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By Steve Adams | at
Click here to read a transcript of Tuesday’s chat with MLBTR’s Steve Adams.
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I just saw a list of MLB’s no. 1 draft picks from 1975-2019. I was surprised at how few of those no longer active made it to the Hall of Fame. Just three, I think. And I was surprised also at how many of them flamed out or had marginal careers. I’m not sure what that signifies, except that the hype associated with being a no. 1 pick is absurd.
Until relatively recently most teams drafted purely on upside. It’s only really in the ‘moneyball’ era that GM’s started to seriously consider risk as well as reward during the draft process
Which is why you see a lot less high-round flops these days. Draft picks in general are considered far more valuable than they used to be, so there’s a lot less willingness to burn them purely on ‘upside’.
*make that 1965-2019.
If I recall correctly the only player taken 1/1 to make the HoF was The Kid, Ken Griffey Jr.
Being a Phillies fan of multiple decades one of my favorite drafts was 1971. Take a look at the two 2nd round SS turned 3B taken #’s 29 and 30. Together they outperformed (via WAR) the entire first and second rounds combined.
Chipper Jones was taken first overall.. I’m also a Phillies fan, and it’s painfully obvious that this organization has tended to draft poorly over the years..
I stand corrected. I forgot about Jones and only remembered being flabbergasted upon realizing that The Kid was (at that time) the only 1/1 in the Hall.
Arod. Not in HOF yet, but clearly worthy. Controversy aside.
Don’t forget Harold Baines. What’s more fun is noting that the Mets are tied with the most overall #1’s. Their haul:
Daryl Strawberry
Shaun Abner
Paul Wilson
Tom Foli
Steve Chilcott
I doubt A-Roid gets in since he finally admitted cheating after so many years of lies.
Where is the commenter that was saying that he would never come to this site again if he didn’t get his questions answered or if the “moderator” threw his questions out?
Wonder how he made out today?
Does he realize how many thousands of questions are submitted? Obviously not…..
One of the better “takes” I’ve seen in awhile:
“…But we live in a HAWT TAKE society where you need to always be extra spicy with your evaluations so people on social media can overreact, get into fights with strangers and say awful things to human beings they’ve never met.”
It’s been trending that way for awhile, but to the nth degree since around the start of ’17.
In theory he should be gone