There are two California ballclubs attempting to navigate stadium issues at the moment, with each situation featuring unique background facts and aims. Here’s the latest from Oakland and Anaheim …
The situation is pressing in Oakland, where the Athletics badly want to get past the tipping point and move forward with a new ballpark. If it wasn’t complicated enough already, there’s now an open court case regarding the latest twists and turns of the long-running saga. (Click here to catch up on the latest.)
Thankfully for the A’s, it seems the team’s latest efforts at finding a workaround seem to have gained some traction. Sarah Ravani of the San Francisco Chronicle reports that, while the litigation has not yet been halted, the Oakland city council has now voted to negotiate with the team to sell its half of the Coliseum site. That doesn’t fully resolve the matter, but it does suggest that both sides see a path forward to bridge this issue — which is critical to the Athletics’ hopes for developing the existing Coliseum site as a part of the broader financial plan to construct a new ballpark in Jack London Square.
As for the Angels, there’s now a schedule in place for the team and the city of Anaheim to engage in negotiations regarding the Angel Stadium lease. There’s an end-of-the-year deadline for the club to exercise an opt-out or instead hold tight for another decade.
While the Halos have dabbled with Long Beach, it seems the strong expectation now is that things will get sorted to stay in place. As Shaikin recently explained, the recent run of developments has cast momentum firmly in the direction of continued play in Angel Stadium.
It still isn’t clear precisely how things will be worked out, but there appears to be broad agreement on developing the area around the existing stadium. Working out the financing is often the sticking point in such situations, but the lack of new ballpark construction surely makes matters simpler. And there are multiple models for the team and municipality to consider by which some manner of public financing may be employed palatably. Shaikin explains that the recent Sacramento MLS deal, which features tax rebates to fund infrastructure around the facility, could function as a model here.
ATL can do better – and should. . Teheran’s tendency to give up HRs and big innings offset his innings-eating. Plus, he’s almost as bad as Folty in not knowing what you will get when he takes the mound. & then Snit almost always stays with him too long. By the time he’s taken down the game is out of reach
Thinking this was posted on the wrong article
Which California stadium does this pertain to? I’m having trouble connecting this.
um…isnt this article about stadiums? Read much??
Lol what the heck…. talking about coming out of left field
Jeff it should be noted that California passed a law that the state will no longer help pay for any sports stadium’s. That’s why the Cal league advance A ball has lost a few teams. I hope this law does not start the Las Vegas A’s or Las Vegas Angels rumors.
What do you mean “start” the Las Vegas rumors? The commish himself already threatened the city of Oakland that the A’s could move to Las Vegas or elsewhere.
Can Pete Rose be the head of the ownership group for the Las Vegas MLB team?
HOF is where he belongs. Hypocrites…
Hypocrite? Name one other baseball player that bet on games that THEY had an actual impact on.
Rose also ped who brought underage girls to games
“She said she was 18, officer…”
Never heard about this. But just because a girl is “legally” underage, that doesn’t mean Rose is a ped — assuming what you’re saying is true. A ped is someone that’s attracted to prepubescents….Aka “kids.” Which is obviously beyond disgusting. Age of consent laws are different in all different states and countries. In the old days, guys used to marry 15 and 16 year olds.
But does that new law restrict cities from helping? Not that I know of.
California to my knowledge has never financed any MLB Staduim.
Dodger Staduim- Privately Financed
Anaheim Staduim- City of Anaheim
Giants- Privately Financed
Petco- ??? City or County??
Oakland- City Of Oakland I’m guessin
Maybe so, but any new stadium potentially built in california will have to include it’s own fire department. On site massive generators for frequent power outages and a large cleanup crew wearing haz mat suits patroling daily to clean the place(s) up.
In the end? Any team is better off locating to another state rather than spending millions extra for needless expenses. Forget all the taxes.
Why? All of those things are financed by the local municipalities and counties.
Nobody is dumber than a non-Californian commenting on California
Uh Candlestick was financed by the City and County of SF through bonds (which voters are still paying even though it was demolished!) and likewise Oakland-Alameda County jointly between the county and the city through bonds. Renovations in the 90s to lure the Raiders back were also publicly financed.
Also, define privately financed. Giants were given acres of land for almost nothing which is now worth hundreds or even thousands a square foot. That’s a big subsidy.
Uh I was referring to the Giants current ballpark Uh
Given that tens of thousands of Californians have relocated to the Vegas area in recent years, it makes sense their sports teams follow. hahaha
OC and IE are dying faster than they are growing as we have been importing poverty and exporting baby boomer wealth. LA however is doing fine and LB is on the rise.
Orange County is still growing.
2010 – 3,010,274
2018 – 3,185,968
Median household income is up 8.3% since 2010 and the poverty rate has held steady at 11.5%. One of the lowest of any county with 3+ million in population in the US.
San Bernardino county, which is what I am assuming you mean when you say IE or inland Empire, has grown from 2,035,201 to 2,171,603 in population. The poverty rate of 16.0% has dropped from 17.2% in 2010 and the median income is up 5.8%
If you are including Riverside county in IE, then you are even more off. Population has grown from 2,189,765 to 2,450,758 since 2010. The percentage living in poverty has fallen from 17.6% to 12.9% since 2010. Median household income has grown 8.5% in that time frame.
Oh, you went to the facts. Some people hate facts. They prefer spurious, self-serving lies.
The state has never paid for stadiums. Local municipalities and counties have and that has not changed.
The Cal League lost major league affiliation in Bakersfield and High Desert. That had nothing to do with that law. A law I can’t find on the books.
Yay for tax-financed private professional sport venues!
Yay for tax payed private businesses
paid* not payed
please tell a friend
Kind of like tax-financed private businesses like the oil & gas industry and Walmart, General Electric and Amazon that pay no federal taxes and get huge tax breaks in every place they build a facility.
The A’s are not asking for any tax dollars to fund building a new stadium. Reading the articles referenced in the post here is advisable.
I heard Montreal is looking for tean
Hey Tommy TuTone….its team, with an M.
Tommy TuTone LOL! Thank you for the laugh, that’s gold
They have the Rays for half a season
This guy Montreal was on To Catch a Predator looking for a tean.
oh great, didnt know the A’s have an issue. between these two and the Rays, they’ll hold expansion hostage for years.
Depends if you think of raw sewage backing up into the clubhouse as an issue or not.
If my toilet backs up will my city build me a new house?
Does the city own your house? They do own the Coliseum and they refuse to fix it.
If the city owned your house they may have to build you a new one
The A’s are not asking the city or county to build them a house. They are asking Alameda County to sell them the site of the old stadium at market value and then they will build a privately financed stadium at a new location.
100 pesos says the Angels get a new stadium before the A’s.
It was inevitible that the Peso would become California’s official currency.
Hahaha. If Gavin Newsome and his ilk get their way, it probably will.
Love it lmao
Keep your crappy brainwashed FauxNews talking points out of the thread.
Keep your crappy brainwashed CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC talking points out of the thread.
The heck is that supposed to mean? There are more Mexicans in conservative states like New Mexico and Texas. So pathetic to be threatened by working class minorities.
It’s a state policy issue, not a population issue.
Actually New Mexico has only been won by the Republican presidential candidate once in the last 30 years, but keep going…
It’s not pathetic to have a problem with a different ethnic group becoming a majority over yours, 90% of countries have laws to prevent just that from happening, the other 10% think that it’s “racist” if the majority benefits.
I guess you think CNN telling you how White people are the problem despite statistics telling you otherwise & lying about Trump is news.
“When you go around thinking everyone is the a**hole, you’re the a**hole”
New Mexico is not a conservative state,
It is on the state level.
You do not know what is going on in California? About 5 million Californians have left the state over the last decade. The only thing that is pathetic is your ignorance and the amount of harm millions of uneducated low skill workers have done to this country. I am the son of an immigrant with family in California.
New Mexico “Trifecta’s” (House, Senate, governor)
Dems: 2018-today, 2003-2010, 1992-1994.
Rep: Zero trifecta’s. Have controlled the house just 2 years since 1992.
The Juris is out.
Its absolutely pathetic. Why does the ethnicity of the citizens of a country matter? You’re racist.
New Mexico has a total population of 2 million and 49% are hispanic according to the census. LA County, Orange County, and San Diego County all have more hispanics than the state of New Mexico.
As far as politics go, the governor and both houses of the New Mexico legislature are controlled by the Democrats.
Ill informed people shouldn’t comment about things they are not even willing to find out the facts about.
@thetruth What countries are those? I can’t find any. It’s forbidden in the UN charter, so none of the member countries do that. Its sad that you hate other people and are willing to lie to try to protect your hate. It shows just how scared and pathetic you are.
California population 2018 – 39,557,045
California population 2010 – 37,254,523
LyInG aBoUt TrUmP
Why are the capitalists hiring them and not you? More profit for them? Yup.
Wow, all those people lying! Everyone on earth is lying except for Trump. Gotcha.
That’s because of Climate Change induced mud slides and fires as much as anything.
New Mexico is the one southern border state that is not red.
That’s not a very impressive rise.
I hate getting political on a baseball site, but I left California, my brothers and sister left California, my wife’s brothers and sister have left California. I had a kid and left California. There is no way I’d raise my kid in California.
I came to California a couple of months before the Angels. I started following them when they played in Chavez Ravine. And it’s not the same place it was when I was a kid growing up.
More fires in CA are not result of climate change. Did Beto tell you that? Did he fly in on his private jet to lie to you?
There are more fires in Ca because the mis management of the forest system. Your tax dollars at work.
The Angels will stay at the big A and renovate. You can bet your pesos on that.
“You cant polish a turd.”
Darnell’s Garage
Scary to think someone actually tried that. Otherwise, how else would we know?
Scary to think someone actually tried to polish a real turd?
A Christine reference? Easy upvote.
Don’t talk Oakland like that
The Big A is one of my favorite places, but it really needs to be torn down and a new stadium built on the same site. I would hate to see the Angels more to Long Beach, but if the county doesn’t step up and allow them some development rights to the industrial zones area they are going to leave.
What is that, about $5 dollars US?
Try and imagine the game getting to the point where there are no drafts and players show up and play for whomever needs and pays for their services.
Think of the players as musicians that travel to were the gigs/games are.
Isn’t that how the rest of us earn a buck? LOL
Let each city pay for their own stadium.
If you build it they will come.
SG.. U described baseball as it existed before expansion pretty much destroyed the game. When there was 2 leagues, no playoffs, 10-12 teams.. No draft. A time i barely remember, but seasons were still great.. THE World series was an outstanding thing to look forward to and Minor league baseball went all the way down to “C” leagues. It ruled the land. Teams signed kids right out of HS for whatever they could.. Scouts roamed the land looking for kids and the Minors boomed with teams all over the country in every small town it seemed.
Sure.. The NYY and Dodgers had more talent stashed away in the minors than some MLB teams during that time often, but they scouted for it and earned it.. Same could be said often by the Giants.
The draft didn’t really fix anything when it was implemented, just like the cap and restrictions on it do now. Feet on the ground and scouting. Teams were cheap then and some are cheap now. It never changes. There was Veeck then, The griffith’s who wouldn’t spend a dime and now we have the Rays, Oakland and more that constantly cry and whine.
I’ve seen this sob song go on for decades.
Baseball is entertainment and we pay big bucks to watch entertainment. Never hear anyone complaining that a movie makes $500 million or that the star got paid $20-30 million.
Cities usually pay for their stadium because it creates thousands of jobs and often incredible revitalization of areas that previously paid little in the way of property taxes. Most stadiums are paid for with increases in the Transient Occupancy Tax or TOT. That is a tax on hotel rooms so the local population pays very little of that cost.
Are you saying that all players would be Free Agents? I think the union would go for that, but owners wouldn’t because it costs money to develop MLB quality players. You don’t show up and play in the majors. You never have and you never will. Only 1 in a million people have what it takes to play in MLB.
Most stadium deals are overnight windfalls for a very small number of people.
Nashville is talking about getting MLB to move or expand here. We have the Rangers Triple A team already with NFL, NHL, and MLS coming soon. MLB is next.
Move? Sure.
Expansion? Never.
Cobra – “Never Expansion” – what are you basing that definitive statement on?
Half the teams not trying to win. Expansion would add to the number and likely double the number of full on tanking teams.
MLB has to be at a level where there is no tanking and parity is a thing in both leagues with guys stuck in triple-A.
Well, from all I’ve read, expansion is inevitible. Nashville is as good, if not better, than most cities for MLB.
Cancel your sub to the Athletic. No Jayson Stark in your life and suddenly “expansion” is a foreign word.
I don’t know what the Athletic is nor do I know who Jayson Stark is.
Well tanking is definitely an issue, but how can anyone currently claim parity is a problem, with a straight face? We are on a run of 6 straight different World Series champs, 2 of which won their first ever, 1 for the first time in 100 years, another for the first time in 30
I have heard people state in various conversations that teams and players might not play hard to purposely lose or just to collect a check and sit the bench, etc. In this case Cobra, you’re stating that half of the teams (15) in baseball are not trying to win and therefore MLB will not add 2 more teams in order to not add to the number of teams tanking (I assume you mean on purpose). Let me know if I interpreted what you said incorrectly.
In MLB, you have elite athletes who, from the time they could walk, hit rocks with a stick, pitched a ball into the side of a barn, played pick up ball in the street, and spent every waking hour as they got older honing their skill to chase the unlikely dream of one day being a major league baseball player. To suggest that any player, let alone entire teams in MLB would intentionally not play to their fullest ability with a desire to win everyday goes against all logic.
“To suggest that any player, let alone entire teams in MLB would intentionally not play to their fullest ability with a desire to win everyday goes against all logic.”
There are players who look at playing baseball as a job. not a passion. They are not playing to their fullest every day.
I’ll agree there are examples of poor work ethics in every industry Mo, including baseball from time to time. But to say half the teams have conspired to tank is not logical.
Two expansion teams with a buy-in at a very generous $750-mil apiece gives the other 30 teams an additional $50-million. The luxury tax can increase, more jobs would be created for players, coaches & much more, and wages would increase for players. And since the majority of contentious issues between owners and the MLBPA stem from money this solution would temporarily bring both parties together.
manfred has repeatedly said no expansion until the A’s and rays’ problems are resolved
Nobody asked what Manfred said, Phils. First you can’t formulate a proper RBI argument and now you bring up another statement that has nothing to do with the conversation. All I stated is the benefit of expansion. Manfred can bring two more teams in to help the A’s and Rays short-term while attempting to settle their current issues if he wanted a win-win situation.
Manfred makes the decision on expansion.
Koamalu – I know. I was referring to why it might be a good idea to explore.
I thought the A’s had a minor league club in Nashville as well? One of my favorite cities
they were only in Nashville until their stadium in Vegas was being built.
Since I’ve lived here (10 years) the Nashville Sounds have been Triple A for the Brewers, then the A’s for a couple of seasons, and now the Rangers.
they need to solve housing shortage before building a new stadium.
We don’t have a housing shortage if you’re willing to pay the price or move to the country. The problem in Nashville is the people in charge are ignoring the antiquated roadway system that can’t handle the influx of people.
YouTube search: Homeless Nashville
Homelessness and a housing shortage are two different issues. Google any major city and you will find a homeless problem.
no, homelessness is another way of stating housing shortage. Housing shortage is just a nicer way of putting it.
Maybe some people are willing to pay the price but cannot afford to because there is a dearth of affordable housing. That’s a big problem in most cities.
That’s not true 1000. Homelessness is not caused by housing shortages.
I’m soooo selfish.
I would. HATE IT if the Angels moved to Long Beach. Jesus traffic everygame other than Sunday would be a disaster.
I loved the idea of moving to Tustin. That’d be soooo close to Newport Beach beach and all those beach cities. I could easily take the toll road right there. Itd be fun to have a brand new stadium too.
Just upgrade the Big-A and do something different in center field, the fountain is just not a baseball scene.
I think LBC could be a good destination for the Halos now. It’s a terrible drive for LA fans as is and now with the Blue line up and running again it would be a quick metro ride. Plus LBC has tons of great food… the beach and other stuff to do before and after games.
Angel stadium now is a suburban wasteland.
Let’s go! Time to CUT BAIT on the OC as an LB ball park would actually be closer to many of us anyway. Mic drop for Trout…1move out!
There’s no way the coastal commission would ever approve a water front stadium. And the process would take a decade to play out.
Long Beach will not happen.
LB would be train based. Forget the anaheim past.
MLB owners are in dire HEAT to expand…solves so many issues….
1. Keeps the Union happy, with at least 52 more jobs
2. Realignment into eight four-team divisions; more playoffs, better geographical distribution, less travel.
3. Better economic distribution; Tampa gets away from NY/Boston.
4. At LEAST 50 million to each existing team; owners like that, for some reason.
Watered-down play? Lose a few players? Ya, like they care…….
8 4-team divisions? I’d say 4 8-team divisions with the top two from each division qualifying. 8 4-team divisions would cause mediocre teams to get in while better teams miss out due to being in the wrong division.
Anyway, as much as expansions are interesting (for owners), i’m happy that mlb wants to make sure that all 30 franchises are in a good position (stadium and city) before allowing it to happen.
That would reduce the number of playoff teams from the current 10 to 8. I don’t think they would/should do that.
Los Angeles Angels Of Long Beach?
Do you know they would have been the Long Beach Angels but Autry would not change their name to the Long Beach Angels. Anaheim wanted them to change their name but Anaheim Angels, but settled on California Angels and Anaheim Stadium.
Do you also know that the “of” part has now been dropped several years ago?
I can see in five years the A’s move to Vegas, the Rays move to Montreal, and 2 teams are added one in Nashville and one in Portland Oregon.
The Giants would like for the A’s to move but that’s not going to happen.
The Marlins need to move. That franchise is dead without MLB being willing to pour money into the Marlins for a decade to try to overcome the past.
Half the teams aren’t even trying to win. Expansion is dead until that comes to an end.
The second and third oldest stadiums in the American league.
One is a horrible stadium, the other is obsolete and doesn’t have the magic of Wrigley, Chavez Ravine and Fenway Park.
Two teams in AL West have all have had two new stadiums since the A’s and Angels played their first game in these relics. Houston’s Astrodome was a year earlier, but the Astros have been out of that stadium for 20 years.
Chavez Ravine has been around since 1958/59. Seems to have aged gracefully since the Brooklyn Dodgers and Branch Rickey moved west. Wasn’t Walter O’Malley who bought the franchise from Rickey and moved it?
a classic park. will never move. Like leaving LA for 4h; a real treat for Dodger fans.
Oakland will screw this up. They always do. Worst run municipality in the worst run state in the union. They can’t even fund a fully staffed police department so they hang “gun free zone” signs everywhere while having the highest murder rate around.
Arte waited out the last mayor who opposed his development plan and had plenty of commercial development contacts of his own. He’s explored other options but hasn’t made a serious move. I expect an extended lease and serious renovations.
If I’m going to rob someone, I’m going to a gun free zone.
However, what’s the point, In California? You can still 945 dollars worth of goods and not even have to worry about being incarcerated. . A California their can make over 300 grand a year.
Most billionaires like Trump steal millions from companies that provide them services (by stiffing them and telling them “sue me” which of course small companies can’t afford; Trump did this to many of the companies who worked for his campaign) without ever going to jail. While some kid with an ounce of weed goes to jail for a decade. Please don’t start on the fairness of the justice system.
Change the laws. But then you will prevent companies from taking risk and creating jobs. Utopia doesn’t exist, but capitalism sure beats every other economic platform on the planet.
If its the worst run state, why is its GDP so much higher?…
GDP by state
Yankees can be the worst run team and still win. Not that they are.
God has graced California with virtually every advantage under the sun. I do very well outside California on 100,000 a year. In California, I couldn’t buy my way into an area where I’d want to raise my kid.
St Louis has the highest murder rate. Oakland is 27th.
The Angels don’t need a new stadium , give it to a team that actually knows how To win instead of giving it to a below .500 team smh
Oakland will never build a ballpark. Every single time they think they are close something happens and it shuts down. Not that I blame the city entirely – there are always groups fighting to block and the owners are not committed to investing in the team. It’s a terrible marriage that neither party has the heart to divorce.
Oakland is not a small market. Thirty years ago Oakland was pulling in 3 million fans. With a combination of investment and support from ownership and the city, they could prosper again. It’s just been 20 years of this and nothing has happpened. Stalemate. Rinse and repeat.
At some point we’ll see an exodus like the Raiders. I’m sure Manfred and the A’s ownership is keeping a very close eye on how the Raiders do their first year.
Anaheim is over. We Angel fans DEMAND a new water front stadium in Long Beach. The OC is in decline and Anaheim cannot spend a damn dime because they know Anaheim stadium is a loss due to property valuation. It’s over folks.
Let’s go! Time to CUT BAIT on the OC as an LB ball park would actually be closer to many of us anyway. Mic drop for Trout…1Move out!
Speak for yourself don’t speak on behalf of all angels fans some of us prefer the stadium located in Anaheim with either the stadium be heavily renovated or a new stadium built neighboring the current. What benefits would a Long Beach water front stadium bring?
my man! We all grew up in Anaheim but it’s time to go back to LA.
I met Angels owner Arte Moreno. He lives water front in Newport Beach. He’s a solid guy and he deserves a water front ball park…not a 70 year old multi-purpose relic with new lipstick.
Let’s graduate to a new 100 year classic ball park like Fenway
Halo Nation, we all grew up in Anaheim but it’s time to go back to LA.
I met Angels owner Arte Moreno. He lives water front in Newport Beach. He’s a solid guy and he deserves a water front ball park…not a 70 year old multi-purpose relic with new lipstick.
Let’s graduate to a new 100 year classic ball park like Fenway.
The way Arte gives out contracts he needs one
Arte and John could meet up at the Moreno dock and literally cruise to the park and role a sweet golf cart up the ramp to the water front Angel Stadium.
If I’m an 80 year old Billionaire, guess what I’m gonna choose?
To serve yourself, like they all do.
I recently spoke to guys in commercial real estate and they addressed the Anaheim development project, Angel Stadium would lose the city of Anaheim a fortune. The OC would be better off driving 22 miles to LB.
Let’s offer some respect for Anaheim trying to keep their team. We started out in east LA area. Autry always wanted the team in LA and actually LB. We had a nice run next to Disneyland. Now it’s time fly. We got our own wings and if LB is smart, they will do a massive 5B deal including a new forum and ball park to bring the Angels and all of the new events into the venue stratosphere of SoCal
Never gonna happen. Long
Beach will never spend the money
To get the angels to relocate. It’s a very
Democratic area that won’t spend money on any public project.
LA ha. I’ve seen crazy things happen like LA getting 2 football teams when for 19 years they said the LA Coliseum sucked and yet its packed out for Rams games.
I am not nearly as vast in the areas surrounding LA but in St Louis not a lot of us actually live downtown or all that close. We drive from the burbs to go see Cardinal games. The commute you describe doesn’t sound like it should stop a ton of fans from going to games
I don’t have a dog in this fight. I find the commentary interesting though. Except for the political dumpster diving. That we can and should do without.
yeah we can thank ESPN for that. And millenial geniuses. Just ask them, they will tell you how smart they are.
With expansion there is not enough pitching to go around. You get more bad teams. You have more Welfare teams like the Marlins, Rays and A’s.
The A’s and Rays need to pack it up and move. How many years of sustained success does it take to build a fan base? The Rays games are pathetic. Damn near 100 win seasons and you can hear a pin drop in Tampa. I honestly don’t get it. Look at DC when they got a relocated franchise they showed up. They can sustain a hefty payroll. If the city isn’t interested move on
Different topic. Evolidi and Betts salary dump for Boston, angels get a possible front line pitcher. And The best rf in baseball. Give up (not much couple low level prospects). Sign Derik Cole. Done and done.
Boston I know u hate this but it’s a salary
Dump, that’s where the value lies. 3x over cap, no beuno.
The “Portland Athletics” has a nice ring to it…
Better than Oakland. I don’t hate the idea. Keeps them on the west coast and Portland is a nice city and could support a MLB franchise. I don’t know the city well enough to know the level of interest in baseball but it’s gotta be higher than Oakland. It’s just sad to see a team put a quality product out there on a shoe string budget and fans still won’t watch. If you can’t support a winning team you shouldn’t have one
The lawsuit was dropped today. Y’all should probably update your articles or something, or just not bother posting them in the first place and stick to player rumors.