MLB Trade Rumors’ annual Offseason Outlook series examines the potential signings, trades, and other moves that could be in store for all 30 teams this winter. This post contains links to all of the completed Outlooks, so keep this page bookmarked in order to follow along as more posts are written in the coming weeks.
NL East
NL Central
NL West
AL West
AL Central
AL East
Thanks for these!
They are awesome!
THANK YOU for posting this. Had been looking for the main page that linked them with no luck before.
I appreciate all the hard work you all put into this series. It’s very informative.
Now THIS is pod racing
A surprising comment to be sure, but a welcome one
I’m a shameless Yankee fan who wants to see their 2020 projection and then the analysis surmising the various values and contract statuses of all the Baby Bombers and possible future bombers via high priced FA.
You must have meant to say you are exactly identical to every other Yankees fan on the planet.
Incorrect information. Sit down StandUpGuy.
Nope. What I said was true. That’s what all true fans of every team want. I’m a Braves fan that would love to see the exact same thing for the Braves. Anyone who doesn’t want that isn’t really a Yankees fan. They just want to wear the jerseys and hats becase they think its fashionable or don’t care about the Yankees at all until they get to the World Series and root for them so they can say “their” team won. True Yankees fans want all that information. You know what proves my point? The millions of people that claim to be Yankees fans and wear the team Jerseys and hats that could not begin to tell you who Aaron Judge, Giancarlo Stanton or Aroldis Chapman are. Some of them may have heard their names but they couldn’t even tell you what position they play. There are literally millions of Yankees “fans” that think Judge is just as likely to be a pitcher as any other position. Trillionair isn’t like that. He is a true fan and a true fan of any team (including Yankees fans) want to see the exact same teams that he wants to see for his team. In other words, every Yankees fan wants that too because the ones that don’t aren’t really fans. They are.just fairweather folks that think the clothing looks cool and wear it to try and become more popular amongst other people.
Nice work. Look forward to seeing all of them.
This is great. Please continue
No love for the NL West….
Yes. NL West is one of the best divisions! Has been for awhile in my opinion.
2020: Dodgers, D-backs, Padres and Rockies will all be division contenders.
2018: 2 Teams make it to the postseason while 2 stay in the chase for awhile.
2017: 3 Teams in NL West make it to Postseason.
This series has always been one of the top features of MLBTR.
I’ll be happy to write the Cardinals off season outlook.
MOZELIAK and Dewitt will say they’re competitive and reinforce the team with internal options, and hope and pray the old guys turn 25 again in their sleep.
Go ahead and write it, CPAP. It will be a joke for all of us to read it.
When will the Diamondbakcs outlook come out?
It already has! Just click on the name and it will take you to it.
Don’t stop now boys
Last five teams are the Key Teams to look forward at in 2020 !
I guess the Braves, White Sox, cubs and Dodgers don’t have much of an outlook. Ball. Dropped.
Saving the best for last.
better than the last few years. season was a few weeks old before they completed all the teams.
Write your own then if the timing displeases you so.
be nice its thanksgiving
it was a complement
I am a Braves fan that definitely wants MLBTR to save the best for last. I hope the Cubs are next, followed by the Dodgers, and then finally the Braves. I want Connor to have as much information as possible before he completes the outlook. I would rather his position on potential future moves the Braves make be based on as many true facts as possible. The more moves the Braves make before the Outlook the better. Knowing my luck the Braves Offseason Outlook will be one of the next posts now though.
Been waiting for the Dodgers!! Please!!
Hey Chazz! Are you related to Sonny Bono?
Sonny Bono wrote Needles and Pins