Dec. 4: Cole assured the Yankees at their meeting that he has “no west coast bias” at an in-person meeting that lasted for more than four hours, per MLB Network’s Jon Heyman (Twitter link).’s Mark Feinsand tweets that the meeting with Strasburg went well, also. Specific dollars weren’t discussed, as the Yankees first endeavored to give Strasburg an overview of the organization and its pitching philosophies.
Dec. 2: The Yankees’ rotation was under fire throughout 2019, a year in which they came a couple victories short of their first World Series appearance since 2009. The reigning AL East winners are now focusing on upgrading their starting staff, as they’re seriously considering going after the premier starting pitchers on the market. According to Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic (subscription required), New York’s prioritizing right-hander Gerrit Cole – who, as a member of the Astros – helped knock the Yankees out of the ALCS. The Yankees are also interested in the No. 2 starter available, righty Stephen Strasburg, and they’ll sit down with him and Cole in California sometime over the next two days, Rosenthal reports.
Since the Yankees’ season ended, general manager Brian Cashman hasn’t made it any secret that they’ll scan the top of the market for starting help. However, as deep-pocketed as the Yankees are, it has been quite some time since they’ve gone to the lengths it would require to sign either Cole or Strasburg in free agency.
Cole is likely in line to obliterate the largest contract ever for a pitcher – the seven-year, $217MM deal David Price signed with the Red Sox entering 2016 – while the World Series MVP Strasburg could approach $200MM in his own right. Pacts like that could be problematic for New York if it wants to avoid severe luxury-tax penalties in 2020. In the estimation of Jason Martinez of FanGraphs and Roster Resource, the Yankees are already at roughly $215MM toward the luxury tax for next season, putting them over the first level of $208MM. The second and third levels of $228MM and $248MM, respectively, would obviously be much harder to avoid with Cole or Strasburg in the mix.
Owner Hal Steinbrenner spoke about possibly spending over the largest tax threshold Monday, telling the YES Network (via Tim Healey of Newsday): “It’s a big deal. It’s something we would certainly prefer not to do because there are June draft ramifications, there are numerous ramifications. But that is something I would consider.”
Indeed, if the Yankees were to go past $248MM, their draft slot would fall 10 places in 2020. However, Steinbrenner noted: “[The Yankees already have] a good rotation, but starting pitching, you can’t have enough. Like last year, that’s going to be my focus. You’ll have to ask [Brian Cashman] if he agrees with me or not. That’s all.”
The Yankees already have at least three rotation spots sewn up for next season. Luis Severino, whom injuries prevented from making much of an impact this year, will be back to join a group that boasts James Paxton and Masahiro Tanaka as complements. There’s less certainty thereafter, though, with Domingo German on administrative leave for a violation of the MLB-MLBPA Joint Domestic Violence Policy, J.A. Happ coming off a rough season and Jordan Montgomery still trying to re-establish himself after undergoing Tommy John surgery in 2018. That doesn’t necessarily mean the Yankees will take advantage of their financial might to sign Cole or Strasburg, but they’re at least mulling it.
big surprise
Change their facial hair policy and they might be able to get one. I mean ffs it’s not the 1950’s anymore
I think if they offer 260 million facial hair will not be a factor.
Ny taxes are cr p
I’d never live or work in that state
@low talker – don’t forget quality of life sucks too, gotta live in a virtual sardine can at ridiculous rent with people packed in like rats
They might have to scrape by somehow.
Not going to get into all that. never understood why so many liked to live in such packed locales. Can’t stand it myself when head to Tampa, or orlando for some reason and can’t wait to get out and back to my acre of happiness.
What REALLY gets me is weather Have friends in the north, including New York and the NY’er last evening was telling me he(they) were expecting 6-12″ of snow on Monday. Was like man.. It’s a nice mid 60’s here still, tho ATM now has dipped to mid 50’s.
Terrible weather, ridiculous taxes. Why so many put up with it..
AtlSoxFan… Don’t forget about the ACTUAL rats that are packed in with the people that are packed in like rats. There’s a lot of them in NYC. More than any other city I’ve been to. They get big too. So many dumpsters to eat out of.
The “terrible weather” of which you write is even worse at the other end of the state (i.e. Buffalo). But after 29 years here, I’ll take Buffalo over NYC any day.
John Silver… When I lived there they liked it because it made them feel somewhat important. Like… “We live in the BEST city in the world. It’s the CONCRETE JUNGLE. I can make it here but you never would!” You notice their are a surplus of New Yorkers that talk their game up. Always bragging about how cool and hard they are and how much money they make. They aren’t all like that. Some of them are awesome. The ones that are old and just grew up there are actually cool. The ones that feel like they have to talk up every part of their life to impress people are lame. I think some of them just like being around a lot of other people. I think others are just used to their way of life. I have lived there several times and wouldn’t mine doing it again for short periods of time. I definitely wouldn’t talk it up and think that I’m cool or need to impress people just because I lived their. I don’t get that. But yeah… You basically can’t live up to your potential in the middle class in New York. If you are super rich, it’s fine because everything is fine for the super rich. If you are poor then it works out because the massive city and state wide entitlement programs tax the heck out of other people so you can get city benefits without putting any money back into the system. However… If you wanna raise a family of 4 in an income of $60k a year… New York government is gonna make sure that you are forced to raise your family on an income of much closer to 20k a year. Unless of course your income is under the table… Which it is for a lot of people I know in New York.
Yeah, this is the sliver of time where our weather isnt unbearably hot and suffocatingly humid. We have until maybe late February to enjoy it being 50 degrees before we’re back to sweating our butts of by simply walking outside.
Spoken like a true Midwesterner?
Who can raise a family of 4 on 60k? What year is this?
Plenty of people do it all around the country every single day. Except in New York. You’re not allowed to even try their. You might as well quit your job and enjoy free time while picking up welfare checks. It is actually probably a better financial decision to pick up the welfare checks there than it is to earn 60k once you consider the taxes they take out.
I guess you never been to NY, or NYC as 20-30 min in either direction you have $Million Homes, private communities, beautiful towns in suburbs. Typically single players live in city or married no kids. But, NYC has some of best private schools in city and suburbs best schools in country. You can move your family to Westchester Cty, NJ, CT or Long Island. Plus once you live in NY, it’s hard to live anywhere else if you love it. Except maybe Cali’s top areas.
Players making millions will not be living in small apartments. Also, you’re describing Manhattan. Plenty of suburbs in NY.
@johnsilver As a former NYer, I agree it’s a horrible place to live, that’s why I left that place in the dust over 10 years ago. Traffic is obnoxious, politicians are obnoxious ( Cuomo family ) and you can’t travel anywhere without an extra $50 in your pocket for tolls. However, you live in Florida, which is a less expensive hell. I lived in that bug infested swamp once and couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there. People weren’t exactly friendly or too bright, either.
As far as players wanting to play for the Yankees, it’s an easy choice. The club has not fielded a losing team since 1992. They are always competitive. Players are treated 1st class by the organization in every aspect. That’s a huge draw. Plus, most of them live in Manhattan, which is only about 8 to 10 miles from the stadium. It’s expensive,but most of them can well afford it.
As far as the grooming policy of the team, I’m glad the Yanks have a policy against long hair and beards. These guys with the giant,bushy beards look like homeless morons. Same with the Clevinger/former deGrom hair. Now, I could live with a neatly trimmed or light beard, but otherwise, if a player avoids the Yanks over their preference for facial hair and/or long hair in general, c’est la vie. That scrub Andrew Cashner was a joke when he was picking his team during free agency based on what club would allow his ridiculous beard. Stop worrying about your beard and start worrying about becoming more than an average pitcher, Andrew. Smh.
I live in NY and although im not a big fan of it I just wanted to say how ignorant you sound with the comments so you should think about that ….
Because we can’t stand living near redneck yokels
Not at 300M you don’t
rich dont pay taxes like lower classes do….you fool
Lol, what a moron. Clearly you know nothing about the city other than your hatred of the Yankees.
“Live in virtual sardine cans.”
Yeah, or they can drive 10 minutes to a mansion in Jersey, where most of them live.
You failed to mention that you own
A Restaurant, Long John Silver.
By the way, you can’t take every weather forecast as fact. Less than two inches.
However a forecast of 93 degrees with 90% humidity for the next three months (July-Aug-Sept) has New Yorkers enjoying where they live.
That and more dining options than along John Silver.
Stupid comments.
Sit down.
Learn to spell.
Real estate prices are based upon supply and demand. If NYC was so terrible the real estate would be worthless.
If you’ve never been you have missed an experience; the energy and diversity of NYC, it’s cultural opportunities and it’s cuisines are world class.
If you are a sour puss Yankee hater it’s time to find another site to whine on.
Also, and I’m not a Yankee fan, the “honor” of being a Yankee. Back in the 1970’s, the Boston Celtics were considering a guy named Mickey Davis who played for Milwaukee and had long hair and a full beard. He said he’d have been willing to shave the beard and his head for the honor of playing for the Celtics. Some franchises just have that respect.
Back when Cano signed with Seattle it was estimated the Yankees would have to pay him $25M more over the life of the contract for them to be equal…due to NY State and City Taxes.
Most people have an affinity for the place they were born and raised. I’ve spent the first half of my life in NYC and the other half split between the Midwest and south Florida. I love NY but I enjoy what my money can get me in South Florida.
That being said, can we stop with this rats, and packed in like sardines? These guys will have zero problems finding a nice neighborhood to live in. They can live in pricey NY lux apartments like Arod and Jeter or they can move to Long Island, West Chester or the nicer parts of NJ like Sabathia and Tex did.
I doubt they have to worry about being packed, living with rats and likely don’t have to worry about shoveling or driving in the snow. Some may not have kids at all or any in school so they may even choose to have an off-season home outside of the east coast completely.
But there is absolutely an allure about NY city. The 24 hours of things to do. Broadway. The culture. And the challenge. No question that NY is a major challenge for some and many embrace it. No educated or ambitious person with goals will shy away from succeeding in NY. It’s a concrete jungle indeed but it’s not devoid of beauty and culture.
My guess is, money and the chance to compete for a chip are the main reasons. And if they can succeed in NY then there’s a whole lot of opps that come with.
Yeah because being poor is a good thing? Let me be clear. No one on welfare is living a “good” life. They are barely surviving in most cases.
How much did Cano lose in endorsements and such from being a Yankee?
Spoken by someone who kind of knows where NYC is on a map.
Florida is horrendous for so many reasons. The term ‘Florida Man’ exists for a reason and yes the bugs are more like flying Florida men.
Then move.
Opportunities in NYC are greater than anywhere else(in terms of networking, jobs, business and events that will never happen in smaller cities.. Also majority of players who will make that much money will probably live up in Westchester in a mansion with acres of land(also a better drive to Yankee Stadium)..
A lot of the Yankees live north of the city in Westchester county. I am guessing you’ve never been there because your sardine can quip is hyper-moronic and completely ignorant.
Guys who make what Cole or Strasburg do/will make can live anywhere they want in NYC and the greater area.
This just in: old baseball fan prefers Florida to NYC
Dude most of these guys live in Greenwich, CT and commute to the stadium. If they live in the city, they live in a penthouse with personal drivers. Different type of life in NYC for these guys.
What???? Rick pay 90% of the taxes in nyc! The poor pay nothing yet they still cannot get out of that poor lifestyle unfortunately bevagad of one of the worst public education systems in the country and the breakdown of family structures where people love on top of each other like rats. NYC under this mayor Diboso has gone back into the late 80s and it’s not as nice of a place to visit anymore. Native NYers are leaving in droves and kid west millennial snobs are moving into the Cory because it’s cool…..
It does have some of the best places to eat, I can give NY that, but it was hell on Earth living there for 4 years..
But people are rude as almighty heck, no manners, way too crowded, it generally smells, weather sucks, and everything is overly expensive..
I went into it excited, it was fun and definitely an experience, but just not for me..I will forever miss all the amazing places to eat though../: lol
Where are you from? Are you speaking from experience or simply from what Fox News is telling you? I live and work in NYC and all I can say is, move if you don’t like it. Would I manage differently how tax dollars are spent, yes, but overall I don’t mind paying my fair share. Things are relative, salaries are generally higher, which at least partially compensates for the higher taxes. Personally, I would not want to live in a place like rural Georgia or Nebraska no matter how low the taxes may be, but that is my choice.
Don’t worry about Cole, his $200+ mil could afford him a nice place. I’m sure if you are poor yes quality of life may not be the best, but for someone about to make that kind of money it would not be an issue at all
Hurricanes and Floridians… that is a bigger issue than snow and taxes. Seriously, what is it with people’s aversion to paying taxes… we all benefit in one way or another from them, it is only fair we all pay in equally
Since you actually use a phrase like “almighty heck”, I totally see why you didn’t fit in
Wish ever MLB Team could spend at the same rate. Money doesn’t always buy championships but, does provide a better path to success. The Yanks, Red Soxs and Dodgers # 3 SP would be an Ace on many other Teams. Their # 7 hitting would be batting # 3 or # 4 I’m smaller Market Teams. So much for competitive balance in MLB. Not sure much will change with ownership of smaller markets like KC selling for a billion. Not sure when MLB will FINALLY look for parity throughout their league.
actually many players live in NJ and CT,,but lets not let facts stand in the way,
lol,,funny most MLB parks in FLA are pretty empty come game time.
I lived there a couple years and I think the rudeness is overstated. They are just busy and don’t have time for nonsense. Get down to brass tacks basically. If you spend enough time to get to know some of them they are actually really generous and nice. It’s just hard to figure out who to take the time to be generous and nice with up there because there are so many people. It can be a curse or a gift depending on how you look at it I guess. There are a lot of people and not a lot of time there. From my experience if you get to know New Yorkers they are frequently some of the most knowledgeable nicest friends you can ever have. They just want to make sure you are gonna be the same. If you ask me that’s pretty smart. There are always bad apples in every bunch and they have a lot of folks there but the percentage of good folks their seems to be at least as high as it is everywhere else I’ve been.
You do realize that the Yankees arent the only company that has a certain dress code/facial hair policy in the current day, right?
Begamin… You are definitely right. Many companies have that exact same policy. Do any other MLB teams have that policy too? I would believe you if you said yes, but I haven’t heard about it. I know the Yanks went after Dallas Keuchel last season (who definitely would have helped them) but Keuchel signed with the Braves instead for reportedly less money. A lot of people speculated that his affinity for keeping a massive beard was the reason why. If the Yankees are only competing for with other MLB teams for players then it doesn’t matter what other non MLB companies do.
NYY would expect Yul Brenner to get a trim.
He openly states he would shave to be a Yankee.
It’s just sad when the Yankees care more about your facial hair rather than your actual character. But hey that beard makes you strikeout every AB so I guess they know what they’re doing.
Sit down or stop speculating nonsense.
Sure, it might give them some competitive advantage when acquiring players but i was mainly commenting on the morality of the issue, which there is no real problem.
Same can then be said that the players care more about their facial hair then their actual character. Your beard shouldnt be part of your identity and if it thats slightly embarrassing. Thats like telling me a personality trait of yours is that you like food
You call it tradition, anyone with a lick of sense calls it unnecessary and stupid.
I guess you’re the authority, and have spoken!
I loved in NYC for a few years in my late 20s. I was a single 27 year old guy with an apartment in the city. So needless to say I had a blast lol. Now at age 35 I live in New Jersey and have no desire to ever live in nyc again. Its overcrowded, expensive and so progressively left it borders on downright socialism .
But if I want to go to NYC to experience nightlife , sports or the arts I’m only. 25 minute train ride away. Most of the guys on the Yankees live in New Jersey anyway so that’s a non issue . The taxes do stink and are ridiculously high. But if you are making 25 million a year and have to pay 12 in taxes it stings a little less than someone making let’s say 100k and having to shell out 30 to 40k in taxes .
Personally I think the taxes are too high even now nationally with the tax cuts..still too high
Big Yankees fan here. The shave policy is ridiculous
@shawn hemp – It’s not the stone age anymore
The Yankees are meeting with Cole and Stras just to let them know that they aren’t going to sign them. They might get one of Wheeler or MadBum but probably neither. It’s gonna bite them in the end because they spent to much $ on injured hitters. The rotation doesn’t look so good for next season considering German got charged with domestic violence and no one knows when it even if he will suit up again. Yanks better hope details of his charge don’t become public. I’m not one to convict a guy that hasn’t been proven guilty but if a Ray Rice type video arises the public will convict him and the Yanks can’t bring him back. Maybe they can bring Dwight Gooden in the mix if they can figure out how to get him to sleep more than once every 2 weeks.
The details of his charge are already known lol. Look it up
They thought the same thing about Ray Rice until the video was released.
Dwigjt Golden? What about Abny Petyip, or Rudolph Clampett
What, DocEllisDee? I can’t even remotely understand what you are trying to say. Did you learn how to type in 3rd grade like the rest of us?
I think it’s Andy
Pettitte and Roger Clemee, but I’m not sure
Oh lord. I didn’t think that one through. I forgot this was high up on a Yankees post about too tier free agents. Now the people that actually think the Yanks might sign Cole or Stars are gonna hate. My inbox is gonna get more filled than an exotic dancer in Bangcoc, Thailand. Be gentle. My inbox is not as experienced as theirs.
So what? Are you a professional spell check? At least you can understand what I said. I challenge you to make any sense of DocEllissDee’s post.
ROFL! That was the funniest thing I have read in weeks and I read a lot!
How about he is annoyed at a volume of posts you seem to feel is necessary. Take a break Nancy. Go to another site for 5 minutes.
Note: no award for most frequent poster of the year this year. Sorry. Dumbest poster. yes and that is a dead tie between CFAP and Themed. You have not acquired enough points to qualify, and frankly, even at the high volume of posts you have, do not expect you to contend for that award. You do have valid points and coherent language. Now, Themed and CFAP?????
Hey clepto:
Award for biggest loser on this post:
Who is in denial of his atrocious spelling and passes it off as he is not a professional speller?
Maybe someone can upgrade his DOS computer to windows with spell check.
If he could hold down a job he would have half a chance. Right now HE IS A ZERO
Fit, you are making a STRONG case for that award, and already claimed the Butt Hurt Award for today. Sit down and calm TFD.
What in God’s name is a professional speller fits? I’ve never heard of one and I know I am definitely not one. What makes you think I am one who is trying to “pass it off” as if I am not one? I don’t even know what that means. I guess it’s a compliment?? I don’t know but if someone thinks I am “a professional speller” while simultaneously lying about it I don’t even know what to say. Who makes a profession out of spelling and of those (if any) how many would lie about it?
Oh, damn. The Butt Hurt award is the worst award. Sucks for you fits.
^. Idiot
Maybe you can sit down standup.
Dude it happened right in front of an mlb official. I believe they were all attending some mlb function. He slapped his girlfriend. I don’t condone that kind of behavior but I also don’t think it should end his career.
“I don’t condone that kind of behavior but I also don’t think it should end his career.”
Exactly. The only people who are THAT incensed are the Yankee-haters that want to strip the Yankees of an 18 game winner. And I say this as someone who works at a domestic violence shelter. The guy made a despicable, horrible mistake, but it is remediable and everyone deserves a second chance (except a mass murderer or a horribly violent murderer; they can be locked up for life in my opinion).
“everyone deserves a second chance except for a mass murderer or a horribly violent murderer.”
So you think Felipe Vasquez deserves a second chance? He has never murdered anyone.
I’m not a fan of most cases of sexual assault, either, especially but not limited to occurring with minors. But that wasn’t the case with German, was it?
Saying you aren’t a fan of it compared to EXCLUDING it from people that “don’t deserve a second chance” are two totally different things. I have to admit that I didn’t know there was no video of the assault. I also didn’t realize that there was no video because it happened in front of an MLB official. If you truly do work at a “domestic violence shelter” than you have to realize that anybody who is willing to publicly commit an act of domestic violence in front if an official of his own employer is statistically far more likely to do it behind closed doors. Most domestic violence predators would never be near that daring. OJ hit Nicole in public frequently because he was a big shot athlete and knew some people would always look away. Look how that turned out. Then, consider all the people that never even dared do it in public and had even more horrific endings. I don’t even think OJ would have been dumb or violent enough to do it in front of an NFL official!
yawn, idiot.
I wonder if they are going to talk to any of the other teams?
Getcha popcorn ready
You don’t have to be much of a baseball savant to be GM of the Yankees, when you can throw money around like this.
^ another dope
^ butt hurt
^ Kleptomaniac fool.
^self-liker on own comments
prove it. Look through my comments. Many do not have likes. Try another comeback, loser.
Oh but so many do….and the best part is they appear immediately. You know it and I know it.
And if you are asking why the one off doesn’t have it? Given your lack of intelligence, do you really think I would think you are 100% consistent? Come on!
Please forgive clepto it’s hal steinbrenners burner account.
Instead of putting forth actual baseball insight he chooses to be the grammar police and show us how smart he is. Sadly only he cares…
It’s fair to say they have the ability to absorbe mistakes but Voit, Torres, Didi, Urshalla, Andujar, Sanchez, Judge, Hicks, Gardner, Severino, Paxton and Green were acquired in a manner that any small market team could’ve done too. He has been great at developing a farm and making good buy low moves.
The Yankees dipped down below the $208MM bar to reset their tax rates, just like the Red Sox will have to do here shortly. Do you complain about the Red Sox this way? Probably not. Biased. As the article states the Yankees still have to consider the $228MM and $248MM hurdles because of increasing tax rates. So, contrary to what you suggest, they too have to consider their spending carefully.
What about Happ? I have no doubt the Evil Empire will sign one or both the pitchers.
I did forget Happ at first. My apologies. Added.
Name the last big name free agent the Yankees signed.
Jacoby Ellsbury…that went well
Yup, he was the last big money they spent. Everyone acts like the Yankees every year pay the biggest amount of free agents.
You’re right. They don’t do that anymore. They just make idiotic acquisitions like Giancarlo Stanton. That’s why the Yanks true championship hopes died with Hank. They have enough $ to stay competitive but Hank is the missing ingredient that made them win it all. At least he was smart enough to spend his $ on proven superstar long term pitching. Now they can’t do that because they are spending too much on Stanton and Jacoffsby.
You know Hank is still alive right?
That same offseason they also signed Masahiro Tanaka and Brian McCann. I think those two signings went pretty well overall.
And yes the Ellsbury signing stinks, it always will. There were so many fans that didn’t even want him in the first place, before he got continuously injured
Sit down dummy. Hank’s last contribution was being duped by Arod and Scott Boras to offer an extension that was not necessary.
Let’s talk about your fav team, the Mets.
Birds chirping.
Yep, Cashman has 30 million in insurance money to pay down the tax on Cole from Ellsbury;s contract coming.
Does it matter whether the guy is signed or traded for? I mean Stanton wasn’t a FA but they acquired him when his contract was the largest in the game.
You’re right, southbeachbully, but most Yankee-haters make an especially big deal of the FA signings, like these are the epitome of being an Evil Empire, which are not as numerous and large as they suggest.
Doubt he ever spends like daddy did
Stupidly? They already tried spending like George when they signed McCann, Beltran, and Ellsbury in one offseason. Thats the last time they overpaid for big named vets on the decline like daddy George.
That was the trifecta of bad deals.
They may meet with them, but I don’t expect them to make any serious offers to either of them. They’ll probably sign a mid lever starter and a reliever.
$35+ AAV for 7/8 years is a bad decision when the team needs to fix lineup. We have doubles, triples of same type players. De-juice the ball and Cole pitching 30-35 GMs won’t help them if those HRs become flyouts and SO don’t fall.
They needed a pitcher in 2017 more then 2020. Now they need guys who can hit and field.
The Yankees need guys who can hit? Uh, right. You’re absolutely right. They should absolutely go out and trade for Lindor. Then sign Rendon.
The pieces that the Yankees would be willing to trade won’t excite the Indians. The Yankees will not trade what the Indians will ask for. There will be no trade for Lindor between the Indians and Yankees.
I was being sarcastic. The Yankees have more than enough offense. They need to balance the roster out with better starting pitching, but what do I know. I hope they never have a Cy Young caliber starter again.
@Chris Giarraputo
Yanks need a #1 starter. That should be the focus. No need to spend $150 mil on.a hitter.
Get both and don’t pay Tanaka and Happ just like Ellsbury
Only if they break the contract. Otherwise the Yanks know thay’ll be paying, as they always have…
I bet Tanaka and Happ have run into a doctor that isn’t in the Yankee network. Sometime they probably walked into someone. Yankees could stop paying both. Maybe Stanton too.
Wild, biased speculation and lies, Melchez. Again. Uncontrollable hater. The kind 9 year olds spew.
Homer4ever, the Yankees will win another world series one day… keep the faith.
8 WS in my lifetime. I’m good with the way things have gone. Much better than if I’d been a Sox fan. I would have been in my forties before I saw one…
i think there’s something to be said about the fact that they are meeting in so cal
You do realize that John Middleton flew across country to Las Vegas to meet with Bryce Harper, or have you forgotten that? Meeting at a free agent’s home turf is a clear sign of interest
Yeah but Bryce still went to Philly and met at the stadium. Or do you forget the whole thing with them putting his face on the Jumbotron in a philly uniform? Keep clinging to your dream of landing one of these pitchers… the hope might be the best part of your off season
It’s early in the process, batman. I don’t think they’ll sign him, because they probably won’t offer enough for tax reasons. But your nonsense means sit down.
Yanks did the same when Cashman flew to CA to meet with Sabathia who also grew up in CA and everyone swore he would never sign with NY.
It’s called being smart. You meet someone in a comfortable and familiar environment so that they’re more apt to speak freely than in a formal setting. With that said, they’re probably drafting a contract on a Denny’s napkin.
Scanning the top of the market is one thing, signing is another. Could they sign either? Yes. Could they sign both? Yes. Will they? Who knows.
Smartest post I’ve read. None of us knows what Cole (or Stras or Cashman) will do. Let’s just wait and see instead of bickering over it.
Sign him NYY, I’d hate to see another great player’s career go to waste playing for the Angels.
HaloShane?? Hope your not an Angels fan because if you are I really would like to hear your dumb thoughts on who they should sign?
Sign him LAA, I’d love to see another great player with the Angels.
like Josh Hamilton?
I think they could wind up with Strasburg. He seems like he’d be a good overall fit for them and won’t cost quite as much as Cole. I’m not sure Strasburg will wind up being worth the amount he signs for over the duration of his contract (assuming it’ll be like 7 years or so) but thats kind of the Yankees thing — signing big FAs who will inevitably suck in their final few seasons of their deals and the Yankees will be on the hook for $30M/year for 3 years of mediocrity!
@Jeff Zanghi
Is that a “Yankee” think or is it just what tends to happen to guys under contract into their mid 30’s?
Those 2 pitchers throw way too hard for Sanchez to catch them! They’d be better off signing hamels and madbum. That why you can hide Sanchez’s deficiencies ! Or maybe they can throw the fluffy tennis ball to him and Sanchez use the Velcro catching disc lol! I mean the juiced baseball and tennis ball are similar right!
Sanchez catches Severino, Britton, and Ottavino already and holds his own, Shouldn’t be as hard catching a 100 mph fastball right down the pipe
Not to mention the wild Chapman. Oh we called low and in? Heres 101mph high and out
Yeah he’s induced a few heartburns for sure
^ another dummy
^ repetitive poster of the day. [YAWN]
^pot meet kettle.
^waste of space, cyber and real
/child, every minute
Cole gonna become a Yankee. Watch.
“If you take a small pay-cutt, you could be the piece that sets us over the edge.” Something in those lines I bet. Am I wrong?
I do not want the money spent on either pitcher. Yankees are good enough without either. Both are Aces and fantastic pitchers but it just costs too much towards a payroll. However, Yankees could spend $300 million per year and still make the Steinbrenners a huge profit. I would suggest getting more relief pitchers and see how Montgomery and German play out. You want a Cole or Strasburg the first six years NOT the second six years. I really hope they do not sign either. Again, they are dominant pitchers and I like both but I hope they pitch for the Padres and Angels, not the Yankees. Without either one, Yankees will win 100 games for sure.?
Did we win this year without either? No. I never want to think we are “just good enough”, that’s Hal’s attitude. I want to get a no-doubt-about-it sort of a guy, one who we can watch with a certainty that we’ll get a very competitive game if not a lockdown
Without the cheating Astros winning at the end you never know.
Are you one of those, I’ll complain “when they don’t spend the money” and also complain “when they are trying to buy the championship” morons?
No pride for disingenuous fans. Turn your identity back.
They ought to sign one. They’ve shown financial restraint for the last several years. The “window” is wide open now. Go for it!!
i bet cash wishes he could undo that giancarlo trade
He saw the chance to have two HR champs. His eyes got too big for his stomach…
I want Cole on my team, no question about it. But I just don’t see 2019 Cole repeating that performance over and over. I’m sure there are examples, but what monster pitching contracts over a long period have really worked out? Especially when that pitcher is switching teams after a dominant-contract year. And trust me, I get even 1 WS title probably makes it worthwhile, for fans at least. So good luck, and let the bidding begin.
Verlander and Scherzer, who are both still aces in their mid 30’s. Cole imo is of the same mold.
Cole to Angels, Stras stays with Nats.
For three years the Yankee fan base have been told the Yanks are meeting with all these front line pitchers, but they never signed one! I doubt the Yankees will sign any of the front line pitchers on the market. Hal will keep his money in his pockets and the fans will stay home as attendance sinks lower.
Yes, spending 200MM+ on player payroll every year, building a stadium in NYC just about 10 years ago, and spending 3.47 BILLION to buy back YES Network is keeping the money in his back pocket. Really nailed it man, Steinbrenners cheap and doesnt spend any money.
I swear, you guys remind me of those old reality TV shows were some spoiled teenage daughter got a black Cadillac instead of a pink Rolls Royce for her Sweet 16 and is throwing a temper tantrum about how her parents are so cheap and dont love her enough to spend money on her.
Yanks didn’t spend the money on the stadium. And how does buying back the yes network improve the pitching staff?
People are saying Hal is cheap and doesnt spend money, I showed that he does spend money. Just because not every dollar spent goes into players doesnt mean he isnt investing in the product that is presented to you. Regardless, he already spends 200MM+ a year on player payroll which is a lot of money on its own that directly effects the pitching staff you goof
also, yanks partially funded the Stadium’s construction. 450MM on their end. that isnt to mention every little cost to keep the place up and running and the other costs of the stadium that they still pay for every day
Beg- i agree with you about Hal not being cheap. But how then do you explain that the Yanks have outspent all of baseball and have little to show for it?
And to help you and your friend in Florida understand the problem better- Who is in charge of assembling the team? who signs players? makes trades? etc….
“But how then do you explain that the Yanks have outspent all of baseball and have little to show for it”
Because that is the luck of the draw sometimes. Thats sports for you. They have built a great team and have put their players in position for them to try and win come the playoffs. Funnily enough, the bats and mismanagement of the pen is what cost the Yanks in this postseason run and not so much their SP.
And I know youre trying to make a dig at Cash. Bit silly. Not everything he has done has been a perfect move. He, like all GMs, has made mistakes regarding player acquisition but he has generally done great as GM.
the pen faltered b/c of overuse and the short starts of the SP period. Ask Zach Britton.
and yes the bats were awful. But that is their MO- homer or bust. that is how Cash built the team.
Hey Ben-these are loser Mets fans that have a second identity so that they can pound their chests.
Given that they were brought into the baseball world at Shea Stadium where their dads began screaming at them, they are children of abuse.
I mean really, how many times can you tell your kid that this years team looks like a winner? At some point they learned that it was great to brag that they were in a World Series, not WS champions.
There is satisfaction at knowing that in a few months the Mets will be ripping their hearts out again.
Jim, you, sir, are an idiot. You have less than a clue. Go back to your tabloid NY Post and spare us any more nonsense.
well… what “front line” pitcher have they signed?
I didn’t wacth one game last year.
Was it because you were too busy sucking your thumb and watching the Mets?
Even if you have zero intentions of signing an elite free agent doesn’t mean you shouldn’t engage in a sit-down. Any competent exec will do this to gauge and gather info in a highly fluid market. This goes for every year for the Yankees or other teams, not just the past three. Some choose not to publicize their meetings.
Hal bluffing and just going through the motions. At this point everyone knows he’s frugal and not willing to spend.
how can you say that when they have either the #1 or #2 payroll in the game every year and since their last WS have outspent everyone by at least 30% ????
The problem is not how much they spend, its how Cashman spends it….
This notion that the Yankees need to spend 300 million when others spend 180 or so to win is ridiculous.
The yankee problem for example is when they sign Happless for 17 mil instead of corbin for 23…. all b/c we really needed CC for 8 mil! How about spending more on the pen than 7 teams spend on their entire payroll?
$235 million should be enough.
However, i agree with you. Barring some miracle those guys won’t be wearing pinstripes.
While the Happ signing hasn’t looked great, teams have shown that they are willing to overpay a bit for a shorter term. The Yankees weren’t comfortable with 6 years of Patrick Corbin. Maybe they offered him 4 or 5 years at a higher AAV. The Yankees of the past were always willing to throw on extra years for players and it generally turned out poorly for them. Time will tell.
so the Yankees will waste 3 years on happless, then sign someone else to 20 mil a year for 3 years to replace happless. so the 6 year cycle of expense is about the same except you just have crappier pitching. that’s brilliant
Stop with your simple minded calculations IQIS. It’s the Number of years that’s the issue. Plus you can’t take one year to evaluate contract performance.
Still no self pride IQIS in hijacking someone else’s name, huh?
Apparently he knows how to get under your skin, Nit Wit.
that he is….
I will believe this when one of them are signed. Remember when they met with Manny Machado last winter and “made a run” at Patrick Corbin. No intention to actually sign either.
They made an offer to Corbin. The Nats beat it.
Dodged a bullet with Machado. That would have been far worse than the Stanton trade. Stanton at least is pretty much always going to be a very dangerous hitter.
The extended riff here on hating NYC cracks me up. I live here, I like it, I raised my kids here, and they like it. It’s not by any means perfect, every critique of it has some basis in fact. I’m not going to offer some dumb bromide about making it here, because it’s pointless. I’m only going to say that people with options choose to live in a place because something resonates with them. On a weekend morning, running in Central Park with friends is something I’d have a hard time giving up. I assume every commenter here believes their home town is best–and they ought to feel that way. Except for Boston, of course…..too many Red Sox fans….
spot on!
agreed, boston fans are the most cancerous of any sports fans. NYC doesnt deserve to be abbreviated as New York. NYC leeches off NYS and controls the state elections.
Good post.
Personally, I can’t stand the Yankees. However, NYC is a great place to live if you enjoy a high income. People hate on it because they’re intimidated by the size, the diverse population, and the cost of living there.
I was born/raised in Manhattan and have since moved over past enemy lines that is Boston. I love NYC, miss it dearly, and go back to visit at every chance. High income living is nice but it’s a very different culture than anywhere else. The lifestyle there isn’t for everyone. I tell people who’ve recently moved there to give it a year. You’re either going to love it or hate it. And if you’re not sure, don’t waste your time and money and leave. You can always come back.
Upvote for a quality and correct use of the word Bromide.
FU and the UWS/UES. I run along the East River and Battery Park and can go check on my fishing lines during my route.
Really? FU? In what universe is that necessary? Anti-social much?
/s much?
I miss River Ave Blues after reading this section
Me too! Mike and the RAB community was fun. Now I sparingly visit Pinstripe Alley but the circle-jerking force is strong there. It was good at PA for a while years ago until it started getting managed by young kids with holier-than-thou attitudes. Writing is very hit and miss and sometimes the analysis is downright wrong.
>Yankees to check-in to see how much they can disrupt the natural market for free agents by pretending to be willing to throw their money around
The yankees are a cancer.
I love this may I keep this and copy and past it.
Childishly overblown. Grow up.
Elaborate on the overblown part.
“The Yankees are a cancer.” If the Yankees are a cancer then so are the Red Sox, Dodgers and Cubs. They all compete as top spenders. Calling these clubs who drive other clubs to spend for talent cancers is overblown.
Good answer. I agree.
if they dont have any facial hair maybe…they look like slobs with it. NY is, in most facets, a great state to live in. NYC is a cancer to the real NY though.
Spent six of the best weeks of my life in NYC one summer. The energy and activity is unbelievable if you’re an active person. Philly was second best but it was still in the running. Every place else except perhaps SF and Seattle feels like you’ve packed it in and retired early.
Philly is a dump.
Says the wind blown, frozen, unlivable winter city guy who probably hasn’t spent so much as a month in Philly.
Who wants to spend a month in Philly? It’s the ugliest city in America (Baltimore a close runner up).
Like I said: you haven’t spent a month total there in your life how would you even know what it looks like? And at least the climate is livable.
I don’t see why this is article worthy? Will there be an article about other teams meeting with these star players? The Rangers met with Rendon on Sunday. Where was that article?
Oh right, it’s because they aren’t the Yankees.
Amen, brother!
Yeah you’re right.
Clicks = $$
Yankees = clicks
Rangers not so much
Welcome to capitalism
Funny how after I posted this an article popped up.
There are like fifty articles per Yankees article and they are almost all based on a whiff of activity and/or outright speculation. Keep up and get real. Honest. And Unbiased.
There is an article about the Rangers meeting w/Rendon, but point taken. All sports media spend an inordinate amount of time on NY based sports teams. 1 in every 38 people living in the US reside in NYC. I guess that means the rest of us 37 people are screwed when it comes to media coverage.
Silly. About 1 in 50 articles on MLBTR are about the Yankees. You’re butt-hurt about nothing.
I don’t get the Hal being cheap stuff (I recognize the yanks rake in coin like no one else). Since George passed RIP, the Yankee payroll has been overall number 1 in the league and never less than 3rd in any given year (which it was one year). The payroll has been the league highest year in and year out. Other than Boston last year, no team with the highest payroll has won the WS. Why? b/c its the Yanks with the highest payroll and we all know they have won one WS since 03…
So…The issue can’t be the excuse that the team doesn’t spend.
You all love and adore Cashman. However, if he has had the league’s overall highest payroll in the last 16/17 years how can you not look at him as an equal part of the failure to win it all????
yes i know many of you love him because we make it to Oct every year and we never bottomed out. I get it, but that is not the Yankee goal. That’s not why giradi wore #28, or why torre lost his job….
One ring since 2000, actually.
One since ‘03 as well I guess…
i was really looking at when Cash took control of the team and when the core last ran the table.
However, the point is made…
And yet a winning, contending season every year. Eight WS championships in my lifetime, four between 1996-2000 alone. I’ll take it over any other team hands down.
And let’s not conveniently mention dopey IQIS that Cashman re-tooled the Yankees from the Core Four years that had legacy contracts imbedded.
And the on the fly adaptation to the new rules of common sense show that the big pitcher contracts that you salivate for are residing up in Boston with $Price and $ale.
Now they won their World series, have no farm system and are faced with losing their best player, Betts.
And they’ve changed GM’s like underwear and where are they now?
If you are so dissatisfied IQIS it’s time to switch teams.
There are hundreds of real Yankee fans who will be happy to show you the door.
idiot- look up from your boyfriend’s crotch for 2 seconds and understand you are are an imbecile. Boston has won 4 world series in 15 years. So go sit on the great farm system thing you are obsessed with, as that drivel has delivered how many parades?
CC was paid a boat load in 2009 and delivered one WS, so how are Sale or Price so far any different, or do you want to return that ring from 2009?
Your IQ really is 65. every moronic thing you just typed is pathetic.
Nice hammering.
“look up from your boyfriend’s crotch”
“nice hammering”
Two homophobes spotted in 2019. This stuff fell out of fashion in the 90’s guys. My lord.
but your ok with his wife beater comments all the time?
whose wife-beater comments?
The Yankees haven’t had the highest payroll since 2012. They were sixth in 2018. Dodgers have been first for the most part. The Red Sox were first last year, that part you got correct.
Other then the light rebuild a few years back, Cashman always gives us a chance by building a team that can get to the playoffs – that’s all I’m looking for. The Nationals weren’t the best team in 2019, just like the Royals weren’t in 2015. Both are well-deserved WS champs, and they earned it. But it’s a tournament, the best team doesn’t always win. I just want a ticket to the dance, and take it from there. As the roster stands right now, I think they are good enough to get to the playoffs next year, and possibly win it all.
It’s because he always cheaps out and goes for the bargain instead of best in class.
That would be OK they’d been to the series recently but he’s refusing to do what it takes to get to the top. That’s especially lame because they’re so close and are wasting a window where Sanchez, judge and Torres are insanely cheap compared to production.
Bro you’re not making any sense. We can all find something to complain about but acquiring Stanton is far, far, far from “cheeping out” We all would rather see pitcher A over “Stanton” and I’m not suggesting one has anything to do with the other but how in the world can you cal them “cheap” when they acquired a $325 mil player via trade??? How can you say they are cheap with a bullpen earning $50 mil which is all or half of what some teams spend on their entire payroll.
If anything, accuse them of spending money on the wrong guys. Maybe instead of trading for Stanton and his $325 mil contract they should’ve waited and put that money on Harper, a left handed power hitter, something the Yanks are lacking? Maybe instead of bringing back Gardner (whom I really had no problem with) they should’ve spent money on a more dynamic hitter in Brantley, although his defensive value (defense and the fact he’s limited to LF whereas Gardner can play both LF and CF). I can accept an argument. Maybe if they had not spent money on Ellsbury then maybe there was another player worthy of $150 mil. And that’s not thinking in hindsight. Most of us knew the Ellsbury deal had a foul odor from the moment the ink dried. But cheap? Cheap? cmon…
It does seem as if Cash/Hal have become risk adverse when it comes to long-term SP who are over $100 mil and looking for 6-8 year deals. I can’t blame them to be honest. But I would say Stanton has just as much risk to miss significant time than a SP who’s under contract from age 30-38. But let’s stop with the “cheap talk”. NOT outspending the #2 team in payroll by $50 mil doesn’t make them cheap. Spending on offense and shying away from a solid #2 guy like Corbin perhaps, makes them stupid.
You forgot Boston in 2018. $246MM. Bought the WS. By $30MM.
White Sox ~7/$245MM, year 4 player’s option.
Both the NYY and Stras’ are doing their due diligence, but it’s highly unlikely he’ll end up there. New York just doesn’t fit Stephen Strasburg’s personality. He’s a quiet, reserved guy who shies away from the spotlight, which is polar opposite of what he’d experience in New York. Cole is their guy. He’s a better fit.
Of course taxes are high in NJ and NY…you move all the jobs to the city, and the services involved with that many people in such a small area.
Meanwhile, you can always count on the red states to keep their taxes so low they look attractive to live in, but they don’t mention that their tax rates are too low to pay their own way so they have to mooch off blue states which actually produce something and pretend like we don’t see what they’re up to.
Those from New York or have tried it, is Peter Lugars worth the 8 hour drive for me to try the porterhouse?
It just got a terrible review….
Agree with Mike. It’s something anyone local should try once, but I wouldn’t drive eight hours for their porterhouse. If you want to go to be able to say you’ve been there, then eight hours is a consideration. But you can get better porterhouse closer.
I drove eight or so hours to go to Anchor Bar and Dinosaur BBQ because I wanted to go the original loacations. I can get comparable wings and BBQ closer, but I wanted the experience.
Google their NY Times review from October 29th.
No. I’ve been there many times. It’s very good but you can get a similar or better Porterhouse elsewhere in NY. But it’s a unique NYC experience. Kind of like going to Katz’ for a $20 pastrami sandwich.
I’m not a Boston fan (though it has good college town energy) but I’ve had great steaks, including a porterhouse, at Durgin Park Restaurant.
” they came a couple victories short of their first World Series appearance since 2009″.
I assume a couple is now at least five. since they did not make the world series?
They lost 4-2 to the Astros. That makes them a couple (2) victories short of their first WS appearance since 2009.
How far off can you get? Five? Pffftt! They lost the sixth game of the ALCS in the ninth off a HR Altuve would never have hit, off a pitch no one is ever actually looking for, a slider high and outside, without a stolen sign.
It’s disappointing to see that Hal still just doesn’t get it.
The issue isn’t about quantity. This mantra that you can never have enough is true and a key point if you’re talking about being a good team but when you grow up and start focusing on the world series you have to adjust your focus or you’ll never be more than a good team.
They have needed a true number one starter added to the rotation for years but instead do things at the bottom of the rotation and talk about rotation depth as though the 4th and 5th starters they collect are even relevant in the playoffs.
If the Yankees sign any starter other than a number one (or potential one) starter it’s a waste of money that will make the team worse by draining resources at positions of need and blocking development and asset realization with your pitching prospects.
And they still haven’t won with the best bullpen in baseball for XXX years
Not sure what comments you read that made you think Hal was stating they would look to acquire #4 or #5 types.
“[The Yankees already have] a good rotation, but starting pitching, you can’t have enough. Like last year, that’s going to be my focus. You’ll have to ask [Brian Cashman] if he agrees with me or not. That’s all.””
Sounds to me he’s saying we have the makings of a good rotation (Healthy Severino, Paxton, Tanaka, German, etc) but you can never have ENOUGH. So I assume they want to add to the front end since he said you can never have enough “good” pitching.
The New York Diversion’s are going to sign not one of these guys. Period!
I hate the Yankees but as a baseball fan who respects good teams, I would love to see them go big spending on pitching. It’s been their weakness the last couple years. They are too talented to be handicapped by their pitching
Nah, baseball doesn’t need a $250MM payroll Yankees team. All that does is prove championships are bought. I’m more impressed with teams like the Rays, A’s and Cardinals.
The teams who don’t win the World Series? Very impressive
I never want to hear Hal say that the rotation is good enough. It might be good enough to get you to the playoffs over a long season, but what’s currently in place will never get them over the hump to a title. Please give Cole and Stras (or Wheeler) whatever they want and sign 2 of the 3.
I’m missing something. Where did Hal say the current rotation was “good enough”? I thought I heard him say it was good but you can never have enough.
I think 1 of Cole or Stras would be great. Demanding he signs both is a bit crazy since they will be paying harsh penalties just signing one of them. A $250 mil contract can easily turn into an extra $30-$40 mil in taxes.
Cole/Stras + Severino/Paxton/Tanaka/German with Happ and Montgomery on the outside is a pretty great rotation.
I don’t think the Yankees need either. Sure, I’d like see either on the Yankees, but they don’t guarantee a WS.
Yankees are good enough to win the division, and from there it’s whatever team can win 11-12 games. There is so much luck involved.
They may help, but it’s not like Cole was lights out during the WS. I’d love to turn on the TV every five games and see either K a bunch of people. But $30mm+ a year, why make a long term commitment when you’re making the playoffs next year anyway.
Harper (damn Washington was stupid and Manny say hi and Stanton also says hello on the long term commitment contracts
I think Cashman goes all out on Cole, there isn’t another pitcher that projects better in the next 5 years. I think Cole will get 240-260 million over 7-8 years. Cole is the last piece of the puzzle for the Yanks. Cashman over 30 million on Ellsbury insurance over the last few years and they will have over 100 million coming off the books next year.
I think you’re going to be disappointed
Big time
… and in other news: water is wet
News at 11
Water isn’t wet. Water leaves you feeling wet.
Michael Brantley – Yankees sitting on their butts
Pactrick Corbin – Yankees sitting on their butts
Charlie Motron – Yankees sitting on their butts
AJ Pollick – Yankees sitting on their butts
Zack Greinke – Yankees sitting on their butts
Matt Scherzer – Yankees sitting on their butts
Gerrit Cole – Yankees sitting on their butts
José Abreu – Yankees sitting on their butts
Yankees to check-in to see how much they can disrupt the natural market for free agents by pretending to be willing to throw their money around with no intention inactually signing anyone..… and in other news water is wet.
This gets my vote for the wackiest post of the month.
I used to stealthily listen to Joe Benigno NYY talk on WFAN as a kid when I was sent to bed. There was this older guy named Jerome who phoned in every night with complaints about the team. You remind me so much of him.
Because the glaring Sp holes are just not holes. Running G Brid out there for 5 years wasn’t a complete waste of time and not having a 1b since who? Signing Cc and Gardner was a mistake Cc cannot get outta the 3rd proven and Gardner goes dead post season.
So based on your post you want them to run the same stuff out there? They also haven’t won a thing with the best bullpen in the game. All facts.. They have become CHEAPOS
These are not facts, they’re opinions, and not very good ones. As for your list of players over whom the Yankees sat on their butts, only three of them were worth bidding on. I for one am glad they are choosy after the Ellsbury and Baltran deals. That having been said I do hope they land Cole this time.
$200 mil roster and this moron calls them cheapos. Fans like you make me sick.
Get rid of Shane Spencer, NOW! I want him out of here!
Wow everything this guy Louie just said made everyone that much dumber that read it.
Michael Brantley – Yankees signed the RH version of him in DJ LeMahieu
Pactrick Corbin – Yanks traded for Paxton.
Charlie Motron – Yanks resigned Happ who went 7-0 for them after the trade.
AJ Pollick – Great thing they did since, as expected, he missed nearly half the year and is owed another $46 mil into his mid 30s. Instead they resigned Gardner and acquired Maybin and Tauchman who combined for almost 8 WAR and 52 homers with above average defense.
Zack Greinke – Not sure why anyone keeps bringing up Greinke. He made it clear he doesn’t want to play in NY and was on his no-trade list.
Matt Scherzer – Yankees sitting on their butts
Gerrit Cole – Yankees sitting on their butts
José Abreu – Yanks have a 1B named Voit.
One can argue that Cashman should’ve done more perhaps but trading for Paxton, resigning Britton, Happ and signing Ottavino, DJ, Gio, Maybin and Tauchman, regardless of how things turned out, good or bad, isn’t doing nothing.
They sign both. Cole 8yrs/320MM. Strasburg 5/200MM.
-Yankees Fans
Haven’t seen anything like that from a single Yankee fan. That’s the sort of thing a Yankee- hater comes up with.
Stanton deal will hurt the Yanks for next decade and will make it harder to go after top free agents. I wasn’t a fan of the trade when it happened because Stanton was a Right Fielder and we had Judge and finally got rid of Arod and clogging up the DH spot!
Yanks sign Bum, Cole and Straus and then make a move to get Homer Bailee
Cole totally is signing with LA lol Yankees getting no one!!!!
Yankees fans in this thread all appear to have had brain injuries. Can anyone form an actual sentence made up of real words and names???
Another uncontrollably anti-social comment. Sounds like a 15 year-old bully, brat and braggart wrote it.
You weren’t around for a while. It was nice. Best time ever. It’s a complete shame you had to return.
We’ll see. Last year same was said about Corbin signing with Yankees. Yankees are willing to spend and they have something that angels do not, a winning team.
Yankees kick the tires on top starting pitchers every winter, Then, they settle on a mid or low tier starter that is injury prone.
I expect that Hal Steinbrenner and Cashman will do they same thing this year
and end up with a low tier starter to stay under the luxury tax,,,,
this is the year they have to sign one. Cashman’s ego has been bruised big time by his failures. It should hopefully end the days of signing the Happless of the worlds and trading for “cost controlled talent” that never develops beyond what they are (pineda, evoldi, vazquez, gray etc…).
Its now or never
if King George was still with us he would say enough is enough and sign both. It is shocking to see how much the Yankees have stopped using their financial dominance and not go over the luxury tax. If they add Cole or Strasburg and another solid veteran starter they would be a favorite to win it all.
They don’t need 3 starters to become the favorite. They were the 2nd best team in baseball this year even with a million injuries. Come and strasburg would make them unquestionably the best team in baseball
I really don’t understand how dollars can’t be tossed out quickly. Does everyone want to enjoy the prime beef on the company’s dime!!??
The Yankees generate over $500 million in yearly revenues easily. Now that they are over paying inheritance taxes, the checkbooks should be open…..
Even if Cole did prefer to pitch on the west coast, he’d be crazy to tell the Yankees that. If nothing else, he could use the Yankees as leverage. Ken Rosenthal has said that he thinks the west coast thing is overblown & that Cole will go to whoever gives him the most money. Will that be the Yankees? Not sure. This isn’t the Yankees of George Steinbrenner and I don’t see them getting into a bidding war.
It’s all media narrative and background noise. Have you ever heard a player agent publicly state that their client is only willing to sign with XYZ teams? CC Sabathia was labelled a west coast guy as well. My predictions are the Yankees signing one of the two, resigning Gardner, trading for a reliever, and signing a bench player and call it an offseason. Happ could be traded if they eat enough money. With Tanaka in his walk year, they’ll want a veteran pitcher anchoring the staff long-term.
Actually that’s what everyone thought about CC Sabathia and we all saw what happened there
Prediction: Cole $250m/7 years
Interesting. Sounds about right
Cole to La Dodgers, probably for more than 250 million.
250/7 would make Cole the highest paid pitcher in AAV. He’ll probably get major endorsement deals in big cities such as NY, LA, and CHI (White Sox?).
I’m thinking the Yanks are going to get at least Cole! Strasberg may be an option as well! Before anyone doubts this, I think Stanton is wanting to get traded! They package him with Andujar or Urshela and they could really bring back some talent and shed payroll!
who is taking stanton without serious coin also being added?
No MLB team would take Stanton’s contract unless the Yankees pay 90 % and that’s after he proves he is healthy in April 2020.
No it won’t happen by selling low on Stanton and Anduljar. Gio Urshela probably needs another year of sustained performance to sell him at face value. There is no good reason to trade him even if.
I believe Cole ends up in L.A , I just don’t see Cashman dishing out over 240 mill for Cole and even over 200+ for Strasburg , they will end up with mid-tier arms again.
Tanaka sucks. Why is he advertised as a #2 guy just because he’s a substandard #4 in a major media market
he’s a 3 who performs above that 2/3 of the time in the playoffs. The issue is that the Yanks act like he’s a #1. so against houston he matches up against Greinke not verlander or cole. The year before against Boston porcello and not sale or price.
Tanaka will pitch like a #2 about half the time and he has good postseason success. Yankees treat him like a #2 when Severino isn’t around. Otherwise he’s a #3, when Severino and German (when he pitches) would be #1 and #2. Cole will solve all that since Severino hasn’t established himself as a #1. With Cole and German pitching the rotation would be pretty scary. Cole/Severino/German/Tanaka/Paxton. Get that? Paxton (or Tanaka) as a #5! Without German Tanaka and Paxton would slide up and Happ or Montgomery would be the #5. Still not bad.
Strike 4. Go troll another thread
Cole is a great fit for the Dodgers or Yankees.
Cole or Strasburg is out of Yankees payroll. If they sign either one of them they will be over 248 million penalties and lose 10 spots in 2020 MLB draft. a 30 million per year would cost over 50 in penalties.
Dodgers only would be dumb for Yankees to sign Cole.
Give the man what he wants. Now is the time.
Yankees to check-in to see how much they can disrupt the natural market for free agents by pretending to be willing to throw their money around with no intention inactually signing anyone..… and in other news water is wet.
Didn’t you already say water is wet above. Does it really need repeating?
You make it sound like the Yankees will be the only team driving up the price of FA’s without signing every one they bid on. Pffft! Cheap, hollow Yankee hate. Go and complain about the ChiSox why don’t you.
Mrs. Beans let you out, huh?
Your consistency of bashing the Yankees is pathetic Louie. Crying that they won’t sign the big free agent, now share that they are only doing it to be a disrupter.
Well how would you know that dopey? Do we now have the proof that you reside in a particle that lives in Hal Steinbrenner’s jock strap?
Go home to your team loser
If Cole decides to go to the AL East . he will regret going there only for the money, he goes to the angels, thats a big pitchers park to pitch in.
not after he wins 2-3 rings he wont