HOF and that includes Clemens.
While I’m inclined to agree with you Joe, it’s safe to say the Hall is already partly endowed with cheaters who weren’t caught.
Make them go back to the NL
The team and its fans never wanted to go to the AL in the first place. It was forced on them.
Speak for yourself. Been a fan since the Colt .45s and I am VERY happy they get to use the DH.
We dont want them. Send em to Korea.
I’m all for this plan. For obvious reasons ha ha.
HalosHeaven: Who do you think Angels pick up next offseason (2021-2022). Curious if you think they’ll go for Realmuto or Lindor… or someone else (Story, Baez, Syndergaard).
only if they’re being traded for the Dodgers or Braves. i dont want my team to be in the same half of baseball as them – and it has nothing to do with cheating.
Can’t wait for them to get booed to hell all season
I’m sure the team didn’t mind the 70 million compensation though.
It is pretty clear that Hinch didn’t have control over the Astros clubhouse. The fact that he supposedly destroyed monitors but the cheating kept happening shows that the players didn’t respect him enough to stop.
according to Manfred’s report, the cheating did stop, though. It stopped in 2018 – and not because MLB forced the players to stop. They did it of their own accord.
Now, whether they stopped as a result of Hinch smashing monitors is not something the report addressed. But the players clearly received the message that Hinch didn’t approve of their behavior, so maybe.
It never stopped hence why the Yankees were complaining they were hearing whistles in Game 1 and it came to halt in game 2 after much fanfare so they never really stopped as stated prior why would they if they were warned but nothing was done.
Houston is the most arrogant baseball team around the past few years and their arrogance is the reason a lot of ballplayers around the league will eventually take it upon themselves as they say police themselves because Manfred did not have the jewels to suspend the players involved.
How exactly will players around the league police it?
so what? i feel bad for Hinch here for these reasons, but he was responsible regardless. and if you are saying players should be punished, the reasons why not are all very well known at this point.
The FBI would have banned them all from the HOF, that would have all the pitchers like Verlander and Cole talking and getting down to the truth!
Pretty sure the FBI can’t do that.
Bottom line the Astros lost a couple of front office people , a few draft picks, all for World Series win, well worth the investment in my opinion
Don’t forget to as well factor in the merchandise sell in clothes, dvd’s, events as well as the bonus money they made from advancing to the world series and winning it all. Also factor in the ticket prices that jumped for demonstrating a championship caliber team on the field.
I’ll take a moment to chime in ont “the cheating scandal.”. They do it, got caught, got punished. Time to move on. All the self rightious people complaining about apologies and how bad the organization is seem to forget that there is a high likelihood that all the other teams have tried to do similar. These are professional sports teams with alit of money on the line. They will always push the boundaries in trying to find a competitive edge on their opponents. to a lesser degree, both red Sox and Yankees have been investigated for electronic sign stealing. The Cardinals had a guy that hacked into another teams computer system (I know it was one person, independently doing it, but still cheating). Jack McDowell even came out and said the white Sox tried to do it in the 80’s. History has shown that it is never 1 team or 1 player trying to take advantage. It’s like the PED scandal. Everyone knew it was happening but turned a blind eye towards it until it became so ridiculously obvious that something had to be done. The Astros took it too far and are being punished as they should. They are the scapegoat the same way bonds and soda were for the steroid era.
Most people are just venting. They have every right to feel the way they do, just as you have every right to feel sick and tired of it. Please bear in mind, their venting online is a million times better than acting out at an MLB game.
No matter who the Astros interview, the comment at the top of the heap is always negative. This is already getting tiresome. I can’t imagine another half dozen candidates and all their minuses.
Jim, I hope it lasts 20 years. They win a WS from cheating? We still hear about the Black Sox scandal in baseball, we should hear about this for over one hundred years too. People remembering it will help rid the game of this type of activity. Players losing everything teaches lessons, however in this case it is management.
Lol love the naivety of yankee fans thinking their hands are clean
The Yankees stole and cheated their way to FIVE world series championships since 1996; that’s right: they were made up of PED and steroid users. Just a partial list: Roger Clemens, Andy Pettitte, Jim Leyritz, Alex Rodriguez, Jason Giambi, Jose Canseco, Mike Stanton, Jason Grimsley, Chuck Knoblauch, Randy Velarde, and Glenallen Hill. Have you noticed how self-righteous some fans are?
The Yankees organization might be clean and then again it might not. Yankees fans better hope their team is never investigated on the off-chance it isn’t clean.
bobbyclementhay – intellectually dishonest list. Only ARod, Pettite and Clemens are KNOWN to have done roids. (ARod and Petitte because they admitted it; no one ever failed a test.) The rest are accused only. Just like I could accuse Altuve, Bregman and Springer of doing PEDs. So the ’96 and ’98 titles are clean so far as we KNOW. The ’99 and ’00 may be tainted by Clemens. Pettite did his ‘roids in Houston, after Clemens talked him into going there (and then talked him into trying roids). ARod affected ’09 titles. But here we are talking ONE PLAYER for ’98, ’99 and ’09, NOT THE WHOLE TEAM. NOTHING in the PAST DECADE. Astros have been cheating in the last THREE YEARS!
Get honest.
If we’re going to go after players who have been accused, we could go on all day in organization after organization, right up into your Astros.
Mo… Just for accuracy, Giambi admitted to doing roids.
“But here we are talking ONE PLAYER for ’98, ’99 and ’09,”
CORRECTION; “…ONE PLAYER for ’99, ’00 and ’09.
@Joe says…
Good Point. But also for accuracy Giambi wasn’t on the Yankees when they won a WS…
Well Bobby clementathay I had a whole rebuttal to your dishonest list but the control freaks at MLBTR are blocking it. Apparently they disagree with the content and cannot allow it to be posted. Only ARod, Petitte, Clemens and Giambi are known to have done roids. The rest are accused only. And there are plenty of players who stand accused/suspected of using PED’s. We could easily list Astros suspects. Petitte did his roids in Houston, after Clemens talked him into going there and doing roids. So only the ’99, ’00 and ’09 WS are potentially tainted, by one player each, not the whole team. And nothing in the past decade. That’s the honest statement if the MLBTR gestapo allows the word to get out.
BOBBY and Dynamite: You’re both proving my point. We talk about Astros cheating and you respond with Yankees in the 90s, while claiming this should be dropped – it’s 25 years ago!
No, the Yankees are not analogous to the Astros because many teams’ players used PEDs then, and it was subsequently proven. This scandal is an organizational plan to cheat. It’s very different.
You guys then respond with unsubstantiated hypotheticals that the Yankees may be cheating. Your selection of one team out of many, in conjunction with your hypothetical suppositions are why you cannot be taken seriously in this conversation. It’s also why this will never die.
The fact that you cannot have a conversation without bringing up your overt hatred for the Yankees shows your bias; and because of this, your opinion lacks clarity and substance.
If not, here’s your chance: show me any proof whatsoever that the YANKEES cheated their way to 5 championships. Any evidence will suffice, not your opinion, which you think makes it so.
Mick… They’re going to have to wear it for a long time. They can try to deflect and excuse it all they want but everybody knows their title is BS.
Is it an organizational plan when a player, Beltran, was instrumental in designing it? The organization is guilty of fostering an “anything goes” climate with poor ethical oversight. But the organization didn’t design it
I say Biggio, Bagwell, or Berkman for 2020 and let the new GM bring his own guy in for 2021.
Your handle makes you sound like an inmate.
I know a guy who isn’t a big baseball fan that called Fiers a rat.
Astros fan since 1969. The guy you know seems like an astute judge of character.
It’s not a rat to tell your current team what advantages your past team has. Your definition of a rest odd very different than the normal definition. But I get it, blame the guy who blew up the cheaters. It makes sense when you’re a fan of the team that got spanked – the asstros!
He was a baseball fan once upon a time and I think he liked the White Sox in 2005. I’d have to ask him if he still watches any games but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t. I know he keeps up with the major news such as this scandal and who wins at the end of the season but I think that’s it.
That wouldn’t be an accurate guess.
When Oberholtzer threw at A-Rod in 2015, I was very pleased to see the Astros can that jerk.
Pretty much every Astros fan of my generation lamented what happened to Dickie Thon, among the most promising shortstops of his time, due to a HBP.
So no, I’ve never been a fan of HBP’s, whether they are purposeful or accidental. As much as certain demented fans may dream of the Astros getting beaned en masse this season, it ain’t gonna happen. Umpires and MLB have ample means to keep things under control.
He hasn’t commented yet but Strike Four would love to see that happen.
Why aren’t we all, more collectively, angry with Major League Baseball? I see so many comments in this and every thread since this started – some against teams that have not even been mentioned in this!
The real fact is, MLB has done a bad job keeping the game honest for a very long time! Decades old, at least! There is a much more fundamental problem here folks, and we may be focused on the wrong things in the long run.
This right here is the big picture that some people seem to ignore and instead focus on a smaller part, such as the Astros cheating. Any time you deviate from that smaller picture, people don’t like it.
They don’t want to kill the goose that lays golden eggs.
But if MLB wants to make an omelet, they’ll have to break a few of those golden eggs.
Stratocaster: You are correct. As I’ve opined many times throughout this thread, I can’t stand cheaters. All should be punished and MLB missed the mark on this by not punishing players because they don’t want to piss the MLBPA off. They should be disciplined; and Bonds, Clemens, etc, etc… should never get into the Hall of Fame. Baseball should be embarrassed but Asstros fans can’t accept they even did wrong without equivocating. Screw anyone who cheated, including A-Rod, Giambi and all the rest. I respect the fact they came clean but their numbers are worthless.
Again, forest for the trees…..
Speaking of the HOF, since MLB already has a couple of cheaters in, they should either let Bonds and Co. in or take cheaters like Gaylord Perry out. There is absolsutely no way they’re taking any one out so they might as well let cheaters in. I want the HOF to be consistent.
@Bobby: my other comment didn’t go through, but to make fun of alcoholics shows your true immaturity. I don’t drink or use drugs because it affects performance and thought process. It does, however, raise more questions about you. Get the help you need, please.
Both of you, please stop. You can argue your points without calling names, etc.
I don’t know who took it to that level first but I’d like to think you’re both better than that. TheMick7, judging by your account name, you’re a fan of the most historically important franchise in baseball. The Yankees have a ton of lore and have had so many great players, from Babe Ruth to Thurman Munson to Jeter. With that being said, you don’t need to stoop to this level. Bobby, from one Astros fan to another, next time don’t go there.
I think some of the comments you two made addressing each other were deleted. Regardless, if Bobby did in fact make fun of achcolics then it was completely unnecessary. There was no need to go there.
fake news. A certain commenter sounded drunk and I commented to that effect, but I did not make fun of alcoholics as a class of people. Why would I?
The first thing they will show him is how to use the outfield camera.