9:01pm: Maddon’s interview went “very well,” according to Heyman. The Angels are Maddon’s first choice, adds Heyman, who suggests owner Arte Moreno wants to hire him. As of now, signs are pointing to that happening.
8:41pm: The Angels are now fully engaged in the search for their next manager … but is the outcome already determined? Joe Maddon has been seen as the favorite since he parted ways with the Cubs.
Maddon had his interview with the Los Angeles organization today, per Jon Heyman of the MLB Network (Twitter link). There’s no news coming out of the sit-down, but it seems reasonably notable that Maddon is the first person known to have interviewed.
That’s not to say that others won’t have their chance to chat. Bob Nightengale of USA Today adds that three other candidates are expected to interview with Angels brass (link). The others will have their meetings on separate days, Jeff Fletcher of the Southern California News Group reports on Twitter.
While it seems the Halos intend to deliberate over the decision, Scott Miller of Bleacher Report cites “multiple sources” (Twitter link) that don’t quite see it that way. The consensus among Miller’s confidants is that Maddon is going to come away with the job and will likely be announced in relatively short order.
While it may seem like a match made in heaven, there are surely still some potential stumbling blocks. Working out a contract figures to be an interesting aspect. The Angels have previously given out a stupendously long deal (Mike Scioscia’s ten-year pact), while Maddon earned big money with the Cubs, but most skippers aren’t commanding those kinds of paydays in this day and age. And other organizations could yet intervene.
Interview with San Diego and see who pays more. Win win
a few pennies won’t make difference.
He won’t win in Orange County angels of Anaheim
still using aol?
I wish… I miss my AIM.
I am. Going on 24 years
I wish we came out as the OC Angels.
Why the heck would you want to branded as LA.
So many things work for the Angels (location location location). If they put a good product on the field and renovated the stadium they’d be the best ticket in so.cal.
Realize that Angels games/traffic and general flow of the ballpark is a lot nicer than dodgers stadium. Dodger stadium, Literally located in one of the absolute worse traffic locations in LA and not to far from skid row.
91/22 freeway and OC are a hell of a lot easier to manage than LA.
La a cesspool… OC is one of the nicest places on Earth for a reason. Soooo why not own tf out of it???
Marketing 101. If Dodger Staduim was in Pacoima. Do you think they call themselves The Pacoima Dodgers?
Have you been to Santa Ana? Stanton? Hell, most of Anaheim outside of Disneyland and its immediate area? Better still, just on the outskirts of the Angels Stadium of Anaheim parking lot, as well as the lot just over at the Honda Center? Did you know that the Orange County Jail is several blocks south of Angels Stadium of Anaheim?
LA and OC each have nice and not so nice areas. Moreno makes tens of extra millions every year, money used to help the Angels franchise, by calling his team “Los Angeles.” People in LA and OC see the same TV stations, listen to the same radio stations, read what’s left of the local newspapers. Why? Because we share the same market!
People still upset about the Angels calling themselves “Los Angeles,” whether Dodger or Angel fans, should get down on their knees and thank the Lord that this is apparently the biggest problem they have in their lives.
Yes it can be trashy around the stadium, I agree with that. But t means something to be from the OC and not LA, that was and is why fans dislike the name Los Angeles Angels. Personally I liked it when the team was the California Angels. Same market but not the same prestige. Yes I’m a Dodger hater! lol. At least the Angels have won a WS this century :)-
Alrighty…. let’s dive into this I guess.
First of all Anaheim PD only focus all their efforts on protecting the stadium and surrounding areas around the ballpark(and Disneyland) Ie Golden Road brewer across the street and the grove in the parking lot.
Dodger stadium has police supporting the parking lots now so it’s a lot safer than it has been.
However dodger stadium is just not as easily accessible as Angels stadium. Traffic on the 55/ 22 are completely manageable a little after 6.
That and you can drive 30 mins outside Angels stadium and be in Laguna/Newport/Huntington by than.
Drive 30 mins outside dodger stadium and you’ll still b just getting through Hollywood.
Also, have you been to the block in Orange? Might not be great area but sure as heck a great place to go out, eat watch a movie and shop.
I think they should go back to being the Anaheim Angels. I personally Like that name.
I liked the name Los Angeles Angels better. Then I got use to the California Angels.
The name I liked the least was Anaheim Angels.
So tell is about the twenties.
Nobody cares about Anaheim or Orange County. Whenever I’ve gone to other places around the country or to Europe, I have to tell people I’m from LA or Southern California because they don’t know what Anaheim is. They’ve often heard of Orange County but just think it’s part of LA. Besides, no one cared about it when the Rams were in Anaheim.
Why not call them for where they are? Not Chávez ravine but they are surrounded by china town LA
You really want to know why they changed their name to encompass a turd city? They came to LA after the Padres left to San Diego in 1936. They became the PCL team in LA and then later moved to Anaheim. Orange County is consider a metro of LA which I personally think is stupid. Everyone in the US and the world knows about Orange County. It’s Disneyland smart guy.
This is what they are. The Anaheim Angels of Orange County or any concoction of Anaheim Orange County and Angels you want to create.
So Krol, you have an expectation that people in Europe have heard of Anaheim?
@FishyHalo Stop. Just stop.
Trying to relitigate the name change, or trash-talk Dodgers vs Angels, is the biggest waste of time possible. 30 minutes from Dodger Stadium, one could be in Pasadena and San Marino, among homes as beautiful and expensive as any in Laguna or NB. It’s not a secret that the area adjacent to Angels Stadium is a homeless camp. It is possible to find good and bad in both areas. Don’t be ridiculously parochial
The team is formally the Los Angeles Angels because Orange County means nothing to most folks in other parts of the country. If you live in OC and try to explain *where* in SoCal that is, it usually means saying “I live x miles from Disneyland.” Arte made his billion in advertising, and knows what unlocks the ad buys which bring more revenue to the team than 3 million tickets sold per season. This name helped to finance the extension for Trout, for example. Disney tried to downplay the franchise as a small-market team (both Eisner and Jackie Autry said this during the 1990s), but Arte wants this franchise to be a national power, not some West Coast version of the Royals or Brewers.
If you’re hung up on the name, remember: The uniforms, home or road, just say “Angels”. Not Los Angeles, or Anaheim, or California. Just “Angels”. THAT is the name Arte wants everyone to know.
Maddon will decide based on where he wants to be rather than a small difference in paycheck. I’ve lived in OC and San Diego. If you want to be in OC, San Diego seems worlds away. The chronology of events appears to have been orchestrated for him to join the Angels. Their history together does too.
If the Angels can’t close the deal on Maddon, then the organization should shut the doors permanently.
Then spend stupid money on Cole, MadBum, Porcello, and Moose. Give us October Trout for the next three or four years.
That’s a little extreme. If that’s where Maddon wants to be, they will close the deal. He’s earned the right to be selective.
You lost all credibility when you lobbied for Moustakas. “Stupid money”, indeed.
Go back three spaces and lose a turn.
Moreno will find a way to FUBAR this
totally agree
The reason Ausmus was fired was because Maddon was available.
I dont believe thats the reason. Billy eppler has made it clear that him and arte moreno had been in talks of this for quite some time. He also said ausmus wasnt a good fit after all and wasnt what they were looking for.
It’s not just my opinion. Arte wishes he would have hired Maddon six years ago.
Maddon is a great manager, but he can’t make up for the lack of pitching the Angels have. He isn’t winning with that staff.
You fail to understand gerrit cole, hamels, bumgarner, and kuechel all hit the market and angels have close to 70 million in cap space. Coupled with ohtanis return and cannings growth. Future is bright.
Offense other than the mighty Trout?
The Angels actually have a good offense as they have simmons, ohtani,upton, fletcher and of course trout. But they just need to produce. And yes I know looking at this year most of those players did not produce as well as they could have but still we have some solid bats in our lineup.
Do you even look up numbers? The whole Trout standing on a lonely island argument is just another old narrative. The Angels have some of the best bench depth they’ve had in a long time.
I agree, with Goodwin, la Stella, etc. they had some good hitters.But what I was trying to say and probably should have explained better is that their players like Simmons, upton, cozart, la Stella probably could have produced a lot more if they were healthy
Really ??? Where did you hear the Angels need pitching? You’re joking right? The off season just started. No kidding the Angels need pitching.so do a lot of other teams. The Angels have to start somewhere. Maybe, just maybe it might be easier to lure a pitcher like Cole if the Angels had their manager in place. Thank you Capt. Obvious for that news flash!!!!!!!0
Moreno pays managers and Maddon cost $5 million per year.
and you work in a sweat shop for $1.00 a day?
Huh ?
Please, please, please stop with the Maddon-Angels articles. It’s ridiculous.
Or, you could just not read them…
He jealous
Not enough of “your team”. As I say to my child when he whines about nothing… “Deal with it.”
I really wish this site would stop quoting anything from Heyman. The guy simply isn’t credible most of the time. He spits out 50 different things a week, contradicts himself constantly, and rarely cites his sources. I know this is a rumor rag, but this guy is borderline National Enquirer material. The times he is right are when it is obvious to everyone. Grass is green, sky is blue, Maddon is top candidate for Angels job.
Maddon is not a great manager. He gained too much credit for being surrounded by exceptional talent for years and being at the helm of the Cubs when they finally broke through. It is widely acknowledged that the team won the W.S. despite Maddon’s shortcomings. 2019=Most base running mistakes in baseball, 2nd worst defense in the league, and two September collapses in a row are stats that reflect poor management. They also had a terrible record in close games largely due to the fact Maddon refused to play small ball or stress situational hitting. But hey, if an old eccentric guy who is soft on players and likes dress up pajama parties, then you hit the jackpot.
You make absolutely zero sense. The team they have now is 75% different from 2016. You say he only won because he was surrounded by exceptional talent.
Well, I’ve got news for you, the team they have now is nowhere near as good as they were in 2016.
The bullpen was terrible, up until the last month (when Wick and Wieck solidified themselves as good relievers), and the team has had a lot of key players injured all year, and especially the last month of the season.
Hard to win when Rizzo, Baez, Bryant, Russell, and Contreras are out, and your bullpen is throwing batting practice.
To be honest, I’m surprised they won as many games as they did. They would’ve won around 92, if not for the injuries the last month of the season.
That’s a testament to Maddon’s skill as a manager.
Huh. But Maddon’s also the guy who guided the Rays to the Series. I suppose he had “exceptional talent” on that team, but he also had to overcome a division with Red Sox, Yankees, and Orioles to get to the playoffs.
Clearly, he’s something more than a lucky oddball.
Geo, the Rays under Maddon had a ton of young talent. The year you are talking about they had young Garza, Kazmir, and J. Shields in the rotation with a solid bullpen. Offense was loaded with youngsters with speed and a young E. Longoria. They were pretty exceptional except for the fact they could never hold on to their stars.
Guaranteed that Mike Redmond or Rick Renteria could do a better job managing this team
Guaranteed? What’s the Guarantee ? If they don’t you’ll never post again? What’s the Guarantee? Or don’t you know what that word means?
Difference between Ausmus and Maddon will be Cole, Ohtani and Wheeler compared to Harvey, Cahill and Pena in front of rotation. Plus full and healthy year with Upton and Ohtani.
Madden got a lot of grief because of how he handled the pitching staff, the bullpen ,the leadoff hitter but as a Cubs fan I’m going to miss Madden .. I truthfully hope he wins for the Angels and will make all the Cubs fans realize what they had. He was not the only manager who made bad decisions .
What’s the latest!!! Geez…It’s been 42hours and 22minutes since the last Angel manager update.