Phillies GM Matt Klentak announced today that the club acquired righty Dan Straily from the Orioles, as’s Todd Zolecki was among those to report on Twitter. The return isn’t known.
This won’t light up the news wire, but it’s a savvy depth move for the Phils. Without the possibility of adding players on MLB deals in the month of August, options are limited for picking up needed gap-fillers. Straily was one of several players that fit into a narrow niche of readily stashable players, as we covered last week.
noooo Dannn
But yet, why? There’s no real reason..
Depth. Nothing more. They can stash him in LHV off the 40 man until rosters expand and he is there if needed. That’s it.
They’re in a 3 way tie for 1 of the 2 wild card spots,theres definitely a reason to atleast attempt to go for it.
Adding future salary and giving up top prospects are the things they should avoid doing.
im done with this team
okay, he has been good in AAA. im not really bothered now.
He seems to be more of a case like Smyly (but not as much upside).
He has been pitching well at AAA and he doesn’t require a roster spot, so it’s certainly not handcuffing the Phillies at this point. Given the way the pitching has been going, Straily might be needed.
Klentak does need Kudos for picking up Smyly of the scrap heap. So far so good. I guess we may find out in a few hours how these relievers from the Twins pan out
Ummmm….. why the hell would they do that to themselves?
Straily Dan. Are you reelin’ in the years?
Don t forget the e.r.a. hey 19
PHiLLiEs tO tHE wORld sEriES
Hahaha…he’s so terrible. Glad we got a taker for him!
Who wouldn’t want him and his 9.82 ERA? Lol
Just looking at his numbers, but how is this a savvy move for the Phils? He seems like a disaster and unlikely to pitch well.
Better than Eflin
nice depth. he has pitched well in AAA and could improve outside of Camden Yards. also doesnt hold a 40-man spot.
I’m glad goofy dan won’t be giving up more bombs in Camden Yards.
Nice counter move to the Braves.
The last SP with an 2019 ERA over 8.00 that the Phillies picked up became their 2nd best SP so who knows at this point..
i would certianly be less optimistic about Straily. Smyly has been helped by facing new foes and has seemingly got his confidence back.
Smyly’s also throwing a lot more cutters.
Lightning could strike twice…..
Good shopping by MK. Picked up Smyly, Vargas, Straily, Dickerson and Parker for zippo. Obviously would have much preferred Stroman, Greinke or Bauer and any one of four or five relief pitchers who changed teams toady.. Hated to see the Braves get a closer. Gonna make them tougher to catch.
Pretty sure I could give up 9 runs a game too. Do I need to send a highlight tape to Klentak or just send over my contract requirements? The writer’s will call it the savviest of savvy moves.