SUNDAY: Baggarly adds on Twitter that Bumgarner remains on track to start on Saturday for the Giants.
SATURDAY, 10:50pm: X-rays on Bumgarner came back negative, Andrew Baggarly of The Athletic tweets. He suffered an elbow contusion.
SATURDAY, 10:12pm: Giants left-hander Madison Bumgarner exited his start against the Cardinals on Saturday after two innings. Bumgarner took a first-inning comebacker to the left elbow off the bat of Jose Martinez, Henry Schulman of the San Francisco Chronicle was among those to report. The 29-year-old stayed in immediately after, but his “elbow was really swollen,” Anne Rogers of tweets. The Giants opted to pull Bumgarner early as a result.
The severity of the injury is unknown at this time, though removing Bumgarner may have been a precautionary move on the Giants’ part. As Schulman notes, San Francisco doesn’t have any real reason to take a chance with Bumgarner. After all, the multi-time playoff hero stands out as a premier trade chip going into the July 31 deadline.
Bumgarner, possibly the best rental starter on the block, has logged a 4.03 ERA/3.91 FIP with tremendous strikeout and walk rates (9.27 K/9, 1.93 BB/9) over 111 2/3 innings this season. If healthy, plenty of contenders will inquire about Bumgarner this month. At least two already have in recent weeks.
It was above his elbow on his arm
Less risk of a fracture
This will only make Bumgarner stronger.
His elbow said “you want a fracture go get it out of the ocean”
His elbow was swollen.
His removal was cautionary. Or post-cautionary.
If he was pulled before the injury, it would have been precautionary.
In regards to preventing any further injury, it was precautionary.
Thanks Webster!
Really!!?? Your quibbling about this!?
Seemed fair game.
“It” seemed “like” fair game.
If you really want to be a dork about it
Internet bro. Use of shorthand is OK.
Dang… I always lose at “Who’s the bigger dork” game. I’ll get you next time.
According to whom?
Tough break for the Giants.
Doubt that bruised triceps is going to change much in the Giants plans for Bum. Xrays were negative after all.
Well, the price for Zach Wheeler might have just gone up. Somehow I think the Mets will still find a way to screw it up.
If you ask the Mets, they’re contenders. If BVW has his way, they’ll probably be buyers.
The price for Wheeler wasn’t very high to begin win with.
I just said it went up, I didn’t say it skyrocketed.
It actually went WAY down after today’s outing! Terrible performance
I’m more concerned for the home plate UMP Lance Barrett for taking a shot to the neck from that Tyler O’Neil foul ball 😮 MadBum is a good ol’ southern boy and he’ll be okay. Hell, he’d still be pitching if he had it his way
So, it sounds like you a 15 year old boy that hasn’t come terms with his sexual orientation.
CLOSE! 35 years old, but you’re on point with your broken English. Or should I say “you is on point”? I’m here to help the less fortunate with their squabbles
So, I missed out on your physical age. But your arrogance, emotional, and intellectual maturity in your attempt to add to the conversation suggests you are 15 year old. The last Giants Pitcher that suffered a similar injury had his arm amputated. So, your derision is scorned.
Dave Dravecky? He had cancer then the bone snapped when he was pitching, he wasn’t hit by a ball. Two completely different things, but you are a moron so it’s clear the difference is lost on you.
Vince you are a pretentious idiot. The last player to suffer such an injury was Bumgarner himself.
What’s your issue? After reading the original post you responded to I dont see what got your initial response going.
I choose to believe you saw something in the original post that you scorn?… because if that isnt the case than you are just an unbelievably, monumental jerk.
And you sound like a grumpy old man…get off my lawn!
35 ain’t old, when you get there
Just wait until you got a lawn and can shout “get off my lawn”. You are gonna have so much fun.
I’m sixty five. I’m the guy who has been taking a dump on your front lawn. SFGG helps me get home every morning. Could you please do me a kindness and leave a roll of toilet paper?. A good neighbor would accommodate.
Wouldn’t you prefer baby wipes? Might be a little easier there for ya old fella
gorm you sound like a grumpy teen, mom get out of my room.
Projecting much, Vince? That was a pretty specific retort there, ol boy. #itgetsbetter
Vince, you like talking to 15 year old boys on the internet?
I’m Chris Hansen… have a seat.
When will people stop overvaluing this dude for playoff glory from 5 years ago?
When he proves otherwise. Game is about historical values and you can disprove him/that when he’s there and fails. Other than that he’s a horse and I wouldn’t want anyone else out there for a game 7
I would take Bumgarner in game 1 and game 5/7 over Soroka, Teheran, Fried, DK, what ever else they throw out there. Honestly depressing writing this out know how terrible the Braves rotation is.
Look on the bright side. You could have the Phillies’ rotation. Nola and 4 days of rain.
Nola is better than every single Braves pitcher right now and in the minors. Also, the Phillies care more about winning than the Braves. If they need a starter, they will sign or trade for one. The Braves would rather stock pile them to reassure fans help is on the way even though Soroka is the only one whose been successful.
The Phillies care more about winning? Are you sure? They haven’t won nearly as much as the Braves the past year and a half.
LOL @ Philly fans. Always good for a chuckle.
The braves are in 1st place and it has a lot to do with their pitching.
So..the Braves just stumbled ahead of the Phillies to first place? Man..I can’t WAIT for the Braves to start caring. They’ll win 140 games.
@ Mack. This may be a surpriss but he’s actually a Braves fan. Just a really terrible one. He will refer to himself as realistic though.
@ allourgodshaveabandedus.
I thought about abbreviating your name but AOGHAU seems worse. You remind me of a character in the movie Major League. The contentious fan that no matter how well the Indians are doing will always be disparaging. =)
Any intelligent unbiased person will tell you the Braves have zero shot beating the Dodgers in the playoffs with the current pitching. This is mostly the same team from last year. They were embarrassed last year and they will likely be embarrassed again unless they trade their overhyped pitching prospects.
His arm welted up but he looked fine on the mound the next inning. With the all-star break coming up, the Giants might shuffle the rotation a little coming out of the break but I can’t imagine he’ll miss any starts.
Maybe they could shuffle Pomeranz to the dumpster fire outside Oracle Park.
I think the Giants can resolve the homeless situation in San Francisco. Pitch a tent for every season ticket holder who didn’t renew this year. They have the dumpster fire to keep everyone warm. They also have all those new condos that the ownership group is finding hard to sell. This could be urban renewal at its best. Poaey, Crawford, Panik, Belt could all earn their contracts by feeding the homeless.
Let’s not limit this to position players. Samardzija and Melancon could feed at least 100 families a day. And don’t forget Peavy and Cain. They stole enough money from the Giants that there should be a theft tax applied to them.
Who says California has a lot of taxes. I can think of more.
who cares his era is very high he stinks now
The truth at the Break
Colossal Fails
(*) = Core Player
*Posey 216 at bats, batting .255, 3 Homers, 22 RBIs, OPS .696
*Belt 272 at bats batting .239, 10 Homers 33 RBI’s, OPS .790
*Crawford 273 at bats, batting .223, 5 Honers, 28 RBIs, OPS.635
*Panik 287 at bats, batting .230, 3 Homers, 22 RBIs, OPS .625
Austin 113 at bats, batting .186, 7 Homers, 19 RBIs, OPS .688
Pleasant Surprises
Dickerson 45 at bats, batting .356, 4 Homers, 15 RBIs, OPS 1231
Slater 11 at bats, batting .545, 2 Homers, 9 RBIs, OPS 2070
Solano 80 at bats, batting .300, 1 Homer, 8 RBIs, OPS 717
Sandoval 177 at bats, batting .288, 11 Homers, 33 RBIs, OPS 895
*Longoria 266 at bats, batting .237, 11 Homers, 36 RBIs, OPS 742
Pillar 309 at bats, batting .259, 12 Homers, 47 RBIs, OPS .728
Playing to potential
Duggar 248 at bats, batting .234, 4 Homers, 28 RBIs, OPS .620
Vogt 100 at bats, batting 260, 2 Homers, 13 RBIs, OPS .797
May not make it
Yastrzemski 120 at bats, batting .242, 5 Homers, 16 RBIs, OPS. 717
Belt is a colossal fail with an OPS at .790 but Longo and Pillar are pleasantly surprising? I wouldnt say any of the three fit into the categories of colossal fail or pleasant surprise but rather a new category called “Meh, theyre not really anything cool”
Belt was slated to be the four hitter in the lineup and drive in runs. He is on pace to drive in 60 runners. Bochy has moved him to the leadoff or second position in the order because Belt just doesn’t deliver under pressure. The same can be said for Posey who might not get 50 RBIs this year. Two of the biggest over-hyped players in the MLB. Both have been titanic chokers the past three years..
As for Longoria being a pleasant surprise, how can you object? The guy was given up for dead last year. He is Lazarus. There should be a statue erected to him, “Saint Longoria dead for one year”.
And Pillar could end up with 90 RBIs. I doubt it but look at Longoria, Miracles do happen.
To drive runners in, there has to be runners on in the first place. The Giants have been an absolute black hole offensively, and no cleanup hitter is going to drive in runners who aren’t there.
It’s 2019, we’ve known of a thousand better ways to evaluate a hitter better than RBI’s, for a long time.
Belt has been slated to be the four hitter going on about 4 years now. Perhaps it’s time for the FO to move on from that pipe dream.
The entire world is tired of hearing excuses for Belt and Posey.. Since the all-star break of 2016 the Giants have been a black hole offensively. Try evaluating Dickerson and Slater vs. Belt and Posey and come up with an excuse for their success.
Anyone following the Giants knows that the rebuild has to include replacements for the four core players who have failed miserably. Try telling me now that Crawford is the best shortstop in baseball. He isn’t even ranked in the top 10. In the NL West there are 5 shortstops. Crawford is the worst.
Try telling me that Panik is a potential 300 hitter. That ship sank four years ago. Solano on the bench is better than Panik on the field.
Try telling me that Belt is a top ten first baseman.. Bochy is terrified that Zaidi might call up Green and order Bochy to play him. Then fans will know the travesty that Belt truly is.
Finally let us talk about our great pitch caller and framer. You notice no one talks about Posey as a hitter anymore. Yes, he had surgery to correct the hip problem. No, the surgery didn’t correct Posey’s home run stroke or inability to drive in runners. He may end up at 275 this year as the same old “Punch and Judy” singles hitter he has been since 2016. As far as pitch calling and framing. The Giants pitchers are abysmal.. Every young and old pitcher now gives up home runs at record pace. The two young kids Beede and Anderson clearly throw better with the firey Vogt demanding of them when he is behind the plate. Posey is sleep walking through the season..
Dump these bloated over-paid core four from the Giants and then the rebuild will actually start. As I said above “tired of hearing excuses” from fans like you
I’d seriously suggest finding a different hobby than your obsessive loathing of the Giants. All that negativity you are carrying around is toxic and can be really bad for your health. Maybe some mindfulness exercises? ~cleansing warm thoughts in, stinky black and orange thoughts out~
Everyone (except you, it seems) knew that this year was moot as it is obviously a transition year. When have they ever played this many young guys, giving a sporting chance to anyone who they can find? Your own “pleasant surprise” section proves this.
Calm down, take a few deep breaths, and accept that the Giants are on a slow developmental path. They cannot likely get rid of any of the contracts via trade so may as well let the fellas play it out rather than cut them. What would be the point when they can manage to win 3 out of 7 on the regular? Calling up folks too soon will be costly, and could hurt development. Just roll with it, get good draft position, trade what you can and let the kids play as much as possible.
Real fans have more chill than this. Your hateful comments are just cloud shouting. Find your joy — I know it’s out there somewhere.
Thanks Dr. Phil,
How is your divorce settlement working for you?
You are right, defending comments against Bochy fans and Posey fans gets tiresome. As recently as yesterday I read the Giants are only 6 games out of the final wild card slot. A fan suggested that Bumgarner should stay to anchor the young pitchers for another stretch run.
The cup is half full. The cup is half full. The cup is half full.
In the near future I will have only my dog Muttenchops and my Donkey Philawwwsheeeohhh reply and post comments. I need a mental break from all the happy posters.
The cup is half full. The cup is half full. The cup is half full.
Dear Cam,
To score runs, someone has to be at home plate to drive in the runners. They word hand-in-hand. Your philosophy would be to strand runners and load up that great OBP.
I’ll take a guy driving in over 100 runs on my team. If you don’t, your loss.
Trim but Castellanos only has 32. What would his theoretical value be if he had 55? 3 top 100 prospects? Or do you just say whatever you feel like depending on the day? Because you’ve painted yourself into a corner where I don’t know how the hell you can even use your logic to defend.
Oh Bigz, reading is still a problem for you, evidently.
When you came up with your Castellanos argument, I said 1 (ONE) Top 100 prospect. I used the analogy that the 99th pick for Castellanos would be perfect. Instead, you twisted everything with your assumptions so I’ll help you out, again….
For example, if the Mets were contending and needed a RF they could part with #95 ranked Anthony Kay, a 24-year old getting destroyed in AAA after pitching very well in AA.
Or Houston trades #98 JB Bukauskas, turning 23 and getting blasted in AA.
I could teach you all day but I can’t fix ignorant. I stand by what I said about Castellanos. Using Castellanos in this context was wrong, but I’m sure you already knew that and did not care. Know your place, back away.
Lmao clown boy Trim is back at it. Nick Castellanos would never cost a top 100 prospect. No GM would ever give a top 100 prospect for him because you could get a better version of Castellanos for a top 100 prospect. You are an absolute idiot who continues to double down on his idiot statement. Have fun counting RBIS. That flawed garbage logic doesn’t even work for Castellanos but that’s alright. Nonsense is your speciality.
A little touchy Bigz. Makes sense, you’re probably single.
You made zero correlation between the Castellanos stuff and what I wrote earlier on this thread. Again, I get it. You’re mad. I’m not. But I’ll keep it classy to show you how it’s done.
Make no mistake, I gave you two of perhaps many more examples of how a (ONE) Top 100 prospect for Castellanos would work. Those prospects would not be missed. Castellanos would absolutely be worth those guys I mentioned.
Feel free to poo-poo RBIs. Someone(s) has to drive in runs. You can be Oakland, walk a lot, hit a few bombs, and lose in October because you can’t drive in runs from 3rd with less than two out. That is a fact. You can resort to name calling. I know baseball, you know computer formulas.
We will agree to disagree. Won’t enrage me the way it does you.
Trim you are the king of being an absolute c-sucker for no apparent reason. I’ve called you out for that many times in the past. There’s no high road for you to take there. I simply gave some of that back to you. The high road isn’t for you Trim don’t pretend it is.
If Castellanos isn’t getting his value from being a RBI producer, where his value coming from? Where in the world have you come to the conclusion he’s worth a top 100 prospect? Your ass is where all that came from, because he simply isn’t.
Which will be validated in about 23 days or less when he gets dealt for nowhere close to that proposed value. In your mind I do believe you believe nick Castellanos is worth a top 100 prospect. But in reality he is not. You would trade that top 100 prospect for a better player or you’d deal less for Castellanos because he’s not worth that.
RBI’s do not paint a picture of a guy “who drives runs in.” You’ve disregarded all the arguments about opportunities. If Mark Trumbo comes up with a runner in scoring position 160 times and drives in 90 runs he’s somehow a better player than Jose Abreu who comes up with a RISP 95 times and drives in 70. Hey, if that kind of logic makes sense to you, go for it. I’ll live in 2019. But feel free to stay behind the curve.
Bark bark bark, whiz whiz whiz, ohh what a relief it is.
Hello Gang, Chops here.
Dear Xtra,
Look below at what you have caused. Now everyone is angry and fighting. Can’t we all just get along? Wait a minute while I roll over and you drop a brick on my head. Xtra your haphazard psychoanalysis has led to an orgy of fingering pointing that only Freud would be proud of.
On second thought my girl-dog-friend just got heated over your comments and I am being asked to participate in a Penelope Pooch doggy free for all. If you’re interested, I can arrange for you to be sprinkled with holy water. A sort of golden holy shower if you like?
Bow wow, bow wow, We like it when you talk milk bones and tail wagging.
Muttenchops the Giants GM
Bump grind twerk. Bump grind twerk.
hello Ladies, Phil the pole dancing Donkey here. What a night ladies when a donkey has to work this hard to entertain. I was on top of that dugout all night long. Our boys in Orange and Black just couldn’t seem to consummate the deal and after nine innings of bump, grind, twerk, we had only two hits. Thank goodness that one of those strokes went long and deep. I hate it when management overworks the entertainment. I don’t get paid overtime and with the downturn in attendance tips are becoming harder to come by..
The purpose of this text???? Well I only have one question for all of you special orange and black ladies. How much trim does Trimreaper really get? Ladies feel free to comment.
Signed Philahhhsheee ohhh
Pole dancer on top of the Giant’s dugout, in between innings only.
PS. Posey the object of the game is to drive in runs. Not hit into double plays. Boch drive in runs, not have the runs.
Rephaim. Shut up. You’re not funny
Hey Gobbler.
Here are some tissues to wipe your chin with. My dog Muttenchops apologizes for your traumatic experience.
Signed Rephaim, Muttenchops, Philahhsheee Ohhhh
That’s the fantasy world some fans live in. Except for the last 5 games, Longoria has been a disappointment since he put on a Giants’ uniform. I doubt he’ll keep on hitting like this.
As for Kevin Pillar, he’s the guy most likely to make an out on the team. He also had the 3rd worst OBP of anyone qualifying for a batting title. That’s 154th place out of 157. He’s his Giants’ OBP still has him down below 150. He’s also leading the team in double plays. For a guy as fast as he is, that’s truly a magical feat. The best we can hope is he hits well enough for the next three weeks to get traded. Duggar has far more upside.
Belt has been Belt. By the end of the year he’ll be one of the top 4 offensive players on the team. And it’s not like some 30+ HR hitting 1B is about to walk through the door. Not sure why people obsess over Belt. Since 2012 they have been holes elsewhere to fill. Some have never been filled.
Wow…..that’s depressing and I’m not even a Giants fan. That’s a whole lotta $$$ for little production. Time to clear out the bloated contracts and start over?
A you notice I didn’t mention Melancon, or Samardzija contracts. Or the signing of Holland and Pomeranz.
It’s ok. Thankfully, he should now come off Yankees’ fans radar. He’s not or has ever been “the answer.” Thankfully, Cashman can scratch that outlandish possibility and I guess we’l see what happens.
Oh, by the way, any Yankees’ fan that thinks Justin Verlander is the “be-all, end-all” if pitching forgets how well the Yankees hit him when he was with Detroit.
Just saying….
hard to say. with stroman hitting the il the pickings are getting slimmer.
This wont slow down yankee fans. They are still dreaming of getting Nolan Ryan.
Come on now you know they’d rather acquire Bob Gibson.
No one can pitch in the new Yankee stadium. Bumgarner’s ERA would be 12 there. Land is too expensive for an East coast baseball teams to have a real baseball stadium.. Just load up on more Lumberjacks and lose when real pitching counts most. During the playoffs.
The best available rental starter has an ERA of 4.03? If traded, will he stay in the NL?
Be careful talking about ERA on here. People get upset, especially when the numbers don’t match up with their affinity for a pitcher who isn’t near as good on the mound as they are in their minds.
Astute comment! Giant fans have been crowing that Bumgarner is the second coming ever since he fell off his motor bike.
shouldve traded him last year
Did he get pissed off and yell at Martinez to run to first?
If Pablo didn’t weigh 485 pounds he would have caught that line drive in the air after it hit Bumgarner. Bum was actually yelling at Pablo “Fat bottom third baseman, get on your bike and ride.”
Dude, if you have been in the league for a couple of years and hit a homer off of a three time World Series champ, who’s established himself as one of the best pitchers in baseball over the last 8 years, you put your head down and run, Muncy has accomplished what? Nothing! A couple of good seasons where at any point can tank. Don’t gloat, or show up anyone with that much time in. Win a World Series then open your mouth. Lost respect for Muncy on that. But hey, it’s good to have a Puig back in a LA uniform.
Yessir, I agree. And then gets a shirt made up with his little slogan on it. Nice job back to back NL pennant winners.
Yep, agreed Balk. Head down, run, be happy you connected on a big bomb.
Or get him out, then you don’t have to worry about it.
Wow. Just wow. This message board is something else.
Any Bumgarner board will contain three types of dudes. The delusional giants fan who thinks Bumgarner will win the cy young this year so we should get every teams top 4 prospects for him. The casual giants fan who only sees the name Bumgarner and thinks we shouldn’t trade him and that we can still make the wild card. And the opposing fan who hates on Bumgarner way more than necessary, probably because he knocked their team out of the playoffs sometime in the last decade
Those opposing fans are the same ones proposing bottom of the barrel prospects in trade scenarios, and were the same ones hating on Verlander two years ago.
as much as i don’t want to ve happy for someone getting injured, this helps the Phillies. it seemed fairly likely they were going to meet SF’s unreasonably high asking price for a pitcher who now looks like a 3 at best.
Madison Bumgarner to you haters with Cheeto stained fingers “the rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated”!
his numbers say otherwise
Do you think Farhan called down to the dugout to have Bum removed. ???
Just saying. . .
Here’s looking at you Mets. !!!
Lol, quite a bit of interesting comments above. My goodness. This got ugly fast. We can debate Bum’s value all we want, it doesn’t matter. He is worth whatever the highest bidder offers. Zaidi can move him or keep him if he doesn’t get what he wants.
As far as other comments, I am disappointed with Panik more than the others (Longoria, Posey, Belt, Crawford) I had a feeling those 4 would continue to digress but Belt does manage to see a lot of pitches and get on base. They can’t trade these guys and there’s no heir apparent in the minors who is ready to step in now so they have to stick with them. Panik is still young and had a great spring. He dropped a few pounds and is faster. He puts the ball in play but he’s gotta do better than .230. He’s a .280+ guy. I’m hoping he can turn it around. Panik can still improve but he needs to get it going soon.
Most realists knew this year was going to be rough and it has been. We knew the offense would struggle, which it has. I think most of us are disappointed with the starting pitching, thought it would be better. The good news is that the OF looks better, guys hitting with some power out there. They are scoring more runs and the SP has somewhat stabilized. They’ve been more entertaining the past couple weeks and that’s all I can ask for. Play like you care, put some pressure on the other team and get after it.
I’m surprised how much rope Panik has been given. He’ll likely remain on the team the rest of the year but he won’t be offered arbitration and won’t get much more than a minor league deal with an invite to spring training by anybody else. He’ll drift into obscurity soon enough.
Trying to stay on a sinking ship